Romaji words

: aa

Aa kizamitsuketai Ah, I want to leave my mark あぁAA KIZAMITSUKETAI
Aa sora o yakitsukuse Ah, set fire to the entire sky あぁAA SORAOYAKITSUKUSE
Aa tobari o koete Ah, cross the curtain あぁAA TOBARIOKOETE
Aa namida o karashite Ah, exhaust your tears あぁAA NAMIDAOKARASHITE
Aa kizamitsukeru sa Ah, you'll leave your mark あぁAA KIZAMITSUKERUSA
Aa sora o yakitsukuse Ah, set fire to the entire sky あぁAA SORAOYAKITSUKUSE
Iku ate sagashimayou oto naki samayoi aa Lost and searching for my destination Silently wandering, aah IKUATE SAGASHIMAYOU OTONAKI彷徨SAMAYOI 嗚呼AA
Osanaki soo ni yureru koe naki samayoi aa Swayed by childless ideas I wander voicelessly, aah OSANAKISOONIYURERU KOENAKI彷徨SAMAYOI 嗚呼AA

: abare

Ranbure ya ranbure ya ranbure ya ranbure ya abare Dance, dance, dance, dance, go and riot RANBUREYARANBUREYARANBUREYARANBUREYAABARE

: abaremakure

Abaremakure Go wild! ABAREMAKURE

: abi

Ranbure ya ranbure ya ranbure ya ranbure ya abi kyookan Dance, dance, dance, dance, it's pandemonium RANBUREYARANBUREYARANBUREYARANBUREYAABIKYOOKAN

: abita

Sanzan abita fuhei fuman kiiteru mimi wa nai My ears aren't made for hearing the complaints all around me SANZANABITAFUHEIFUMAN KIITERUMIMIWANAI

: abite

Terashidasu SUNRISE abite ONE TIME The beaming sunrise, bask in it one time TERASHIDASUSUNRISE ABITEONE TIME

: adabana

Sakasen da kono adabana We're making it bloom, a flower that bears no fruit SAKASENDA KONOADABANA
Aware na adabana no yoo de mo ii sa ISN'T IT? It's okay to be a pitiful flower that bears no fruit, Isn't it? AWARENAADABANANOYOODEMOIISA Isn't it
Aware na adabana no yoo de mo ii sa ISN'T IT? It's okay to be a pitiful flower that bears no fruit, Isn't it? AWARENAADABANANOYOODEMOIISA Isn't it

: aenai

wakari aenai koto   mujundarake no toki o We couldn't understand each other and always didn't agree, such days WAKARIAENAIKOTO MUJUNDARAKENO時間TOKIO

: aenakute

wakari aenakute ii nante ieta no wa "I don't care if we can't understand each other," that kind of thought is of WAKARIAENAKUTEIINANTEIETANOWA

: aeru

kotoba yori kanji aeru We can feel each other better than words KOTOBAYORIKANJIAERU

: afuredasu

Afuredasu koogen ikasu kookei Saturating lights, everything they shine on AFUREDASUKOOGEN IKASUKOOKEI

: afureta

Tootoo afureta fuan My anxiety begins to spill out TOOTOOAFURETAFUAN

: afutaa

Manjoo icchi de kimatta atashi no afutaa raifu It's been unanimously decided, my afterlife MANJOO一致ICCHIDEKIMAったTTA ATASHINOAFUターTAARAIFU

: agame

Agame tatae tamae shin no onore Revere them, praise them, your true self AGAMETATAETAMAESHINNOONORE
Agame tatae tamae aware YOUR ressei? Revere them, praise them, pity your disadvantage? AGAMETATAETAMAEAWARE your 劣勢RESSEI

: aganau

Aganau kokoro ima dakaishi noshiagare Take your redemptive heart, crush it and rise up AGANAUKOKORO IMADAKAISHINOSHIAGARE
Aganau kokoro ima dakaishi noshiagare akugyaku mudoo Take your redemptive heart, crush it and rise up, ushering atrocity AGANAUKOKORO IMADAKAISHINOSHIAGAREAKUGYAKUMUDOO

: agare

Agare warae sawage towa no yoake Rise up, laugh your head off, make a racket, for the eternal dawn AGAREWARAESAWAGE永遠TOWANOYOAKE
Agare warae sawage utau waga hissei Rise up, laugh your head off, make a racket, for the lifetime we celebrate AGAREWARAESAWAGEUTAUWAGA畢生HISSEI
Agare agare maiagare hakanasa yori karen ni Further, further, soar up on high, more graceful than fleeting AGAREAGARE舞いMAIAGARE HAKANASAYORIKARENNI
Agare agare maiagare hakanasa yori karen ni Further, further, soar on up high, more graceful than fleeting AGAREAGARE舞いMAIAGARE HAKANASAYORIKARENNI

: agatte

Nebare kibare tsukkire nando datte hai agatte kundakara Be tenacious and push through, you'll keep coming back up again and again. NEBAREKIBARETSUっ切RE NANDODAってTTEHAIAGAってTTEKUNDAKARA

: age

Gan gan boryuumu age makutte sa Gun, gun, turn up the volume GAN GAN BOリューRYUUMUAGEMAKUってTTESA
Jimen mitatte tsumannai kao age ten made Tachiagare OK? It's boring just looking at the ground, raise your head, up to the sky. Stand back up, OK? JIMENMITAってTTETSUMANNAI KAOAGE TENMADE TACHIAGARE OK
Ima kasokudo age TAKE OFF Now I speed up and take off IMAKASOKUDOAGE Take off
Doko made mo age te gookaku (LIGHT UP) Rise up as far as you'll go and succeed (Light up) DOKOMADEMOAGETEGOOKAKU (Light up)

: agero

Honoo agero saikoo no sutori Set it alight, the best story ever told HONOOAGERO SAIKOONOSUトーTOOリーRII
Baibusu o agero YOUR NEW WORLD YEAH!! Turn up the vibes, your new world, yeah!! BAIBUSUOAGEROYour new World Yeah!!
Baibusu o agero YOUR NEW WORLD YEAH!! Turn up the vibes, your new world, yeah!! BAIBUSUOAGEROYour new World Yeah!!
SENSATION oshitsuke rareta jiyuu no mujun ni koe agero Sensation Speak out against the contradiction of imposed freedom SensationOSHITSUKERARETAJIYUUNOMUJUNNIKOEAGERO

: agete

OH-- noroshi o agete Oh, fire the starting shot Oh 狼煙NOROSHIOAGETE
OH-- kobushi o agete Oh, raise your fist up high Oh KOBUSHIOAGETE
OH-- noroshi o agete Oh, fire the starting shot Oh 狼煙NOROSHIOAGETE
Ude agete ase de nurashite asobikurue Raise your arms, soak in the sweat and fool around in ecstasy UDEAGETE ASEDENURASHITE ASOBIKURUE

: ai

te o tori ai o tsunagoo Let's take hands and connect our love TEOTORIAIOTSUNAGOO
rarararararara yuu & ai la la la la la la la Sadness and Love RARARARARARARAYUUAI
ai o daita atatakai kokoro wa A warm heart that embraces love AIODAITAATATAKAIKOKOROWA
Terase terase sono ai de Shine bright, shine bright with that love, TERASE TERASE SONOAIDE
Kudaranai ai ni furesasete Just let me feel this good-for-nothing love KUDARANAIAINIFURESASETE
Sono koe mo ai mo awai kioku ni shizumu That voice of yours, love of yours Sink into pale memory SONOKOEMOAIMO AWAIKIOKUNISHIZUMU
Yukkuri to sodateta ai o The love we slowly fostered YUっくKKURITOSODATETAAIO
Now I here
Magire mo nai ai ga So much unmistakeable love MAGIREMONAI AIGA
daijina no wa mitame janaku ai o idaku kokoro What's important is not the appearance, but the heart that embraces love DAIJINANOWAMITAMEじゃJANAKU AIOIDAKUKOKORO

: aiai

Aiai to asobinasai hajime no ippo fundanara Play together peacefully, When you go and take the first step AIAITOASOBINASAI HAJIMENO一歩IPPOFUNDANARA

: aishita

shinu hodo ni aishita nante omoi nado Loving someone to death, such a thought SHINUHODONIAISHITANANTEOMOINADO
shinu hodo ni aishita nante omoi nado Loving someone to death, such a thought SHINUHODONIAISHITANANTEOMOINADO

: aizu

kidzuki wa hajimari no aizu Awareness is the signal for the beginning KIZUKIWAHAJIMARINOAIZU

: ajike

Migi muke migi de ajike ga nai kimi Face right, face right, feeling nothing but monotony MIGIMUKEMIGIDE AJIKEGANAIKIMI

: ajira

Man ajira nadima man ajira nadima MAN AJIRA NAディDIMA
Man ajira nadima man ajira nadima MAN AJIRA NAディDIMA
Man ajira nadima man ajira nadima MAN AJIRA NAディDIMA
Man ajira nadima man ajira nadima MAN AJIRA NAディDIMA

: akai

Akai shirushi tsuketekya ii I'll just note my mistakes in red AKAISHIRUSHITSUKETEきゃKYAII

: akane

Mezamero koyoi akane no sora ni Open your eyes tonight And turn them to the madder red sky MEZAMERO今宵KOYOI AKANENOSORANI
Mezamero koyoi akane no sora ni Open your eyes tonight And turn them towards the madder red sky MEZAMERO今宵KOYOI AKANENOSORANI
Mezamero koyoi akane no sora no yoo ni Open your eyes tonight just like the madder red sky MEZAMERO今宵KOYOI AKANENOSORANOYOONI

: akari

Akari tomori koyoi anata to tomo ni A lamp burns, together with you tonight AKARITOMORI 今宵KOYOIANATATOTOMONI

: akashi

Atashi dake no akashi mune ni atsuikara It's a proof that only I have, because it's hot in my heart ATASHIDAKENOAKASHI MUNENIATSUIKARA

: akehanate

Akehanate yo shinwa no Amanoiwato o Open up the mythical cave of the sun god AKEHANATEYO SHINWANO天岩戸AMANOIWATOO

: akeru

fukai mune no tobira o akeru to ikutsu mo no kizu ga atta When I opened the door deep in my chest, there were many wounds. FUKAIMUNENOTOBIRAOAKERUTO IKUTSUMONOKIZUGAAったTTA

: akiramerarenai

akiramerarenai jibun o sukoshi hokotta koto o chiisaku omoo Of myself for not giving up yet, I was a little proud, but I think it was childish. AKIRAMERARENAIJIBUNO SUKOSHIHOKOったTTAKOTOOCHIISAKUOMOO

: akirameru

Back into the wild
Akirameru mono doko mo kashiko mo Those who give up, as far as the eye can see AKIRAMERUMONO DOKOMOKASHIKOMO

: akirameta

Akirameta omoi mo koete soba ni iru Overcome those feelings of wanting to give up, I'm beside you AKIRAMETAOMOIMOKOETE SOBANIIRU

: akogare

Now I here
Te ga todokanai akogare dake ni wa By what I long for that's no longer in reach TEGATODOKANAI AKOGAREDAKENIWA

: akugyaku

Aganau kokoro ima dakaishi noshiagare akugyaku mudoo Take your redemptive heart, crush it and rise up, ushering atrocity AGANAUKOKORO IMADAKAISHINOSHIAGAREAKUGYAKUMUDOO

: amai

Amai kaori musekaeru hodo A sweet scent, almost choking you AMAIKAORIMUSESEKAERUHODO

: amanoiwato

Akehanate yo shinwa no Amanoiwato o Open up the mythical cave of the sun god AKEHANATEYO SHINWANO天岩戸AMANOIWATOO

: amaoto

Sawagashiku ochiru amaoto As the rain thundered down so hard SAWAGASHIKUOCHIRUAMAOTO

: amaterasu

Amaterasu no yoo ni like Amaterasu AMATENOYOONI
Amaterasu no yoo ni like amaterasu AMATENOYOONI
Amaterasu no yoo ni like Amaterasu AMATENOYOONI

: ameagari

Ameagari hikaru shizuku Raindrops shine after the downpour AMEAGARIHIKARUSHIZUKU

: anata

Anata no yokogao sora ni najimu yoo ni Your face then seemed to blur away into the sky ANATANOYOKOGAO SORANINAJIMUYOONI
Anata no yokogao sora ni najimu yoo ni Before it seemed to blur away into the sky ANATANOYOKOGAO SORANINAJIMUYOONI
Akari tomori koyoi anata to tomo ni A lamp burns, together with you tonight AKARITOMORI 今宵KOYOIANATATOTOMONI
Anata wa ikiru riyuu you are the reason to live ANATAWAIKIRURIYUU
Ima no anata o tsukutta PIECE The pieces that made you what you are today IMANOANATAOTSUKUったTTA Piece
ima anata ni furete sono imi shirukara But now that I touch you, I know its true meaning. IMAANATANIFURETE SONOIMISHIRUKARA
anata ni todo kanainara ikiru kachi nado nai   If I can't touch you, my life isn't worth living. ANATANITODOKANAINARAIKIRUKACHINADONAI
ima anata ni furete sono imi shirukara And now that I touch you, I know its true meaning. IMA ANATANIFURETE SONOIMISHIRUKARA
ima anata ni furete sono imi shirukara But now that I touch you, I know its true meaning. IMAANATANIFURETE SONOIMISHIRUKARA
THAT IS THE WAY anata no susumu saki That is the way, even if the place you're headed That is the way ANATANOSUSUMUSAKI

: anchuu

ganzoo anchuu sekai neon kikazari kyosei harya A counterfeit dark world, dressed up in neon lights and putting on a bravado GANZOOANCHUUSEKAI NEONKIKAZARIKYOSEIHAりゃRYA

: anjuu

konomama anjuu? Soredake wa iya Will I just stay here? I don't like that. KONOMAMAANJUU?SOREDAKEWAIYA

: ano

Hammer Down
ano nichi no watashi ni To me that day ANONICHINOWATASHINI

: aoge

Aoge aoge ten aoge minamo yori nameraka ni Look, look, look up into the sky, clearer than any lake AOGEAOGETENAOGE 水面MINAMOYORINAMERAKANI

: aoi

Temari uta ni yurare aoi kanzashi no tama ga nabiku Swayed by the temari song As the azure beads of my hairpin glitter TEMARIUTANIYURARE AOIKANZASHINOTAMAGANABIKU

: aotte

(CLAP CLAP!) Aotte PUMP IT UP (Clap Clap!) Instigate! Pump it up (Clap Clap!)AOってTTEPump it up

: appakuka

Yo appakuka no minasama imasara GIVE AND TAKE? Kizuna FAKE? Itsuka meiru muda na DAYS Yo, to all the oppressed, still the time for GIVE AND TAKE? Your bonds so FAKE? Losing heart during those idle DAYS Yo 圧迫APPAKUKANOMINASAMA IMASARA GIVE AND TAKE KIZUNA FAKE ITSUKAMEIRU MUDANA DAYS

: aragae

rikai sa re tenakute kamawanai aragae NO ONE CAN CRUSH ME NOW I don't care if you don't understand, resist me no one can crush me now RIKAISARETENAKUTEKAMAWANAI ARAGAE no one can crush me now

: arifureta

Arifureta yoo na yuuwaku wa moo No more everyday temptations ARIFURETAYOONAYUUWAKUWAMOO

: arigatoo

Arigatoo to hohoende I smile a thank you ARIGATOOTO微笑HOHOENDE
seiippai oogoe de tsutaeru yo tada arigatoo I'll say it as loud as I can, just thank you. SEI一杯IPPAIOOGOEDETSUTAERUYO TADAARIGATOO

: aru

Kizutsuita kokoro o iyasu chikara ga aru Sore sura wasureta? Could heal my wounded heart truly. Did you forget that too? KIZUTSUITAKOKOROOISUCHIKARAGAARU SORESURAWASURETA
Ima aru no wa hana no yoo ni sakitsuzuketa kara I'm only here now because I kept on stubbornly blooming IMAARUNOWAHANANOYOONISAKITSUZUKETAKARA
aru hazu mo nai soo kanjiteta would never happen to me, that had been how I felt. ARUHAZUMONAI SOOKANJITETA
aru hazu mo nai soo kanjiteta would never happen to me, that had been how I felt. ARUHAZUMONAI SOOKANJITETA

: aruita

Saigo ni aruita michi wa On the path we walked last SAIGONIARUITAMICHIWA

: aruke

Tsugi e tsugi e tsugi e tsuyoku aruke Onward, onward, onward, walk with your head held up high TSUGIETSUGIETSUGIETSUYOKUARUKE

: arukitsukare

Back into the wild
Arukitsukare samayou hate ni After wandering, walking to exhaustion ARUKITSUKARE彷徨SAMAYOUHATENI

: aruku

Moo mayoi wa shinai hitori aruku kono michi I won't lose my way anymore On this path I walk alone MOOMAYOIWASHINAI HITORIARUKUKONOMICHI
bokura wa onaji michi o aruku nda … you and I will walk one road, surely ... BOKURAWAONAJIMICHIOARUKUNDA

: asa

asa made konomama LET′S DANCE AND PARTY! Let's stay here til morning, Let's dance and party!! ASAMADEKONOMAMALet's dance and party!!

: asatsuyu

Kobore ochiru asatsuyu ga atashi no hoo o nurasu The morning dew that falls dampens my cheeks KOBOREOCHIRUASATSUYUGA ATASHINOHOOONURASU

: asayake

Tenohira ni omoi nosete asayake no hikari ni tou I place my hopes in the palms of my hands and question the light of the dawn TENOHIRANIOMOINOSETE ASAYAKENOHIKARINITOU

: ase

Ude agete ase de nurashite asobikurue Raise your arms, soak in the sweat and fool around in ecstasy UDEAGETE ASEDENURASHITE ASOBIKURUE

: ashiato

Dekoboko no ashiato ni se o muke I turn my back on the rugged footprints that lead here DEKOBOKONOASHIATONISEOMUKE

: ashita

Daite idome ashita no guroorii Embrace it, throw down the gauntlet tomorrow's glory DAITE IDOME 明日ASHITANOGUローROOリーRII
Ashita wa wagami ka sensenkyookyoo I'm so scared that tomorrow will be mine 明日ASHITAWAWAGAMIKASENSENKYOOKYOO
Darenimo yuzurenai ashita o mamoru tame ni I can't bow down to anyone, to protect tomorrow DARENIMOYUZURENAI 明日ASHITAOMAMORUTAMENI
Darenimo yuzurenai ashita o mamoru tame ni I can't bow down to anyone, to protect tomorrow DARENIMOYUZURENAI 明日ASHITAOMAMORUTAMENI
fukanzenna ashita e no kiboo Hope for an imperfect tomorrow FUKANZENNA明日ASHITAENOKIBOO

: asobikurue

Ude agete ase de nurashite asobikurue Raise your arms, soak in the sweat and fool around in ecstasy UDEAGETE ASEDENURASHITE ASOBIKURUE

: asobinasai

Aiai to asobinasai hajime no ippo fundanara Play together peacefully, When you go and take the first step AIAITOASOBINASAI HAJIMENO一歩IPPOFUNDANARA

: atama

Atama n chuu hanten sa se ude o fure Turn your head and wave your arms ATAMANCHUUHANTENSASEUDEOFURE
BANG BANG Atama kurakkurade sa Bang bang, my head is cracking Bang Bang ATAMAKURAックKKURADESA
BANG BANG Atama kurakkurade sa Bang bang, my head is cracking Bang Bang ATAMAKURAックKKURADESA
Atama no naka ga tameiki bakari The inside of your head is nothing more than disappointed sighs ATAMANONAKAGA TAMEIKIBAKARI

: atashi

Manjoo icchi de kimatta atashi no afutaa raifu It's been unanimously decided, my afterlife MANJOO一致ICCHIDEKIMAったTTA ATASHINOAFUターTAARAIFU
Shinpai nante omoni na dake atashi wa sonna ni yawa ja nai Worries are no more than a burden, I'm not as soft as all that 心配SHINPAINANTEOMONINADAKE ATASHIWASONNANIYAWAじゃJANAI
Jinsei tatta no ichi do dake atashi wa sonna ni hima ja nai You only live once, and I don't have time to waste JINSEITAったTTANOICHIDODAKE ATASHIWASONNANIHIMAじゃJANAI
Kanarazu kanau to shinjite iru atashi no yume wa owaranai I just know they'll come true one day, these dreams of mine will never end KANARAZUKANAUTOSHINJITEIRU ATASHINOYUMEWAOWARANAI
Genkai toppa atashi rashiku hikare EVERY DAY Gotta break the limits and shine in my own way, every day GENKAI突破TOPPA ATASHIRASHIKU HIKARE Every day
Atashi dake no akashi mune ni atsuikara It's a proof that only I have, because it's hot in my heart ATASHIDAKENOAKASHI MUNENIATSUIKARA
Atashi no nakigao hikisakareru yoo ni My face seems ripped up into tear-stained pieces ATASHINONAKIGAO HIKISAKARERUYOONI
Hateshi nai atashi no koe de With my everlasting voice HATESHINAIATASHINOKOEDE
Yureru kaze no zawameki ga atashi no kami o naderu The stir of the whirling wind blows its way through my hair YURERUKAZENOZAWAMEKIGA ATASHINOKAMIONADERU
Kobore ochiru asatsuyu ga atashi no hoo o nurasu The morning dew that falls dampens my cheeks KOBOREOCHIRUASATSUYUGA ATASHINOHOOONURASU
Yureru kaze no zawameki ga atashi no kami o naderu The stir of the whirling wind blows its way through my hair YURERUKAZENOZAWAMEKIGA ATASHINOKAMIONADERU
Biidama no yo na me de shinda atashi ni koe kakete kita Looked down at me with its marble eyes And said to the me who had died: ビーBIIDAMANOYONAMEDE SHINDAATASHINIKOEKAKETEKITA

: atatakai

ai o daita atatakai kokoro wa A warm heart that embraces love AIODAITAATATAKAIKOKOROWA

: ate

Iku ate sagashimayou oto naki samayoi aa Lost and searching for my destination Silently wandering, aah IKUATE SAGASHIMAYOU OTONAKI彷徨SAMAYOI 嗚呼AA

: ato

Furimuki mo sezu dokusoo shite itta ato de Kuyanda furi kai? Why do you pretend regretting after you're gone? You need to know my pain. FURIMUKIMOSEZUDOKUSOOSHITEIったTTAATODEKUYAYANDAFURIKAI

: atsuikara

Atashi dake no akashi mune ni atsuikara It's a proof that only I have, because it's hot in my heart ATASHIDAKENOAKASHI MUNENIATSUIKARA

: atsuku

Atsuku moeta kokoro ga naku As your burning heart cries out ATSUKUMOETA KOKOROGANAKU
Atsuku someta omoi mune ni Hold your smouldering feelings to your chest ATSUKUSOMETA OMOIMUNENI
Atsuku moeta kokoro ga naku As your burning heart cries out ATSUKUMOETA KOKOROGANAKU
Atsuku someta omoi mune ni Hold your smouldering feelings to your chest ATSUKUSOMETA OMOIMUNENI

: atta

Now I here
Moo atta no here this whole time MOOAったTTANO
fukai mune no tobira o akeru to ikutsu mo no kizu ga atta When I opened the door deep in my chest, there were many wounds. FUKAIMUNENOTOBIRAOAKERUTO IKUTSUMONOKIZUGAAったTTA

: atte

Harewataru oozora ga atte I can see the clear blue sky HAREWATARUOOZORAGAAってTTE

: au

warai au tame tomoni ikiru tame To laugh together, to live together WARAIAUTAME TOMONIIKIRUTAME

: awai

Sono koe mo ai mo awai kioku ni shizumu That voice of yours, love of yours Sink into pale memory SONOKOEMOAIMO AWAIKIOKUNISHIZUMU

: aware

Aware na adabana no yoo de mo ii sa ISN'T IT? It's okay to be a pitiful flower that bears no fruit, Isn't it? AWARENAADABANANOYOODEMOIISA Isn't it
Aware na adabana no yoo de mo ii sa ISN'T IT? It's okay to be a pitiful flower that bears no fruit, Isn't it? AWARENAADABANANOYOODEMOIISA Isn't it
Waga mi no hate wa aware nari Sad my life has been that bears no fruit WAGAMINOHATEWA AWARENARI
Agame tatae tamae aware YOUR ressei? Revere them, praise them, pity your disadvantage? AGAMETATAETAMAEAWARE your 劣勢RESSEI

: awaremu

Bukakkoo sugite batsu ga warui no o awaremu hito ni NO THANK YOU To all those who feel sorry for me Because they think I'm uncool and awkward, NO THANK YOU BU恰好KAKKOOSUGITEBATSUGAWARUINOOAWAREMUHITONI NO THANK YOU

: ayamachi

yorokobi ni naite ayamachi de manabu Cry with joy and learn from your mistakes YOROKOBININAITE AYAMACHIDEMANABU
Now I here
Kurikaeshita ayamachi mo wakatteru I understand the mistakes I kept on making KURIKAESHITA AYAMACHIMOWAKAってTTERU

: ayunde

A Ray
Soo kiboo mo naku ayunde iku kodoku na michi o Yes, I'll hopelessly walk along a lonely road SOO KIBOOMONAKUAYUNDEIKUKODOKUNAMICHIO

: azayakana

Me o tojireba yomigaeru sutoorii iro azayakana kakera-tachi A story that comes back to life when you close your eyes, colorful fragments MEOTOJIREBAYOMIGAERUSUトーTOOリーRIIIROAZAYAKANA欠片KAKERATACHI

: ba

GONE kizuke ba mata hitori to oikosreteku Gone, everyone's passed on by before you even knew it Gone KIZUKEBAMATA一人HITORITOOIKOSARETEKU
Kanshaku furenakere ba If I never cross your temper 癇癪KANSHAKU FURENAKEREBA

: baiasu

katanihameru dake no baiasu o uragire NO ONE CAN TOUCH ME NOW Betray the bias that only fits into a mold, no one can touch me now KATANIHAMERUDAKENOBAIASUO URAGIRE no one can touch me now

: baibusu

Baibusu o agero YOUR NEW WORLD YEAH!! Turn up the vibes, your new world, yeah!! BAIBUSUOAGEROYour new World Yeah!!
Baibusu o agero YOUR NEW WORLD YEAH!! Turn up the vibes, your new world, yeah!! BAIBUSUOAGEROYour new World Yeah!!

: baka

MUSIC de baka ni nareba When you let the music drive you crazy MUSICDEBAKANINAREBA
MUSIC de baka ni nareba When you let the music drive you crazy MUSICDEBAKANINAREBA

: bakari

Ketsumatsu bakari ni ki o torare muda o ikiru no wa owari Always preoccupied with the ending It's time to stop wasting my life KETSUMATSUBAKARINIKIOTORARE MUDAOIKIRUNOWAOWARI
Tekisuto bakari ni tayorikitte itsuwari no bika wa owari It's time to stop relying on the textbook and glorifying lies TEKISUTOBAKARINITAYORIKIってTTE ITSUWARINOBIKAWAOWARI
Atama no naka ga tameiki bakari The inside of your head is nothing more than disappointed sighs ATAMANONAKAGA TAMEIKIBAKARI

: bakuhatsuda

bakuhatsuda dadaddaddainamaito it's an explosion dadadda dynamite BAKUHATSUDA DADAッダDDAッダDDAINAMAITO

: bakuon

Bakuon no sekai hibana chirashite In a world of noise, sparks scatter BAKUONNOSEKAI HIBANACHIRASHITE

: bara

Rock n roll
Bara de kazatta pisutoru de uchinuiteku sekai We shoot through this world with a gun adorned with roses 薔薇BARADEKAZAったTTAPISUTORUDE UCHINUITEKUSEKAI

: baribari

baribari ni kimeta mai sugata o A carefully chosen dance figure BARIBARINIKIMETAMAI姿SUGATAO

: basei

CHOKING DOPE na machi ni habikoru basei Choking DOPE Swearing that spreads through the city Choking DOPENAMACHINI蔓延HABIKORUBASEI

: basho

Ikitenda sorezore no i basho de We're alive, each where we belong IKITENDA SOREZORENOIBASHODE

: batsu

Bukakkoo sugite batsu ga warui no o awaremu hito ni NO THANK YOU To all those who feel sorry for me Because they think I'm uncool and awkward, NO THANK YOU BU恰好KAKKOOSUGITEBATSUGAWARUINOOAWAREMUHITONI NO THANK YOU

: beeru

Yuubi na hikari kakusareta beeru A veil hidden by an elegant light YUUBINAHIKARIKAKUSARETAベーBEERU

: beni

Beni o matou ichirin no hana A single flower clad in crimson BENIOMATOUICHIRINNOHANA

: biidama

Biidama no yo na me de shinda atashi ni koe kakete kita Looked down at me with its marble eyes And said to the me who had died: ビーBIIDAMANOYONAMEDE SHINDAATASHINIKOEKAKETEKITA

: bika

Tekisuto bakari ni tayorikitte itsuwari no bika wa owari It's time to stop relying on the textbook and glorifying lies TEKISUTOBAKARINITAYORIKIってTTE ITSUWARINOBIKAWAOWARI

: boisu

Yume yori hai na tsukisasu shauto boisu the shouts pierce taking me higher than any dream YUMEYORIHAINATSUKISASUシャSHAUTOBOISU

: boku

Boku ga shinjita kimi o shinji tsuzukete Keep believing yourself in the you I believed in BOKUGASHINJITAKIMIO SHINJITSUZUKETE
Boku ga shinjita kimi no hikari o hanate Hey, you I believed in, release your light BOKUGASHINJITAKIMINO HIKARIOHANATE

: bokura

IT'S OURSELVES bokura wa utsukushii to It's ourselves and we are beautiful It's ourselves BOKURAWAUTSUKUSHIITO
CAN YOU HEAR ME? bokura wa koko ni iru Can you hear me? We are right here Can you hear me BOKURAWAKOKONIIRU
LOOK AT ME bokura wa utsukushii to Look at me, we are beautiful Look at me BOKURAWAUTSUKUSHIITO
bokura wa onaji michi o aruku nda … you and I will walk one road, surely ... BOKURAWAONAJIMICHIOARUKUNDA

: boryuumu

Gan gan boryuumu age makutte sa Gun, gun, turn up the volume GAN GAN BOリューRYUUMUAGEMAKUってTTESA

: buchinuite

Kimarikitta ruuru buchinuite ikimasho Let's break down the rules that have always been in place KIMARIKIったTTAルーRUURU BUCHINUITEIKIMAしょSHO

: bukakkoo

Bukakkoo sugite batsu ga warui no o awaremu hito ni NO THANK YOU To all those who feel sorry for me Because they think I'm uncool and awkward, NO THANK YOU BU恰好KAKKOOSUGITEBATSUGAWARUINOOAWAREMUHITONI NO THANK YOU

: bukiyoo

Bukiyoo de kamawanain ja nai? is graceless, does it really matter? BUKIYOODEKAMAWANAINじゃJANAI

: bureiku

Bureiku de kimeyo riron wa iranee Let's be high on music, I don't need rationale BUREIKUDEKIMEYORIRONWAIRAねぇNEE

: butai

Rock n roll
Nijiiro no tabiji yuku butai wa koko kara Let's go on a Rainbow-colored Journey, the stage starts here NIJIIRONOTABIJIYUKU BUTAIWAKOKOKARA

: buuingu

Risei ga yuusen de buuingu kyooran Where reason is prioritized, joined by a frenzy of booing RISEIGAYUUSENDE ブーBUUINGUKYOORAN

: buzama

Buzama demo kamawanain ja nai ? is unsightly does it really matter? BUZAMADEMOKAMAWANAINじゃJANAI

: bye-bye

Sukui no nai hibi ni BYE-BYE. I will say bye-bye to helpless days. SUKUINONAIHIBINI Bye-bye.

: chance

I HATE MYSELF norikoeru chance negatteta ndaro? I hate myself, I was hoping for a chance to overcome it, right? I hate myself NORIKOERUchance NEGAってTTETANDARO

: chatte

hajike chatte ikou ze Let's go crazy HAJIKEちゃCHAってTTEIKOUZE
Haji ke chatte ikou ze Let's go crazy HAJIKEちゃCHAってTTEIKOUZE

: chi

FOOL umareochita kono chi de WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO? Fools, in this world you were born, what do you want to do? Fool UMAREOCHITAKONOCHIDE What do you want to do

: chiisaku

akiramerarenai jibun o sukoshi hokotta koto o chiisaku omoo Of myself for not giving up yet, I was a little proud, but I think it was childish. AKIRAMERARENAIJIBUNO SUKOSHIHOKOったTTAKOTOOCHIISAKUOMOO

: chiisana

Chiisana hana mioboe naku A small flower you have no recollection of CHIISANAHANA MIOBOENAKU
Chiisana hana koko ni saite A small flower blooms right here CHIISANAHANA KOKONISAITE
chiisana ippo datte subete kaeru yo Even a small step can change everything CHIISANA一歩IPPODAってTTESUBETEKAERUYO
chiisana ippo datte subete kaeru yo Even a small step can change everything CHIISANA一歩IPPODAってTTESUBETEKAERUYO

: chikadzuite

negatteta mirai e chikadzuite iru I'm getting closer to the future I've been wishing for NEGAってTTETAMIRAIECHIKAZUITEIRU

: chikai

Kakageta chikai wa konote no naka ni YOU CAN JUST HANG IN THERE The vow I made is in my hands. You can just hang in there KAKAGETACHIKAIWA KONOTENONAKANI You can just hang in there

: chikara

Kizutsuita kokoro o iyasu chikara ga aru Sore sura wasureta? Could heal my wounded heart truly. Did you forget that too? KIZUTSUITAKOKOROOISUCHIKARAGAARU SORESURAWASURETA

: chikatta

Hammer Down
modoranai to chikatta I swore I wouldn't go back MODORANAITOCHIKAったTTA

: chirashite

Bakuon no sekai hibana chirashite In a world of noise, sparks scatter BAKUONNOSEKAI HIBANACHIRASHITE

: chiru

Kabuke kabuke kabuki mae chiru hana yori hageshiku Sink, sink, flutter to the ground, harder than any other flower blossom KABUKEKABUKEKABUKIMAE CHIRUHANAYORIHAGESHIKU

: chissoku

Chissoku shisoona genjoo kuraitsuko uni mo mudanateikoo The current situation seems to be suffocating, and it's a useless resistance as it tries to eat me up. 窒息CHISSOKUSHISOONAGENJOO KURAITSUKOUNIMOMUDANATEIKOO

: chitte

Karada wa saite chitte kaze ni mau Bodies bloom and scatter, whirling in the wind 身体KARADAWASAITECHIってTTEKAZENIMAU
Sono te o saite chitte sora ni mau kakumei Rip those hands open, the blood is a revolution, dancing through the universe SONOTEOSAITECHIってTTESORANIMAUKAKUMEI
Karada wa saite chitte kaze ni mau Bodies bloom and scatter, whirling in the wind 身体KARADAWASAITECHIってTTEKAZENIMAU
Sono te o saite chitte sora ni mau kakumei Rip those hands open, the blood is a revolution, dancing through the universe SONOTEOSAITECHIってTTESORANIMAUKAKUMEI
Shidareta hana wa chitte soorai no kaori ni yoishireru The wilting flowers scatter The scent of the autumn wind carries me away SHIDARETAHANAWACHIってTTE SOORAINOKAORINIYOISHIRERU

: chizu

Kitto korekara wa chizu no nai There's no map on how to move forward KIっとTTOKOREKARAWACHIZUNONAI

: chotto

iki kurushi sa to hito ikiri ni   ima wa chotto shisen o otoshiteta Due to the hardships of living and human existence, now I looked slightly down. IKIKURUSHISATO HITOIKINI IMAWAちょCHOっとTTOSHISENOOTOSHITETA
yume oikakete yabureta kimi ni chotto yasashii koe o kaketa You, seeking a dream but never realized, I spoke to with little kind words of comfort. YUMEOIKAKETE YABURETAKIMINI ちょCHOっとTTOYASASHIIKOEOKAKETA

: chuu

Atama n chuu hanten sa se ude o fure Turn your head and wave your arms ATAMANCHUUHANTENSASEUDEOFURE

: da

A Ray
Soo nan do de mo tachiagari mukatte yukun da Yeah, stand back up and face it head on again and again SOO NANDODEMOTACHIAGARIMUKAってTTEIKUNDA
Sakasen da kono adabana We're making it bloom, a flower that bears no fruit SAKASENDA KONOADABANA
Mitomen da kono ikizama subete We accept everything about this way we live MITOMENDA KONOIKIZAMASUBETE
Sono sugata mo sono kotoba mo misekake da yo Itsu madeazamuku? Everything you have said and you have done was all wrong You have to end this shit. SONO姿SUGATAMOSONOKOTOBAMOMISEKAKEDAYO ITSUMADEAZAMUKU
Kataku kitsuku dakishimerun da Is something I hold onto strongly and tightly KATAKU KITSUKU DAKISHIMERUNDA
Ima o ima o sakebun da I scream out, scream out for now IMAOIMAOSAKEBUNDA
Omou n da And I feel it OMOUNDA
Te o nobashite denkoo sekka de kirisakun da Reach out your hand, tear through it all with a bright flash TEONOBASHITE電光DENKOO石火SEKKADEKIRISAKUNDA
Soorai to oyukinasai ichido no jinsei da kara zenbu Go forth with the autumn wind, You only get to live once so SOORAITOOYUKINASAI ICHIDONOJINSEIDAKARAZENBU
Soorai to o ikinasai ichi do no jinsei da kara zenbu Live with the autumn wind You only get to live once so SOORAITOOIKINASAI ICHIDONOJINSEIDAKARAZENBU

: dada

dadda dda dada daichi o keri dadda dda dada kick the ground DAッダDDAッダDDADADADAICHIOKERI

: dadadadada

dadadadada dakuryuu no naka dadadadada in the muddy stream DADADADADA DAKURYUUNONAKA
dadadadada Daibu sureba dadadadada if you dive DADADADADA DAIBUSUREBA

: dadaddaddainamaito

bakuhatsuda dadaddaddainamaito it's an explosion dadadda dynamite BAKUHATSUDA DADAッダDDAッダDDAINAMAITO

: dadaddaddaiyamondo

Hajike tobu dadaddaddaiyamondo burst into flight dadadda diamond HAJIKETOBU DADAッダDDAッダDDAIYAMONDO

: dadda

dadda dadda dda dda ddaremoga dadda dadda dda dda everyone DAッダDDADAッダDDAッダDDAッダDDAッ誰MOGA
dadda dda dada daichi o keri dadda dda dada kick the ground DAッダDDAッダDDADADADAICHIOKERI
dadda dadda dda dda ddaitan futeki ni mai odori tonde dadda dadda dda dda dancing and jumping fearlessly DAッダDDADAッダDDAッダDDAッダDDAッ大??????NI舞いMAIODORITONDE

: dai

Kodomo no mugen dai Of such a strong child KODOMONOMUGENDAI
Kono dai toshi Somewhere far away KONODAITOSHI

: daibu

dadadadada Daibu sureba dadadadada if you dive DADADADADA DAIBUSUREBA

: daichi

dadda dda dada daichi o keri dadda dda dada kick the ground DAッダDDAッダDDADADADAICHIOKERI

: daijina

daijina no wa mitame janaku ai o idaku kokoro What's important is not the appearance, but the heart that embraces love DAIJINANOWAMITAMEじゃJANAKU AIOIDAKUKOKORO

: daita

ai o daita atatakai kokoro wa A warm heart that embraces love AIODAITAATATAKAIKOKOROWA

: daitan

Misete mite saikoo ni daitan ni Go on, bewitch me, be bolder than all the rest MISETEMITE SAIKOONIDAITANNI

: daite

mune ni daite susumi tsuzukete ku I'll hold it close to my chest and keep moving forward MUNENIDAITESUSUMITSUZUKETEKU
Daite idome ashita no guroorii Embrace it, throw down the gauntlet tomorrow's glory DAITE IDOME 明日ASHITANOGUローROOリーRII

: dakaishi

Aganau kokoro ima dakaishi noshiagare Take your redemptive heart, crush it and rise up AGANAUKOKORO IMADAKAISHINOSHIAGARE
Aganau kokoro ima dakaishi noshiagare akugyaku mudoo Take your redemptive heart, crush it and rise up, ushering atrocity AGANAUKOKORO IMADAKAISHINOSHIAGAREAKUGYAKUMUDOO

: dakara

Gooru ga kietetta mirai mo sono tsuzuki dakara That future of those faded goals too was a continuation of that ゴーGOORUGAKIETEったTTAMIRAIMO SONOTSUZUKIDAKARA

: dake

Kanpekina hibi dake janakute Not just perfect days KANPEKINAHIBIDAKEじゃJANAKUTE
Shinpai nante omoni na dake atashi wa sonna ni yawa ja nai Worries are no more than a burden, I'm not as soft as all that 心配SHINPAINANTEOMONINADAKE ATASHIWASONNANIYAWAじゃJANAI
Jinsei tatta no ichi do dake atashi wa sonna ni hima ja nai You only live once, and I don't have time to waste JINSEITAったTTANOICHIDODAKE ATASHIWASONNANIHIMAじゃJANAI
katanihameru dake no baiasu o uragire NO ONE CAN TOUCH ME NOW Betray the bias that only fits into a mold, no one can touch me now KATANIHAMERUDAKENOBAIASUO URAGIRE no one can touch me now
Atashi dake no akashi mune ni atsuikara It's a proof that only I have, because it's hot in my heart ATASHIDAKENOAKASHI MUNENIATSUIKARA
Tsumazuita kazu dake Every single time I stumble TSUMAZUITAKAZUDAKE
Me o sorasazu mae dake muki Face forward and keep your eye on the prize MEOSORASAZU MAEDAKEMUKI
Muri ni kataru yori ima dake wa Rather than trying so hard to talk, right now MURINIKATARUYORIIMADAKEWA
Now I here
Te no todoku mono narabete ita dake Just by having what was in reach TENOTODOKUMONO NARABETEITADAKE
Te ga todokanai akogare dake ni wa By what I long for that's no longer in reach TEGATODOKANAI AKOGAREDAKENIWA
Kizukanai furi shite ita dake na no I just pretended not to notice KIZUKANAIFURISHITEITADAKENANO
Rock n roll
Uchisuterareta dake But it was just abandoned UCHISUTERARETADAKE
Yubi o kuwaete nagameteru dake? You just gonna be jealous and sit there and stare? YUBIOKUWAETE NAGAMETERUDAKE
Sajin makiagete susumu dake and now move forward kicking up a dust storm SAJINMAKIKIAGETESUSUMUDAKE
Soo YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH tanoshimu dake Oh, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, just have fun SOOYeah Yeah Yeah Yeah TANOSHIMUDAKE

: dakedaro

Hammer Down
Sonna sugata kurushii dakedaro, sakende miro It's just painful to look like that, try screaming. SONNA姿SUGATAKURUSHIIDAKEDAROSAKENDEMIRO
Sonna sugata kurushii dakedaro, sakende miro It's just painful to look like that, try screaming. SONNA姿SUGATAKURUSHIIDAKEDAROSAKENDEMIRO

: dakedarou

Hammer Down
Donna toki demo shinji rareru no wa jibun dakedarou The only person you can trust at any time is yourself. DONNATOKIDEMOSHINJIRARERUNOWAJIBUNDAKEDAROU

: dakishimerun

Kataku kitsuku dakishimerun da Is something I hold onto strongly and tightly KATAKU KITSUKU DAKISHIMERUNDA

: dakuryuu

dadadadada dakuryuu no naka dadadadada in the muddy stream DADADADADA DAKURYUUNONAKA

: damasa

Damashi damasa re GET HURT deceived and deceived Get hurt DAMASHIDAMASAREGet hurt

: damashi

Damashi damasa re GET HURT deceived and deceived Get hurt DAMASHIDAMASAREGet hurt

: dame

Moo yurayura yurayura yurete wa dame You can't waver, waver, waver, waver anymore MOO YURAYURAYURAYURA YURETEWADAME

: danzai

Shogyoo mujoo no kotowari danzai Condemning the principle of the impermanence of all things SHOGYOOMUJOONOKOTOWARI DANZAI

: dare

Dare ka no tenohira no ue de mo ii sa WE'RE HERE Even if it's to someone else's tune, we're here DAREKANOTENOHIRANOUEDEMOIISA We're here
dare mo todokanai no one can reach DAREMOTODOKANAI
dare ka no kage to natte Be someone's shadow DAREKANOKAGETONAってTTE
Dare mo urayamu yuubi na sugata A picture of elegance anyone would envy DAREMOURAYAMUYUUBINA姿SUGATA
Midare midare midaresake dare yori mo uruwashiku Madly, madly, madly bloom, more beautiful than any other MIDAREMIDAREMIDARESAKE DAREYORIMOURUWASHIKU
Midare midare midaresake dare yori mo uruwashiku Madly, madly, madly bloom, more beautifully than any other MIDAREMIDAREMIDARESAKE DAREYORIMOURUWASHIKU
Rock n roll
Dare mo ga usobuku Everyone repeats the same DAREMOGAUSOBUKU
Dare ni mo yuzuranai We will never yield to anyone DARENIMOYUZURANAI
Dare ni mo yuzuranai We will never yield to anyone DARENIMOYUZURANAI
Dare mo ga kagayaku IT'S OUR BLING Everybody sparkles, it's our bling DAREMOGA KAGAYAKUit's our bling
Dare mo ga mina giru SHOWTIME Everyone's capable of an explosive showtime DAREMOGA MINAGIRUshowtime
Dare mo ga kagayaku IT'S OUR BLING Everybody sparkles, it's our bling DAREMOGA KAGAYAKUit's our bling
Dare mo ga mina giru SHOWTIME Everyone's capable of an explosive showtime DAREMOGA MINAGIRUshowtime
Dare mo ga kagayaku IT'S OUR BLING Everybody sparkles, it's our bling DAREMOGA KAGAYAKUit's our bling
Dare mo ga mina giru SHOWTIME Everyone's capable of an explosive showtime DAREMOGA MINAGIRUshowtime
Dare mo todokanai sekai e to to a world no one else can reach DAREMOTODOKANAISEKAIETO

: dareka

dareka no tame no hikari to naru yo Become a light for someone DAREKANOTAMENOHIKARITONARUYO
nai teru dareka mo waratte kureru hazu I'm sure someone who's crying will laugh too NAITERUDAREKAMOWARAってTTEKURERUHAZU
Dareka no tame janai hokoreru jibun ka doo ka It's not for someone else. Is it something I can be proud of? DAREKANOTAMEじゃJANAI HOKORERUJIBUNKADOOKA

: darenimo

Darenimo yuzurenai ashita o mamoru tame ni I can't bow down to anyone, to protect tomorrow DARENIMOYUZURENAI 明日ASHITAOMAMORUTAMENI
Darenimo yuzurenai ashita o mamoru tame ni I can't bow down to anyone, to protect tomorrow DARENIMOYUZURENAI 明日ASHITAOMAMORUTAMENI

: daroo

Jibun katte daroo ga iin ja nai? is somewhere selfish, does it really matter? JIBUN勝手KATTEDAROOGAIINじゃJANAI

: datte

Nebare kibare tsukkire nando datte hai agatte kundakara Be tenacious and push through, you'll keep coming back up again and again. NEBAREKIBARETSUっ切RE NANDODAってTTEHAIAGAってTTEKUNDAKARA
Yaburekabure yuugure kodoku datte kagayaku nodakara Even the lonely twilight shines brightly YABUREKABUREYUUGURE KODOKUDAってTTEKAGAYAKUNODAKARA
Norikoete yuke donna koto datte Rise above it, no matter what it is NORIKOETEIKE DONNAKOTODAってTTE
watashi no mune no itami   tengoku made datte My heartache, even all the way to heaven, WATASHINOMUNENOITAMI TENGOKUMADEDAってTTE
Tatakaeyo nankai datte kagayake omoidoori ni Fight no matter how many times, shine as you wish TATAKAEYO NANKAIDAってTTE KAGAYAKE OMOIDOORINI
Kimi wa kagayakeru yo nan do datte I know you can shine, over and over KIMIWAKAGAYAKERUYO NANDODAってTTE
Kimi wa kagayakeru yo nan do datte I know you can shine, over and over KIMIWAKAGAYAKERUYO NANDODAってTTE
chiisana ippo datte subete kaeru yo Even a small step can change everything CHIISANA一歩IPPODAってTTESUBETEKAERUYO
chiisana ippo datte subete kaeru yo Even a small step can change everything CHIISANA一歩IPPODAってTTESUBETEKAERUYO

: dda

dadda dadda dda dda ddaremoga dadda dadda dda dda everyone DAッダDDADAッダDDAッダDDAッダDDAッ誰MOGA
dadda dda dada daichi o keri dadda dda dada kick the ground DAッダDDAッダDDADADADAICHIOKERI
dadda dadda dda dda ddaitan futeki ni mai odori tonde dadda dadda dda dda dancing and jumping fearlessly DAッダDDADAッダDDAッダDDAッダDDAッ大??????NI舞いMAIODORITONDE

: ddaitan

dadda dadda dda dda ddaitan futeki ni mai odori tonde dadda dadda dda dda dancing and jumping fearlessly DAッダDDADAッダDDAッダDDAッダDDAッ大??????NI舞いMAIODORITONDE

: ddaremoga

dadda dadda dda dda ddaremoga dadda dadda dda dda everyone DAッダDDADAッダDDAッダDDAッダDDAッ誰MOGA

: de

A Ray
Soo nan do de mo tachiagari mukatte yukun da Yeah, stand back up and face it head on again and again SOO NANDODEMOTACHIAGARIMUKAってTTEIKUNDA
FOOL umareochita kono chi de WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO? Fools, in this world you were born, what do you want to do? Fool UMAREOCHITAKONOCHIDE What do you want to do
Mayoe yo nando de mo ii Lose your way as many times as you like MAYOEYONANDODEMOII
Aware na adabana no yoo de mo ii sa ISN'T IT? It's okay to be a pitiful flower that bears no fruit, Isn't it? AWARENAADABANANOYOODEMOIISA Isn't it
Sakebeyo mijime de mo ii Scream out, it's okay to be unhappy SAKEBEYOMIJIMEDEMOII
Dare ka no tenohira no ue de mo ii sa WE'RE HERE Even if it's to someone else's tune, we're here DAREKANOTENOHIRANOUEDEMOIISA We're here
Ikitenda sorezore no i basho de We're alive, each where we belong IKITENDA SOREZORENOIBASHODE
Mayoe yo nan do de mo ii Lose your way as many times as you like MAYOEYONANDODEMOII
Aware na adabana no yoo de mo ii sa ISN'T IT? It's okay to be a pitiful flower that bears no fruit, Isn't it? AWARENAADABANANOYOODEMOIISA Isn't it
yorokobi ni naite ayamachi de manabu Cry with joy and learn from your mistakes YOROKOBININAITE AYAMACHIDEMANABU
tadori tsuita maatarashii sekai de In the brand new world I've arrived at 辿TADORITSUITAMAATARASHIISEKAIDE
Manjoo icchi de kimatta atashi no afutaa raifu It's been unanimously decided, my afterlife MANJOO一致ICCHIDEKIMAったTTA ATASHINOAFUターTAARAIFU
Furimuki mo sezu dokusoo shite itta ato de Kuyanda furi kai? Why do you pretend regretting after you're gone? You need to know my pain. FURIMUKIMOSEZUDOKUSOOSHITEIったTTAATODEKUYAYANDAFURIKAI
‚tobase ‚tobase sono koe de Soar high, soar high, with that voice of yours TOBASE TOBASE SONOKOEDE
Saa zenkai senkai de HEY SHOW TIME Now rev up, full throttle, Hey, Show Time さぁSAA ZENKAI SENKAIDE Hey Show time
Terase terase sono ai de Shine bright, shine bright with that love, TERASE TERASE SONOAIDE
OH-- sono mama de MOVE ON Oh, just as you are, move on Oh SONOMAMADE MOVE ON
‚tobase ‚tobase sono koe de Soar high, soar high, with that voice of yours TOBASE TOBASE SONOKOEDE
Futari de sugoshita hibi wa The days we spent together 2人DESUGOSHITAHIBIWA
Wakiagaru sono mochibeishon de makiokose SO reboryuushon As the motivation boils out of you, go and make it happen, so, revolution WAKIAGARUSONOMOCHIベーBEEショSHON DEMAKIKIOKOSE So REBOリューRYUUショSHON
Hoka no te de kowasarete Broken by the hands of others HOKANOTEDEKOWASARETE
Hateshi nai atashi no koe de With my everlasting voice HATESHINAIATASHINOKOEDE
MUSIC de baka ni nareba When you let the music drive you crazy MUSICDEBAKANINAREBA
Bureiku de kimeyo riron wa iranee Let's be high on music, I don't need rationale BUREIKUDEKIMEYORIRONWAIRAねぇNEE
Ude agete ase de nurashite asobikurue Raise your arms, soak in the sweat and fool around in ecstasy UDEAGETE ASEDENURASHITE ASOBIKURUE
MUSIC de baka ni nareba When you let the music drive you crazy MUSICDEBAKANINAREBA
Now I here
Mitsukeru no jibun de I'll find it, all by myself MITSUKERUNO JIBUNDE
Doko de mo nai koko de koso It's not just anywhere, it's right here 何処DOKODEMONAI KOKODEKOSO
Mitasarete mitai ichi do de mo ii I just want to be fulfilled, just for once MITASARETEMITAI ICHIDODEMOII
Nisemono de kamawanai kara to Acting like I didn't care if it was fake NISEMONODEKAMAWANAIKARATO
"o i de na ♡" "Come here to me ♡" OIDENA
Te o nobashite denkoo sekka de kirisakun da Reach out your hand, tear through it all with a bright flash TEONOBASHITE電光DENKOO石火SEKKADEKIRISAKUNDA
Zenshin zenrei de sakebu kara I'd scream with everything that I have ZENSHINZENREIDESAKEBUKARA
Wasure nai de Never forget WASURENAIDE
kokoro no oku no oku de sakebi tsuzuketa I kept screaming in the depths of my heart KOKORONOOKUNOOKUDESAKEBITSUZUKETA
Rock n roll
Shuyaku wa watashi de I'm the main character SHUYAKUWAWATASHIDE
Bara de kazatta pisutoru de uchinuiteku sekai We shoot through this world with a gun adorned with roses 薔薇BARADEKAZAったTTAPISUTORUDE UCHINUITEKUSEKAI
Risei ga yuusen de buuingu kyooran Where reason is prioritized, joined by a frenzy of booing RISEIGAYUUSENDE ブーBUUINGUKYOORAN
Migi muke migi de ajike ga nai kimi Face right, face right, feeling nothing but monotony MIGIMUKEMIGIDE AJIKEGANAIKIMI
Odore samenai yume de (RIGHT NOW) Dance inside a dream without an end (Right now) ODORE SAMENAIYUMEDE (Right now)
Karasawagi de mo ROLLIN' ROLLIN' Even if it is all much ado about nothing Rollin' Rollin' KARASAWAGIDEMO Rollin' Rollin'
Biidama no yo na me de shinda atashi ni koe kakete kita Looked down at me with its marble eyes And said to the me who had died: ビーBIIDAMANOYONAMEDE SHINDAATASHINIKOEKAKETEKITA
Bukiyoo de kamawanain ja nai? is graceless, does it really matter? BUKIYOODEKAMAWANAINじゃJANAI
donnani konnanna toki de mo no matter how difficult the times DONNANIKONNANNATOKIDEMO
donnani konnanna toki de mo no matter how difficult the times DONNANIKONNANNATOKIDEMO
seiippai oogoe de tsutaeru yo tada arigatoo I'll say it as loud as I can, just thank you. SEI一杯IPPAIOOGOEDETSUTAERUYO TADAARIGATOO

: deai

shinjite iru yo kono deai koso I believe in this encounter SHINJITEIRUYO KONODEAIKOSO

: dekinai

Ganjigarame no ima iki sae dekinai kurai I'm so tied up now that I can't even breathe GANJIGARAMENOIMA IKISAEDEKINAIKURAI

: dekoboko

Dekoboko no ashiato ni se o muke I turn my back on the rugged footprints that lead here DEKOBOKONOASHIATONISEOMUKE

: demo

Honno sasai na yasashisa demo Even a little kindness HONNOSASAINAYASASHISADEMO
Hammer Down
Donna toki demo shinji rareru no wa jibun dakedarou The only person you can trust at any time is yourself. DONNATOKIDEMOSHINJIRARERUNOWAJIBUNDAKEDAROU
Doshaburi demo mune hatte Standing tall even in the downpours DOしゃSHABURIDEMOMUNEHAってTTE
kodoku to mukiainagara demo itsuka While facing loneliness, but one day, KODOKUTOMUKIAIINAGARADEMOITSUKA
mada tooi shinkiroo demo zettai shinjiro saigo no saigomade NOBODY KNOWS It's still a distant mirage, but I'll definitely believe it, until the very end Nobody knows. MADATOOISHINKIROO DEMO絶対ZETTAISHINJIRO SAIGONOSAIGOMADENobody knows
Rock n roll
Nan do demo mata Again and again NANDODEMOMATA
Buzama demo kamawanain ja nai ? is unsightly does it really matter? BUZAMADEMOKAMAWANAINじゃJANAI

: denkoo

NO ONE TO HATE shaba denkoo ni No one to hate, Life's shorter than a flash of lightning No one to hate SHABA電光DENKOONI
Te o nobashite denkoo sekka de kirisakun da Reach out your hand, tear through it all with a bright flash TEONOBASHITE電光DENKOO石火SEKKADEKIRISAKUNDA

: desho

Nante kanashii desho Isn't that so sad? NANTEKANASHIIDEしょSHO

: do

A Ray
Soo nan do de mo tachiagari mukatte yukun da Yeah, stand back up and face it head on again and again SOO NANDODEMOTACHIAGARIMUKAってTTEIKUNDA
Mayoe yo nan do de mo ii Lose your way as many times as you like MAYOEYONANDODEMOII
Jinsei tatta no ichi do dake atashi wa sonna ni hima ja nai You only live once, and I don't have time to waste JINSEITAったTTANOICHIDODAKE ATASHIWASONNANIHIMAじゃJANAI
Now I here
Mitasarete mitai ichi do de mo ii I just want to be fulfilled, just for once MITASARETEMITAI ICHIDODEMOII
Kimi wa kagayakeru yo nan do datte I know you can shine, over and over KIMIWAKAGAYAKERUYO NANDODAってTTE
Kimi wa kagayakeru yo nan do datte I know you can shine, over and over KIMIWAKAGAYAKERUYO NANDODAってTTE
Rock n roll
Nan do demo mata Again and again NANDODEMOMATA
Soorai to o ikinasai ichi do no jinsei da kara zenbu Live with the autumn wind You only get to live once so SOORAITOOIKINASAI ICHIDONOJINSEIDAKARAZENBU

: dochira

Dochira erabu? Which do you choose? DOCHIRAERABU

: doko

Back into the wild
Akirameru mono doko mo kashiko mo Those who give up, as far as the eye can see AKIRAMERUMONO DOKOMOKASHIKOMO
Now I here
Doko de mo nai koko de koso It's not just anywhere, it's right here 何処DOKODEMONAI KOKODEKOSO
Kankyaku doko e iku no Disregarded, where are we going? KANKYAKU 何処DOKOEIKUNO
Doko made mo age te gookaku (LIGHT UP) Rise up as far as you'll go and succeed (Light up) DOKOMADEMOAGETEGOOKAKU (Light up)

: dokusoo

Furimuki mo sezu dokusoo shite itta ato de Kuyanda furi kai? Why do you pretend regretting after you're gone? You need to know my pain. FURIMUKIMOSEZUDOKUSOOSHITEIったTTAATODEKUYAYANDAFURIKAI

: dokutsubo

Yamikumo ni STAB IT BACK dokutsubo e to FALL IN ONE’S WAY blindly Stab it back To the poison pot Fall in one’s way YAMIKUMONIStab it back DOKUTSUBOETOFall in ones way

: donna

Norikoete yuke donna koto datte Rise above it, no matter what it is NORIKOETEIKE DONNAKOTODAってTTE
Hammer Down
Donna toki demo shinji rareru no wa jibun dakedarou The only person you can trust at any time is yourself. DONNATOKIDEMOSHINJIRARERUNOWAJIBUNDAKEDAROU

: donnani

donnani konnanna toki de mo no matter how difficult the times DONNANIKONNANNATOKIDEMO
donnani konnanna toki de mo no matter how difficult the times DONNANIKONNANNATOKIDEMO

: donten

makkurona donten ga hareru made Until the pitch black cloudy sky clears up MAっ黒NADONTENGAHARERUMADE

: doo

Dareka no tame janai hokoreru jibun ka doo ka It's not for someone else. Is it something I can be proud of? DAREKANOTAMEじゃJANAI HOKORERUJIBUNKADOOKA
"doo shitai ka" sore ga kotae sa "What do you want to do?" That's the answer DOOSHITAIKASOREGAKOTAESA

: dooyoo

Dooyoo kakusenakute I can't hide my trembling DOOYOO KAKUSENAKUTE

: dore

Sono dore mo ga tsunagatte ”ima” o ikiru senaka o oshite iru All of these are connected and push us to live in the “now”. SONODOREMOGATSUNAGAってTTEIMAOIKIRUSENAKAOOSHITEIRU

: doshaburi

Doshaburi demo mune hatte Standing tall even in the downpours DOしゃSHABURIDEMOMUNEHAってTTE

: e

Misetsukero fumitsuketa yatsura e Show the ones who trampled all over you MISETSUKERO FUMITSUKETAYATSURAE
negatteta mirai e chikadzuite iru I'm getting closer to the future I've been wishing for NEGAってTTETAMIRAIECHIKAZUITEIRU
Mezase mezase saikoo e Aim for it, aim for the top, MEZASE MEZASE SAIKOOE
Torimodose yuuki wa koko e to Reclaim your courage and summon it here TORIMODOSEYUUKIWAKOKOETO
Yamikumo ni STAB IT BACK dokutsubo e to FALL IN ONE’S WAY blindly Stab it back To the poison pot Fall in one’s way YAMIKUMONIStab it back DOKUTSUBOETOFall in ones way
Mae e mae e mae e ima o susume Forward, forward, forward, push on through now MAEEMAEEMAEEIMAOSUSUME
Tsugi e tsugi e tsugi e tsuyoku aruke Onward, onward, onward, walk with your head held up high TSUGIETSUGIETSUGIETSUYOKUARUKE
Hibike hibike hibike tooku kanata e Echo, echo, echo, far away into the distance HIBIKEHIBIKEHIBIKETOOKU彼方KANATAE
Kanata e Into the distance 彼方KANATAE
Saki e saki e saki e tsunagu MY LIFE Onward, onward, onward, leading to my life SAKIESAKIESAKIETSUNAGU My life
kore ga mirai e to tsunagaru ndaroo This will lead us into the future, I believe. KOREGAMIRAIETOTSUNAGARUNDAROO
Kankyaku doko e iku no Disregarded, where are we going? KANKYAKU 何処DOKOEIKUNO
fukanzenna ashita e no kiboo Hope for an imperfect tomorrow FUKANZENNA明日ASHITAENOKIBOO
Rock n roll
Haruka kanata e into the distance HARUKA彼方KANATAE
Haruka kanata e into the distance HARUKA彼方KANATAE
"Saa kono yubi to mare oni-san kochira te no naru hoo e" "No, stop at this finger! I'm over here, chaser, follow the clapping" さぁSAA KONOYUBITOMARE ONISANKOCHIRATENONARUHOOE
Yukite kaeru tabiji e on a return journey YUKITEKAERUTABIJIE
Dare mo todokanai sekai e to to a world no one else can reach DAREMOTODOKANAISEKAIETO
moo ippo moo ippo fumidasou hikari no sasu hoo e Let's take one more step, one more step towards the direction of light MOO一歩IPPO MOO一歩IPPO FUMIDASOUHIKARINOSASUHOOE
moo ippo moo ippo fumidasou hikari no sasu hoo e Let's take one more step, one more step towards the direction of light MOO一歩IPPO MOO一歩IPPO FUMIDASOUHIKARINOSASUHOOE

: egaiteta

Zutto yume ni egaiteta I always saw it in my dreams ZUっとTTOYUMENIEGAITETA

: egao

namida egao itami nikushimi subete komiagetekuru itoshi sa Tears, smiles, pain, hatred, everything filling my heart with love. NAMIDA EGAO ITAMI NIKUSHIMI SUBETE KOMIAGETEKURUITOSHISA
namida egao itami nikushimi subete komiagetekuru itoshi sa Tears, smiles, pain, hatred, everything filling my heart with love. NAMIDA EGAO ITAMI NIKUSHIMI SUBETE KOMIAGETEKURUITOSHISA
namida egao itami nikushimi subete komiagetekuru itoshi sa Tears, smiles, pain, hatred, everything filling my heart with love. NAMIDA EGAO ITAMI NIKUSHIMI SUBETE KOMIAGETEKURUITOSHISA

: eguru

Eguru enko wa goojoo kappa Relationships that cause so much pain are stubborn, rebuke them EGURUENKOWAGOOJOO 喝破KAPPA

: eien

kore o eien to iu nodaroo This is what you call eternity, I suppose. KOREOEIENTOIUNODAROO
kore o eien to iu nodaroo This is what you call eternity, I suppose. KOREOEIENTOIUNODAROO

: eikoo

kurushii kono shunkan sae mo eikoo made no STEP Even in this painful moment, to my own glory, step KURUSHIIKONO瞬間SHUNKANSAEMO EIKOOMADENOStep

: enko

Eguru enko wa goojoo kappa Relationships that cause so much pain are stubborn, rebuke them EGURUENKOWAGOOJOO 喝破KAPPA

: enryo

utaeya odore ya enryo wa suru na Don't be shy about singing or dancing UTAEYAODOREYAENRYOWASURUNA

: enzuru

Enzuru ga ii Play your role ENZURUGAII

: erabu

Dochira erabu? Which do you choose? DOCHIRAERABU

: fensu-goshi

fensu-goshi ni SNEER over the fence Sneer フェFENSUGOSHINISneer

: fuan

Tootoo afureta fuan My anxiety begins to spill out TOOTOOAFURETAFUAN

: fuhei

Sanzan abita fuhei fuman kiiteru mimi wa nai My ears aren't made for hearing the complaints all around me SANZANABITAFUHEIFUMAN KIITERUMIMIWANAI

: fukai

fukai mune no tobira o akeru to ikutsu mo no kizu ga atta When I opened the door deep in my chest, there were many wounds. FUKAIMUNENOTOBIRAOAKERUTO IKUTSUMONOKIZUGAAったTTA

: fukanzenna

fukanzenna ashita e no kiboo Hope for an imperfect tomorrow FUKANZENNA明日ASHITAENOKIBOO

: fukase


: fukooka

konoyo ga kooka fukooka sonna mon wa ii Whether this world is happy or unhappy, that kind of thing is fine KONOYOGAKOOKAFUKOOKASONNAMONWAII

: fuku

Tada miterunara fuku o nuide If you're just going watch, take those clothes off TADAMITERUNARA FUKUONUITE
Tada miterunara fuku o nuide If you're just going to watch, take those clothes off TADAMITERUNARA FUKUONUIDE

: fuman

Sanzan abita fuhei fuman kiiteru mimi wa nai My ears aren't made for hearing the complaints all around me SANZANABITAFUHEIFUMAN KIITERUMIMIWANAI

: fumidashita

Fumidashita kono saki ni I stepped forth into my future FUMIDASHITA KONOSAKINI

: fumidasou

moo ippo moo ippo fumidasou hikari no sasu hoo e Let's take one more step, one more step towards the direction of light MOO一歩IPPO MOO一歩IPPO FUMIDASOUHIKARINOSASUHOOE
moo ippo moo ippo fumidasou hikari no sasu hoo e Let's take one more step, one more step towards the direction of light MOO一歩IPPO MOO一歩IPPO FUMIDASOUHIKARINOSASUHOOE

: fumidasu

Hitori kiri no tabi ni fumidasu I take the first step on my journey alone HITORIKIRINOTABINIFUMIDASU
Now I here
Fumidasu no koko kara I'll take my first step from right here FUMIDASUNO KOKOKARA

: fumitsuketa

Misetsukero fumitsuketa yatsura e Show the ones who trampled all over you MISETSUKERO FUMITSUKETAYATSURAE

: fundanara

Aiai to asobinasai hajime no ippo fundanara Play together peacefully, When you go and take the first step AIAITOASOBINASAI HAJIMENO一歩IPPOFUNDANARA

: funoo

yuzurenai mono sakebu yokuboo kooryaku funoo yo What you can't shake, your screaming desire, it's impossible to conquer. YUZURENAIMONO SAKEBUYOKUBOO KOORYAKUFUNOOYO

: funuke

FRUSTRATION genkai kimetsukeru jibun ni jidanda funuke no PRIDE Frustration, I'm stuck in my own limit, I've got stupid pride Frustration GENKAIKIMETSUKERUJIBUNNIJIDANDA FUNUKENOpride

: fure

Atama n chuu hanten sa se ude o fure Turn your head and wave your arms ATAMANCHUUHANTENSASEUDEOFURE

: furenakere

Kanshaku furenakere ba If I never cross your temper 癇癪KANSHAKU FURENAKEREBA

: fureru

Kata ga fureru koto mo naku My shoulders were never brushed KATAGAFURERUKOTOMONAKU

: furesasete

Kudaranai ai ni furesasete Just let me feel this good-for-nothing love KUDARANAIAINIFURESASETE

: furete

ima anata ni furete sono imi shirukara But now that I touch you, I know its true meaning. IMAANATANIFURETE SONOIMISHIRUKARA
ima anata ni furete sono imi shirukara And now that I touch you, I know its true meaning. IMA ANATANIFURETE SONOIMISHIRUKARA
ima anata ni furete sono imi shirukara But now that I touch you, I know its true meaning. IMAANATANIFURETE SONOIMISHIRUKARA

: furi

Furimuki mo sezu dokusoo shite itta ato de Kuyanda furi kai? Why do you pretend regretting after you're gone? You need to know my pain. FURIMUKIMOSEZUDOKUSOOSHITEIったTTAATODEKUYAYANDAFURIKAI
Now I here
Kizukanai furi shite ita dake na no I just pretended not to notice KIZUKANAIFURISHITEITADAKENANO
moo furi kaeranaikara I never look back on anymore MOOFURIKAERANAIKARA
higeki no furi shita ikenie no GOAT hamidasanu yoo ni hishimeku roo A sacrificial goat pretending to be a tragedy, a prison tightly packed to prevent it from spilling out HIGEKINOFURISHITA 生贄IKENIENOgoat HAMIDASANUYOONIHISHIMEKUROO

: furiharattasunda

Issai gassai o furiharattasunda hitomi raitei wo My eyes are clear, now free of it all, the thunder 一切ISSAI合切GASSAIOFURIHARAったTTASUNDAHITOMI RAITEIWO

: furikaeranai

Moo NEVER EVER NEVER EVER furikaeranai No, never ever never ever will we look back again MOO NEVER EVER NEVER EVER FURIKAERANAI
Moo NEVER EVER NEVER EVER furikaeranai No, never ever never ever will we look back again MOO never ever never ever FURIKAERANAI

: furikaette

Ushiro furikaette mite hora If you look back behind you, look USHIROFURIKAEってTTEMITEHORA
Ushiro furikaette mite hora If you look back behind you, look USHIROFURIKAEってTTEMITEHORA
Ushiro furikaette mite hora If you look back behind you, look USHIROFURIKAEってTTEMITEHORA

: furikitta

Furikitta hadaka no yume o Embrace the unadorned dream you ignored FURIKIったTTAHADAKANOYUMEO

: furimuki

Furimuki mo sezu dokusoo shite itta ato de Kuyanda furi kai? Why do you pretend regretting after you're gone? You need to know my pain. FURIMUKIMOSEZUDOKUSOOSHITEIったTTAATODEKUYAYANDAFURIKAI

: fuseru

Kao wo fuseru I cover my face KAOWOFUSERU

: futari

Futari de sugoshita hibi wa The days we spent together 2人DESUGOSHITAHIBIWA

: futatsu

Kagami ni utsuru futatsu no me Two eyes reflected in the mirrors KAGAMINIUTSURU FUTATSUNOME

: futeki

dadda dadda dda dda ddaitan futeki ni mai odori tonde dadda dadda dda dda dancing and jumping fearlessly DAッダDDADAッダDDAッダDDAッダDDAッ大??????NI舞いMAIODORITONDE

: futoku

Tsuyoku futoku ikite yuku I'll live on strongly, with my head held high TSUYOKU FUTOKU IKITEYUKU

: ga

Enzuru ga ii Play your role ENZURUGAII
makkurona donten ga hareru made Until the pitch black cloudy sky clears up MAっ黒NADONTENGAHARERUMADE
Back into the wild
Owaraseru no ga raku na no ka Was it so much easier to end it all? OWARASERUNOGARAKUNANOKA
Shinchikoomei no hikari ga sasu A comfortable compassionate light shines SHINCHIKOOMEINOHIKARIGASASU
Bukakkoo sugite batsu ga warui no o awaremu hito ni NO THANK YOU To all those who feel sorry for me Because they think I'm uncool and awkward, NO THANK YOU BU恰好KAKKOOSUGITEBATSUGAWARUINOOAWAREMUHITONI NO THANK YOU
Kizutsuita kokoro o iyasu chikara ga aru Sore sura wasureta? Could heal my wounded heart truly. Did you forget that too? KIZUTSUITAKOKOROOISUCHIKARAGAARU SORESURAWASURETA
Atsuku moeta kokoro ga naku As your burning heart cries out ATSUKUMOETA KOKOROGANAKU
Atsuku moeta kokoro ga naku As your burning heart cries out ATSUKUMOETA KOKOROGANAKU
Kata ga fureru koto mo naku My shoulders were never brushed KATAGAFURERUKOTOMONAKU
Kowareta hazu no mune ga hibiku And in my heart that should be broken an echo... KOWARETAHAZUNOMUNEGAHIBIKU
Kurikaesareru hibi ga mou tebanasenai We can't let go of the days that came before KURIKAESARERUHIBIGAMOUTEBANASENAI
Kurikaesareru hibi ga mou tebanasenai We can't let go of the days that came before KURIKAESARERUHIBIGAMOUTEBANASENAI
Gooru ga kietetta mirai mo sono tsuzuki dakara That future of those faded goals too was a continuation of that ゴーGOORUGAKIETEったTTAMIRAIMO SONOTSUZUKIDAKARA
Hoshi ni negatta koto ga All the wishes I made upon a star HOSHININEGAったTTAKOTOGA
Harewataru oozora ga atte I can see the clear blue sky HAREWATARUOOZORAGAAってTTE
Now I here
Te ga todokanai akogare dake ni wa By what I long for that's no longer in reach TEGATODOKANAI AKOGAREDAKENIWA
Magire mo nai ai ga So much unmistakeable love MAGIREMONAI AIGA
kore ga mirai e to tsunagaru ndaroo This will lead us into the future, I believe. KOREGAMIRAIETOTSUNAGARUNDAROO
Yureru kaze no zawameki ga atashi no kami o naderu The stir of the whirling wind blows its way through my hair YURERUKAZENOZAWAMEKIGA ATASHINOKAMIONADERU
Kobore ochiru asatsuyu ga atashi no hoo o nurasu The morning dew that falls dampens my cheeks KOBOREOCHIRUASATSUYUGA ATASHINOHOOONURASU
Yureru kaze no zawameki ga atashi no kami o naderu The stir of the whirling wind blows its way through my hair YURERUKAZENOZAWAMEKIGA ATASHINOKAMIONADERU
Boku ga shinjita kimi o shinji tsuzukete Keep believing yourself in the you I believed in BOKUGASHINJITAKIMIO SHINJITSUZUKETE
Moshi mo kokoro no koe ga kiete shimatta nara Even if the voice in my heart were to disappear MOSHIMO KOKORONOKOEGAKIETESHIMAったTTANARA
Boku ga shinjita kimi no hikari o hanate Hey, you I believed in, release your light BOKUGASHINJITAKIMINO HIKARIOHANATE
konoyo ga kooka fukooka sonna mon wa ii Whether this world is happy or unhappy, that kind of thing is fine KONOYOGAKOOKAFUKOOKASONNAMONWAII
"doo shitai ka" sore ga kotae sa "What do you want to do?" That's the answer DOOSHITAIKASOREGAKOTAESA
saa hi ga noboru yoo ni ima Come on, like the sun rises now さぁSAAHIGANOBORUYOONI IMA
Rock n roll
Dare mo ga usobuku Everyone repeats the same DAREMOGAUSOBUKU
Atama no naka ga tameiki bakari The inside of your head is nothing more than disappointed sighs ATAMANONAKAGA TAMEIKIBAKARI
Risei ga yuusen de buuingu kyooran Where reason is prioritized, joined by a frenzy of booing RISEIGAYUUSENDE ブーBUUINGUKYOORAN
Migi muke migi de ajike ga nai kimi Face right, face right, feeling nothing but monotony MIGIMUKEMIGIDE AJIKEGANAIKIMI
Midareta kami no ue kin no suzu o tsuketa kuroneko ga Above my unkempt hair A black cat with a bell on its collar MIDARETAKAMINOUE KINNOSUZUOTSUKETAKURONEKOGA
Temari uta ni yurare aoi kanzashi no tama ga nabiku Swayed by the temari song As the azure beads of my hairpin glitter TEMARIUTANIYURARE AOIKANZASHINOTAMAGANABIKU
Dare mo ga kagayaku IT'S OUR BLING Everybody sparkles, it's our bling DAREMOGA KAGAYAKUit's our bling
Dare mo ga mina giru SHOWTIME Everyone's capable of an explosive showtime DAREMOGA MINAGIRUshowtime
Dare mo ga kagayaku IT'S OUR BLING Everybody sparkles, it's our bling DAREMOGA KAGAYAKUit's our bling
Dare mo ga mina giru SHOWTIME Everyone's capable of an explosive showtime DAREMOGA MINAGIRUshowtime
Dare mo ga kagayaku IT'S OUR BLING Everybody sparkles, it's our bling DAREMOGA KAGAYAKUit's our bling
Dare mo ga mina giru SHOWTIME Everyone's capable of an explosive showtime DAREMOGA MINAGIRUshowtime
Jibun katte daroo ga iin ja nai? is somewhere selfish, does it really matter? JIBUN勝手KATTEDAROOGAIINじゃJANAI
Kizu ga tsuku tabi ni tsuyoku natta I became stronger with every scar KIZUGATSUKUTABINITSUYOKUNAったTTA
Sono dore mo ga tsunagatte ”ima” o ikiru senaka o oshite iru All of these are connected and push us to live in the “now”. SONODOREMOGATSUNAGAってTTEIMAOIKIRUSENAKAOOSHITEIRU
fukai mune no tobira o akeru to ikutsu mo no kizu ga atta When I opened the door deep in my chest, there were many wounds. FUKAIMUNENOTOBIRAOAKERUTO IKUTSUMONOKIZUGAAったTTA
itami o koete mebaeta michi ga nagaku tsuzuku The path that sprouted beyond the pain continues for a long time ITAMIOKOETEMEBAETA MICHIGANAGAKUTSUZUKU

: gan

Gan gan boryuumu age makutte sa Gun, gun, turn up the volume GAN GAN BOリューRYUUMUAGEMAKUってTTESA

: ganjigarame

Ganjigarame no ima iki sae dekinai kurai I'm so tied up now that I can't even breathe GANJIGARAMENOIMA IKISAEDEKINAIKURAI

: ganzoo

ganzoo anchuu sekai neon kikazari kyosei harya A counterfeit dark world, dressed up in neon lights and putting on a bravado GANZOOANCHUUSEKAI NEONKIKAZARIKYOSEIHAりゃRYA

: gassai

Issai gassai o furiharattasunda hitomi raitei wo My eyes are clear, now free of it all, the thunder 一切ISSAI合切GASSAIOFURIHARAったTTASUNDAHITOMI RAITEIWO

: ge-getting

GE-GETTING READY TO SHOOT OUT YOUR ROCKET Ge-getting ready to shoot out your rocket Ge-getting ready to shoot out your rocket

: genjoo

Chissoku shisoona genjoo kuraitsuko uni mo mudanateikoo The current situation seems to be suffocating, and it's a useless resistance as it tries to eat me up. 窒息CHISSOKUSHISOONAGENJOO KURAITSUKOUNIMOMUDANATEIKOO

: genkai

DOOM sadamerareta genkai ni obiete iru Doom, scared of the pre-established limits Doom SADAMERARETAGENKAINIOBIEETEIRU
Genkai toppa atashi rashiku hikare EVERY DAY Gotta break the limits and shine in my own way, every day GENKAI突破TOPPA ATASHIRASHIKU HIKARE Every day
Sono tenkai genkai ni mondai nai You have no limits in your life SONOTENKAI GENKAINI MONDAINAI
FRUSTRATION genkai kimetsukeru jibun ni jidanda funuke no PRIDE Frustration, I'm stuck in my own limit, I've got stupid pride Frustration GENKAIKIMETSUKERUJIBUNNIJIDANDA FUNUKENOpride

: giru

Dare mo ga mina giru SHOWTIME Everyone's capable of an explosive showtime DAREMOGA MINAGIRUshowtime
Dare mo ga mina giru SHOWTIME Everyone's capable of an explosive showtime DAREMOGA MINAGIRUshowtime
Dare mo ga mina giru SHOWTIME Everyone's capable of an explosive showtime DAREMOGA MINAGIRUshowtime

: go

Shi no go no iezu ni kuchi kamu Without complaint, I bite my tongue SHINOGONOIEZUNI KUCHIKAMU

: goojoo

Eguru enko wa goojoo kappa Relationships that cause so much pain are stubborn, rebuke them EGURUENKOWAGOOJOO 喝破KAPPA

: gookaku

Doko made mo age te gookaku (LIGHT UP) Rise up as far as you'll go and succeed (Light up) DOKOMADEMOAGETEGOOKAKU (Light up)

: gooru

Gooru ga kietetta mirai mo sono tsuzuki dakara That future of those faded goals too was a continuation of that ゴーGOORUGAKIETEったTTAMIRAIMO SONOTSUZUKIDAKARA

: gorigori

gorigori tsuyokide semeru nda Attack aggressively GORIGORITSUYOKIDESEMERUNDA

: goto

Moyaseyo inochi goto Burn and blaze your whole life MOYASEYO INOCHIGOTO
Moyaseyo sono mi goto Burn and blaze, your whole self MOYASEYO SONOMIGOTO
Moyaseyo inochi goto Burn and blaze your whole life MOYASEYO INOCHIGOTO
Moyaseyo sono mi goto Burn and blaze, your whole self MOYASEYO SONOMIGOTO

: gotoku

Kyuuso no gotoku neko o kame Even a rat is dangerous when cornered by a cat KYUUSONOGOTOKUNEKOOKAME

: guroorii

Daite idome ashita no guroorii Embrace it, throw down the gauntlet tomorrow's glory DAITE IDOME 明日ASHITANOGUローROOリーRII

: gyakkyoo

Gyakkyoo no SMILE moo kegasenai The smile of adversity can no longer be tarnished 逆境GYAKKYOONOsmileMOOKEGASENAI
Gyakkyoo no SMILE moo kegasenai The smile of adversity can no longer be tarnished 逆境GYAKKYOONOsmileMOOKEGASENAI

: haaraa

Hara haaraa hara haaraa hara haaraa hara haaraa hara haaraa hara haaraa HARAハーHAAラーRAA HARAハーHAAラーRAA HARAハーHAAラーRAA
Hara haaraa hara haaraa hara haaraa hara haaraa hara haaraa hara haaraa HARAハーHAAラーRAA HARAハーHAAラーRAA HARAハーHAAラーRAA
Hara haaraa hara haaraa hara haaraa hara haaraa hara haaraa hara haaraa HARAハーHAAラーRAA HARAハーHAAラーRAA HARAハーHAAラーRAA
Hara haaraa hara haaraa hara haaraa hara haaraa hara haaraa hara haaraa HARAハーHAAラーRAA HARAハーHAAラーRAA HARAハーHAAラーRAA

: habikoru

CHOKING DOPE na machi ni habikoru basei Choking DOPE Swearing that spreads through the city Choking DOPENAMACHINI蔓延HABIKORUBASEI

: hadaka

Furikitta hadaka no yume o Embrace the unadorned dream you ignored FURIKIったTTAHADAKANOYUMEO

: hageshiku

Kabuke kabuke kabuki mae chiru hana yori hageshiku Sink, sink, flutter to the ground, harder than any other flower blossom KABUKEKABUKEKABUKIMAE CHIRUHANAYORIHAGESHIKU

: hai

Nebare kibare tsukkire nando datte hai agatte kundakara Be tenacious and push through, you'll keep coming back up again and again. NEBAREKIBARETSUっ切RE NANDODAってTTEHAIAGAってTTEKUNDAKARA
Yume yori hai na tsukisasu shauto boisu the shouts pierce taking me higher than any dream YUMEYORIHAINATSUKISASUシャSHAUTOBOISU

: haiei

Haiei Haisei I HATE You lead, they follow, I hate HAIEIHAISEI I hate
Haiei Haisei I HATE You lead, they follow, I hate HAIEIHAISEI I hate

: hairu

Shikai ni hairu mono yugameru And everything in sight distorts SHIKAINIHAIRUMONOYUGAMERU

: haisei

Haiei Haisei I HATE You lead, they follow, I hate HAIEIHAISEI I hate
Haiei Haisei I HATE You lead, they follow, I hate HAIEIHAISEI I hate

: haishaku

O te o haishaku borrow a hand OTEOHAISHAKU

: haji

Haji ke chatte ikou ze Let's go crazy HAJIKEちゃCHAってTTEIKOUZE

: hajike

hajike chatte ikou ze Let's go crazy HAJIKEちゃCHAってTTEIKOUZE
Hajike tobu dadaddaddaiyamondo burst into flight dadadda diamond HAJIKETOBU DADAッダDDAッダDDAIYAMONDO

: hajikedasu

Hajikedasu shoodoo koeru soozoo The shock I strum out, passing imagination HAJIKEDASUSHOODOOKOERUSOOZOO

: hajimari

kidzuki wa hajimari no aizu Awareness is the signal for the beginning KIZUKIWAHAJIMARINOAIZU
Moo ikkai moo ikkai omoidasoo hajimari no hi o Once again, once again, let's remember the day it started MOO一回IKKAI MOO一回IKKAI OMOIDASOOHAJIMARINOHIO

: hajimaru

Heibon reiru o kechirasu wa hajimaru ROCK 'N' ROLL I'll launch myself off the normal rail, it's time to begin ROCK 'N' ROLL HEIBONレーREERUOKECHIRASUWA HAJIMARU ROCK 'N' ROLL
ima kara hajimaru ROCK′N PARTY NIGHT It's about to get started, a Rock'n Party Night IMAKARAHAJIMARU Rock'n Party Night.

: hajime

Aiai to asobinasai hajime no ippo fundanara Play together peacefully, When you go and take the first step AIAITOASOBINASAI HAJIMENO一歩IPPOFUNDANARA

: hajimeru

Now I here
Hajimeru no ima kara I'll begin, from right now HAJIMERUNO IMAKARA

: hakanai

Todoki wa shinai hakanai negai This fleeting wish of mine, will never ever reach you TODOKIWASHINAIHAKANAINEGAI

: hakanaki

Kaku mo hakanaki hotarubi koso Ever so fleeting, like a firefly KAKUMOHAKANAKI HOTARUBIKOSO
Kaku mo hakanaki hotarubi koso Ever so fleeting, like a firefly KAKUMOHAKANAKI HOTARUBIKOSO

: hakanasa

Agare agare maiagare hakanasa yori karen ni Further, further, soar up on high, more graceful than fleeting AGAREAGARE舞いMAIAGARE HAKANASAYORIKARENNI
Agare agare maiagare hakanasa yori karen ni Further, further, soar on up high, more graceful than fleeting AGAREAGARE舞いMAIAGARE HAKANASAYORIKARENNI

: hakichirase

Yokuboo no mama hakichirase I just spew out all that I desire YOKUBOONOMAMA HAKICHIRASE
Yokuboo no mama hakichirase I just spew out all that I desire YOKUBOONOMAMA HAKICHIRASE
Yokuboo no mama hakichirase I just spew out all that I desire YOKUBOONOMAMA HAKICHIRASE

: hamidasanu

higeki no furi shita ikenie no GOAT hamidasanu yoo ni hishimeku roo A sacrificial goat pretending to be a tragedy, a prison tightly packed to prevent it from spilling out HIGEKINOFURISHITA 生贄IKENIENOgoat HAMIDASANUYOONIHISHIMEKUROO

: hana

Sakasetsuzukero sono hana o Just keep that flower blooming SAKASETSUZUKEROSONOHANAO
Sakasetsuzukero sono hana o Just keep that flower blooming SAKASETSUZUKEROSONOHANAO
Hana mo sakasanu umoregi no Fated to gather no flowers from a fossil tree HANAMOSAKASANU UREGINO
Chiisana hana mioboe naku A small flower you have no recollection of CHIISANAHANA MIOBOENAKU
Chiisana hana koko ni saite A small flower blooms right here CHIISANAHANA KOKONISAITE
Ima aru no wa hana no yoo ni sakitsuzuketa kara I'm only here now because I kept on stubbornly blooming IMAARUNOWAHANANOYOONISAKITSUZUKETAKARA
Beni o matou ichirin no hana A single flower clad in crimson BENIOMATOUICHIRINNOHANA
Kabuke kabuke kabuki mae chiru hana yori hageshiku Sink, sink, flutter to the ground, harder than any other flower blossom KABUKEKABUKEKABUKIMAE CHIRUHANAYORIHAGESHIKU
Shidareta hana wa chitte soorai no kaori ni yoishireru The wilting flowers scatter The scent of the autumn wind carries me away SHIDARETAHANAWACHIってTTE SOORAINOKAORINIYOISHIRERU

: hanate

Hikari hanate kono shunkan ni At this moment when I release the light HIKARIHANATEKONO瞬間SHUNKANNI
Boku ga shinjita kimi no hikari o hanate Hey, you I believed in, release your light BOKUGASHINJITAKIMINO HIKARIOHANATE

: hanateyo

Hanateyo sono hikari Unleash that light of yours HANATEYO SONOHIKARI
Hanateyo sono ikari Unleash that anger of yours HANATEYO SONOIKARI

: hanatsu

Hikari hanatsu mono ni narou ze Let's be the one who emits light HIKARIHANATSUMONONINAROUZE

: hanete

hanete ke UP IN THE SKY Jump up in the sky HANETEKEup in the sky

: hanten

Atama n chuu hanten sa se ude o fure Turn your head and wave your arms ATAMANCHUUHANTENSASEUDEOFURE

: hara

Hara haaraa hara haaraa hara haaraa hara haaraa hara haaraa hara haaraa HARAハーHAAラーRAA HARAハーHAAラーRAA HARAハーHAAラーRAA
Hara haaraa hara haaraa hara haaraa hara haaraa hara haaraa hara haaraa HARAハーHAAラーRAA HARAハーHAAラーRAA HARAハーHAAラーRAA
Hara haaraa hara haaraa hara haaraa hara haaraa hara haaraa hara haaraa HARAハーHAAラーRAA HARAハーHAAラーRAA HARAハーHAAラーRAA
Hara haaraa hara haaraa hara haaraa hara haaraa hara haaraa hara haaraa HARAハーHAAラーRAA HARAハーHAAラーRAA HARAハーHAAラーRAA

: harasunara

Sansan to utainasai sono urami harasunara Celebrate it all with brilliance, And when your bitterness fades away SANSANTOUTAINASAI SONOURAMIHARASUNARA
Sansan to utainasai sono urami harasunara Celebrate it all with brilliance And when your bitterness fades away SANSANTOUTAINASAI SONOURAMIHARASUNARA

: hareru

makkurona donten ga hareru made Until the pitch black cloudy sky clears up MAっ黒NADONTENGAHARERUMADE

: hareruya

Hammer Down
uso no nai sekai ni hareruya Hallelujah to a world without lies USONONAISEKAINIHARERUYA

: harewataru

Harewataru oozora ga atte I can see the clear blue sky HAREWATARUOOZORAGAAってTTE

: harisakeru

Now I here
Harisakeru yoo na munashisa ni mo Even a bursting emptiness HARISAKERUYOONAMUNASHISANIMO

: haruka

Hammer Down
haruka haruka tooku far, far away HARUKAHARUKATOOKU
Rock n roll
Haruka kanata e into the distance HARUKA彼方KANATAE
Haruka kanata e into the distance HARUKA彼方KANATAE

: harya

ganzoo anchuu sekai neon kikazari kyosei harya A counterfeit dark world, dressed up in neon lights and putting on a bravado GANZOOANCHUUSEKAI NEONKIKAZARIKYOSEIHAりゃRYA

: hashagimaware

Hashagimaware ROLLIN' ROLLIN' Turning in high spirits, Rollin' Rollin' HAシャSHAGIMAWARE Rollin' Rollin'

: hashitte

hashitte koronde mata hashitte Run, fall, run again HASHIってTTEKORONDEMATAHASHIってTTE

: hate

Back into the wild
Arukitsukare samayou hate ni After wandering, walking to exhaustion ARUKITSUKARE彷徨SAMAYOUHATENI
Waga mi no hate wa aware nari Sad my life has been that bears no fruit WAGAMINOHATEWA AWARENARI
Inochi no hate wa kuchikusa ni Once our lives end, We rot into the withering grass INOCHINOHATEWA KUCHIKUSANI
Mitsu meru saki hate naku The future before them is without end MITSUMERUSAKI HATENAKU
Rock n roll
Higashi no hate kara All the way from the east HIGASHINOHATEKARA

: hatenaki

Konoyo wa GAMBLE hatenaki ranbu This world is a gamble, an endless dance KONOYOWAgambleHATENAKIRANBU

: hateru

hateru made tobashite ikou ze Let's fly until the end HATERUMADETOBASHITEIKOUZE

: hateshi

Hateshi nai atashi no koe de With my everlasting voice HATESHINAIATASHINOKOEDE

: hatte

Doshaburi demo mune hatte Standing tall even in the downpours DOしゃSHABURIDEMOMUNEHAってTTE

: hazu

nai teru dareka mo waratte kureru hazu I'm sure someone who's crying will laugh too NAITERUDAREKAMOWARAってTTEKURERUHAZU
Kowareta hazu no mune ga hibiku And in my heart that should be broken an echo... KOWARETAHAZUNOMUNEGAHIBIKU
aru hazu mo nai soo kanjiteta would never happen to me, that had been how I felt. ARUHAZUMONAI SOOKANJITETA
aru hazu mo nai soo kanjiteta would never happen to me, that had been how I felt. ARUHAZUMONAI SOOKANJITETA

: hedoban

HEAVY kyuu na hedoban medatte nanbo Heavy as hell headbanging stands out from the crowd HeavyKYUUNAHEDOBAN MEDAってTTENANBO

: heibon

Heibon reiru o kechirasu wa hajimaru ROCK 'N' ROLL I'll launch myself off the normal rail, it's time to begin ROCK 'N' ROLL HEIBONレーREERUOKECHIRASUWA HAJIMARU ROCK 'N' ROLL

: heikoo

Tannaru heikoo sen no mama We just carry on down parallel lines TANNARUHEIKOOSENNOMAMA

: hi

Tsuchi ni kaeru hi wa kyomu no naka Hitori When we return to the earth, we're all alone in nothingness TSUCHINIKAERUHIWA KYOMUNONAKA 一人HITORI
Saigo no hi mo Even on your last day on earth SAIGONOHIMO
saa hi ga noboru yoo ni ima Come on, like the sun rises now さぁSAAHIGANOBORUYOONI IMA
Moo ikkai moo ikkai omoidasoo hajimari no hi o Once again, once again, let's remember the day it started MOO一回IKKAI MOO一回IKKAI OMOIDASOOHAJIMARINOHIO

: hibana

Bakuon no sekai hibana chirashite In a world of noise, sparks scatter BAKUONNOSEKAI HIBANACHIRASHITE

: hibi

Kanpekina hibi dake janakute Not just perfect days KANPEKINAHIBIDAKEじゃJANAKUTE
Sukui no nai hibi ni BYE-BYE. I will say bye-bye to helpless days. SUKUINONAIHIBINI Bye-bye.
Futari de sugoshita hibi wa The days we spent together 2人DESUGOSHITAHIBIWA
Kurikaesareru hibi ga mou tebanasenai We can't let go of the days that came before KURIKAESARERUHIBIGAMOUTEBANASENAI
Kurikaesareru hibi ga mou tebanasenai We can't let go of the days that came before KURIKAESARERUHIBIGAMOUTEBANASENAI
kasaneta hibi wa kakegae no nai The days we spent together are irreplaceable KASANETAHIBIWA KAKEGAENONAI
kasaneta hibi wa kakegae no nai The days we spent together are irreplaceable KASANETAHIBIWAKAKEGAENONAI

: hibike

Hibike hibike hibike tooku kanata e Echo, echo, echo, far away into the distance HIBIKEHIBIKEHIBIKETOOKU彼方KANATAE

: hibiku

Kowareta hazu no mune ga hibiku And in my heart that should be broken an echo... KOWARETAHAZUNOMUNEGAHIBIKU

: hidane

Back into the wild
Kokoro no hidane to nareyo Becoming the burning coals of the heart KOKORONOHIDANETONAREYO

: higashi

Rock n roll
Higashi no hate kara All the way from the east HIGASHINOHATEKARA

: higeki

higeki no furi shita ikenie no GOAT hamidasanu yoo ni hishimeku roo A sacrificial goat pretending to be a tragedy, a prison tightly packed to prevent it from spilling out HIGEKINOFURISHITA 生贄IKENIENOgoat HAMIDASANUYOONIHISHIMEKUROO

: hijoo

Ujoo hijoo tanomubeshiya Have faith In those with hearts and those without UJOOHIJOO TANOMUBESHIYA

: hikare

Genkai toppa atashi rashiku hikare EVERY DAY Gotta break the limits and shine in my own way, every day GENKAI突破TOPPA ATASHIRASHIKU HIKARE Every day

: hikari

dareka no tame no hikari to naru yo Become a light for someone DAREKANOTAMENOHIKARITONARUYO
Hikari hanate kono shunkan ni At this moment when I release the light HIKARIHANATEKONO瞬間SHUNKANNI
Hikari hanatsu mono ni narou ze Let's be the one who emits light HIKARIHANATSUMONONINAROUZE
Back into the wild
Shinchikoomei no hikari ga sasu A comfortable compassionate light shines SHINCHIKOOMEINOHIKARIGASASU
Hanateyo sono hikari Unleash that light of yours HANATEYO SONOHIKARI
Yuubi na hikari kakusareta beeru A veil hidden by an elegant light YUUBINAHIKARIKAKUSARETAベーBEERU
Kotonoha ni mi o makasete tamayura no hikari ni you I surrender myself to those words, spellbound by a brief moment of light KOTONOHANIMIOMAKASETE 玉響TAMAYURANOHIKARINIYOU
Tenohira ni omoi nosete asayake no hikari ni tou I place my hopes in the palms of my hands and question the light of the dawn TENOHIRANIOMOINOSETE ASAYAKENOHIKARINITOU
Kotonoha ni mi o makasete tamayura no hikari ni you I surrender myself to those words, spellbound by a brief moment of light KOTONOHANIMIOMAKASETE 玉響TAMAYURANOHIKARINIYOU
tagiru joonetsu o hikari ni kaete Turn your simmering passion into light TAGIRUJOONETSUO HIKARINIKAETE
Boku ga shinjita kimi no hikari o hanate Hey, you I believed in, release your light BOKUGASHINJITAKIMINO HIKARIOHANATE
moo ippo moo ippo fumidasou hikari no sasu hoo e Let's take one more step, one more step towards the direction of light MOO一歩IPPO MOO一歩IPPO FUMIDASOUHIKARINOSASUHOOE
moo ippo moo ippo fumidasou hikari no sasu hoo e Let's take one more step, one more step towards the direction of light MOO一歩IPPO MOO一歩IPPO FUMIDASOUHIKARINOSASUHOOE

: hikaru

Ameagari hikaru shizuku Raindrops shine after the downpour AMEAGARIHIKARUSHIZUKU

: hikisakareru

Atashi no nakigao hikisakareru yoo ni My face seems ripped up into tear-stained pieces ATASHINONAKIGAO HIKISAKARERUYOONI

: hikoosen

Rock n roll
Namari no hikoosen ni noritobimawaru ze sekai Let's fly around the world on a Led Zeppelin NAMARINOHIKOOSENNINORI TOBIMAWARUZESEKAI

: hima

Jinsei tatta no ichi do dake atashi wa sonna ni hima ja nai You only live once, and I don't have time to waste JINSEITAったTTANOICHIDODAKE ATASHIWASONNANIHIMAじゃJANAI

: hishimeku

higeki no furi shita ikenie no GOAT hamidasanu yoo ni hishimeku roo A sacrificial goat pretending to be a tragedy, a prison tightly packed to prevent it from spilling out HIGEKINOFURISHITA 生贄IKENIENOgoat HAMIDASANUYOONIHISHIMEKUROO

: hisometeta

shinjiru koto sae kyoo wa wasuretakute iki o hisometeta Not wanting even to believe today, I held my breath because I wanted to forget. SHINJIRUKOTOSAE今日KYOOWA WASURETAKUTEIKIOHISOMETETA

: hissei

Agare warae sawage utau waga hissei Rise up, laugh your head off, make a racket, for the lifetime we celebrate AGAREWARAESAWAGEUTAUWAGA畢生HISSEI

: hitamukina

tomaru koto no nai hitamukina omoi o A single-minded desire that never stops TOMARUKOTONONAIHITAMUKINAOMOIO

: hito

Bukakkoo sugite batsu ga warui no o awaremu hito ni NO THANK YOU To all those who feel sorry for me Because they think I'm uncool and awkward, NO THANK YOU BU恰好KAKKOOSUGITEBATSUGAWARUINOOAWAREMUHITONI NO THANK YOU
Medatteru kui o tatakitsukeru shika noo no nai hito wa OH POOR YOU People who can only think about hammering the nail that sticks out back down say OH POOR YOU MEDAってTTERUKUIOTATAKITSUKERUSHIKANOONONAIHITOWA OH POOR YOU
Madoo hito no susumu michi o And illuminate the path of those in doubt MADOOHITONO SUSUMUMICHIO
iki kurushi sa to hito ikiri ni   ima wa chotto shisen o otoshiteta Due to the hardships of living and human existence, now I looked slightly down. IKIKURUSHISATO HITOIKINI IMAWAちょCHOっとTTOSHISENOOTOSHITETA

: hitomi

Yureru hitomi kasanariai Our wavering glances meet YURERUHITOMIKASANARIAII
Issai gassai o furiharattasunda hitomi raitei wo My eyes are clear, now free of it all, the thunder 一切ISSAI合切GASSAIOFURIHARAったTTASUNDAHITOMI RAITEIWO

: hitori

GONE kizuke ba mata hitori to oikosreteku Gone, everyone's passed on by before you even knew it Gone KIZUKEBAMATA一人HITORITOOIKOSARETEKU
Tsuchi ni kaeru hi wa kyomu no naka Hitori When we return to the earth, we're all alone in nothingness TSUCHINIKAERUHIWA KYOMUNONAKA 一人HITORI
Moo mayoi wa shinai hitori nugutta namida I won't lose my way anymore, I wipe my tears alone MOOMAYOIWASHINAI HITORINUGUったTTANAMIDA
Hitori kiri no tabi ni fumidasu I take the first step on my journey alone HITORIKIRINOTABINIFUMIDASU
Moo mayoi wa shinai hitori aruku kono michi I won't lose my way anymore On this path I walk alone MOOMAYOIWASHINAI HITORIARUKUKONOMICHI
Tatakaeyo tatta hitori kagayake omoidoori ni Fight, only one person, shine as you wish TATAKAEYO TAったTTA一人HITORI KAGAYAKE OMOIDOORINI

: hitsuyoo

Osoreru hitsuyoo wa nai kara There's no need to be afraid OSORERUHITSUYOOWANAIKARA

: hodo

Hoshi to magau hodo They get mistaken for a star HOSHITOMAGAUHODO
Hoshi to magau hodo They get mistaken for a star HOSHITOMAGAUHODO
Amai kaori musekaeru hodo A sweet scent, almost choking you AMAIKAORIMUSESEKAERUHODO
shinu hodo ni aishita nante omoi nado Loving someone to death, such a thought SHINUHODONIAISHITANANTEOMOINADO
shinu hodo ni aishita nante omoi nado Loving someone to death, such a thought SHINUHODONIAISHITANANTEOMOINADO

: hohoende

Arigatoo to hohoende I smile a thank you ARIGATOOTO微笑HOHOENDE

: hoka

Hoka no te de kowasarete Broken by the hands of others HOKANOTEDEKOWASARETE

: hokoreru

Dareka no tame janai hokoreru jibun ka doo ka It's not for someone else. Is it something I can be proud of? DAREKANOTAMEじゃJANAI HOKORERUJIBUNKADOOKA

: hokori

SO GOING GOING GOING GOING hokori wa mune ni So going going going going with pride in our hearts So going going going going HOKORIWAMUNENI

: hokotta

akiramerarenai jibun o sukoshi hokotta koto o chiisaku omoo Of myself for not giving up yet, I was a little proud, but I think it was childish. AKIRAMERARENAIJIBUNO SUKOSHIHOKOったTTAKOTOOCHIISAKUOMOO

: hone

Hone no zui made Down to the very marrow of your bones HONENOZUIMADE

: honno

Honno sasai na yasashisa demo Even a little kindness HONNOSASAINAYASASHISADEMO

: honnoo

Utaeya sawage ya honnoo no mama ni LET’S LIVE IT UP Sing, make noise, follow your instincts Let's live it up UTAEYASAWAGEYAHONNOONOMAMANILets live it up

: honoo

Honoo kiramekasete Those flames burning so bright HONOOKIRAMEKASETE
Honoo kagayaka se te Let your flames burn so bright HONOO KAGAYAKASETE
Honoo kiramekasete Those flames burning so bright HONOOKIRAMEKASETE
Yuruginai honoo samenai kokoro nankoofuraku yo An unwavering flame, an uncooling heart, (it's, I'm) impregnable YURUGINAIHONOO SAMENAIKOKORO NANKOOFURAKUYO
Honoo agero saikoo no sutori Set it alight, the best story ever told HONOOAGERO SAIKOONOSUトーTOOリーRII

: hontoo

Now I here
Hontoo wa koko ni wa In truth it was HONTOOWA KOKONIWA

: hoo

Kobore ochiru asatsuyu ga atashi no hoo o nurasu The morning dew that falls dampens my cheeks KOBOREOCHIRUASATSUYUGA ATASHINOHOOONURASU
"Saa kono yubi to mare oni-san kochira te no naru hoo e" "No, stop at this finger! I'm over here, chaser, follow the clapping" さぁSAA KONOYUBITOMARE ONISANKOCHIRATENONARUHOOE
moo ippo moo ippo fumidasou hikari no sasu hoo e Let's take one more step, one more step towards the direction of light MOO一歩IPPO MOO一歩IPPO FUMIDASOUHIKARINOSASUHOOE
moo ippo moo ippo fumidasou hikari no sasu hoo e Let's take one more step, one more step towards the direction of light MOO一歩IPPO MOO一歩IPPO FUMIDASOUHIKARINOSASUHOOE

: hora

Hora COME ON COME ON COME ON COME ON Look Come on Come on Come on Come on HORACome on Come on Come on Come on
Hora roogoku wa rookaku (LIGHT UP) See, your prison is a high-rise (Light up) HORA ROOGOKUWAROOKAKU (Light up)
Ushiro furikaette mite hora If you look back behind you, look USHIROFURIKAEってTTEMITEHORA
Ushiro furikaette mite hora If you look back behind you, look USHIROFURIKAEってTTEMITEHORA
Ushiro furikaette mite hora If you look back behind you, look USHIROFURIKAEってTTEMITEHORA

: hoshi

Hoshi to magau hodo They get mistaken for a star HOSHITOMAGAUHODO
Hoshi to magau hodo They get mistaken for a star HOSHITOMAGAUHODO
Hoshi ni negatta koto ga All the wishes I made upon a star HOSHININEGAったTTAKOTOGA

: hotarubi

Kaku mo hakanaki hotarubi koso Ever so fleeting, like a firefly KAKUMOHAKANAKI HOTARUBIKOSO
Kaku mo hakanaki hotarubi koso Ever so fleeting, like a firefly KAKUMOHAKANAKI HOTARUBIKOSO

: hyoozen

Sekiran no naka hyoozen to in the middle of an evening storm, without a care SEKIRANNONAKA HYOOZENTO

: i

Ikitenda sorezore no i basho de We're alive, each where we belong IKITENDA SOREZORENOIBASHODE
rekidai jinsei shijoo ichi i o mezasu Aiming to be number one in all-time history REKIDAIJINSEISHIJOO1IOMEZASU
"o i de na ♡" "Come here to me ♡" OIDENA

: icchi

Manjoo icchi de kimatta atashi no afutaa raifu It's been unanimously decided, my afterlife MANJOO一致ICCHIDEKIMAったTTA ATASHINOAFUターTAARAIFU

: ichi

rekidai jinsei shijoo ichi i o mezasu Aiming to be number one in all-time history REKIDAIJINSEISHIJOO1IOMEZASU
Jinsei tatta no ichi do dake atashi wa sonna ni hima ja nai You only live once, and I don't have time to waste JINSEITAったTTANOICHIDODAKE ATASHIWASONNANIHIMAじゃJANAI
Now I here
Mitasarete mitai ichi do de mo ii I just want to be fulfilled, just for once MITASARETEMITAI ICHIDODEMOII
Soorai to o ikinasai ichi do no jinsei da kara zenbu Live with the autumn wind You only get to live once so SOORAITOOIKINASAI ICHIDONOJINSEIDAKARAZENBU

: ichiban

jibun no kaku ichiban no yume my own imagining, my biggest dream JIBUNNOKAKU ICHIBANNOYUME

: ichido

Ichido kiri no jinsei tanoshimanakucha son janai ka Isn't it a loss if you don't enjoy your one-time life? ICHIDOKIRINOJINSEITANOSHIMANAKUちゃCHASONじゃJANAIKA
Ichido kiri no jinsei tanoshimanakucha son janai ka Isn't it a loss if you don't enjoy your one-time life? ICHIDOKIRINOJINSEITANOSHIMANAKUちゃCHASONじゃJANAIKA
Soorai to oyukinasai ichido no jinsei da kara zenbu Go forth with the autumn wind, You only get to live once so SOORAITOOYUKINASAI ICHIDONOJINSEIDAKARAZENBU

: ichirin

Beni o matou ichirin no hana A single flower clad in crimson BENIOMATOUICHIRINNOHANA

: idaku

daijina no wa mitame janaku ai o idaku kokoro What's important is not the appearance, but the heart that embraces love DAIJINANOWAMITAMEじゃJANAKU AIOIDAKUKOKORO

: idome

Daite idome ashita no guroorii Embrace it, throw down the gauntlet tomorrow's glory DAITE IDOME 明日ASHITANOGUローROOリーRII

: idomi

Idomi tsuzukereba negai wa koeru kabe ni naru If you keep on fighting your dream will become a wall you can scale IDOMITSUZUKEREBANEGAIWAKOERUKABENINARU

: ieta

wakari aenakute ii nante ieta no wa "I don't care if we can't understand each other," that kind of thought is of WAKARIAENAKUTEIINANTEIETANOWA

: iezu

Shi no go no iezu ni kuchi kamu Without complaint, I bite my tongue SHINOGONOIEZUNI KUCHIKAMU

: ii

Mayoe yo nando de mo ii Lose your way as many times as you like MAYOEYONANDODEMOII
Aware na adabana no yoo de mo ii sa ISN'T IT? It's okay to be a pitiful flower that bears no fruit, Isn't it? AWARENAADABANANOYOODEMOIISA Isn't it
Enzuru ga ii Play your role ENZURUGAII
Sakebeyo mijime de mo ii Scream out, it's okay to be unhappy SAKEBEYOMIJIMEDEMOII
Dare ka no tenohira no ue de mo ii sa WE'RE HERE Even if it's to someone else's tune, we're here DAREKANOTENOHIRANOUEDEMOIISA We're here
Mayoe yo nan do de mo ii Lose your way as many times as you like MAYOEYONANDODEMOII
Aware na adabana no yoo de mo ii sa ISN'T IT? It's okay to be a pitiful flower that bears no fruit, Isn't it? AWARENAADABANANOYOODEMOIISA Isn't it
Mata zero ni modoranakerya ii I don't have to go back to zero again MATAZERONIMODORANAKEりゃRYAII
Akai shirushi tsuketekya ii I'll just note my mistakes in red AKAISHIRUSHITSUKETEきゃKYAII
COOL ni ii nami notte iko Be cool as you ride that good wave COOLNIIINAMINOってTTEIKO
Now I here
Mitasarete mitai ichi do de mo ii I just want to be fulfilled, just for once MITASARETEMITAI ICHIDODEMOII
wakari aenakute ii nante ieta no wa "I don't care if we can't understand each other," that kind of thought is of WAKARIAENAKUTEIINANTEIETANOWA
konoyo ga kooka fukooka sonna mon wa ii Whether this world is happy or unhappy, that kind of thing is fine KONOYOGAKOOKAFUKOOKASONNAMONWAII

: iin

Jibun katte daroo ga iin ja nai? is somewhere selfish, does it really matter? JIBUN勝手KATTEDAROOGAIINじゃJANAI

: ika

“Ika re teru” tte kurai ni To the extent that it's "crazy" IKARETERUってTTEKURAINI
“Ika re teru” tte kurai ni To the extent that it's "crazy" IKARETERUってTTEKURAINI

: ikari

Hanateyo sono ikari Unleash that anger of yours HANATEYO SONOIKARI

: ikashita

Negatibu oora wa kakikesu wa ikashita MY WAY I'll drown out the negative aura, like a badass MY WAY NEGAティTIBUオーOORAWAKAKIKESUWA IKASHITA MY WAY

: ikasu

Afuredasu koogen ikasu kookei Saturating lights, everything they shine on AFUREDASUKOOGEN IKASUKOOKEI

: ikenie

higeki no furi shita ikenie no GOAT hamidasanu yoo ni hishimeku roo A sacrificial goat pretending to be a tragedy, a prison tightly packed to prevent it from spilling out HIGEKINOFURISHITA 生贄IKENIENOgoat HAMIDASANUYOONIHISHIMEKUROO

: ikeru

kanarazu koete ikeru mirai shinjite Believe in the future that you can definitely overcome KANARAZUKOETEIKERUMIRAISHINJITE
Ikeru toko made ROLLIN' ROLLIN' To a way better place Rollin' Rollin' IKERUTOKOMADE Rollin' Rollin'
Koete ikeru zettai ni We'll overcome it all, definitely KOETEIKERU絶対ZETTAINI

: ikerudesho

Nozomanai unmei kechirashite ikerudesho You know you can rout out the fate you never wished for NOZOMANAIUNMEI KECHIRASHITEIKERUDEしょSHO

: iki

Iki tsuku ma mo naku ikitsuku kago no naka Inside the cage you always end up in IKITSUKUMAMONAKUIKITSUKUKAGONONAKA
Iki tsuku ma mo naku ikitsuku kago no naka Inside the cage you always end up in IKITSUKUMAMONAKUIKITSUKUKAGONONAKA
iki kurushi sa to hito ikiri ni   ima wa chotto shisen o otoshiteta Due to the hardships of living and human existence, now I looked slightly down. IKIKURUSHISATO HITOIKINI IMAWAちょCHOっとTTOSHISENOOTOSHITETA
shinjiru koto sae kyoo wa wasuretakute iki o hisometeta Not wanting even to believe today, I held my breath because I wanted to forget. SHINJIRUKOTOSAE今日KYOOWA WASURETAKUTEIKIOHISOMETETA
Ganjigarame no ima iki sae dekinai kurai I'm so tied up now that I can't even breathe GANJIGARAMENOIMA IKISAEDEKINAIKURAI
Moo iyaiya iyaiya iki tari shinai No, no, no, no I won't live like that anymore MOOIYAIYAIYAIYA IKITARISHINAI
THIS IS THE WAY kamashiteku iki kata This is the way, even if the way of life I show you This is the way KAMASHITEKUIKIKATA

: ikidomari

"Oya oya o machinasai koko kara saki wa ikidomari" "Oh, my goodness! Stop here! The road ahead is a dead end!" OYAOYA OMACHINASAI KOKOKARASAKIWAIKIDOMARI

: ikimasho

Kimarikitta ruuru buchinuite ikimasho Let's break down the rules that have always been in place KIMARIKIったTTAルーRUURU BUCHINUITEIKIMAしょSHO

: ikinasai

Soorai to o ikinasai ichi do no jinsei da kara zenbu Live with the autumn wind You only get to live once so SOORAITOOIKINASAI ICHIDONOJINSEIDAKARAZENBU

: ikiri

iki kurushi sa to hito ikiri ni   ima wa chotto shisen o otoshiteta Due to the hardships of living and human existence, now I looked slightly down. IKIKURUSHISATO HITOIKINI IMAWAちょCHOっとTTOSHISENOOTOSHITETA

: ikiru

A Ray
Ikiru imi o mitsukeru tame To find my reason to live as well IKIRUIMIOMITSUKERUTAME
Ketsumatsu bakari ni ki o torare muda o ikiru no wa owari Always preoccupied with the ending It's time to stop wasting my life KETSUMATSUBAKARINIKIOTORARE MUDAOIKIRUNOWAOWARI
Anata wa ikiru riyuu you are the reason to live ANATAWAIKIRURIYUU
anata ni todo kanainara ikiru kachi nado nai   If I can't touch you, my life isn't worth living. ANATANITODOKANAINARAIKIRUKACHINADONAI
tsuyoku ikiru tame ni susumoo Let's move forward to live strongly TSUYOKUIKIRUTAMENISUSUMOO
ikiru imi wa sono te no naka The meaning of life is in your hands IKIRUIMIWASONOTENONAKA
tsuyoku ikiru tame ni susumoo Let's move forward to live strongly TSUYOKUIKIRUTAMENISUSUMOO
Sono dore mo ga tsunagatte ”ima” o ikiru senaka o oshite iru All of these are connected and push us to live in the “now”. SONODOREMOGATSUNAGAってTTEIMAOIKIRUSENAKAOOSHITEIRU
warai au tame tomoni ikiru tame To laugh together, to live together WARAIAUTAME TOMONIIKIRUTAME

: ikite

Tsuyoku futoku ikite yuku I'll live on strongly, with my head held high TSUYOKU FUTOKU IKITEYUKU

: ikiteku

Now I here
Ikiteku I'll keep on living IKITEKU

: ikitenda

Ikitenda sorezore no i basho de We're alive, each where we belong IKITENDA SOREZORENOIBASHODE

: ikitsuku

Iki tsuku ma mo naku ikitsuku kago no naka Inside the cage you always end up in IKITSUKUMAMONAKUIKITSUKUKAGONONAKA
Iki tsuku ma mo naku ikitsuku kago no naka Inside the cage you always end up in IKITSUKUMAMONAKUIKITSUKUKAGONONAKA

: ikizama

Mitomen da kono ikizama subete We accept everything about this way we live MITOMENDA KONOIKIZAMASUBETE
THIS IS THE WAY sarashiteku ikizama This is the way even if the way of life I uncover This is the way SARASHITEKUIKIZAMA

: ikkai

Moo ikkai moo ikkai omoidasoo hajimari no hi o Once again, once again, let's remember the day it started MOO一回IKKAI MOO一回IKKAI OMOIDASOOHAJIMARINOHIO

: iko

COOL ni ii nami notte iko Be cool as you ride that good wave COOLNIIINAMINOってTTEIKO

: ikou

hajike chatte ikou ze Let's go crazy HAJIKEちゃCHAってTTEIKOUZE
Haji ke chatte ikou ze Let's go crazy HAJIKEちゃCHAってTTEIKOUZE
hateru made tobashite ikou ze Let's fly until the end HATERUMADETOBASHITEIKOUZE

: iku

A Ray
Soo kiboo mo naku ayunde iku kodoku na michi o Yes, I'll hopelessly walk along a lonely road SOO KIBOOMONAKUAYUNDEIKUKODOKUNAMICHIO
kanata tooku tsukisusunde iku Pushing far into the distance 彼方KANATATOOKUTSUKISUSUNDEIKU
Kankyaku doko e iku no Disregarded, where are we going? KANKYAKU 何処DOKOEIKUNO
Rock n roll
Kojiakete iku kono koe This voice of mine wrenches them open KOJIAKETEIKU KONOKOE
Iku ate sagashimayou oto naki samayoi aa Lost and searching for my destination Silently wandering, aah IKUATE SAGASHIMAYOU OTONAKI彷徨SAMAYOI 嗚呼AA

: ikutsu

fukai mune no tobira o akeru to ikutsu mo no kizu ga atta When I opened the door deep in my chest, there were many wounds. FUKAIMUNENOTOBIRAOAKERUTO IKUTSUMONOKIZUGAAったTTA

: ima

Muri ni kataru yori ima dake wa Rather than trying so hard to talk, right now MURINIKATARUYORIIMADAKEWA
Aganau kokoro ima dakaishi noshiagare Take your redemptive heart, crush it and rise up AGANAUKOKORO IMADAKAISHINOSHIAGARE
Ooh jidai wa zutto inobeishon saa ima koso kaware maware waga NIPPON Now is the time to change it, spread it, in our NIPPON Ooh JIDAIWAZUっとTTOINOベーBEEショSHON さぁSAAIMAKOSOKAWAREMAWAREWAGA NIPPON
Aganau kokoro ima dakaishi noshiagare akugyaku mudoo Take your redemptive heart, crush it and rise up, ushering atrocity AGANAUKOKORO IMADAKAISHINOSHIAGAREAKUGYAKUMUDOO
Ima no anata o tsukutta PIECE The pieces that made you what you are today IMANOANATAOTSUKUったTTA Piece
Ima ugokidashita MY LIFE Now it's set in motion, my life IMAUGOKIDASHITA My life
Mae e mae e mae e ima o susume Forward, forward, forward, push on through now MAEEMAEEMAEEIMAOSUSUME
Ima aru no wa hana no yoo ni sakitsuzuketa kara I'm only here now because I kept on stubbornly blooming IMAARUNOWAHANANOYOONISAKITSUZUKETAKARA
Ima kasokudo age TAKE OFF Now I speed up and take off IMAKASOKUDOAGE Take off
Ima kagayakaseru OUR SELVES We are the ones who make the present shine IMAKAGAYAKASERU Our selves
Ima o ima o sakebun da I scream out, scream out for now IMAOIMAOSAKEBUNDA
ima kara hajimaru ROCK′N PARTY NIGHT It's about to get started, a Rock'n Party Night IMAKARAHAJIMARU Rock'n Party Night.
Now I here
Hajimeru no ima kara I'll begin, from right now HAJIMERUNO IMAKARA
iki kurushi sa to hito ikiri ni   ima wa chotto shisen o otoshiteta Due to the hardships of living and human existence, now I looked slightly down. IKIKURUSHISATO HITOIKINI IMAWAちょCHOっとTTOSHISENOOTOSHITETA
ima anata ni furete sono imi shirukara But now that I touch you, I know its true meaning. IMAANATANIFURETE SONOIMISHIRUKARA
ima anata ni furete sono imi shirukara And now that I touch you, I know its true meaning. IMA ANATANIFURETE SONOIMISHIRUKARA
ima anata ni furete sono imi shirukara But now that I touch you, I know its true meaning. IMAANATANIFURETE SONOIMISHIRUKARA
Ganjigarame no ima iki sae dekinai kurai I'm so tied up now that I can't even breathe GANJIGARAMENOIMA IKISAEDEKINAIKURAI
saa hi ga noboru yoo ni ima Come on, like the sun rises now さぁSAAHIGANOBORUYOONI IMA
Sono dore mo ga tsunagatte ”ima” o ikiru senaka o oshite iru All of these are connected and push us to live in the “now”. SONODOREMOGATSUNAGAってTTEIMAOIKIRUSENAKAOOSHITEIRU
ima wa mada tabi no tochuu I'm still on my journey IMAWAMADATABINOTOCHUU

: imademo

Imademo zutto shinjiteru I've always believed in the philosophy IMADEMO ZUっとTTOSHINJITERU

: imanara

imanara soo omoerukara Now it seems that way to me. IMANARASOO OMOERUKARA

: imasara

Yo appakuka no minasama imasara GIVE AND TAKE? Kizuna FAKE? Itsuka meiru muda na DAYS Yo, to all the oppressed, still the time for GIVE AND TAKE? Your bonds so FAKE? Losing heart during those idle DAYS Yo 圧迫APPAKUKANOMINASAMA IMASARA GIVE AND TAKE KIZUNA FAKE ITSUKAMEIRU MUDANA DAYS

: imi

A Ray
Ikiru imi o mitsukeru tame To find my reason to live as well IKIRUIMIOMITSUKERUTAME
POOR umareta imi nado nai I DON'T WANNA BELIEVE Poor, there is no purpose to life, I don't wanna believe Poor UMARETAIMINADONAI I don't wanna believe
ima anata ni furete sono imi shirukara But now that I touch you, I know its true meaning. IMAANATANIFURETE SONOIMISHIRUKARA
ima anata ni furete sono imi shirukara And now that I touch you, I know its true meaning. IMA ANATANIFURETE SONOIMISHIRUKARA
ima anata ni furete sono imi shirukara But now that I touch you, I know its true meaning. IMAANATANIFURETE SONOIMISHIRUKARA
ikiru imi wa sono te no naka The meaning of life is in your hands IKIRUIMIWASONOTENONAKA

: imikirawa

Imikirawa rete ishi o nagerareta tte I DON’T CARE Though I was hated and stoned I don't care IMIKIRAWARETEISHIONAGERARETAってTTEI dont care

: inobeishon

Ooh jidai wa zutto inobeishon saa ima koso kaware maware waga NIPPON Now is the time to change it, spread it, in our NIPPON Ooh JIDAIWAZUっとTTOINOベーBEEショSHON さぁSAAIMAKOSOKAWAREMAWAREWAGA NIPPON

: inochi

A Ray
Kono inochi no kagiri wa Until the day you die KONOINOCHINOKAGIRIWA
itsunohika kieru inochi A life that will disappear one day ITSUNOHIKAKIERUINOCHI
Inochi no hate wa kuchikusa ni Once our lives end, We rot into the withering grass INOCHINOHATEWA KUCHIKUSANI
Moyaseyo inochi goto Burn and blaze your whole life MOYASEYO INOCHIGOTO
Moyaseyo inochi goto Burn and blaze your whole life MOYASEYO INOCHIGOTO
Kaku mo munashiki inochi It's all so futile, so take your life KAKUMOMUNASHIKI INOCHI

: inore

Inore inore yume inore kore kara miru keshiki o Pray, pray, pray in your dreams, for what you will find lying ahead INOREINOREYUMEINORE KOREKARAMIRU景色KESHIKIO

: inori

Back into the wild
Owari naki kono inori yo Oh, prayer that has no end OWARINAKI KONOINORIYO

: ippo

chiisana ippo datte subete kaeru yo Even a small step can change everything CHIISANA一歩IPPODAってTTESUBETEKAERUYO
chiisana ippo datte subete kaeru yo Even a small step can change everything CHIISANA一歩IPPODAってTTESUBETEKAERUYO
Aiai to asobinasai hajime no ippo fundanara Play together peacefully, When you go and take the first step AIAITOASOBINASAI HAJIMENO一歩IPPOFUNDANARA
moo ippo moo ippo fumidasou hikari no sasu hoo e Let's take one more step, one more step towards the direction of light MOO一歩IPPO MOO一歩IPPO FUMIDASOUHIKARINOSASUHOOE
moo ippo moo ippo fumidasou hikari no sasu hoo e Let's take one more step, one more step towards the direction of light MOO一歩IPPO MOO一歩IPPO FUMIDASOUHIKARINOSASUHOOE

: iranai

soreigai iranai I don't need anything else SOREIGAIIRANAI

: iranee

Bureiku de kimeyo riron wa iranee Let's be high on music, I don't need rationale BUREIKUDEKIMEYORIRONWAIRAねぇNEE

: iro

Me o tojireba yomigaeru sutoorii iro azayakana kakera-tachi A story that comes back to life when you close your eyes, colorful fragments MEOTOJIREBAYOMIGAERUSUトーTOOリーRIIIROAZAYAKANA欠片KAKERATACHI

: iru

DOOM sadamerareta genkai ni obiete iru Doom, scared of the pre-established limits Doom SADAMERARETAGENKAINIOBIEETEIRU
CAN YOU HEAR ME? bokura wa koko ni iru Can you hear me? We are right here Can you hear me BOKURAWAKOKONIIRU
negatteta mirai e chikadzuite iru I'm getting closer to the future I've been wishing for NEGAってTTETAMIRAIECHIKAZUITEIRU
Kanarazu kanau to shinjite iru atashi no yume wa owaranai I just know they'll come true one day, these dreams of mine will never end KANARAZUKANAUTOSHINJITEIRU ATASHINOYUMEWAOWARANAI
Akirameta omoi mo koete soba ni iru Overcome those feelings of wanting to give up, I'm beside you AKIRAMETAOMOIMOKOETE SOBANIIRU
Kanjite koko ni iru to (JOIN US) Feel it, how you're right here (Join us) KANJITE KOKONIIRUTO (Join us)
Sono dore mo ga tsunagatte ”ima” o ikiru senaka o oshite iru All of these are connected and push us to live in the “now”. SONODOREMOGATSUNAGAってTTEIMAOIKIRUSENAKAOOSHITEIRU
shinjite iru yo kore made no kiseki I believe in the trajectory so far SHINJITEIRUYO KOREMADENOKISEKI
shinjite iru yo kono deai koso I believe in this encounter SHINJITEIRUYO KONODEAIKOSO
shinjite iru yo kore made no kiseki I believe in the miracles of the past. SHINJITEIRUYO KOREMADENOKISEKI

: is

This is my way This is my way THIS IS MY WAY

: ishi

Imikirawa rete ishi o nagerareta tte I DON’T CARE Though I was hated and stoned I don't care IMIKIRAWARETEISHIONAGERARETAってTTEI dont care
Rock n roll
Korogaru ishi no yoo ni like a Rolling Stone KOROGARUISHINOYOONI

: issai

Issai gassai o furiharattasunda hitomi raitei wo My eyes are clear, now free of it all, the thunder 一切ISSAI合切GASSAIOFURIHARAったTTASUNDAHITOMI RAITEIWO

: issei

Shura matou kono issei Your generation clad in carnage SHURAMATOUKONO一世ISSEI

: ita

minareta sora wa kagayaite ita The familiar sky was shining MINARETASORAWAKAGAYAITEITA
Now I here
Mitasarete ita to kanjiteta no I always felt so very fulfilled MITASARETEITATO KANJITETANO
Te no todoku mono narabete ita dake Just by having what was in reach TENOTODOKUMONO NARABETEITADAKE
Kizukanai furi shite ita dake na no I just pretended not to notice KIZUKANAIFURISHITEITADAKENANO

: itai

Mune no oku itai kurai (RIGHT UP) Deep in your chest, it hurts (Right up) MUNENOOKU ITAIKURAI (Right up)

: itami

A Ray
Itami mo tsurete susunde yuke Keep moving forward with your pain ITAMIMOTSURETESUSUNDEYUKE
namida egao itami nikushimi subete komiagetekuru itoshi sa Tears, smiles, pain, hatred, everything filling my heart with love. NAMIDA EGAO ITAMI NIKUSHIMI SUBETE KOMIAGETEKURUITOSHISA
namida egao itami nikushimi subete komiagetekuru itoshi sa Tears, smiles, pain, hatred, everything filling my heart with love. NAMIDA EGAO ITAMI NIKUSHIMI SUBETE KOMIAGETEKURUITOSHISA
watashi no mune no itami   tengoku made datte My heartache, even all the way to heaven, WATASHINOMUNENOITAMI TENGOKUMADEDAってTTE
namida egao itami nikushimi subete komiagetekuru itoshi sa Tears, smiles, pain, hatred, everything filling my heart with love. NAMIDA EGAO ITAMI NIKUSHIMI SUBETE KOMIAGETEKURUITOSHISA
itami o koete mebaeta michi ga nagaku tsuzuku The path that sprouted beyond the pain continues for a long time ITAMIOKOETEMEBAETA MICHIGANAGAKUTSUZUKU

: ito

Kireta kono kokoro no ito I cut it, this thread that binds my heart KIRETA KONOKOKORONOITO

: itoshi

namida egao itami nikushimi subete komiagetekuru itoshi sa Tears, smiles, pain, hatred, everything filling my heart with love. NAMIDA EGAO ITAMI NIKUSHIMI SUBETE KOMIAGETEKURUITOSHISA
namida egao itami nikushimi subete komiagetekuru itoshi sa Tears, smiles, pain, hatred, everything filling my heart with love. NAMIDA EGAO ITAMI NIKUSHIMI SUBETE KOMIAGETEKURUITOSHISA
namida egao itami nikushimi subete komiagetekuru itoshi sa Tears, smiles, pain, hatred, everything filling my heart with love. NAMIDA EGAO ITAMI NIKUSHIMI SUBETE KOMIAGETEKURUITOSHISA

: itsu

A Ray
Itsu ka subete kieru to shite mo Even if everything is to disappear one day ITSUKASUBETEKIERUTOSHITEMO
Sono sugata mo sono kotoba mo misekake da yo Itsu madeazamuku? Everything you have said and you have done was all wrong You have to end this shit. SONO姿SUGATAMOSONOKOTOBAMOMISEKAKEDAYO ITSUMADEAZAMUKU

: itsuka

Nagashita namida sae itsuka You will know those tears of yours NAGASHITANAMIDASAEITSUKA
Yo appakuka no minasama imasara GIVE AND TAKE? Kizuna FAKE? Itsuka meiru muda na DAYS Yo, to all the oppressed, still the time for GIVE AND TAKE? Your bonds so FAKE? Losing heart during those idle DAYS Yo 圧迫APPAKUKANOMINASAMA IMASARA GIVE AND TAKE KIZUNA FAKE ITSUKAMEIRU MUDANA DAYS
kodoku to mukiainagara demo itsuka While facing loneliness, but one day, KODOKUTOMUKIAIINAGARADEMOITSUKA

: itsunohika

itsunohika kieru inochi A life that will disappear one day ITSUNOHIKAKIERUINOCHI

: itsuwari

Tekisuto bakari ni tayorikitte itsuwari no bika wa owari It's time to stop relying on the textbook and glorifying lies TEKISUTOBAKARINITAYORIKIってTTE ITSUWARINOBIKAWAOWARI
Hammer Down
itsuwari no jibun ni sayonara shite Say goodbye to your false self ITSUWARINOJIBUNNISAYONARASHITE

: itta

Furimuki mo sezu dokusoo shite itta ato de Kuyanda furi kai? Why do you pretend regretting after you're gone? You need to know my pain. FURIMUKIMOSEZUDOKUSOOSHITEIったTTAATODEKUYAYANDAFURIKAI

: iu

kore o eien to iu nodaroo This is what you call eternity, I suppose. KOREOEIENTOIUNODAROO
kore o eien to iu nodaroo This is what you call eternity, I suppose. KOREOEIENTOIUNODAROO

: iya

konomama anjuu? Soredake wa iya Will I just stay here? I don't like that. KONOMAMAANJUU?SOREDAKEWAIYA

: iyaiya

Moo iyaiya iyaiya iki tari shinai No, no, no, no I won't live like that anymore MOOIYAIYAIYAIYA IKITARISHINAI

: iyasu

Kizutsuita kokoro o iyasu chikara ga aru Sore sura wasureta? Could heal my wounded heart truly. Did you forget that too? KIZUTSUITAKOKOROOISUCHIKARAGAARU SORESURAWASURETA

: ja

Shinpai nante omoni na dake atashi wa sonna ni yawa ja nai Worries are no more than a burden, I'm not as soft as all that 心配SHINPAINANTEOMONINADAKE ATASHIWASONNANIYAWAじゃJANAI
Jinsei tatta no ichi do dake atashi wa sonna ni hima ja nai You only live once, and I don't have time to waste JINSEITAったTTANOICHIDODAKE ATASHIWASONNANIHIMAじゃJANAI
Zankoku ja shibarenai shihai ja kowasenai Cruelty can't bind, control can't destroy ZANKOKUじゃJASHIBARENAI SHIHAIじゃJAKOWASENAI
Muda ja nai to shirudaroo Weren't a waste MUDAじゃJANAITOSHIRUDAROO
Buzama demo kamawanain ja nai ? is unsightly does it really matter? BUZAMADEMOKAMAWANAINじゃJANAI
Jibun katte daroo ga iin ja nai? is somewhere selfish, does it really matter? JIBUN勝手KATTEDAROOGAIINじゃJANAI
Bukiyoo de kamawanain ja nai? is graceless, does it really matter? BUKIYOODEKAMAWANAINじゃJANAI

: jaakuna

[Jaakuna] WHAT’S YOUR AIM? evil What’s your aim? JAAKUNAWhats your aim?

: janai

Ichido kiri no jinsei tanoshimanakucha son janai ka Isn't it a loss if you don't enjoy your one-time life? ICHIDOKIRINOJINSEITANOSHIMANAKUちゃCHASONじゃJANAIKA
Ichido kiri no jinsei tanoshimanakucha son janai ka Isn't it a loss if you don't enjoy your one-time life? ICHIDOKIRINOJINSEITANOSHIMANAKUちゃCHASONじゃJANAIKA
Dareka no tame janai hokoreru jibun ka doo ka It's not for someone else. Is it something I can be proud of? DAREKANOTAMEじゃJANAI HOKORERUJIBUNKADOOKA
kamisama no okage janai It's not because of God KAMISAMANOOKAGEじゃJANAI

: janaitte

Kachimake janaitte ‚kireigoto It's not about winning or losing, Gloss over it and tell me KACHIMAKEじゃJANAIってTTEKIREIGOTO

: janaku

daijina no wa mitame janaku ai o idaku kokoro What's important is not the appearance, but the heart that embraces love DAIJINANOWAMITAMEじゃJANAKU AIOIDAKUKOKORO

: janakute

Kanpekina hibi dake janakute Not just perfect days KANPEKINAHIBIDAKEじゃJANAKUTE

: jibun

Hammer Down
itsuwari no jibun ni sayonara shite Say goodbye to your false self ITSUWARINOJIBUNNISAYONARASHITE
Jibunrashii jibun ni konnichiwa Say hello to your true self JIBUNRASHIIJIBUNNIKONNICHIWA
Donna toki demo shinji rareru no wa jibun dakedarou The only person you can trust at any time is yourself. DONNATOKIDEMOSHINJIRARERUNOWAJIBUNDAKEDAROU
Now I here
Mitsukeru no jibun de I'll find it, all by myself MITSUKERUNO JIBUNDE
Kizutsuketeta jibun ni mo And to the me I hurt as well KIZUTSUKETETA JIBUNNIMO
akiramerarenai jibun o sukoshi hokotta koto o chiisaku omoo Of myself for not giving up yet, I was a little proud, but I think it was childish. AKIRAMERARENAIJIBUNO SUKOSHIHOKOったTTAKOTOOCHIISAKUOMOO
FRUSTRATION genkai kimetsukeru jibun ni jidanda funuke no PRIDE Frustration, I'm stuck in my own limit, I've got stupid pride Frustration GENKAIKIMETSUKERUJIBUNNIJIDANDA FUNUKENOpride
Dareka no tame janai hokoreru jibun ka doo ka It's not for someone else. Is it something I can be proud of? DAREKANOTAMEじゃJANAI HOKORERUJIBUNKADOOKA
Jibun katte daroo ga iin ja nai? is somewhere selfish, does it really matter? JIBUN勝手KATTEDAROOGAIINじゃJANAI
jibun no kaku ichiban no yume my own imagining, my biggest dream JIBUNNOKAKU ICHIBANNOYUME

: jibunrashii

Hammer Down
Jibunrashii jibun ni konnichiwa Say hello to your true self JIBUNRASHIIJIBUNNIKONNICHIWA

: jidai

Ooh jidai wa zutto inobeishon saa ima koso kaware maware waga NIPPON Now is the time to change it, spread it, in our NIPPON Ooh JIDAIWAZUっとTTOINOベーBEEショSHON さぁSAAIMAKOSOKAWAREMAWAREWAGA NIPPON

: jidanda

FRUSTRATION genkai kimetsukeru jibun ni jidanda funuke no PRIDE Frustration, I'm stuck in my own limit, I've got stupid pride Frustration GENKAIKIMETSUKERUJIBUNNIJIDANDA FUNUKENOpride

: jigoku

Rock n roll
Jigoku no kane wa naru kuroku nuritsubuse Hell's bells ring out, paint it all black JIGOKUNOKANEWANARU KUROKUNURITSUBUSE

: jimen

Jimen mitatte tsumannai kao age ten made Tachiagare OK? It's boring just looking at the ground, raise your head, up to the sky. Stand back up, OK? JIMENMITAってTTETSUMANNAI KAOAGE TENMADE TACHIAGARE OK

: jinsei

rekidai jinsei shijoo ichi i o mezasu Aiming to be number one in all-time history REKIDAIJINSEISHIJOO1IOMEZASU
Ichido kiri no jinsei tanoshimanakucha son janai ka Isn't it a loss if you don't enjoy your one-time life? ICHIDOKIRINOJINSEITANOSHIMANAKUちゃCHASONじゃJANAIKA
Ichido kiri no jinsei tanoshimanakucha son janai ka Isn't it a loss if you don't enjoy your one-time life? ICHIDOKIRINOJINSEITANOSHIMANAKUちゃCHASONじゃJANAIKA
Jinsei tatta no ichi do dake atashi wa sonna ni hima ja nai You only live once, and I don't have time to waste JINSEITAったTTANOICHIDODAKE ATASHIWASONNANIHIMAじゃJANAI
Jinsei no suteiji ue (RIGHT NOW) Up on the stage of life (Right now) JINSEINOSUテーTEEJIUE (Right now)
Soorai to oyukinasai ichido no jinsei da kara zenbu Go forth with the autumn wind, You only get to live once so SOORAITOOYUKINASAI ICHIDONOJINSEIDAKARAZENBU
Soorai to o ikinasai ichi do no jinsei da kara zenbu Live with the autumn wind You only get to live once so SOORAITOOIKINASAI ICHIDONOJINSEIDAKARAZENBU
Mekurumeku jinsei for a brighter life than now 目眩MEKURUMEKUJINSEI

: jiyuu

SENSATION oshitsuke rareta jiyuu no mujun ni koe agero Sensation Speak out against the contradiction of imposed freedom SensationOSHITSUKERARETAJIYUUNOMUJUNNIKOEAGERO

: joonetsu

tagiru joonetsu o hikari ni kaete Turn your simmering passion into light TAGIRUJOONETSUO HIKARINIKAETE

: jooo

Rock n roll
Jooo no yoo ni kedakaku tsumuideku SOUNDSCAPE Majestic as a Queen, a converging soundscape JOOONOYOONIKEDAKAKU TSUMUIDEKUsoundscape

: ka

A Ray
Moo zetsuboo ni nani mo ka mo ubawasetaku nai No, I don't want my despair to snatch anything away anymore MOO ZETSUBOONINANIMOKAMOUBAWASETAKUNAI
Itsu ka subete kieru to shite mo Even if everything is to disappear one day ITSUKASUBETEKIERUTOSHITEMO
Dare ka no tenohira no ue de mo ii sa WE'RE HERE Even if it's to someone else's tune, we're here DAREKANOTENOHIRANOUEDEMOIISA We're here
Ichido kiri no jinsei tanoshimanakucha son janai ka Isn't it a loss if you don't enjoy your one-time life? ICHIDOKIRINOJINSEITANOSHIMANAKUちゃCHASONじゃJANAIKA
Ichido kiri no jinsei tanoshimanakucha son janai ka Isn't it a loss if you don't enjoy your one-time life? ICHIDOKIRINOJINSEITANOSHIMANAKUちゃCHASONじゃJANAIKA
Back into the wild
Owaraseru no ga raku na no ka Was it so much easier to end it all? OWARASERUNOGARAKUNANOKA
Hammer Down
kikoeru ka Can you hear me? KIKOERUKA
Ashita wa wagami ka sensenkyookyoo I'm so scared that tomorrow will be mine 明日ASHITAWAWAGAMIKASENSENKYOOKYOO
dare ka no kage to natte Be someone's shadow DAREKANOKAGETONAってTTE
Dareka no tame janai hokoreru jibun ka doo ka It's not for someone else. Is it something I can be proud of? DAREKANOTAMEじゃJANAI HOKORERUJIBUNKADOOKA
"doo shitai ka" sore ga kotae sa "What do you want to do?" That's the answer DOOSHITAIKASOREGAKOTAESA

: kaaten

Kaaten no sukima kara tsukiakari The moonlight filters in between the curtains カーKAATENNOSUKIMAKARATSUKI明かAKARI

: kabe

konton to narabu takai kabe High walls lined with chaos KONTONTONARABUTAKAIKABE
Idomi tsuzukereba negai wa koeru kabe ni naru If you keep on fighting your dream will become a wall you can scale IDOMITSUZUKEREBANEGAIWAKOERUKABENINARU

: kabuke

Kabuke kabuke kabuki mae chiru hana yori hageshiku Sink, sink, flutter to the ground, harder than any other flower blossom KABUKEKABUKEKABUKIMAE CHIRUHANAYORIHAGESHIKU

: kabuki

Kabuke kabuke kabuki mae chiru hana yori hageshiku Sink, sink, flutter to the ground, harder than any other flower blossom KABUKEKABUKEKABUKIMAE CHIRUHANAYORIHAGESHIKU

: kachi

anata ni todo kanainara ikiru kachi nado nai   If I can't touch you, my life isn't worth living. ANATANITODOKANAINARAIKIRUKACHINADONAI

: kachihokore

shigamitsuku yume o kachihokore Be proud of the dreams you hold on to SHIGAMITSUKUYUMEOKACHIHOKORE

: kachimake

Kachimake janaitte ‚kireigoto It's not about winning or losing, Gloss over it and tell me KACHIMAKEじゃJANAIってTTEKIREIGOTO

: kaeranaikara

moo furi kaeranaikara I never look back on anymore MOOFURIKAERANAIKARA

: kaerimichi

Kaerimichi nado wakaranai I don't know the way back KAERIMICHINADOWAKARANAI

: kaeru

Tsuchi ni kaeru hi wa kyomu no naka Hitori When we return to the earth, we're all alone in nothingness TSUCHINIKAERUHIWA KYOMUNONAKA 一人HITORI
chiisana ippo datte subete kaeru yo Even a small step can change everything CHIISANA一歩IPPODAってTTESUBETEKAERUYO
chiisana ippo datte subete kaeru yo Even a small step can change everything CHIISANA一歩IPPODAってTTESUBETEKAERUYO
Yukite kaeru tabiji e on a return journey YUKITEKAERUTABIJIE

: kaete

tagiru joonetsu o hikari ni kaete Turn your simmering passion into light TAGIRUJOONETSUO HIKARINIKAETE

: kagami

Kagami ni utsuru futatsu no me Two eyes reflected in the mirrors KAGAMINIUTSURU FUTATSUNOME
Wareta kagami ni yuganda Cracked, appearing distorted in the mirror WARETA KAGAMINIYUGANDA

: kagayaite

minareta sora wa kagayaite ita The familiar sky was shining MINARETASORAWAKAGAYAITEITA

: kagayaka

sekai o kagayaka sero Make the world shine SEKAIOKAGAYAKASERO
Honoo kagayaka se te Let your flames burn so bright HONOO KAGAYAKASETE

: kagayakaseru

Ima kagayakaseru OUR SELVES We are the ones who make the present shine IMAKAGAYAKASERU Our selves

: kagayake

Tatakaeyo tatta hitori kagayake omoidoori ni Fight, only one person, shine as you wish TATAKAEYO TAったTTA一人HITORI KAGAYAKE OMOIDOORINI
Tatakaeyo nankai datte kagayake omoidoori ni Fight no matter how many times, shine as you wish TATAKAEYO NANKAIDAってTTE KAGAYAKE OMOIDOORINI

: kagayakeru

Kimi wa kagayakeru yo nan do datte I know you can shine, over and over KIMIWAKAGAYAKERUYO NANDODAってTTE
Kimi wa kagayakeru yo nan do datte I know you can shine, over and over KIMIWAKAGAYAKERUYO NANDODAってTTE

: kagayakeyo

Tatakaeyo FEARS IN YOUR MIND kagayakeyo TEARS IN YOUR EYES Let's fight fears in your mind Shine! tears in your eyes TATAKAEYO fears in your mind KAGAYAKEYO tears in your eyes

: kagayaki

Kagayaki no uragawa ni kage wa tsuku mono sa There's a shadow behind the shine KAGAYAKINOURAGAWANIKAGEWATSUKUMONOSA

: kagayakidashita

Saenai sekai wa kagayakidashita This dreary old world began to shine SAENAISEKAIWA KAGAYAKIDASHITA

: kagayaku

Yaburekabure yuugure kodoku datte kagayaku nodakara Even the lonely twilight shines brightly YABUREKABUREYUUGURE KODOKUDAってTTEKAGAYAKUNODAKARA
Dare mo ga kagayaku IT'S OUR BLING Everybody sparkles, it's our bling DAREMOGA KAGAYAKUit's our bling
Dare mo ga kagayaku IT'S OUR BLING Everybody sparkles, it's our bling DAREMOGA KAGAYAKUit's our bling
Dare mo ga kagayaku IT'S OUR BLING Everybody sparkles, it's our bling DAREMOGA KAGAYAKUit's our bling

: kage

Kagayaki no uragawa ni kage wa tsuku mono sa There's a shadow behind the shine KAGAYAKINOURAGAWANIKAGEWATSUKUMONOSA
dare ka no kage to natte Be someone's shadow DAREKANOKAGETONAってTTE

: kagiri

A Ray
Kono inochi no kagiri wa Until the day you die KONOINOCHINOKAGIRIWA

: kago

Iki tsuku ma mo naku ikitsuku kago no naka Inside the cage you always end up in IKITSUKUMAMONAKUIKITSUKUKAGONONAKA
Iki tsuku ma mo naku ikitsuku kago no naka Inside the cage you always end up in IKITSUKUMAMONAKUIKITSUKUKAGONONAKA

: kai

Furimuki mo sezu dokusoo shite itta ato de Kuyanda furi kai? Why do you pretend regretting after you're gone? You need to know my pain. FURIMUKIMOSEZUDOKUSOOSHITEIったTTAATODEKUYAYANDAFURIKAI

: kaji

Yokuboo ni kaji kire LET'S GO WILD YEAH!! Let your desires take the steering wheel, Let's go wild, Yeah!! YOKUBOONIKAJIKIRE Let's go wild Yeah!!

: kakaekirenai

Now I here
Kono te no naka kakaekirenai kurai So much that I can't hold it all in my hands KONOTENONAKA KAKAEKIRENAIKURAI

: kakagero


: kakageta

Kakageta chikai wa konote no naka ni YOU CAN JUST HANG IN THERE The vow I made is in my hands. You can just hang in there KAKAGETACHIKAIWA KONOTENONAKANI You can just hang in there

: kakagete

A yabuya na risoo o kakagete I WILL TAKE IT ALL IN Holding up dubious ideals I will take it all in AYABUYANARISOOOKAKAGETEI will take it all in

: kakegae

kasaneta hibi wa kakegae no nai The days we spent together are irreplaceable KASANETAHIBIWA KAKEGAENONAI
kasaneta hibi wa kakegae no nai The days we spent together are irreplaceable KASANETAHIBIWAKAKEGAENONAI

: kakenukeru

Kakenukeru rizumu to tomo ni Together with the rhythm running through your head KAKENUKERURIZUMUTOTOMONI

: kakenukete

Kakenukete Roll on through KAKENUKETE

: kakera-tachi

Me o tojireba yomigaeru sutoorii iro azayakana kakera-tachi A story that comes back to life when you close your eyes, colorful fragments MEOTOJIREBAYOMIGAERUSUトーTOOリーRIIIROAZAYAKANA欠片KAKERATACHI

: kaketa

yume oikakete yabureta kimi ni chotto yasashii koe o kaketa You, seeking a dream but never realized, I spoke to with little kind words of comfort. YUMEOIKAKETE YABURETAKIMINI ちょCHOっとTTOYASASHIIKOEOKAKETA

: kakete

Biidama no yo na me de shinda atashi ni koe kakete kita Looked down at me with its marble eyes And said to the me who had died: ビーBIIDAMANOYONAMEDE SHINDAATASHINIKOEKAKETEKITA

: kakiage

Koshi yurashite kami kakiage odori kurue Shake your hips, push your hair back, dance in ecstasy KOSHIYURASHITE KAMIKAKIAGE ODORIKURUE

: kakikesu

Negatibu oora wa kakikesu wa ikashita MY WAY I'll drown out the negative aura, like a badass MY WAY NEGAティTIBUオーOORAWAKAKIKESUWA IKASHITA MY WAY

: kaku

Kaku mo hakanaki hotarubi koso Ever so fleeting, like a firefly KAKUMOHAKANAKI HOTARUBIKOSO
Kaku mo hakanaki hotarubi koso Ever so fleeting, like a firefly KAKUMOHAKANAKI HOTARUBIKOSO
Kaku mo munashiki inochi It's all so futile, so take your life KAKUMOMUNASHIKI INOCHI
jibun no kaku ichiban no yume my own imagining, my biggest dream JIBUNNOKAKU ICHIBANNOYUME

: kakumei

Sono te o saite chitte sora ni mau kakumei Rip those hands open, the blood is a revolution, dancing through the universe SONOTEOSAITECHIってTTESORANIMAUKAKUMEI
Sono te o saite chitte sora ni mau kakumei Rip those hands open, the blood is a revolution, dancing through the universe SONOTEOSAITECHIってTTESORANIMAUKAKUMEI

: kakurete

Yo ni kakurete wa shinobarezu Hiding from the world, you recollect nothing YONIKAKURETEWA SHINOBAREZU

: kakusareta

Yuubi na hikari kakusareta beeru A veil hidden by an elegant light YUUBINAHIKARIKAKUSARETAベーBEERU

: kakusenakute

Dooyoo kakusenakute I can't hide my trembling DOOYOO KAKUSENAKUTE

: kamashi

BOOST kamashi koyoi KNOCK OUT!! Boost your power and knock out them tonight BoostKAMASHI今宵KOYOIKnockOut!

: kamashiteku

THIS IS THE WAY kamashiteku iki kata This is the way, even if the way of life I show you This is the way KAMASHITEKUIKIKATA

: kamawanai

rikai sa re tenakute kamawanai aragae NO ONE CAN CRUSH ME NOW I don't care if you don't understand, resist me no one can crush me now RIKAISARETENAKUTEKAMAWANAI ARAGAE no one can crush me now
Now I here
Nisemono de kamawanai kara to Acting like I didn't care if it was fake NISEMONODEKAMAWANAIKARATO

: kamawanain

Buzama demo kamawanain ja nai ? is unsightly does it really matter? BUZAMADEMOKAMAWANAINじゃJANAI
Bukiyoo de kamawanain ja nai? is graceless, does it really matter? BUKIYOODEKAMAWANAINじゃJANAI

: kame

Kyuuso no gotoku neko o kame Even a rat is dangerous when cornered by a cat KYUUSONOGOTOKUNEKOOKAME

: kami

(CLAP CLAP!) Yaoyorozu no kami mo HEAT UP (Clap Clap!) All the gods and goddesses Heat up (Clap Clap!)YA百万OYOROZUNOKAMIMOHeat up
Koshi yurashite kami kakiage odori kurue Shake your hips, push your hair back, dance in ecstasy KOSHIYURASHITE KAMIKAKIAGE ODORIKURUE
Yureru kaze no zawameki ga atashi no kami o naderu The stir of the whirling wind blows its way through my hair YURERUKAZENOZAWAMEKIGA ATASHINOKAMIONADERU
Yureru kaze no zawameki ga atashi no kami o naderu The stir of the whirling wind blows its way through my hair YURERUKAZENOZAWAMEKIGA ATASHINOKAMIONADERU
Midareta kami no ue kin no suzu o tsuketa kuroneko ga Above my unkempt hair A black cat with a bell on its collar MIDARETAKAMINOUE KINNOSUZUOTSUKETAKURONEKOGA

: kamisama

kamisama no okage janai It's not because of God KAMISAMANOOKAGEじゃJANAI

: kamu

Shi no go no iezu ni kuchi kamu Without complaint, I bite my tongue SHINOGONOIEZUNI KUCHIKAMU

: kan

Yurasu kuuki kan to UPPER na tenshon Within this palpitating atmosphere and upper tension YURASUKUUKIKANTO Upper NATENショSHON

: kanadenasai

Rinrin to kanadenasai sono yume o kataru kara Play your heart out You're singing about your dreams RINRINTOKANADENASAI SONOYUMEOKATARUKARA

: kanainara

anata ni todo kanainara ikiru kachi nado nai   If I can't touch you, my life isn't worth living. ANATANITODOKANAINARAIKIRUKACHINADONAI

: kanarazu

Kanarazu kanau to shinjite iru atashi no yume wa owaranai I just know they'll come true one day, these dreams of mine will never end KANARAZUKANAUTOSHINJITEIRU ATASHINOYUMEWAOWARANAI
kanarazu koete ikeru mirai shinjite Believe in the future that you can definitely overcome KANARAZUKOETEIKERUMIRAISHINJITE

: kanashii

Nante kanashii desho Isn't that so sad? NANTEKANASHIIDEしょSHO
ureshii koto mo kanashii koto mo both happy things and sad things URESHIIKOTOMO KANASHIIKOTOMO

: kanashimubeshiya

HOW CAN I BE kanashimubeshiya How can I be, pitying myself How can I be KANASHIMUBESHIYA

: kanata

kanata tooku tsukisusunde iku Pushing far into the distance 彼方KANATATOOKUTSUKISUSUNDEIKU
Hibike hibike hibike tooku kanata e Echo, echo, echo, far away into the distance HIBIKEHIBIKEHIBIKETOOKU彼方KANATAE
Kanata e Into the distance 彼方KANATAE
Rock n roll
Haruka kanata e into the distance HARUKA彼方KANATAE
Haruka kanata e into the distance HARUKA彼方KANATAE

: kanatta

Kanatta koto nante nai No one ever answered them KANAったTTAKOTONANTENAI

: kanau

Kanarazu kanau to shinjite iru atashi no yume wa owaranai I just know they'll come true one day, these dreams of mine will never end KANARAZUKANAUTOSHINJITEIRU ATASHINOYUMEWAOWARANAI

: kanawanu

Nue mo kanawanu yuzuru mo Even the bowstring not even Nue could match NUEMOKANAWANU YUZURUMO

: kane

Rock n roll
Jigoku no kane wa naru kuroku nuritsubuse Hell's bells ring out, paint it all black JIGOKUNOKANEWANARU KUROKUNURITSUBUSE

: kangure

Kangure ya kangure ya kangure ya kangure ya tawake Distrust, distrust, distrust, distrust, act the fool KANGUREYAKANGUREYAKANGUREYAKANGUREYATAWAKE
Kangure ya kangure ya kangure ya kangure ya yo wa tensei Distrust, distrust, distrust, distrust, this world shall reincarnate KANGUREYAKANGUREYAKANGUREYAKANGUREYAYOWATENSEI

: kanji

kotoba yori kanji aeru We can feel each other better than words KOTOBAYORIKANJIAERU

: kanjite

Kanjite kokoro no mama (RIGHT NOW) Feel it to your heart's content (Right now) KANJITE KOKORONOMAMA(Right now)
Kanjite koko ni iru to (JOIN US) Feel it, how you're right here (Join us) KANJITE KOKONIIRUTO (Join us)

: kanjiteta

Now I here
Mitasarete ita to kanjiteta no I always felt so very fulfilled MITASARETEITATO KANJITETANO
aru hazu mo nai soo kanjiteta would never happen to me, that had been how I felt. ARUHAZUMONAI SOOKANJITETA
aru hazu mo nai soo kanjiteta would never happen to me, that had been how I felt. ARUHAZUMONAI SOOKANJITETA

: kanjoo

I DON'T NEED WORDS kanjoo no rinku I don't need words, it's an emotional link I don't need words KANJOONORINKU
I DON'T NEED WORDS kanjoo no rinku I don't need words, it's an emotional link I don't need words KANJOONORINKU
I DON'T NEED WORDS kanjoo no rinku I don't need words, it's an emotional link I don't need words KANJOONORINKU

: kanjooteki

Kanjooteki ni sawaide Clamours loudly with emotion KANJOOTEKINISAWAIDE

: kankyaku

Kankyaku doko e iku no Disregarded, where are we going? KANKYAKU 何処DOKOEIKUNO

: kanpekina

Kanpekina hibi dake janakute Not just perfect days KANPEKINAHIBIDAKEじゃJANAKUTE

: kanshaku

Kanshaku furenakere ba If I never cross your temper 癇癪KANSHAKU FURENAKEREBA

: kanshoku

Uchooten no kanshoku o (LET'S JOY) Enjoy feelings of ecstasy (Let's joy) UCHOOTENNOKANSHOKUO(Let's joy)

: kanzashi

Temari uta ni yurare aoi kanzashi no tama ga nabiku Swayed by the temari song As the azure beads of my hairpin glitter TEMARIUTANIYURARE AOIKANZASHINOTAMAGANABIKU

: kanzenna

Kanzenna sonzai o misetsukero Show your complete existence KANZENNASONZAIOMISETSUKERO

: kao

Jimen mitatte tsumannai kao age ten made Tachiagare OK? It's boring just looking at the ground, raise your head, up to the sky. Stand back up, OK? JIMENMITAってTTETSUMANNAI KAOAGE TENMADE TACHIAGARE OK
Kao wo fuseru I cover my face KAOWOFUSERU

: kaori

Amai kaori musekaeru hodo A sweet scent, almost choking you AMAIKAORIMUSESEKAERUHODO
Shidareta hana wa chitte soorai no kaori ni yoishireru The wilting flowers scatter The scent of the autumn wind carries me away SHIDARETAHANAWACHIってTTE SOORAINOKAORINIYOISHIRERU

: kappa

Eguru enko wa goojoo kappa Relationships that cause so much pain are stubborn, rebuke them EGURUENKOWAGOOJOO 喝破KAPPA

: kara

Kieta kono kokoro kara mo It disappeared, from this heart too KIETA KONOKOKOROKARAMO
Kieta kono kokoro kara mo It disappeared, from my heart too KIETA KONOKOKOROKARAMO
Kaaten no sukima kara tsukiakari The moonlight filters in between the curtains カーKAATENNOSUKIMAKARATSUKI明かAKARI
Ima aru no wa hana no yoo ni sakitsuzuketa kara I'm only here now because I kept on stubbornly blooming IMAARUNOWAHANANOYOONISAKITSUZUKETAKARA
ima kara hajimaru ROCK′N PARTY NIGHT It's about to get started, a Rock'n Party Night IMAKARAHAJIMARU Rock'n Party Night.
Now I here
Hajimeru no ima kara I'll begin, from right now HAJIMERUNO IMAKARA
Tsurete yuku kara tomo ni I'll take them with me, together TSURETEYUKUKARA TOMONI
Nisemono de kamawanai kara to Acting like I didn't care if it was fake NISEMONODEKAMAWANAIKARATO
Fumidasu no koko kara I'll take my first step from right here FUMIDASUNO KOKOKARA
Uso wa moo yameru kara I'll stop all the lying USOWAMOO YAMERUKARA
Taerareru kara Because now I can endure TAERARERUKARA
Inore inore yume inore kore kara miru keshiki o Pray, pray, pray in your dreams, for what you will find lying ahead INOREINOREYUMEINORE KOREKARAMIRU景色KESHIKIO
Zenshin zenrei de sakebu kara I'd scream with everything that I have ZENSHINZENREIDESAKEBUKARA
Rock n roll
Higashi no hate kara All the way from the east HIGASHINOHATEKARA
Nijiiro no tabiji yuku butai wa koko kara Let's go on a Rainbow-colored Journey, the stage starts here NIJIIRONOTABIJIYUKU BUTAIWAKOKOKARA
"Oya oya o machinasai koko kara saki wa ikidomari" "Oh, my goodness! Stop here! The road ahead is a dead end!" OYAOYA OMACHINASAI KOKOKARASAKIWAIKIDOMARI
Soorai to oyukinasai ichido no jinsei da kara zenbu Go forth with the autumn wind, You only get to live once so SOORAITOOYUKINASAI ICHIDONOJINSEIDAKARAZENBU
Rinrin to kanadenasai sono yume o kataru kara Play your heart out You're singing about your dreams RINRINTOKANADENASAI SONOYUMEOKATARUKARA
Soorai to o ikinasai ichi do no jinsei da kara zenbu Live with the autumn wind You only get to live once so SOORAITOOIKINASAI ICHIDONOJINSEIDAKARAZENBU
Osoreru hitsuyoo wa nai kara There's no need to be afraid OSORERUHITSUYOOWANAIKARA

: karada

Karada wa saite chitte kaze ni mau Bodies bloom and scatter, whirling in the wind 身体KARADAWASAITECHIってTTEKAZENIMAU
Karada wa saite chitte kaze ni mau Bodies bloom and scatter, whirling in the wind 身体KARADAWASAITECHIってTTEKAZENIMAU
Karada wa sunao Your body says it all KARADAWASUNAO

: karappo

(CLAP CLAP!) Karappo n natte SHOW TIME (Clap Clap!) Clap like that! Show time (Clap Clap!)KARAッポPPONNAってTTEShow time

: karasawagi

Karasawagi de mo ROLLIN' ROLLIN' Even if it is all much ado about nothing Rollin' Rollin' KARASAWAGIDEMO Rollin' Rollin'

: karashi

makenaide to koe o karashi sakenda I shouted in a hoarse voice, telling myself not to give up. MAKENAIDETOKOEOKARASHISAKENDA

: karashite

Aa namida o karashite Ah, exhaust your tears あぁAA NAMIDAOKARASHITE
Koe karashite warai tobashite utaikurue Let your voice go hoarse, laugh away, sing in ecstasy KOEKARASHITE WARAITOBASHITE UTAIKURUE

: karen

Agare agare maiagare hakanasa yori karen ni Further, further, soar up on high, more graceful than fleeting AGAREAGARE舞いMAIAGARE HAKANASAYORIKARENNI
Agare agare maiagare hakanasa yori karen ni Further, further, soar on up high, more graceful than fleeting AGAREAGARE舞いMAIAGARE HAKANASAYORIKARENNI

: kasanariai

Yureru hitomi kasanariai Our wavering glances meet YURERUHITOMIKASANARIAII

: kasaneta

kasaneta hibi wa kakegae no nai The days we spent together are irreplaceable KASANETAHIBIWA KAKEGAENONAI
kasaneta hibi wa kakegae no nai The days we spent together are irreplaceable KASANETAHIBIWAKAKEGAENONAI

: kashiko

Back into the wild
Akirameru mono doko mo kashiko mo Those who give up, as far as the eye can see AKIRAMERUMONO DOKOMOKASHIKOMO

: kasokudo

Ima kasokudo age TAKE OFF Now I speed up and take off IMAKASOKUDOAGE Take off

: kassai

Tootoo to konjoo no sokonashi kassai The never-ending cheers of this life come calmly TOOTOOTO今生KONJOONOSOKONASHI喝采KASSAI

: kata

Kata ga fureru koto mo naku My shoulders were never brushed KATAGAFURERUKOTOMONAKU
THIS IS THE WAY kamashiteku iki kata This is the way, even if the way of life I show you This is the way KAMASHITEKUIKIKATA
kata o narabete susumu nda Let's move forward side by side KATAONARABETESUSUMUNDA

: kataku

Kataku kitsuku dakishimerun da Is something I hold onto strongly and tightly KATAKU KITSUKU DAKISHIMERUNDA

: katana

Shishi no katana no omokage ya It's the countenance of the Sword of the Lion SHISHINOKATANANOOMOKAGEYA

: katanihameru

katanihameru dake no baiasu o uragire NO ONE CAN TOUCH ME NOW Betray the bias that only fits into a mold, no one can touch me now KATANIHAMERUDAKENOBAIASUO URAGIRE no one can touch me now

: kataru

Muri ni kataru yori ima dake wa Rather than trying so hard to talk, right now MURINIKATARUYORIIMADAKEWA
Rinrin to kanadenasai sono yume o kataru kara Play your heart out You're singing about your dreams RINRINTOKANADENASAI SONOYUMEOKATARUKARA

: katte

Jibun katte daroo ga iin ja nai? is somewhere selfish, does it really matter? JIBUN勝手KATTEDAROOGAIINじゃJANAI

: kaunto

Shinzoo kaunto moo modorenai Your heartrate will never be the same again SHINZOOKAUNTO MOOMODORENAI

: kaware

Ooh jidai wa zutto inobeishon saa ima koso kaware maware waga NIPPON Now is the time to change it, spread it, in our NIPPON Ooh JIDAIWAZUっとTTOINOベーBEEショSHON さぁSAAIMAKOSOKAWAREMAWAREWAGA NIPPON

: kawaru

Keshiki mo kawaru sa Everything around you will change 景色KESHIKIMOKAWARUSA

: kazatta

Rock n roll
Bara de kazatta pisutoru de uchinuiteku sekai We shoot through this world with a gun adorned with roses 薔薇BARADEKAZAったTTAPISUTORUDE UCHINUITEKUSEKAI

: kaze

Karada wa saite chitte kaze ni mau Bodies bloom and scatter, whirling in the wind 身体KARADAWASAITECHIってTTEKAZENIMAU
Karada wa saite chitte kaze ni mau Bodies bloom and scatter, whirling in the wind 身体KARADAWASAITECHIってTTEKAZENIMAU
Yureru kaze no zawameki ga atashi no kami o naderu The stir of the whirling wind blows its way through my hair YURERUKAZENOZAWAMEKIGA ATASHINOKAMIONADERU
Yureru kaze no zawameki ga atashi no kami o naderu The stir of the whirling wind blows its way through my hair YURERUKAZENOZAWAMEKIGA ATASHINOKAMIONADERU

: kazemakase

Rock n roll
Kazemakase ni susumu We'll go with the wind KAZEMAKASENISUSUMU

: kazu

Tsumazuita kazu dake Every single time I stumble TSUMAZUITAKAZUDAKE

: ke

hanete ke UP IN THE SKY Jump up in the sky HANETEKEup in the sky
Haji ke chatte ikou ze Let's go crazy HAJIKEちゃCHAってTTEIKOUZE
michibiite ke kotae o Lead me to the answer MICHIBIITEKEKOTAEO
Koete ke sekai o Go beyond the world KOETEKESEKAIO
Michibiite ke kotae o Lead me to the answer MICHIBIITEKEKOTAEO

: kechirashite

Nozomanai unmei kechirashite ikerudesho You know you can rout out the fate you never wished for NOZOMANAIUNMEI KECHIRASHITEIKERUDEしょSHO

: kechirasu

Heibon reiru o kechirasu wa hajimaru ROCK 'N' ROLL I'll launch myself off the normal rail, it's time to begin ROCK 'N' ROLL HEIBONレーREERUOKECHIRASUWA HAJIMARU ROCK 'N' ROLL

: kedakaku

Kedakaku kuchiyoo Nobly decaying to time KEDAKAKUKUCHICHIYOO
Rock n roll
Jooo no yoo ni kedakaku tsumuideku SOUNDSCAPE Majestic as a Queen, a converging soundscape JOOONOYOONIKEDAKAKU TSUMUIDEKUsoundscape

: kegasenai

Gyakkyoo no SMILE moo kegasenai The smile of adversity can no longer be tarnished 逆境GYAKKYOONOsmileMOOKEGASENAI
Gyakkyoo no SMILE moo kegasenai The smile of adversity can no longer be tarnished 逆境GYAKKYOONOsmileMOOKEGASENAI

: keri

dadda dda dada daichi o keri dadda dda dada kick the ground DAッダDDAッダDDADADADAICHIOKERI

: keshiki

Inore inore yume inore kore kara miru keshiki o Pray, pray, pray in your dreams, for what you will find lying ahead INOREINOREYUMEINORE KOREKARAMIRU景色KESHIKIO
Keshiki mo kawaru sa Everything around you will change 景色KESHIKIMOKAWARUSA

: keshin

Kodoku no keshin personification of loneliness KODOKUNOKESHIN

: ketsumatsu

Ketsumatsu bakari ni ki o torare muda o ikiru no wa owari Always preoccupied with the ending It's time to stop wasting my life KETSUMATSUBAKARINIKIOTORARE MUDAOIKIRUNOWAOWARI

: ki

Ketsumatsu bakari ni ki o torare muda o ikiru no wa owari Always preoccupied with the ending It's time to stop wasting my life KETSUMATSUBAKARINIKIOTORARE MUDAOIKIRUNOWAOWARI

: kibare

Nebare kibare tsukkire nando datte hai agatte kundakara Be tenacious and push through, you'll keep coming back up again and again. NEBAREKIBARETSUっ切RE NANDODAってTTEHAIAGAってTTEKUNDAKARA

: kiboo

A Ray
Soo kiboo mo naku ayunde iku kodoku na michi o Yes, I'll hopelessly walk along a lonely road SOO KIBOOMONAKUAYUNDEIKUKODOKUNAMICHIO
fukanzenna ashita e no kiboo Hope for an imperfect tomorrow FUKANZENNA明日ASHITAENOKIBOO

: kidzuki

kidzuki wa hajimari no aizu Awareness is the signal for the beginning KIZUKIWAHAJIMARINOAIZU

: kieru

A Ray
Itsu ka subete kieru to shite mo Even if everything is to disappear one day ITSUKASUBETEKIERUTOSHITEMO
itsunohika kieru inochi A life that will disappear one day ITSUNOHIKAKIERUINOCHI

: kieta

Kieta kono kokoro kara mo It disappeared, from this heart too KIETA KONOKOKOROKARAMO
Kieta kono kokoro kara mo It disappeared, from my heart too KIETA KONOKOKOROKARAMO

: kiete

Moshi mo kokoro no koe ga kiete shimatta nara Even if the voice in my heart were to disappear MOSHIMO KOKORONOKOEGAKIETESHIMAったTTANARA

: kietetta

Gooru ga kietetta mirai mo sono tsuzuki dakara That future of those faded goals too was a continuation of that ゴーGOORUGAKIETEったTTAMIRAIMO SONOTSUZUKIDAKARA

: kiiteru

Sanzan abita fuhei fuman kiiteru mimi wa nai My ears aren't made for hearing the complaints all around me SANZANABITAFUHEIFUMAN KIITERUMIMIWANAI

: kikazari

ganzoo anchuu sekai neon kikazari kyosei harya A counterfeit dark world, dressed up in neon lights and putting on a bravado GANZOOANCHUUSEKAI NEONKIKAZARIKYOSEIHAりゃRYA

: kikoeru

Hammer Down
kikoeru ka Can you hear me? KIKOERUKA

: kimarikitta

Kimarikitta ruuru buchinuite ikimasho Let's break down the rules that have always been in place KIMARIKIったTTAルーRUURU BUCHINUITEIKIMAしょSHO

: kimatta

Manjoo icchi de kimatta atashi no afutaa raifu It's been unanimously decided, my afterlife MANJOO一致ICCHIDEKIMAったTTA ATASHINOAFUターTAARAIFU

: kimeta

AS IT IS kokoro ni kimeta TODAY’S THE DAY As it is I decided with my heart Today’s the day As it isKOKORONIKIMETATodays the day
baribari ni kimeta mai sugata o A carefully chosen dance figure BARIBARINIKIMETAMAI姿SUGATAO

: kimetsukeru

FRUSTRATION genkai kimetsukeru jibun ni jidanda funuke no PRIDE Frustration, I'm stuck in my own limit, I've got stupid pride Frustration GENKAIKIMETSUKERUJIBUNNIJIDANDA FUNUKENOpride

: kimeyo

Bureiku de kimeyo riron wa iranee Let's be high on music, I don't need rationale BUREIKUDEKIMEYORIRONWAIRAねぇNEE

: kimi

yume oikakete yabureta kimi ni chotto yasashii koe o kaketa You, seeking a dream but never realized, I spoke to with little kind words of comfort. YUMEOIKAKETE YABURETAKIMINI ちょCHOっとTTOYASASHIIKOEOKAKETA
Kimi wa kagayakeru yo nan do datte I know you can shine, over and over KIMIWAKAGAYAKERUYO NANDODAってTTE
Boku ga shinjita kimi o shinji tsuzukete Keep believing yourself in the you I believed in BOKUGASHINJITAKIMIO SHINJITSUZUKETE
Kimi wa kagayakeru yo nan do datte I know you can shine, over and over KIMIWAKAGAYAKERUYO NANDODAってTTE
Boku ga shinjita kimi no hikari o hanate Hey, you I believed in, release your light BOKUGASHINJITAKIMINO HIKARIOHANATE
Migi muke migi de ajike ga nai kimi Face right, face right, feeling nothing but monotony MIGIMUKEMIGIDE AJIKEGANAIKIMI

: kimochi

Hammer Down
yorube nai kimochi wa The feeling of nowhere to go YORUBENAIKIMOCHIWA

: kin

Midareta kami no ue kin no suzu o tsuketa kuroneko ga Above my unkempt hair A black cat with a bell on its collar MIDARETAKAMINOUE KINNOSUZUOTSUKETAKURONEKOGA

: kioku

Sono koe mo ai mo awai kioku ni shizumu That voice of yours, love of yours Sink into pale memory SONOKOEMOAIMO AWAIKIOKUNISHIZUMU

: kiramekasete

Honoo kiramekasete Those flames burning so bright HONOOKIRAMEKASETE
Honoo kiramekasete Those flames burning so bright HONOOKIRAMEKASETE

: kire

Yokuboo ni kaji kire LET'S GO WILD YEAH!! Let your desires take the steering wheel, Let's go wild, Yeah!! YOKUBOONIKAJIKIRE Let's go wild Yeah!!

: kirei

kumo ni oowa reta sorawomiagete kore mo kirei to omoeta I looked up at the sky covered in clouds and thought it was beautiful too. KUMONIOOWARETASORAWOMIAGETE KOREMOKIREITOOMOETA

: kireigoto

Kachimake janaitte ‚kireigoto It's not about winning or losing, Gloss over it and tell me KACHIMAKEじゃJANAIってTTEKIREIGOTO

: kireta

Kireta kono kokoro no ito I cut it, this thread that binds my heart KIRETA KONOKOKORONOITO

: kiri

Ichido kiri no jinsei tanoshimanakucha son janai ka Isn't it a loss if you don't enjoy your one-time life? ICHIDOKIRINOJINSEITANOSHIMANAKUちゃCHASONじゃJANAIKA
Ichido kiri no jinsei tanoshimanakucha son janai ka Isn't it a loss if you don't enjoy your one-time life? ICHIDOKIRINOJINSEITANOSHIMANAKUちゃCHASONじゃJANAIKA
Hitori kiri no tabi ni fumidasu I take the first step on my journey alone HITORIKIRINOTABINIFUMIDASU

: kirihiraku

kirihiraku mirai o Opening up the future KIRIHIRAKUMIRAIO
Rock n roll
Kirihiraku kono michi this path we've forged KIRIHIRAKUKONOMICHI
Kirihiraku kono michi this path we've forged KIRIHIRAKUKONOMICHI

: kirisakun

Te o nobashite denkoo sekka de kirisakun da Reach out your hand, tear through it all with a bright flash TEONOBASHITE電光DENKOO石火SEKKADEKIRISAKUNDA

: kiseki

shinjite iru yo kore made no kiseki I believe in the trajectory so far SHINJITEIRUYO KOREMADENOKISEKI
shinjite iru yo kore made no kiseki I believe in the miracles of the past. SHINJITEIRUYO KOREMADENOKISEKI

: kita

Biidama no yo na me de shinda atashi ni koe kakete kita Looked down at me with its marble eyes And said to the me who had died: ビーBIIDAMANOYONAMEDE SHINDAATASHINIKOEKAKETEKITA
DONT NEED TO LOOK BACK YOUR kita michi o Dont need to look back your road here so far Don't need to look back your 来たKITAMICHIO

: kitare

Yaseki ni kitare shinnyo no tsuki yo Moon of thusness, illuminate the tide at night YASEKINIKITARE SHINNYONOTSUKIYO

: kitsuku

Kataku kitsuku dakishimerun da Is something I hold onto strongly and tightly KATAKU KITSUKU DAKISHIMERUNDA

: kitto

Kitto korekara wa chizu no nai There's no map on how to move forward KIっとTTOKOREKARAWACHIZUNONAI
kitto todokukara will surely be conveyed. KIっとTTOTODOKUKARA
Soo kitto kono saki tsuzuiteku YOUR BEST STORIES I just know they'll keep on coming, Your Best Stories SOOKIっとTTOKONOSAKITSUZUITEKUYour Best Stories
Soo kitto kono saki tsuzuiteku YOUR BEST STORIES I just know they'll keep on coming, Your Best Stories SOOKIっとTTOKONOSAKITSUZUITEKUYour Best Stories
Soo kitto kono saki tsuzuiteku YOUR BEST STORIES I just know they'll keep on coming, Your Best Stories SOOKIっとTTOKONOSAKITSUZUITEKUYour Best Stories

: kiyoki

Back into the wild
Koboreochita kiyoki namida On the pure tears that were shed, KOBOREOCHITAKIYOKINAMIDA

: kizamitsukeru

Aa kizamitsukeru sa Ah, you'll leave your mark あぁAA KIZAMITSUKERUSA

: kizamitsuketai

Aa kizamitsuketai Ah, I want to leave my mark あぁAA KIZAMITSUKETAI

: kizande

Kono toki o mune ni kizande And I etch this moment into my heart KONO瞬間TOKIOMUNENIKIZANDE

: kizu

Kizu ga tsuku tabi ni tsuyoku natta I became stronger with every scar KIZUGATSUKUTABINITSUYOKUNAったTTA
fukai mune no tobira o akeru to ikutsu mo no kizu ga atta When I opened the door deep in my chest, there were many wounds. FUKAIMUNENOTOBIRAOAKERUTO IKUTSUMONOKIZUGAAったTTA

: kizukanai

Now I here
Kizukanai furi shite ita dake na no I just pretended not to notice KIZUKANAIFURISHITEITADAKENANO

: kizuke

GONE kizuke ba mata hitori to oikosreteku Gone, everyone's passed on by before you even knew it Gone KIZUKEBAMATA一人HITORITOOIKOSARETEKU

: kizuna

Yo appakuka no minasama imasara GIVE AND TAKE? Kizuna FAKE? Itsuka meiru muda na DAYS Yo, to all the oppressed, still the time for GIVE AND TAKE? Your bonds so FAKE? Losing heart during those idle DAYS Yo 圧迫APPAKUKANOMINASAMA IMASARA GIVE AND TAKE KIZUNA FAKE ITSUKAMEIRU MUDANA DAYS

: kizutsuita

Kizutsuita kokoro o iyasu chikara ga aru Sore sura wasureta? Could heal my wounded heart truly. Did you forget that too? KIZUTSUITAKOKOROOISUCHIKARAGAARU SORESURAWASURETA

: kizutsuite

Kizutsuite mo Even if I get hurt KIZUTSUITEMO

: kizutsuketeta

Now I here
Kizutsuketeta jibun ni mo And to the me I hurt as well KIZUTSUKETETA JIBUNNIMO

: kobore

Kobore ochiru asatsuyu ga atashi no hoo o nurasu The morning dew that falls dampens my cheeks KOBOREOCHIRUASATSUYUGA ATASHINOHOOONURASU

: koboreochita

Back into the wild
Koboreochita kiyoki namida On the pure tears that were shed, KOBOREOCHITAKIYOKINAMIDA

: kobushi

OH-- kobushi o agete Oh, raise your fist up high Oh KOBUSHIOAGETE

: kochira

"Saa kono yubi to mare oni-san kochira te no naru hoo e" "No, stop at this finger! I'm over here, chaser, follow the clapping" さぁSAA KONOYUBITOMARE ONISANKOCHIRATENONARUHOOE

: kodoku

A Ray
Soo kiboo mo naku ayunde iku kodoku na michi o Yes, I'll hopelessly walk along a lonely road SOO KIBOOMONAKUAYUNDEIKUKODOKUNAMICHIO
Yaburekabure yuugure kodoku datte kagayaku nodakara Even the lonely twilight shines brightly YABUREKABUREYUUGURE KODOKUDAってTTEKAGAYAKUNODAKARA
Kodoku no keshin personification of loneliness KODOKUNOKESHIN
kodoku to mukiainagara demo itsuka While facing loneliness, but one day, KODOKUTOMUKIAIINAGARADEMOITSUKA

: kodomo

Kodomo no mugen dai Of such a strong child KODOMONOMUGENDAI

: koe

makenaide to koe o karashi sakenda I shouted in a hoarse voice, telling myself not to give up. MAKENAIDETOKOEOKARASHISAKENDA
‚tobase ‚tobase sono koe de Soar high, soar high, with that voice of yours TOBASE TOBASE SONOKOEDE
‚tobase ‚tobase sono koe de Soar high, soar high, with that voice of yours TOBASE TOBASE SONOKOEDE
Sono koe mo ai mo awai kioku ni shizumu That voice of yours, love of yours Sink into pale memory SONOKOEMOAIMO AWAIKIOKUNISHIZUMU
Hateshi nai atashi no koe de With my everlasting voice HATESHINAIATASHINOKOEDE
Koe karashite warai tobashite utaikurue Let your voice go hoarse, laugh away, sing in ecstasy KOEKARASHITE WARAITOBASHITE UTAIKURUE
yume oikakete yabureta kimi ni chotto yasashii koe o kaketa You, seeking a dream but never realized, I spoke to with little kind words of comfort. YUMEOIKAKETE YABURETAKIMINI ちょCHOっとTTOYASASHIIKOEOKAKETA
SENSATION oshitsuke rareta jiyuu no mujun ni koe agero Sensation Speak out against the contradiction of imposed freedom SensationOSHITSUKERARETAJIYUUNOMUJUNNIKOEAGERO
Moshi mo kokoro no koe ga kiete shimatta nara Even if the voice in my heart were to disappear MOSHIMO KOKORONOKOEGAKIETESHIMAったTTANARA
Rock n roll
Kojiakete iku kono koe This voice of mine wrenches them open KOJIAKETEIKU KONOKOE
Biidama no yo na me de shinda atashi ni koe kakete kita Looked down at me with its marble eyes And said to the me who had died: ビーBIIDAMANOYONAMEDE SHINDAATASHINIKOEKAKETEKITA
Osanaki soo ni yureru koe naki samayoi aa Swayed by childless ideas I wander voicelessly, aah OSANAKISOONIYURERU KOENAKI彷徨SAMAYOI 嗚呼AA

: koeru

Idomi tsuzukereba negai wa koeru kabe ni naru If you keep on fighting your dream will become a wall you can scale IDOMITSUZUKEREBANEGAIWAKOERUKABENINARU
Hajikedasu shoodoo koeru soozoo The shock I strum out, passing imagination HAJIKEDASUSHOODOOKOERUSOOZOO

: koete

Aa tobari o koete Ah, cross the curtain あぁAA TOBARIOKOETE
Koete ke sekai o Go beyond the world KOETEKESEKAIO
Akirameta omoi mo koete soba ni iru Overcome those feelings of wanting to give up, I'm beside you AKIRAMETAOMOIMOKOETE SOBANIIRU
kanarazu koete ikeru mirai shinjite Believe in the future that you can definitely overcome KANARAZUKOETEIKERUMIRAISHINJITE
Koete ikeru zettai ni We'll overcome it all, definitely KOETEIKERU絶対ZETTAINI
itami o koete mebaeta michi ga nagaku tsuzuku The path that sprouted beyond the pain continues for a long time ITAMIOKOETEMEBAETA MICHIGANAGAKUTSUZUKU

: kojiakete

Rock n roll
Kojiakete iku kono koe This voice of mine wrenches them open KOJIAKETEIKU KONOKOE

: koko

WHEREVER rinzen koko ni Wherever, we're awe-inspiring over here Wherever RINZENKOKONI
CAN YOU HEAR ME? bokura wa koko ni iru Can you hear me? We are right here Can you hear me BOKURAWAKOKONIIRU
Torimodose yuuki wa koko e to Reclaim your courage and summon it here TORIMODOSEYUUKIWAKOKOETO
Chiisana hana koko ni saite A small flower blooms right here CHIISANAHANA KOKONISAITE
Now I here
Doko de mo nai koko de koso It's not just anywhere, it's right here 何処DOKODEMONAI KOKODEKOSO
Fumidasu no koko kara I'll take my first step from right here FUMIDASUNO KOKOKARA
Hontoo wa koko ni wa In truth it was HONTOOWA KOKONIWA
Rock n roll
Nijiiro no tabiji yuku butai wa koko kara Let's go on a Rainbow-colored Journey, the stage starts here NIJIIRONOTABIJIYUKU BUTAIWAKOKOKARA
Kanjite koko ni iru to (JOIN US) Feel it, how you're right here (Join us) KANJITE KOKONIIRUTO (Join us)
"Oya oya o machinasai koko kara saki wa ikidomari" "Oh, my goodness! Stop here! The road ahead is a dead end!" OYAOYA OMACHINASAI KOKOKARASAKIWAIKIDOMARI
Koko to soko wa tsunagaru Here and there will join one another KOKOTOSOKOWATSUNAGARU

: kokoro

AS IT IS kokoro ni kimeta TODAY’S THE DAY As it is I decided with my heart Today’s the day As it isKOKORONIKIMETATodays the day
ai o daita atatakai kokoro wa A warm heart that embraces love AIODAITAATATAKAIKOKOROWA
Back into the wild
Kokoro no hidane to nareyo Becoming the burning coals of the heart KOKORONOHIDANETONAREYO
Kizutsuita kokoro o iyasu chikara ga aru Sore sura wasureta? Could heal my wounded heart truly. Did you forget that too? KIZUTSUITAKOKOROOISUCHIKARAGAARU SORESURAWASURETA
Yuruginai honoo samenai kokoro nankoofuraku yo An unwavering flame, an uncooling heart, (it's, I'm) impregnable YURUGINAIHONOO SAMENAIKOKORO NANKOOFURAKUYO
Atsuku moeta kokoro ga naku As your burning heart cries out ATSUKUMOETA KOKOROGANAKU
Atsuku moeta kokoro ga naku As your burning heart cries out ATSUKUMOETA KOKOROGANAKU
Kieta kono kokoro kara mo It disappeared, from this heart too KIETA KONOKOKOROKARAMO
Kireta kono kokoro no ito I cut it, this thread that binds my heart KIRETA KONOKOKORONOITO
Kieta kono kokoro kara mo It disappeared, from my heart too KIETA KONOKOKOROKARAMO
Aganau kokoro ima dakaishi noshiagare Take your redemptive heart, crush it and rise up AGANAUKOKORO IMADAKAISHINOSHIAGARE
Aganau kokoro ima dakaishi noshiagare akugyaku mudoo Take your redemptive heart, crush it and rise up, ushering atrocity AGANAUKOKORO IMADAKAISHINOSHIAGAREAKUGYAKUMUDOO
Yami ni mayotta kokoro o sasu Lost in the dark, it shines on my heart YAMINIMAYOったTTA KOKOROOSASU
Moshi mo kokoro no koe ga kiete shimatta nara Even if the voice in my heart were to disappear MOSHIMO KOKORONOKOEGAKIETESHIMAったTTANARA
kokoro no oku no oku de sakebi tsuzuketa I kept screaming in the depths of my heart KOKORONOOKUNOOKUDESAKEBITSUZUKETA
Kanjite kokoro no mama (RIGHT NOW) Feel it to your heart's content (Right now) KANJITE KOKORONOMAMA(Right now)
daijina no wa mitame janaku ai o idaku kokoro What's important is not the appearance, but the heart that embraces love DAIJINANOWAMITAMEじゃJANAKU AIOIDAKUKOKORO

: komiagetekuru

namida egao itami nikushimi subete komiagetekuru itoshi sa Tears, smiles, pain, hatred, everything filling my heart with love. NAMIDA EGAO ITAMI NIKUSHIMI SUBETE KOMIAGETEKURUITOSHISA
namida egao itami nikushimi subete komiagetekuru itoshi sa Tears, smiles, pain, hatred, everything filling my heart with love. NAMIDA EGAO ITAMI NIKUSHIMI SUBETE KOMIAGETEKURUITOSHISA
namida egao itami nikushimi subete komiagetekuru itoshi sa Tears, smiles, pain, hatred, everything filling my heart with love. NAMIDA EGAO ITAMI NIKUSHIMI SUBETE KOMIAGETEKURUITOSHISA

: konjoo

Tootoo to konjoo no sokonashi kassai The never-ending cheers of this life come calmly TOOTOOTO今生KONJOONOSOKONASHI喝采KASSAI

: konnanna

donnani konnanna toki de mo no matter how difficult the times DONNANIKONNANNATOKIDEMO
donnani konnanna toki de mo no matter how difficult the times DONNANIKONNANNATOKIDEMO

: konnichiwa

Hammer Down
Jibunrashii jibun ni konnichiwa Say hello to your true self JIBUNRASHIIJIBUNNIKONNICHIWA

: kono

A Ray
Kono inochi no kagiri wa Until the day you die KONOINOCHINOKAGIRIWA
Sakasen da kono adabana We're making it bloom, a flower that bears no fruit SAKASENDA KONOADABANA
FOOL umareochita kono chi de WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO? Fools, in this world you were born, what do you want to do? Fool UMAREOCHITAKONOCHIDE What do you want to do
Mitomen da kono ikizama subete We accept everything about this way we live MITOMENDA KONOIKIZAMASUBETE
terase kono ukiyo Shine on this floating world TERASE KONO浮世UKIYO
Hikari hanate kono shunkan ni At this moment when I release the light HIKARIHANATEKONO瞬間SHUNKANNI
Back into the wild
Owari naki kono inori yo Oh, prayer that has no end OWARINAKI KONOINORIYO
Fumidashita kono saki ni I stepped forth into my future FUMIDASHITA KONOSAKINI
Kieta kono kokoro kara mo It disappeared, from this heart too KIETA KONOKOKOROKARAMO
Kireta kono kokoro no ito I cut it, this thread that binds my heart KIRETA KONOKOKORONOITO
Kieta kono kokoro kara mo It disappeared, from my heart too KIETA KONOKOKOROKARAMO
Moo mayoi wa shinai hitori aruku kono michi I won't lose my way anymore On this path I walk alone MOOMAYOIWASHINAI HITORIARUKUKONOMICHI
Shura matou kono issei Your generation clad in carnage SHURAMATOUKONO一世ISSEI
Kono toki o mune ni kizande And I etch this moment into my heart KONO瞬間TOKIOMUNENIKIZANDE
Now I here
Kono te no naka kakaekirenai kurai So much that I can't hold it all in my hands KONOTENONAKA KAKAEKIRENAIKURAI
kurushii kono shunkan sae mo eikoo made no STEP Even in this painful moment, to my own glory, step KURUSHIIKONO瞬間SHUNKANSAEMO EIKOOMADENOStep
Kono dai toshi Somewhere far away KONODAITOSHI
Rock n roll
Kojiakete iku kono koe This voice of mine wrenches them open KOJIAKETEIKU KONOKOE
Kirihiraku kono michi this path we've forged KIRIHIRAKUKONOMICHI
Moesakaru kono omoi These feeling burn brightly MOESAKARUKONOOMOI
Kirihiraku kono michi this path we've forged KIRIHIRAKUKONOMICHI
"Saa kono yubi to mare oni-san kochira te no naru hoo e" "No, stop at this finger! I'm over here, chaser, follow the clapping" さぁSAA KONOYUBITOMARE ONISANKOCHIRATENONARUHOOE
Soo kitto kono saki tsuzuiteku YOUR BEST STORIES I just know they'll keep on coming, Your Best Stories SOOKIっとTTOKONOSAKITSUZUITEKUYour Best Stories
Soo kitto kono saki tsuzuiteku YOUR BEST STORIES I just know they'll keep on coming, Your Best Stories SOOKIっとTTOKONOSAKITSUZUITEKUYour Best Stories
Soo kitto kono saki tsuzuiteku YOUR BEST STORIES I just know they'll keep on coming, Your Best Stories SOOKIっとTTOKONOSAKITSUZUITEKUYour Best Stories
shinjite iru yo kono deai koso I believe in this encounter SHINJITEIRUYO KONODEAIKOSO

: konomama

asa made konomama LET′S DANCE AND PARTY! Let's stay here til morning, Let's dance and party!! ASAMADEKONOMAMALet's dance and party!!
konomama anjuu? Soredake wa iya Will I just stay here? I don't like that. KONOMAMAANJUU?SOREDAKEWAIYA

: konote

Kakageta chikai wa konote no naka ni YOU CAN JUST HANG IN THERE The vow I made is in my hands. You can just hang in there KAKAGETACHIKAIWA KONOTENONAKANI You can just hang in there

: konoyo

Konoyo wa GAMBLE hatenaki ranbu This world is a gamble, an endless dance KONOYOWAgambleHATENAKIRANBU
konoyo ga kooka fukooka sonna mon wa ii Whether this world is happy or unhappy, that kind of thing is fine KONOYOGAKOOKAFUKOOKASONNAMONWAII

: konton

konton to narabu takai kabe High walls lined with chaos KONTONTONARABUTAKAIKABE

: koo

Mada mada tarinai sai & koo na TIME I still haven't had enough, the best ever time MADAMADATARINAISAI&KOONATime

: koogen

Afuredasu koogen ikasu kookei Saturating lights, everything they shine on AFUREDASUKOOGEN IKASUKOOKEI

: kooka

konoyo ga kooka fukooka sonna mon wa ii Whether this world is happy or unhappy, that kind of thing is fine KONOYOGAKOOKAFUKOOKASONNAMONWAII

: kookei

Afuredasu koogen ikasu kookei Saturating lights, everything they shine on AFUREDASUKOOGEN IKASUKOOKEI

: kooryaku

yuzurenai mono sakebu yokuboo kooryaku funoo yo What you can't shake, your screaming desire, it's impossible to conquer. YUZURENAIMONO SAKEBUYOKUBOO KOORYAKUFUNOOYO

: kore

kore o eien to iu nodaroo This is what you call eternity, I suppose. KOREOEIENTOIUNODAROO
kore ga mirai e to tsunagaru ndaroo This will lead us into the future, I believe. KOREGAMIRAIETOTSUNAGARUNDAROO
kore o eien to iu nodaroo This is what you call eternity, I suppose. KOREOEIENTOIUNODAROO
Inore inore yume inore kore kara miru keshiki o Pray, pray, pray in your dreams, for what you will find lying ahead INOREINOREYUMEINORE KOREKARAMIRU景色KESHIKIO
shinjite iru yo kore made no kiseki I believe in the trajectory so far SHINJITEIRUYO KOREMADENOKISEKI
kumo ni oowa reta sorawomiagete kore mo kirei to omoeta I looked up at the sky covered in clouds and thought it was beautiful too. KUMONIOOWARETASORAWOMIAGETE KOREMOKIREITOOMOETA
shinjite iru yo kore made no kiseki I believe in the miracles of the past. SHINJITEIRUYO KOREMADENOKISEKI

: korekara

Kitto korekara wa chizu no nai There's no map on how to move forward KIっとTTOKOREKARAWACHIZUNONAI
Korekara saki ni te o nobashite Reaching out in front of me from the point forward KOREKARASAKINITEONOBASHITE

: korogaru

Rock n roll
Korogaru ishi no yoo ni like a Rolling Stone KOROGARUISHINOYOONI

: korogaseyo

Korogaseyo Just roll on through KOROGASEYO

: koronde

hashitte koronde mata hashitte Run, fall, run again HASHIってTTEKORONDEMATAHASHIってTTE

: koshi

Koshi yurashite kami kakiage odori kurue Shake your hips, push your hair back, dance in ecstasy KOSHIYURASHITE KAMIKAKIAGE ODORIKURUE

: koso

Kaku mo hakanaki hotarubi koso Ever so fleeting, like a firefly KAKUMOHAKANAKI HOTARUBIKOSO
Kaku mo hakanaki hotarubi koso Ever so fleeting, like a firefly KAKUMOHAKANAKI HOTARUBIKOSO
Ooh jidai wa zutto inobeishon saa ima koso kaware maware waga NIPPON Now is the time to change it, spread it, in our NIPPON Ooh JIDAIWAZUっとTTOINOベーBEEショSHON さぁSAAIMAKOSOKAWAREMAWAREWAGA NIPPON
Now I here
Doko de mo nai koko de koso It's not just anywhere, it's right here 何処DOKODEMONAI KOKODEKOSO
nakitai toki koso waraitobase yo Just when you want to cry, just laugh away NAKITAITOKIKOSO WARAITOBASEYO
nakitai toki koso waraitobase yo Just when you want to cry, just laugh away NAKITAITOKIKOSO WARAITOBASEYO
shinjite iru yo kono deai koso I believe in this encounter SHINJITEIRUYO KONODEAIKOSO

: kotae

michibiite ke kotae o Lead me to the answer MICHIBIITEKEKOTAEO
Michibiite ke kotae o Lead me to the answer MICHIBIITEKEKOTAEO
Kotae wa nai no There is no answer KOTAEWANAINO
"doo shitai ka" sore ga kotae sa "What do you want to do?" That's the answer DOOSHITAIKASOREGAKOTAESA

: koto

tomaru koto no nai hitamukina omoi o A single-minded desire that never stops TOMARUKOTONONAIHITAMUKINAOMOIO
Norikoete yuke donna koto datte Rise above it, no matter what it is NORIKOETEIKE DONNAKOTODAってTTE
Kata ga fureru koto mo naku My shoulders were never brushed KATAGAFURERUKOTOMONAKU
Hoshi ni negatta koto ga All the wishes I made upon a star HOSHININEGAったTTAKOTOGA
Kanatta koto nante nai No one ever answered them KANAったTTAKOTONANTENAI
shinjiru koto sae kyoo wa wasuretakute iki o hisometeta Not wanting even to believe today, I held my breath because I wanted to forget. SHINJIRUKOTOSAE今日KYOOWA WASURETAKUTEIKIOHISOMETETA
wakari aenai koto   mujundarake no toki o We couldn't understand each other and always didn't agree, such days WAKARIAENAIKOTO MUJUNDARAKENO時間TOKIO
akiramerarenai jibun o sukoshi hokotta koto o chiisaku omoo Of myself for not giving up yet, I was a little proud, but I think it was childish. AKIRAMERARENAIJIBUNO SUKOSHIHOKOったTTAKOTOOCHIISAKUOMOO
ureshii koto mo kanashii koto mo both happy things and sad things URESHIIKOTOMO KANASHIIKOTOMO

: kotoba

kotoba yori kanji aeru We can feel each other better than words KOTOBAYORIKANJIAERU
Sono sugata mo sono kotoba mo misekake da yo Itsu madeazamuku? Everything you have said and you have done was all wrong You have to end this shit. SONO姿SUGATAMOSONOKOTOBAMOMISEKAKEDAYO ITSUMADEAZAMUKU

: kotonoha

Kotonoha ni mi o makasete tamayura no hikari ni you I surrender myself to those words, spellbound by a brief moment of light KOTONOHANIMIOMAKASETE 玉響TAMAYURANOHIKARINIYOU
Kotonoha ni mi o makasete tamayura no hikari ni you I surrender myself to those words, spellbound by a brief moment of light KOTONOHANIMIOMAKASETE 玉響TAMAYURANOHIKARINIYOU

: kotowari

Shogyoo mujoo no kotowari danzai Condemning the principle of the impermanence of all things SHOGYOOMUJOONOKOTOWARI DANZAI

: kowareta

Kowareta hazu no mune ga hibiku And in my heart that should be broken an echo... KOWARETAHAZUNOMUNEGAHIBIKU

: kowasarete

Hoka no te de kowasarete Broken by the hands of others HOKANOTEDEKOWASARETE

: kowasenai

Zankoku ja shibarenai shihai ja kowasenai Cruelty can't bind, control can't destroy ZANKOKUじゃJASHIBARENAI SHIHAIじゃJAKOWASENAI

: kowasu

seigi o kowasu tame ni RISING BACK NOW to destroy justice Rising back now SEIGIOKOWASUTAMENIRising back now

: koyoi

Akari tomori koyoi anata to tomo ni A lamp burns, together with you tonight AKARITOMORI 今宵KOYOIANATATOTOMONI
BOOST kamashi koyoi KNOCK OUT!! Boost your power and knock out them tonight BoostKAMASHI今宵KOYOIKnockOut!
Mezamero koyoi akane no sora ni Open your eyes tonight And turn them to the madder red sky MEZAMERO今宵KOYOI AKANENOSORANI
Mezamero koyoi akane no sora ni Open your eyes tonight And turn them towards the madder red sky MEZAMERO今宵KOYOI AKANENOSORANI
Mezamero koyoi akane no sora no yoo ni Open your eyes tonight just like the madder red sky MEZAMERO今宵KOYOI AKANENOSORANOYOONI

: ku

mune ni daite susumi tsuzukete ku I'll hold it close to my chest and keep moving forward MUNENIDAITESUSUMITSUZUKETEKU

: kuchi

Shi no go no iezu ni kuchi kamu Without complaint, I bite my tongue SHINOGONOIEZUNI KUCHIKAMU

: kuchikusa

Inochi no hate wa kuchikusa ni Once our lives end, We rot into the withering grass INOCHINOHATEWA KUCHIKUSANI

: kuchiyoo

Kedakaku kuchiyoo Nobly decaying to time KEDAKAKUKUCHICHIYOO

: kudaranai

Kudaranai ai ni furesasete Just let me feel this good-for-nothing love KUDARANAIAINIFURESASETE

: kui

Medatteru kui o tatakitsukeru shika noo no nai hito wa OH POOR YOU People who can only think about hammering the nail that sticks out back down say OH POOR YOU MEDAってTTERUKUIOTATAKITSUKERUSHIKANOONONAIHITOWA OH POOR YOU

: kumo

kumo ni oowa reta sorawomiagete kore mo kirei to omoeta I looked up at the sky covered in clouds and thought it was beautiful too. KUMONIOOWARETASORAWOMIAGETE KOREMOKIREITOOMOETA

: kundakara

Nebare kibare tsukkire nando datte hai agatte kundakara Be tenacious and push through, you'll keep coming back up again and again. NEBAREKIBARETSUっ切RE NANDODAってTTEHAIAGAってTTEKUNDAKARA

: kurai

“Ika re teru” tte kurai ni To the extent that it's "crazy" IKARETERUってTTEKURAINI
“Ika re teru” tte kurai ni To the extent that it's "crazy" IKARETERUってTTEKURAINI
Now I here
Kono te no naka kakaekirenai kurai So much that I can't hold it all in my hands KONOTENONAKA KAKAEKIRENAIKURAI
Ganjigarame no ima iki sae dekinai kurai I'm so tied up now that I can't even breathe GANJIGARAMENOIMA IKISAEDEKINAIKURAI
Mune no oku itai kurai (RIGHT UP) Deep in your chest, it hurts (Right up) MUNENOOKU ITAIKURAI (Right up)

: kuraitsuko

Chissoku shisoona genjoo kuraitsuko uni mo mudanateikoo The current situation seems to be suffocating, and it's a useless resistance as it tries to eat me up. 窒息CHISSOKUSHISOONAGENJOO KURAITSUKOUNIMOMUDANATEIKOO

: kurakkurade

BANG BANG Atama kurakkurade sa Bang bang, my head is cracking Bang Bang ATAMAKURAックKKURADESA
BANG BANG Atama kurakkurade sa Bang bang, my head is cracking Bang Bang ATAMAKURAックKKURADESA

: kurayami

kurayami sae mo mikata ni shitagaete FORCE ONE’S WAY Even the darkness is on my side Force one’s way KURAYAMISAEMOMIKATANISHITAGAETEForce ones way

: kureru

nai teru dareka mo waratte kureru hazu I'm sure someone who's crying will laugh too NAITERUDAREKAMOWARAってTTEKURERUHAZU

: kurikaesareru

Kurikaesareru hibi ga mou tebanasenai We can't let go of the days that came before KURIKAESARERUHIBIGAMOUTEBANASENAI
Kurikaesareru hibi ga mou tebanasenai We can't let go of the days that came before KURIKAESARERUHIBIGAMOUTEBANASENAI

: kurikaeshita

Now I here
Kurikaeshita ayamachi mo wakatteru I understand the mistakes I kept on making KURIKAESHITA AYAMACHIMOWAKAってTTERU

: kuroi

Tooboo kuroi sora wa I need to get way, but the black sky above TOOBOO KUROISORAWA

: kuroku

Rock n roll
Jigoku no kane wa naru kuroku nuritsubuse Hell's bells ring out, paint it all black JIGOKUNOKANEWANARU KUROKUNURITSUBUSE

: kuroneko

Midareta kami no ue kin no suzu o tsuketa kuroneko ga Above my unkempt hair A black cat with a bell on its collar MIDARETAKAMINOUE KINNOSUZUOTSUKETAKURONEKOGA

: kurue

Koshi yurashite kami kakiage odori kurue Shake your hips, push your hair back, dance in ecstasy KOSHIYURASHITE KAMIKAKIAGE ODORIKURUE

: kurushi

iki kurushi sa to hito ikiri ni   ima wa chotto shisen o otoshiteta Due to the hardships of living and human existence, now I looked slightly down. IKIKURUSHISATO HITOIKINI IMAWAちょCHOっとTTOSHISENOOTOSHITETA

: kurushii

Hammer Down
Sonna sugata kurushii dakedaro, sakende miro It's just painful to look like that, try screaming. SONNA姿SUGATAKURUSHIIDAKEDAROSAKENDEMIRO
Sonna sugata kurushii dakedaro, sakende miro It's just painful to look like that, try screaming. SONNA姿SUGATAKURUSHIIDAKEDAROSAKENDEMIRO
kurushii kono shunkan sae mo eikoo made no STEP Even in this painful moment, to my own glory, step KURUSHIIKONO瞬間SHUNKANSAEMO EIKOOMADENOStep

: kurushiku

Kurushiku te mo Even if it hurts KURUSHIKUTEMO

: kuuki

Yurasu kuuki kan to UPPER na tenshon Within this palpitating atmosphere and upper tension YURASUKUUKIKANTO Upper NATENショSHON

: kuwaete

Yubi o kuwaete nagameteru dake? You just gonna be jealous and sit there and stare? YUBIOKUWAETE NAGAMETERUDAKE

: kuyanda

Furimuki mo sezu dokusoo shite itta ato de Kuyanda furi kai? Why do you pretend regretting after you're gone? You need to know my pain. FURIMUKIMOSEZUDOKUSOOSHITEIったTTAATODEKUYAYANDAFURIKAI

: kyakkya

Sawagou sassato kyakkya surya Let's make some noise and scream quickly SAWAGOUSAっさSSATOキャKYAッキャKKYASUりゃRYA

: kyomu

Tsuchi ni kaeru hi wa kyomu no naka Hitori When we return to the earth, we're all alone in nothingness TSUCHINIKAERUHIWA KYOMUNONAKA 一人HITORI

: kyoo

shinjiru koto sae kyoo wa wasuretakute iki o hisometeta Not wanting even to believe today, I held my breath because I wanted to forget. SHINJIRUKOTOSAE今日KYOOWA WASURETAKUTEIKIOHISOMETETA

: kyookan

Ranbure ya ranbure ya ranbure ya ranbure ya abi kyookan Dance, dance, dance, dance, it's pandemonium RANBUREYARANBUREYARANBUREYARANBUREYAABIKYOOKAN

: kyooki

kyooki ranbu no mugen paradaisu An endless paradise of frenzy KYOOKIRANBUNOMUGENPARADAISU

: kyooran

Risei ga yuusen de buuingu kyooran Where reason is prioritized, joined by a frenzy of booing RISEIGAYUUSENDE ブーBUUINGUKYOORAN

: kyosei

ganzoo anchuu sekai neon kikazari kyosei harya A counterfeit dark world, dressed up in neon lights and putting on a bravado GANZOOANCHUUSEKAI NEONKIKAZARIKYOSEIHAりゃRYA

: kyuu

HEAVY kyuu na hedoban medatte nanbo Heavy as hell headbanging stands out from the crowd HeavyKYUUNAHEDOBAN MEDAってTTENANBO

: kyuuso

Kyuuso no gotoku neko o kame Even a rat is dangerous when cornered by a cat KYUUSONOGOTOKUNEKOOKAME

: ma

Iki tsuku ma mo naku ikitsuku kago no naka Inside the cage you always end up in IKITSUKUMAMONAKUIKITSUKUKAGONONAKA
Iki tsuku ma mo naku ikitsuku kago no naka Inside the cage you always end up in IKITSUKUMAMONAKUIKITSUKUKAGONONAKA

: maatarashii

tadori tsuita maatarashii sekai de In the brand new world I've arrived at 辿TADORITSUITAMAATARASHIISEKAIDE

: machi

CHOKING DOPE na machi ni habikoru basei Choking DOPE Swearing that spreads through the city Choking DOPENAMACHINI蔓延HABIKORUBASEI
Nemuranai machi o nuke Escape the sleepless city NEMURANAIMACHIONUKE

: machigatte

Machigatte mo Even if I mess up MACHIGAってTTEMO

: machinasai

"Oya oya o machinasai koko kara saki wa ikidomari" "Oh, my goodness! Stop here! The road ahead is a dead end!" OYAOYA OMACHINASAI KOKOKARASAKIWAIKIDOMARI

: mada

Mada mada tarinai sai & koo na TIME I still haven't had enough, the best ever time MADAMADATARINAISAI&KOONATime
mada tooi shinkiroo demo zettai shinjiro saigo no saigomade NOBODY KNOWS It's still a distant mirage, but I'll definitely believe it, until the very end Nobody knows. MADATOOISHINKIROO DEMO絶対ZETTAISHINJIRO SAIGONOSAIGOMADENobody knows
ima wa mada tabi no tochuu I'm still on my journey IMAWAMADATABINOTOCHUU

: made

makkurona donten ga hareru made Until the pitch black cloudy sky clears up MAっ黒NADONTENGAHARERUMADE
hateru made tobashite ikou ze Let's fly until the end HATERUMADETOBASHITEIKOUZE
Jimen mitatte tsumannai kao age ten made Tachiagare OK? It's boring just looking at the ground, raise your head, up to the sky. Stand back up, OK? JIMENMITAってTTETSUMANNAI KAOAGE TENMADE TACHIAGARE OK
asa made konomama LET′S DANCE AND PARTY! Let's stay here til morning, Let's dance and party!! ASAMADEKONOMAMALet's dance and party!!
watashi no mune no itami   tengoku made datte My heartache, even all the way to heaven, WATASHINOMUNENOITAMI TENGOKUMADEDAってTTE
kurushii kono shunkan sae mo eikoo made no STEP Even in this painful moment, to my own glory, step KURUSHIIKONO瞬間SHUNKANSAEMO EIKOOMADENOStep
Hone no zui made Down to the very marrow of your bones HONENOZUIMADE
Ikeru toko made ROLLIN' ROLLIN' To a way better place Rollin' Rollin' IKERUTOKOMADE Rollin' Rollin'
Doko made mo age te gookaku (LIGHT UP) Rise up as far as you'll go and succeed (Light up) DOKOMADEMOAGETEGOOKAKU (Light up)
shinjite iru yo kore made no kiseki I believe in the trajectory so far SHINJITEIRUYO KOREMADENOKISEKI
shinjite iru yo kore made no kiseki I believe in the miracles of the past. SHINJITEIRUYO KOREMADENOKISEKI

: madeazamuku

Sono sugata mo sono kotoba mo misekake da yo Itsu madeazamuku? Everything you have said and you have done was all wrong You have to end this shit. SONO姿SUGATAMOSONOKOTOBAMOMISEKAKEDAYO ITSUMADEAZAMUKU

: madoo

Madoo hito no susumu michi o And illuminate the path of those in doubt MADOOHITONO SUSUMUMICHIO

: mae

noonai owaru mae ni LET’S TRIP AWAY Before it ends in my brain Let’s trip away NOONAIOWARUMAENI Lets trip away
Me o sorasazu mae dake muki Face forward and keep your eye on the prize MEOSORASAZU MAEDAKEMUKI
Mae e mae e mae e ima o susume Forward, forward, forward, push on through now MAEEMAEEMAEEIMAOSUSUME
Kabuke kabuke kabuki mae chiru hana yori hageshiku Sink, sink, flutter to the ground, harder than any other flower blossom KABUKEKABUKEKABUKIMAE CHIRUHANAYORIHAGESHIKU

: magau

Hoshi to magau hodo They get mistaken for a star HOSHITOMAGAUHODO
Hoshi to magau hodo They get mistaken for a star HOSHITOMAGAUHODO

: magire

Now I here
Magire mo nai ai ga So much unmistakeable love MAGIREMONAI AIGA

: mai

dadda dadda dda dda ddaitan futeki ni mai odori tonde dadda dadda dda dda dancing and jumping fearlessly DAッダDDADAッダDDAッダDDAッダDDAッ大??????NI舞いMAIODORITONDE
baribari ni kimeta mai sugata o A carefully chosen dance figure BARIBARINIKIMETAMAI姿SUGATAO

: maiagare

Agare agare maiagare hakanasa yori karen ni Further, further, soar up on high, more graceful than fleeting AGAREAGARE舞いMAIAGARE HAKANASAYORIKARENNI
Agare agare maiagare hakanasa yori karen ni Further, further, soar on up high, more graceful than fleeting AGAREAGARE舞いMAIAGARE HAKANASAYORIKARENNI

: makasete

Kotonoha ni mi o makasete tamayura no hikari ni you I surrender myself to those words, spellbound by a brief moment of light KOTONOHANIMIOMAKASETE 玉響TAMAYURANOHIKARINIYOU
Kotonoha ni mi o makasete tamayura no hikari ni you I surrender myself to those words, spellbound by a brief moment of light KOTONOHANIMIOMAKASETE 玉響TAMAYURANOHIKARINIYOU

: makenai

Makenai tsuyoi Remember the limitlessness MAKENAITSUYOI

: makenaide

makenaide to koe o karashi sakenda I shouted in a hoarse voice, telling myself not to give up. MAKENAIDETOKOEOKARASHISAKENDA

: makiagete

Sajin makiagete susumu dake and now move forward kicking up a dust storm SAJINMAKIKIAGETESUSUMUDAKE

: makikomu

Makikomu I'M A "LIVE MONSTER" I involve it all, I'm a LIVE MONSTER MAKIKOMU I'm a "LIVE MONSTER"

: makiokose

Wakiagaru sono mochibeishon de makiokose SO reboryuushon As the motivation boils out of you, go and make it happen, so, revolution WAKIAGARUSONOMOCHIベーBEEショSHON DEMAKIKIOKOSE So REBOリューRYUUショSHON

: makkurona

makkurona donten ga hareru made Until the pitch black cloudy sky clears up MAっ黒NADONTENGAHARERUMADE

: makureyo

Otakebi makureyo taiyoo ni Shout loud to the sun 雄叫OTAKEBIMAKUREYOTAIYOONI

: makutte

Gan gan boryuumu age makutte sa Gun, gun, turn up the volume GAN GAN BOリューRYUUMUAGEMAKUってTTESA

: mama

Utaeya sawage ya honnoo no mama ni LET’S LIVE IT UP Sing, make noise, follow your instincts Let's live it up UTAEYASAWAGEYAHONNOONOMAMANILets live it up
OH-- sono mama de MOVE ON Oh, just as you are, move on Oh SONOMAMADE MOVE ON
Tannaru heikoo sen no mama We just carry on down parallel lines TANNARUHEIKOOSENNOMAMA
Kanjite kokoro no mama (RIGHT NOW) Feel it to your heart's content (Right now) KANJITE KOKORONOMAMA(Right now)
Yokuboo no mama hakichirase I just spew out all that I desire YOKUBOONOMAMA HAKICHIRASE
Yokuboo no mama hakichirase I just spew out all that I desire YOKUBOONOMAMA HAKICHIRASE
Yokuboo no mama hakichirase I just spew out all that I desire YOKUBOONOMAMA HAKICHIRASE

: mamoru

Darenimo yuzurenai ashita o mamoru tame ni I can't bow down to anyone, to protect tomorrow DARENIMOYUZURENAI 明日ASHITAOMAMORUTAMENI
Darenimo yuzurenai ashita o mamoru tame ni I can't bow down to anyone, to protect tomorrow DARENIMOYUZURENAI 明日ASHITAOMAMORUTAMENI

: man

Man ajira nadima man ajira nadima MAN AJIRA NAディDIMA
Man ajira nadima man ajira nadima MAN AJIRA NAディDIMA
Man ajira nadima man ajira nadima MAN AJIRA NAディDIMA
Man ajira nadima man ajira nadima MAN AJIRA NAディDIMA

: manabu

yorokobi ni naite ayamachi de manabu Cry with joy and learn from your mistakes YOROKOBININAITE AYAMACHIDEMANABU

: mandara

Meisoochuu A TO Z mandara Meditation A to Z Mandala MEISOOCHUU A to Z MANDARA

: manjoo

Manjoo icchi de kimatta atashi no afutaa raifu It's been unanimously decided, my afterlife MANJOO一致ICCHIDEKIMAったTTA ATASHINOAFUターTAARAIFU

: manjuu

Oshikura manjuu osarete nakuna Oshikura manjuu Don't cry when shoved OSHIKURAMANじゅJUUOSARETENAKUNA

: mare

"Saa kono yubi to mare oni-san kochira te no naru hoo e" "No, stop at this finger! I'm over here, chaser, follow the clapping" さぁSAA KONOYUBITOMARE ONISANKOCHIRATENONARUHOOE

: marude

ISN'T IT COOL? IT'S TOO LATE. Marude Isn't it cool? It's too late. Just like that Isn't it cool It's too late. MARUDE
Yurari yurari marude ranpu no yoo ni Flickering, flickering, like a lamp YURARIYURARI MARUDERANPUNOYOONI

: masaru

Yamiyo ni mo masaru They vanquish the dark of the night YAMIYONIMOMASARU

: mata

GONE kizuke ba mata hitori to oikosreteku Gone, everyone's passed on by before you even knew it Gone KIZUKEBAMATA一人HITORITOOIKOSARETEKU
mogaite shizunde mata miru yume A dream that struggles, sinks, and reappears MOGAITESHIZUNDEMATAMIRUYUME
hashitte koronde mata hashitte Run, fall, run again HASHIってTTEKORONDEMATAHASHIってTTE
Mata zero ni modoranakerya ii I don't have to go back to zero again MATAZERONIMODORANAKEりゃRYAII
Rock n roll
Nan do demo mata Again and again NANDODEMOMATA

: matou

Shura matou kono issei Your generation clad in carnage SHURAMATOUKONO一世ISSEI
Beni o matou ichirin no hana A single flower clad in crimson BENIOMATOUICHIRINNOHANA

: mau

Karada wa saite chitte kaze ni mau Bodies bloom and scatter, whirling in the wind 身体KARADAWASAITECHIってTTEKAZENIMAU
Sono te o saite chitte sora ni mau kakumei Rip those hands open, the blood is a revolution, dancing through the universe SONOTEOSAITECHIってTTESORANIMAUKAKUMEI
Karada wa saite chitte kaze ni mau Bodies bloom and scatter, whirling in the wind 身体KARADAWASAITECHIってTTEKAZENIMAU
Sono te o saite chitte sora ni mau kakumei Rip those hands open, the blood is a revolution, dancing through the universe SONOTEOSAITECHIってTTESORANIMAUKAKUMEI

: maware

Ooh jidai wa zutto inobeishon saa ima koso kaware maware waga NIPPON Now is the time to change it, spread it, in our NIPPON Ooh JIDAIWAZUっとTTOINOベーBEEショSHON さぁSAAIMAKOSOKAWAREMAWAREWAGA NIPPON

: mayoe

Mayoe yo nando de mo ii Lose your way as many times as you like MAYOEYONANDODEMOII
Mayoe yo nan do de mo ii Lose your way as many times as you like MAYOEYONANDODEMOII

: mayoi

Moo mayoi wa shinai hitori nugutta namida I won't lose my way anymore, I wipe my tears alone MOOMAYOIWASHINAI HITORINUGUったTTANAMIDA
Moo mayoi wa shinai hitori aruku kono michi I won't lose my way anymore On this path I walk alone MOOMAYOIWASHINAI HITORIARUKUKONOMICHI

: mayotta

Yami ni mayotta kokoro o sasu Lost in the dark, it shines on my heart YAMINIMAYOったTTA KOKOROOSASU

: mayowazu

OH-- mayowazu ni GO WILD Oh, don't hesitate, go wild Oh MAYOWAZUNI GO WILD
OH-- mayowazu ni yuke Oh, don't hesitate, just go Oh MAYOWAZUNI YUKE
mayowazu ni BELIEVE IN YOURSELF Without hesitation Believe in yourself MAYOWAZUNI believe in yourself

: me

Kagami ni utsuru futatsu no me Two eyes reflected in the mirrors KAGAMINIUTSURU FUTATSUNOME
Me o sorasazu mae dake muki Face forward and keep your eye on the prize MEOSORASAZU MAEDAKEMUKI
Biidama no yo na me de shinda atashi ni koe kakete kita Looked down at me with its marble eyes And said to the me who had died: ビーBIIDAMANOYONAMEDE SHINDAATASHINIKOEKAKETEKITA
Me o tojireba yomigaeru sutoorii iro azayakana kakera-tachi A story that comes back to life when you close your eyes, colorful fragments MEOTOJIREBAYOMIGAERUSUトーTOOリーRIIIROAZAYAKANA欠片KAKERATACHI

: mebaeta

itami o koete mebaeta michi ga nagaku tsuzuku The path that sprouted beyond the pain continues for a long time ITAMIOKOETEMEBAETA MICHIGANAGAKUTSUZUKU

: medatte

HEAVY kyuu na hedoban medatte nanbo Heavy as hell headbanging stands out from the crowd HeavyKYUUNAHEDOBAN MEDAってTTENANBO

: medatteru

Medatteru kui o tatakitsukeru shika noo no nai hito wa OH POOR YOU People who can only think about hammering the nail that sticks out back down say OH POOR YOU MEDAってTTERUKUIOTATAKITSUKERUSHIKANOONONAIHITOWA OH POOR YOU

: megure


: meguru

Meguru rinne wa toototsu CUT OUT The turning cycle of death and rebirth suddenly cuts out MEGURU輪廻RINNEWATOOTOTSUcut out

: meiru

Yo appakuka no minasama imasara GIVE AND TAKE? Kizuna FAKE? Itsuka meiru muda na DAYS Yo, to all the oppressed, still the time for GIVE AND TAKE? Your bonds so FAKE? Losing heart during those idle DAYS Yo 圧迫APPAKUKANOMINASAMA IMASARA GIVE AND TAKE KIZUNA FAKE ITSUKAMEIRU MUDANA DAYS

: meisoochuu

Meisoochuu A TO Z mandara Meditation A to Z Mandala MEISOOCHUU A to Z MANDARA

: mekurumeku

Mekurumeku jinsei for a brighter life than now 目眩MEKURUMEKUJINSEI

: meru

Mitsu meru saki hate naku The future before them is without end MITSUMERUSAKI HATENAKU

: mezamero

Mezamero koyoi akane no sora ni Open your eyes tonight And turn them to the madder red sky MEZAMERO今宵KOYOI AKANENOSORANI
Mezamero koyoi akane no sora ni Open your eyes tonight And turn them towards the madder red sky MEZAMERO今宵KOYOI AKANENOSORANI
Mezamero koyoi akane no sora no yoo ni Open your eyes tonight just like the madder red sky MEZAMERO今宵KOYOI AKANENOSORANOYOONI

: mezase

Mezase mezase saikoo e Aim for it, aim for the top, MEZASE MEZASE SAIKOOE

: mezasu

rekidai jinsei shijoo ichi i o mezasu Aiming to be number one in all-time history REKIDAIJINSEISHIJOO1IOMEZASU

: mi

Waga mi no hate wa aware nari Sad my life has been that bears no fruit WAGAMINOHATEWA AWARENARI
Moyaseyo sono mi goto Burn and blaze, your whole self MOYASEYO SONOMIGOTO
Moyaseyo sono mi goto Burn and blaze, your whole self MOYASEYO SONOMIGOTO
Kotonoha ni mi o makasete tamayura no hikari ni you I surrender myself to those words, spellbound by a brief moment of light KOTONOHANIMIOMAKASETE 玉響TAMAYURANOHIKARINIYOU
Kotonoha ni mi o makasete tamayura no hikari ni you I surrender myself to those words, spellbound by a brief moment of light KOTONOHANIMIOMAKASETE 玉響TAMAYURANOHIKARINIYOU

: michi

A Ray
Soo kiboo mo naku ayunde iku kodoku na michi o Yes, I'll hopelessly walk along a lonely road SOO KIBOOMONAKUAYUNDEIKUKODOKUNAMICHIO
Tsuki no terasu wa shinobu michi The moonlight lights the path you've endured TSUKINOTERASUWA SHINOBUMICHI
Madoo hito no susumu michi o And illuminate the path of those in doubt MADOOHITONO SUSUMUMICHIO
Saigo ni aruita michi wa On the path we walked last SAIGONIARUITAMICHIWA
Moo mayoi wa shinai hitori aruku kono michi I won't lose my way anymore On this path I walk alone MOOMAYOIWASHINAI HITORIARUKUKONOMICHI
bokura wa onaji michi o aruku nda … you and I will walk one road, surely ... BOKURAWAONAJIMICHIOARUKUNDA
Rock n roll
Kirihiraku kono michi this path we've forged KIRIHIRAKUKONOMICHI
Kirihiraku kono michi this path we've forged KIRIHIRAKUKONOMICHI
DONT NEED TO LOOK BACK YOUR kita michi o Dont need to look back your road here so far Don't need to look back your 来たKITAMICHIO
itami o koete mebaeta michi ga nagaku tsuzuku The path that sprouted beyond the pain continues for a long time ITAMIOKOETEMEBAETA MICHIGANAGAKUTSUZUKU

: michibiite

michibiite ke kotae o Lead me to the answer MICHIBIITEKEKOTAEO
Michibiite ke kotae o Lead me to the answer MICHIBIITEKEKOTAEO

: midare

Midare midare midaresake dare yori mo uruwashiku Madly, madly, madly bloom, more beautiful than any other MIDAREMIDAREMIDARESAKE DAREYORIMOURUWASHIKU
Midare midare midaresake dare yori mo uruwashiku Madly, madly, madly bloom, more beautifully than any other MIDAREMIDAREMIDARESAKE DAREYORIMOURUWASHIKU

: midaresake

Midare midare midaresake dare yori mo uruwashiku Madly, madly, madly bloom, more beautiful than any other MIDAREMIDAREMIDARESAKE DAREYORIMOURUWASHIKU
Midare midare midaresake dare yori mo uruwashiku Madly, madly, madly bloom, more beautifully than any other MIDAREMIDAREMIDARESAKE DAREYORIMOURUWASHIKU

: midareta

Midareta kami no ue kin no suzu o tsuketa kuroneko ga Above my unkempt hair A black cat with a bell on its collar MIDARETAKAMINOUE KINNOSUZUOTSUKETAKURONEKOGA

: migi

Migi muke migi de ajike ga nai kimi Face right, face right, feeling nothing but monotony MIGIMUKEMIGIDE AJIKEGANAIKIMI

: mijime

Sakebeyo mijime de mo ii Scream out, it's okay to be unhappy SAKEBEYOMIJIMEDEMOII

: mikaesu

mikaesu nda JUST YOU WAIT Look back Just you wait MIKAESUNDA Just you wait

: mikata

kurayami sae mo mikata ni shitagaete FORCE ONE’S WAY Even the darkness is on my side Force one’s way KURAYAMISAEMOMIKATANISHITAGAETEForce ones way

: mimi

Sanzan abita fuhei fuman kiiteru mimi wa nai My ears aren't made for hearing the complaints all around me SANZANABITAFUHEIFUMAN KIITERUMIMIWANAI
Mimi o tozasanaide WHEREVER YOU WILL GO Don't cover your ears, Wherever you will go MIMIOTOZASANAIDE Wherever you will go

: mina

Dare mo ga mina giru SHOWTIME Everyone's capable of an explosive showtime DAREMOGA MINAGIRUshowtime
Dare mo ga mina giru SHOWTIME Everyone's capable of an explosive showtime DAREMOGA MINAGIRUshowtime
Dare mo ga mina giru SHOWTIME Everyone's capable of an explosive showtime DAREMOGA MINAGIRUshowtime

: minamo

Aoge aoge ten aoge minamo yori nameraka ni Look, look, look up into the sky, clearer than any lake AOGEAOGETENAOGE 水面MINAMOYORINAMERAKANI

: minareta

minareta sora wa kagayaite ita The familiar sky was shining MINARETASORAWAKAGAYAITEITA

: minasama

Yo appakuka no minasama imasara GIVE AND TAKE? Kizuna FAKE? Itsuka meiru muda na DAYS Yo, to all the oppressed, still the time for GIVE AND TAKE? Your bonds so FAKE? Losing heart during those idle DAYS Yo 圧迫APPAKUKANOMINASAMA IMASARA GIVE AND TAKE KIZUNA FAKE ITSUKAMEIRU MUDANA DAYS

: mioboe

Chiisana hana mioboe naku A small flower you have no recollection of CHIISANAHANA MIOBOENAKU

: miotoshite

Miotoshite mo Even if I miss something MIOTOSHITEMO

: mirai

negatteta mirai e chikadzuite iru I'm getting closer to the future I've been wishing for NEGAってTTETAMIRAIECHIKAZUITEIRU
kirihiraku mirai o Opening up the future KIRIHIRAKUMIRAIO
Gooru ga kietetta mirai mo sono tsuzuki dakara That future of those faded goals too was a continuation of that ゴーGOORUGAKIETEったTTAMIRAIMO SONOTSUZUKIDAKARA
kore ga mirai e to tsunagaru ndaroo This will lead us into the future, I believe. KOREGAMIRAIETOTSUNAGARUNDAROO
kanarazu koete ikeru mirai shinjite Believe in the future that you can definitely overcome KANARAZUKOETEIKERUMIRAISHINJITE
ookina mirai o shimesukara Because it shows a big future OOKINAMIRAIOSHIMESUKARA
ookina mirai o tsukamukara Because I'm going to grab a big future OOKINAMIRAIOTSUKAMUKARA

: miro

Hammer Down
Sonna sugata kurushii dakedaro, sakende miro It's just painful to look like that, try screaming. SONNA姿SUGATAKURUSHIIDAKEDAROSAKENDEMIRO
Sonna sugata kurushii dakedaro, sakende miro It's just painful to look like that, try screaming. SONNA姿SUGATAKURUSHIIDAKEDAROSAKENDEMIRO

: miru

mogaite shizunde mata miru yume A dream that struggles, sinks, and reappears MOGAITESHIZUNDEMATAMIRUYUME
Inore inore yume inore kore kara miru keshiki o Pray, pray, pray in your dreams, for what you will find lying ahead INOREINOREYUMEINORE KOREKARAMIRU景色KESHIKIO

: misekake

Sono sugata mo sono kotoba mo misekake da yo Itsu madeazamuku? Everything you have said and you have done was all wrong You have to end this shit. SONO姿SUGATAMOSONOKOTOBAMOMISEKAKEDAYO ITSUMADEAZAMUKU

: misete

ZUNG ZUNG teion ni yudanete misete Zung Zung, Submit yourself to the bass Zung Zung TEIONNIYUDANETEMISETE
Misete mite saikoo ni daitan ni Go on, bewitch me, be bolder than all the rest MISETEMITE SAIKOONIDAITANNI

: misetsukero

Misetsukero fumitsuketa yatsura e Show the ones who trampled all over you MISETSUKERO FUMITSUKETAYATSURAE
Kanzenna sonzai o misetsukero Show your complete existence KANZENNASONZAIOMISETSUKERO
Misetsukero IT'S YOUR STYLE Flaunt yourself, It's your STYLE MISETSUKERO It's your STYLE
Misetsukero IT'S YOUR STYLE Flaunt yourself, It's your STYLE MISETSUKERO It's your STYLE
Misetsukero IT'S YOUR STYLE Flaunt yourself, It's your STYLE MISETSUKERO It's your STYLE

: misetsukete

GOT IT GOT IT Misetsukete yaru nda Got it Got it I'll show it to you Got it Got itMISETSUKETEYARUNDA

: mita

Back into the wild
Shikabane no yama o mita I saw a mountain of corpses SHIKABANENOYAMAOMITA

: mitai

Now I here
Mitasarete mitai ichi do de mo ii I just want to be fulfilled, just for once MITASARETEMITAI ICHIDODEMOII

: mitame

daijina no wa mitame janaku ai o idaku kokoro What's important is not the appearance, but the heart that embraces love DAIJINANOWAMITAMEじゃJANAKU AIOIDAKUKOKORO

: mitasarete

Now I here
Mitasarete ita to kanjiteta no I always felt so very fulfilled MITASARETEITATO KANJITETANO
Mitasarete mitai ichi do de mo ii I just want to be fulfilled, just for once MITASARETEMITAI ICHIDODEMOII

: mitatte

Jimen mitatte tsumannai kao age ten made Tachiagare OK? It's boring just looking at the ground, raise your head, up to the sky. Stand back up, OK? JIMENMITAってTTETSUMANNAI KAOAGE TENMADE TACHIAGARE OK

: mite

Misete mite saikoo ni daitan ni Go on, bewitch me, be bolder than all the rest MISETEMITE SAIKOONIDAITANNI
Ushiro furikaette mite hora If you look back behind you, look USHIROFURIKAEってTTEMITEHORA
Ushiro furikaette mite hora If you look back behind you, look USHIROFURIKAEってTTEMITEHORA
Ushiro furikaette mite hora If you look back behind you, look USHIROFURIKAEってTTEMITEHORA

: miterunara

Tada miterunara fuku o nuide If you're just going watch, take those clothes off TADAMITERUNARA FUKUONUITE
Tada miterunara fuku o nuide If you're just going to watch, take those clothes off TADAMITERUNARA FUKUONUIDE

: mitomen

Mitomen da kono ikizama subete We accept everything about this way we live MITOMENDA KONOIKIZAMASUBETE

: mitsu

Mitsu meru saki hate naku The future before them is without end MITSUMERUSAKI HATENAKU

: mitsukeru

A Ray
Ikiru imi o mitsukeru tame To find my reason to live as well IKIRUIMIOMITSUKERUTAME
Now I here
Mitsukeru no jibun de I'll find it, all by myself MITSUKERUNO JIBUNDE

: mitsuketa

Now I here
Mitsuketa no yasuragi o I've finally found peace MITSUKETANO YASURAGIO

: miushinawanaide

Miushinawanaide Don't lose sight of it MIUSHINAWANAIDE

: miyako

Yurari yurari to seiran no miyako Swaying gently in the hazy capital YURARIYURARITOSEIRANNOMIYAKO

: mo

A Ray
Moo zetsuboo ni nani mo ka mo ubawasetaku nai No, I don't want my despair to snatch anything away anymore MOO ZETSUBOONINANIMOKAMOUBAWASETAKUNAI
Itsu ka subete kieru to shite mo Even if everything is to disappear one day ITSUKASUBETEKIERUTOSHITEMO
Soo kiboo mo naku ayunde iku kodoku na michi o Yes, I'll hopelessly walk along a lonely road SOO KIBOOMONAKUAYUNDEIKUKODOKUNAMICHIO
Soo nan do de mo tachiagari mukatte yukun da Yeah, stand back up and face it head on again and again SOO NANDODEMOTACHIAGARIMUKAってTTEIKUNDA
Itami mo tsurete susunde yuke Keep moving forward with your pain ITAMIMOTSURETESUSUNDEYUKE
Mayoe yo nando de mo ii Lose your way as many times as you like MAYOEYONANDODEMOII
Aware na adabana no yoo de mo ii sa ISN'T IT? It's okay to be a pitiful flower that bears no fruit, Isn't it? AWARENAADABANANOYOODEMOIISA Isn't it
Sakebeyo mijime de mo ii Scream out, it's okay to be unhappy SAKEBEYOMIJIMEDEMOII
Dare ka no tenohira no ue de mo ii sa WE'RE HERE Even if it's to someone else's tune, we're here DAREKANOTENOHIRANOUEDEMOIISA We're here
Mayoe yo nan do de mo ii Lose your way as many times as you like MAYOEYONANDODEMOII
Aware na adabana no yoo de mo ii sa ISN'T IT? It's okay to be a pitiful flower that bears no fruit, Isn't it? AWARENAADABANANOYOODEMOIISA Isn't it
(CLAP CLAP!) Yaoyorozu no kami mo HEAT UP (Clap Clap!) All the gods and goddesses Heat up (Clap Clap!)YA百万OYOROZUNOKAMIMOHeat up
nai teru dareka mo waratte kureru hazu I'm sure someone who's crying will laugh too NAITERUDAREKAMOWARAってTTEKURERUHAZU
Back into the wild
Akirameru mono doko mo kashiko mo Those who give up, as far as the eye can see AKIRAMERUMONO DOKOMOKASHIKOMO
Furimuki mo sezu dokusoo shite itta ato de Kuyanda furi kai? Why do you pretend regretting after you're gone? You need to know my pain. FURIMUKIMOSEZUDOKUSOOSHITEIったTTAATODEKUYAYANDAFURIKAI
Sono sugata mo sono kotoba mo misekake da yo Itsu madeazamuku? Everything you have said and you have done was all wrong You have to end this shit. SONO姿SUGATAMOSONOKOTOBAMOMISEKAKEDAYO ITSUMADEAZAMUKU
Hana mo sakasanu umoregi no Fated to gather no flowers from a fossil tree HANAMOSAKASANU UREGINO
Nue mo kanawanu yuzuru mo Even the bowstring not even Nue could match NUEMOKANAWANU YUZURUMO
Kaku mo hakanaki hotarubi koso Ever so fleeting, like a firefly KAKUMOHAKANAKI HOTARUBIKOSO
Yamiyo ni mo masaru They vanquish the dark of the night YAMIYONIMOMASARU
Kaku mo hakanaki hotarubi koso Ever so fleeting, like a firefly KAKUMOHAKANAKI HOTARUBIKOSO
Saigo no hi mo Even on your last day on earth SAIGONOHIMO
Kaku mo munashiki inochi It's all so futile, so take your life KAKUMOMUNASHIKI INOCHI
Narabete mo tomerannai Even if usually I still won't stop NARABETEMO TOMERANNAI
Kata ga fureru koto mo naku My shoulders were never brushed KATAGAFURERUKOTOMONAKU
Kieta kono kokoro kara mo It disappeared, from this heart too KIETA KONOKOKOROKARAMO
Sono koe mo ai mo awai kioku ni shizumu That voice of yours, love of yours Sink into pale memory SONOKOEMOAIMO AWAIKIOKUNISHIZUMU
Kieta kono kokoro kara mo It disappeared, from my heart too KIETA KONOKOKOROKARAMO
Iki tsuku ma mo naku ikitsuku kago no naka Inside the cage you always end up in IKITSUKUMAMONAKUIKITSUKUKAGONONAKA
Iki tsuku ma mo naku ikitsuku kago no naka Inside the cage you always end up in IKITSUKUMAMONAKUIKITSUKUKAGONONAKA
dare mo todokanai no one can reach DAREMOTODOKANAI
kurayami sae mo mikata ni shitagaete FORCE ONE’S WAY Even the darkness is on my side Force one’s way KURAYAMISAEMOMIKATANISHITAGAETEForce ones way
Gooru ga kietetta mirai mo sono tsuzuki dakara That future of those faded goals too was a continuation of that ゴーGOORUGAKIETEったTTAMIRAIMO SONOTSUZUKIDAKARA
Machigatte mo Even if I mess up MACHIGAってTTEMO
Kizutsuite mo Even if I get hurt KIZUTSUITEMO
Miotoshite mo Even if I miss something MIOTOSHITEMO
Kurushiku te mo Even if it hurts KURUSHIKUTEMO
Now I here
Kurikaeshita ayamachi mo wakatteru I understand the mistakes I kept on making KURIKAESHITA AYAMACHIMOWAKAってTTERU
Doko de mo nai koko de koso It's not just anywhere, it's right here 何処DOKODEMONAI KOKODEKOSO
Mitasarete mitai ichi do de mo ii I just want to be fulfilled, just for once MITASARETEMITAI ICHIDODEMOII
Kizutsuketeta jibun ni mo And to the me I hurt as well KIZUTSUKETETA JIBUNNIMO
Harisakeru yoo na munashisa ni mo Even a bursting emptiness HARISAKERUYOONAMUNASHISANIMO
Magire mo nai ai ga So much unmistakeable love MAGIREMONAI AIGA
aru hazu mo nai soo kanjiteta would never happen to me, that had been how I felt. ARUHAZUMONAI SOOKANJITETA
aru hazu mo nai soo kanjiteta would never happen to me, that had been how I felt. ARUHAZUMONAI SOOKANJITETA
sukoshi wagamamada toshite mo even if it becomes a little selfish, SUKOSHIWAGAMAMADATOSHITEMO
Dare mo urayamu yuubi na sugata A picture of elegance anyone would envy DAREMOURAYAMUYUUBINA姿SUGATA
Midare midare midaresake dare yori mo uruwashiku Madly, madly, madly bloom, more beautiful than any other MIDAREMIDAREMIDARESAKE DAREYORIMOURUWASHIKU
Midare midare midaresake dare yori mo uruwashiku Madly, madly, madly bloom, more beautifully than any other MIDAREMIDAREMIDARESAKE DAREYORIMOURUWASHIKU
Chissoku shisoona genjoo kuraitsuko uni mo mudanateikoo The current situation seems to be suffocating, and it's a useless resistance as it tries to eat me up. 窒息CHISSOKUSHISOONAGENJOO KURAITSUKOUNIMOMUDANATEIKOO
kurushii kono shunkan sae mo eikoo made no STEP Even in this painful moment, to my own glory, step KURUSHIIKONO瞬間SHUNKANSAEMO EIKOOMADENOStep
Moshi mo kokoro no koe ga kiete shimatta nara Even if the voice in my heart were to disappear MOSHIMO KOKORONOKOEGAKIETESHIMAったTTANARA
Akirameta omoi mo koete soba ni iru Overcome those feelings of wanting to give up, I'm beside you AKIRAMETAOMOIMOKOETE SOBANIIRU
Rock n roll
Dare mo ga usobuku Everyone repeats the same DAREMOGAUSOBUKU
Dare ni mo yuzuranai We will never yield to anyone DARENIMOYUZURANAI
Dare ni mo yuzuranai We will never yield to anyone DARENIMOYUZURANAI
Doko made mo age te gookaku (LIGHT UP) Rise up as far as you'll go and succeed (Light up) DOKOMADEMOAGETEGOOKAKU (Light up)
Karasawagi de mo ROLLIN' ROLLIN' Even if it is all much ado about nothing Rollin' Rollin' KARASAWAGIDEMO Rollin' Rollin'
Dare mo ga kagayaku IT'S OUR BLING Everybody sparkles, it's our bling DAREMOGA KAGAYAKUit's our bling
Dare mo ga mina giru SHOWTIME Everyone's capable of an explosive showtime DAREMOGA MINAGIRUshowtime
Dare mo ga kagayaku IT'S OUR BLING Everybody sparkles, it's our bling DAREMOGA KAGAYAKUit's our bling
Dare mo ga mina giru SHOWTIME Everyone's capable of an explosive showtime DAREMOGA MINAGIRUshowtime
Dare mo ga kagayaku IT'S OUR BLING Everybody sparkles, it's our bling DAREMOGA KAGAYAKUit's our bling
Dare mo ga mina giru SHOWTIME Everyone's capable of an explosive showtime DAREMOGA MINAGIRUshowtime
Dare mo todokanai sekai e to to a world no one else can reach DAREMOTODOKANAISEKAIETO
Keshiki mo kawaru sa Everything around you will change 景色KESHIKIMOKAWARUSA
Sono dore mo ga tsunagatte ”ima” o ikiru senaka o oshite iru All of these are connected and push us to live in the “now”. SONODOREMOGATSUNAGAってTTEIMAOIKIRUSENAKAOOSHITEIRU
fukai mune no tobira o akeru to ikutsu mo no kizu ga atta When I opened the door deep in my chest, there were many wounds. FUKAIMUNENOTOBIRAOAKERUTO IKUTSUMONOKIZUGAAったTTA
donnani konnanna toki de mo no matter how difficult the times DONNANIKONNANNATOKIDEMO
kumo ni oowa reta sorawomiagete kore mo kirei to omoeta I looked up at the sky covered in clouds and thought it was beautiful too. KUMONIOOWARETASORAWOMIAGETE KOREMOKIREITOOMOETA
ureshii koto mo kanashii koto mo both happy things and sad things URESHIIKOTOMO KANASHIIKOTOMO
donnani konnanna toki de mo no matter how difficult the times DONNANIKONNANNATOKIDEMO

: mochibeishon

Wakiagaru sono mochibeishon de makiokose SO reboryuushon As the motivation boils out of you, go and make it happen, so, revolution WAKIAGARUSONOMOCHIベーBEEショSHON DEMAKIKIOKOSE So REBOリューRYUUショSHON

: modoranai

Hammer Down
modoranai to chikatta I swore I wouldn't go back MODORANAITOCHIKAったTTA

: modoranakerya

Mata zero ni modoranakerya ii I don't have to go back to zero again MATAZERONIMODORANAKEりゃRYAII

: modorenai

Shinzoo kaunto moo modorenai Your heartrate will never be the same again SHINZOOKAUNTO MOOMODORENAI

: moesakaru

Rock n roll
Moesakaru kono omoi These feeling burn brightly MOESAKARUKONOOMOI

: moeta

Atsuku moeta kokoro ga naku As your burning heart cries out ATSUKUMOETA KOKOROGANAKU
Atsuku moeta kokoro ga naku As your burning heart cries out ATSUKUMOETA KOKOROGANAKU

: mogaite

mogaite shizunde mata miru yume A dream that struggles, sinks, and reappears MOGAITESHIZUNDEMATAMIRUYUME

: mon

konoyo ga kooka fukooka sonna mon wa ii Whether this world is happy or unhappy, that kind of thing is fine KONOYOGAKOOKAFUKOOKASONNAMONWAII

: mondai

Sono tenkai genkai ni mondai nai You have no limits in your life SONOTENKAI GENKAINI MONDAINAI

: mono

Hikari hanatsu mono ni narou ze Let's be the one who emits light HIKARIHANATSUMONONINAROUZE
Back into the wild
Akirameru mono doko mo kashiko mo Those who give up, as far as the eye can see AKIRAMERUMONO DOKOMOKASHIKOMO
yuzurenai mono sakebu yokuboo kooryaku funoo yo What you can't shake, your screaming desire, it's impossible to conquer. YUZURENAIMONO SAKEBUYOKUBOO KOORYAKUFUNOOYO
Shikai ni hairu mono yugameru And everything in sight distorts SHIKAINIHAIRUMONOYUGAMERU
Kagayaki no uragawa ni kage wa tsuku mono sa There's a shadow behind the shine KAGAYAKINOURAGAWANIKAGEWATSUKUMONOSA
Now I here
Te no todoku mono narabete ita dake Just by having what was in reach TENOTODOKUMONO NARABETEITADAKE
Yume wa tsukami ni yuku mono Dreams are meant to be grabbed for YUMEWATSUKAMINIYUKUMONO

: monogatari

Monogatari Story to behold MONOGATARI

: moo

A Ray
Moo zetsuboo ni nani mo ka mo ubawasetaku nai No, I don't want my despair to snatch anything away anymore MOO ZETSUBOONINANIMOKAMOUBAWASETAKUNAI
Zettai no PRIDE moo ubaenai my absolute pride already you can't take it away 絶対ZETTAINOprideMOOUBAENAI
Gyakkyoo no SMILE moo kegasenai The smile of adversity can no longer be tarnished 逆境GYAKKYOONOsmileMOOKEGASENAI
Zettai no PRIDE moo ubaenai my absolute pride already you can't take it away 絶対ZETTAINOprideMOOUBAENAI
Gyakkyoo no SMILE moo kegasenai The smile of adversity can no longer be tarnished 逆境GYAKKYOONOsmileMOOKEGASENAI
Moo mayoi wa shinai hitori nugutta namida I won't lose my way anymore, I wipe my tears alone MOOMAYOIWASHINAI HITORINUGUったTTANAMIDA
Moo mayoi wa shinai hitori aruku kono michi I won't lose my way anymore On this path I walk alone MOOMAYOIWASHINAI HITORIARUKUKONOMICHI
Now I here
Uso wa moo yameru kara I'll stop all the lying USOWAMOO YAMERUKARA
Moo atta no here this whole time MOOAったTTANO
moo furi kaeranaikara I never look back on anymore MOOFURIKAERANAIKARA
Shinzoo kaunto moo modorenai Your heartrate will never be the same again SHINZOOKAUNTO MOOMODORENAI
Arifureta yoo na yuuwaku wa moo No more everyday temptations ARIFURETAYOONAYUUWAKUWAMOO
Moo iyaiya iyaiya iki tari shinai No, no, no, no I won't live like that anymore MOOIYAIYAIYAIYA IKITARISHINAI
Moo NEVER EVER NEVER EVER furikaeranai No, never ever never ever will we look back again MOO NEVER EVER NEVER EVER FURIKAERANAI
Moo yurayura yurayura yurete wa dame You can't waver, waver, waver, waver anymore MOO YURAYURAYURAYURA YURETEWADAME
Moo NEVER EVER NEVER EVER furikaeranai No, never ever never ever will we look back again MOO never ever never ever FURIKAERANAI
moo ippo moo ippo fumidasou hikari no sasu hoo e Let's take one more step, one more step towards the direction of light MOO一歩IPPO MOO一歩IPPO FUMIDASOUHIKARINOSASUHOOE
Moo ikkai moo ikkai omoidasoo hajimari no hi o Once again, once again, let's remember the day it started MOO一回IKKAI MOO一回IKKAI OMOIDASOOHAJIMARINOHIO
moo ippo moo ippo fumidasou hikari no sasu hoo e Let's take one more step, one more step towards the direction of light MOO一歩IPPO MOO一歩IPPO FUMIDASOUHIKARINOSASUHOOE

: morasu

Tansei o morasu I let out a sigh TANSEIOMORASU

: moru

seigi o moru tame ni RISING BACK NOW to protect justice Rising back now SEIGIOMORUTAMENIRising back now

: moshi

Moshi mo kokoro no koe ga kiete shimatta nara Even if the voice in my heart were to disappear MOSHIMO KOKORONOKOEGAKIETESHIMAったTTANARA

: mou

Kurikaesareru hibi ga mou tebanasenai We can't let go of the days that came before KURIKAESARERUHIBIGAMOUTEBANASENAI
Kurikaesareru hibi ga mou tebanasenai We can't let go of the days that came before KURIKAESARERUHIBIGAMOUTEBANASENAI

: moyase

Moyase moyase sono yume o Burn it up, burn it up, that dream of yours MOYASE MOYASE SONOYUMEO
Moyase moyase sono yume o Burn it up, burn it up, that dream of yours MOYASE MOYASE SONOYUMEO

: moyaseyo

Moyaseyo inochi goto Burn and blaze your whole life MOYASEYO INOCHIGOTO
Moyaseyo sono mi goto Burn and blaze, your whole self MOYASEYO SONOMIGOTO
Moyaseyo inochi goto Burn and blaze your whole life MOYASEYO INOCHIGOTO
Moyaseyo sono mi goto Burn and blaze, your whole self MOYASEYO SONOMIGOTO

: moyashi

Moyashi tsuzukero And keep on burning MOYASHITSUZUKERO
Rock n roll
Moyashi tsuzukeru We'll keep on burning MOYASHITSUZUKERU

: muda

Ketsumatsu bakari ni ki o torare muda o ikiru no wa owari Always preoccupied with the ending It's time to stop wasting my life KETSUMATSUBAKARINIKIOTORARE MUDAOIKIRUNOWAOWARI
Muda ja nai to shirudaroo Weren't a waste MUDAじゃJANAITOSHIRUDAROO
Yo appakuka no minasama imasara GIVE AND TAKE? Kizuna FAKE? Itsuka meiru muda na DAYS Yo, to all the oppressed, still the time for GIVE AND TAKE? Your bonds so FAKE? Losing heart during those idle DAYS Yo 圧迫APPAKUKANOMINASAMA IMASARA GIVE AND TAKE KIZUNA FAKE ITSUKAMEIRU MUDANA DAYS

: mudanateikoo

Chissoku shisoona genjoo kuraitsuko uni mo mudanateikoo The current situation seems to be suffocating, and it's a useless resistance as it tries to eat me up. 窒息CHISSOKUSHISOONAGENJOO KURAITSUKOUNIMOMUDANATEIKOO

: mudoo

Aganau kokoro ima dakaishi noshiagare akugyaku mudoo Take your redemptive heart, crush it and rise up, ushering atrocity AGANAUKOKORO IMADAKAISHINOSHIAGAREAKUGYAKUMUDOO

: mugen

kyooki ranbu no mugen paradaisu An endless paradise of frenzy KYOOKIRANBUNOMUGENPARADAISU
Kodomo no mugen dai Of such a strong child KODOMONOMUGENDAI

: muitara

Ue muitara If I look upward UEMUITARA

: mujoo

Shogyoo mujoo no kotowari danzai Condemning the principle of the impermanence of all things SHOGYOOMUJOONOKOTOWARI DANZAI

: mujun

SENSATION oshitsuke rareta jiyuu no mujun ni koe agero Sensation Speak out against the contradiction of imposed freedom SensationOSHITSUKERARETAJIYUUNOMUJUNNIKOEAGERO

: mujundarake

wakari aenai koto   mujundarake no toki o We couldn't understand each other and always didn't agree, such days WAKARIAENAIKOTO MUJUNDARAKENO時間TOKIO

: mukatte

A Ray
Soo nan do de mo tachiagari mukatte yukun da Yeah, stand back up and face it head on again and again SOO NANDODEMOTACHIAGARIMUKAってTTEIKUNDA

: muke

Dekoboko no ashiato ni se o muke I turn my back on the rugged footprints that lead here DEKOBOKONOASHIATONISEOMUKE
Migi muke migi de ajike ga nai kimi Face right, face right, feeling nothing but monotony MIGIMUKEMIGIDE AJIKEGANAIKIMI

: muki

Me o sorasazu mae dake muki Face forward and keep your eye on the prize MEOSORASAZU MAEDAKEMUKI

: mukiainagara

kodoku to mukiainagara demo itsuka While facing loneliness, but one day, KODOKUTOMUKIAIINAGARADEMOITSUKA

: munashiki

Kaku mo munashiki inochi It's all so futile, so take your life KAKUMOMUNASHIKI INOCHI

: munashisa

Now I here
Harisakeru yoo na munashisa ni mo Even a bursting emptiness HARISAKERUYOONAMUNASHISANIMO

: mune

mune ni daite susumi tsuzukete ku I'll hold it close to my chest and keep moving forward MUNENIDAITESUSUMITSUZUKETEKU
Atashi dake no akashi mune ni atsuikara It's a proof that only I have, because it's hot in my heart ATASHIDAKENOAKASHI MUNENIATSUIKARA
Atsuku someta omoi mune ni Hold your smouldering feelings to your chest ATSUKUSOMETA OMOIMUNENI
Atsuku someta omoi mune ni Hold your smouldering feelings to your chest ATSUKUSOMETA OMOIMUNENI
Kowareta hazu no mune ga hibiku And in my heart that should be broken an echo... KOWARETAHAZUNOMUNEGAHIBIKU
Doshaburi demo mune hatte Standing tall even in the downpours DOしゃSHABURIDEMOMUNEHAってTTE
Kono toki o mune ni kizande And I etch this moment into my heart KONO瞬間TOKIOMUNENIKIZANDE
watashi no mune no itami   tengoku made datte My heartache, even all the way to heaven, WATASHINOMUNENOITAMI TENGOKUMADEDAってTTE
Mune no oku itai kurai (RIGHT UP) Deep in your chest, it hurts (Right up) MUNENOOKU ITAIKURAI (Right up)
SO GOING GOING GOING GOING hokori wa mune ni So going going going going with pride in our hearts So going going going going HOKORIWAMUNENI
fukai mune no tobira o akeru to ikutsu mo no kizu ga atta When I opened the door deep in my chest, there were many wounds. FUKAIMUNENOTOBIRAOAKERUTO IKUTSUMONOKIZUGAAったTTA

: muri

Muri ni kataru yori ima dake wa Rather than trying so hard to talk, right now MURINIKATARUYORIIMADAKEWA

: musekaeru

Amai kaori musekaeru hodo A sweet scent, almost choking you AMAIKAORIMUSESEKAERUHODO

: my

This is my way This is my way THIS IS MY WAY

: n

Atama n chuu hanten sa se ude o fure Turn your head and wave your arms ATAMANCHUUHANTENSASEUDEOFURE
(CLAP CLAP!) Karappo n natte SHOW TIME (Clap Clap!) Clap like that! Show time (Clap Clap!)KARAッポPPONNAってTTEShow time
Omou n da And I feel it OMOUNDA

: na

A Ray
Soo kiboo mo naku ayunde iku kodoku na michi o Yes, I'll hopelessly walk along a lonely road SOO KIBOOMONAKUAYUNDEIKUKODOKUNAMICHIO
Aware na adabana no yoo de mo ii sa ISN'T IT? It's okay to be a pitiful flower that bears no fruit, Isn't it? AWARENAADABANANOYOODEMOIISA Isn't it
Aware na adabana no yoo de mo ii sa ISN'T IT? It's okay to be a pitiful flower that bears no fruit, Isn't it? AWARENAADABANANOYOODEMOIISA Isn't it
utaeya odore ya enryo wa suru na Don't be shy about singing or dancing UTAEYAODOREYAENRYOWASURUNA
Back into the wild
Owaraseru no ga raku na no ka Was it so much easier to end it all? OWARASERUNOGARAKUNANOKA
Shinpai nante omoni na dake atashi wa sonna ni yawa ja nai Worries are no more than a burden, I'm not as soft as all that 心配SHINPAINANTEOMONINADAKE ATASHIWASONNANIYAWAじゃJANAI
Honno sasai na yasashisa demo Even a little kindness HONNOSASAINAYASASHISADEMO
Yuubi na hikari kakusareta beeru A veil hidden by an elegant light YUUBINAHIKARIKAKUSARETAベーBEERU
Yo appakuka no minasama imasara GIVE AND TAKE? Kizuna FAKE? Itsuka meiru muda na DAYS Yo, to all the oppressed, still the time for GIVE AND TAKE? Your bonds so FAKE? Losing heart during those idle DAYS Yo 圧迫APPAKUKANOMINASAMA IMASARA GIVE AND TAKE KIZUNA FAKE ITSUKAMEIRU MUDANA DAYS
CHOKING DOPE na machi ni habikoru basei Choking DOPE Swearing that spreads through the city Choking DOPENAMACHINI蔓延HABIKORUBASEI
A yabuya na risoo o kakagete I WILL TAKE IT ALL IN Holding up dubious ideals I will take it all in AYABUYANARISOOOKAKAGETEI will take it all in
Yume yori hai na tsukisasu shauto boisu the shouts pierce taking me higher than any dream YUMEYORIHAINATSUKISASUシャSHAUTOBOISU
Mada mada tarinai sai & koo na TIME I still haven't had enough, the best ever time MADAMADATARINAISAI&KOONATime
HEAVY kyuu na hedoban medatte nanbo Heavy as hell headbanging stands out from the crowd HeavyKYUUNAHEDOBAN MEDAってTTENANBO
Now I here
Kizukanai furi shite ita dake na no I just pretended not to notice KIZUKANAIFURISHITEITADAKENANO
Harisakeru yoo na munashisa ni mo Even a bursting emptiness HARISAKERUYOONAMUNASHISANIMO
Dare mo urayamu yuubi na sugata A picture of elegance anyone would envy DAREMOURAYAMUYUUBINA姿SUGATA
"o i de na ♡" "Come here to me ♡" OIDENA
Yurasu yoo na raitei Just like that thunder YURASUYOONA RAITEI
Rock n roll
Shibireru yoo na KISS An electrifying KISS SHIBIRERUYOONAKISS
Yurasu kuuki kan to UPPER na tenshon Within this palpitating atmosphere and upper tension YURASUKUUKIKANTO Upper NATENショSHON
Biidama no yo na me de shinda atashi ni koe kakete kita Looked down at me with its marble eyes And said to the me who had died: ビーBIIDAMANOYONAMEDE SHINDAATASHINIKOEKAKETEKITA
Arifureta yoo na yuuwaku wa moo No more everyday temptations ARIFURETAYOONAYUUWAKUWAMOO

: nabiku

Temari uta ni yurare aoi kanzashi no tama ga nabiku Swayed by the temari song As the azure beads of my hairpin glitter TEMARIUTANIYURARE AOIKANZASHINOTAMAGANABIKU

: naderu

Yureru kaze no zawameki ga atashi no kami o naderu The stir of the whirling wind blows its way through my hair YURERUKAZENOZAWAMEKIGA ATASHINOKAMIONADERU
Yureru kaze no zawameki ga atashi no kami o naderu The stir of the whirling wind blows its way through my hair YURERUKAZENOZAWAMEKIGA ATASHINOKAMIONADERU

: nadima

Man ajira nadima man ajira nadima MAN AJIRA NAディDIMA
Man ajira nadima man ajira nadima MAN AJIRA NAディDIMA
Man ajira nadima man ajira nadima MAN AJIRA NAディDIMA
Man ajira nadima man ajira nadima MAN AJIRA NAディDIMA

: nado

POOR umareta imi nado nai I DON'T WANNA BELIEVE Poor, there is no purpose to life, I don't wanna believe Poor UMARETAIMINADONAI I don't wanna believe
shinu hodo ni aishita nante omoi nado Loving someone to death, such a thought SHINUHODONIAISHITANANTEOMOINADO
anata ni todo kanainara ikiru kachi nado nai   If I can't touch you, my life isn't worth living. ANATANITODOKANAINARAIKIRUKACHINADONAI
shinu hodo ni aishita nante omoi nado Loving someone to death, such a thought SHINUHODONIAISHITANANTEOMOINADO
Kaerimichi nado wakaranai I don't know the way back KAERIMICHINADOWAKARANAI

: nagaku

itami o koete mebaeta michi ga nagaku tsuzuku The path that sprouted beyond the pain continues for a long time ITAMIOKOETEMEBAETA MICHIGANAGAKUTSUZUKU

: nagameteru

Yubi o kuwaete nagameteru dake? You just gonna be jealous and sit there and stare? YUBIOKUWAETE NAGAMETERUDAKE

: nagashita

Nagashita namida sae itsuka You will know those tears of yours NAGASHITANAMIDASAEITSUKA

: nageki

LOST LIGHT yamiuchi nageki RUSH ON Lost light Dark raid lament Rush on Lost lightYAMIUCHINAGEKIRush on

: nagerareta

Imikirawa rete ishi o nagerareta tte I DON’T CARE Though I was hated and stoned I don't care IMIKIRAWARETEISHIONAGERARETAってTTEI dont care

: nagetara

Sai o nagetara When you throw the dice SAIONAGETARA

: nai

A Ray
Moo zetsuboo ni nani mo ka mo ubawasetaku nai No, I don't want my despair to snatch anything away anymore MOO ZETSUBOONINANIMOKAMOUBAWASETAKUNAI
POOR umareta imi nado nai I DON'T WANNA BELIEVE Poor, there is no purpose to life, I don't wanna believe Poor UMARETAIMINADONAI I don't wanna believe
tomaru koto no nai hitamukina omoi o A single-minded desire that never stops TOMARUKOTONONAIHITAMUKINAOMOIO
nai teru dareka mo waratte kureru hazu I'm sure someone who's crying will laugh too NAITERUDAREKAMOWARAってTTEKURERUHAZU
Shinpai nante omoni na dake atashi wa sonna ni yawa ja nai Worries are no more than a burden, I'm not as soft as all that 心配SHINPAINANTEOMONINADAKE ATASHIWASONNANIYAWAじゃJANAI
Sanzan abita fuhei fuman kiiteru mimi wa nai My ears aren't made for hearing the complaints all around me SANZANABITAFUHEIFUMAN KIITERUMIMIWANAI
Medatteru kui o tatakitsukeru shika noo no nai hito wa OH POOR YOU People who can only think about hammering the nail that sticks out back down say OH POOR YOU MEDAってTTERUKUIOTATAKITSUKERUSHIKANOONONAIHITOWA OH POOR YOU
Jinsei tatta no ichi do dake atashi wa sonna ni hima ja nai You only live once, and I don't have time to waste JINSEITAったTTANOICHIDODAKE ATASHIWASONNANIHIMAじゃJANAI
Sukui no nai hibi ni BYE-BYE. I will say bye-bye to helpless days. SUKUINONAIHIBINI Bye-bye.
Sono tenkai genkai ni mondai nai You have no limits in your life SONOTENKAI GENKAINI MONDAINAI
Muda ja nai to shirudaroo Weren't a waste MUDAじゃJANAITOSHIRUDAROO
Kitto korekara wa chizu no nai There's no map on how to move forward KIっとTTOKOREKARAWACHIZUNONAI
Hammer Down
yorube nai kimochi wa The feeling of nowhere to go YORUBENAIKIMOCHIWA
uso no nai sekai ni hareruya Hallelujah to a world without lies USONONAISEKAINIHARERUYA
Kanatta koto nante nai No one ever answered them KANAったTTAKOTONANTENAI
Hateshi nai atashi no koe de With my everlasting voice HATESHINAIATASHINOKOEDE
Yoosha nai netsuryoo FUCK'N HOT TONIGHT. The heat won't let up, Fuck'n Hot Tonight YOOSHANAINETSURYOO Fuck'n Hot Tonight.
Now I here
Doko de mo nai koko de koso It's not just anywhere, it's right here 何処DOKODEMONAI KOKODEKOSO
Magire mo nai ai ga So much unmistakeable love MAGIREMONAI AIGA
aru hazu mo nai soo kanjiteta would never happen to me, that had been how I felt. ARUHAZUMONAI SOOKANJITETA
anata ni todo kanainara ikiru kachi nado nai   If I can't touch you, my life isn't worth living. ANATANITODOKANAINARAIKIRUKACHINADONAI
aru hazu mo nai soo kanjiteta would never happen to me, that had been how I felt. ARUHAZUMONAI SOOKANJITETA
Kotae wa nai no There is no answer KOTAEWANAINO
Wasure nai de Never forget WASURENAIDE
Migi muke migi de ajike ga nai kimi Face right, face right, feeling nothing but monotony MIGIMUKEMIGIDE AJIKEGANAIKIMI
Buzama demo kamawanain ja nai ? is unsightly does it really matter? BUZAMADEMOKAMAWANAINじゃJANAI
Jibun katte daroo ga iin ja nai? is somewhere selfish, does it really matter? JIBUN勝手KATTEDAROOGAIINじゃJANAI
Bukiyoo de kamawanain ja nai? is graceless, does it really matter? BUKIYOODEKAMAWANAINじゃJANAI
Osoreru hitsuyoo wa nai kara There's no need to be afraid OSORERUHITSUYOOWANAIKARA
kasaneta hibi wa kakegae no nai The days we spent together are irreplaceable KASANETAHIBIWA KAKEGAENONAI
kasaneta hibi wa kakegae no nai The days we spent together are irreplaceable KASANETAHIBIWAKAKEGAENONAI

: naite

yorokobi ni naite ayamachi de manabu Cry with joy and learn from your mistakes YOROKOBININAITE AYAMACHIDEMANABU

: najimu

Anata no yokogao sora ni najimu yoo ni Your face then seemed to blur away into the sky ANATANOYOKOGAO SORANINAJIMUYOONI
Anata no yokogao sora ni najimu yoo ni Before it seemed to blur away into the sky ANATANOYOKOGAO SORANINAJIMUYOONI

: naka

Sekiran no naka hyoozen to in the middle of an evening storm, without a care SEKIRANNONAKA HYOOZENTO
Tsuchi ni kaeru hi wa kyomu no naka Hitori When we return to the earth, we're all alone in nothingness TSUCHINIKAERUHIWA KYOMUNONAKA 一人HITORI
dadadadada dakuryuu no naka dadadadada in the muddy stream DADADADADA DAKURYUUNONAKA
Iki tsuku ma mo naku ikitsuku kago no naka Inside the cage you always end up in IKITSUKUMAMONAKUIKITSUKUKAGONONAKA
Iki tsuku ma mo naku ikitsuku kago no naka Inside the cage you always end up in IKITSUKUMAMONAKUIKITSUKUKAGONONAKA
Now I here
Kono te no naka kakaekirenai kurai So much that I can't hold it all in my hands KONOTENONAKA KAKAEKIRENAIKURAI
Kakageta chikai wa konote no naka ni YOU CAN JUST HANG IN THERE The vow I made is in my hands. You can just hang in there KAKAGETACHIKAIWA KONOTENONAKANI You can just hang in there
ikiru imi wa sono te no naka The meaning of life is in your hands IKIRUIMIWASONOTENONAKA
Atama no naka ga tameiki bakari The inside of your head is nothing more than disappointed sighs ATAMANONAKAGA TAMEIKIBAKARI

: naki

Back into the wild
Owari naki kono inori yo Oh, prayer that has no end OWARINAKI KONOINORIYO
Iku ate sagashimayou oto naki samayoi aa Lost and searching for my destination Silently wandering, aah IKUATE SAGASHIMAYOU OTONAKI彷徨SAMAYOI 嗚呼AA
Osanaki soo ni yureru koe naki samayoi aa Swayed by childless ideas I wander voicelessly, aah OSANAKISOONIYURERU KOENAKI彷徨SAMAYOI 嗚呼AA

: nakigao

Atashi no nakigao hikisakareru yoo ni My face seems ripped up into tear-stained pieces ATASHINONAKIGAO HIKISAKARERUYOONI

: nakitai

nakitai toki koso waraitobase yo Just when you want to cry, just laugh away NAKITAITOKIKOSO WARAITOBASEYO
nakitai toki koso waraitobase yo Just when you want to cry, just laugh away NAKITAITOKIKOSO WARAITOBASEYO

: naku

A Ray
Soo kiboo mo naku ayunde iku kodoku na michi o Yes, I'll hopelessly walk along a lonely road SOO KIBOOMONAKUAYUNDEIKUKODOKUNAMICHIO
Mitsu meru saki hate naku The future before them is without end MITSUMERUSAKI HATENAKU
Atsuku moeta kokoro ga naku As your burning heart cries out ATSUKUMOETA KOKOROGANAKU
Atsuku moeta kokoro ga naku As your burning heart cries out ATSUKUMOETA KOKOROGANAKU
Kata ga fureru koto mo naku My shoulders were never brushed KATAGAFURERUKOTOMONAKU
Iki tsuku ma mo naku ikitsuku kago no naka Inside the cage you always end up in IKITSUKUMAMONAKUIKITSUKUKAGONONAKA
Chiisana hana mioboe naku A small flower you have no recollection of CHIISANAHANA MIOBOENAKU
Iki tsuku ma mo naku ikitsuku kago no naka Inside the cage you always end up in IKITSUKUMAMONAKUIKITSUKUKAGONONAKA

: nakuna

Oshikura manjuu osarete nakuna Oshikura manjuu Don't cry when shoved OSHIKURAMANじゅJUUOSARETENAKUNA

: namari

Rock n roll
Namari no hikoosen ni noritobimawaru ze sekai Let's fly around the world on a Led Zeppelin NAMARINOHIKOOSENNINORI TOBIMAWARUZESEKAI

: nameraka

Aoge aoge ten aoge minamo yori nameraka ni Look, look, look up into the sky, clearer than any lake AOGEAOGETENAOGE 水面MINAMOYORINAMERAKANI

: nami

COOL ni ii nami notte iko Be cool as you ride that good wave COOLNIIINAMINOってTTEIKO

: namida

Back into the wild
Koboreochita kiyoki namida On the pure tears that were shed, KOBOREOCHITAKIYOKINAMIDA
Aa namida o karashite Ah, exhaust your tears あぁAA NAMIDAOKARASHITE
Nagashita namida sae itsuka You will know those tears of yours NAGASHITANAMIDASAEITSUKA
Moo mayoi wa shinai hitori nugutta namida I won't lose my way anymore, I wipe my tears alone MOOMAYOIWASHINAI HITORINUGUったTTANAMIDA
namida egao itami nikushimi subete komiagetekuru itoshi sa Tears, smiles, pain, hatred, everything filling my heart with love. NAMIDA EGAO ITAMI NIKUSHIMI SUBETE KOMIAGETEKURUITOSHISA
namida egao itami nikushimi subete komiagetekuru itoshi sa Tears, smiles, pain, hatred, everything filling my heart with love. NAMIDA EGAO ITAMI NIKUSHIMI SUBETE KOMIAGETEKURUITOSHISA
namida egao itami nikushimi subete komiagetekuru itoshi sa Tears, smiles, pain, hatred, everything filling my heart with love. NAMIDA EGAO ITAMI NIKUSHIMI SUBETE KOMIAGETEKURUITOSHISA

: nan

A Ray
Soo nan do de mo tachiagari mukatte yukun da Yeah, stand back up and face it head on again and again SOO NANDODEMOTACHIAGARIMUKAってTTEIKUNDA
Mayoe yo nan do de mo ii Lose your way as many times as you like MAYOEYONANDODEMOII
Kimi wa kagayakeru yo nan do datte I know you can shine, over and over KIMIWAKAGAYAKERUYO NANDODAってTTE
Kimi wa kagayakeru yo nan do datte I know you can shine, over and over KIMIWAKAGAYAKERUYO NANDODAってTTE
Rock n roll
Nan do demo mata Again and again NANDODEMOMATA

: nanbo

HEAVY kyuu na hedoban medatte nanbo Heavy as hell headbanging stands out from the crowd HeavyKYUUNAHEDOBAN MEDAってTTENANBO

: nando

Mayoe yo nando de mo ii Lose your way as many times as you like MAYOEYONANDODEMOII
Nebare kibare tsukkire nando datte hai agatte kundakara Be tenacious and push through, you'll keep coming back up again and again. NEBAREKIBARETSUっ切RE NANDODAってTTEHAIAGAってTTEKUNDAKARA

: nani

A Ray
Moo zetsuboo ni nani mo ka mo ubawasetaku nai No, I don't want my despair to snatch anything away anymore MOO ZETSUBOONINANIMOKAMOUBAWASETAKUNAI

: naniyori

naniyori taisetsu ni shinakya I have to cherish it more than anything. NANIYORITAISETSUNISHINAきゃKYA

: nankai

Tatakaeyo nankai datte kagayake omoidoori ni Fight no matter how many times, shine as you wish TATAKAEYO NANKAIDAってTTE KAGAYAKE OMOIDOORINI

: nankoofuraku

Yuruginai honoo samenai kokoro nankoofuraku yo An unwavering flame, an uncooling heart, (it's, I'm) impregnable YURUGINAIHONOO SAMENAIKOKORO NANKOOFURAKUYO

: nante

Shinpai nante omoni na dake atashi wa sonna ni yawa ja nai Worries are no more than a burden, I'm not as soft as all that 心配SHINPAINANTEOMONINADAKE ATASHIWASONNANIYAWAじゃJANAI
Kanatta koto nante nai No one ever answered them KANAったTTAKOTONANTENAI
shinu hodo ni aishita nante omoi nado Loving someone to death, such a thought SHINUHODONIAISHITANANTEOMOINADO
wakari aenakute ii nante ieta no wa "I don't care if we can't understand each other," that kind of thought is of WAKARIAENAKUTEIINANTEIETANOWA
shinu hodo ni aishita nante omoi nado Loving someone to death, such a thought SHINUHODONIAISHITANANTEOMOINADO
Nante kanashii desho Isn't that so sad? NANTEKANASHIIDEしょSHO

: nara

Moshi mo kokoro no koe ga kiete shimatta nara Even if the voice in my heart were to disappear MOSHIMO KOKORONOKOEGAKIETESHIMAったTTANARA
Urei nara soyoge saa If you're unhappy then begin to stir and... UREINARASOYOGE さぁSAA
Urei nara soyoge saa If you're unhappy then begin to stir and... UREINARASOYOGE さぁSAA

: narabete

Narabete mo tomerannai Even if usually I still won't stop NARABETEMO TOMERANNAI
Now I here
Te no todoku mono narabete ita dake Just by having what was in reach TENOTODOKUMONO NARABETEITADAKE
kata o narabete susumu nda Let's move forward side by side KATAONARABETESUSUMUNDA

: narabu

konton to narabu takai kabe High walls lined with chaos KONTONTONARABUTAKAIKABE

: nareba

MUSIC de baka ni nareba When you let the music drive you crazy MUSICDEBAKANINAREBA
MUSIC de baka ni nareba When you let the music drive you crazy MUSICDEBAKANINAREBA

: naretara

HIGH ni naretara When you're able to get high High NINARETARA

: nareyo

Back into the wild
Kokoro no hidane to nareyo Becoming the burning coals of the heart KOKORONOHIDANETONAREYO

: nari

Waga mi no hate wa aware nari Sad my life has been that bears no fruit WAGAMINOHATEWA AWARENARI

: narou

Hikari hanatsu mono ni narou ze Let's be the one who emits light HIKARIHANATSUMONONINAROUZE

: naru

dareka no tame no hikari to naru yo Become a light for someone DAREKANOTAMENOHIKARITONARUYO
Idomi tsuzukereba negai wa koeru kabe ni naru If you keep on fighting your dream will become a wall you can scale IDOMITSUZUKEREBANEGAIWAKOERUKABENINARU
Rock n roll
Jigoku no kane wa naru kuroku nuritsubuse Hell's bells ring out, paint it all black JIGOKUNOKANEWANARU KUROKUNURITSUBUSE
"Saa kono yubi to mare oni-san kochira te no naru hoo e" "No, stop at this finger! I'm over here, chaser, follow the clapping" さぁSAA KONOYUBITOMARE ONISANKOCHIRATENONARUHOOE

: natsuzora

Tokihanate yo omoikiri natsuzora no shita Release yourself under the summer sky TOKIHANATEYO OMOIKIRINATSUZORANOSHITA

: natta

Kizu ga tsuku tabi ni tsuyoku natta I became stronger with every scar KIZUGATSUKUTABINITSUYOKUNAったTTA

: natte

(CLAP CLAP!) Karappo n natte SHOW TIME (Clap Clap!) Clap like that! Show time (Clap Clap!)KARAッポPPONNAってTTEShow time
dare ka no kage to natte Be someone's shadow DAREKANOKAGETONAってTTE

: nda

GOT IT GOT IT Misetsukete yaru nda Got it Got it I'll show it to you Got it Got itMISETSUKETEYARUNDA
gorigori tsuyokide semeru nda Attack aggressively GORIGORITSUYOKIDESEMERUNDA
mikaesu nda JUST YOU WAIT Look back Just you wait MIKAESUNDA Just you wait
bokura wa onaji michi o aruku nda … you and I will walk one road, surely ... BOKURAWAONAJIMICHIOARUKUNDA
te ni shitakara wakaru nda are in hand so I know them, I suppose TENISHITAKARAWAKARUNDA
kata o narabete susumu nda Let's move forward side by side KATAONARABETESUSUMUNDA

: ndaro

I HATE MYSELF norikoeru chance negatteta ndaro? I hate myself, I was hoping for a chance to overcome it, right? I hate myself NORIKOERUchance NEGAってTTETANDARO

: ndaroo

kore ga mirai e to tsunagaru ndaroo This will lead us into the future, I believe. KOREGAMIRAIETOTSUNAGARUNDAROO

: nebare

Nebare kibare tsukkire nando datte hai agatte kundakara Be tenacious and push through, you'll keep coming back up again and again. NEBAREKIBARETSUっ切RE NANDODAってTTEHAIAGAってTTEKUNDAKARA

: negai

Todoki wa shinai hakanai negai This fleeting wish of mine, will never ever reach you TODOKIWASHINAIHAKANAINEGAI
Idomi tsuzukereba negai wa koeru kabe ni naru If you keep on fighting your dream will become a wall you can scale IDOMITSUZUKEREBANEGAIWAKOERUKABENINARU

: negatibu

Negatibu oora wa kakikesu wa ikashita MY WAY I'll drown out the negative aura, like a badass MY WAY NEGAティTIBUオーOORAWAKAKIKESUWA IKASHITA MY WAY

: negatta

Hoshi ni negatta koto ga All the wishes I made upon a star HOSHININEGAったTTAKOTOGA

: negatteta

negatteta mirai e chikadzuite iru I'm getting closer to the future I've been wishing for NEGAってTTETAMIRAIECHIKAZUITEIRU
I HATE MYSELF norikoeru chance negatteta ndaro? I hate myself, I was hoping for a chance to overcome it, right? I hate myself NORIKOERUchance NEGAってTTETANDARO

: neko

Kyuuso no gotoku neko o kame Even a rat is dangerous when cornered by a cat KYUUSONOGOTOKUNEKOOKAME

: nemuranai

Nemuranai machi o nuke Escape the sleepless city NEMURANAIMACHIONUKE

: neon

ganzoo anchuu sekai neon kikazari kyosei harya A counterfeit dark world, dressed up in neon lights and putting on a bravado GANZOOANCHUUSEKAI NEONKIKAZARIKYOSEIHAりゃRYA

: netsuryoo

Yoosha nai netsuryoo FUCK'N HOT TONIGHT. The heat won't let up, Fuck'n Hot Tonight YOOSHANAINETSURYOO Fuck'n Hot Tonight.

: ni

A Ray
Moo zetsuboo ni nani mo ka mo ubawasetaku nai No, I don't want my despair to snatch anything away anymore MOO ZETSUBOONINANIMOKAMOUBAWASETAKUNAI
WHEREVER rinzen koko ni Wherever, we're awe-inspiring over here Wherever RINZENKOKONI
DOOM sadamerareta genkai ni obiete iru Doom, scared of the pre-established limits Doom SADAMERARETAGENKAINIOBIEETEIRU
CAN YOU HEAR ME? bokura wa koko ni iru Can you hear me? We are right here Can you hear me BOKURAWAKOKONIIRU
Tsuchi ni kaeru hi wa kyomu no naka Hitori When we return to the earth, we're all alone in nothingness TSUCHINIKAERUHIWA KYOMUNONAKA 一人HITORI
AS IT IS kokoro ni kimeta TODAY’S THE DAY As it is I decided with my heart Today’s the day As it isKOKORONIKIMETATodays the day
yorokobi ni naite ayamachi de manabu Cry with joy and learn from your mistakes YOROKOBININAITE AYAMACHIDEMANABU
mune ni daite susumi tsuzukete ku I'll hold it close to my chest and keep moving forward MUNENIDAITESUSUMITSUZUKETEKU
noonai owaru mae ni LET’S TRIP AWAY Before it ends in my brain Let’s trip away NOONAIOWARUMAENI Lets trip away
saigo ni wa waraeru yoo ni So that you can laugh in the end SAIGONIWAWARAERUYOONI
“Ika re teru” tte kurai ni To the extent that it's "crazy" IKARETERUってTTEKURAINI
Amaterasu no yoo ni like Amaterasu AMATENOYOONI
Hikari hanate kono shunkan ni At this moment when I release the light HIKARIHANATEKONO瞬間SHUNKANNI
dadda dadda dda dda ddaitan futeki ni mai odori tonde dadda dadda dda dda dancing and jumping fearlessly DAッダDDADAッダDDAッダDDAッダDDAッ大??????NI舞いMAIODORITONDE
baribari ni kimeta mai sugata o A carefully chosen dance figure BARIBARINIKIMETAMAI姿SUGATAO
Utaeya sawage ya honnoo no mama ni LET’S LIVE IT UP Sing, make noise, follow your instincts Let's live it up UTAEYASAWAGEYAHONNOONOMAMANILets live it up
“Ika re teru” tte kurai ni To the extent that it's "crazy" IKARETERUってTTEKURAINI
Amaterasu no yoo ni like amaterasu AMATENOYOONI
Hikari hanatsu mono ni narou ze Let's be the one who emits light HIKARIHANATSUMONONINAROUZE
Otakebi makureyo taiyoo ni Shout loud to the sun 雄叫OTAKEBIMAKUREYOTAIYOONI
Amaterasu no yoo ni like Amaterasu AMATENOYOONI
Back into the wild
Arukitsukare samayou hate ni After wandering, walking to exhaustion ARUKITSUKARE彷徨SAMAYOUHATENI
Bukakkoo sugite batsu ga warui no o awaremu hito ni NO THANK YOU To all those who feel sorry for me Because they think I'm uncool and awkward, NO THANK YOU BU恰好KAKKOOSUGITEBATSUGAWARUINOOAWAREMUHITONI NO THANK YOU
Shinpai nante omoni na dake atashi wa sonna ni yawa ja nai Worries are no more than a burden, I'm not as soft as all that 心配SHINPAINANTEOMONINADAKE ATASHIWASONNANIYAWAじゃJANAI
Ketsumatsu bakari ni ki o torare muda o ikiru no wa owari Always preoccupied with the ending It's time to stop wasting my life KETSUMATSUBAKARINIKIOTORARE MUDAOIKIRUNOWAOWARI
Jinsei tatta no ichi do dake atashi wa sonna ni hima ja nai You only live once, and I don't have time to waste JINSEITAったTTANOICHIDODAKE ATASHIWASONNANIHIMAじゃJANAI
Tekisuto bakari ni tayorikitte itsuwari no bika wa owari It's time to stop relying on the textbook and glorifying lies TEKISUTOBAKARINITAYORIKIってTTE ITSUWARINOBIKAWAOWARI
Sukui no nai hibi ni BYE-BYE. I will say bye-bye to helpless days. SUKUINONAIHIBINI Bye-bye.
Inochi no hate wa kuchikusa ni Once our lives end, We rot into the withering grass INOCHINOHATEWA KUCHIKUSANI
NO ONE TO HATE shaba denkoo ni No one to hate, Life's shorter than a flash of lightning No one to hate SHABA電光DENKOONI
Yo ni kakurete wa shinobarezu Hiding from the world, you recollect nothing YONIKAKURETEWA SHINOBAREZU
Yaseki ni kitare shinnyo no tsuki yo Moon of thusness, illuminate the tide at night YASEKINIKITARE SHINNYONOTSUKIYO
Yamiyo ni mo masaru They vanquish the dark of the night YAMIYONIMOMASARU
Atashi dake no akashi mune ni atsuikara It's a proof that only I have, because it's hot in my heart ATASHIDAKENOAKASHI MUNENIATSUIKARA
Kagami ni utsuru futatsu no me Two eyes reflected in the mirrors KAGAMINIUTSURU FUTATSUNOME
Sono tenkai genkai ni mondai nai You have no limits in your life SONOTENKAI GENKAINI MONDAINAI
Fumidashita kono saki ni I stepped forth into my future FUMIDASHITA KONOSAKINI
Atsuku someta omoi mune ni Hold your smouldering feelings to your chest ATSUKUSOMETA OMOIMUNENI
OH-- mayowazu ni GO WILD Oh, don't hesitate, go wild Oh MAYOWAZUNI GO WILD
Atsuku someta omoi mune ni Hold your smouldering feelings to your chest ATSUKUSOMETA OMOIMUNENI
OH-- mayowazu ni yuke Oh, don't hesitate, just go Oh MAYOWAZUNI YUKE
Saigo ni aruita michi wa On the path we walked last SAIGONIARUITAMICHIWA
Muri ni kataru yori ima dake wa Rather than trying so hard to talk, right now MURINIKATARUYORIIMADAKEWA
Kudaranai ai ni furesasete Just let me feel this good-for-nothing love KUDARANAIAINIFURESASETE
Yureta toiki ni ukanda Wavering, appearing in that sigh YURETA TOIKINIUKANDA
Anata no yokogao sora ni najimu yoo ni Your face then seemed to blur away into the sky ANATANOYOKOGAO SORANINAJIMUYOONI
Watashi o otona ni shita I treasured in my heart WATASHIO大人OTONANISHITA
Hitori kiri no tabi ni fumidasu I take the first step on my journey alone HITORIKIRINOTABINIFUMIDASU
Wareta kagami ni yuganda Cracked, appearing distorted in the mirror WARETA KAGAMINIYUGANDA
Atashi no nakigao hikisakareru yoo ni My face seems ripped up into tear-stained pieces ATASHINONAKIGAO HIKISAKARERUYOONI
Sono koe mo ai mo awai kioku ni shizumu That voice of yours, love of yours Sink into pale memory SONOKOEMOAIMO AWAIKIOKUNISHIZUMU
Yureta toiki ni ukanda Your face, appeared in that wavering sigh YURETA TOIKINIUKANDA
Anata no yokogao sora ni najimu yoo ni Before it seemed to blur away into the sky ANATANOYOKOGAO SORANINAJIMUYOONI
Akari tomori koyoi anata to tomo ni A lamp burns, together with you tonight AKARITOMORI 今宵KOYOIANATATOTOMONI
Shikai ni hairu mono yugameru And everything in sight distorts SHIKAINIHAIRUMONOYUGAMERU
Yurari yurari marude ranpu no yoo ni Flickering, flickering, like a lamp YURARIYURARI MARUDERANPUNOYOONI
Chiisana hana koko ni saite A small flower blooms right here CHIISANAHANA KOKONISAITE
Hammer Down
ano nichi no watashi ni To me that day ANONICHINOWATASHINI
itsuwari no jibun ni sayonara shite Say goodbye to your false self ITSUWARINOJIBUNNISAYONARASHITE
Jibunrashii jibun ni konnichiwa Say hello to your true self JIBUNRASHIIJIBUNNIKONNICHIWA
uso no nai sekai ni hareruya Hallelujah to a world without lies USONONAISEKAINIHARERUYA
Karada wa saite chitte kaze ni mau Bodies bloom and scatter, whirling in the wind 身体KARADAWASAITECHIってTTEKAZENIMAU
Sono te o saite chitte sora ni mau kakumei Rip those hands open, the blood is a revolution, dancing through the universe SONOTEOSAITECHIってTTESORANIMAUKAKUMEI
Karada wa saite chitte kaze ni mau Bodies bloom and scatter, whirling in the wind 身体KARADAWASAITECHIってTTEKAZENIMAU
Sono te o saite chitte sora ni mau kakumei Rip those hands open, the blood is a revolution, dancing through the universe SONOTEOSAITECHIってTTESORANIMAUKAKUMEI
fensu-goshi ni SNEER over the fence Sneer フェFENSUGOSHINISneer
CHOKING DOPE na machi ni habikoru basei Choking DOPE Swearing that spreads through the city Choking DOPENAMACHINI蔓延HABIKORUBASEI
seigi o moru tame ni RISING BACK NOW to protect justice Rising back now SEIGIOMORUTAMENIRising back now
Kagayaki no uragawa ni kage wa tsuku mono sa There's a shadow behind the shine KAGAYAKINOURAGAWANIKAGEWATSUKUMONOSA
Yamikumo ni STAB IT BACK dokutsubo e to FALL IN ONE’S WAY blindly Stab it back To the poison pot Fall in one’s way YAMIKUMONIStab it back DOKUTSUBOETOFall in ones way
seigi o kowasu tame ni RISING BACK NOW to destroy justice Rising back now SEIGIOKOWASUTAMENIRising back now
Seigi o tsukuru tame ni RISING BACK NOW to create justice Rising back now SEIGIOTSUKURUTAMENIRising back now
kurayami sae mo mikata ni shitagaete FORCE ONE’S WAY Even the darkness is on my side Force one’s way KURAYAMISAEMOMIKATANISHITAGAETEForce ones way
Dekoboko no ashiato ni se o muke I turn my back on the rugged footprints that lead here DEKOBOKONOASHIATONISEOMUKE
Mata zero ni modoranakerya ii I don't have to go back to zero again MATAZERONIMODORANAKEりゃRYAII
Hoshi ni negatta koto ga All the wishes I made upon a star HOSHININEGAったTTAKOTOGA
Ima aru no wa hana no yoo ni sakitsuzuketa kara I'm only here now because I kept on stubbornly blooming IMAARUNOWAHANANOYOONISAKITSUZUKETAKARA
Idomi tsuzukereba negai wa koeru kabe ni naru If you keep on fighting your dream will become a wall you can scale IDOMITSUZUKEREBANEGAIWAKOERUKABENINARU
Korekara saki ni te o nobashite Reaching out in front of me from the point forward KOREKARASAKINITEONOBASHITE
Kono toki o mune ni kizande And I etch this moment into my heart KONO瞬間TOKIOMUNENIKIZANDE
MUSIC de baka ni nareba When you let the music drive you crazy MUSICDEBAKANINAREBA
COOL ni ii nami notte iko Be cool as you ride that good wave COOLNIIINAMINOってTTEIKO
Yokuboo ni kaji kire LET'S GO WILD YEAH!! Let your desires take the steering wheel, Let's go wild, Yeah!! YOKUBOONIKAJIKIRE Let's go wild Yeah!!
MUSIC de baka ni nareba When you let the music drive you crazy MUSICDEBAKANINAREBA
Now I here
Tsurete yuku kara tomo ni I'll take them with me, together TSURETEYUKUKARA TOMONI
Te ga todokanai akogare dake ni wa By what I long for that's no longer in reach TEGATODOKANAI AKOGAREDAKENIWA
Kizutsuketeta jibun ni mo And to the me I hurt as well KIZUTSUKETETA JIBUNNIMO
Harisakeru yoo na munashisa ni mo Even a bursting emptiness HARISAKERUYOONAMUNASHISANIMO
Hontoo wa koko ni wa In truth it was HONTOOWA KOKONIWA
iki kurushi sa to hito ikiri ni   ima wa chotto shisen o otoshiteta Due to the hardships of living and human existence, now I looked slightly down. IKIKURUSHISATO HITOIKINI IMAWAちょCHOっとTTOSHISENOOTOSHITETA
shinu hodo ni aishita nante omoi nado Loving someone to death, such a thought SHINUHODONIAISHITANANTEOMOINADO
ima anata ni furete sono imi shirukara But now that I touch you, I know its true meaning. IMAANATANIFURETE SONOIMISHIRUKARA
yume oikakete yabureta kimi ni chotto yasashii koe o kaketa You, seeking a dream but never realized, I spoke to with little kind words of comfort. YUMEOIKAKETE YABURETAKIMINI ちょCHOっとTTOYASASHIIKOEOKAKETA
anata ni todo kanainara ikiru kachi nado nai   If I can't touch you, my life isn't worth living. ANATANITODOKANAINARAIKIRUKACHINADONAI
ima anata ni furete sono imi shirukara And now that I touch you, I know its true meaning. IMA ANATANIFURETE SONOIMISHIRUKARA
shinu hodo ni aishita nante omoi nado Loving someone to death, such a thought SHINUHODONIAISHITANANTEOMOINADO
ima anata ni furete sono imi shirukara But now that I touch you, I know its true meaning. IMAANATANIFURETE SONOIMISHIRUKARA
Agare agare maiagare hakanasa yori karen ni Further, further, soar up on high, more graceful than fleeting AGAREAGARE舞いMAIAGARE HAKANASAYORIKARENNI
Kotonoha ni mi o makasete tamayura no hikari ni you I surrender myself to those words, spellbound by a brief moment of light KOTONOHANIMIOMAKASETE 玉響TAMAYURANOHIKARINIYOU
Aoge aoge ten aoge minamo yori nameraka ni Look, look, look up into the sky, clearer than any lake AOGEAOGETENAOGE 水面MINAMOYORINAMERAKANI
Tenohira ni omoi nosete asayake no hikari ni tou I place my hopes in the palms of my hands and question the light of the dawn TENOHIRANIOMOINOSETE ASAYAKENOHIKARINITOU
Agare agare maiagare hakanasa yori karen ni Further, further, soar on up high, more graceful than fleeting AGAREAGARE舞いMAIAGARE HAKANASAYORIKARENNI
Kotonoha ni mi o makasete tamayura no hikari ni you I surrender myself to those words, spellbound by a brief moment of light KOTONOHANIMIOMAKASETE 玉響TAMAYURANOHIKARINIYOU
FRUSTRATION genkai kimetsukeru jibun ni jidanda funuke no PRIDE Frustration, I'm stuck in my own limit, I've got stupid pride Frustration GENKAIKIMETSUKERUJIBUNNIJIDANDA FUNUKENOpride
higeki no furi shita ikenie no GOAT hamidasanu yoo ni hishimeku roo A sacrificial goat pretending to be a tragedy, a prison tightly packed to prevent it from spilling out HIGEKINOFURISHITA 生贄IKENIENOgoat HAMIDASANUYOONIHISHIMEKUROO
Tatakaeyo tatta hitori kagayake omoidoori ni Fight, only one person, shine as you wish TATAKAEYO TAったTTA一人HITORI KAGAYAKE OMOIDOORINI
Darenimo yuzurenai ashita o mamoru tame ni I can't bow down to anyone, to protect tomorrow DARENIMOYUZURENAI 明日ASHITAOMAMORUTAMENI
SENSATION oshitsuke rareta jiyuu no mujun ni koe agero Sensation Speak out against the contradiction of imposed freedom SensationOSHITSUKERARETAJIYUUNOMUJUNNIKOEAGERO
tagiru joonetsu o hikari ni kaete Turn your simmering passion into light TAGIRUJOONETSUO HIKARINIKAETE
Tatakaeyo nankai datte kagayake omoidoori ni Fight no matter how many times, shine as you wish TATAKAEYO NANKAIDAってTTE KAGAYAKE OMOIDOORINI
Darenimo yuzurenai ashita o mamoru tame ni I can't bow down to anyone, to protect tomorrow DARENIMOYUZURENAI 明日ASHITAOMAMORUTAMENI
Kakageta chikai wa konote no naka ni YOU CAN JUST HANG IN THERE The vow I made is in my hands. You can just hang in there KAKAGETACHIKAIWA KONOTENONAKANI You can just hang in there
Kanjooteki ni sawaide Clamours loudly with emotion KANJOOTEKINISAWAIDE
Shi no go no iezu ni kuchi kamu Without complaint, I bite my tongue SHINOGONOIEZUNI KUCHIKAMU
Yami ni mayotta kokoro o sasu Lost in the dark, it shines on my heart YAMINIMAYOったTTA KOKOROOSASU
Toru ni tarita to wameite I cry out that it's all for nothing TORUNITARITATOWAMEITE
Akirameta omoi mo koete soba ni iru Overcome those feelings of wanting to give up, I'm beside you AKIRAMETAOMOIMOKOETE SOBANIIRU
Kakenukeru rizumu to tomo ni Together with the rhythm running through your head KAKENUKERURIZUMUTOTOMONI
mayowazu ni BELIEVE IN YOURSELF Without hesitation Believe in yourself MAYOWAZUNI believe in yourself
saa hi ga noboru yoo ni ima Come on, like the sun rises now さぁSAAHIGANOBORUYOONI IMA
tsuyoku ikiru tame ni susumoo Let's move forward to live strongly TSUYOKUIKIRUTAMENISUSUMOO
wasurezu ni IT'S TIME TO LIVE YOUR LIFE Don't forget It's time to live your life WASUREZUNI It's time to live your life
tsuyoku ikiru tame ni susumoo Let's move forward to live strongly TSUYOKUIKIRUTAMENISUSUMOO
wasurezu ni IT'S TIME TO LIVE YOUR LIFE Don't forget It's time to live your life WASUREZUNI It's time to live your life
Rock n roll
Jooo no yoo ni kedakaku tsumuideku SOUNDSCAPE Majestic as a Queen, a converging soundscape JOOONOYOONIKEDAKAKU TSUMUIDEKUsoundscape
Namari no hikoosen ni noritobimawaru ze sekai Let's fly around the world on a Led Zeppelin NAMARINOHIKOOSENNINORI TOBIMAWARUZESEKAI
Dare ni mo yuzuranai We will never yield to anyone DARENIMOYUZURANAI
Kazemakase ni susumu We'll go with the wind KAZEMAKASENISUSUMU
Korogaru ishi no yoo ni like a Rolling Stone KOROGARUISHINOYOONI
Dare ni mo yuzuranai We will never yield to anyone DARENIMOYUZURANAI
HIGH ni naretara When you're able to get high High NINARETARA
ZUNG ZUNG teion ni yudanete misete Zung Zung, Submit yourself to the bass Zung Zung TEIONNIYUDANETEMISETE
Oto ni tobinore Jump up onto the sound OTONITOBINORE
Kanjite koko ni iru to (JOIN US) Feel it, how you're right here (Join us) KANJITE KOKONIIRUTO (Join us)
Misete mite saikoo ni daitan ni Go on, bewitch me, be bolder than all the rest MISETEMITE SAIKOONIDAITANNI
Biidama no yo na me de shinda atashi ni koe kakete kita Looked down at me with its marble eyes And said to the me who had died: ビーBIIDAMANOYONAMEDE SHINDAATASHINIKOEKAKETEKITA
Mezamero koyoi akane no sora ni Open your eyes tonight And turn them to the madder red sky MEZAMERO今宵KOYOI AKANENOSORANI
Temari uta ni yurare aoi kanzashi no tama ga nabiku Swayed by the temari song As the azure beads of my hairpin glitter TEMARIUTANIYURARE AOIKANZASHINOTAMAGANABIKU
Shidareta hana wa chitte soorai no kaori ni yoishireru The wilting flowers scatter The scent of the autumn wind carries me away SHIDARETAHANAWACHIってTTE SOORAINOKAORINIYOISHIRERU
Osanaki soo ni yureru koe naki samayoi aa Swayed by childless ideas I wander voicelessly, aah OSANAKISOONIYURERU KOENAKI彷徨SAMAYOI 嗚呼AA
Mezamero koyoi akane no sora ni Open your eyes tonight And turn them towards the madder red sky MEZAMERO今宵KOYOI AKANENOSORANI
Mezamero koyoi akane no sora no yoo ni Open your eyes tonight just like the madder red sky MEZAMERO今宵KOYOI AKANENOSORANOYOONI
SO GOING GOING GOING GOING hokori wa mune ni So going going going going with pride in our hearts So going going going going HOKORIWAMUNENI
Koete ikeru zettai ni We'll overcome it all, definitely KOETEIKERU絶対ZETTAINI
Zutto yume ni egaiteta I always saw it in my dreams ZUっとTTOYUMENIEGAITETA
Kizu ga tsuku tabi ni tsuyoku natta I became stronger with every scar KIZUGATSUKUTABINITSUYOKUNAったTTA
Yume wa tsukami ni yuku mono Dreams are meant to be grabbed for YUMEWATSUKAMINIYUKUMONO
kumo ni oowa reta sorawomiagete kore mo kirei to omoeta I looked up at the sky covered in clouds and thought it was beautiful too. KUMONIOOWARETASORAWOMIAGETE KOREMOKIREITOOMOETA
te ni shitakara wakaru nda are in hand so I know them, I suppose TENISHITAKARAWAKARUNDA
naniyori taisetsu ni shinakya I have to cherish it more than anything. NANIYORITAISETSUNISHINAきゃKYA

: nichi

Hammer Down
ano nichi no watashi ni To me that day ANONICHINOWATASHINI

: nijiiro

Rock n roll
Nijiiro no tabiji yuku butai wa koko kara Let's go on a Rainbow-colored Journey, the stage starts here NIJIIRONOTABIJIYUKU BUTAIWAKOKOKARA

: nikushimi

namida egao itami nikushimi subete komiagetekuru itoshi sa Tears, smiles, pain, hatred, everything filling my heart with love. NAMIDA EGAO ITAMI NIKUSHIMI SUBETE KOMIAGETEKURUITOSHISA
namida egao itami nikushimi subete komiagetekuru itoshi sa Tears, smiles, pain, hatred, everything filling my heart with love. NAMIDA EGAO ITAMI NIKUSHIMI SUBETE KOMIAGETEKURUITOSHISA
namida egao itami nikushimi subete komiagetekuru itoshi sa Tears, smiles, pain, hatred, everything filling my heart with love. NAMIDA EGAO ITAMI NIKUSHIMI SUBETE KOMIAGETEKURUITOSHISA

: nisemono

Now I here
Nisemono de kamawanai kara to Acting like I didn't care if it was fake NISEMONODEKAMAWANAIKARATO

: no

A Ray
Kono inochi no kagiri wa Until the day you die KONOINOCHINOKAGIRIWA
Shogyoo mujoo no kotowari danzai Condemning the principle of the impermanence of all things SHOGYOOMUJOONOKOTOWARI DANZAI
Kyuuso no gotoku neko o kame Even a rat is dangerous when cornered by a cat KYUUSONOGOTOKUNEKOOKAME
Aware na adabana no yoo de mo ii sa ISN'T IT? It's okay to be a pitiful flower that bears no fruit, Isn't it? AWARENAADABANANOYOODEMOIISA Isn't it
Tootoo to konjoo no sokonashi kassai The never-ending cheers of this life come calmly TOOTOOTO今生KONJOONOSOKONASHI喝采KASSAI
Sekiran no naka hyoozen to in the middle of an evening storm, without a care SEKIRANNONAKA HYOOZENTO
Dare ka no tenohira no ue de mo ii sa WE'RE HERE Even if it's to someone else's tune, we're here DAREKANOTENOHIRANOUEDEMOIISA We're here
Ikitenda sorezore no i basho de We're alive, each where we belong IKITENDA SOREZORENOIBASHODE
Tsuchi ni kaeru hi wa kyomu no naka Hitori When we return to the earth, we're all alone in nothingness TSUCHINIKAERUHIWA KYOMUNONAKA 一人HITORI
Aware na adabana no yoo de mo ii sa ISN'T IT? It's okay to be a pitiful flower that bears no fruit, Isn't it? AWARENAADABANANOYOODEMOIISA Isn't it
tomaru koto no nai hitamukina omoi o A single-minded desire that never stops TOMARUKOTONONAIHITAMUKINAOMOIO
dareka no tame no hikari to naru yo Become a light for someone DAREKANOTAMENOHIKARITONARUYO
Akehanate yo shinwa no Amanoiwato o Open up the mythical cave of the sun god AKEHANATEYO SHINWANO天岩戸AMANOIWATOO
Tokihanate yo omoikiri natsuzora no shita Release yourself under the summer sky TOKIHANATEYO OMOIKIRINATSUZORANOSHITA
Ichido kiri no jinsei tanoshimanakucha son janai ka Isn't it a loss if you don't enjoy your one-time life? ICHIDOKIRINOJINSEITANOSHIMANAKUちゃCHASONじゃJANAIKA
Amaterasu no yoo ni like Amaterasu AMATENOYOONI
dadadadada dakuryuu no naka dadadadada in the muddy stream DADADADADA DAKURYUUNONAKA
(CLAP CLAP!) Yaoyorozu no kami mo HEAT UP (Clap Clap!) All the gods and goddesses Heat up (Clap Clap!)YA百万OYOROZUNOKAMIMOHeat up
kyooki ranbu no mugen paradaisu An endless paradise of frenzy KYOOKIRANBUNOMUGENPARADAISU
Utaeya sawage ya honnoo no mama ni LET’S LIVE IT UP Sing, make noise, follow your instincts Let's live it up UTAEYASAWAGEYAHONNOONOMAMANILets live it up
Ichido kiri no jinsei tanoshimanakucha son janai ka Isn't it a loss if you don't enjoy your one-time life? ICHIDOKIRINOJINSEITANOSHIMANAKUちゃCHASONじゃJANAIKA
Amaterasu no yoo ni like amaterasu AMATENOYOONI
Amaterasu no yoo ni like Amaterasu AMATENOYOONI
Back into the wild
Shikabane no yama o mita I saw a mountain of corpses SHIKABANENOYAMAOMITA
Owaraseru no ga raku na no ka Was it so much easier to end it all? OWARASERUNOGARAKUNANOKA
Shinchikoomei no hikari ga sasu A comfortable compassionate light shines SHINCHIKOOMEINOHIKARIGASASU
Kokoro no hidane to nareyo Becoming the burning coals of the heart KOKORONOHIDANETONAREYO
Manjoo icchi de kimatta atashi no afutaa raifu It's been unanimously decided, my afterlife MANJOO一致ICCHIDEKIMAったTTA ATASHINOAFUターTAARAIFU
Bukakkoo sugite batsu ga warui no o awaremu hito ni NO THANK YOU To all those who feel sorry for me Because they think I'm uncool and awkward, NO THANK YOU BU恰好KAKKOOSUGITEBATSUGAWARUINOOAWAREMUHITONI NO THANK YOU
Ketsumatsu bakari ni ki o torare muda o ikiru no wa owari Always preoccupied with the ending It's time to stop wasting my life KETSUMATSUBAKARINIKIOTORARE MUDAOIKIRUNOWAOWARI
Medatteru kui o tatakitsukeru shika noo no nai hito wa OH POOR YOU People who can only think about hammering the nail that sticks out back down say OH POOR YOU MEDAってTTERUKUIOTATAKITSUKERUSHIKANOONONAIHITOWA OH POOR YOU
Jinsei tatta no ichi do dake atashi wa sonna ni hima ja nai You only live once, and I don't have time to waste JINSEITAったTTANOICHIDODAKE ATASHIWASONNANIHIMAじゃJANAI
Tekisuto bakari ni tayorikitte itsuwari no bika wa owari It's time to stop relying on the textbook and glorifying lies TEKISUTOBAKARINITAYORIKIってTTE ITSUWARINOBIKAWAOWARI
Kanarazu kanau to shinjite iru atashi no yume wa owaranai I just know they'll come true one day, these dreams of mine will never end KANARAZUKANAUTOSHINJITEIRU ATASHINOYUMEWAOWARANAI
Sukui no nai hibi ni BYE-BYE. I will say bye-bye to helpless days. SUKUINONAIHIBINI Bye-bye.
Hana mo sakasanu umoregi no Fated to gather no flowers from a fossil tree HANAMOSAKASANU UREGINO
Waga mi no hate wa aware nari Sad my life has been that bears no fruit WAGAMINOHATEWA AWARENARI
Inochi no hate wa kuchikusa ni Once our lives end, We rot into the withering grass INOCHINOHATEWA KUCHIKUSANI
Tsuki no terasu wa shinobu michi The moonlight lights the path you've endured TSUKINOTERASUWA SHINOBUMICHI
Yaseki ni kitare shinnyo no tsuki yo Moon of thusness, illuminate the tide at night YASEKINIKITARE SHINNYONOTSUKIYO
Shishi no katana no omokage ya It's the countenance of the Sword of the Lion SHISHINOKATANANOOMOKAGEYA
Saigo no hi mo Even on your last day on earth SAIGONOHIMO
Zettai no PRIDE moo ubaenai my absolute pride already you can't take it away 絶対ZETTAINOprideMOOUBAENAI
katanihameru dake no baiasu o uragire NO ONE CAN TOUCH ME NOW Betray the bias that only fits into a mold, no one can touch me now KATANIHAMERUDAKENOBAIASUO URAGIRE no one can touch me now
Gyakkyoo no SMILE moo kegasenai The smile of adversity can no longer be tarnished 逆境GYAKKYOONOsmileMOOKEGASENAI
Atashi dake no akashi mune ni atsuikara It's a proof that only I have, because it's hot in my heart ATASHIDAKENOAKASHI MUNENIATSUIKARA
Zettai no PRIDE moo ubaenai my absolute pride already you can't take it away 絶対ZETTAINOprideMOOUBAENAI
Gyakkyoo no SMILE moo kegasenai The smile of adversity can no longer be tarnished 逆境GYAKKYOONOsmileMOOKEGASENAI
Kagami ni utsuru futatsu no me Two eyes reflected in the mirrors KAGAMINIUTSURU FUTATSUNOME
Honoo agero saikoo no sutori Set it alight, the best story ever told HONOOAGERO SAIKOONOSUトーTOOリーRII
Daite idome ashita no guroorii Embrace it, throw down the gauntlet tomorrow's glory DAITE IDOME 明日ASHITANOGUローROOリーRII
Madoo hito no susumu michi o And illuminate the path of those in doubt MADOOHITONO SUSUMUMICHIO
Anata no yokogao sora ni najimu yoo ni Your face then seemed to blur away into the sky ANATANOYOKOGAO SORANINAJIMUYOONI
Kitto korekara wa chizu no nai There's no map on how to move forward KIっとTTOKOREKARAWACHIZUNONAI
Hitori kiri no tabi ni fumidasu I take the first step on my journey alone HITORIKIRINOTABINIFUMIDASU
Kowareta hazu no mune ga hibiku And in my heart that should be broken an echo... KOWARETAHAZUNOMUNEGAHIBIKU
Atashi no nakigao hikisakareru yoo ni My face seems ripped up into tear-stained pieces ATASHINONAKIGAO HIKISAKARERUYOONI
Kireta kono kokoro no ito I cut it, this thread that binds my heart KIRETA KONOKOKORONOITO
Anata no yokogao sora ni najimu yoo ni Before it seemed to blur away into the sky ANATANOYOKOGAO SORANINAJIMUYOONI
Iki tsuku ma mo naku ikitsuku kago no naka Inside the cage you always end up in IKITSUKUMAMONAKUIKITSUKUKAGONONAKA
Yurari yurari marude ranpu no yoo ni Flickering, flickering, like a lamp YURARIYURARI MARUDERANPUNOYOONI
Kaaten no sukima kara tsukiakari The moonlight filters in between the curtains カーKAATENNOSUKIMAKARATSUKI明かAKARI
Iki tsuku ma mo naku ikitsuku kago no naka Inside the cage you always end up in IKITSUKUMAMONAKUIKITSUKUKAGONONAKA
Hammer Down
ano nichi no watashi ni To me that day ANONICHINOWATASHINI
itsuwari no jibun ni sayonara shite Say goodbye to your false self ITSUWARINOJIBUNNISAYONARASHITE
uso no nai sekai ni hareruya Hallelujah to a world without lies USONONAISEKAINIHARERUYA
Donna toki demo shinji rareru no wa jibun dakedarou The only person you can trust at any time is yourself. DONNATOKIDEMOSHINJIRARERUNOWAJIBUNDAKEDAROU
Agare warae sawage towa no yoake Rise up, laugh your head off, make a racket, for the eternal dawn AGAREWARAESAWAGE永遠TOWANOYOAKE
Agame tatae tamae shin no onore Revere them, praise them, your true self AGAMETATAETAMAESHINNOONORE
Yo appakuka no minasama imasara GIVE AND TAKE? Kizuna FAKE? Itsuka meiru muda na DAYS Yo, to all the oppressed, still the time for GIVE AND TAKE? Your bonds so FAKE? Losing heart during those idle DAYS Yo 圧迫APPAKUKANOMINASAMA IMASARA GIVE AND TAKE KIZUNA FAKE ITSUKAMEIRU MUDANA DAYS
[Zooo no] CATCH BALL GAME yokoguruma o osa re of hatred Catch ball game Pushed by a side car ZOOONOCatch ball gameYOKOGURUMAOOSARE
Kagayaki no uragawa ni kage wa tsuku mono sa There's a shadow behind the shine KAGAYAKINOURAGAWANIKAGEWATSUKUMONOSA
Kodoku no keshin personification of loneliness KODOKUNOKESHIN
dare ka no kage to natte Be someone's shadow DAREKANOKAGETONAってTTE
Kodomo no mugen dai Of such a strong child KODOMONOMUGENDAI
Ima no anata o tsukutta PIECE The pieces that made you what you are today IMANOANATAOTSUKUったTTA Piece
Hoka no te de kowasarete Broken by the hands of others HOKANOTEDEKOWASARETE
Dekoboko no ashiato ni se o muke I turn my back on the rugged footprints that lead here DEKOBOKONOASHIATONISEOMUKE
Ima aru no wa hana no yoo ni sakitsuzuketa kara I'm only here now because I kept on stubbornly blooming IMAARUNOWAHANANOYOONISAKITSUZUKETAKARA
Hateshi nai atashi no koe de With my everlasting voice HATESHINAIATASHINOKOEDE
Bakuon no sekai hibana chirashite In a world of noise, sparks scatter BAKUONNOSEKAI HIBANACHIRASHITE
Now I here
Mitasarete ita to kanjiteta no I always felt so very fulfilled MITASARETEITATO KANJITETANO
Te no todoku mono narabete ita dake Just by having what was in reach TENOTODOKUMONO NARABETEITADAKE
Hajimeru no ima kara I'll begin, from right now HAJIMERUNO IMAKARA
Mitsukeru no jibun de I'll find it, all by myself MITSUKERUNO JIBUNDE
Kizukanai furi shite ita dake na no I just pretended not to notice KIZUKANAIFURISHITEITADAKENANO
Fumidasu no koko kara I'll take my first step from right here FUMIDASUNO KOKOKARA
Mitsuketa no yasuragi o I've finally found peace MITSUKETANO YASURAGIO
Moo atta no here this whole time MOOAったTTANO
Kono te no naka kakaekirenai kurai So much that I can't hold it all in my hands KONOTENONAKA KAKAEKIRENAIKURAI
wakari aenai koto   mujundarake no toki o We couldn't understand each other and always didn't agree, such days WAKARIAENAIKOTO MUJUNDARAKENO時間TOKIO
wakari aenakute ii nante ieta no wa "I don't care if we can't understand each other," that kind of thought is of WAKARIAENAKUTEIINANTEIETANOWA
watashi no mune no itami   tengoku made datte My heartache, even all the way to heaven, WATASHINOMUNENOITAMI TENGOKUMADEDAってTTE
Beni o matou ichirin no hana A single flower clad in crimson BENIOMATOUICHIRINNOHANA
Yurari yurari to seiran no miyako Swaying gently in the hazy capital YURARIYURARITOSEIRANNOMIYAKO
Yureru kaze no zawameki ga atashi no kami o naderu The stir of the whirling wind blows its way through my hair YURERUKAZENOZAWAMEKIGA ATASHINOKAMIONADERU
Kotonoha ni mi o makasete tamayura no hikari ni you I surrender myself to those words, spellbound by a brief moment of light KOTONOHANIMIOMAKASETE 玉響TAMAYURANOHIKARINIYOU
Kobore ochiru asatsuyu ga atashi no hoo o nurasu The morning dew that falls dampens my cheeks KOBOREOCHIRUASATSUYUGA ATASHINOHOOONURASU
Tenohira ni omoi nosete asayake no hikari ni tou I place my hopes in the palms of my hands and question the light of the dawn TENOHIRANIOMOINOSETE ASAYAKENOHIKARINITOU
Yureru kaze no zawameki ga atashi no kami o naderu The stir of the whirling wind blows its way through my hair YURERUKAZENOZAWAMEKIGA ATASHINOKAMIONADERU
Kotonoha ni mi o makasete tamayura no hikari ni you I surrender myself to those words, spellbound by a brief moment of light KOTONOHANIMIOMAKASETE 玉響TAMAYURANOHIKARINIYOU
FRUSTRATION genkai kimetsukeru jibun ni jidanda funuke no PRIDE Frustration, I'm stuck in my own limit, I've got stupid pride Frustration GENKAIKIMETSUKERUJIBUNNIJIDANDA FUNUKENOpride
higeki no furi shita ikenie no GOAT hamidasanu yoo ni hishimeku roo A sacrificial goat pretending to be a tragedy, a prison tightly packed to prevent it from spilling out HIGEKINOFURISHITA 生贄IKENIENOgoat HAMIDASANUYOONIHISHIMEKUROO
SENSATION oshitsuke rareta jiyuu no mujun ni koe agero Sensation Speak out against the contradiction of imposed freedom SensationOSHITSUKERARETAJIYUUNOMUJUNNIKOEAGERO
mada tooi shinkiroo demo zettai shinjiro saigo no saigomade NOBODY KNOWS It's still a distant mirage, but I'll definitely believe it, until the very end Nobody knows. MADATOOISHINKIROO DEMO絶対ZETTAISHINJIRO SAIGONOSAIGOMADENobody knows
Ganjigarame no ima iki sae dekinai kurai I'm so tied up now that I can't even breathe GANJIGARAMENOIMA IKISAEDEKINAIKURAI
Dareka no tame janai hokoreru jibun ka doo ka It's not for someone else. Is it something I can be proud of? DAREKANOTAMEじゃJANAI HOKORERUJIBUNKADOOKA
kurushii kono shunkan sae mo eikoo made no STEP Even in this painful moment, to my own glory, step KURUSHIIKONO瞬間SHUNKANSAEMO EIKOOMADENOStep
Kakageta chikai wa konote no naka ni YOU CAN JUST HANG IN THERE The vow I made is in my hands. You can just hang in there KAKAGETACHIKAIWA KONOTENONAKANI You can just hang in there
Shi no go no iezu ni kuchi kamu Without complaint, I bite my tongue SHINOGONOIEZUNI KUCHIKAMU
Tannaru heikoo sen no mama We just carry on down parallel lines TANNARUHEIKOOSENNOMAMA
Kankyaku doko e iku no Disregarded, where are we going? KANKYAKU 何処DOKOEIKUNO
Kotae wa nai no There is no answer KOTAEWANAINO
Moshi mo kokoro no koe ga kiete shimatta nara Even if the voice in my heart were to disappear MOSHIMO KOKORONOKOEGAKIETESHIMAったTTANARA
Boku ga shinjita kimi no hikari o hanate Hey, you I believed in, release your light BOKUGASHINJITAKIMINO HIKARIOHANATE
Furikitta hadaka no yume o Embrace the unadorned dream you ignored FURIKIったTTAHADAKANOYUMEO
ikiru imi wa sono te no naka The meaning of life is in your hands IKIRUIMIWASONOTENONAKA
kokoro no oku no oku de sakebi tsuzuketa I kept screaming in the depths of my heart KOKORONOOKUNOOKUDESAKEBITSUZUKETA
fukanzenna ashita e no kiboo Hope for an imperfect tomorrow FUKANZENNA明日ASHITAENOKIBOO
Rock n roll
Higashi no hate kara All the way from the east HIGASHINOHATEKARA
Yaneura no omochatachi like an old toy in the attic YANEURANOOMOちゃCHATACHI
Jooo no yoo ni kedakaku tsumuideku SOUNDSCAPE Majestic as a Queen, a converging soundscape JOOONOYOONIKEDAKAKU TSUMUIDEKUsoundscape
Namari no hikoosen ni noritobimawaru ze sekai Let's fly around the world on a Led Zeppelin NAMARINOHIKOOSENNINORI TOBIMAWARUZESEKAI
Nijiiro no tabiji yuku butai wa koko kara Let's go on a Rainbow-colored Journey, the stage starts here NIJIIRONOTABIJIYUKU BUTAIWAKOKOKARA
Korogaru ishi no yoo ni like a Rolling Stone KOROGARUISHINOYOONI
Jigoku no kane wa naru kuroku nuritsubuse Hell's bells ring out, paint it all black JIGOKUNOKANEWANARU KUROKUNURITSUBUSE
Atama no naka ga tameiki bakari The inside of your head is nothing more than disappointed sighs ATAMANONAKAGA TAMEIKIBAKARI
Hone no zui made Down to the very marrow of your bones HONENOZUIMADE
Kanjite kokoro no mama (RIGHT NOW) Feel it to your heart's content (Right now) KANJITE KOKORONOMAMA(Right now)
Mune no oku itai kurai (RIGHT UP) Deep in your chest, it hurts (Right up) MUNENOOKU ITAIKURAI (Right up)
Jinsei no suteiji ue (RIGHT NOW) Up on the stage of life (Right now) JINSEINOSUテーTEEJIUE (Right now)
Uchooten no kanshoku o (LET'S JOY) Enjoy feelings of ecstasy (Let's joy) UCHOOTENNOKANSHOKUO(Let's joy)
Midareta kami no ue kin no suzu o tsuketa kuroneko ga Above my unkempt hair A black cat with a bell on its collar MIDARETAKAMINOUE KINNOSUZUOTSUKETAKURONEKOGA
Biidama no yo na me de shinda atashi ni koe kakete kita Looked down at me with its marble eyes And said to the me who had died: ビーBIIDAMANOYONAMEDE SHINDAATASHINIKOEKAKETEKITA
Soorai to oyukinasai ichido no jinsei da kara zenbu Go forth with the autumn wind, You only get to live once so SOORAITOOYUKINASAI ICHIDONOJINSEIDAKARAZENBU
Mezamero koyoi akane no sora ni Open your eyes tonight And turn them to the madder red sky MEZAMERO今宵KOYOI AKANENOSORANI
Temari uta ni yurare aoi kanzashi no tama ga nabiku Swayed by the temari song As the azure beads of my hairpin glitter TEMARIUTANIYURARE AOIKANZASHINOTAMAGANABIKU
Shidareta hana wa chitte soorai no kaori ni yoishireru The wilting flowers scatter The scent of the autumn wind carries me away SHIDARETAHANAWACHIってTTE SOORAINOKAORINIYOISHIRERU
"Saa kono yubi to mare oni-san kochira te no naru hoo e" "No, stop at this finger! I'm over here, chaser, follow the clapping" さぁSAA KONOYUBITOMARE ONISANKOCHIRATENONARUHOOE
Aiai to asobinasai hajime no ippo fundanara Play together peacefully, When you go and take the first step AIAITOASOBINASAI HAJIMENO一歩IPPOFUNDANARA
Mezamero koyoi akane no sora ni Open your eyes tonight And turn them towards the madder red sky MEZAMERO今宵KOYOI AKANENOSORANI
Soorai to o ikinasai ichi do no jinsei da kara zenbu Live with the autumn wind You only get to live once so SOORAITOOIKINASAI ICHIDONOJINSEIDAKARAZENBU
Mezamero koyoi akane no sora no yoo ni Open your eyes tonight just like the madder red sky MEZAMERO今宵KOYOI AKANENOSORANOYOONI
I DON'T NEED WORDS kanjoo no rinku I don't need words, it's an emotional link I don't need words KANJOONORINKU
Yokuboo no mama hakichirase I just spew out all that I desire YOKUBOONOMAMA HAKICHIRASE
I DON'T NEED WORDS kanjoo no rinku I don't need words, it's an emotional link I don't need words KANJOONORINKU
Yokuboo no mama hakichirase I just spew out all that I desire YOKUBOONOMAMA HAKICHIRASE
I DON'T NEED WORDS kanjoo no rinku I don't need words, it's an emotional link I don't need words KANJOONORINKU
Yokuboo no mama hakichirase I just spew out all that I desire YOKUBOONOMAMA HAKICHIRASE
THAT IS THE WAY anata no susumu saki That is the way, even if the place you're headed That is the way ANATANOSUSUMUSAKI
fukai mune no tobira o akeru to ikutsu mo no kizu ga atta When I opened the door deep in my chest, there were many wounds. FUKAIMUNENOTOBIRAOAKERUTO IKUTSUMONOKIZUGAAったTTA
ima wa mada tabi no tochuu I'm still on my journey IMAWAMADATABINOTOCHUU
shinjite iru yo kore made no kiseki I believe in the trajectory so far SHINJITEIRUYO KOREMADENOKISEKI
kasaneta hibi wa kakegae no nai The days we spent together are irreplaceable KASANETAHIBIWA KAKEGAENONAI
moo ippo moo ippo fumidasou hikari no sasu hoo e Let's take one more step, one more step towards the direction of light MOO一歩IPPO MOO一歩IPPO FUMIDASOUHIKARINOSASUHOOE
daijina no wa mitame janaku ai o idaku kokoro What's important is not the appearance, but the heart that embraces love DAIJINANOWAMITAMEじゃJANAKU AIOIDAKUKOKORO
kidzuki wa hajimari no aizu Awareness is the signal for the beginning KIZUKIWAHAJIMARINOAIZU
jibun no kaku ichiban no yume my own imagining, my biggest dream JIBUNNOKAKU ICHIBANNOYUME
Moo ikkai moo ikkai omoidasoo hajimari no hi o Once again, once again, let's remember the day it started MOO一回IKKAI MOO一回IKKAI OMOIDASOOHAJIMARINOHIO
kamisama no okage janai It's not because of God KAMISAMANOOKAGEじゃJANAI
shinjite iru yo kore made no kiseki I believe in the miracles of the past. SHINJITEIRUYO KOREMADENOKISEKI
kasaneta hibi wa kakegae no nai The days we spent together are irreplaceable KASANETAHIBIWAKAKEGAENONAI
moo ippo moo ippo fumidasou hikari no sasu hoo e Let's take one more step, one more step towards the direction of light MOO一歩IPPO MOO一歩IPPO FUMIDASOUHIKARINOSASUHOOE

: nobashite

Korekara saki ni te o nobashite Reaching out in front of me from the point forward KOREKARASAKINITEONOBASHITE
Te o nobashite denkoo sekka de kirisakun da Reach out your hand, tear through it all with a bright flash TEONOBASHITE電光DENKOO石火SEKKADEKIRISAKUNDA

: nobori

takaku takaku nobori tsumero climb higher and higher TAKAKUTAKAKUNOBORITSUMERO

: noboru

saa hi ga noboru yoo ni ima Come on, like the sun rises now さぁSAAHIGANOBORUYOONI IMA

: nodakara

Yaburekabure yuugure kodoku datte kagayaku nodakara Even the lonely twilight shines brightly YABUREKABUREYUUGURE KODOKUDAってTTEKAGAYAKUNODAKARA

: nodaroo

kore o eien to iu nodaroo This is what you call eternity, I suppose. KOREOEIENTOIUNODAROO
kore o eien to iu nodaroo This is what you call eternity, I suppose. KOREOEIENTOIUNODAROO

: noo

Medatteru kui o tatakitsukeru shika noo no nai hito wa OH POOR YOU People who can only think about hammering the nail that sticks out back down say OH POOR YOU MEDAってTTERUKUIOTATAKITSUKERUSHIKANOONONAIHITOWA OH POOR YOU

: noonai

noonai owaru mae ni LET’S TRIP AWAY Before it ends in my brain Let’s trip away NOONAIOWARUMAENI Lets trip away

: norikoeru

I HATE MYSELF norikoeru chance negatteta ndaro? I hate myself, I was hoping for a chance to overcome it, right? I hate myself NORIKOERUchance NEGAってTTETANDARO

: norikoete

Norikoete yuke donna koto datte Rise above it, no matter what it is NORIKOETEIKE DONNAKOTODAってTTE

: noritobimawaru

Rock n roll
Namari no hikoosen ni noritobimawaru ze sekai Let's fly around the world on a Led Zeppelin NAMARINOHIKOOSENNINORI TOBIMAWARUZESEKAI

: noroshi

OH-- noroshi o agete Oh, fire the starting shot Oh 狼煙NOROSHIOAGETE
OH-- noroshi o agete Oh, fire the starting shot Oh 狼煙NOROSHIOAGETE

: nosete

Tenohira ni omoi nosete asayake no hikari ni tou I place my hopes in the palms of my hands and question the light of the dawn TENOHIRANIOMOINOSETE ASAYAKENOHIKARINITOU

: noshiagare

Aganau kokoro ima dakaishi noshiagare Take your redemptive heart, crush it and rise up AGANAUKOKORO IMADAKAISHINOSHIAGARE
Aganau kokoro ima dakaishi noshiagare akugyaku mudoo Take your redemptive heart, crush it and rise up, ushering atrocity AGANAUKOKORO IMADAKAISHINOSHIAGAREAKUGYAKUMUDOO

: notte

COOL ni ii nami notte iko Be cool as you ride that good wave COOLNIIINAMINOってTTEIKO

: nozomanai

Nozomanai unmei kechirashite ikerudesho You know you can rout out the fate you never wished for NOZOMANAIUNMEI KECHIRASHITEIKERUDEしょSHO

: nue

Nue mo kanawanu yuzuru mo Even the bowstring not even Nue could match NUEMOKANAWANU YUZURUMO

: nugutta

Moo mayoi wa shinai hitori nugutta namida I won't lose my way anymore, I wipe my tears alone MOOMAYOIWASHINAI HITORINUGUったTTANAMIDA

: nuide

Tada miterunara fuku o nuide If you're just going watch, take those clothes off TADAMITERUNARA FUKUONUITE
Tada miterunara fuku o nuide If you're just going to watch, take those clothes off TADAMITERUNARA FUKUONUIDE

: nuke

Nemuranai machi o nuke Escape the sleepless city NEMURANAIMACHIONUKE

: nurashite

Ude agete ase de nurashite asobikurue Raise your arms, soak in the sweat and fool around in ecstasy UDEAGETE ASEDENURASHITE ASOBIKURUE

: nurasu

Kobore ochiru asatsuyu ga atashi no hoo o nurasu The morning dew that falls dampens my cheeks KOBOREOCHIRUASATSUYUGA ATASHINOHOOONURASU

: nuritsubuse

Rock n roll
Jigoku no kane wa naru kuroku nuritsubuse Hell's bells ring out, paint it all black JIGOKUNOKANEWANARU KUROKUNURITSUBUSE

: o

A Ray
Soo kiboo mo naku ayunde iku kodoku na michi o Yes, I'll hopelessly walk along a lonely road SOO KIBOOMONAKUAYUNDEIKUKODOKUNAMICHIO
Ikiru imi o mitsukeru tame To find my reason to live as well IKIRUIMIOMITSUKERUTAME
Kyuuso no gotoku neko o kame Even a rat is dangerous when cornered by a cat KYUUSONOGOTOKUNEKOOKAME
Sakasetsuzukero sono hana o Just keep that flower blooming SAKASETSUZUKEROSONOHANAO
Sakasetsuzukero sono hana o Just keep that flower blooming SAKASETSUZUKEROSONOHANAO
Atama n chuu hanten sa se ude o fure Turn your head and wave your arms ATAMANCHUUHANTENSASEUDEOFURE
rekidai jinsei shijoo ichi i o mezasu Aiming to be number one in all-time history REKIDAIJINSEISHIJOO1IOMEZASU
makenaide to koe o karashi sakenda I shouted in a hoarse voice, telling myself not to give up. MAKENAIDETOKOEOKARASHISAKENDA
tomaru koto no nai hitamukina omoi o A single-minded desire that never stops TOMARUKOTONONAIHITAMUKINAOMOIO
te o tori ai o tsunagoo Let's take hands and connect our love TEOTORIAIOTSUNAGOO
ai o daita atatakai kokoro wa A warm heart that embraces love AIODAITAATATAKAIKOKOROWA
Akehanate yo shinwa no Amanoiwato o Open up the mythical cave of the sun god AKEHANATEYO SHINWANO天岩戸AMANOIWATOO
dadda dda dada daichi o keri dadda dda dada kick the ground DAッダDDAッダDDADADADAICHIOKERI
O te o haishaku borrow a hand OTEOHAISHAKU
baribari ni kimeta mai sugata o A carefully chosen dance figure BARIBARINIKIMETAMAI姿SUGATAO
sekai o kagayaka sero Make the world shine SEKAIOKAGAYAKASERO
Back into the wild
Shikabane no yama o mita I saw a mountain of corpses SHIKABANENOYAMAOMITA
Bukakkoo sugite batsu ga warui no o awaremu hito ni NO THANK YOU To all those who feel sorry for me Because they think I'm uncool and awkward, NO THANK YOU BU恰好KAKKOOSUGITEBATSUGAWARUINOOAWAREMUHITONI NO THANK YOU
Heibon reiru o kechirasu wa hajimaru ROCK 'N' ROLL I'll launch myself off the normal rail, it's time to begin ROCK 'N' ROLL HEIBONレーREERUOKECHIRASUWA HAJIMARU ROCK 'N' ROLL
Ketsumatsu bakari ni ki o torare muda o ikiru no wa owari Always preoccupied with the ending It's time to stop wasting my life KETSUMATSUBAKARINIKIOTORARE MUDAOIKIRUNOWAOWARI
Medatteru kui o tatakitsukeru shika noo no nai hito wa OH POOR YOU People who can only think about hammering the nail that sticks out back down say OH POOR YOU MEDAってTTERUKUIOTATAKITSUKERUSHIKANOONONAIHITOWA OH POOR YOU
Kizutsuita kokoro o iyasu chikara ga aru Sore sura wasureta? Could heal my wounded heart truly. Did you forget that too? KIZUTSUITAKOKOROOISUCHIKARAGAARU SORESURAWASURETA
Aa sora o yakitsukuse Ah, set fire to the entire sky あぁAA SORAOYAKITSUKUSE
Aa tobari o koete Ah, cross the curtain あぁAA TOBARIOKOETE
Aa namida o karashite Ah, exhaust your tears あぁAA NAMIDAOKARASHITE
Aa sora o yakitsukuse Ah, set fire to the entire sky あぁAA SORAOYAKITSUKUSE
katanihameru dake no baiasu o uragire NO ONE CAN TOUCH ME NOW Betray the bias that only fits into a mold, no one can touch me now KATANIHAMERUDAKENOBAIASUO URAGIRE no one can touch me now
Kanzenna sonzai o misetsukero Show your complete existence KANZENNASONZAIOMISETSUKERO
OH-- noroshi o agete Oh, fire the starting shot Oh 狼煙NOROSHIOAGETE
Moyase moyase sono yume o Burn it up, burn it up, that dream of yours MOYASE MOYASE SONOYUMEO
"Tsuyo-sa yori yasashi-sa" o of "kindness over strength" TSUYOSAYORIYASASHISAO
Madoo hito no susumu michi o And illuminate the path of those in doubt MADOOHITONO SUSUMUMICHIO
OH-- kobushi o agete Oh, raise your fist up high Oh KOBUSHIOAGETE
Me o sorasazu mae dake muki Face forward and keep your eye on the prize MEOSORASAZU MAEDAKEMUKI
OH-- noroshi o agete Oh, fire the starting shot Oh 狼煙NOROSHIOAGETE
Moyase moyase sono yume o Burn it up, burn it up, that dream of yours MOYASE MOYASE SONOYUMEO
Watashi o otona ni shita I treasured in my heart WATASHIO大人OTONANISHITA
Sono te o saite chitte sora ni mau kakumei Rip those hands open, the blood is a revolution, dancing through the universe SONOTEOSAITECHIってTTESORANIMAUKAKUMEI
Sono te o saite chitte sora ni mau kakumei Rip those hands open, the blood is a revolution, dancing through the universe SONOTEOSAITECHIってTTESORANIMAUKAKUMEI
[Zooo no] CATCH BALL GAME yokoguruma o osa re of hatred Catch ball game Pushed by a side car ZOOONOCatch ball gameYOKOGURUMAOOSARE
seigi o moru tame ni RISING BACK NOW to protect justice Rising back now SEIGIOMORUTAMENIRising back now
A yabuya na risoo o kakagete I WILL TAKE IT ALL IN Holding up dubious ideals I will take it all in AYABUYANARISOOOKAKAGETEI will take it all in
michibiite ke kotae o Lead me to the answer MICHIBIITEKEKOTAEO
seigi o kowasu tame ni RISING BACK NOW to destroy justice Rising back now SEIGIOKOWASUTAMENIRising back now
Imikirawa rete ishi o nagerareta tte I DON’T CARE Though I was hated and stoned I don't care IMIKIRAWARETEISHIONAGERARETAってTTEI dont care
CUZ I JUST FOUND OUT Seikai o YOU ARE MY SHINE Cuz I just found out the correct answer, You are my shine Cuz I just found out SEIKAIOYou are my shine
kirihiraku mirai o Opening up the future KIRIHIRAKUMIRAIO
Koete ke sekai o Go beyond the world KOETEKESEKAIO
Seigi o tsukuru tame ni RISING BACK NOW to create justice Rising back now SEIGIOTSUKURUTAMENIRising back now
Michibiite ke kotae o Lead me to the answer MICHIBIITEKEKOTAEO
Ima no anata o tsukutta PIECE The pieces that made you what you are today IMANOANATAOTSUKUったTTA Piece
Dekoboko no ashiato ni se o muke I turn my back on the rugged footprints that lead here DEKOBOKONOASHIATONISEOMUKE
Mae e mae e mae e ima o susume Forward, forward, forward, push on through now MAEEMAEEMAEEIMAOSUSUME
Korekara saki ni te o nobashite Reaching out in front of me from the point forward KOREKARASAKINITEONOBASHITE
Yukkuri to sodateta ai o The love we slowly fostered YUっくKKURITOSODATETAAIO
Kono toki o mune ni kizande And I etch this moment into my heart KONO瞬間TOKIOMUNENIKIZANDE
Ima o ima o sakebun da I scream out, scream out for now IMAOIMAOSAKEBUNDA
Tada miterunara fuku o nuide If you're just going watch, take those clothes off TADAMITERUNARA FUKUONUITE
Baibusu o agero YOUR NEW WORLD YEAH!! Turn up the vibes, your new world, yeah!! BAIBUSUOAGEROYour new World Yeah!!
Tada miterunara fuku o nuide If you're just going to watch, take those clothes off TADAMITERUNARA FUKUONUIDE
Baibusu o agero YOUR NEW WORLD YEAH!! Turn up the vibes, your new world, yeah!! BAIBUSUOAGEROYour new World Yeah!!
Now I here
Mitsuketa no yasuragi o I've finally found peace MITSUKETANO YASURAGIO
iki kurushi sa to hito ikiri ni   ima wa chotto shisen o otoshiteta Due to the hardships of living and human existence, now I looked slightly down. IKIKURUSHISATO HITOIKINI IMAWAちょCHOっとTTOSHISENOOTOSHITETA
shinjiru koto sae kyoo wa wasuretakute iki o hisometeta Not wanting even to believe today, I held my breath because I wanted to forget. SHINJIRUKOTOSAE今日KYOOWA WASURETAKUTEIKIOHISOMETETA
wakari aenai koto   mujundarake no toki o We couldn't understand each other and always didn't agree, such days WAKARIAENAIKOTO MUJUNDARAKENO時間TOKIO
kore o eien to iu nodaroo This is what you call eternity, I suppose. KOREOEIENTOIUNODAROO
yume oikakete yabureta kimi ni chotto yasashii koe o kaketa You, seeking a dream but never realized, I spoke to with little kind words of comfort. YUMEOIKAKETE YABURETAKIMINI ちょCHOっとTTOYASASHIIKOEOKAKETA
akiramerarenai jibun o sukoshi hokotta koto o chiisaku omoo Of myself for not giving up yet, I was a little proud, but I think it was childish. AKIRAMERARENAIJIBUNO SUKOSHIHOKOったTTAKOTOOCHIISAKUOMOO
kore o eien to iu nodaroo This is what you call eternity, I suppose. KOREOEIENTOIUNODAROO
bokura wa onaji michi o aruku nda … you and I will walk one road, surely ... BOKURAWAONAJIMICHIOARUKUNDA
Beni o matou ichirin no hana A single flower clad in crimson BENIOMATOUICHIRINNOHANA
"o i de na ♡" "Come here to me ♡" OIDENA
Yureru kaze no zawameki ga atashi no kami o naderu The stir of the whirling wind blows its way through my hair YURERUKAZENOZAWAMEKIGA ATASHINOKAMIONADERU
Kotonoha ni mi o makasete tamayura no hikari ni you I surrender myself to those words, spellbound by a brief moment of light KOTONOHANIMIOMAKASETE 玉響TAMAYURANOHIKARINIYOU
Kobore ochiru asatsuyu ga atashi no hoo o nurasu The morning dew that falls dampens my cheeks KOBOREOCHIRUASATSUYUGA ATASHINOHOOONURASU
Inore inore yume inore kore kara miru keshiki o Pray, pray, pray in your dreams, for what you will find lying ahead INOREINOREYUMEINORE KOREKARAMIRU景色KESHIKIO
Yureru kaze no zawameki ga atashi no kami o naderu The stir of the whirling wind blows its way through my hair YURERUKAZENOZAWAMEKIGA ATASHINOKAMIONADERU
Kotonoha ni mi o makasete tamayura no hikari ni you I surrender myself to those words, spellbound by a brief moment of light KOTONOHANIMIOMAKASETE 玉響TAMAYURANOHIKARINIYOU
Darenimo yuzurenai ashita o mamoru tame ni I can't bow down to anyone, to protect tomorrow DARENIMOYUZURENAI 明日ASHITAOMAMORUTAMENI
shigamitsuku yume o kachihokore Be proud of the dreams you hold on to SHIGAMITSUKUYUMEOKACHIHOKORE
tagiru joonetsu o hikari ni kaete Turn your simmering passion into light TAGIRUJOONETSUO HIKARINIKAETE
Darenimo yuzurenai ashita o mamoru tame ni I can't bow down to anyone, to protect tomorrow DARENIMOYUZURENAI 明日ASHITAOMAMORUTAMENI
Te o nobashite denkoo sekka de kirisakun da Reach out your hand, tear through it all with a bright flash TEONOBASHITE電光DENKOO石火SEKKADEKIRISAKUNDA
Yami ni mayotta kokoro o sasu Lost in the dark, it shines on my heart YAMINIMAYOったTTA KOKOROOSASU
Boku ga shinjita kimi o shinji tsuzukete Keep believing yourself in the you I believed in BOKUGASHINJITAKIMIO SHINJITSUZUKETE
Tansei o morasu I let out a sigh TANSEIOMORASU
Mimi o tozasanaide WHEREVER YOU WILL GO Don't cover your ears, Wherever you will go MIMIOTOZASANAIDE Wherever you will go
Issai gassai o furiharattasunda hitomi raitei wo My eyes are clear, now free of it all, the thunder 一切ISSAI合切GASSAIOFURIHARAったTTASUNDAHITOMI RAITEIWO
Boku ga shinjita kimi no hikari o hanate Hey, you I believed in, release your light BOKUGASHINJITAKIMINO HIKARIOHANATE
Furikitta hadaka no yume o Embrace the unadorned dream you ignored FURIKIったTTAHADAKANOYUMEO
Yubi o kuwaete nagameteru dake? You just gonna be jealous and sit there and stare? YUBIOKUWAETE NAGAMETERUDAKE
Sai o nagetara When you throw the dice SAIONAGETARA
Uchooten no kanshoku o (LET'S JOY) Enjoy feelings of ecstasy (Let's joy) UCHOOTENNOKANSHOKUO(Let's joy)
Midareta kami no ue kin no suzu o tsuketa kuroneko ga Above my unkempt hair A black cat with a bell on its collar MIDARETAKAMINOUE KINNOSUZUOTSUKETAKURONEKOGA
"Oya oya o machinasai koko kara saki wa ikidomari" "Oh, my goodness! Stop here! The road ahead is a dead end!" OYAOYA OMACHINASAI KOKOKARASAKIWAIKIDOMARI
Rinrin to kanadenasai sono yume o kataru kara Play your heart out You're singing about your dreams RINRINTOKANADENASAI SONOYUMEOKATARUKARA
Soorai to o ikinasai ichi do no jinsei da kara zenbu Live with the autumn wind You only get to live once so SOORAITOOIKINASAI ICHIDONOJINSEIDAKARAZENBU
DONT NEED TO LOOK BACK YOUR kita michi o Dont need to look back your road here so far Don't need to look back your 来たKITAMICHIO
Nemuranai machi o nuke Escape the sleepless city NEMURANAIMACHIONUKE
Me o tojireba yomigaeru sutoorii iro azayakana kakera-tachi A story that comes back to life when you close your eyes, colorful fragments MEOTOJIREBAYOMIGAERUSUトーTOOリーRIIIROAZAYAKANA欠片KAKERATACHI
Sono dore mo ga tsunagatte ”ima” o ikiru senaka o oshite iru All of these are connected and push us to live in the “now”. SONODOREMOGATSUNAGAってTTEIMAOIKIRUSENAKAOOSHITEIRU
fukai mune no tobira o akeru to ikutsu mo no kizu ga atta When I opened the door deep in my chest, there were many wounds. FUKAIMUNENOTOBIRAOAKERUTO IKUTSUMONOKIZUGAAったTTA
itami o koete mebaeta michi ga nagaku tsuzuku The path that sprouted beyond the pain continues for a long time ITAMIOKOETEMEBAETA MICHIGANAGAKUTSUZUKU
ookina mirai o shimesukara Because it shows a big future OOKINAMIRAIOSHIMESUKARA
daijina no wa mitame janaku ai o idaku kokoro What's important is not the appearance, but the heart that embraces love DAIJINANOWAMITAMEじゃJANAKU AIOIDAKUKOKORO
Moo ikkai moo ikkai omoidasoo hajimari no hi o Once again, once again, let's remember the day it started MOO一回IKKAI MOO一回IKKAI OMOIDASOOHAJIMARINOHIO
kata o narabete susumu nda Let's move forward side by side KATAONARABETESUSUMUNDA
ookina mirai o tsukamukara Because I'm going to grab a big future OOKINAMIRAIOTSUKAMUKARA

: o-s-k-r


: o-s-k-r-m-j-u


: o-s-r-t-n-k-n


: obiete

DOOM sadamerareta genkai ni obiete iru Doom, scared of the pre-established limits Doom SADAMERARETAGENKAINIOBIEETEIRU

: ochiru

Sawagashiku ochiru amaoto As the rain thundered down so hard SAWAGASHIKUOCHIRUAMAOTO
Kobore ochiru asatsuyu ga atashi no hoo o nurasu The morning dew that falls dampens my cheeks KOBOREOCHIRUASATSUYUGA ATASHINOHOOONURASU

: odore

utaeya odore ya enryo wa suru na Don't be shy about singing or dancing UTAEYAODOREYAENRYOWASURUNA
Utae odore soiya soiya soiya soiya!!! Sing! Dance! Soiya , soiya, soiya soiya! UTAE ODORE SOIYA SOIYA SOIYA SOIYA!!!
Odore samenai yume de (RIGHT NOW) Dance inside a dream without an end (Right now) ODORE SAMENAIYUMEDE (Right now)

: odori

dadda dadda dda dda ddaitan futeki ni mai odori tonde dadda dadda dda dda dancing and jumping fearlessly DAッダDDADAッダDDAッダDDAッダDDAッ大??????NI舞いMAIODORITONDE
Koshi yurashite kami kakiage odori kurue Shake your hips, push your hair back, dance in ecstasy KOSHIYURASHITE KAMIKAKIAGE ODORIKURUE

: oh--

OH-- noroshi o agete Oh, fire the starting shot Oh 狼煙NOROSHIOAGETE
OH-- mayowazu ni GO WILD Oh, don't hesitate, go wild Oh MAYOWAZUNI GO WILD
OH-- kobushi o agete Oh, raise your fist up high Oh KOBUSHIOAGETE
OH-- sono mama de MOVE ON Oh, just as you are, move on Oh SONOMAMADE MOVE ON
OH-- noroshi o agete Oh, fire the starting shot Oh 狼煙NOROSHIOAGETE
OH-- mayowazu ni yuke Oh, don't hesitate, just go Oh MAYOWAZUNI YUKE

: oikakete

yume oikakete yabureta kimi ni chotto yasashii koe o kaketa You, seeking a dream but never realized, I spoke to with little kind words of comfort. YUMEOIKAKETE YABURETAKIMINI ちょCHOっとTTOYASASHIIKOEOKAKETA

: oikosreteku

GONE kizuke ba mata hitori to oikosreteku Gone, everyone's passed on by before you even knew it Gone KIZUKEBAMATA一人HITORITOOIKOSARETEKU

: okage

kamisama no okage janai It's not because of God KAMISAMANOOKAGEじゃJANAI

: okashina

I to okashina Such a beautiful ITOOKASHINA

: oku

kokoro no oku no oku de sakebi tsuzuketa I kept screaming in the depths of my heart KOKORONOOKUNOOKUDESAKEBITSUZUKETA
Mune no oku itai kurai (RIGHT UP) Deep in your chest, it hurts (Right up) MUNENOOKU ITAIKURAI (Right up)

: omochatachi

Rock n roll
Yaneura no omochatachi like an old toy in the attic YANEURANOOMOちゃCHATACHI

: omoerukara

imanara soo omoerukara Now it seems that way to me. IMANARASOO OMOERUKARA

: omoeta

kumo ni oowa reta sorawomiagete kore mo kirei to omoeta I looked up at the sky covered in clouds and thought it was beautiful too. KUMONIOOWARETASORAWOMIAGETE KOREMOKIREITOOMOETA

: omoi

Utaitsuzukero sono omoi Keep on singing about those feelings UTAITSUZUKEROSONOOMOI
tomaru koto no nai hitamukina omoi o A single-minded desire that never stops TOMARUKOTONONAIHITAMUKINAOMOIO
Atsuku someta omoi mune ni Hold your smouldering feelings to your chest ATSUKUSOMETA OMOIMUNENI
Atsuku someta omoi mune ni Hold your smouldering feelings to your chest ATSUKUSOMETA OMOIMUNENI
shinu hodo ni aishita nante omoi nado Loving someone to death, such a thought SHINUHODONIAISHITANANTEOMOINADO
shinu hodo ni aishita nante omoi nado Loving someone to death, such a thought SHINUHODONIAISHITANANTEOMOINADO
Tenohira ni omoi nosete asayake no hikari ni tou I place my hopes in the palms of my hands and question the light of the dawn TENOHIRANIOMOINOSETE ASAYAKENOHIKARINITOU
Akirameta omoi mo koete soba ni iru Overcome those feelings of wanting to give up, I'm beside you AKIRAMETAOMOIMOKOETE SOBANIIRU
Rock n roll
Moesakaru kono omoi These feeling burn brightly MOESAKARUKONOOMOI

: omoidasoo

Moo ikkai moo ikkai omoidasoo hajimari no hi o Once again, once again, let's remember the day it started MOO一回IKKAI MOO一回IKKAI OMOIDASOOHAJIMARINOHIO

: omoidoori

Tatakaeyo tatta hitori kagayake omoidoori ni Fight, only one person, shine as you wish TATAKAEYO TAったTTA一人HITORI KAGAYAKE OMOIDOORINI
Tatakaeyo nankai datte kagayake omoidoori ni Fight no matter how many times, shine as you wish TATAKAEYO NANKAIDAってTTE KAGAYAKE OMOIDOORINI

: omoikiri

Tokihanate yo omoikiri natsuzora no shita Release yourself under the summer sky TOKIHANATEYO OMOIKIRINATSUZORANOSHITA

: omokage

Shishi no katana no omokage ya It's the countenance of the Sword of the Lion SHISHINOKATANANOOMOKAGEYA

: omoni

Shinpai nante omoni na dake atashi wa sonna ni yawa ja nai Worries are no more than a burden, I'm not as soft as all that 心配SHINPAINANTEOMONINADAKE ATASHIWASONNANIYAWAじゃJANAI

: omoo

akiramerarenai jibun o sukoshi hokotta koto o chiisaku omoo Of myself for not giving up yet, I was a little proud, but I think it was childish. AKIRAMERARENAIJIBUNO SUKOSHIHOKOったTTAKOTOOCHIISAKUOMOO

: omou

Omou n da And I feel it OMOUNDA

: onaji

bokura wa onaji michi o aruku nda … you and I will walk one road, surely ... BOKURAWAONAJIMICHIOARUKUNDA

: oni-san

"Saa kono yubi to mare oni-san kochira te no naru hoo e" "No, stop at this finger! I'm over here, chaser, follow the clapping" さぁSAA KONOYUBITOMARE ONISANKOCHIRATENONARUHOOE

: onore

Agame tatae tamae shin no onore Revere them, praise them, your true self AGAMETATAETAMAESHINNOONORE

: oogoe

seiippai oogoe de tsutaeru yo tada arigatoo I'll say it as loud as I can, just thank you. SEI一杯IPPAIOOGOEDETSUTAERUYO TADAARIGATOO

: ooh

Ooh jidai wa zutto inobeishon saa ima koso kaware maware waga NIPPON Now is the time to change it, spread it, in our NIPPON Ooh JIDAIWAZUっとTTOINOベーBEEショSHON さぁSAAIMAKOSOKAWAREMAWAREWAGA NIPPON

: ookina

ookina mirai o shimesukara Because it shows a big future OOKINAMIRAIOSHIMESUKARA
ookina mirai o tsukamukara Because I'm going to grab a big future OOKINAMIRAIOTSUKAMUKARA

: oora

Negatibu oora wa kakikesu wa ikashita MY WAY I'll drown out the negative aura, like a badass MY WAY NEGAティTIBUオーOORAWAKAKIKESUWA IKASHITA MY WAY

: oowa

kumo ni oowa reta sorawomiagete kore mo kirei to omoeta I looked up at the sky covered in clouds and thought it was beautiful too. KUMONIOOWARETASORAWOMIAGETE KOREMOKIREITOOMOETA

: oozora

Harewataru oozora ga atte I can see the clear blue sky HAREWATARUOOZORAGAAってTTE

: osa

[Zooo no] CATCH BALL GAME yokoguruma o osa re of hatred Catch ball game Pushed by a side car ZOOONOCatch ball gameYOKOGURUMAOOSARE

: osanaki

Osanaki soo ni yureru koe naki samayoi aa Swayed by childless ideas I wander voicelessly, aah OSANAKISOONIYURERU KOENAKI彷徨SAMAYOI 嗚呼AA

: osanasugita

osanasugita zettai shoomei too childish a person; and it's absolute proof. OSANASUGITA絶対ZETTAISHOOMEI

: osarete

Oshikura manjuu osarete nakuna Oshikura manjuu Don't cry when shoved OSHIKURAMANじゅJUUOSARETENAKUNA

: oshikura

Oshikura manjuu osarete nakuna Oshikura manjuu Don't cry when shoved OSHIKURAMANじゅJUUOSARETENAKUNA

: oshite

Sono dore mo ga tsunagatte ”ima” o ikiru senaka o oshite iru All of these are connected and push us to live in the “now”. SONODOREMOGATSUNAGAってTTEIMAOIKIRUSENAKAOOSHITEIRU

: oshitsuke

SENSATION oshitsuke rareta jiyuu no mujun ni koe agero Sensation Speak out against the contradiction of imposed freedom SensationOSHITSUKERARETAJIYUUNOMUJUNNIKOEAGERO

: osoreru

Osoreru hitsuyoo wa nai kara There's no need to be afraid OSORERUHITSUYOOWANAIKARA

: otakebi

Otakebi makureyo taiyoo ni Shout loud to the sun 雄叫OTAKEBIMAKUREYOTAIYOONI

: oto

Oto ni tobinore Jump up onto the sound OTONITOBINORE
Iku ate sagashimayou oto naki samayoi aa Lost and searching for my destination Silently wandering, aah IKUATE SAGASHIMAYOU OTONAKI彷徨SAMAYOI 嗚呼AA

: otona

Watashi o otona ni shita I treasured in my heart WATASHIO大人OTONANISHITA

: otoshiteta

iki kurushi sa to hito ikiri ni   ima wa chotto shisen o otoshiteta Due to the hardships of living and human existence, now I looked slightly down. IKIKURUSHISATO HITOIKINI IMAWAちょCHOっとTTOSHISENOOTOSHITETA

: owaranai

Kanarazu kanau to shinjite iru atashi no yume wa owaranai I just know they'll come true one day, these dreams of mine will never end KANARAZUKANAUTOSHINJITEIRU ATASHINOYUMEWAOWARANAI

: owaraseru

Back into the wild
Owaraseru no ga raku na no ka Was it so much easier to end it all? OWARASERUNOGARAKUNANOKA

: owari

Back into the wild
Owari naki kono inori yo Oh, prayer that has no end OWARINAKI KONOINORIYO
Ketsumatsu bakari ni ki o torare muda o ikiru no wa owari Always preoccupied with the ending It's time to stop wasting my life KETSUMATSUBAKARINIKIOTORARE MUDAOIKIRUNOWAOWARI
Tekisuto bakari ni tayorikitte itsuwari no bika wa owari It's time to stop relying on the textbook and glorifying lies TEKISUTOBAKARINITAYORIKIってTTE ITSUWARINOBIKAWAOWARI

: owaru

noonai owaru mae ni LET’S TRIP AWAY Before it ends in my brain Let’s trip away NOONAIOWARUMAENI Lets trip away

: oya

"Oya oya o machinasai koko kara saki wa ikidomari" "Oh, my goodness! Stop here! The road ahead is a dead end!" OYAOYA OMACHINASAI KOKOKARASAKIWAIKIDOMARI

: oyukinasai

Soorai to oyukinasai ichido no jinsei da kara zenbu Go forth with the autumn wind, You only get to live once so SOORAITOOYUKINASAI ICHIDONOJINSEIDAKARAZENBU

: paradaisu

kyooki ranbu no mugen paradaisu An endless paradise of frenzy KYOOKIRANBUNOMUGENPARADAISU

: pisutoru

Rock n roll
Bara de kazatta pisutoru de uchinuiteku sekai We shoot through this world with a gun adorned with roses 薔薇BARADEKAZAったTTAPISUTORUDE UCHINUITEKUSEKAI

: raidoo

Raidoo raidoo I KNOW Follow, follow, I know RAIDOORAIDOO I know
Raidoo raidoo I KNOW Follow, follow, I know RAIDOORAIDOO I know

: raifu

Manjoo icchi de kimatta atashi no afutaa raifu It's been unanimously decided, my afterlife MANJOO一致ICCHIDEKIMAったTTA ATASHINOAFUターTAARAIFU

: raitei

Raitei Thunder RAITEI
Yurasu yoo na raitei Just like that thunder YURASUYOONA RAITEI
Issai gassai o furiharattasunda hitomi raitei wo My eyes are clear, now free of it all, the thunder 一切ISSAI合切GASSAIOFURIHARAったTTASUNDAHITOMI RAITEIWO
Raitei Thunder RAITEI

: raku

Back into the wild
Owaraseru no ga raku na no ka Was it so much easier to end it all? OWARASERUNOGARAKUNANOKA

: ranbu

kyooki ranbu no mugen paradaisu An endless paradise of frenzy KYOOKIRANBUNOMUGENPARADAISU
Konoyo wa GAMBLE hatenaki ranbu This world is a gamble, an endless dance KONOYOWAgambleHATENAKIRANBU

: ranbure

Ranbure ya ranbure ya ranbure ya ranbure ya abare Dance, dance, dance, dance, go and riot RANBUREYARANBUREYARANBUREYARANBUREYAABARE
Ranbure ya ranbure ya ranbure ya ranbure ya abi kyookan Dance, dance, dance, dance, it's pandemonium RANBUREYARANBUREYARANBUREYARANBUREYAABIKYOOKAN

: ranpu

Yurari yurari marude ranpu no yoo ni Flickering, flickering, like a lamp YURARIYURARI MARUDERANPUNOYOONI

: rarararararara

rarararararara yuu & ai la la la la la la la Sadness and Love RARARARARARARAYUUAI
rarararararara la la la la la la la RARARARARARARA

: rareru

Hammer Down
Donna toki demo shinji rareru no wa jibun dakedarou The only person you can trust at any time is yourself. DONNATOKIDEMOSHINJIRARERUNOWAJIBUNDAKEDAROU

: rareta

SENSATION oshitsuke rareta jiyuu no mujun ni koe agero Sensation Speak out against the contradiction of imposed freedom SensationOSHITSUKERARETAJIYUUNOMUJUNNIKOEAGERO

: rashiku

Genkai toppa atashi rashiku hikare EVERY DAY Gotta break the limits and shine in my own way, every day GENKAI突破TOPPA ATASHIRASHIKU HIKARE Every day

: re

“Ika re teru” tte kurai ni To the extent that it's "crazy" IKARETERUってTTEKURAINI
“Ika re teru” tte kurai ni To the extent that it's "crazy" IKARETERUってTTEKURAINI
rikai sa re tenakute kamawanai aragae NO ONE CAN CRUSH ME NOW I don't care if you don't understand, resist me no one can crush me now RIKAISARETENAKUTEKAMAWANAI ARAGAE no one can crush me now
Damashi damasa re GET HURT deceived and deceived Get hurt DAMASHIDAMASAREGet hurt
[Zooo no] CATCH BALL GAME yokoguruma o osa re of hatred Catch ball game Pushed by a side car ZOOONOCatch ball gameYOKOGURUMAOOSARE

: reboryuushon

Wakiagaru sono mochibeishon de makiokose SO reboryuushon As the motivation boils out of you, go and make it happen, so, revolution WAKIAGARUSONOMOCHIベーBEEショSHON DEMAKIKIOKOSE So REBOリューRYUUショSHON

: reiru

Heibon reiru o kechirasu wa hajimaru ROCK 'N' ROLL I'll launch myself off the normal rail, it's time to begin ROCK 'N' ROLL HEIBONレーREERUOKECHIRASUWA HAJIMARU ROCK 'N' ROLL

: rekidai

rekidai jinsei shijoo ichi i o mezasu Aiming to be number one in all-time history REKIDAIJINSEISHIJOO1IOMEZASU

: ressei

Agame tatae tamae aware YOUR ressei? Revere them, praise them, pity your disadvantage? AGAMETATAETAMAEAWARE your 劣勢RESSEI

: reta

kumo ni oowa reta sorawomiagete kore mo kirei to omoeta I looked up at the sky covered in clouds and thought it was beautiful too. KUMONIOOWARETASORAWOMIAGETE KOREMOKIREITOOMOETA

: rete

Imikirawa rete ishi o nagerareta tte I DON’T CARE Though I was hated and stoned I don't care IMIKIRAWARETEISHIONAGERARETAってTTEI dont care

: rikai

rikai sa re tenakute kamawanai aragae NO ONE CAN CRUSH ME NOW I don't care if you don't understand, resist me no one can crush me now RIKAISARETENAKUTEKAMAWANAI ARAGAE no one can crush me now

: rinku

I DON'T NEED WORDS kanjoo no rinku I don't need words, it's an emotional link I don't need words KANJOONORINKU
I DON'T NEED WORDS kanjoo no rinku I don't need words, it's an emotional link I don't need words KANJOONORINKU
I DON'T NEED WORDS kanjoo no rinku I don't need words, it's an emotional link I don't need words KANJOONORINKU

: rinne

Meguru rinne wa toototsu CUT OUT The turning cycle of death and rebirth suddenly cuts out MEGURU輪廻RINNEWATOOTOTSUcut out

: rinrin

Rinrin to kanadenasai sono yume o kataru kara Play your heart out You're singing about your dreams RINRINTOKANADENASAI SONOYUMEOKATARUKARA

: rinzen

WHEREVER rinzen koko ni Wherever, we're awe-inspiring over here Wherever RINZENKOKONI

: riron

Bureiku de kimeyo riron wa iranee Let's be high on music, I don't need rationale BUREIKUDEKIMEYORIRONWAIRAねぇNEE

: risei

Usureyuku risei Reason is waning USUREYUKURISEI
Risei ga yuusen de buuingu kyooran Where reason is prioritized, joined by a frenzy of booing RISEIGAYUUSENDE ブーBUUINGUKYOORAN

: risoo

A yabuya na risoo o kakagete I WILL TAKE IT ALL IN Holding up dubious ideals I will take it all in AYABUYANARISOOOKAKAGETEI will take it all in

: riyuu

Anata wa ikiru riyuu you are the reason to live ANATAWAIKIRURIYUU

: rizumu

Kakenukeru rizumu to tomo ni Together with the rhythm running through your head KAKENUKERURIZUMUTOTOMONI

: roo

higeki no furi shita ikenie no GOAT hamidasanu yoo ni hishimeku roo A sacrificial goat pretending to be a tragedy, a prison tightly packed to prevent it from spilling out HIGEKINOFURISHITA 生贄IKENIENOgoat HAMIDASANUYOONIHISHIMEKUROO

: roogoku

Hora roogoku wa rookaku (LIGHT UP) See, your prison is a high-rise (Light up) HORA ROOGOKUWAROOKAKU (Light up)

: rookaku

Hora roogoku wa rookaku (LIGHT UP) See, your prison is a high-rise (Light up) HORA ROOGOKUWAROOKAKU (Light up)

: ruuru

Kimarikitta ruuru buchinuite ikimasho Let's break down the rules that have always been in place KIMARIKIったTTAルーRUURU BUCHINUITEIKIMAしょSHO

: sa

Aware na adabana no yoo de mo ii sa ISN'T IT? It's okay to be a pitiful flower that bears no fruit, Isn't it? AWARENAADABANANOYOODEMOIISA Isn't it
Dare ka no tenohira no ue de mo ii sa WE'RE HERE Even if it's to someone else's tune, we're here DAREKANOTENOHIRANOUEDEMOIISA We're here
Aware na adabana no yoo de mo ii sa ISN'T IT? It's okay to be a pitiful flower that bears no fruit, Isn't it? AWARENAADABANANOYOODEMOIISA Isn't it
Atama n chuu hanten sa se ude o fure Turn your head and wave your arms ATAMANCHUUHANTENSASEUDEOFURE
BANG BANG Atama kurakkurade sa Bang bang, my head is cracking Bang Bang ATAMAKURAックKKURADESA
BANG BANG Atama kurakkurade sa Bang bang, my head is cracking Bang Bang ATAMAKURAックKKURADESA
Gan gan boryuumu age makutte sa Gun, gun, turn up the volume GAN GAN BOリューRYUUMUAGEMAKUってTTESA
Aa kizamitsukeru sa Ah, you'll leave your mark あぁAA KIZAMITSUKERUSA
rikai sa re tenakute kamawanai aragae NO ONE CAN CRUSH ME NOW I don't care if you don't understand, resist me no one can crush me now RIKAISARETENAKUTEKAMAWANAI ARAGAE no one can crush me now
Kagayaki no uragawa ni kage wa tsuku mono sa There's a shadow behind the shine KAGAYAKINOURAGAWANIKAGEWATSUKUMONOSA
iki kurushi sa to hito ikiri ni   ima wa chotto shisen o otoshiteta Due to the hardships of living and human existence, now I looked slightly down. IKIKURUSHISATO HITOIKINI IMAWAちょCHOっとTTOSHISENOOTOSHITETA
namida egao itami nikushimi subete komiagetekuru itoshi sa Tears, smiles, pain, hatred, everything filling my heart with love. NAMIDA EGAO ITAMI NIKUSHIMI SUBETE KOMIAGETEKURUITOSHISA
namida egao itami nikushimi subete komiagetekuru itoshi sa Tears, smiles, pain, hatred, everything filling my heart with love. NAMIDA EGAO ITAMI NIKUSHIMI SUBETE KOMIAGETEKURUITOSHISA
namida egao itami nikushimi subete komiagetekuru itoshi sa Tears, smiles, pain, hatred, everything filling my heart with love. NAMIDA EGAO ITAMI NIKUSHIMI SUBETE KOMIAGETEKURUITOSHISA
"doo shitai ka" sore ga kotae sa "What do you want to do?" That's the answer DOOSHITAIKASOREGAKOTAESA
Keshiki mo kawaru sa Everything around you will change 景色KESHIKIMOKAWARUSA

: saa

Saa zenkai senkai de HEY SHOW TIME Now rev up, full throttle, Hey, Show Time さぁSAA ZENKAI SENKAIDE Hey Show time
Ooh jidai wa zutto inobeishon saa ima koso kaware maware waga NIPPON Now is the time to change it, spread it, in our NIPPON Ooh JIDAIWAZUっとTTOINOベーBEEショSHON さぁSAAIMAKOSOKAWAREMAWAREWAGA NIPPON
saa hi ga noboru yoo ni ima Come on, like the sun rises now さぁSAAHIGANOBORUYOONI IMA
Urei nara soyoge saa If you're unhappy then begin to stir and... UREINARASOYOGE さぁSAA
"Saa kono yubi to mare oni-san kochira te no naru hoo e" "No, stop at this finger! I'm over here, chaser, follow the clapping" さぁSAA KONOYUBITOMARE ONISANKOCHIRATENONARUHOOE
Urei nara soyoge saa If you're unhappy then begin to stir and... UREINARASOYOGE さぁSAA

: sadamerareta

DOOM sadamerareta genkai ni obiete iru Doom, scared of the pre-established limits Doom SADAMERARETAGENKAINIOBIEETEIRU

: sae

Nagashita namida sae itsuka You will know those tears of yours NAGASHITANAMIDASAEITSUKA
kurayami sae mo mikata ni shitagaete FORCE ONE’S WAY Even the darkness is on my side Force one’s way KURAYAMISAEMOMIKATANISHITAGAETEForce ones way
shinjiru koto sae kyoo wa wasuretakute iki o hisometeta Not wanting even to believe today, I held my breath because I wanted to forget. SHINJIRUKOTOSAE今日KYOOWA WASURETAKUTEIKIOHISOMETETA
Ganjigarame no ima iki sae dekinai kurai I'm so tied up now that I can't even breathe GANJIGARAMENOIMA IKISAEDEKINAIKURAI
kurushii kono shunkan sae mo eikoo made no STEP Even in this painful moment, to my own glory, step KURUSHIIKONO瞬間SHUNKANSAEMO EIKOOMADENOStep

: saenai

Saenai sekai wa kagayakidashita This dreary old world began to shine SAENAISEKAIWA KAGAYAKIDASHITA

: sagashimayou

Iku ate sagashimayou oto naki samayoi aa Lost and searching for my destination Silently wandering, aah IKUATE SAGASHIMAYOU OTONAKI彷徨SAMAYOI 嗚呼AA

: sai

Mada mada tarinai sai & koo na TIME I still haven't had enough, the best ever time MADAMADATARINAISAI&KOONATime
Sai o nagetara When you throw the dice SAIONAGETARA

: saigo

saigo ni wa waraeru yoo ni So that you can laugh in the end SAIGONIWAWARAERUYOONI
Saigo no hi mo Even on your last day on earth SAIGONOHIMO
Saigo ni aruita michi wa On the path we walked last SAIGONIARUITAMICHIWA
mada tooi shinkiroo demo zettai shinjiro saigo no saigomade NOBODY KNOWS It's still a distant mirage, but I'll definitely believe it, until the very end Nobody knows. MADATOOISHINKIROO DEMO絶対ZETTAISHINJIRO SAIGONOSAIGOMADENobody knows

: saigomade

mada tooi shinkiroo demo zettai shinjiro saigo no saigomade NOBODY KNOWS It's still a distant mirage, but I'll definitely believe it, until the very end Nobody knows. MADATOOISHINKIROO DEMO絶対ZETTAISHINJIRO SAIGONOSAIGOMADENobody knows

: saikoo

Honoo agero saikoo no sutori Set it alight, the best story ever told HONOOAGERO SAIKOONOSUトーTOOリーRII
Mezase mezase saikoo e Aim for it, aim for the top, MEZASE MEZASE SAIKOOE
Misete mite saikoo ni daitan ni Go on, bewitch me, be bolder than all the rest MISETEMITE SAIKOONIDAITANNI

: saite

Chiisana hana koko ni saite A small flower blooms right here CHIISANAHANA KOKONISAITE
Karada wa saite chitte kaze ni mau Bodies bloom and scatter, whirling in the wind 身体KARADAWASAITECHIってTTEKAZENIMAU
Sono te o saite chitte sora ni mau kakumei Rip those hands open, the blood is a revolution, dancing through the universe SONOTEOSAITECHIってTTESORANIMAUKAKUMEI
Karada wa saite chitte kaze ni mau Bodies bloom and scatter, whirling in the wind 身体KARADAWASAITECHIってTTEKAZENIMAU
Sono te o saite chitte sora ni mau kakumei Rip those hands open, the blood is a revolution, dancing through the universe SONOTEOSAITECHIってTTESORANIMAUKAKUMEI

: sajin

Sajin makiagete susumu dake and now move forward kicking up a dust storm SAJINMAKIKIAGETESUSUMUDAKE

: sakasanu

Hana mo sakasanu umoregi no Fated to gather no flowers from a fossil tree HANAMOSAKASANU UREGINO

: sakasen

Sakasen da kono adabana We're making it bloom, a flower that bears no fruit SAKASENDA KONOADABANA

: sakasetsuzukero

Sakasetsuzukero sono hana o Just keep that flower blooming SAKASETSUZUKEROSONOHANAO
Sakasetsuzukero sono hana o Just keep that flower blooming SAKASETSUZUKEROSONOHANAO

: sakebeyo

Sakebeyo mijime de mo ii Scream out, it's okay to be unhappy SAKEBEYOMIJIMEDEMOII

: sakebi

kokoro no oku no oku de sakebi tsuzuketa I kept screaming in the depths of my heart KOKORONOOKUNOOKUDESAKEBITSUZUKETA

: sakebu

yuzurenai mono sakebu yokuboo kooryaku funoo yo What you can't shake, your screaming desire, it's impossible to conquer. YUZURENAIMONO SAKEBUYOKUBOO KOORYAKUFUNOOYO
Zenshin zenrei de sakebu kara I'd scream with everything that I have ZENSHINZENREIDESAKEBUKARA

: sakebun

Ima o ima o sakebun da I scream out, scream out for now IMAOIMAOSAKEBUNDA

: sakenda

makenaide to koe o karashi sakenda I shouted in a hoarse voice, telling myself not to give up. MAKENAIDETOKOEOKARASHISAKENDA

: sakende

Hammer Down
Sonna sugata kurushii dakedaro, sakende miro It's just painful to look like that, try screaming. SONNA姿SUGATAKURUSHIIDAKEDAROSAKENDEMIRO
Sonna sugata kurushii dakedaro, sakende miro It's just painful to look like that, try screaming. SONNA姿SUGATAKURUSHIIDAKEDAROSAKENDEMIRO

: saki

Mitsu meru saki hate naku The future before them is without end MITSUMERUSAKI HATENAKU
Fumidashita kono saki ni I stepped forth into my future FUMIDASHITA KONOSAKINI
Korekara saki ni te o nobashite Reaching out in front of me from the point forward KOREKARASAKINITEONOBASHITE
Saki e saki e saki e tsunagu MY LIFE Onward, onward, onward, leading to my life SAKIESAKIESAKIETSUNAGU My life
"Oya oya o machinasai koko kara saki wa ikidomari" "Oh, my goodness! Stop here! The road ahead is a dead end!" OYAOYA OMACHINASAI KOKOKARASAKIWAIKIDOMARI
THAT IS THE WAY anata no susumu saki That is the way, even if the place you're headed That is the way ANATANOSUSUMUSAKI
Soo kitto kono saki tsuzuiteku YOUR BEST STORIES I just know they'll keep on coming, Your Best Stories SOOKIっとTTOKONOSAKITSUZUITEKUYour Best Stories
Soo kitto kono saki tsuzuiteku YOUR BEST STORIES I just know they'll keep on coming, Your Best Stories SOOKIっとTTOKONOSAKITSUZUITEKUYour Best Stories
Soo kitto kono saki tsuzuiteku YOUR BEST STORIES I just know they'll keep on coming, Your Best Stories SOOKIっとTTOKONOSAKITSUZUITEKUYour Best Stories

: sakihokoreyuke


: sakihokoru

Rock n roll
Sakihokoru MY SOUL In full glory my soul SAKIHOKORUmy soul

: sakitsuzuketa

Ima aru no wa hana no yoo ni sakitsuzuketa kara I'm only here now because I kept on stubbornly blooming IMAARUNOWAHANANOYOONISAKITSUZUKETAKARA

: samayoi

Iku ate sagashimayou oto naki samayoi aa Lost and searching for my destination Silently wandering, aah IKUATE SAGASHIMAYOU OTONAKI彷徨SAMAYOI 嗚呼AA
Osanaki soo ni yureru koe naki samayoi aa Swayed by childless ideas I wander voicelessly, aah OSANAKISOONIYURERU KOENAKI彷徨SAMAYOI 嗚呼AA

: samayou

Back into the wild
Arukitsukare samayou hate ni After wandering, walking to exhaustion ARUKITSUKARE彷徨SAMAYOUHATENI

: samenai

Yuruginai honoo samenai kokoro nankoofuraku yo An unwavering flame, an uncooling heart, (it's, I'm) impregnable YURUGINAIHONOO SAMENAIKOKORO NANKOOFURAKUYO
Odore samenai yume de (RIGHT NOW) Dance inside a dream without an end (Right now) ODORE SAMENAIYUMEDE (Right now)

: sansan

Sansan to utainasai sono urami harasunara Celebrate it all with brilliance, And when your bitterness fades away SANSANTOUTAINASAI SONOURAMIHARASUNARA
Sansan to utainasai sono urami harasunara Celebrate it all with brilliance And when your bitterness fades away SANSANTOUTAINASAI SONOURAMIHARASUNARA

: sanzan

Sanzan abita fuhei fuman kiiteru mimi wa nai My ears aren't made for hearing the complaints all around me SANZANABITAFUHEIFUMAN KIITERUMIMIWANAI

: sarashiteku

THIS IS THE WAY sarashiteku ikizama This is the way even if the way of life I uncover This is the way SARASHITEKUIKIZAMA

: sasai

Honno sasai na yasashisa demo Even a little kindness HONNOSASAINAYASASHISADEMO

: sassato

Sawagou sassato kyakkya surya Let's make some noise and scream quickly SAWAGOUSAっさSSATOキャKYAッキャKKYASUりゃRYA

: sasu

Back into the wild
Shinchikoomei no hikari ga sasu A comfortable compassionate light shines SHINCHIKOOMEINOHIKARIGASASU
Yami ni mayotta kokoro o sasu Lost in the dark, it shines on my heart YAMINIMAYOったTTA KOKOROOSASU
moo ippo moo ippo fumidasou hikari no sasu hoo e Let's take one more step, one more step towards the direction of light MOO一歩IPPO MOO一歩IPPO FUMIDASOUHIKARINOSASUHOOE
moo ippo moo ippo fumidasou hikari no sasu hoo e Let's take one more step, one more step towards the direction of light MOO一歩IPPO MOO一歩IPPO FUMIDASOUHIKARINOSASUHOOE

: sawagashiku

Sawagashiku ochiru amaoto As the rain thundered down so hard SAWAGASHIKUOCHIRUAMAOTO

: sawage

Utaeya sawage ya honnoo no mama ni LET’S LIVE IT UP Sing, make noise, follow your instincts Let's live it up UTAEYASAWAGEYAHONNOONOMAMANILets live it up
Agare warae sawage towa no yoake Rise up, laugh your head off, make a racket, for the eternal dawn AGAREWARAESAWAGE永遠TOWANOYOAKE
Agare warae sawage utau waga hissei Rise up, laugh your head off, make a racket, for the lifetime we celebrate AGAREWARAESAWAGEUTAUWAGA畢生HISSEI

: sawagou

Sawagou sassato kyakkya surya Let's make some noise and scream quickly SAWAGOUSAっさSSATOキャKYAッキャKKYASUりゃRYA

: sawaide

Kanjooteki ni sawaide Clamours loudly with emotion KANJOOTEKINISAWAIDE

: sayonara

Hammer Down
itsuwari no jibun ni sayonara shite Say goodbye to your false self ITSUWARINOJIBUNNISAYONARASHITE

: se

Atama n chuu hanten sa se ude o fure Turn your head and wave your arms ATAMANCHUUHANTENSASEUDEOFURE
Honoo kagayaka se te Let your flames burn so bright HONOO KAGAYAKASETE
Dekoboko no ashiato ni se o muke I turn my back on the rugged footprints that lead here DEKOBOKONOASHIATONISEOMUKE

: seigi

seigi o moru tame ni RISING BACK NOW to protect justice Rising back now SEIGIOMORUTAMENIRising back now
seigi o kowasu tame ni RISING BACK NOW to destroy justice Rising back now SEIGIOKOWASUTAMENIRising back now
Seigi o tsukuru tame ni RISING BACK NOW to create justice Rising back now SEIGIOTSUKURUTAMENIRising back now

: seiippai

seiippai oogoe de tsutaeru yo tada arigatoo I'll say it as loud as I can, just thank you. SEI一杯IPPAIOOGOEDETSUTAERUYO TADAARIGATOO

: seikai

CUZ I JUST FOUND OUT Seikai wa INSIDE OF ME Cuz I just found out The correct answer is Inside of me Cuz I just found out SEIKAIWAInside of me
CUZ I JUST FOUND OUT Seikai o YOU ARE MY SHINE Cuz I just found out the correct answer, You are my shine Cuz I just found out SEIKAIOYou are my shine
CUZ I JUST FOUND OUT Seikai wa INSIDE OF ME Cuz I just found out The correct answer is Inside of me Cuz I just found out SEIKAIWAInside of me

: seiran

Yurari yurari to seiran no miyako Swaying gently in the hazy capital YURARIYURARITOSEIRANNOMIYAKO

: sekai

tadori tsuita maatarashii sekai de In the brand new world I've arrived at 辿TADORITSUITAMAATARASHIISEKAIDE
sekai o kagayaka sero Make the world shine SEKAIOKAGAYAKASERO
Hammer Down
uso no nai sekai ni hareruya Hallelujah to a world without lies USONONAISEKAINIHARERUYA
ganzoo anchuu sekai neon kikazari kyosei harya A counterfeit dark world, dressed up in neon lights and putting on a bravado GANZOOANCHUUSEKAI NEONKIKAZARIKYOSEIHAりゃRYA
Koete ke sekai o Go beyond the world KOETEKESEKAIO
Bakuon no sekai hibana chirashite In a world of noise, sparks scatter BAKUONNOSEKAI HIBANACHIRASHITE
Rock n roll
Namari no hikoosen ni noritobimawaru ze sekai Let's fly around the world on a Led Zeppelin NAMARINOHIKOOSENNINORI TOBIMAWARUZESEKAI
Bara de kazatta pisutoru de uchinuiteku sekai We shoot through this world with a gun adorned with roses 薔薇BARADEKAZAったTTAPISUTORUDE UCHINUITEKUSEKAI
Dare mo todokanai sekai e to to a world no one else can reach DAREMOTODOKANAISEKAIETO
Saenai sekai wa kagayakidashita This dreary old world began to shine SAENAISEKAIWA KAGAYAKIDASHITA

: sekaijuu

DON'T STOP TO REMAKE JUST YET sekaijuu Don't stop to remake just yet, around the world Don't stop to remake just yet SEKAIJUU
DON'T STOP TO REMAKE JUST YET sekaijuu Dont stop to remake just yet, around the world Don't stop to remake just yet SEKAIJUU
DON'T STOP TO REMAKE JUST YET sekaijuu Dont stop to remake just yet, around the world Don't stop to remake just yet SEKAIJUU

: sekiran

Sekiran no naka hyoozen to in the middle of an evening storm, without a care SEKIRANNONAKA HYOOZENTO

: sekka

Te o nobashite denkoo sekka de kirisakun da Reach out your hand, tear through it all with a bright flash TEONOBASHITE電光DENKOO石火SEKKADEKIRISAKUNDA

: semeru

gorigori tsuyokide semeru nda Attack aggressively GORIGORITSUYOKIDESEMERUNDA

: sen

Tannaru heikoo sen no mama We just carry on down parallel lines TANNARUHEIKOOSENNOMAMA

: senaka

Sono dore mo ga tsunagatte ”ima” o ikiru senaka o oshite iru All of these are connected and push us to live in the “now”. SONODOREMOGATSUNAGAってTTEIMAOIKIRUSENAKAOOSHITEIRU

: senkai

Saa zenkai senkai de HEY SHOW TIME Now rev up, full throttle, Hey, Show Time さぁSAA ZENKAI SENKAIDE Hey Show time

: sensenkyookyoo

Ashita wa wagami ka sensenkyookyoo I'm so scared that tomorrow will be mine 明日ASHITAWAWAGAMIKASENSENKYOOKYOO

: sero

sekai o kagayaka sero Make the world shine SEKAIOKAGAYAKASERO

: sezu

Furimuki mo sezu dokusoo shite itta ato de Kuyanda furi kai? Why do you pretend regretting after you're gone? You need to know my pain. FURIMUKIMOSEZUDOKUSOOSHITEIったTTAATODEKUYAYANDAFURIKAI

: shaba

NO ONE TO HATE shaba denkoo ni No one to hate, Life's shorter than a flash of lightning No one to hate SHABA電光DENKOONI

: shauto

Yume yori hai na tsukisasu shauto boisu the shouts pierce taking me higher than any dream YUMEYORIHAINATSUKISASUシャSHAUTOBOISU

: sheiku

sheiku shite YOU'RE "FLOOR MONSTER" Shake it. You're "Floor Monster" シェSHEIKUSHITEYou're "FLOOR MONSTER"

: shi

Shi no go no iezu ni kuchi kamu Without complaint, I bite my tongue SHINOGONOIEZUNI KUCHIKAMU

: shibarenai

Zankoku ja shibarenai shihai ja kowasenai Cruelty can't bind, control can't destroy ZANKOKUじゃJASHIBARENAI SHIHAIじゃJAKOWASENAI

: shibireru

Rock n roll
Shibireru yoo na KISS An electrifying KISS SHIBIRERUYOONAKISS

: shidareta

Shidareta hana wa chitte soorai no kaori ni yoishireru The wilting flowers scatter The scent of the autumn wind carries me away SHIDARETAHANAWACHIってTTE SOORAINOKAORINIYOISHIRERU

: shigamitsuku

shigamitsuku yume o kachihokore Be proud of the dreams you hold on to SHIGAMITSUKUYUMEOKACHIHOKORE

: shihai

Zankoku ja shibarenai shihai ja kowasenai Cruelty can't bind, control can't destroy ZANKOKUじゃJASHIBARENAI SHIHAIじゃJAKOWASENAI

: shijoo

rekidai jinsei shijoo ichi i o mezasu Aiming to be number one in all-time history REKIDAIJINSEISHIJOO1IOMEZASU

: shika

Medatteru kui o tatakitsukeru shika noo no nai hito wa OH POOR YOU People who can only think about hammering the nail that sticks out back down say OH POOR YOU MEDAってTTERUKUIOTATAKITSUKERUSHIKANOONONAIHITOWA OH POOR YOU

: shikabane

Back into the wild
Shikabane no yama o mita I saw a mountain of corpses SHIKABANENOYAMAOMITA

: shikai

Shikai ni hairu mono yugameru And everything in sight distorts SHIKAINIHAIRUMONOYUGAMERU

: shimatta

Moshi mo kokoro no koe ga kiete shimatta nara Even if the voice in my heart were to disappear MOSHIMO KOKORONOKOEGAKIETESHIMAったTTANARA

: shimesukara

ookina mirai o shimesukara Because it shows a big future OOKINAMIRAIOSHIMESUKARA

: shin

Agame tatae tamae shin no onore Revere them, praise them, your true self AGAMETATAETAMAESHINNOONORE

: shinai

Todoki wa shinai hakanai negai This fleeting wish of mine, will never ever reach you TODOKIWASHINAIHAKANAINEGAI
Moo mayoi wa shinai hitori nugutta namida I won't lose my way anymore, I wipe my tears alone MOOMAYOIWASHINAI HITORINUGUったTTANAMIDA
Moo mayoi wa shinai hitori aruku kono michi I won't lose my way anymore On this path I walk alone MOOMAYOIWASHINAI HITORIARUKUKONOMICHI
Rock n roll
Ubawase wa shinai We won't let you take it UBAWASEWASHINAI
Moo iyaiya iyaiya iki tari shinai No, no, no, no I won't live like that anymore MOOIYAIYAIYAIYA IKITARISHINAI

: shinakya

naniyori taisetsu ni shinakya I have to cherish it more than anything. NANIYORITAISETSUNISHINAきゃKYA

: shinchikoomei

Back into the wild
Shinchikoomei no hikari ga sasu A comfortable compassionate light shines SHINCHIKOOMEINOHIKARIGASASU

: shinda

Biidama no yo na me de shinda atashi ni koe kakete kita Looked down at me with its marble eyes And said to the me who had died: ビーBIIDAMANOYONAMEDE SHINDAATASHINIKOEKAKETEKITA

: shinji

Hammer Down
Donna toki demo shinji rareru no wa jibun dakedarou The only person you can trust at any time is yourself. DONNATOKIDEMOSHINJIRARERUNOWAJIBUNDAKEDAROU
Boku ga shinjita kimi o shinji tsuzukete Keep believing yourself in the you I believed in BOKUGASHINJITAKIMIO SHINJITSUZUKETE

: shinjiro

mada tooi shinkiroo demo zettai shinjiro saigo no saigomade NOBODY KNOWS It's still a distant mirage, but I'll definitely believe it, until the very end Nobody knows. MADATOOISHINKIROO DEMO絶対ZETTAISHINJIRO SAIGONOSAIGOMADENobody knows

: shinjiru

shinjiru koto sae kyoo wa wasuretakute iki o hisometeta Not wanting even to believe today, I held my breath because I wanted to forget. SHINJIRUKOTOSAE今日KYOOWA WASURETAKUTEIKIOHISOMETETA

: shinjita

Boku ga shinjita kimi o shinji tsuzukete Keep believing yourself in the you I believed in BOKUGASHINJITAKIMIO SHINJITSUZUKETE
Boku ga shinjita kimi no hikari o hanate Hey, you I believed in, release your light BOKUGASHINJITAKIMINO HIKARIOHANATE

: shinjite

Kanarazu kanau to shinjite iru atashi no yume wa owaranai I just know they'll come true one day, these dreams of mine will never end KANARAZUKANAUTOSHINJITEIRU ATASHINOYUMEWAOWARANAI
kanarazu koete ikeru mirai shinjite Believe in the future that you can definitely overcome KANARAZUKOETEIKERUMIRAISHINJITE
shinjite iru yo kore made no kiseki I believe in the trajectory so far SHINJITEIRUYO KOREMADENOKISEKI
shinjite iru yo kono deai koso I believe in this encounter SHINJITEIRUYO KONODEAIKOSO
shinjite iru yo kore made no kiseki I believe in the miracles of the past. SHINJITEIRUYO KOREMADENOKISEKI

: shinjiteru

Imademo zutto shinjiteru I've always believed in the philosophy IMADEMO ZUっとTTOSHINJITERU

: shinkiroo

mada tooi shinkiroo demo zettai shinjiro saigo no saigomade NOBODY KNOWS It's still a distant mirage, but I'll definitely believe it, until the very end Nobody knows. MADATOOISHINKIROO DEMO絶対ZETTAISHINJIRO SAIGONOSAIGOMADENobody knows

: shinnyo

Yaseki ni kitare shinnyo no tsuki yo Moon of thusness, illuminate the tide at night YASEKINIKITARE SHINNYONOTSUKIYO

: shinobarezu

Yo ni kakurete wa shinobarezu Hiding from the world, you recollect nothing YONIKAKURETEWA SHINOBAREZU

: shinobu

Tsuki no terasu wa shinobu michi The moonlight lights the path you've endured TSUKINOTERASUWA SHINOBUMICHI

: shinpai

Shinpai nante omoni na dake atashi wa sonna ni yawa ja nai Worries are no more than a burden, I'm not as soft as all that 心配SHINPAINANTEOMONINADAKE ATASHIWASONNANIYAWAじゃJANAI

: shinu

shinu hodo ni aishita nante omoi nado Loving someone to death, such a thought SHINUHODONIAISHITANANTEOMOINADO
shinu hodo ni aishita nante omoi nado Loving someone to death, such a thought SHINUHODONIAISHITANANTEOMOINADO

: shinwa

Akehanate yo shinwa no Amanoiwato o Open up the mythical cave of the sun god AKEHANATEYO SHINWANO天岩戸AMANOIWATOO

: shinzoo

Shinzoo kaunto moo modorenai Your heartrate will never be the same again SHINZOOKAUNTO MOOMODORENAI

: shirudaroo

Muda ja nai to shirudaroo Weren't a waste MUDAじゃJANAITOSHIRUDAROO

: shirukara

ima anata ni furete sono imi shirukara But now that I touch you, I know its true meaning. IMAANATANIFURETE SONOIMISHIRUKARA
ima anata ni furete sono imi shirukara And now that I touch you, I know its true meaning. IMA ANATANIFURETE SONOIMISHIRUKARA
ima anata ni furete sono imi shirukara But now that I touch you, I know its true meaning. IMAANATANIFURETE SONOIMISHIRUKARA

: shirushi

Akai shirushi tsuketekya ii I'll just note my mistakes in red AKAISHIRUSHITSUKETEきゃKYAII

: shisen

iki kurushi sa to hito ikiri ni   ima wa chotto shisen o otoshiteta Due to the hardships of living and human existence, now I looked slightly down. IKIKURUSHISATO HITOIKINI IMAWAちょCHOっとTTOSHISENOOTOSHITETA

: shishi

Shishi no katana no omokage ya It's the countenance of the Sword of the Lion SHISHINOKATANANOOMOKAGEYA

: shisoona

Chissoku shisoona genjoo kuraitsuko uni mo mudanateikoo The current situation seems to be suffocating, and it's a useless resistance as it tries to eat me up. 窒息CHISSOKUSHISOONAGENJOO KURAITSUKOUNIMOMUDANATEIKOO

: shita

Tokihanate yo omoikiri natsuzora no shita Release yourself under the summer sky TOKIHANATEYO OMOIKIRINATSUZORANOSHITA
Watashi o otona ni shita I treasured in my heart WATASHIO大人OTONANISHITA
higeki no furi shita ikenie no GOAT hamidasanu yoo ni hishimeku roo A sacrificial goat pretending to be a tragedy, a prison tightly packed to prevent it from spilling out HIGEKINOFURISHITA 生贄IKENIENOgoat HAMIDASANUYOONIHISHIMEKUROO

: shitagaete

kurayami sae mo mikata ni shitagaete FORCE ONE’S WAY Even the darkness is on my side Force one’s way KURAYAMISAEMOMIKATANISHITAGAETEForce ones way

: shitai

"doo shitai ka" sore ga kotae sa "What do you want to do?" That's the answer DOOSHITAIKASOREGAKOTAESA

: shitakara

te ni shitakara wakaru nda are in hand so I know them, I suppose TENISHITAKARAWAKARUNDA

: shite

A Ray
Itsu ka subete kieru to shite mo Even if everything is to disappear one day ITSUKASUBETEKIERUTOSHITEMO
Furimuki mo sezu dokusoo shite itta ato de Kuyanda furi kai? Why do you pretend regretting after you're gone? You need to know my pain. FURIMUKIMOSEZUDOKUSOOSHITEIったTTAATODEKUYAYANDAFURIKAI
Hammer Down
itsuwari no jibun ni sayonara shite Say goodbye to your false self ITSUWARINOJIBUNNISAYONARASHITE
sheiku shite YOU'RE "FLOOR MONSTER" Shake it. You're "Floor Monster" シェSHEIKUSHITEYou're "FLOOR MONSTER"
Now I here
Kizukanai furi shite ita dake na no I just pretended not to notice KIZUKANAIFURISHITEITADAKENANO

: shizuku

Ameagari hikaru shizuku Raindrops shine after the downpour AMEAGARIHIKARUSHIZUKU

: shizumu

Sono koe mo ai mo awai kioku ni shizumu That voice of yours, love of yours Sink into pale memory SONOKOEMOAIMO AWAIKIOKUNISHIZUMU

: shizunde

mogaite shizunde mata miru yume A dream that struggles, sinks, and reappears MOGAITESHIZUNDEMATAMIRUYUME

: shogyoo

Shogyoo mujoo no kotowari danzai Condemning the principle of the impermanence of all things SHOGYOOMUJOONOKOTOWARI DANZAI

: shoodoo

Hajikedasu shoodoo koeru soozoo The shock I strum out, passing imagination HAJIKEDASUSHOODOOKOERUSOOZOO

: shoomei

osanasugita zettai shoomei too childish a person; and it's absolute proof. OSANASUGITA絶対ZETTAISHOOMEI

: shunkan

Hikari hanate kono shunkan ni At this moment when I release the light HIKARIHANATEKONO瞬間SHUNKANNI
kurushii kono shunkan sae mo eikoo made no STEP Even in this painful moment, to my own glory, step KURUSHIIKONO瞬間SHUNKANSAEMO EIKOOMADENOStep

: shura

Shura matou kono issei Your generation clad in carnage SHURAMATOUKONO一世ISSEI

: shuyaku

Rock n roll
Shuyaku wa watashi de I'm the main character SHUYAKUWAWATASHIDE

: soba

Akirameta omoi mo koete soba ni iru Overcome those feelings of wanting to give up, I'm beside you AKIRAMETAOMOIMOKOETE SOBANIIRU

: sodateta

Yukkuri to sodateta ai o The love we slowly fostered YUっくKKURITOSODATETAAIO

: soiya

Utae odore soiya soiya soiya soiya!!! Sing! Dance! Soiya , soiya, soiya soiya! UTAE ODORE SOIYA SOIYA SOIYA SOIYA!!!

: soko

Koko to soko wa tsunagaru Here and there will join one another KOKOTOSOKOWATSUNAGARU

: sokonashi

Tootoo to konjoo no sokonashi kassai The never-ending cheers of this life come calmly TOOTOOTO今生KONJOONOSOKONASHI喝采KASSAI

: someta

Atsuku someta omoi mune ni Hold your smouldering feelings to your chest ATSUKUSOMETA OMOIMUNENI
Atsuku someta omoi mune ni Hold your smouldering feelings to your chest ATSUKUSOMETA OMOIMUNENI

: son

Ichido kiri no jinsei tanoshimanakucha son janai ka Isn't it a loss if you don't enjoy your one-time life? ICHIDOKIRINOJINSEITANOSHIMANAKUちゃCHASONじゃJANAIKA
Ichido kiri no jinsei tanoshimanakucha son janai ka Isn't it a loss if you don't enjoy your one-time life? ICHIDOKIRINOJINSEITANOSHIMANAKUちゃCHASONじゃJANAIKA

: sonna

Shinpai nante omoni na dake atashi wa sonna ni yawa ja nai Worries are no more than a burden, I'm not as soft as all that 心配SHINPAINANTEOMONINADAKE ATASHIWASONNANIYAWAじゃJANAI
Jinsei tatta no ichi do dake atashi wa sonna ni hima ja nai You only live once, and I don't have time to waste JINSEITAったTTANOICHIDODAKE ATASHIWASONNANIHIMAじゃJANAI
Hammer Down
Sonna sugata kurushii dakedaro, sakende miro It's just painful to look like that, try screaming. SONNA姿SUGATAKURUSHIIDAKEDAROSAKENDEMIRO
Sonna sugata kurushii dakedaro, sakende miro It's just painful to look like that, try screaming. SONNA姿SUGATAKURUSHIIDAKEDAROSAKENDEMIRO
konoyo ga kooka fukooka sonna mon wa ii Whether this world is happy or unhappy, that kind of thing is fine KONOYOGAKOOKAFUKOOKASONNAMONWAII

: sono

Sakasetsuzukero sono hana o Just keep that flower blooming SAKASETSUZUKEROSONOHANAO
Utaitsuzukero sono omoi Keep on singing about those feelings UTAITSUZUKEROSONOOMOI
Sakasetsuzukero sono hana o Just keep that flower blooming SAKASETSUZUKEROSONOHANAO
Sono sugata mo sono kotoba mo misekake da yo Itsu madeazamuku? Everything you have said and you have done was all wrong You have to end this shit. SONO姿SUGATAMOSONOKOTOBAMOMISEKAKEDAYO ITSUMADEAZAMUKU
Moyaseyo sono mi goto Burn and blaze, your whole self MOYASEYO SONOMIGOTO
Hanateyo sono hikari Unleash that light of yours HANATEYO SONOHIKARI
Hanateyo sono ikari Unleash that anger of yours HANATEYO SONOIKARI
Moyaseyo sono mi goto Burn and blaze, your whole self MOYASEYO SONOMIGOTO
Sono tenkai genkai ni mondai nai You have no limits in your life SONOTENKAI GENKAINI MONDAINAI
‚tobase ‚tobase sono koe de Soar high, soar high, with that voice of yours TOBASE TOBASE SONOKOEDE
Moyase moyase sono yume o Burn it up, burn it up, that dream of yours MOYASE MOYASE SONOYUMEO
Terase terase sono ai de Shine bright, shine bright with that love, TERASE TERASE SONOAIDE
OH-- sono mama de MOVE ON Oh, just as you are, move on Oh SONOMAMADE MOVE ON
‚tobase ‚tobase sono koe de Soar high, soar high, with that voice of yours TOBASE TOBASE SONOKOEDE
Moyase moyase sono yume o Burn it up, burn it up, that dream of yours MOYASE MOYASE SONOYUMEO
Sono koe mo ai mo awai kioku ni shizumu That voice of yours, love of yours Sink into pale memory SONOKOEMOAIMO AWAIKIOKUNISHIZUMU
Sono te o saite chitte sora ni mau kakumei Rip those hands open, the blood is a revolution, dancing through the universe SONOTEOSAITECHIってTTESORANIMAUKAKUMEI
Wakiagaru sono mochibeishon de makiokose SO reboryuushon As the motivation boils out of you, go and make it happen, so, revolution WAKIAGARUSONOMOCHIベーBEEショSHON DEMAKIKIOKOSE So REBOリューRYUUショSHON
Sono te o saite chitte sora ni mau kakumei Rip those hands open, the blood is a revolution, dancing through the universe SONOTEOSAITECHIってTTESORANIMAUKAKUMEI
Gooru ga kietetta mirai mo sono tsuzuki dakara That future of those faded goals too was a continuation of that ゴーGOORUGAKIETEったTTAMIRAIMO SONOTSUZUKIDAKARA
ima anata ni furete sono imi shirukara But now that I touch you, I know its true meaning. IMAANATANIFURETE SONOIMISHIRUKARA
ima anata ni furete sono imi shirukara And now that I touch you, I know its true meaning. IMA ANATANIFURETE SONOIMISHIRUKARA
ima anata ni furete sono imi shirukara But now that I touch you, I know its true meaning. IMAANATANIFURETE SONOIMISHIRUKARA
ikiru imi wa sono te no naka The meaning of life is in your hands IKIRUIMIWASONOTENONAKA
Sansan to utainasai sono urami harasunara Celebrate it all with brilliance, And when your bitterness fades away SANSANTOUTAINASAI SONOURAMIHARASUNARA
Rinrin to kanadenasai sono yume o kataru kara Play your heart out You're singing about your dreams RINRINTOKANADENASAI SONOYUMEOKATARUKARA
Sansan to utainasai sono urami harasunara Celebrate it all with brilliance And when your bitterness fades away SANSANTOUTAINASAI SONOURAMIHARASUNARA
Sono dore mo ga tsunagatte ”ima” o ikiru senaka o oshite iru All of these are connected and push us to live in the “now”. SONODOREMOGATSUNAGAってTTEIMAOIKIRUSENAKAOOSHITEIRU

: sonzai

Kanzenna sonzai o misetsukero Show your complete existence KANZENNASONZAIOMISETSUKERO

: soo

A Ray
Soo kiboo mo naku ayunde iku kodoku na michi o Yes, I'll hopelessly walk along a lonely road SOO KIBOOMONAKUAYUNDEIKUKODOKUNAMICHIO
Soo nan do de mo tachiagari mukatte yukun da Yeah, stand back up and face it head on again and again SOO NANDODEMOTACHIAGARIMUKAってTTEIKUNDA
aru hazu mo nai soo kanjiteta would never happen to me, that had been how I felt. ARUHAZUMONAI SOOKANJITETA
imanara soo omoerukara Now it seems that way to me. IMANARASOO OMOERUKARA
aru hazu mo nai soo kanjiteta would never happen to me, that had been how I felt. ARUHAZUMONAI SOOKANJITETA
Osanaki soo ni yureru koe naki samayoi aa Swayed by childless ideas I wander voicelessly, aah OSANAKISOONIYURERU KOENAKI彷徨SAMAYOI 嗚呼AA
Soo YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH tanoshimu dake Oh, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, just have fun SOOYeah Yeah Yeah Yeah TANOSHIMUDAKE
Soo kitto kono saki tsuzuiteku YOUR BEST STORIES I just know they'll keep on coming, Your Best Stories SOOKIっとTTOKONOSAKITSUZUITEKUYour Best Stories
Soo kitto kono saki tsuzuiteku YOUR BEST STORIES I just know they'll keep on coming, Your Best Stories SOOKIっとTTOKONOSAKITSUZUITEKUYour Best Stories
Soo kitto kono saki tsuzuiteku YOUR BEST STORIES I just know they'll keep on coming, Your Best Stories SOOKIっとTTOKONOSAKITSUZUITEKUYour Best Stories

: soorai

Soorai to oyukinasai ichido no jinsei da kara zenbu Go forth with the autumn wind, You only get to live once so SOORAITOOYUKINASAI ICHIDONOJINSEIDAKARAZENBU
Shidareta hana wa chitte soorai no kaori ni yoishireru The wilting flowers scatter The scent of the autumn wind carries me away SHIDARETAHANAWACHIってTTE SOORAINOKAORINIYOISHIRERU
Soorai to o ikinasai ichi do no jinsei da kara zenbu Live with the autumn wind You only get to live once so SOORAITOOIKINASAI ICHIDONOJINSEIDAKARAZENBU

: soozoo

Hajikedasu shoodoo koeru soozoo The shock I strum out, passing imagination HAJIKEDASUSHOODOOKOERUSOOZOO

: sora

minareta sora wa kagayaite ita The familiar sky was shining MINARETASORAWAKAGAYAITEITA
Aa sora o yakitsukuse Ah, set fire to the entire sky あぁAA SORAOYAKITSUKUSE
Aa sora o yakitsukuse Ah, set fire to the entire sky あぁAA SORAOYAKITSUKUSE
Anata no yokogao sora ni najimu yoo ni Your face then seemed to blur away into the sky ANATANOYOKOGAO SORANINAJIMUYOONI
Anata no yokogao sora ni najimu yoo ni Before it seemed to blur away into the sky ANATANOYOKOGAO SORANINAJIMUYOONI
Sono te o saite chitte sora ni mau kakumei Rip those hands open, the blood is a revolution, dancing through the universe SONOTEOSAITECHIってTTESORANIMAUKAKUMEI
Sono te o saite chitte sora ni mau kakumei Rip those hands open, the blood is a revolution, dancing through the universe SONOTEOSAITECHIってTTESORANIMAUKAKUMEI
Tooboo kuroi sora wa I need to get way, but the black sky above TOOBOO KUROISORAWA
Mezamero koyoi akane no sora ni Open your eyes tonight And turn them to the madder red sky MEZAMERO今宵KOYOI AKANENOSORANI
Mezamero koyoi akane no sora ni Open your eyes tonight And turn them towards the madder red sky MEZAMERO今宵KOYOI AKANENOSORANI
Mezamero koyoi akane no sora no yoo ni Open your eyes tonight just like the madder red sky MEZAMERO今宵KOYOI AKANENOSORANOYOONI

: sorasazu

Me o sorasazu mae dake muki Face forward and keep your eye on the prize MEOSORASAZU MAEDAKEMUKI

: sorawomiagete

kumo ni oowa reta sorawomiagete kore mo kirei to omoeta I looked up at the sky covered in clouds and thought it was beautiful too. KUMONIOOWARETASORAWOMIAGETE KOREMOKIREITOOMOETA

: sore

Kizutsuita kokoro o iyasu chikara ga aru Sore sura wasureta? Could heal my wounded heart truly. Did you forget that too? KIZUTSUITAKOKOROOISUCHIKARAGAARU SORESURAWASURETA
"doo shitai ka" sore ga kotae sa "What do you want to do?" That's the answer DOOSHITAIKASOREGAKOTAESA

: soredake

konomama anjuu? Soredake wa iya Will I just stay here? I don't like that. KONOMAMAANJUU?SOREDAKEWAIYA

: soreigai

soreigai iranai I don't need anything else SOREIGAIIRANAI

: sorezore

Ikitenda sorezore no i basho de We're alive, each where we belong IKITENDA SOREZORENOIBASHODE

: sorotte

Sorotte HANGING OUT All together hanging out SOROってTTEhanging out

: sotsu

sotsu to REMEMBERING THE LIGHT Softly Remembering the light SOTSUTORemembering the light

: soyoge

Urei nara soyoge saa If you're unhappy then begin to stir and... UREINARASOYOGE さぁSAA
Urei nara soyoge saa If you're unhappy then begin to stir and... UREINARASOYOGE さぁSAA

: subete

A Ray
Itsu ka subete kieru to shite mo Even if everything is to disappear one day ITSUKASUBETEKIERUTOSHITEMO
Mitomen da kono ikizama subete We accept everything about this way we live MITOMENDA KONOIKIZAMASUBETE
namida egao itami nikushimi subete komiagetekuru itoshi sa Tears, smiles, pain, hatred, everything filling my heart with love. NAMIDA EGAO ITAMI NIKUSHIMI SUBETE KOMIAGETEKURUITOSHISA
namida egao itami nikushimi subete komiagetekuru itoshi sa Tears, smiles, pain, hatred, everything filling my heart with love. NAMIDA EGAO ITAMI NIKUSHIMI SUBETE KOMIAGETEKURUITOSHISA
namida egao itami nikushimi subete komiagetekuru itoshi sa Tears, smiles, pain, hatred, everything filling my heart with love. NAMIDA EGAO ITAMI NIKUSHIMI SUBETE KOMIAGETEKURUITOSHISA
chiisana ippo datte subete kaeru yo Even a small step can change everything CHIISANA一歩IPPODAってTTESUBETEKAERUYO
chiisana ippo datte subete kaeru yo Even a small step can change everything CHIISANA一歩IPPODAってTTESUBETEKAERUYO

: sugata

baribari ni kimeta mai sugata o A carefully chosen dance figure BARIBARINIKIMETAMAI姿SUGATAO
Sono sugata mo sono kotoba mo misekake da yo Itsu madeazamuku? Everything you have said and you have done was all wrong You have to end this shit. SONO姿SUGATAMOSONOKOTOBAMOMISEKAKEDAYO ITSUMADEAZAMUKU
Hammer Down
Sonna sugata kurushii dakedaro, sakende miro It's just painful to look like that, try screaming. SONNA姿SUGATAKURUSHIIDAKEDAROSAKENDEMIRO
Sonna sugata kurushii dakedaro, sakende miro It's just painful to look like that, try screaming. SONNA姿SUGATAKURUSHIIDAKEDAROSAKENDEMIRO
Dare mo urayamu yuubi na sugata A picture of elegance anyone would envy DAREMOURAYAMUYUUBINA姿SUGATA

: sugite

Bukakkoo sugite batsu ga warui no o awaremu hito ni NO THANK YOU To all those who feel sorry for me Because they think I'm uncool and awkward, NO THANK YOU BU恰好KAKKOOSUGITEBATSUGAWARUINOOAWAREMUHITONI NO THANK YOU

: sugoshita

Futari de sugoshita hibi wa The days we spent together 2人DESUGOSHITAHIBIWA

: sukima

Kaaten no sukima kara tsukiakari The moonlight filters in between the curtains カーKAATENNOSUKIMAKARATSUKI明かAKARI

: sukoshi

akiramerarenai jibun o sukoshi hokotta koto o chiisaku omoo Of myself for not giving up yet, I was a little proud, but I think it was childish. AKIRAMERARENAIJIBUNO SUKOSHIHOKOったTTAKOTOOCHIISAKUOMOO
sukoshi wagamamada toshite mo even if it becomes a little selfish, SUKOSHIWAGAMAMADATOSHITEMO

: sukui

Sukui no nai hibi ni BYE-BYE. I will say bye-bye to helpless days. SUKUINONAIHIBINI Bye-bye.

: sunao

Karada wa sunao Your body says it all KARADAWASUNAO

: sura

Kizutsuita kokoro o iyasu chikara ga aru Sore sura wasureta? Could heal my wounded heart truly. Did you forget that too? KIZUTSUITAKOKOROOISUCHIKARAGAARU SORESURAWASURETA

: sureba

dadadadada Daibu sureba dadadadada if you dive DADADADADA DAIBUSUREBA

: suru

utaeya odore ya enryo wa suru na Don't be shy about singing or dancing UTAEYAODOREYAENRYOWASURUNA

: surya

Sawagou sassato kyakkya surya Let's make some noise and scream quickly SAWAGOUSAっさSSATOキャKYAッキャKKYASUりゃRYA

: susume

Mae e mae e mae e ima o susume Forward, forward, forward, push on through now MAEEMAEEMAEEIMAOSUSUME

: susumi

mune ni daite susumi tsuzukete ku I'll hold it close to my chest and keep moving forward MUNENIDAITESUSUMITSUZUKETEKU

: susumoo

tsuyoku ikiru tame ni susumoo Let's move forward to live strongly TSUYOKUIKIRUTAMENISUSUMOO
tsuyoku ikiru tame ni susumoo Let's move forward to live strongly TSUYOKUIKIRUTAMENISUSUMOO

: susumu

Madoo hito no susumu michi o And illuminate the path of those in doubt MADOOHITONO SUSUMUMICHIO
Rock n roll
Kazemakase ni susumu We'll go with the wind KAZEMAKASENISUSUMU
Sajin makiagete susumu dake and now move forward kicking up a dust storm SAJINMAKIKIAGETESUSUMUDAKE
THAT IS THE WAY anata no susumu saki That is the way, even if the place you're headed That is the way ANATANOSUSUMUSAKI
kata o narabete susumu nda Let's move forward side by side KATAONARABETESUSUMUNDA

: susunde

A Ray
Itami mo tsurete susunde yuke Keep moving forward with your pain ITAMIMOTSURETESUSUNDEYUKE

: suteiji

Jinsei no suteiji ue (RIGHT NOW) Up on the stage of life (Right now) JINSEINOSUテーTEEJIUE (Right now)

: sutoorii

Me o tojireba yomigaeru sutoorii iro azayakana kakera-tachi A story that comes back to life when you close your eyes, colorful fragments MEOTOJIREBAYOMIGAERUSUトーTOOリーRIIIROAZAYAKANA欠片KAKERATACHI

: sutori

Honoo agero saikoo no sutori Set it alight, the best story ever told HONOOAGERO SAIKOONOSUトーTOOリーRII

: suzu

Midareta kami no ue kin no suzu o tsuketa kuroneko ga Above my unkempt hair A black cat with a bell on its collar MIDARETAKAMINOUE KINNOSUZUOTSUKETAKURONEKOGA

: tabi

Hitori kiri no tabi ni fumidasu I take the first step on my journey alone HITORIKIRINOTABINIFUMIDASU
Kizu ga tsuku tabi ni tsuyoku natta I became stronger with every scar KIZUGATSUKUTABINITSUYOKUNAったTTA
ima wa mada tabi no tochuu I'm still on my journey IMAWAMADATABINOTOCHUU

: tabiji

Rock n roll
Nijiiro no tabiji yuku butai wa koko kara Let's go on a Rainbow-colored Journey, the stage starts here NIJIIRONOTABIJIYUKU BUTAIWAKOKOKARA
Yukite kaeru tabiji e on a return journey YUKITEKAERUTABIJIE

: tachiagare

Jimen mitatte tsumannai kao age ten made Tachiagare OK? It's boring just looking at the ground, raise your head, up to the sky. Stand back up, OK? JIMENMITAってTTETSUMANNAI KAOAGE TENMADE TACHIAGARE OK

: tachiagari

A Ray
Soo nan do de mo tachiagari mukatte yukun da Yeah, stand back up and face it head on again and again SOO NANDODEMOTACHIAGARIMUKAってTTEIKUNDA

: tachifusagaru

Tachifusagaru toraburu Of the obstacles that stand in our way, TACHIFUSAGARUTORABURU

: tachikitta

Tachikitta ushirogami We'll cut ourselves free from all we're leaving behind TACHIKIったTTAUSHIROGAMI

: tachinarabu

Rock n roll
Tachinarabu DOORS Lined up Doors TACHINARABU Doors

: tada

Tada miterunara fuku o nuide If you're just going watch, take those clothes off TADAMITERUNARA FUKUONUITE
Tada miterunara fuku o nuide If you're just going to watch, take those clothes off TADAMITERUNARA FUKUONUIDE
seiippai oogoe de tsutaeru yo tada arigatoo I'll say it as loud as I can, just thank you. SEI一杯IPPAIOOGOEDETSUTAERUYO TADAARIGATOO

: tadori

tadori tsuita maatarashii sekai de In the brand new world I've arrived at 辿TADORITSUITAMAATARASHIISEKAIDE

: taerareru

Now I here
Taerareru kara Because now I can endure TAERARERUKARA

: tagiru

tagiru joonetsu o hikari ni kaete Turn your simmering passion into light TAGIRUJOONETSUO HIKARINIKAETE

: taisetsu

naniyori taisetsu ni shinakya I have to cherish it more than anything. NANIYORITAISETSUNISHINAきゃKYA

: taiyoo

Otakebi makureyo taiyoo ni Shout loud to the sun 雄叫OTAKEBIMAKUREYOTAIYOONI

: takai

konton to narabu takai kabe High walls lined with chaos KONTONTONARABUTAKAIKABE

: takaku

takaku takaku nobori tsumero climb higher and higher TAKAKUTAKAKUNOBORITSUMERO

: tama

Temari uta ni yurare aoi kanzashi no tama ga nabiku Swayed by the temari song As the azure beads of my hairpin glitter TEMARIUTANIYURARE AOIKANZASHINOTAMAGANABIKU

: tamae

Agame tatae tamae shin no onore Revere them, praise them, your true self AGAMETATAETAMAESHINNOONORE
Agame tatae tamae aware YOUR ressei? Revere them, praise them, pity your disadvantage? AGAMETATAETAMAEAWARE your 劣勢RESSEI

: tamayura

Kotonoha ni mi o makasete tamayura no hikari ni you I surrender myself to those words, spellbound by a brief moment of light KOTONOHANIMIOMAKASETE 玉響TAMAYURANOHIKARINIYOU
Kotonoha ni mi o makasete tamayura no hikari ni you I surrender myself to those words, spellbound by a brief moment of light KOTONOHANIMIOMAKASETE 玉響TAMAYURANOHIKARINIYOU

: tame

A Ray
Ikiru imi o mitsukeru tame To find my reason to live as well IKIRUIMIOMITSUKERUTAME
dareka no tame no hikari to naru yo Become a light for someone DAREKANOTAMENOHIKARITONARUYO
seigi o moru tame ni RISING BACK NOW to protect justice Rising back now SEIGIOMORUTAMENIRising back now
seigi o kowasu tame ni RISING BACK NOW to destroy justice Rising back now SEIGIOKOWASUTAMENIRising back now
Seigi o tsukuru tame ni RISING BACK NOW to create justice Rising back now SEIGIOTSUKURUTAMENIRising back now
Darenimo yuzurenai ashita o mamoru tame ni I can't bow down to anyone, to protect tomorrow DARENIMOYUZURENAI 明日ASHITAOMAMORUTAMENI
Dareka no tame janai hokoreru jibun ka doo ka It's not for someone else. Is it something I can be proud of? DAREKANOTAMEじゃJANAI HOKORERUJIBUNKADOOKA
Darenimo yuzurenai ashita o mamoru tame ni I can't bow down to anyone, to protect tomorrow DARENIMOYUZURENAI 明日ASHITAOMAMORUTAMENI
tsuyoku ikiru tame ni susumoo Let's move forward to live strongly TSUYOKUIKIRUTAMENISUSUMOO
tsuyoku ikiru tame ni susumoo Let's move forward to live strongly TSUYOKUIKIRUTAMENISUSUMOO
warai au tame tomoni ikiru tame To laugh together, to live together WARAIAUTAME TOMONIIKIRUTAME

: tameiki

Atama no naka ga tameiki bakari The inside of your head is nothing more than disappointed sighs ATAMANONAKAGA TAMEIKIBAKARI

: tannaru

Tannaru heikoo sen no mama We just carry on down parallel lines TANNARUHEIKOOSENNOMAMA

: tanomubeshiya

Ujoo hijoo tanomubeshiya Have faith In those with hearts and those without UJOOHIJOO TANOMUBESHIYA

: tanoshimanakucha

Ichido kiri no jinsei tanoshimanakucha son janai ka Isn't it a loss if you don't enjoy your one-time life? ICHIDOKIRINOJINSEITANOSHIMANAKUちゃCHASONじゃJANAIKA
Ichido kiri no jinsei tanoshimanakucha son janai ka Isn't it a loss if you don't enjoy your one-time life? ICHIDOKIRINOJINSEITANOSHIMANAKUちゃCHASONじゃJANAIKA

: tanoshimu

Soo YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH tanoshimu dake Oh, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, just have fun SOOYeah Yeah Yeah Yeah TANOSHIMUDAKE

: tansei

Tansei o morasu I let out a sigh TANSEIOMORASU

: tari

Moo iyaiya iyaiya iki tari shinai No, no, no, no I won't live like that anymore MOOIYAIYAIYAIYA IKITARISHINAI

: tarinai

Mada mada tarinai sai & koo na TIME I still haven't had enough, the best ever time MADAMADATARINAISAI&KOONATime

: tarita

Toru ni tarita to wameite I cry out that it's all for nothing TORUNITARITATOWAMEITE

: tatae

Agame tatae tamae shin no onore Revere them, praise them, your true self AGAMETATAETAMAESHINNOONORE
Agame tatae tamae aware YOUR ressei? Revere them, praise them, pity your disadvantage? AGAMETATAETAMAEAWARE your 劣勢RESSEI

: tatakaeyo

Tatakaeyo tatta hitori kagayake omoidoori ni Fight, only one person, shine as you wish TATAKAEYO TAったTTA一人HITORI KAGAYAKE OMOIDOORINI
Tatakaeyo FEARS IN YOUR MIND kagayakeyo TEARS IN YOUR EYES Let's fight fears in your mind Shine! tears in your eyes TATAKAEYO fears in your mind KAGAYAKEYO tears in your eyes
Tatakaeyo nankai datte kagayake omoidoori ni Fight no matter how many times, shine as you wish TATAKAEYO NANKAIDAってTTE KAGAYAKE OMOIDOORINI

: tatakitsukeru

Medatteru kui o tatakitsukeru shika noo no nai hito wa OH POOR YOU People who can only think about hammering the nail that sticks out back down say OH POOR YOU MEDAってTTERUKUIOTATAKITSUKERUSHIKANOONONAIHITOWA OH POOR YOU

: tatta

Jinsei tatta no ichi do dake atashi wa sonna ni hima ja nai You only live once, and I don't have time to waste JINSEITAったTTANOICHIDODAKE ATASHIWASONNANIHIMAじゃJANAI
Tatakaeyo tatta hitori kagayake omoidoori ni Fight, only one person, shine as you wish TATAKAEYO TAったTTA一人HITORI KAGAYAKE OMOIDOORINI

: tawake

Kangure ya kangure ya kangure ya kangure ya tawake Distrust, distrust, distrust, distrust, act the fool KANGUREYAKANGUREYAKANGUREYAKANGUREYATAWAKE

: tayorikitte

Tekisuto bakari ni tayorikitte itsuwari no bika wa owari It's time to stop relying on the textbook and glorifying lies TEKISUTOBAKARINITAYORIKIってTTE ITSUWARINOBIKAWAOWARI

: te

te o tori ai o tsunagoo Let's take hands and connect our love TEOTORIAIOTSUNAGOO
O te o haishaku borrow a hand OTEOHAISHAKU
Honoo kagayaka se te Let your flames burn so bright HONOO KAGAYAKASETE
Sono te o saite chitte sora ni mau kakumei Rip those hands open, the blood is a revolution, dancing through the universe SONOTEOSAITECHIってTTESORANIMAUKAKUMEI
Sono te o saite chitte sora ni mau kakumei Rip those hands open, the blood is a revolution, dancing through the universe SONOTEOSAITECHIってTTESORANIMAUKAKUMEI
Hoka no te de kowasarete Broken by the hands of others HOKANOTEDEKOWASARETE
Korekara saki ni te o nobashite Reaching out in front of me from the point forward KOREKARASAKINITEONOBASHITE
Kurushiku te mo Even if it hurts KURUSHIKUTEMO
Now I here
Te no todoku mono narabete ita dake Just by having what was in reach TENOTODOKUMONO NARABETEITADAKE
Te ga todokanai akogare dake ni wa By what I long for that's no longer in reach TEGATODOKANAI AKOGAREDAKENIWA
Kono te no naka kakaekirenai kurai So much that I can't hold it all in my hands KONOTENONAKA KAKAEKIRENAIKURAI
Te o nobashite denkoo sekka de kirisakun da Reach out your hand, tear through it all with a bright flash TEONOBASHITE電光DENKOO石火SEKKADEKIRISAKUNDA
ikiru imi wa sono te no naka The meaning of life is in your hands IKIRUIMIWASONOTENONAKA
Doko made mo age te gookaku (LIGHT UP) Rise up as far as you'll go and succeed (Light up) DOKOMADEMOAGETEGOOKAKU (Light up)
"Saa kono yubi to mare oni-san kochira te no naru hoo e" "No, stop at this finger! I'm over here, chaser, follow the clapping" さぁSAA KONOYUBITOMARE ONISANKOCHIRATENONARUHOOE
te ni shitakara wakaru nda are in hand so I know them, I suppose TENISHITAKARAWAKARUNDA

: tebanasenai

Kurikaesareru hibi ga mou tebanasenai We can't let go of the days that came before KURIKAESARERUHIBIGAMOUTEBANASENAI
Kurikaesareru hibi ga mou tebanasenai We can't let go of the days that came before KURIKAESARERUHIBIGAMOUTEBANASENAI

: teion

ZUNG ZUNG teion ni yudanete misete Zung Zung, Submit yourself to the bass Zung Zung TEIONNIYUDANETEMISETE

: tekisuto

Tekisuto bakari ni tayorikitte itsuwari no bika wa owari It's time to stop relying on the textbook and glorifying lies TEKISUTOBAKARINITAYORIKIってTTE ITSUWARINOBIKAWAOWARI

: temari

Temari uta ni yurare aoi kanzashi no tama ga nabiku Swayed by the temari song As the azure beads of my hairpin glitter TEMARIUTANIYURARE AOIKANZASHINOTAMAGANABIKU

: ten

Jimen mitatte tsumannai kao age ten made Tachiagare OK? It's boring just looking at the ground, raise your head, up to the sky. Stand back up, OK? JIMENMITAってTTETSUMANNAI KAOAGE TENMADE TACHIAGARE OK
Aoge aoge ten aoge minamo yori nameraka ni Look, look, look up into the sky, clearer than any lake AOGEAOGETENAOGE 水面MINAMOYORINAMERAKANI

: tenakute

rikai sa re tenakute kamawanai aragae NO ONE CAN CRUSH ME NOW I don't care if you don't understand, resist me no one can crush me now RIKAISARETENAKUTEKAMAWANAI ARAGAE no one can crush me now

: tengoku

watashi no mune no itami   tengoku made datte My heartache, even all the way to heaven, WATASHINOMUNENOITAMI TENGOKUMADEDAってTTE

: tenkai

Sono tenkai genkai ni mondai nai You have no limits in your life SONOTENKAI GENKAINI MONDAINAI

: tenohira

Dare ka no tenohira no ue de mo ii sa WE'RE HERE Even if it's to someone else's tune, we're here DAREKANOTENOHIRANOUEDEMOIISA We're here
Tenohira ni omoi nosete asayake no hikari ni tou I place my hopes in the palms of my hands and question the light of the dawn TENOHIRANIOMOINOSETE ASAYAKENOHIKARINITOU

: tensei

Kangure ya kangure ya kangure ya kangure ya yo wa tensei Distrust, distrust, distrust, distrust, this world shall reincarnate KANGUREYAKANGUREYAKANGUREYAKANGUREYAYOWATENSEI

: tenshon

Yurasu kuuki kan to UPPER na tenshon Within this palpitating atmosphere and upper tension YURASUKUUKIKANTO Upper NATENショSHON

: terase

terase kono ukiyo Shine on this floating world TERASE KONO浮世UKIYO
Terase terase sono ai de Shine bright, shine bright with that love, TERASE TERASE SONOAIDE

: terashidasu

Terashidasu SUNRISE abite ONE TIME The beaming sunrise, bask in it one time TERASHIDASUSUNRISE ABITEONE TIME

: terasu

Tsuki no terasu wa shinobu michi The moonlight lights the path you've endured TSUKINOTERASUWA SHINOBUMICHI

: teru

“Ika re teru” tte kurai ni To the extent that it's "crazy" IKARETERUってTTEKURAINI
“Ika re teru” tte kurai ni To the extent that it's "crazy" IKARETERUってTTEKURAINI
nai teru dareka mo waratte kureru hazu I'm sure someone who's crying will laugh too NAITERUDAREKAMOWARAってTTEKURERUHAZU

: this

This is my way This is my way THIS IS MY WAY

: to

A Ray
Itsu ka subete kieru to shite mo Even if everything is to disappear one day ITSUKASUBETEKIERUTOSHITEMO
IT'S OURSELVES bokura wa utsukushii to It's ourselves and we are beautiful It's ourselves BOKURAWAUTSUKUSHIITO
GONE kizuke ba mata hitori to oikosreteku Gone, everyone's passed on by before you even knew it Gone KIZUKEBAMATA一人HITORITOOIKOSARETEKU
Tootoo to konjoo no sokonashi kassai The never-ending cheers of this life come calmly TOOTOOTO今生KONJOONOSOKONASHI喝采KASSAI
Sekiran no naka hyoozen to in the middle of an evening storm, without a care SEKIRANNONAKA HYOOZENTO
LOOK AT ME bokura wa utsukushii to Look at me, we are beautiful Look at me BOKURAWAUTSUKUSHIITO
makenaide to koe o karashi sakenda I shouted in a hoarse voice, telling myself not to give up. MAKENAIDETOKOEOKARASHISAKENDA
konton to narabu takai kabe High walls lined with chaos KONTONTONARABUTAKAIKABE
dareka no tame no hikari to naru yo Become a light for someone DAREKANOTAMENOHIKARITONARUYO
Back into the wild
Kokoro no hidane to nareyo Becoming the burning coals of the heart KOKORONOHIDANETONAREYO
Kanarazu kanau to shinjite iru atashi no yume wa owaranai I just know they'll come true one day, these dreams of mine will never end KANARAZUKANAUTOSHINJITEIRU ATASHINOYUMEWAOWARANAI
Hoshi to magau hodo They get mistaken for a star HOSHITOMAGAUHODO
Hoshi to magau hodo They get mistaken for a star HOSHITOMAGAUHODO
Muda ja nai to shirudaroo Weren't a waste MUDAじゃJANAITOSHIRUDAROO
Akari tomori koyoi anata to tomo ni A lamp burns, together with you tonight AKARITOMORI 今宵KOYOIANATATOTOMONI
Torimodose yuuki wa koko e to Reclaim your courage and summon it here TORIMODOSEYUUKIWAKOKOETO
Hammer Down
modoranai to chikatta I swore I wouldn't go back MODORANAITOCHIKAったTTA
I to okashina Such a beautiful ITOOKASHINA
sotsu to REMEMBERING THE LIGHT Softly Remembering the light SOTSUTORemembering the light
Yamikumo ni STAB IT BACK dokutsubo e to FALL IN ONE’S WAY blindly Stab it back To the poison pot Fall in one’s way YAMIKUMONIStab it back DOKUTSUBOETOFall in ones way
dare ka no kage to natte Be someone's shadow DAREKANOKAGETONAってTTE
Arigatoo to hohoende I smile a thank you ARIGATOOTO微笑HOHOENDE
Yukkuri to sodateta ai o The love we slowly fostered YUっくKKURITOSODATETAAIO
Now I here
Mitasarete ita to kanjiteta no I always felt so very fulfilled MITASARETEITATO KANJITETANO
Nisemono de kamawanai kara to Acting like I didn't care if it was fake NISEMONODEKAMAWANAIKARATO
iki kurushi sa to hito ikiri ni   ima wa chotto shisen o otoshiteta Due to the hardships of living and human existence, now I looked slightly down. IKIKURUSHISATO HITOIKINI IMAWAちょCHOっとTTOSHISENOOTOSHITETA
kore o eien to iu nodaroo This is what you call eternity, I suppose. KOREOEIENTOIUNODAROO
kore ga mirai e to tsunagaru ndaroo This will lead us into the future, I believe. KOREGAMIRAIETOTSUNAGARUNDAROO
kore o eien to iu nodaroo This is what you call eternity, I suppose. KOREOEIENTOIUNODAROO
kodoku to mukiainagara demo itsuka While facing loneliness, but one day, KODOKUTOMUKIAIINAGARADEMOITSUKA
Yurari yurari to seiran no miyako Swaying gently in the hazy capital YURARIYURARITOSEIRANNOMIYAKO
Toru ni tarita to wameite I cry out that it's all for nothing TORUNITARITATOWAMEITE
Kakenukeru rizumu to tomo ni Together with the rhythm running through your head KAKENUKERURIZUMUTOTOMONI
Yurasu kuuki kan to UPPER na tenshon Within this palpitating atmosphere and upper tension YURASUKUUKIKANTO Upper NATENショSHON
Kanjite koko ni iru to (JOIN US) Feel it, how you're right here (Join us) KANJITE KOKONIIRUTO (Join us)
Soorai to oyukinasai ichido no jinsei da kara zenbu Go forth with the autumn wind, You only get to live once so SOORAITOOYUKINASAI ICHIDONOJINSEIDAKARAZENBU
Sansan to utainasai sono urami harasunara Celebrate it all with brilliance, And when your bitterness fades away SANSANTOUTAINASAI SONOURAMIHARASUNARA
"Saa kono yubi to mare oni-san kochira te no naru hoo e" "No, stop at this finger! I'm over here, chaser, follow the clapping" さぁSAA KONOYUBITOMARE ONISANKOCHIRATENONARUHOOE
Aiai to asobinasai hajime no ippo fundanara Play together peacefully, When you go and take the first step AIAITOASOBINASAI HAJIMENO一歩IPPOFUNDANARA
Rinrin to kanadenasai sono yume o kataru kara Play your heart out You're singing about your dreams RINRINTOKANADENASAI SONOYUMEOKATARUKARA
Soorai to o ikinasai ichi do no jinsei da kara zenbu Live with the autumn wind You only get to live once so SOORAITOOIKINASAI ICHIDONOJINSEIDAKARAZENBU
Sansan to utainasai sono urami harasunara Celebrate it all with brilliance And when your bitterness fades away SANSANTOUTAINASAI SONOURAMIHARASUNARA
Dare mo todokanai sekai e to to a world no one else can reach DAREMOTODOKANAISEKAIETO
Koko to soko wa tsunagaru Here and there will join one another KOKOTOSOKOWATSUNAGARU
fukai mune no tobira o akeru to ikutsu mo no kizu ga atta When I opened the door deep in my chest, there were many wounds. FUKAIMUNENOTOBIRAOAKERUTO IKUTSUMONOKIZUGAAったTTA
kumo ni oowa reta sorawomiagete kore mo kirei to omoeta I looked up at the sky covered in clouds and thought it was beautiful too. KUMONIOOWARETASORAWOMIAGETE KOREMOKIREITOOMOETA

: tobari

Aa tobari o koete Ah, cross the curtain あぁAA TOBARIOKOETE

: tobase

‚tobase ‚tobase sono koe de Soar high, soar high, with that voice of yours TOBASE TOBASE SONOKOEDE
‚tobase ‚tobase sono koe de Soar high, soar high, with that voice of yours TOBASE TOBASE SONOKOEDE

: tobashite

hateru made tobashite ikou ze Let's fly until the end HATERUMADETOBASHITEIKOUZE
Koe karashite warai tobashite utaikurue Let your voice go hoarse, laugh away, sing in ecstasy KOEKARASHITE WARAITOBASHITE UTAIKURUE

: tobinore

Oto ni tobinore Jump up onto the sound OTONITOBINORE

: tobira

fukai mune no tobira o akeru to ikutsu mo no kizu ga atta When I opened the door deep in my chest, there were many wounds. FUKAIMUNENOTOBIRAOAKERUTO IKUTSUMONOKIZUGAAったTTA

: tobu

Hajike tobu dadaddaddaiyamondo burst into flight dadadda diamond HAJIKETOBU DADAッダDDAッダDDAIYAMONDO

: tochuu

ima wa mada tabi no tochuu I'm still on my journey IMAWAMADATABINOTOCHUU

: todo

anata ni todo kanainara ikiru kachi nado nai   If I can't touch you, my life isn't worth living. ANATANITODOKANAINARAIKIRUKACHINADONAI

: todokanai

dare mo todokanai no one can reach DAREMOTODOKANAI
Now I here
Te ga todokanai akogare dake ni wa By what I long for that's no longer in reach TEGATODOKANAI AKOGAREDAKENIWA
Dare mo todokanai sekai e to to a world no one else can reach DAREMOTODOKANAISEKAIETO

: todoki

Todoki wa shinai hakanai negai This fleeting wish of mine, will never ever reach you TODOKIWASHINAIHAKANAINEGAI

: todoku

Now I here
Te no todoku mono narabete ita dake Just by having what was in reach TENOTODOKUMONO NARABETEITADAKE

: todokukara

kitto todokukara will surely be conveyed. KIっとTTOTODOKUKARA

: toiki

Yureta toiki ni ukanda Wavering, appearing in that sigh YURETA TOIKINIUKANDA
Yureta toiki ni ukanda Your face, appeared in that wavering sigh YURETA TOIKINIUKANDA

: tojireba

Me o tojireba yomigaeru sutoorii iro azayakana kakera-tachi A story that comes back to life when you close your eyes, colorful fragments MEOTOJIREBAYOMIGAERUSUトーTOOリーRIIIROAZAYAKANA欠片KAKERATACHI

: toki

Hammer Down
Donna toki demo shinji rareru no wa jibun dakedarou The only person you can trust at any time is yourself. DONNATOKIDEMOSHINJIRARERUNOWAJIBUNDAKEDAROU
Kono toki o mune ni kizande And I etch this moment into my heart KONO瞬間TOKIOMUNENIKIZANDE
wakari aenai koto   mujundarake no toki o We couldn't understand each other and always didn't agree, such days WAKARIAENAIKOTO MUJUNDARAKENO時間TOKIO
nakitai toki koso waraitobase yo Just when you want to cry, just laugh away NAKITAITOKIKOSO WARAITOBASEYO
nakitai toki koso waraitobase yo Just when you want to cry, just laugh away NAKITAITOKIKOSO WARAITOBASEYO
donnani konnanna toki de mo no matter how difficult the times DONNANIKONNANNATOKIDEMO
donnani konnanna toki de mo no matter how difficult the times DONNANIKONNANNATOKIDEMO

: tokihanate

Tokihanate yo omoikiri natsuzora no shita Release yourself under the summer sky TOKIHANATEYO OMOIKIRINATSUZORANOSHITA

: toko

Ikeru toko made ROLLIN' ROLLIN' To a way better place Rollin' Rollin' IKERUTOKOMADE Rollin' Rollin'

: tomaru

tomaru koto no nai hitamukina omoi o A single-minded desire that never stops TOMARUKOTONONAIHITAMUKINAOMOIO

: tomerannai

Narabete mo tomerannai Even if usually I still won't stop NARABETEMO TOMERANNAI

: tomo

Akari tomori koyoi anata to tomo ni A lamp burns, together with you tonight AKARITOMORI 今宵KOYOIANATATOTOMONI
Now I here
Tsurete yuku kara tomo ni I'll take them with me, together TSURETEYUKUKARA TOMONI
Kakenukeru rizumu to tomo ni Together with the rhythm running through your head KAKENUKERURIZUMUTOTOMONI

: tomoni

warai au tame tomoni ikiru tame To laugh together, to live together WARAIAUTAME TOMONIIKIRUTAME

: tomori

Akari tomori koyoi anata to tomo ni A lamp burns, together with you tonight AKARITOMORI 今宵KOYOIANATATOTOMONI

: tonde

dadda dadda dda dda ddaitan futeki ni mai odori tonde dadda dadda dda dda dancing and jumping fearlessly DAッダDDADAッダDDAッダDDAッダDDAッ大??????NI舞いMAIODORITONDE

: tooboo

Tooboo kuroi sora wa I need to get way, but the black sky above TOOBOO KUROISORAWA

: tooi

mada tooi shinkiroo demo zettai shinjiro saigo no saigomade NOBODY KNOWS It's still a distant mirage, but I'll definitely believe it, until the very end Nobody knows. MADATOOISHINKIROO DEMO絶対ZETTAISHINJIRO SAIGONOSAIGOMADENobody knows

: tooku

Hammer Down
haruka haruka tooku far, far away HARUKAHARUKATOOKU
kanata tooku tsukisusunde iku Pushing far into the distance 彼方KANATATOOKUTSUKISUSUNDEIKU
Hibike hibike hibike tooku kanata e Echo, echo, echo, far away into the distance HIBIKEHIBIKEHIBIKETOOKU彼方KANATAE

: tootoo

Tootoo to konjoo no sokonashi kassai The never-ending cheers of this life come calmly TOOTOOTO今生KONJOONOSOKONASHI喝采KASSAI
Tootoo afureta fuan My anxiety begins to spill out TOOTOOAFURETAFUAN

: toototsu

Meguru rinne wa toototsu CUT OUT The turning cycle of death and rebirth suddenly cuts out MEGURU輪廻RINNEWATOOTOTSUcut out

: toppa

Genkai toppa atashi rashiku hikare EVERY DAY Gotta break the limits and shine in my own way, every day GENKAI突破TOPPA ATASHIRASHIKU HIKARE Every day

: toraburu

Tachifusagaru toraburu Of the obstacles that stand in our way, TACHIFUSAGARUTORABURU

: torare

Ketsumatsu bakari ni ki o torare muda o ikiru no wa owari Always preoccupied with the ending It's time to stop wasting my life KETSUMATSUBAKARINIKIOTORARE MUDAOIKIRUNOWAOWARI

: tori

te o tori ai o tsunagoo Let's take hands and connect our love TEOTORIAIOTSUNAGOO

: torimodose

Torimodose yuuki wa koko e to Reclaim your courage and summon it here TORIMODOSEYUUKIWAKOKOETO

: toru

Toru ni tarita to wameite I cry out that it's all for nothing TORUNITARITATOWAMEITE

: toshi

Kono dai toshi Somewhere far away KONODAITOSHI

: toshite

sukoshi wagamamada toshite mo even if it becomes a little selfish, SUKOSHIWAGAMAMADATOSHITEMO

: tou

Tenohira ni omoi nosete asayake no hikari ni tou I place my hopes in the palms of my hands and question the light of the dawn TENOHIRANIOMOINOSETE ASAYAKENOHIKARINITOU

: towa

Agare warae sawage towa no yoake Rise up, laugh your head off, make a racket, for the eternal dawn AGAREWARAESAWAGE永遠TOWANOYOAKE

: tozasanaide

Mimi o tozasanaide WHEREVER YOU WILL GO Don't cover your ears, Wherever you will go MIMIOTOZASANAIDE Wherever you will go

: tsuchi

Tsuchi ni kaeru hi wa kyomu no naka Hitori When we return to the earth, we're all alone in nothingness TSUCHINIKAERUHIWA KYOMUNONAKA 一人HITORI

: tsugi

Tsugi e tsugi e tsugi e tsuyoku aruke Onward, onward, onward, walk with your head held up high TSUGIETSUGIETSUGIETSUYOKUARUKE

: tsuita

tadori tsuita maatarashii sekai de In the brand new world I've arrived at 辿TADORITSUITAMAATARASHIISEKAIDE

: tsuitara

Uso tsuitara LONELY LONELY Whenever you lie, Lonely Lonely USOTSUITARA Lonely Lonely

: tsukami

Yume wa tsukami ni yuku mono Dreams are meant to be grabbed for YUMEWATSUKAMINIYUKUMONO

: tsukamukara

ookina mirai o tsukamukara Because I'm going to grab a big future OOKINAMIRAIOTSUKAMUKARA

: tsuketa

Midareta kami no ue kin no suzu o tsuketa kuroneko ga Above my unkempt hair A black cat with a bell on its collar MIDARETAKAMINOUE KINNOSUZUOTSUKETAKURONEKOGA

: tsuketekya

Akai shirushi tsuketekya ii I'll just note my mistakes in red AKAISHIRUSHITSUKETEきゃKYAII

: tsuki

Tsuki no terasu wa shinobu michi The moonlight lights the path you've endured TSUKINOTERASUWA SHINOBUMICHI
Yaseki ni kitare shinnyo no tsuki yo Moon of thusness, illuminate the tide at night YASEKINIKITARE SHINNYONOTSUKIYO

: tsukiakari

Kaaten no sukima kara tsukiakari The moonlight filters in between the curtains カーKAATENNOSUKIMAKARATSUKI明かAKARI

: tsukisasu

Yume yori hai na tsukisasu shauto boisu the shouts pierce taking me higher than any dream YUMEYORIHAINATSUKISASUシャSHAUTOBOISU

: tsukisusunde

kanata tooku tsukisusunde iku Pushing far into the distance 彼方KANATATOOKUTSUKISUSUNDEIKU

: tsukkire

Nebare kibare tsukkire nando datte hai agatte kundakara Be tenacious and push through, you'll keep coming back up again and again. NEBAREKIBARETSUっ切RE NANDODAってTTEHAIAGAってTTEKUNDAKARA

: tsuku

Iki tsuku ma mo naku ikitsuku kago no naka Inside the cage you always end up in IKITSUKUMAMONAKUIKITSUKUKAGONONAKA
Iki tsuku ma mo naku ikitsuku kago no naka Inside the cage you always end up in IKITSUKUMAMONAKUIKITSUKUKAGONONAKA
Kagayaki no uragawa ni kage wa tsuku mono sa There's a shadow behind the shine KAGAYAKINOURAGAWANIKAGEWATSUKUMONOSA
Kizu ga tsuku tabi ni tsuyoku natta I became stronger with every scar KIZUGATSUKUTABINITSUYOKUNAったTTA

: tsukuru

Seigi o tsukuru tame ni RISING BACK NOW to create justice Rising back now SEIGIOTSUKURUTAMENIRising back now

: tsukutta

Ima no anata o tsukutta PIECE The pieces that made you what you are today IMANOANATAOTSUKUったTTA Piece

: tsumannai

Jimen mitatte tsumannai kao age ten made Tachiagare OK? It's boring just looking at the ground, raise your head, up to the sky. Stand back up, OK? JIMENMITAってTTETSUMANNAI KAOAGE TENMADE TACHIAGARE OK

: tsumazuita

Tsumazuita kazu dake Every single time I stumble TSUMAZUITAKAZUDAKE

: tsumero

takaku takaku nobori tsumero climb higher and higher TAKAKUTAKAKUNOBORITSUMERO

: tsumuideku

Rock n roll
Jooo no yoo ni kedakaku tsumuideku SOUNDSCAPE Majestic as a Queen, a converging soundscape JOOONOYOONIKEDAKAKU TSUMUIDEKUsoundscape

: tsunagaru

kore ga mirai e to tsunagaru ndaroo This will lead us into the future, I believe. KOREGAMIRAIETOTSUNAGARUNDAROO
Koko to soko wa tsunagaru Here and there will join one another KOKOTOSOKOWATSUNAGARU

: tsunagatte

Sono dore mo ga tsunagatte ”ima” o ikiru senaka o oshite iru All of these are connected and push us to live in the “now”. SONODOREMOGATSUNAGAってTTEIMAOIKIRUSENAKAOOSHITEIRU

: tsunagoo

te o tori ai o tsunagoo Let's take hands and connect our love TEOTORIAIOTSUNAGOO

: tsunagu

Saki e saki e saki e tsunagu MY LIFE Onward, onward, onward, leading to my life SAKIESAKIESAKIETSUNAGU My life

: tsurete

A Ray
Itami mo tsurete susunde yuke Keep moving forward with your pain ITAMIMOTSURETESUSUNDEYUKE
Now I here
Tsurete yuku kara tomo ni I'll take them with me, together TSURETEYUKUKARA TOMONI

: tsutaeru

seiippai oogoe de tsutaeru yo tada arigatoo I'll say it as loud as I can, just thank you. SEI一杯IPPAIOOGOEDETSUTAERUYO TADAARIGATOO

: tsuyo-sa

"Tsuyo-sa yori yasashi-sa" o of "kindness over strength" TSUYOSAYORIYASASHISAO

: tsuyoi

Makenai tsuyoi Remember the limitlessness MAKENAITSUYOI

: tsuyokide

gorigori tsuyokide semeru nda Attack aggressively GORIGORITSUYOKIDESEMERUNDA

: tsuyoku

Tsuyoku futoku ikite yuku I'll live on strongly, with my head held high TSUYOKU FUTOKU IKITEYUKU
Tsugi e tsugi e tsugi e tsuyoku aruke Onward, onward, onward, walk with your head held up high TSUGIETSUGIETSUGIETSUYOKUARUKE
tsuyoku ikiru tame ni susumoo Let's move forward to live strongly TSUYOKUIKIRUTAMENISUSUMOO
tsuyoku ikiru tame ni susumoo Let's move forward to live strongly TSUYOKUIKIRUTAMENISUSUMOO
Kizu ga tsuku tabi ni tsuyoku natta I became stronger with every scar KIZUGATSUKUTABINITSUYOKUNAったTTA

: tsuzuiteku

Soo kitto kono saki tsuzuiteku YOUR BEST STORIES I just know they'll keep on coming, Your Best Stories SOOKIっとTTOKONOSAKITSUZUITEKUYour Best Stories
Soo kitto kono saki tsuzuiteku YOUR BEST STORIES I just know they'll keep on coming, Your Best Stories SOOKIっとTTOKONOSAKITSUZUITEKUYour Best Stories
Soo kitto kono saki tsuzuiteku YOUR BEST STORIES I just know they'll keep on coming, Your Best Stories SOOKIっとTTOKONOSAKITSUZUITEKUYour Best Stories

: tsuzukereba

Idomi tsuzukereba negai wa koeru kabe ni naru If you keep on fighting your dream will become a wall you can scale IDOMITSUZUKEREBANEGAIWAKOERUKABENINARU

: tsuzukero

Moyashi tsuzukero And keep on burning MOYASHITSUZUKERO

: tsuzukeru

Rock n roll
Moyashi tsuzukeru We'll keep on burning MOYASHITSUZUKERU

: tsuzuketa

kokoro no oku no oku de sakebi tsuzuketa I kept screaming in the depths of my heart KOKORONOOKUNOOKUDESAKEBITSUZUKETA

: tsuzukete

mune ni daite susumi tsuzukete ku I'll hold it close to my chest and keep moving forward MUNENIDAITESUSUMITSUZUKETEKU
Boku ga shinjita kimi o shinji tsuzukete Keep believing yourself in the you I believed in BOKUGASHINJITAKIMIO SHINJITSUZUKETE

: tsuzuki

Gooru ga kietetta mirai mo sono tsuzuki dakara That future of those faded goals too was a continuation of that ゴーGOORUGAKIETEったTTAMIRAIMO SONOTSUZUKIDAKARA

: tsuzuku

itami o koete mebaeta michi ga nagaku tsuzuku The path that sprouted beyond the pain continues for a long time ITAMIOKOETEMEBAETA MICHIGANAGAKUTSUZUKU

: tte

“Ika re teru” tte kurai ni To the extent that it's "crazy" IKARETERUってTTEKURAINI
“Ika re teru” tte kurai ni To the extent that it's "crazy" IKARETERUってTTEKURAINI
Imikirawa rete ishi o nagerareta tte I DON’T CARE Though I was hated and stoned I don't care IMIKIRAWARETEISHIONAGERARETAってTTEI dont care

: ubaenai

Zettai no PRIDE moo ubaenai my absolute pride already you can't take it away 絶対ZETTAINOprideMOOUBAENAI
Zettai no PRIDE moo ubaenai my absolute pride already you can't take it away 絶対ZETTAINOprideMOOUBAENAI

: ubaikaesu

Rock n roll
Ubaikaesu ze We'll take it back UBAIKAESUZE
Ubaikaesu ze I'll take it back UBAIKAESUZE

: ubawase

Rock n roll
Ubawase wa shinai We won't let you take it UBAWASEWASHINAI

: ubawasetaku

A Ray
Moo zetsuboo ni nani mo ka mo ubawasetaku nai No, I don't want my despair to snatch anything away anymore MOO ZETSUBOONINANIMOKAMOUBAWASETAKUNAI

: uchinuiteku

Rock n roll
Bara de kazatta pisutoru de uchinuiteku sekai We shoot through this world with a gun adorned with roses 薔薇BARADEKAZAったTTAPISUTORUDE UCHINUITEKUSEKAI

: uchisuterareta

Rock n roll
Uchisuterareta dake But it was just abandoned UCHISUTERARETADAKE

: uchooten

Uchooten no kanshoku o (LET'S JOY) Enjoy feelings of ecstasy (Let's joy) UCHOOTENNOKANSHOKUO(Let's joy)

: ude

Atama n chuu hanten sa se ude o fure Turn your head and wave your arms ATAMANCHUUHANTENSASEUDEOFURE
Ude agete ase de nurashite asobikurue Raise your arms, soak in the sweat and fool around in ecstasy UDEAGETE ASEDENURASHITE ASOBIKURUE

: ue

Dare ka no tenohira no ue de mo ii sa WE'RE HERE Even if it's to someone else's tune, we're here DAREKANOTENOHIRANOUEDEMOIISA We're here
Ue muitara If I look upward UEMUITARA
Jinsei no suteiji ue (RIGHT NOW) Up on the stage of life (Right now) JINSEINOSUテーTEEJIUE (Right now)
Midareta kami no ue kin no suzu o tsuketa kuroneko ga Above my unkempt hair A black cat with a bell on its collar MIDARETAKAMINOUE KINNOSUZUOTSUKETAKURONEKOGA

: ugokidashita

Ima ugokidashita MY LIFE Now it's set in motion, my life IMAUGOKIDASHITA My life

: ujoo

Ujoo hijoo tanomubeshiya Have faith In those with hearts and those without UJOOHIJOO TANOMUBESHIYA

: ukanda

Yureta toiki ni ukanda Wavering, appearing in that sigh YURETA TOIKINIUKANDA
Yureta toiki ni ukanda Your face, appeared in that wavering sigh YURETA TOIKINIUKANDA

: ukiyo

terase kono ukiyo Shine on this floating world TERASE KONO浮世UKIYO

: umareochita

FOOL umareochita kono chi de WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO? Fools, in this world you were born, what do you want to do? Fool UMAREOCHITAKONOCHIDE What do you want to do

: umareta

POOR umareta imi nado nai I DON'T WANNA BELIEVE Poor, there is no purpose to life, I don't wanna believe Poor UMARETAIMINADONAI I don't wanna believe

: umoregi

Hana mo sakasanu umoregi no Fated to gather no flowers from a fossil tree HANAMOSAKASANU UREGINO

: uni

Chissoku shisoona genjoo kuraitsuko uni mo mudanateikoo The current situation seems to be suffocating, and it's a useless resistance as it tries to eat me up. 窒息CHISSOKUSHISOONAGENJOO KURAITSUKOUNIMOMUDANATEIKOO

: unmei

Nozomanai unmei kechirashite ikerudesho You know you can rout out the fate you never wished for NOZOMANAIUNMEI KECHIRASHITEIKERUDEしょSHO

: uragawa

Kagayaki no uragawa ni kage wa tsuku mono sa There's a shadow behind the shine KAGAYAKINOURAGAWANIKAGEWATSUKUMONOSA

: uragire

katanihameru dake no baiasu o uragire NO ONE CAN TOUCH ME NOW Betray the bias that only fits into a mold, no one can touch me now KATANIHAMERUDAKENOBAIASUO URAGIRE no one can touch me now

: urami

Sansan to utainasai sono urami harasunara Celebrate it all with brilliance, And when your bitterness fades away SANSANTOUTAINASAI SONOURAMIHARASUNARA
Sansan to utainasai sono urami harasunara Celebrate it all with brilliance And when your bitterness fades away SANSANTOUTAINASAI SONOURAMIHARASUNARA

: urayamu

Dare mo urayamu yuubi na sugata A picture of elegance anyone would envy DAREMOURAYAMUYUUBINA姿SUGATA

: urei

Urei nara soyoge saa If you're unhappy then begin to stir and... UREINARASOYOGE さぁSAA
Urei nara soyoge saa If you're unhappy then begin to stir and... UREINARASOYOGE さぁSAA

: ureshii

ureshii koto mo kanashii koto mo both happy things and sad things URESHIIKOTOMO KANASHIIKOTOMO

: uruwashiku

Midare midare midaresake dare yori mo uruwashiku Madly, madly, madly bloom, more beautiful than any other MIDAREMIDAREMIDARESAKE DAREYORIMOURUWASHIKU
Midare midare midaresake dare yori mo uruwashiku Madly, madly, madly bloom, more beautifully than any other MIDAREMIDAREMIDARESAKE DAREYORIMOURUWASHIKU

: ushiro

Ushiro furikaette mite hora If you look back behind you, look USHIROFURIKAEってTTEMITEHORA
Ushiro furikaette mite hora If you look back behind you, look USHIROFURIKAEってTTEMITEHORA
Ushiro furikaette mite hora If you look back behind you, look USHIROFURIKAEってTTEMITEHORA

: ushirogami

Tachikitta ushirogami We'll cut ourselves free from all we're leaving behind TACHIKIったTTAUSHIROGAMI

: uso

Hammer Down
uso no nai sekai ni hareruya Hallelujah to a world without lies USONONAISEKAINIHARERUYA
Now I here
Uso wa moo yameru kara I'll stop all the lying USOWAMOO YAMERUKARA
Uso tsuitara LONELY LONELY Whenever you lie, Lonely Lonely USOTSUITARA Lonely Lonely

: usobuku

Rock n roll
Dare mo ga usobuku Everyone repeats the same DAREMOGAUSOBUKU

: usureyuku

Usureyuku risei Reason is waning USUREYUKURISEI

: uta

Temari uta ni yurare aoi kanzashi no tama ga nabiku Swayed by the temari song As the azure beads of my hairpin glitter TEMARIUTANIYURARE AOIKANZASHINOTAMAGANABIKU

: utae

Utae odore soiya soiya soiya soiya!!! Sing! Dance! Soiya , soiya, soiya soiya! UTAE ODORE SOIYA SOIYA SOIYA SOIYA!!!

: utaeya

utaeya odore ya enryo wa suru na Don't be shy about singing or dancing UTAEYAODOREYAENRYOWASURUNA
Utaeya sawage ya honnoo no mama ni LET’S LIVE IT UP Sing, make noise, follow your instincts Let's live it up UTAEYASAWAGEYAHONNOONOMAMANILets live it up

: utaikurue

Koe karashite warai tobashite utaikurue Let your voice go hoarse, laugh away, sing in ecstasy KOEKARASHITE WARAITOBASHITE UTAIKURUE

: utainasai

Sansan to utainasai sono urami harasunara Celebrate it all with brilliance, And when your bitterness fades away SANSANTOUTAINASAI SONOURAMIHARASUNARA
Sansan to utainasai sono urami harasunara Celebrate it all with brilliance And when your bitterness fades away SANSANTOUTAINASAI SONOURAMIHARASUNARA

: utaitsuzukero

Utaitsuzukero sono omoi Keep on singing about those feelings UTAITSUZUKEROSONOOMOI

: utau

Agare warae sawage utau waga hissei Rise up, laugh your head off, make a racket, for the lifetime we celebrate AGAREWARAESAWAGEUTAUWAGA畢生HISSEI

: utsukushii

IT'S OURSELVES bokura wa utsukushii to It's ourselves and we are beautiful It's ourselves BOKURAWAUTSUKUSHIITO
LOOK AT ME bokura wa utsukushii to Look at me, we are beautiful Look at me BOKURAWAUTSUKUSHIITO

: utsuru

Kagami ni utsuru futatsu no me Two eyes reflected in the mirrors KAGAMINIUTSURU FUTATSUNOME

: wa

A Ray
Kono inochi no kagiri wa Until the day you die KONOINOCHINOKAGIRIWA
Meguru rinne wa toototsu CUT OUT The turning cycle of death and rebirth suddenly cuts out MEGURU輪廻RINNEWATOOTOTSUcut out
IT'S OURSELVES bokura wa utsukushii to It's ourselves and we are beautiful It's ourselves BOKURAWAUTSUKUSHIITO
Eguru enko wa goojoo kappa Relationships that cause so much pain are stubborn, rebuke them EGURUENKOWAGOOJOO 喝破KAPPA
CAN YOU HEAR ME? bokura wa koko ni iru Can you hear me? We are right here Can you hear me BOKURAWAKOKONIIRU
Tsuchi ni kaeru hi wa kyomu no naka Hitori When we return to the earth, we're all alone in nothingness TSUCHINIKAERUHIWA KYOMUNONAKA 一人HITORI
LOOK AT ME bokura wa utsukushii to Look at me, we are beautiful Look at me BOKURAWAUTSUKUSHIITO
minareta sora wa kagayaite ita The familiar sky was shining MINARETASORAWAKAGAYAITEITA
saigo ni wa waraeru yoo ni So that you can laugh in the end SAIGONIWAWARAERUYOONI
ai o daita atatakai kokoro wa A warm heart that embraces love AIODAITAATATAKAIKOKOROWA
utaeya odore ya enryo wa suru na Don't be shy about singing or dancing UTAEYAODOREYAENRYOWASURUNA
Shinpai nante omoni na dake atashi wa sonna ni yawa ja nai Worries are no more than a burden, I'm not as soft as all that 心配SHINPAINANTEOMONINADAKE ATASHIWASONNANIYAWAじゃJANAI
Heibon reiru o kechirasu wa hajimaru ROCK 'N' ROLL I'll launch myself off the normal rail, it's time to begin ROCK 'N' ROLL HEIBONレーREERUOKECHIRASUWA HAJIMARU ROCK 'N' ROLL
Ketsumatsu bakari ni ki o torare muda o ikiru no wa owari Always preoccupied with the ending It's time to stop wasting my life KETSUMATSUBAKARINIKIOTORARE MUDAOIKIRUNOWAOWARI
Sanzan abita fuhei fuman kiiteru mimi wa nai My ears aren't made for hearing the complaints all around me SANZANABITAFUHEIFUMAN KIITERUMIMIWANAI
Medatteru kui o tatakitsukeru shika noo no nai hito wa OH POOR YOU People who can only think about hammering the nail that sticks out back down say OH POOR YOU MEDAってTTERUKUIOTATAKITSUKERUSHIKANOONONAIHITOWA OH POOR YOU
Jinsei tatta no ichi do dake atashi wa sonna ni hima ja nai You only live once, and I don't have time to waste JINSEITAったTTANOICHIDODAKE ATASHIWASONNANIHIMAじゃJANAI
Negatibu oora wa kakikesu wa ikashita MY WAY I'll drown out the negative aura, like a badass MY WAY NEGAティTIBUオーOORAWAKAKIKESUWA IKASHITA MY WAY
Tekisuto bakari ni tayorikitte itsuwari no bika wa owari It's time to stop relying on the textbook and glorifying lies TEKISUTOBAKARINITAYORIKIってTTE ITSUWARINOBIKAWAOWARI
Kanarazu kanau to shinjite iru atashi no yume wa owaranai I just know they'll come true one day, these dreams of mine will never end KANARAZUKANAUTOSHINJITEIRU ATASHINOYUMEWAOWARANAI
Waga mi no hate wa aware nari Sad my life has been that bears no fruit WAGAMINOHATEWA AWARENARI
Inochi no hate wa kuchikusa ni Once our lives end, We rot into the withering grass INOCHINOHATEWA KUCHIKUSANI
Tsuki no terasu wa shinobu michi The moonlight lights the path you've endured TSUKINOTERASUWA SHINOBUMICHI
Yo ni kakurete wa shinobarezu Hiding from the world, you recollect nothing YONIKAKURETEWA SHINOBAREZU
Saigo ni aruita michi wa On the path we walked last SAIGONIARUITAMICHIWA
Muri ni kataru yori ima dake wa Rather than trying so hard to talk, right now MURINIKATARUYORIIMADAKEWA
Todoki wa shinai hakanai negai This fleeting wish of mine, will never ever reach you TODOKIWASHINAIHAKANAINEGAI
Moo mayoi wa shinai hitori nugutta namida I won't lose my way anymore, I wipe my tears alone MOOMAYOIWASHINAI HITORINUGUったTTANAMIDA
Futari de sugoshita hibi wa The days we spent together 2人DESUGOSHITAHIBIWA
Kitto korekara wa chizu no nai There's no map on how to move forward KIっとTTOKOREKARAWACHIZUNONAI
Moo mayoi wa shinai hitori aruku kono michi I won't lose my way anymore On this path I walk alone MOOMAYOIWASHINAI HITORIARUKUKONOMICHI
Torimodose yuuki wa koko e to Reclaim your courage and summon it here TORIMODOSEYUUKIWAKOKOETO
Hammer Down
yorube nai kimochi wa The feeling of nowhere to go YORUBENAIKIMOCHIWA
Donna toki demo shinji rareru no wa jibun dakedarou The only person you can trust at any time is yourself. DONNATOKIDEMOSHINJIRARERUNOWAJIBUNDAKEDAROU
Karada wa saite chitte kaze ni mau Bodies bloom and scatter, whirling in the wind 身体KARADAWASAITECHIってTTEKAZENIMAU
Kangure ya kangure ya kangure ya kangure ya yo wa tensei Distrust, distrust, distrust, distrust, this world shall reincarnate KANGUREYAKANGUREYAKANGUREYAKANGUREYAYOWATENSEI
Ooh jidai wa zutto inobeishon saa ima koso kaware maware waga NIPPON Now is the time to change it, spread it, in our NIPPON Ooh JIDAIWAZUっとTTOINOベーBEEショSHON さぁSAAIMAKOSOKAWAREMAWAREWAGA NIPPON
Karada wa saite chitte kaze ni mau Bodies bloom and scatter, whirling in the wind 身体KARADAWASAITECHIってTTEKAZENIMAU
Ashita wa wagami ka sensenkyookyoo I'm so scared that tomorrow will be mine 明日ASHITAWAWAGAMIKASENSENKYOOKYOO
CUZ I JUST FOUND OUT Seikai wa INSIDE OF ME Cuz I just found out The correct answer is Inside of me Cuz I just found out SEIKAIWAInside of me
Kagayaki no uragawa ni kage wa tsuku mono sa There's a shadow behind the shine KAGAYAKINOURAGAWANIKAGEWATSUKUMONOSA
Anata wa ikiru riyuu you are the reason to live ANATAWAIKIRURIYUU
CUZ I JUST FOUND OUT Seikai wa INSIDE OF ME Cuz I just found out The correct answer is Inside of me Cuz I just found out SEIKAIWAInside of me
Ima aru no wa hana no yoo ni sakitsuzuketa kara I'm only here now because I kept on stubbornly blooming IMAARUNOWAHANANOYOONISAKITSUZUKETAKARA
Idomi tsuzukereba negai wa koeru kabe ni naru If you keep on fighting your dream will become a wall you can scale IDOMITSUZUKEREBANEGAIWAKOERUKABENINARU
Bureiku de kimeyo riron wa iranee Let's be high on music, I don't need rationale BUREIKUDEKIMEYORIRONWAIRAねぇNEE
Now I here
Te ga todokanai akogare dake ni wa By what I long for that's no longer in reach TEGATODOKANAI AKOGAREDAKENIWA
Uso wa moo yameru kara I'll stop all the lying USOWAMOO YAMERUKARA
Hontoo wa koko ni wa In truth it was HONTOOWA KOKONIWA
iki kurushi sa to hito ikiri ni   ima wa chotto shisen o otoshiteta Due to the hardships of living and human existence, now I looked slightly down. IKIKURUSHISATO HITOIKINI IMAWAちょCHOっとTTOSHISENOOTOSHITETA
shinjiru koto sae kyoo wa wasuretakute iki o hisometeta Not wanting even to believe today, I held my breath because I wanted to forget. SHINJIRUKOTOSAE今日KYOOWA WASURETAKUTEIKIOHISOMETETA
wakari aenakute ii nante ieta no wa "I don't care if we can't understand each other," that kind of thought is of WAKARIAENAKUTEIINANTEIETANOWA
bokura wa onaji michi o aruku nda … you and I will walk one road, surely ... BOKURAWAONAJIMICHIOARUKUNDA
konomama anjuu? Soredake wa iya Will I just stay here? I don't like that. KONOMAMAANJUU?SOREDAKEWAIYA
Konoyo wa GAMBLE hatenaki ranbu This world is a gamble, an endless dance KONOYOWAgambleHATENAKIRANBU
Kakageta chikai wa konote no naka ni YOU CAN JUST HANG IN THERE The vow I made is in my hands. You can just hang in there KAKAGETACHIKAIWA KONOTENONAKANI You can just hang in there
Tooboo kuroi sora wa I need to get way, but the black sky above TOOBOO KUROISORAWA
Kimi wa kagayakeru yo nan do datte I know you can shine, over and over KIMIWAKAGAYAKERUYO NANDODAってTTE
Kotae wa nai no There is no answer KOTAEWANAINO
Kimi wa kagayakeru yo nan do datte I know you can shine, over and over KIMIWAKAGAYAKERUYO NANDODAってTTE
konoyo ga kooka fukooka sonna mon wa ii Whether this world is happy or unhappy, that kind of thing is fine KONOYOGAKOOKAFUKOOKASONNAMONWAII
ikiru imi wa sono te no naka The meaning of life is in your hands IKIRUIMIWASONOTENONAKA
Rock n roll
Shuyaku wa watashi de I'm the main character SHUYAKUWAWATASHIDE
Nijiiro no tabiji yuku butai wa koko kara Let's go on a Rainbow-colored Journey, the stage starts here NIJIIRONOTABIJIYUKU BUTAIWAKOKOKARA
Jigoku no kane wa naru kuroku nuritsubuse Hell's bells ring out, paint it all black JIGOKUNOKANEWANARU KUROKUNURITSUBUSE
Ubawase wa shinai We won't let you take it UBAWASEWASHINAI
Hora roogoku wa rookaku (LIGHT UP) See, your prison is a high-rise (Light up) HORA ROOGOKUWAROOKAKU (Light up)
Karada wa sunao Your body says it all KARADAWASUNAO
"Oya oya o machinasai koko kara saki wa ikidomari" "Oh, my goodness! Stop here! The road ahead is a dead end!" OYAOYA OMACHINASAI KOKOKARASAKIWAIKIDOMARI
Shidareta hana wa chitte soorai no kaori ni yoishireru The wilting flowers scatter The scent of the autumn wind carries me away SHIDARETAHANAWACHIってTTE SOORAINOKAORINIYOISHIRERU
Arifureta yoo na yuuwaku wa moo No more everyday temptations ARIFURETAYOONAYUUWAKUWAMOO
Moo yurayura yurayura yurete wa dame You can't waver, waver, waver, waver anymore MOO YURAYURAYURAYURA YURETEWADAME
SO GOING GOING GOING GOING hokori wa mune ni So going going going going with pride in our hearts So going going going going HOKORIWAMUNENI
Osoreru hitsuyoo wa nai kara There's no need to be afraid OSORERUHITSUYOOWANAIKARA
Koko to soko wa tsunagaru Here and there will join one another KOKOTOSOKOWATSUNAGARU
Yume wa tsukami ni yuku mono Dreams are meant to be grabbed for YUMEWATSUKAMINIYUKUMONO
Saenai sekai wa kagayakidashita This dreary old world began to shine SAENAISEKAIWA KAGAYAKIDASHITA
ima wa mada tabi no tochuu I'm still on my journey IMAWAMADATABINOTOCHUU
kasaneta hibi wa kakegae no nai The days we spent together are irreplaceable KASANETAHIBIWA KAKEGAENONAI
daijina no wa mitame janaku ai o idaku kokoro What's important is not the appearance, but the heart that embraces love DAIJINANOWAMITAMEじゃJANAKU AIOIDAKUKOKORO
kidzuki wa hajimari no aizu Awareness is the signal for the beginning KIZUKIWAHAJIMARINOAIZU
kasaneta hibi wa kakegae no nai The days we spent together are irreplaceable KASANETAHIBIWAKAKEGAENONAI

: waga

Waga mi no hate wa aware nari Sad my life has been that bears no fruit WAGAMINOHATEWA AWARENARI
Agare warae sawage utau waga hissei Rise up, laugh your head off, make a racket, for the lifetime we celebrate AGAREWARAESAWAGEUTAUWAGA畢生HISSEI
Ooh jidai wa zutto inobeishon saa ima koso kaware maware waga NIPPON Now is the time to change it, spread it, in our NIPPON Ooh JIDAIWAZUっとTTOINOベーBEEショSHON さぁSAAIMAKOSOKAWAREMAWAREWAGA NIPPON

: wagamamada

sukoshi wagamamada toshite mo even if it becomes a little selfish, SUKOSHIWAGAMAMADATOSHITEMO

: wagami

Ashita wa wagami ka sensenkyookyoo I'm so scared that tomorrow will be mine 明日ASHITAWAWAGAMIKASENSENKYOOKYOO

: wakaranai

Kaerimichi nado wakaranai I don't know the way back KAERIMICHINADOWAKARANAI

: wakari

wakari aenai koto   mujundarake no toki o We couldn't understand each other and always didn't agree, such days WAKARIAENAIKOTO MUJUNDARAKENO時間TOKIO
wakari aenakute ii nante ieta no wa "I don't care if we can't understand each other," that kind of thought is of WAKARIAENAKUTEIINANTEIETANOWA

: wakaru

te ni shitakara wakaru nda are in hand so I know them, I suppose TENISHITAKARAWAKARUNDA

: wakatteru

Now I here
Kurikaeshita ayamachi mo wakatteru I understand the mistakes I kept on making KURIKAESHITA AYAMACHIMOWAKAってTTERU

: wakiagaru

Wakiagaru sono mochibeishon de makiokose SO reboryuushon As the motivation boils out of you, go and make it happen, so, revolution WAKIAGARUSONOMOCHIベーBEEショSHON DEMAKIKIOKOSE So REBOリューRYUUショSHON

: wameite

Toru ni tarita to wameite I cry out that it's all for nothing TORUNITARITATOWAMEITE

: warae

Agare warae sawage towa no yoake Rise up, laugh your head off, make a racket, for the eternal dawn AGAREWARAESAWAGE永遠TOWANOYOAKE
Agare warae sawage utau waga hissei Rise up, laugh your head off, make a racket, for the lifetime we celebrate AGAREWARAESAWAGEUTAUWAGA畢生HISSEI

: waraeru

saigo ni wa waraeru yoo ni So that you can laugh in the end SAIGONIWAWARAERUYOONI

: warai

Koe karashite warai tobashite utaikurue Let your voice go hoarse, laugh away, sing in ecstasy KOEKARASHITE WARAITOBASHITE UTAIKURUE
warai au tame tomoni ikiru tame To laugh together, to live together WARAIAUTAME TOMONIIKIRUTAME

: waraitobase

nakitai toki koso waraitobase yo Just when you want to cry, just laugh away NAKITAITOKIKOSO WARAITOBASEYO
nakitai toki koso waraitobase yo Just when you want to cry, just laugh away NAKITAITOKIKOSO WARAITOBASEYO

: waratte

nai teru dareka mo waratte kureru hazu I'm sure someone who's crying will laugh too NAITERUDAREKAMOWARAってTTEKURERUHAZU

: wareta

Wareta kagami ni yuganda Cracked, appearing distorted in the mirror WARETA KAGAMINIYUGANDA

: warui

Bukakkoo sugite batsu ga warui no o awaremu hito ni NO THANK YOU To all those who feel sorry for me Because they think I'm uncool and awkward, NO THANK YOU BU恰好KAKKOOSUGITEBATSUGAWARUINOOAWAREMUHITONI NO THANK YOU

: wasure

Wasure nai de Never forget WASURENAIDE

: wasurenaide

Wasurenaide Never forget WASURENAIDE

: wasureta

Kizutsuita kokoro o iyasu chikara ga aru Sore sura wasureta? Could heal my wounded heart truly. Did you forget that too? KIZUTSUITAKOKOROOISUCHIKARAGAARU SORESURAWASURETA

: wasuretakute

shinjiru koto sae kyoo wa wasuretakute iki o hisometeta Not wanting even to believe today, I held my breath because I wanted to forget. SHINJIRUKOTOSAE今日KYOOWA WASURETAKUTEIKIOHISOMETETA

: wasurezu

wasurezu ni IT'S TIME TO LIVE YOUR LIFE Don't forget It's time to live your life WASUREZUNI It's time to live your life
wasurezu ni IT'S TIME TO LIVE YOUR LIFE Don't forget It's time to live your life WASUREZUNI It's time to live your life

: watashi

Watashi o otona ni shita I treasured in my heart WATASHIO大人OTONANISHITA
Hammer Down
ano nichi no watashi ni To me that day ANONICHINOWATASHINI
watashi no mune no itami   tengoku made datte My heartache, even all the way to heaven, WATASHINOMUNENOITAMI TENGOKUMADEDAってTTE
Rock n roll
Shuyaku wa watashi de I'm the main character SHUYAKUWAWATASHIDE

: way

This is my way This is my way THIS IS MY WAY

: wo

Kao wo fuseru I cover my face KAOWOFUSERU
Issai gassai o furiharattasunda hitomi raitei wo My eyes are clear, now free of it all, the thunder 一切ISSAI合切GASSAIOFURIHARAったTTASUNDAHITOMI RAITEIWO

: ya

utaeya odore ya enryo wa suru na Don't be shy about singing or dancing UTAEYAODOREYAENRYOWASURUNA
Utaeya sawage ya honnoo no mama ni LET’S LIVE IT UP Sing, make noise, follow your instincts Let's live it up UTAEYASAWAGEYAHONNOONOMAMANILets live it up
Shishi no katana no omokage ya It's the countenance of the Sword of the Lion SHISHINOKATANANOOMOKAGEYA
Ranbure ya ranbure ya ranbure ya ranbure ya abare Dance, dance, dance, dance, go and riot RANBUREYARANBUREYARANBUREYARANBUREYAABARE
Ranbure ya ranbure ya ranbure ya ranbure ya abi kyookan Dance, dance, dance, dance, it's pandemonium RANBUREYARANBUREYARANBUREYARANBUREYAABIKYOOKAN
Kangure ya kangure ya kangure ya kangure ya tawake Distrust, distrust, distrust, distrust, act the fool KANGUREYAKANGUREYAKANGUREYAKANGUREYATAWAKE
Kangure ya kangure ya kangure ya kangure ya yo wa tensei Distrust, distrust, distrust, distrust, this world shall reincarnate KANGUREYAKANGUREYAKANGUREYAKANGUREYAYOWATENSEI

: yaburekabure

Yaburekabure yuugure kodoku datte kagayaku nodakara Even the lonely twilight shines brightly YABUREKABUREYUUGURE KODOKUDAってTTEKAGAYAKUNODAKARA

: yabureta

yume oikakete yabureta kimi ni chotto yasashii koe o kaketa You, seeking a dream but never realized, I spoke to with little kind words of comfort. YUMEOIKAKETE YABURETAKIMINI ちょCHOっとTTOYASASHIIKOEOKAKETA

: yabuya

A yabuya na risoo o kakagete I WILL TAKE IT ALL IN Holding up dubious ideals I will take it all in AYABUYANARISOOOKAKAGETEI will take it all in

: yakitsukuse

Aa sora o yakitsukuse Ah, set fire to the entire sky あぁAA SORAOYAKITSUKUSE
Aa sora o yakitsukuse Ah, set fire to the entire sky あぁAA SORAOYAKITSUKUSE

: yama

Back into the wild
Shikabane no yama o mita I saw a mountain of corpses SHIKABANENOYAMAOMITA

: yameru

Now I here
Uso wa moo yameru kara I'll stop all the lying USOWAMOO YAMERUKARA

: yami

Yami ni mayotta kokoro o sasu Lost in the dark, it shines on my heart YAMINIMAYOったTTA KOKOROOSASU

: yamikumo

Yamikumo ni STAB IT BACK dokutsubo e to FALL IN ONE’S WAY blindly Stab it back To the poison pot Fall in one’s way YAMIKUMONIStab it back DOKUTSUBOETOFall in ones way

: yamiuchi

LOST LIGHT yamiuchi nageki RUSH ON Lost light Dark raid lament Rush on Lost lightYAMIUCHINAGEKIRush on

: yamiyo

Yamiyo ni mo masaru They vanquish the dark of the night YAMIYONIMOMASARU

: yaneura

Rock n roll
Yaneura no omochatachi like an old toy in the attic YANEURANOOMOちゃCHATACHI

: yaoyorozu

(CLAP CLAP!) Yaoyorozu no kami mo HEAT UP (Clap Clap!) All the gods and goddesses Heat up (Clap Clap!)YA百万OYOROZUNOKAMIMOHeat up

: yaru

GOT IT GOT IT Misetsukete yaru nda Got it Got it I'll show it to you Got it Got itMISETSUKETEYARUNDA

: yasashi-sa

"Tsuyo-sa yori yasashi-sa" o of "kindness over strength" TSUYOSAYORIYASASHISAO

: yasashii

yume oikakete yabureta kimi ni chotto yasashii koe o kaketa You, seeking a dream but never realized, I spoke to with little kind words of comfort. YUMEOIKAKETE YABURETAKIMINI ちょCHOっとTTOYASASHIIKOEOKAKETA

: yasashisa

Honno sasai na yasashisa demo Even a little kindness HONNOSASAINAYASASHISADEMO

: yaseki

Yaseki ni kitare shinnyo no tsuki yo Moon of thusness, illuminate the tide at night YASEKINIKITARE SHINNYONOTSUKIYO

: yasuragi

Now I here
Mitsuketa no yasuragi o I've finally found peace MITSUKETANO YASURAGIO

: yatsura

Misetsukero fumitsuketa yatsura e Show the ones who trampled all over you MISETSUKERO FUMITSUKETAYATSURAE

: yawa

Shinpai nante omoni na dake atashi wa sonna ni yawa ja nai Worries are no more than a burden, I'm not as soft as all that 心配SHINPAINANTEOMONINADAKE ATASHIWASONNANIYAWAじゃJANAI

: yo

Mayoe yo nando de mo ii Lose your way as many times as you like MAYOEYONANDODEMOII
Mayoe yo nan do de mo ii Lose your way as many times as you like MAYOEYONANDODEMOII
dareka no tame no hikari to naru yo Become a light for someone DAREKANOTAMENOHIKARITONARUYO
Akehanate yo shinwa no Amanoiwato o Open up the mythical cave of the sun god AKEHANATEYO SHINWANO天岩戸AMANOIWATOO
Tokihanate yo omoikiri natsuzora no shita Release yourself under the summer sky TOKIHANATEYO OMOIKIRINATSUZORANOSHITA
Back into the wild
Owari naki kono inori yo Oh, prayer that has no end OWARINAKI KONOINORIYO
Sono sugata mo sono kotoba mo misekake da yo Itsu madeazamuku? Everything you have said and you have done was all wrong You have to end this shit. SONO姿SUGATAMOSONOKOTOBAMOMISEKAKEDAYO ITSUMADEAZAMUKU
Yo ni kakurete wa shinobarezu Hiding from the world, you recollect nothing YONIKAKURETEWA SHINOBAREZU
Yaseki ni kitare shinnyo no tsuki yo Moon of thusness, illuminate the tide at night YASEKINIKITARE SHINNYONOTSUKIYO
Yuruginai honoo samenai kokoro nankoofuraku yo An unwavering flame, an uncooling heart, (it's, I'm) impregnable YURUGINAIHONOO SAMENAIKOKORO NANKOOFURAKUYO
yuzurenai mono sakebu yokuboo kooryaku funoo yo What you can't shake, your screaming desire, it's impossible to conquer. YUZURENAIMONO SAKEBUYOKUBOO KOORYAKUFUNOOYO
Kangure ya kangure ya kangure ya kangure ya yo wa tensei Distrust, distrust, distrust, distrust, this world shall reincarnate KANGUREYAKANGUREYAKANGUREYAKANGUREYAYOWATENSEI
Yo appakuka no minasama imasara GIVE AND TAKE? Kizuna FAKE? Itsuka meiru muda na DAYS Yo, to all the oppressed, still the time for GIVE AND TAKE? Your bonds so FAKE? Losing heart during those idle DAYS Yo 圧迫APPAKUKANOMINASAMA IMASARA GIVE AND TAKE KIZUNA FAKE ITSUKAMEIRU MUDANA DAYS
nakitai toki koso waraitobase yo Just when you want to cry, just laugh away NAKITAITOKIKOSO WARAITOBASEYO
nakitai toki koso waraitobase yo Just when you want to cry, just laugh away NAKITAITOKIKOSO WARAITOBASEYO
Kimi wa kagayakeru yo nan do datte I know you can shine, over and over KIMIWAKAGAYAKERUYO NANDODAってTTE
Kimi wa kagayakeru yo nan do datte I know you can shine, over and over KIMIWAKAGAYAKERUYO NANDODAってTTE
chiisana ippo datte subete kaeru yo Even a small step can change everything CHIISANA一歩IPPODAってTTESUBETEKAERUYO
chiisana ippo datte subete kaeru yo Even a small step can change everything CHIISANA一歩IPPODAってTTESUBETEKAERUYO
Biidama no yo na me de shinda atashi ni koe kakete kita Looked down at me with its marble eyes And said to the me who had died: ビーBIIDAMANOYONAMEDE SHINDAATASHINIKOEKAKETEKITA
shinjite iru yo kore made no kiseki I believe in the trajectory so far SHINJITEIRUYO KOREMADENOKISEKI
shinjite iru yo kono deai koso I believe in this encounter SHINJITEIRUYO KONODEAIKOSO
shinjite iru yo kore made no kiseki I believe in the miracles of the past. SHINJITEIRUYO KOREMADENOKISEKI
seiippai oogoe de tsutaeru yo tada arigatoo I'll say it as loud as I can, just thank you. SEI一杯IPPAIOOGOEDETSUTAERUYO TADAARIGATOO

: yoake

Agare warae sawage towa no yoake Rise up, laugh your head off, make a racket, for the eternal dawn AGAREWARAESAWAGE永遠TOWANOYOAKE

: yoishireru

Shidareta hana wa chitte soorai no kaori ni yoishireru The wilting flowers scatter The scent of the autumn wind carries me away SHIDARETAHANAWACHIってTTE SOORAINOKAORINIYOISHIRERU

: yokogao

Anata no yokogao sora ni najimu yoo ni Your face then seemed to blur away into the sky ANATANOYOKOGAO SORANINAJIMUYOONI
Anata no yokogao sora ni najimu yoo ni Before it seemed to blur away into the sky ANATANOYOKOGAO SORANINAJIMUYOONI

: yokoguruma

[Zooo no] CATCH BALL GAME yokoguruma o osa re of hatred Catch ball game Pushed by a side car ZOOONOCatch ball gameYOKOGURUMAOOSARE

: yokuboo

yuzurenai mono sakebu yokuboo kooryaku funoo yo What you can't shake, your screaming desire, it's impossible to conquer. YUZURENAIMONO SAKEBUYOKUBOO KOORYAKUFUNOOYO
Yokuboo ni kaji kire LET'S GO WILD YEAH!! Let your desires take the steering wheel, Let's go wild, Yeah!! YOKUBOONIKAJIKIRE Let's go wild Yeah!!
Yokuboo no mama hakichirase I just spew out all that I desire YOKUBOONOMAMA HAKICHIRASE
Yokuboo no mama hakichirase I just spew out all that I desire YOKUBOONOMAMA HAKICHIRASE
Yokuboo no mama hakichirase I just spew out all that I desire YOKUBOONOMAMA HAKICHIRASE

: yomigaeru

Me o tojireba yomigaeru sutoorii iro azayakana kakera-tachi A story that comes back to life when you close your eyes, colorful fragments MEOTOJIREBAYOMIGAERUSUトーTOOリーRIIIROAZAYAKANA欠片KAKERATACHI

: yoo

Aware na adabana no yoo de mo ii sa ISN'T IT? It's okay to be a pitiful flower that bears no fruit, Isn't it? AWARENAADABANANOYOODEMOIISA Isn't it
Aware na adabana no yoo de mo ii sa ISN'T IT? It's okay to be a pitiful flower that bears no fruit, Isn't it? AWARENAADABANANOYOODEMOIISA Isn't it
saigo ni wa waraeru yoo ni So that you can laugh in the end SAIGONIWAWARAERUYOONI
Amaterasu no yoo ni like Amaterasu AMATENOYOONI
Amaterasu no yoo ni like amaterasu AMATENOYOONI
Amaterasu no yoo ni like Amaterasu AMATENOYOONI
Anata no yokogao sora ni najimu yoo ni Your face then seemed to blur away into the sky ANATANOYOKOGAO SORANINAJIMUYOONI
Atashi no nakigao hikisakareru yoo ni My face seems ripped up into tear-stained pieces ATASHINONAKIGAO HIKISAKARERUYOONI
Anata no yokogao sora ni najimu yoo ni Before it seemed to blur away into the sky ANATANOYOKOGAO SORANINAJIMUYOONI
Yurari yurari marude ranpu no yoo ni Flickering, flickering, like a lamp YURARIYURARI MARUDERANPUNOYOONI
Ima aru no wa hana no yoo ni sakitsuzuketa kara I'm only here now because I kept on stubbornly blooming IMAARUNOWAHANANOYOONISAKITSUZUKETAKARA
Now I here
Harisakeru yoo na munashisa ni mo Even a bursting emptiness HARISAKERUYOONAMUNASHISANIMO
higeki no furi shita ikenie no GOAT hamidasanu yoo ni hishimeku roo A sacrificial goat pretending to be a tragedy, a prison tightly packed to prevent it from spilling out HIGEKINOFURISHITA 生贄IKENIENOgoat HAMIDASANUYOONIHISHIMEKUROO
Yurasu yoo na raitei Just like that thunder YURASUYOONA RAITEI
saa hi ga noboru yoo ni ima Come on, like the sun rises now さぁSAAHIGANOBORUYOONI IMA
Rock n roll
Jooo no yoo ni kedakaku tsumuideku SOUNDSCAPE Majestic as a Queen, a converging soundscape JOOONOYOONIKEDAKAKU TSUMUIDEKUsoundscape
Shibireru yoo na KISS An electrifying KISS SHIBIRERUYOONAKISS
Korogaru ishi no yoo ni like a Rolling Stone KOROGARUISHINOYOONI
Mezamero koyoi akane no sora no yoo ni Open your eyes tonight just like the madder red sky MEZAMERO今宵KOYOI AKANENOSORANOYOONI
Arifureta yoo na yuuwaku wa moo No more everyday temptations ARIFURETAYOONAYUUWAKUWAMOO

: yoosha

Yoosha nai netsuryoo FUCK'N HOT TONIGHT. The heat won't let up, Fuck'n Hot Tonight YOOSHANAINETSURYOO Fuck'n Hot Tonight.

: yori

kotoba yori kanji aeru We can feel each other better than words KOTOBAYORIKANJIAERU
"Tsuyo-sa yori yasashi-sa" o of "kindness over strength" TSUYOSAYORIYASASHISAO
Muri ni kataru yori ima dake wa Rather than trying so hard to talk, right now MURINIKATARUYORIIMADAKEWA
Yume yori hai na tsukisasu shauto boisu the shouts pierce taking me higher than any dream YUMEYORIHAINATSUKISASUシャSHAUTOBOISU
Agare agare maiagare hakanasa yori karen ni Further, further, soar up on high, more graceful than fleeting AGAREAGARE舞いMAIAGARE HAKANASAYORIKARENNI
Midare midare midaresake dare yori mo uruwashiku Madly, madly, madly bloom, more beautiful than any other MIDAREMIDAREMIDARESAKE DAREYORIMOURUWASHIKU
Kabuke kabuke kabuki mae chiru hana yori hageshiku Sink, sink, flutter to the ground, harder than any other flower blossom KABUKEKABUKEKABUKIMAE CHIRUHANAYORIHAGESHIKU
Aoge aoge ten aoge minamo yori nameraka ni Look, look, look up into the sky, clearer than any lake AOGEAOGETENAOGE 水面MINAMOYORINAMERAKANI
Agare agare maiagare hakanasa yori karen ni Further, further, soar on up high, more graceful than fleeting AGAREAGARE舞いMAIAGARE HAKANASAYORIKARENNI
Midare midare midaresake dare yori mo uruwashiku Madly, madly, madly bloom, more beautifully than any other MIDAREMIDAREMIDARESAKE DAREYORIMOURUWASHIKU

: yorokobi

yorokobi ni naite ayamachi de manabu Cry with joy and learn from your mistakes YOROKOBININAITE AYAMACHIDEMANABU

: yorube

Hammer Down
yorube nai kimochi wa The feeling of nowhere to go YORUBENAIKIMOCHIWA

: you

Kotonoha ni mi o makasete tamayura no hikari ni you I surrender myself to those words, spellbound by a brief moment of light KOTONOHANIMIOMAKASETE 玉響TAMAYURANOHIKARINIYOU
Kotonoha ni mi o makasete tamayura no hikari ni you I surrender myself to those words, spellbound by a brief moment of light KOTONOHANIMIOMAKASETE 玉響TAMAYURANOHIKARINIYOU

: yubi

Yubi o kuwaete nagameteru dake? You just gonna be jealous and sit there and stare? YUBIOKUWAETE NAGAMETERUDAKE
"Saa kono yubi to mare oni-san kochira te no naru hoo e" "No, stop at this finger! I'm over here, chaser, follow the clapping" さぁSAA KONOYUBITOMARE ONISANKOCHIRATENONARUHOOE

: yudanete

ZUNG ZUNG teion ni yudanete misete Zung Zung, Submit yourself to the bass Zung Zung TEIONNIYUDANETEMISETE

: yugameru

Shikai ni hairu mono yugameru And everything in sight distorts SHIKAINIHAIRUMONOYUGAMERU

: yuganda

Wareta kagami ni yuganda Cracked, appearing distorted in the mirror WARETA KAGAMINIYUGANDA

: yuke

A Ray
Itami mo tsurete susunde yuke Keep moving forward with your pain ITAMIMOTSURETESUSUNDEYUKE
Norikoete yuke donna koto datte Rise above it, no matter what it is NORIKOETEIKE DONNAKOTODAってTTE
OH-- mayowazu ni yuke Oh, don't hesitate, just go Oh MAYOWAZUNI YUKE

: yukite

Yukite kaeru tabiji e on a return journey YUKITEKAERUTABIJIE

: yukkuri

Yukkuri to sodateta ai o The love we slowly fostered YUっくKKURITOSODATETAAIO

: yuku

Tsuyoku futoku ikite yuku I'll live on strongly, with my head held high TSUYOKU FUTOKU IKITEYUKU
Now I here
Tsurete yuku kara tomo ni I'll take them with me, together TSURETEYUKUKARA TOMONI
Rock n roll
Nijiiro no tabiji yuku butai wa koko kara Let's go on a Rainbow-colored Journey, the stage starts here NIJIIRONOTABIJIYUKU BUTAIWAKOKOKARA
Yume wa tsukami ni yuku mono Dreams are meant to be grabbed for YUMEWATSUKAMINIYUKUMONO

: yukun

A Ray
Soo nan do de mo tachiagari mukatte yukun da Yeah, stand back up and face it head on again and again SOO NANDODEMOTACHIAGARIMUKAってTTEIKUNDA

: yume

mogaite shizunde mata miru yume A dream that struggles, sinks, and reappears MOGAITESHIZUNDEMATAMIRUYUME
Kanarazu kanau to shinjite iru atashi no yume wa owaranai I just know they'll come true one day, these dreams of mine will never end KANARAZUKANAUTOSHINJITEIRU ATASHINOYUMEWAOWARANAI
Moyase moyase sono yume o Burn it up, burn it up, that dream of yours MOYASE MOYASE SONOYUMEO
Moyase moyase sono yume o Burn it up, burn it up, that dream of yours MOYASE MOYASE SONOYUMEO
Yume yori hai na tsukisasu shauto boisu the shouts pierce taking me higher than any dream YUMEYORIHAINATSUKISASUシャSHAUTOBOISU
yume oikakete yabureta kimi ni chotto yasashii koe o kaketa You, seeking a dream but never realized, I spoke to with little kind words of comfort. YUMEOIKAKETE YABURETAKIMINI ちょCHOっとTTOYASASHIIKOEOKAKETA
Inore inore yume inore kore kara miru keshiki o Pray, pray, pray in your dreams, for what you will find lying ahead INOREINOREYUMEINORE KOREKARAMIRU景色KESHIKIO
shigamitsuku yume o kachihokore Be proud of the dreams you hold on to SHIGAMITSUKUYUMEOKACHIHOKORE
Furikitta hadaka no yume o Embrace the unadorned dream you ignored FURIKIったTTAHADAKANOYUMEO
Odore samenai yume de (RIGHT NOW) Dance inside a dream without an end (Right now) ODORE SAMENAIYUMEDE (Right now)
Rinrin to kanadenasai sono yume o kataru kara Play your heart out You're singing about your dreams RINRINTOKANADENASAI SONOYUMEOKATARUKARA
Zutto yume ni egaiteta I always saw it in my dreams ZUっとTTOYUMENIEGAITETA
Yume wa tsukami ni yuku mono Dreams are meant to be grabbed for YUMEWATSUKAMINIYUKUMONO
jibun no kaku ichiban no yume my own imagining, my biggest dream JIBUNNOKAKU ICHIBANNOYUME

: yurare

Temari uta ni yurare aoi kanzashi no tama ga nabiku Swayed by the temari song As the azure beads of my hairpin glitter TEMARIUTANIYURARE AOIKANZASHINOTAMAGANABIKU

: yurari

Yurari yurari marude ranpu no yoo ni Flickering, flickering, like a lamp YURARIYURARI MARUDERANPUNOYOONI
Yurari yurari to seiran no miyako Swaying gently in the hazy capital YURARIYURARITOSEIRANNOMIYAKO

: yurase

yurase YOUR BODY ALL DAY Shake your body all day YURASEyour body all day
Yurase YOUR SPIRIT ALRIGHT? Shake your spirit alright? YURASEyour spirit alright?

: yurashite

Koshi yurashite kami kakiage odori kurue Shake your hips, push your hair back, dance in ecstasy KOSHIYURASHITE KAMIKAKIAGE ODORIKURUE

: yurasu

Yurasu yoo na raitei Just like that thunder YURASUYOONA RAITEI
Yurasu kuuki kan to UPPER na tenshon Within this palpitating atmosphere and upper tension YURASUKUUKIKANTO Upper NATENショSHON

: yurayura

Moo yurayura yurayura yurete wa dame You can't waver, waver, waver, waver anymore MOO YURAYURAYURAYURA YURETEWADAME

: yureru

Yureru hitomi kasanariai Our wavering glances meet YURERUHITOMIKASANARIAII
Yureru kaze no zawameki ga atashi no kami o naderu The stir of the whirling wind blows its way through my hair YURERUKAZENOZAWAMEKIGA ATASHINOKAMIONADERU
Yureru kaze no zawameki ga atashi no kami o naderu The stir of the whirling wind blows its way through my hair YURERUKAZENOZAWAMEKIGA ATASHINOKAMIONADERU
Osanaki soo ni yureru koe naki samayoi aa Swayed by childless ideas I wander voicelessly, aah OSANAKISOONIYURERU KOENAKI彷徨SAMAYOI 嗚呼AA

: yureta

Yureta toiki ni ukanda Wavering, appearing in that sigh YURETA TOIKINIUKANDA
Yureta toiki ni ukanda Your face, appeared in that wavering sigh YURETA TOIKINIUKANDA

: yurete

Moo yurayura yurayura yurete wa dame You can't waver, waver, waver, waver anymore MOO YURAYURAYURAYURA YURETEWADAME

: yuruginai

Yuruginai honoo samenai kokoro nankoofuraku yo An unwavering flame, an uncooling heart, (it's, I'm) impregnable YURUGINAIHONOO SAMENAIKOKORO NANKOOFURAKUYO

: yuu

rarararararara yuu & ai la la la la la la la Sadness and Love RARARARARARARAYUUAI

: yuubi

Yuubi na hikari kakusareta beeru A veil hidden by an elegant light YUUBINAHIKARIKAKUSARETAベーBEERU
Dare mo urayamu yuubi na sugata A picture of elegance anyone would envy DAREMOURAYAMUYUUBINA姿SUGATA

: yuugure

Yaburekabure yuugure kodoku datte kagayaku nodakara Even the lonely twilight shines brightly YABUREKABUREYUUGURE KODOKUDAってTTEKAGAYAKUNODAKARA

: yuuki

Torimodose yuuki wa koko e to Reclaim your courage and summon it here TORIMODOSEYUUKIWAKOKOETO

: yuusen

Risei ga yuusen de buuingu kyooran Where reason is prioritized, joined by a frenzy of booing RISEIGAYUUSENDE ブーBUUINGUKYOORAN

: yuuwaku

Arifureta yoo na yuuwaku wa moo No more everyday temptations ARIFURETAYOONAYUUWAKUWAMOO

: yuzuranai

Rock n roll
Dare ni mo yuzuranai We will never yield to anyone DARENIMOYUZURANAI
Dare ni mo yuzuranai We will never yield to anyone DARENIMOYUZURANAI

: yuzurenai

yuzurenai mono sakebu yokuboo kooryaku funoo yo What you can't shake, your screaming desire, it's impossible to conquer. YUZURENAIMONO SAKEBUYOKUBOO KOORYAKUFUNOOYO
Darenimo yuzurenai ashita o mamoru tame ni I can't bow down to anyone, to protect tomorrow DARENIMOYUZURENAI 明日ASHITAOMAMORUTAMENI
Darenimo yuzurenai ashita o mamoru tame ni I can't bow down to anyone, to protect tomorrow DARENIMOYUZURENAI 明日ASHITAOMAMORUTAMENI

: yuzuru

Nue mo kanawanu yuzuru mo Even the bowstring not even Nue could match NUEMOKANAWANU YUZURUMO

: zankoku

Zankoku ja shibarenai shihai ja kowasenai Cruelty can't bind, control can't destroy ZANKOKUじゃJASHIBARENAI SHIHAIじゃJAKOWASENAI

: zawameki

Yureru kaze no zawameki ga atashi no kami o naderu The stir of the whirling wind blows its way through my hair YURERUKAZENOZAWAMEKIGA ATASHINOKAMIONADERU
Yureru kaze no zawameki ga atashi no kami o naderu The stir of the whirling wind blows its way through my hair YURERUKAZENOZAWAMEKIGA ATASHINOKAMIONADERU

: ze

hajike chatte ikou ze Let's go crazy HAJIKEちゃCHAってTTEIKOUZE
Haji ke chatte ikou ze Let's go crazy HAJIKEちゃCHAってTTEIKOUZE
Hikari hanatsu mono ni narou ze Let's be the one who emits light HIKARIHANATSUMONONINAROUZE
hateru made tobashite ikou ze Let's fly until the end HATERUMADETOBASHITEIKOUZE
Rock n roll
Namari no hikoosen ni noritobimawaru ze sekai Let's fly around the world on a Led Zeppelin NAMARINOHIKOOSENNINORI TOBIMAWARUZESEKAI
Ubaikaesu ze We'll take it back UBAIKAESUZE
Ubaikaesu ze I'll take it back UBAIKAESUZE

: zenbu

Soorai to oyukinasai ichido no jinsei da kara zenbu Go forth with the autumn wind, You only get to live once so SOORAITOOYUKINASAI ICHIDONOJINSEIDAKARAZENBU
Soorai to o ikinasai ichi do no jinsei da kara zenbu Live with the autumn wind You only get to live once so SOORAITOOIKINASAI ICHIDONOJINSEIDAKARAZENBU

: zenkai

Saa zenkai senkai de HEY SHOW TIME Now rev up, full throttle, Hey, Show Time さぁSAA ZENKAI SENKAIDE Hey Show time

: zenrei

Zenshin zenrei de sakebu kara I'd scream with everything that I have ZENSHINZENREIDESAKEBUKARA

: zenshin

Zenshin zenrei de sakebu kara I'd scream with everything that I have ZENSHINZENREIDESAKEBUKARA

: zero

Mata zero ni modoranakerya ii I don't have to go back to zero again MATAZERONIMODORANAKEりゃRYAII

: zetsuboo

A Ray
Moo zetsuboo ni nani mo ka mo ubawasetaku nai No, I don't want my despair to snatch anything away anymore MOO ZETSUBOONINANIMOKAMOUBAWASETAKUNAI

: zettai

Zettai no PRIDE moo ubaenai my absolute pride already you can't take it away 絶対ZETTAINOprideMOOUBAENAI
Zettai no PRIDE moo ubaenai my absolute pride already you can't take it away 絶対ZETTAINOprideMOOUBAENAI
osanasugita zettai shoomei too childish a person; and it's absolute proof. OSANASUGITA絶対ZETTAISHOOMEI
mada tooi shinkiroo demo zettai shinjiro saigo no saigomade NOBODY KNOWS It's still a distant mirage, but I'll definitely believe it, until the very end Nobody knows. MADATOOISHINKIROO DEMO絶対ZETTAISHINJIRO SAIGONOSAIGOMADENobody knows
Koete ikeru zettai ni We'll overcome it all, definitely KOETEIKERU絶対ZETTAINI

: zooo

[Zooo no] CATCH BALL GAME yokoguruma o osa re of hatred Catch ball game Pushed by a side car ZOOONOCatch ball gameYOKOGURUMAOOSARE

: zui

Hone no zui made Down to the very marrow of your bones HONENOZUIMADE

: zutto

Imademo zutto shinjiteru I've always believed in the philosophy IMADEMO ZUっとTTOSHINJITERU
Ooh jidai wa zutto inobeishon saa ima koso kaware maware waga NIPPON Now is the time to change it, spread it, in our NIPPON Ooh JIDAIWAZUっとTTOINOベーBEEショSHON さぁSAAIMAKOSOKAWAREMAWAREWAGA NIPPON
Zutto yume ni egaiteta I always saw it in my dreams ZUっとTTOYUMENIEGAITETA

: A

A Ray
DON'T LIVE LIKE A DEAD Don't live like a dead Don't live like a dead
A RAY OF LIGHT IS IN MY HEART A ray of light is in my heart A ray of light is in my heart
EVEN IF (YOU) CAN'T BELIEVE YOURSELF AND A RAY OF LIGHT Even if (you) can't believe yourself and a ray of light Even if (you) can't believe yourself and a ray of light
A RAY OF LIGHT IS IN OUR HEART A Ray of light is in our heart A Ray of light is in our heart
"ALL THE WORLD IS A STAGE" "All the world is a stage" All the world is a stage
EVEN IF IT’S A SMALL STEP Even if it’s a small step Even if its a small step
EVEN IF IT’S A STEP BACK Even if it’s a step back Even if its a step back
AND BRING A SMILE TO THE WORLD And bring a smile to the world And bring a smile to the world
AND BRING A SMILE TO THE WORLD And bring a smile to the world And bring a smile to the world
KEEP SHINING LIKE A STAR Keep shining like a star Keep shining like a star
AND BRING A SMILE TO THE WORLD And bring a smile to the world And bring a smile to the world
THERE ARE A BUNCH OF JACKASSES. There are a bunch of jackasses. There are a bunch of jackasses.
EVOKE A MEMORY Evoke a memory Evoke a memory
A yabuya na risoo o kakagete I WILL TAKE IT ALL IN Holding up dubious ideals I will take it all in AYABUYANARISOOOKAKAGETEI will take it all in
Makikomu I'M A "LIVE MONSTER" I involve it all, I'm a LIVE MONSTER MAKIKOMU I'm a "LIVE MONSTER"
Night Flight
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM NOW, IT'S A DEADLINE Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM NOW, IT'S A DEADLINE Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM NOW, IT'S A DEADLINE Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM NOW, IT'S A DEADLINE Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline
YOU WANNA DIE LIKE A LOSER? You wanna die like a loser? You wanna die like a loser
LET'S KICK IT UP A NOTCH Let's kick it up a notch Let's kick it up a notch
WE'RE GONNA STRIKE THE WORLD WITH SUCH A FUCKING CRAZY SOUND We're gonna strike the world with such a fucking crazy sound We're gonna strike the world with such a fxxking crazy sound
SUCH A HIGH DAY, TOUCH A FINE SAYING "I'MMA BE ALRIGHT" YEAH AH Such a high day, touch a fine saying "I'mma be alright" yeah ah Such a high day, touch a fine saying I'mma be alright yeah ah
LIFE'S AT ITS HIGH WITH A DREAM ITS TRUE Life's at its high with a dream its true Life's at its high with a dream it's true
REMAKING'S NOT A DIFFICULT TASK Remaking's not a difficult task Remaking's not a difficult task
A BUNCH OF HAPPINESS? YES, INDEED A bunch of happiness? Yes, indeed A bunch of happiness Yes, indeed
YOU KNOW, A DAY CAN BE MADE You know, a day can be made You know, a day can be made
IT'S A REVERSAL OF FORTUNE It's a reversal of fortune It's a reversal of fortune
IT'S A REVERSAL OF FORTUNE It's a reversal of fortune It's a reversal of fortune
IT'S A REVERSAL OF FORTUNE It's a reversal of fortune It's a reversal of fortune
IT'S A REVERSAL OF FORTUNE It's a reversal of fortune It's a reversal of fortune
DO YOU LIKE A LONELY NIGHT? Do you like a lonely night? Do you like a lonely night
DO YOU HAVE A SLEEPLESS NIGHT? Do you have a sleepless night? Do you have a sleepless night
WHAT IS A BUDDY? What is a buddy? What is a buddy
WHAT IS A BUDDY? What is a buddy? What is a buddy
DO YOU LIKE A LONELY NIGHT? Do you like a lonely night? Do you like a lonely night
DO YOU HAVE A SLEEPLESS NIGHT? Do you have a sleepless night? Do you have a sleepless night
WHAT IS A BUDDY? What is a buddy? What is a buddy
Meisoochuu A TO Z mandara Meditation A to Z Mandala MEISOOCHUU A to Z MANDARA


YOU DON'T HAVE TO CARE ABOUT IT BECAUSE IT'S TOO LATE. You don't have to care about it because it's too late. You don't have to care about it because it's too late.
DON'T CARE ABOUT THOSE WHO WILL LAUGH AT YOU Don't care about those who will laugh at you Don't care about those who will laugh at you
Rock n roll
TICK TOCK, ITS ABOUT TIME Tick tock, its about time Tick tock, it's about time
DO YOU HAVE SOMEONE YOU CAN TALK TO ABOUT ANYTHING? Do you have someone you can talk to about anything? Do you have someone you can talk to about anything
DO YOU HAVE SOMEONE YOU CAN TALK TO ABOUT ANYTHING? Do you have someone you can talk to about anything? Do you have someone you can talk to about anything


WE WILL ABSOLUTELY PUSH YOU FORWARD We will absolutely push you forward We will absolutely push you forward


TAKING THE ACTION'S NOT TO HARD Taking the action's not to hard Taking the action's not to hard
TAKING THE ACTION'S NOT TO HARD Taking the action's not to hard Taking the action's not to hard


Hammer Down
NO I’M NOT AFRAID OF “YOU” No I’m not afraid of “you” No Im not afraid of you
NOT GONNA NOT GONNA NOT GONNA BE AFRAID Not gonna not gonna not gonna be afraid Not gonna not gonna not gonna be afraid
NOT GONNA NOT GONNA NOT GONNA BE AFRAID Not gonna not gonna not gonna be afraid Not gonna not gonna not gonna be afraid
DON'T GOTTA BE AFRAID AT ALL Don't gotta be afraid at all Don't gotta be afraid at all


AFTER THAT, I WOKE UP After that, I woke up After that, I woke up


READY TO REVIVE AGAIN? Ready to revive again? Ready to revive again
Rock n roll
REVIVE ROCK AGAIN Revive rock again Revive rock again
TAKING OVER, TAKE IT OVER AGAIN Taking over, take it over again Taking over, take it over again
TAKING OVER, TAKE IT OVER AGAIN Taking over, take it over again Taking over, take it over again
LIGHT YOUR FIRE AGAIN Light your fire again Light your fire again
BRINGING IT UP, BRING IT UP AGAIN Bringing it up, bring it up again Bringing it up, bring it up again
BRINGING IT UP, BRING IT UP AGAIN Bringing it up, bring it up again Bringing it up, bring it up again
REVIVE ROCK AGAIN Revive rock again Revive rock again
TAKING OVER, TAKE IT OVER AGAIN Taking over, take it over again Taking over, take it over again
TAKING OVER, TAKE IT OVER AGAIN Taking over, take it over again Taking over, take it over again
GO THERE AND GO BACK AGAIN Go there and go back again Go there and go back again
AGAIN AND AGAIN again and again again and again

: AH

SUCH A HIGH DAY, TOUCH A FINE SAYING "I'MMA BE ALRIGHT" YEAH AH Such a high day, touch a fine saying "I'mma be alright" yeah ah Such a high day, touch a fine saying I'mma be alright yeah ah


[Jaakuna] WHAT’S YOUR AIM? evil What’s your aim? JAAKUNAWhats your aim?


DO YOU THINK ALIENS EXIST? Do you think aliens exist? Do you think aliens exist


WE SHALL ALL BE THANKFUL JUST TO BE ALIVE We shall all be thankful just to be alive We shall all be thankful just to be alive
STAND HERE ALIVE Stand here alive Stand here alive


"ALL THE WORLD IS A STAGE" "All the world is a stage" All the world is a stage
WE SHALL ALL BE THANKFUL JUST TO BE ALIVE We shall all be thankful just to be alive We shall all be thankful just to be alive
yurase YOUR BODY ALL DAY Shake your body all day YURASEyour body all day
WHY DON'T YOU LEAVE IT ALL BEHIND? Why don't you leave it all behind? Why don't you leave it all behind?
Back into the wild
ALL BACK INTO THE WILD All back into the wild All back into the wild
ALL BACK INTO THE WILD All back into the wild All back into the wild
ALL BACK INTO THE WILD All back into the wild All back into the wild
Hammer Down
SHUT OUT ALL THE LIES AND FALSE Shut out all the lies and false Shut out all the lies and false
PUTTING ALL THE FAKE CLOTHES AND FAKE MAKE UPS Putting all the fake clothes and fake make ups Putting all the fake clothes and fake make ups
MAKING ALL THE FAKE SMILES, OH JUST WAKE UP Making all the fake smiles, oh just wake up Making all the fake smiles, oh just wake up
PUTTING ALL THE FAKE CLOTHES AND FAKE MAKE UPS Putting all the fake clothes and fake make ups Putting all the fake clothes and fake make ups
MAKING ALL THE FAKE SMILES, OH JUST WAKE UP Making all the fake smiles, oh just wake up Making all the fake smiles, oh just wake up
A yabuya na risoo o kakagete I WILL TAKE IT ALL IN Holding up dubious ideals I will take it all in AYABUYANARISOOOKAKAGETEI will take it all in
YOU WILL BE ALL RIGHT. You will be alright. You will be all right.
ALL YOU GOTTA DO IS TRY ANYTHING All you gotta do is try anything All you gotta do is try anything
AT THE END, IT'LL ALL BE CONNECTED At the end, it'll all be connected At the end, it'll all be connected
DON'T GOTTA BE AFRAID AT ALL Don't gotta be afraid at all Don't gotta be afraid at all
DON'T GOTTA BE BIG AT ALL Don't gotta be big at all Don't gotta be big at all
ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS REACH OUT All you need to do is reach out All you need to do is reach out
ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS REACH OUT All you need to do is reach out All you need to do is reach out
WE WILL LOVE YOU ALL THE TIME! We will love you all the time! We will love you all the time
ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS REACH OUT All you need to do is reach out All you need to do is reach out
ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS REACH OUT All you need to do is reach out All you need to do is reach out


Now I here
HOW DID I REACH HERE WHERE I'M ALONE How did I reach here where I'm alone How did I reach here where I'm alone
I'M NOT ALONE ANYMORE I'm not alone anymore I'm not alone anymore


EVERYBODY SING ALONG OUT LOUD Everybody sing along out loud Everybody sing along out loud


Yurase YOUR SPIRIT ALRIGHT? Shake your spirit alright? YURASEyour spirit alright?
SUCH A HIGH DAY, TOUCH A FINE SAYING "I'MMA BE ALRIGHT" YEAH AH Such a high day, touch a fine saying "I'mma be alright" yeah ah Such a high day, touch a fine saying I'mma be alright yeah ah


I ALSO WON'T HAVE YOU NEVER EVER. I also won't have you never ever. I also won't have you never ever.
WE KNOW THAT IT'S ALSO BEAUTIFUL. we know that it's also beautiful. we know that it's also beautiful.


(WE WILL ALWAYS BE WITH YOU!) We will always be with you! We will always be with you
WE WILL ALWAYS BE WITH YOU! We will always be with you! We will always be with you

: AM

LOOKING UP N THINKING WHAT AM I GON DO NEXT Looking up n thinking what am I gon do next Looking up n thinking what am I gon do next

: AN

I'M AN ENIGMA I'm an enigma I'm an enigma
I’M AN ENIGMA I’m an enigma Im an enigma
I'M AN ENIGMA I'm an enigma I'm an enigma


A Ray
KEEP FIGHTING PAIN AND FEAR Keep fighting pain and fear Keep fighting pain and fear
DON'T GIVE IT UP AND HEAD UP FOR YOUR RAY OF LIGHT Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light
KEEP SHOUTING SORROW AND GRIEF Keep shouting sorrow and grief Keep shouting sorrow and grief
EVEN IF (YOU) CAN'T BELIEVE YOURSELF AND A RAY OF LIGHT Even if (you) can't believe yourself and a ray of light Even if (you) can't believe yourself and a ray of light
DON'T GIVE IT UP AND HEAD UP FOR YOUR RAY OF LIGHT Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light
EVERYBODY DANCE AND MAKE SOME NOISE Everybody dance and make some noise Everybody dance and make some noise
SO WHY DON'T YOU COME HERE AND JOIN US? So why don't you come here and join us? So why don't you come here and join us?
DREAMS ARE BIG AND IT'S SO FUN Dreams are big and it's so fun Dreams are big and it's so fun
DREAMS ARE BIG AND IT'S SO FUN Dreams are big and it's so fun Dreams are big and it's so fun
AND BRING A SMILE TO THE WORLD And bring a smile to the world And bring a smile to the world
DREAMS ARE BIG AND IT'S SO FUN Dreams are big and it's so fun Dreams are big and it's so fun
AND BRING A SMILE TO THE WORLD And bring a smile to the world And bring a smile to the world
AND BRING A SMILE TO THE WORLD And bring a smile to the world And bring a smile to the world
Hammer Down
DEPRESSED AND DISTRACTED Depressed and distracted Depressed and distracted
ON YOUR FEET LET’S RISE AND FALL On your feet let’s rise and fall On your feet lets rise and fall
SHUT OUT ALL THE LIES AND FALSE Shut out all the lies and false Shut out all the lies and false
AND STAND UP FOR YOURSELF And stand up for yourself And stand up for yourself
PUTTING ALL THE FAKE CLOTHES AND FAKE MAKE UPS Putting all the fake clothes and fake make ups Putting all the fake clothes and fake make ups
PUTTING ALL THE FAKE CLOTHES AND FAKE MAKE UPS Putting all the fake clothes and fake make ups Putting all the fake clothes and fake make ups
Yo appakuka no minasama imasara GIVE AND TAKE? Kizuna FAKE? Itsuka meiru muda na DAYS Yo, to all the oppressed, still the time for GIVE AND TAKE? Your bonds so FAKE? Losing heart during those idle DAYS Yo 圧迫APPAKUKANOMINASAMA IMASARA GIVE AND TAKE KIZUNA FAKE ITSUKAMEIRU MUDANA DAYS
asa made konomama LET′S DANCE AND PARTY! Let's stay here til morning, Let's dance and party!! ASAMADEKONOMAMALet's dance and party!!
YOU'RE LIMITLESS AND YOU'RE MORE THAN WHO YOU ARE You're limitless and you're more than who you are You're limitless and you're more than who you are
IT'S QUITE EASY AND SIMPLE It's quite easy and simple It's quite easy and simple
IT'S TIME TO STOP PRETENDING AND RUNNING It's time to stop pretending and running It's time to stop pretending and running
IT'S TIME TO STOP PRETENDING AND RUNNING It's time to stop pretending and running It's time to stop pretending and running
IT'S TIME TO STOP PRETENDING AND RUNNING It's time to stop pretending and running It's time to stop pretending and running
IT'S QUITE EASY AND SIMPLE It's quite easy and simple It's quite easy and simple
GO THERE AND GO BACK AGAIN Go there and go back again Go there and go back again
DO WHAT YOU WANT AND YOU BELIEVE Do what you want and you believe Do what you want and you believe
AGAIN AND AGAIN again and again again and again


Night Flight
I CAN'T STAND YOU ANYMORE I can't stand you anymore I can't stand you anymore
I CAN'T STAND YOU ANYMORE I can't stand you anymore I can't stand you anymore
Now I here
I'M NOT ALONE ANYMORE I'm not alone anymore I'm not alone anymore
CUZ NO ONE CAN STOP YOU ANYMORE cuz no one can stop you anymore cuz no one can stop you anymore


Rock n roll
KNOCK KNOCK, IS ANYONE HERE? Knock knock, is anyone here? Knock knock, is anyone here


WE CAN DO ANYTHING!! We can do anything!! We can do anything!!
ALL YOU GOTTA DO IS TRY ANYTHING All you gotta do is try anything All you gotta do is try anything
WE CAN OVERCOME ANYTHING TOGETHER We can overcome anything together We can overcome anything together
WE CAN OVERCOME ANYTHING TOGETHER We can overcome anything together We can overcome anything together
DO YOU HAVE SOMEONE YOU CAN TALK TO ABOUT ANYTHING? Do you have someone you can talk to about anything? Do you have someone you can talk to about anything
DO YOU HAVE SOMEONE YOU CAN TALK TO ABOUT ANYTHING? Do you have someone you can talk to about anything? Do you have someone you can talk to about anything


WE ARE GONNA PARTY TOGETHER We are gonna party together We are gonna party together
ARE YOU SATISFIED? Are you satisfied? Are you satisfied?
Back into the wild
YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE You are the only one You are the only one
DREAMS ARE BIG AND IT'S SO FUN Dreams are big and it's so fun Dreams are big and it's so fun
DREAMS ARE BIG AND IT'S SO FUN Dreams are big and it's so fun Dreams are big and it's so fun
DREAMS ARE BIG AND IT'S SO FUN Dreams are big and it's so fun Dreams are big and it's so fun
THERE ARE A BUNCH OF JACKASSES. There are a bunch of jackasses. There are a bunch of jackasses.
ARE YOU SURE? THAT YOUR PLACE, THAT YOU BELIEVE, THAT PEOPLE. Are you sure? That your place, that you believe, that people. Are you sure That your place, that you believe, that people.
ARE WE REALLY LOOKED DOWN ON? Are we really looked down on? Are we really looked down on
COUNTDOWN IS STARTING. ARE YOU READY? Countdown is starting. Are you ready? Countdown is starting. Are you ready
ARE YOU THE WINNER? SERIOUSLY? Are you the winner? Seriously? Are you the winner Seriously
ARE YOU OKAY TO HAVE BEEN SHOWING YOURSELF GREATER THAN WHAT YOU ARE. Are you okay to have been showing yourself greater than what you are. Are you okay to have been showing yourself greater than what you are.
CUZ I JUST FOUND OUT Seikai o YOU ARE MY SHINE Cuz I just found out the correct answer, You are my shine Cuz I just found out SEIKAIOYou are my shine
ARE YOU READY? YOU ARE CHERRY? GO !!!! Are you ready? You are cherry? Go !!!! Are you ready You are cherry Go!!!!
JUST REVIVE WHO YOU ARE Just revive who you are Just revive who you are
YOU ARE AT THE CROSSROADS IN YOUR LIFE You are at the crossroads in your life You are at the crossroads in your life
THEY ARE SAYING BULL SHITS, LAME THINGS TO YOU They are saying bull shits, lame things to you They are saying bull shits, lame things to you
IF YOU ARE BRAVE ENOUGH TO STAND UP If you are brave enough to stand up if you are brave enough to stand up
YOU'RE LIMITLESS AND YOU'RE MORE THAN WHO YOU ARE You're limitless and you're more than who you are You're limitless and you're more than who you are
ARE YOU HAPPY WITH WHO YOU ARE NOW? Are you happy with who you are now? Are you happy with who you are now
ARE YOU HAPPY WITH WHO YOU ARE NOW? Are you happy with who you are now? Are you happy with who you are now
ARE YOU HAPPY WITH WHO YOU ARE NOW? Are you happy with who you are now? Are you happy with who you are now
CAN YOU SAY NOW IS THE BEST OF WHO YOU ARE? Can you say now is the best of who you are? Can you say now is the best of who you are
Rock n roll
HEY, ARE YOU REALLY DEAD? Hey, are you really dead? Hey, are you really dead
WE ARE GOING TO BLOW YOUR MIND We are going to blow your mind We are going to blow your mind
SO, ARE YOU READY? So, are you ready? So, are you ready
WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU We are waiting for you We are waiting for you
WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU We are waiting for you We are waiting for you
WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU We are waiting for you We are waiting for you
ARE YOU BREATHING? Are you breathing? Are you breathing
ARE YOU SUFFOCATING? Are you suffocating? Are you suffocating
ARE YOU CHERISHING YOUR FEELINGS? Are you cherishing your feelings? Are you cherishing your feelings
AREN'T YOU PRETENDING THAT YOU ARE NOT SEEING IT? Aren't you pretending that you are not seeing it? Aren't you pretending that you are not seeing it
ARE YOU BREATHING? Are you breathing? Are you breathing
ARE YOU SUFFOCATING? Are you suffocating? Are you suffocating
ARE YOU CHERISHING YOUR FEELINGS? Are you cherishing your feelings? Are you cherishing your feelings


THEY AREN'T AWARE OF WHAT LIFE IS! They aren't aware of what life is! They aren't aware of what life is
AREN'T YOU THINKING THAT IT IS IRRELEVANT? Aren't you thinking that it is irrelevant? Aren't you thinking that it is irrelevant
AREN'T YOU PRETENDING THAT YOU ARE NOT SEEING IT? Aren't you pretending that you are not seeing it? Aren't you pretending that you are not seeing it

: AS

AS IT IS kokoro ni kimeta TODAY’S THE DAY As it is I decided with my heart Today’s the day As it isKOKORONIKIMETATodays the day
KEEP ON RISING UP, IT'S OK AS IT IS Keep on rising up, it's OK as it is Keep on rising up, it's OK as it is


ASK YOURSELF Ask yourself Ask yourself

: AT

LOOK AT ME bokura wa utsukushii to Look at me, we are beautiful Look at me BOKURAWAUTSUKUSHIITO
YOU ARE AT THE CROSSROADS IN YOUR LIFE You are at the crossroads in your life You are at the crossroads in your life
DON'T CARE ABOUT THOSE WHO WILL LAUGH AT YOU Don't care about those who will laugh at you Don't care about those who will laugh at you
LIFE'S AT ITS HIGH WITH A DREAM ITS TRUE Life's at its high with a dream its true Life's at its high with a dream it's true
AT THE END, IT'LL ALL BE CONNECTED At the end, it'll all be connected At the end, it'll all be connected
DON'T GOTTA BE AFRAID AT ALL Don't gotta be afraid at all Don't gotta be afraid at all
DON'T GOTTA BE BIG AT ALL Don't gotta be big at all Don't gotta be big at all
COME ON, LOOK AT ME Come on, look at me Come on, look at me
COME ON, LOOK AT ME Come on, look at me Come on, look at me
COME ON, LOOK AT ME Come on, look at me Come on, look at me
COME ON, LOOK AT ME Come on, look at me Come on, look at me
COME ON, LOOK AT ME Come on, look at me Come on, look at me
COME ON, LOOK AT ME Come on, look at me Come on, look at me
COME ON, LOOK AT ME Come on, look at me Come on, look at me
COME ON, LOOK AT ME Come on, look at me Come on, look at me


SWEATING ON YOUR HANDS WITH THAT ATTITUDE Sweating on your hands with that attitude Sweating on your hands with that attitude


THEY AREN'T AWARE OF WHAT LIFE IS! They aren't aware of what life is! They aren't aware of what life is


A Ray
BURN YOUR HEART, DO NOT TURN AWAY FROM OUR FATE Burn your heart, do not turn away from our fate Burn your heart, do not turn away from our fate
DON'T TURN AWAY, (CUZ) SOMEDAY WE CAN GET TO THE TRUTH Don't turn away, (cuz) someday we can get to the truth Don't turn away, (cuz) someday we can get to the truth
noonai owaru mae ni LET’S TRIP AWAY Before it ends in my brain Let’s trip away NOONAIOWARUMAENI Lets trip away
Night Flight
STAY AWAY FROM ME Stay away from me Stay away from me
STAY AWAY FROM ME Stay away from me Stay away from me
Now I here
WHY DID I THROW AWAY WHO GAVE ME LOVE Why did I throw away who gave me love Why did I throw away who gave me love
NOISE WILL NOT GO AWAY HOW LONG DO YOU HAVE TO ENDURE? Noise will not go away How long do you have to endure? Noise will not go away How long do you have to endure
KEEP ON RISING UP, YOU CAN LAUGH THAT PAIN AWAY Keep on rising up, you can laugh that pain away Keep on rising up, you can laugh that pain away
KEEP ON MOVING UP, YOU CAN LAUGH THAT PAIN AWAY Keep on moving up, you can laugh that pain away Keep on moving up, you can laugh that pain away


YEAH! LOVE ME DO BABY. Yeah! Love me do baby. Yeah! Love me do baby.
“WHATCHA DOIN' BABY” “Whatcha Doin' Baby” Whatcha Doin' Baby
(HEY HEY BABY, I CAN'T WAIT IT) (Hey hey baby, I can't wait it) (Hey hey baby, I can't wait it)
(HEY HEY BABY, I'M EXCITED) (Hey hey baby, I'm excited) (Hey hey baby, I'm excited)


EVEN IF IT’S A STEP BACK Even if it’s a step back Even if its a step back
Back into the wild
COME ON, NOW BACK INTO THE WILD Come on, now back into the wild Come on, now back into the wild
ALL BACK INTO THE WILD All back into the wild All back into the wild
COME ON, NOW BACK INTO THE WILD Come on, now back into the wild Come on, now back into the wild
ALL BACK INTO THE WILD All back into the wild All back into the wild
COME ON, NOW BACK INTO THE WILD Come on, now back into the wild Come on, now back into the wild
ALL BACK INTO THE WILD All back into the wild All back into the wild
THERE IS NO WAY TO GO BACK There is no way to go back There is no way to go back
DON'T LOOK BACK DON'T LOOK BACK Don't look back Don't look back Don't look back Don't look back
DON'T LOOK BACK DON'T LOOK BACK Don't look back Don't look back Don't look back Don't look back
THERE IS NO TURNING BACK NOW There is no turning back now There is no turning back now
DON'T LOOK BACK DON'T LOOK BACK Don't look back Don't look back Don't look back Don't look back
seigi o moru tame ni RISING BACK NOW to protect justice Rising back now SEIGIOMORUTAMENIRising back now
Yamikumo ni STAB IT BACK dokutsubo e to FALL IN ONE’S WAY blindly Stab it back To the poison pot Fall in one’s way YAMIKUMONIStab it back DOKUTSUBOETOFall in ones way
seigi o kowasu tame ni RISING BACK NOW to destroy justice Rising back now SEIGIOKOWASUTAMENIRising back now
Seigi o tsukuru tame ni RISING BACK NOW to create justice Rising back now SEIGIOTSUKURUTAMENIRising back now
Night Flight
(STAY BACK, BACK OFF) (Stay back, back off) (Stay back, back off)
(STAY BACK, BACK OFF) (Stay back, back off) (Stay back, back off)
PUSH BACK! PUSH BACK! Push back! Push back! Push back! Push back!
YOU BETTER PUSH BACK You better push back You better push back
PUSH BACK! PUSH BACK! Push back! Push back! Push back! Push back!
YOU BETTER PUSH BACK You better push back You better push back
PUSH BACK! PUSH BACK! PUSH BACK! Push back! Push back! Push back! Push back! Push back! Push back!
YOU BETTER PUSH BACK You better push back You better push back
PUSH BACK! PUSH BACK! Push back! Push back! Push back! Push back!
Rock n roll
GOING BACK TO THAT FLOOD OF THE SOUND Going back to that flood of the sound Going back to that flood of the sound
GOING BACK TO THAT FLOOD OF THE SOUND Going back to that flood of the sound Going back to that flood of the sound
GO THERE AND GO BACK AGAIN Go there and go back again Go there and go back again
DONT NEED TO LOOK BACK YOUR kita michi o Dont need to look back your road here so far Don't need to look back your 来たKITAMICHIO
DONT NEED TO GO BACK TO NOSTALGIA Dont need to go back to nostalgia Don't need to go back to nostalgia


[Zooo no] CATCH BALL GAME yokoguruma o osa re of hatred Catch ball game Pushed by a side car ZOOONOCatch ball gameYOKOGURUMAOOSARE


BANG BANG Atama kurakkurade sa Bang bang, my head is cracking Bang Bang ATAMAKURAックKKURADESA
BANG BANG Atama kurakkurade sa Bang bang, my head is cracking Bang Bang ATAMAKURAックKKURADESA

: BE

"TO BE OR NOT TO BE" "To be or not to be" To be or not to be
WE SHALL ALL BE THANKFUL JUST TO BE ALIVE We shall all be thankful just to be alive We shall all be thankful just to be alive
BE CAREFUL YOU'LL BE KICKED OUT BY US YOU DON'T CARE. Be careful you'll be kicked out by us you don't care. Be careful you'll be kicked out by us you don't care.
YOU DON’T WANT TO BE HATED? You don’t want to be hated? You don't want to be hated
I WON'T BE MOVED BY YOU. I won't be moved by you. I won't be moved by you.
DO YOUR BEST IF YOU DON'T WANNA BE BOGGED DOWN. Do your best if you don't wanna be bogged down. Do your best if you don't wanna be bogged down.
HOW CAN I BE kanashimubeshiya How can I be, pitying myself How can I be KANASHIMUBESHIYA
WANNA BE TRUE TO MYSELF wanna be true to myself wanna be true to myself
LONG TO BE TRUE TO MYSELF long to be true to myself long to be true to myself
DU DAN DAN DA DI SHOULDN'T BE BOUND du dan dan da di shouldn't be bound du dan dan da di shouldn't be bound
WANNA BE TRUE TO MYSELF wanna be true to myself wanna be true to myself
I WILL BE STRONGER THAN NOW I will be stronger than now. I will be stronger than now
Hammer Down
NOT GONNA NOT GONNA NOT GONNA BE AFRAID Not gonna not gonna not gonna be afraid Not gonna not gonna not gonna be afraid
TO BE MYSELF FROM NOW To be myself from now To be myself from now
NOT GONNA NOT GONNA NOT GONNA BE AFRAID Not gonna not gonna not gonna be afraid Not gonna not gonna not gonna be afraid
TO BE MYSELF FROM NOW To be myself from now To be myself from now
WHO WILL BE NEXT TO SUFFER? Who will be next to suffer? Who will be next to suffer?
TO BE SHINING LIKE THE STARS!! to be shining like the stars!! to be shining like the stars!!
YOU WILL BE ALL RIGHT. You will be alright. You will be all right.
YOU MUST BE BORED OUT OF YOUR MINDS You must be bored out of your minds You must be bored out of your minds
SUCH A HIGH DAY, TOUCH A FINE SAYING "I'MMA BE ALRIGHT" YEAH AH Such a high day, touch a fine saying "I'mma be alright" yeah ah Such a high day, touch a fine saying I'mma be alright yeah ah
AT THE END, IT'LL ALL BE CONNECTED At the end, it'll all be connected At the end, it'll all be connected
DON'T GOTTA BE AFRAID AT ALL Don't gotta be afraid at all Don't gotta be afraid at all
DON'T GOTTA BE BIG AT ALL Don't gotta be big at all Don't gotta be big at all
I WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED BY THE FATE I will never be defeated by the fate I will never be defeated by the fate
YOU WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED BY THE FATE You will never be defeated by the fate You will never be defeated by the fate
I WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED BY THE FATE I will never be defeated by the fate I will never be defeated by the fate
YOU KNOW, A DAY CAN BE MADE You know, a day can be made You know, a day can be made
(WE WILL ALWAYS BE WITH YOU!) We will always be with you! We will always be with you
I WANT TO BE TRUE TO MYSELF I want to be true to myself I want to be true to myself
WE WILL ALWAYS BE WITH YOU! We will always be with you! We will always be with you


WE KNOW THAT IT'S ALSO BEAUTIFUL. we know that it's also beautiful. we know that it's also beautiful.


YOU DON'T HAVE TO CARE ABOUT IT BECAUSE IT'S TOO LATE. You don't have to care about it because it's too late. You don't have to care about it because it's too late.


ARE YOU OKAY TO HAVE BEEN SHOWING YOURSELF GREATER THAN WHAT YOU ARE. Are you okay to have been showing yourself greater than what you are. Are you okay to have been showing yourself greater than what you are.
YOU'VE BEEN NO CLOTHES SINCE LONG BEFORE. You've been no clothes since long before. You've been no clothes since long before.


YOU'VE BEEN NO CLOTHES SINCE LONG BEFORE. You've been no clothes since long before. You've been no clothes since long before.


THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING OF THE SHOW This is just the beginning of the show This is just the beginning of the show


WHY DON'T YOU LEAVE IT ALL BEHIND? Why don't you leave it all behind? Why don't you leave it all behind?
KEEP WATCHING WHAT'S BEHIND Keep watching what's behind Keep watching what's behind
KEEP WATCHING WHAT'S BEHIND Keep watching whats behind Keep watching what's behind


A Ray
EVEN IF (YOU) CAN'T BELIEVE YOURSELF AND A RAY OF LIGHT Even if (you) can't believe yourself and a ray of light Even if (you) can't believe yourself and a ray of light
POOR umareta imi nado nai I DON'T WANNA BELIEVE Poor, there is no purpose to life, I don't wanna believe Poor UMARETAIMINADONAI I don't wanna believe
ARE YOU SURE? THAT YOUR PLACE, THAT YOU BELIEVE, THAT PEOPLE. Are you sure? That your place, that you believe, that people. Are you sure That your place, that you believe, that people.
BELIEVE IN YOURSELF Believe in yourself Believe in yourself
mayowazu ni BELIEVE IN YOURSELF Without hesitation Believe in yourself MAYOWAZUNI believe in yourself
BELIEVE YOUR STYLE Believe your style Believe your style
DO WHAT YOU WANT AND YOU BELIEVE Do what you want and you believe Do what you want and you believe
WHAT IS "BELIEVE"? What is "believe"? What is believe
WHAT IS "BELIEVE"? What is "believe"? What is believe
WHAT IS "BELIEVE"? What is "believe"? What is believe


YOU'VE WALKED THE PATH WHICH YOU'VE BELIEVED IN You've walked the path which you've believed in You've walked the path which you've believed in


DO YOUR BEST IF YOU DON'T WANNA BE BOGGED DOWN. Do your best if you don't wanna be bogged down. Do your best if you don't wanna be bogged down.
(THE) NOISE YOU USED TO HATE, IT IS NOW YOUR BEST FRIEND (The) noise you used to hate, it is now your best friend (The) noise you used to hate, it is now your best friend
CAN YOU SAY NOW IS THE BEST OF WHO YOU ARE? Can you say now is the best of who you are? Can you say now is the best of who you are
Soo kitto kono saki tsuzuiteku YOUR BEST STORIES I just know they'll keep on coming, Your Best Stories SOOKIっとTTOKONOSAKITSUZUITEKUYour Best Stories
Soo kitto kono saki tsuzuiteku YOUR BEST STORIES I just know they'll keep on coming, Your Best Stories SOOKIっとTTOKONOSAKITSUZUITEKUYour Best Stories
Soo kitto kono saki tsuzuiteku YOUR BEST STORIES I just know they'll keep on coming, Your Best Stories SOOKIっとTTOKONOSAKITSUZUITEKUYour Best Stories


BETRAYED, DECEIVED, DONT LET THEM FOOL YOU Betrayed, deceived, dont let them fool you betrayed, deceived, don't let them fool you


YOU BETTER PUSH BACK You better push back You better push back
YOU BETTER PUSH BACK You better push back You better push back
YOU BETTER PUSH BACK You better push back You better push back
BETTER GET HIGH THAN CRYING THROUGH THE NIGHT Better get high than crying through the night Better get high than crying through the night


WE'VE KEPT SEEING NEWS, BIASED OPINIONS BUT IT'S NOT THE TRUTH, We've kept seeing news, biased opinions but it's not the truth, We've kept seeing news, biased opinions but it's not the truth,


DREAMS ARE BIG AND IT'S SO FUN Dreams are big and it's so fun Dreams are big and it's so fun
DREAMS ARE BIG AND IT'S SO FUN Dreams are big and it's so fun Dreams are big and it's so fun
DREAMS ARE BIG AND IT'S SO FUN Dreams are big and it's so fun Dreams are big and it's so fun
DON'T GOTTA BE BIG AT ALL Don't gotta be big at all Don't gotta be big at all


SHAKING UP N BLAZING, I'MMA IMPRESS Shaking up n blazing, I'mma impress Shaking up n blazing, I'mma impress


Dare mo ga kagayaku IT'S OUR BLING Everybody sparkles, it's our bling DAREMOGA KAGAYAKUit's our bling
Dare mo ga kagayaku IT'S OUR BLING Everybody sparkles, it's our bling DAREMOGA KAGAYAKUit's our bling
Dare mo ga kagayaku IT'S OUR BLING Everybody sparkles, it's our bling DAREMOGA KAGAYAKUit's our bling


A Ray
BLOW IT UP, SPIT IT OUT Blow it up, spit it out Blow it up, spit it out
GOING TO BLOW IT UP Going to blow it up Going to blow it up
Rock n roll
WE ARE GOING TO BLOW YOUR MIND We are going to blow your mind We are going to blow your mind


A Ray
DON'T LET ME DOWN, KEEP BURNING UP, BLOWING UP Don't let me down, keep burning up, blowing up Don't let me down, keep burning up, blowing up


yurase YOUR BODY ALL DAY Shake your body all day YURASEyour body all day


DO YOUR BEST IF YOU DON'T WANNA BE BOGGED DOWN. Do your best if you don't wanna be bogged down. Do your best if you don't wanna be bogged down.


BOOST kamashi koyoi KNOCK OUT!! Boost your power and knock out them tonight BoostKAMASHI今宵KOYOIKnockOut!


YOU MUST BE BORED OUT OF YOUR MINDS You must be bored out of your minds You must be bored out of your minds


Hammer Down
PULL YOU UP I’LL PULL YOU UP FROM BOTTOM OF THE SEA Pull you up I’ll pull you up from bottom of the sea Pull you up Ill pull you up from bottom of the sea
PULL YOU UP I’LL PULL YOU UP FROM BOTTOM OF THE SEA Pull you up I’ll pull you up from bottom of the sea Pull you up Ill pull you up from bottom of the sea


HEY, BOUNCE OR DIE Hey, Bounce or Die Hey, Bounce or Die


DU DAN DAN DA DI SHOULDN'T BE BOUND du dan dan da di shouldn't be bound du dan dan da di shouldn't be bound


IF YOU ARE BRAVE ENOUGH TO STAND UP If you are brave enough to stand up if you are brave enough to stand up


(GO) BRAVELY TO THE SOUND, COME ON BREAK THE COMMON SENSE (Go) bravely to the sound, come on break the common sense (Go) bravely to the sound, come on break the common sense


BREAK THE CEILING Break the ceiling Break the ceiling
(GO) BRAVELY TO THE SOUND, COME ON BREAK THE COMMON SENSE (Go) bravely to the sound, come on break the common sense (Go) bravely to the sound, come on break the common sense


ARE YOU BREATHING? Are you breathing? Are you breathing
ARE YOU BREATHING? Are you breathing? Are you breathing


AND BRING A SMILE TO THE WORLD And bring a smile to the world And bring a smile to the world
AND BRING A SMILE TO THE WORLD And bring a smile to the world And bring a smile to the world
AND BRING A SMILE TO THE WORLD And bring a smile to the world And bring a smile to the world
Rock n roll
BRINGING IT UP, BRING IT UP AGAIN Bringing it up, bring it up again Bringing it up, bring it up again
BRINGING IT UP, BRING IT UP AGAIN Bringing it up, bring it up again Bringing it up, bring it up again


Rock n roll
BRINGING IT UP, BRING IT UP AGAIN Bringing it up, bring it up again Bringing it up, bring it up again
BRINGING IT UP, BRING IT UP AGAIN Bringing it up, bring it up again Bringing it up, bring it up again


WHAT IS A BUDDY? What is a buddy? What is a buddy
WHAT IS A BUDDY? What is a buddy? What is a buddy
WHAT IS A BUDDY? What is a buddy? What is a buddy


THEY ARE SAYING BULL SHITS, LAME THINGS TO YOU They are saying bull shits, lame things to you They are saying bull shits, lame things to you


THERE ARE A BUNCH OF JACKASSES. There are a bunch of jackasses. There are a bunch of jackasses.
A BUNCH OF HAPPINESS? YES, INDEED A bunch of happiness? Yes, indeed A bunch of happiness Yes, indeed


A Ray
BURN YOUR HEART, DO NOT TURN AWAY FROM OUR FATE Burn your heart, do not turn away from our fate Burn your heart, do not turn away from our fate
Back into the wild
ENOUGH TO BURN OUT? Enough to burn out? Enough to burn out
BURN Burn Burn
BURN Burn Burn
BURN OUT BURN OUT Burn out, Burn out Burn out Burn out
BURN OUT SOUL Burn out soul Burn out soul
C′MON LET THEM BURN OUT C'mon let them burn out C'mon let them burn out


A Ray
DON'T LET ME DOWN, KEEP BURNING UP, BLOWING UP Don't let me down, keep burning up, blowing up Don't let me down, keep burning up, blowing up
LIKE THE SUN IS BURNING THE SKY Like the sun is burning the sky like the sun is burning the sky


A Ray
SHED YOUR TEARS NOT FOR THEM BUT YOU Shed your tears not for them but you Shed your tears not for them but you
EVEN THOUGH LOVELY OUTFITS (BUT) TERRIBLE WORDS. Even though lovely outfits (but) terrible words. Even though lovely outfits (but) terrible words.
WE'VE KEPT SEEING NEWS, BIASED OPINIONS BUT IT'S NOT THE TRUTH, We've kept seeing news, biased opinions but it's not the truth, We've kept seeing news, biased opinions but it's not the truth,
BUT THAT WAS WRONG FOR ME But that was wrong for me But that was wrong for me
Now I here
NOWHERE BUT HERE Nowhere but here Nowhere but here
BUT WE CAN TAKE THE ONLY ONE WE TRUST But we can take the only one we trust But we can take the only one we trust
BUT WE CAN TAKE THE ONLY ONE WE TRUST But we can take the only one we trust But we can take the only one we trust
BUT IT WILL FIRE UP YOUR SOUL But it will fire up your soul But it will fire up your soul

: BY

BE CAREFUL YOU'LL BE KICKED OUT BY US YOU DON'T CARE. Be careful you'll be kicked out by us you don't care. Be careful you'll be kicked out by us you don't care.
I WON'T BE MOVED BY YOU. I won't be moved by you. I won't be moved by you.
I WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED BY THE FATE I will never be defeated by the fate I will never be defeated by the fate
YOU WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED BY THE FATE You will never be defeated by the fate You will never be defeated by the fate
I WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED BY THE FATE I will never be defeated by the fate I will never be defeated by the fate


STAY OR GO, IT'S YOUR CALL Stay or go, it's your call Stay or go, it's your call


I'LL CHANGE THE WORLD THAT'S CALMING DOWN I'll change the world that's calming down I'll change the world that's calming down
I'LL CHANGE THE WORLD THAT'S CALMING DOWN I'll change the world that's calming down I'll change the world that's calming down
I'LL CHANGE THE WORLD THAT'S CALMING DOWN I'll change the world that's calming down I'll change the world that's calming down


A Ray
DON'T TURN AWAY, (CUZ) SOMEDAY WE CAN GET TO THE TRUTH Don't turn away, (cuz) someday we can get to the truth Don't turn away, (cuz) someday we can get to the truth
CAN YOU HEAR ME? bokura wa koko ni iru Can you hear me? We are right here Can you hear me BOKURAWAKOKONIIRU
Back into the wild
WHO CAN CHANGE YOURSELF Who can change yourself Who can change yourself
HOW CAN I BE kanashimubeshiya How can I be, pitying myself How can I be KANASHIMUBESHIYA
rikai sa re tenakute kamawanai aragae NO ONE CAN CRUSH ME NOW I don't care if you don't understand, resist me no one can crush me now RIKAISARETENAKUTEKAMAWANAI ARAGAE no one can crush me now
JUST YOU CAN GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO ME just you can give in to give in to give in to me just you can give in to give in to give in to me
katanihameru dake no baiasu o uragire NO ONE CAN TOUCH ME NOW Betray the bias that only fits into a mold, no one can touch me now KATANIHAMERUDAKENOBAIASUO URAGIRE no one can touch me now
JUST YOU CAN GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO ME just you can give in to give in to give in to me just you can give in to give in to give in to me
JUST YOU CAN GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO ME just you can give in to give in to give in to me just you can give in to give in to give in to me
JUST YOU CAN GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO ME just you can give in to give in to give in to me just you can give in to give in to give in to me
I CAN HARDLY RECOGNIZE MYSELF I can hardly recognize myself I can hardly recognize myself
I CAN HARDLY RECOGNIZE MYSELF I can hardly recognize myself I can hardly recognize myself
NO ONE CAN STOP ME No one can stop me No one can stop me
Night Flight
THERE'S NOTHING MORE WE CAN DO There's nothing more we can do There's nothing more we can do
THERE'S NOTHING MORE WE CAN DO There's nothing more we can do There's nothing more we can do
Now I here
NO ONE CAN TAKE MY SORROW No one can take my sorrow No one can take my sorrow
NOW I CAN TAKE MY SORROW Now I can take my sorrow Now I can take my sorrow
NO ONE CAN STOPPING ME!! No one can stopping me!! No one can stopping me!!
WE CAN DO ANYTHING!! We can do anything!! We can do anything!!
Kakageta chikai wa konote no naka ni YOU CAN JUST HANG IN THERE The vow I made is in my hands. You can just hang in there KAKAGETACHIKAIWA KONOTENONAKANI You can just hang in there
IGNITE THAT SHITTY ROTTEN HEART, ONLY YOU CAN DO THAT WAKE UP Ignite that shitty rotten heart, only you can do that wake up Ignite that shitty rotten heart, only you can do that wake up
KEEP ON RISING UP, YOU CAN LAUGH THAT PAIN AWAY Keep on rising up, you can laugh that pain away Keep on rising up, you can laugh that pain away
LET'S RIDE ON THIS WAVE YOU CAN DO IT, RIGHT? Let's ride on this wave You can do it, right? Let's ride on this wave You can do it, right
KEEP ON MOVING UP, YOU CAN LAUGH THAT PAIN AWAY Keep on moving up, you can laugh that pain away Keep on moving up, you can laugh that pain away
CUZ NO ONE CAN STOP YOU ANYMORE cuz no one can stop you anymore cuz no one can stop you anymore
BUT WE CAN TAKE THE ONLY ONE WE TRUST But we can take the only one we trust But we can take the only one we trust
DON'T SATISFY YOU CAN GO MORE Don't satisfy you can go more Don't satisfy you can go more
CAN YOU SAY NOW IS THE BEST OF WHO YOU ARE? Can you say now is the best of who you are? Can you say now is the best of who you are
BUT WE CAN TAKE THE ONLY ONE WE TRUST But we can take the only one we trust But we can take the only one we trust
THINKING YOU CAN DO IT WITH NO DREAM OR TWO Thinking you can do it with no dream or two Thinking you can do it with no dream or two
WE CAN OVERCOME ANYTHING TOGETHER We can overcome anything together We can overcome anything together
WE CAN OVERCOME ANYTHING TOGETHER We can overcome anything together We can overcome anything together
YOU KNOW, A DAY CAN BE MADE You know, a day can be made You know, a day can be made
SHOW ME HOW LIFE CAN CHANGE Show me how life can change Show me how life can change
(CAN YOU HEAR? NOTICE ME) Can you hear? Notice me Can you hear Notice me
DO YOU HAVE SOMEONE YOU CAN TALK TO ABOUT ANYTHING? Do you have someone you can talk to about anything? Do you have someone you can talk to about anything
DO YOU HAVE SOMEONE YOU CAN TALK TO ABOUT ANYTHING? Do you have someone you can talk to about anything? Do you have someone you can talk to about anything


A Ray
EVEN IF (YOU) CAN'T BELIEVE YOURSELF AND A RAY OF LIGHT Even if (you) can't believe yourself and a ray of light Even if (you) can't believe yourself and a ray of light
YOU CAN'T CHOOSE ME. You can't choose me. You can't choose me.
Night Flight
I CAN'T STAND YOU ANYMORE I can't stand you anymore I can't stand you anymore
I CAN'T STAND YOU ANYMORE I can't stand you anymore I can't stand you anymore
(HEY HEY BABY, I CAN'T WAIT IT) (Hey hey baby, I can't wait it) (Hey hey baby, I can't wait it)


BE CAREFUL YOU'LL BE KICKED OUT BY US YOU DON'T CARE. Be careful you'll be kicked out by us you don't care. Be careful you'll be kicked out by us you don't care.
YOU DON'T HAVE TO CARE ABOUT IT BECAUSE IT'S TOO LATE. You don't have to care about it because it's too late. You don't have to care about it because it's too late.
Imikirawa rete ishi o nagerareta tte I DON’T CARE Though I was hated and stoned I don't care IMIKIRAWARETEISHIONAGERARETAってTTEI dont care
DON'T CARE ABOUT THOSE WHO WILL LAUGH AT YOU Don't care about those who will laugh at you Don't care about those who will laugh at you


BE CAREFUL YOU'LL BE KICKED OUT BY US YOU DON'T CARE. Be careful you'll be kicked out by us you don't care. Be careful you'll be kicked out by us you don't care.


[Zooo no] CATCH BALL GAME yokoguruma o osa re of hatred Catch ball game Pushed by a side car ZOOONOCatch ball gameYOKOGURUMAOOSARE


Now I here
CAUSE I KNOW WHERE I'M STANDING NOW Cause I know where I'm standing now Cause I know where I'm standing now


BREAK THE CEILING Break the ceiling Break the ceiling


SHARING TIME EQUALLY WE CHALLENGING Sharing time equally we challenging Sharing time equally we challenging


DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE Don't miss this chance Don't miss this chance


HOW FEEL? NO MORE RULES, NO MORE CHANCES. How feel? No more rules, no more chances. How feel No more rules, no more chances.


Back into the wild
WHO CAN CHANGE YOURSELF Who can change yourself Who can change yourself
I'LL CHANGE THE WORLD THAT'S CALMING DOWN I'll change the world that's calming down I'll change the world that's calming down
I'LL CHANGE THE WORLD I'll change the world I'll change the world
I'LL CHANGE THE WORLD THAT'S CALMING DOWN I'll change the world that's calming down I'll change the world that's calming down
I'LL CHANGE THE WORLD THAT'S CALMING DOWN I'll change the world that's calming down I'll change the world that's calming down
SHOW ME HOW LIFE CAN CHANGE Show me how life can change Show me how life can change
WILL YOUR CHOICE CHANGE IT? Will your choice change it? Will your choice change it
WILL YOUR CHOICE CHANGE IT? Will your choice change it? Will your choice change it
WILL YOUR CHOICE CHANGE IT? Will your choice change it? Will your choice change it


Hammer Down
WE’RE LIVING IN CHAOS CHAOS CHAOS We’re living in chaos chaos chaos Were living in chaos chaos chaos


WANNA CHASE YOUR DREAM? Wanna chase your dream? Wanna chase your dream


CHECKING IN YOUR SOUL POCKET, UNLOCK IT, Checking in your soul pocket, unlock it, Checking in your soul pocket, unlock it,


ARE YOU CHERISHING YOUR FEELINGS? Are you cherishing your feelings? Are you cherishing your feelings
ARE YOU CHERISHING YOUR FEELINGS? Are you cherishing your feelings? Are you cherishing your feelings


ARE YOU READY? YOU ARE CHERRY? GO !!!! Are you ready? You are cherry? Go !!!! Are you ready You are cherry Go!!!!


WILL YOUR CHOICE CHANGE IT? Will your choice change it? Will your choice change it
WILL YOUR CHOICE CHANGE IT? Will your choice change it? Will your choice change it
WILL YOUR CHOICE CHANGE IT? Will your choice change it? Will your choice change it


CHOKING DOPE na machi ni habikoru basei Choking DOPE Swearing that spreads through the city Choking DOPENAMACHINI蔓延HABIKORUBASEI


YOU CAN'T CHOOSE ME. You can't choose me. You can't choose me.


(CLAP CLAP!) (Clap Clap!) (Clap Clap!)
(CLAP CLAP!) (Clap Clap!) (Clap Clap!)
(CLAP CLAP!) Karappo n natte SHOW TIME (Clap Clap!) Clap like that! Show time (Clap Clap!)KARAッポPPONNAってTTEShow time
(CLAP CLAP!) Aotte PUMP IT UP (Clap Clap!) Instigate! Pump it up (Clap Clap!)AOってTTEPump it up
(CLAP CLAP!) Yaoyorozu no kami mo HEAT UP (Clap Clap!) All the gods and goddesses Heat up (Clap Clap!)YA百万OYOROZUNOKAMIMOHeat up


YOU'VE BEEN NO CLOTHES SINCE LONG BEFORE. You've been no clothes since long before. You've been no clothes since long before.
Hammer Down
PUTTING ALL THE FAKE CLOTHES AND FAKE MAKE UPS Putting all the fake clothes and fake make ups Putting all the fake clothes and fake make ups
PUTTING ALL THE FAKE CLOTHES AND FAKE MAKE UPS Putting all the fake clothes and fake make ups Putting all the fake clothes and fake make ups


C'MON SET THE FIRE. C'mon set the fire. C'mon set the fire.
C′MON LET THEM BURN OUT C'mon let them burn out C'mon let them burn out


Back into the wild
THIS COLLAPSING WORLD This collapsing world This collapsing world
THIS COLLAPSING WORLD This collapsing world This collapsing world
THIS COLLAPSING WORLD This collapsing world This collapsing world


Hora COME ON COME ON COME ON COME ON Look Come on Come on Come on Come on HORACome on Come on Come on Come on
SO WHY DON'T YOU COME HERE AND JOIN US? So why don't you come here and join us? So why don't you come here and join us?
Back into the wild
COME ON, NOW BACK INTO THE WILD Come on, now back into the wild Come on, now back into the wild
COME ON, NOW BACK INTO THE WILD Come on, now back into the wild Come on, now back into the wild
COME ON, NOW BACK INTO THE WILD Come on, now back into the wild Come on, now back into the wild
MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE Make your dreams come true Make your dreams come true
MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE Make your dreams come true Make your dreams come true
MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE Make your dreams come true Make your dreams come true
MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE Make your dreams come true Make your dreams come true
MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE Make your dreams come true Make your dreams come true
MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE Make your dreams come true Make your dreams come true
(GO) BRAVELY TO THE SOUND, COME ON BREAK THE COMMON SENSE (Go) bravely to the sound, come on break the common sense (Go) bravely to the sound, come on break the common sense
COME ON, LOOK AT ME Come on, look at me Come on, look at me
COME ON, LOOK AT ME Come on, look at me Come on, look at me
COME ON, LOOK AT ME Come on, look at me Come on, look at me
COME ON, LOOK AT ME Come on, look at me Come on, look at me
COME ON, LOOK AT ME Come on, look at me Come on, look at me
COME ON, LOOK AT ME Come on, look at me Come on, look at me
COME ON, LOOK AT ME Come on, look at me Come on, look at me
COME ON, LOOK AT ME Come on, look at me Come on, look at me


(GO) BRAVELY TO THE SOUND, COME ON BREAK THE COMMON SENSE (Go) bravely to the sound, come on break the common sense (Go) bravely to the sound, come on break the common sense


AT THE END, IT'LL ALL BE CONNECTED At the end, it'll all be connected At the end, it'll all be connected


SHOW EVERYONE THAT YOU CONTROL Show everyone that you control Show everyone that you control


ISN'T IT COOL? IT'S TOO LATE. Marude Isn't it cool? It's too late. Just like that Isn't it cool It's too late. MARUDE
COOL ni ii nami notte iko Be cool as you ride that good wave COOLNIIINAMINOってTTEIKO
ISN'T THAT COOL? Isn't that cool? Isn't that cool
ISN'T THAT COOL? Isn't that cool? Isn't that cool


DID YOU COUNT IT? Did you count it? Did you count it


COUNTDOWN IS STARTING. ARE YOU READY? Countdown is starting. Are you ready? Countdown is starting. Are you ready
COUNTDOWN IS STARTING, REMEMBER THAT. Countdown is starting, remember that. Countdown is starting, remember that.


A Ray
GO, RUN YOUR WAY TO LIVE YOUR LIFE IN THE CRAZY WORLD Go, run your way to live your life in the crazy world Go, run your way to live your life in the crazy world
WE'RE GONNA STRIKE THE WORLD WITH SUCH A FUCKING CRAZY SOUND We're gonna strike the world with such a fucking crazy sound We're gonna strike the world with such a fxxking crazy sound


YOU ARE AT THE CROSSROADS IN YOUR LIFE You are at the crossroads in your life You are at the crossroads in your life


A Ray
NOW, FIND YOUR WAY TO LIVE YOUR LIFE IN THE CRUEL WORLD Now, find your way to live your life in the cruel world Now, find your way to live your life in the cruel world
FIND YOUR WAY TO LIVE YOUR LIFE IN THE CRUEL WORLD Find your way to live your life in the cruel world Find your way to live your life in the cruel world


rikai sa re tenakute kamawanai aragae NO ONE CAN CRUSH ME NOW I don't care if you don't understand, resist me no one can crush me now RIKAISARETENAKUTEKAMAWANAI ARAGAE no one can crush me now


NO NEED TO HIDE OR CRY No need to hide or cry No need to hide or cry
NO NEED TO HIDE OR CRY CUZ YOU'VE GOT ME No need to hide or cry cuz you've got me No need to hide or cry cuz you've got me
NO NEED TO HIDE OR CRY No need to hide or cry No need to hide or cry


BETTER GET HIGH THAN CRYING THROUGH THE NIGHT Better get high than crying through the night Better get high than crying through the night


Meguru rinne wa toototsu CUT OUT The turning cycle of death and rebirth suddenly cuts out MEGURU輪廻RINNEWATOOTOTSUcut out


A Ray
DON'T TURN AWAY, (CUZ) SOMEDAY WE CAN GET TO THE TRUTH Don't turn away, (cuz) someday we can get to the truth Don't turn away, (cuz) someday we can get to the truth
CUZ I JUST FOUND OUT Seikai wa INSIDE OF ME Cuz I just found out The correct answer is Inside of me Cuz I just found out SEIKAIWAInside of me
CUZ I JUST FOUND OUT Seikai o YOU ARE MY SHINE Cuz I just found out the correct answer, You are my shine Cuz I just found out SEIKAIOYou are my shine
CUZ I JUST FOUND OUT Seikai wa INSIDE OF ME Cuz I just found out The correct answer is Inside of me Cuz I just found out SEIKAIWAInside of me
CUZ NO ONE CAN STOP YOU ANYMORE cuz no one can stop you anymore cuz no one can stop you anymore
NO NEED TO HIDE OR CRY CUZ YOU'VE GOT ME No need to hide or cry cuz you've got me No need to hide or cry cuz you've got me

: DA

DU DAN DAN DA DI RUMBLING SOUND du dan dan da di rumbling sound du dan dan da di rumbling sound
DU DAN DAN DA DI SHOULDN'T BE BOUND du dan dan da di shouldn't be bound du dan dan da di shouldn't be bound
DU DAN DAN DA DI HEALING MY WOUND du dan dan da di healing my wound du dan dan da di healing my wound


DU DAN DAN DA DI RUMBLING SOUND du dan dan da di rumbling sound du dan dan da di rumbling sound
DU DAN DAN DA DI SHOULDN'T BE BOUND du dan dan da di shouldn't be bound du dan dan da di shouldn't be bound
DU DAN DAN DA DI HEALING MY WOUND du dan dan da di healing my wound du dan dan da di healing my wound


EVERYBODY DANCE AND MAKE SOME NOISE Everybody dance and make some noise Everybody dance and make some noise
asa made konomama LET′S DANCE AND PARTY! Let's stay here til morning, Let's dance and party!! ASAMADEKONOMAMALet's dance and party!!
HEY, DANCE OR DIE Hey, Dance or Die Hey, Dance or Die
GONNA MAKE YOU DANCE Gonna make you dance Gonna make you dance
GONNA MAKE YOU DANCE Gonna make you dance Gonna make you dance


AS IT IS kokoro ni kimeta TODAY’S THE DAY As it is I decided with my heart Today’s the day As it isKOKORONIKIMETATodays the day
yurase YOUR BODY ALL DAY Shake your body all day YURASEyour body all day
Genkai toppa atashi rashiku hikare EVERY DAY Gotta break the limits and shine in my own way, every day GENKAI突破TOPPA ATASHIRASHIKU HIKARE Every day
HOW WAS YOUR DAY? How was your day? How was your day
SUCH A HIGH DAY, TOUCH A FINE SAYING "I'MMA BE ALRIGHT" YEAH AH Such a high day, touch a fine saying "I'mma be alright" yeah ah Such a high day, touch a fine saying I'mma be alright yeah ah
YOU KNOW, A DAY CAN BE MADE You know, a day can be made You know, a day can be made


Yo appakuka no minasama imasara GIVE AND TAKE? Kizuna FAKE? Itsuka meiru muda na DAYS Yo, to all the oppressed, still the time for GIVE AND TAKE? Your bonds so FAKE? Losing heart during those idle DAYS Yo 圧迫APPAKUKANOMINASAMA IMASARA GIVE AND TAKE KIZUNA FAKE ITSUKAMEIRU MUDANA DAYS


A Ray
DON'T LIVE LIKE A DEAD Don't live like a dead Don't live like a dead
Rock n roll
"ROCK'N'ROLL IS DEAD, SOMEONE SAID SO" "Rock'n'Roll is dead, someone said so" Rock'n'Roll is dead, someone said so
HEY, ARE YOU REALLY DEAD? Hey, are you really dead? Hey, are you really dead


Night Flight
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM NOW, IT'S A DEADLINE Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM HERE, IT'S THE DEADLINE Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM NOW, IT'S A DEADLINE Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM HERE, IT'S THE DEADLINE Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM NOW, IT'S A DEADLINE Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM HERE, IT'S THE DEADLINE Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM NOW, IT'S A DEADLINE Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM HERE, IT'S THE DEADLINE Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline


BETRAYED, DECEIVED, DONT LET THEM FOOL YOU Betrayed, deceived, dont let them fool you betrayed, deceived, don't let them fool you


DECIDE IT, IT IS TIME Decide it, it is time Decide it, it is time
DECIDE IT, IT IS TIME Decide it, it is time Decide it, it is time


START SEARCHING DEEP INSIDE Start searching deep inside Start searching deep inside
START SEARCHING DEEP INSIDE Start searching deep inside Start searching deep inside


I WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED BY THE FATE I will never be defeated by the fate I will never be defeated by the fate
YOU WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED BY THE FATE You will never be defeated by the fate You will never be defeated by the fate
I WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED BY THE FATE I will never be defeated by the fate I will never be defeated by the fate


Hammer Down
DEPRESSED AND DISTRACTED Depressed and distracted Depressed and distracted


DO YOU THINK THAT DESTINY IS SET? Do you think that destiny is set? Do you think that destiny is set
DO YOU THINK THAT DESTINY IS SET? Do you think that destiny is set? Do you think that destiny is set
DO YOU THINK THAT DESTINY IS SET? Do you think that destiny is set? Do you think that destiny is set

: DI

DU DAN DAN DA DI RUMBLING SOUND du dan dan da di rumbling sound du dan dan da di rumbling sound
DU DAN DAN DA DI SHOULDN'T BE BOUND du dan dan da di shouldn't be bound du dan dan da di shouldn't be bound
DU DAN DAN DA DI HEALING MY WOUND du dan dan da di healing my wound du dan dan da di healing my wound


HOW MANY TIMES DID YOU ENJOY IT? How many times did you enjoy it? How many times did you enjoy it
DID YOU COUNT IT? Did you count it? Did you count it
Now I here
HOW DID I REACH HERE WHERE I'M ALONE How did I reach here where I'm alone How did I reach here where I'm alone
WHY DID I THROW AWAY WHO GAVE ME LOVE Why did I throw away who gave me love Why did I throw away who gave me love


Back into the wild
WHETHER YOU LIVE OR DIE IS UP TO YOU Whether you live or die is up to you Whether you live or die is up to you
WHETHER YOU LIVE OR DIE IS UP TO YOU Whether you live or die is up to you Whether you live or die is up to you
WHETHER YOU LIVE OR DIE IS UP TO YOU Whether you live or die is up to you Whether you live or die is up to you
YOU WANNA DIE LIKE A LOSER? You wanna die like a loser? You wanna die like a loser
HEY, DO OR DIE Hey, Do or Die Hey, Do or Die
HEY, DANCE OR DIE Hey, Dance or Die Hey, Dance or Die
HEY, DO OR DIE Hey, Do or Die Hey, Do or Die
HEY, BOUNCE OR DIE Hey, Bounce or Die Hey, Bounce or Die


KEEP SHOUTING 'TILL YOUR VOICE DIES Keep shouting 'till your voice dies Keep shouting 'till your voice dies


REMAKING'S NOT A DIFFICULT TASK Remaking's not a difficult task Remaking's not a difficult task


Hammer Down
DEPRESSED AND DISTRACTED Depressed and distracted Depressed and distracted

: DO

A Ray
BURN YOUR HEART, DO NOT TURN AWAY FROM OUR FATE Burn your heart, do not turn away from our fate Burn your heart, do not turn away from our fate
FOOL umareochita kono chi de WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO? Fools, in this world you were born, what do you want to do? Fool UMAREOCHITAKONOCHIDE What do you want to do
WHY DO WE PUSH TO OUR LIMITS? Why do we push to our limits? Why do we push to our limits
DO YOUR BEST IF YOU DON'T WANNA BE BOGGED DOWN. Do your best if you don't wanna be bogged down. Do your best if you don't wanna be bogged down.
I WILL DO THAT FOR YOU I will do that for you I will do that for you
I WILL DO THAT FOR YOU I will do that for you I will do that for you
YEAH! LOVE ME DO BABY. Yeah! Love me do baby. Yeah! Love me do baby.
Night Flight
THERE'S NOTHING MORE WE CAN DO There's nothing more we can do There's nothing more we can do
THERE'S NOTHING MORE WE CAN DO There's nothing more we can do There's nothing more we can do
WE CAN DO ANYTHING!! We can do anything!! We can do anything!!
NOISE WILL NOT GO AWAY HOW LONG DO YOU HAVE TO ENDURE? Noise will not go away How long do you have to endure? Noise will not go away How long do you have to endure
YOU DONT WANT YOUR LIFE TO END LIKE THIS, DO YOU? You dont want your life to end like this, do you? You don't want your life to end like this, do you
IGNITE THAT SHITTY ROTTEN HEART, ONLY YOU CAN DO THAT WAKE UP Ignite that shitty rotten heart, only you can do that wake up Ignite that shitty rotten heart, only you can do that wake up
LET'S RIDE ON THIS WAVE YOU CAN DO IT, RIGHT? Let's ride on this wave You can do it, right? Let's ride on this wave You can do it, right
HEY, DO OR DIE Hey, Do or Die Hey, Do or Die
HEY, DO OR DIE Hey, Do or Die Hey, Do or Die
LOOKING UP N THINKING WHAT AM I GON DO NEXT Looking up n thinking what am I gon do next Looking up n thinking what am I gon do next
THINKING YOU CAN DO IT WITH NO DREAM OR TWO Thinking you can do it with no dream or two Thinking you can do it with no dream or two
ALL YOU GOTTA DO IS TRY ANYTHING All you gotta do is try anything All you gotta do is try anything
DO WHAT YOU WANT AND YOU BELIEVE Do what you want and you believe Do what you want and you believe
ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS REACH OUT All you need to do is reach out All you need to do is reach out
ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS REACH OUT All you need to do is reach out All you need to do is reach out
ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS REACH OUT All you need to do is reach out All you need to do is reach out
ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS REACH OUT All you need to do is reach out All you need to do is reach out
DO YOU THINK THAT DESTINY IS SET? Do you think that destiny is set? Do you think that destiny is set
DO YOU HAVE YOUR OWN MIND? Do you have your own mind? Do you have your own mind
DO YOU DREAM? Do you dream? Do you dream
DO YOU DREAM? Do you dream? Do you dream
DO YOU LIKE A LONELY NIGHT? Do you like a lonely night? Do you like a lonely night
DO YOU HAVE A SLEEPLESS NIGHT? Do you have a sleepless night? Do you have a sleepless night
DO YOU HAVE SOMEONE YOU CAN TALK TO ABOUT ANYTHING? Do you have someone you can talk to about anything? Do you have someone you can talk to about anything
DO YOU THINK PARALLEL UNIVERSES EXIST? Do you think parallel universes exist? Do you think parallel universes exist
DO YOU THINK ALIENS EXIST? Do you think aliens exist? Do you think aliens exist
DO YOU THINK THAT DESTINY IS SET? Do you think that destiny is set? Do you think that destiny is set
DO YOU HAVE YOUR OWN MIND? Do you have your own mind? Do you have your own mind
DO YOU LIKE A LONELY NIGHT? Do you like a lonely night? Do you like a lonely night
DO YOU HAVE A SLEEPLESS NIGHT? Do you have a sleepless night? Do you have a sleepless night
DO YOU HAVE SOMEONE YOU CAN TALK TO ABOUT ANYTHING? Do you have someone you can talk to about anything? Do you have someone you can talk to about anything
DO YOU THINK THAT DESTINY IS SET? Do you think that destiny is set? Do you think that destiny is set
DO YOU HAVE YOUR OWN MIND? Do you have your own mind? Do you have your own mind


WHAT DOES YOUR WILL SAY? What does your will say? What does your will say


Hammer Down
DOESN’T MATTER RIGHT OR WRONG Doesn’t matter right or wrong Doesnt matter right or wrong
HEAVEN OR HELL & IT DOESN'T MATTER NOW Heaven or hell & It doesn't matter now Heaven or hell & It doesn't matter now


“WHATCHA DOIN' BABY” “Whatcha Doin' Baby” Whatcha Doin' Baby


Back into the wild
YOU'VE DONE WITH YOUR OWN HANDS You've done with your own hands You've done with your own hands


A Ray
DON'T LIVE LIKE A DEAD Don't live like a dead Don't live like a dead
DON'T LET ME DOWN, KEEP MOVING ON, GOING ON Don't let me down, keep moving on, going on Don't let me down, keep moving on, going on
DON'T GIVE IT UP AND HEAD UP FOR YOUR RAY OF LIGHT Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light
DON'T LIVE FOR OTHERS Don't live for others Don't live for others
DON'T LET ME DOWN, KEEP BURNING UP, BLOWING UP Don't let me down, keep burning up, blowing up Don't let me down, keep burning up, blowing up
DON'T TURN AWAY, (CUZ) SOMEDAY WE CAN GET TO THE TRUTH Don't turn away, (cuz) someday we can get to the truth Don't turn away, (cuz) someday we can get to the truth
DON'T GIVE IT UP AND HEAD UP FOR YOUR RAY OF LIGHT Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light
POOR umareta imi nado nai I DON'T WANNA BELIEVE Poor, there is no purpose to life, I don't wanna believe Poor UMARETAIMINADONAI I don't wanna believe
DON’T YOU WANNA LET THE SUN SHINE NOW? Don’t you wanna let the sun shine now? Dont you wanna let the sun shine now?
SO WHY DON'T YOU COME HERE AND JOIN US? So why don't you come here and join us? So why don't you come here and join us?
WHY DON'T YOU LEAVE IT ALL BEHIND? Why don't you leave it all behind? Why don't you leave it all behind?
Back into the wild
DON'T GIVE UP ON WHAT Don't give up on what Don't give up on what
DON'T FORGET YOUR PLAYFULHEART Don't forget your playfulheart Don't forget your playfulheart
BE CAREFUL YOU'LL BE KICKED OUT BY US YOU DON'T CARE. Be careful you'll be kicked out by us you don't care. Be careful you'll be kicked out by us you don't care.
YOU DON’T WANT TO BE HATED? You don’t want to be hated? You don't want to be hated
YOU DON'T HAVE TO CARE ABOUT IT BECAUSE IT'S TOO LATE. You don't have to care about it because it's too late. You don't have to care about it because it's too late.
DO YOUR BEST IF YOU DON'T WANNA BE BOGGED DOWN. Do your best if you don't wanna be bogged down. Do your best if you don't wanna be bogged down.
I DON'T WANNA LIVE IN YOUR WORLD I don't wanna live in your world I don't wanna live in your world
I DON'T WANNA LIVE IN YOUR WORLD I don't wanna live in your world I don't wanna live in your world
DON'T LOOK BACK DON'T LOOK BACK Don't look back Don't look back Don't look back Don't look back
DON'T LOOK BACK DON'T LOOK BACK Don't look back Don't look back Don't look back Don't look back
DON'T LOOK BACK DON'T LOOK BACK Don't look back Don't look back Don't look back Don't look back
Imikirawa rete ishi o nagerareta tte I DON’T CARE Though I was hated and stoned I don't care IMIKIRAWARETEISHIONAGERARETAってTTEI dont care
WE DON'T NEED YOUR WORDS!! We don't need your words!! We don't need your words!!
YOU DONT WANT YOUR LIFE TO END LIKE THIS, DO YOU? You dont want your life to end like this, do you? You don't want your life to end like this, do you
BETRAYED, DECEIVED, DONT LET THEM FOOL YOU Betrayed, deceived, dont let them fool you betrayed, deceived, don't let them fool you
KEEP YOUR HEAD UP, DON'T GIVE UP ON YOUR WAY TO GO Keep your head up, don't give up on your way to go Keep your head up, don't give up on your way to go
DON'T CARE ABOUT THOSE WHO WILL LAUGH AT YOU Don't care about those who will laugh at you Don't care about those who will laugh at you
DON'T UNDERRATE YOURSELF IN YOUR MIND Don't underrate yourself in your mind Don't underrate yourself in your mind
DON'T SATISFY YOU CAN GO MORE Don't satisfy you can go more Don't satisfy you can go more
I DON'T NEED WORDS kanjoo no rinku I don't need words, it's an emotional link I don't need words KANJOONORINKU
DON'T STOP TO REMAKE JUST YET sekaijuu Don't stop to remake just yet, around the world Don't stop to remake just yet SEKAIJUU
DON'T GOTTA BE AFRAID AT ALL Don't gotta be afraid at all Don't gotta be afraid at all
DON'T GOTTA BE BIG AT ALL Don't gotta be big at all Don't gotta be big at all
I DON'T NEED WORDS kanjoo no rinku I don't need words, it's an emotional link I don't need words KANJOONORINKU
DON'T STOP TO REMAKE JUST YET sekaijuu Dont stop to remake just yet, around the world Don't stop to remake just yet SEKAIJUU
I DON'T NEED WORDS kanjoo no rinku I don't need words, it's an emotional link I don't need words KANJOONORINKU
DON'T STOP TO REMAKE JUST YET sekaijuu Dont stop to remake just yet, around the world Don't stop to remake just yet SEKAIJUU
DONT NEED TO LOOK BACK YOUR kita michi o Dont need to look back your road here so far Don't need to look back your 来たKITAMICHIO
DONT NEED TO GO BACK TO NOSTALGIA Dont need to go back to nostalgia Don't need to go back to nostalgia
I DON'T KNOW HOW TO SING I don't know how to sing I don't know how to sing
WE DON'T HAVE TIME TO WAIT We don't have time to wait We don't have time to wait
DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE Don't miss this chance Don't miss this chance


DOOM sadamerareta genkai ni obiete iru Doom, scared of the pre-established limits Doom SADAMERARETAGENKAINIOBIEETEIRU


Rock n roll
Tachinarabu DOORS Lined up Doors TACHINARABU Doors


CHOKING DOPE na machi ni habikoru basei Choking DOPE Swearing that spreads through the city Choking DOPENAMACHINI蔓延HABIKORUBASEI


Back into the wild
WISHED WITH NO DOUBT? Wished with no doubt? wished with no doubt


A Ray
DON'T LET ME DOWN, KEEP MOVING ON, GOING ON Don't let me down, keep moving on, going on Don't let me down, keep moving on, going on
DON'T LET ME DOWN, KEEP BURNING UP, BLOWING UP Don't let me down, keep burning up, blowing up Don't let me down, keep burning up, blowing up
I'LL CHANGE THE WORLD THAT'S CALMING DOWN I'll change the world that's calming down I'll change the world that's calming down
I'LL CHANGE THE WORLD THAT'S CALMING DOWN I'll change the world that's calming down I'll change the world that's calming down
I'LL CHANGE THE WORLD THAT'S CALMING DOWN I'll change the world that's calming down I'll change the world that's calming down
ARE WE REALLY LOOKED DOWN ON? Are we really looked down on? Are we really looked down on
DO YOUR BEST IF YOU DON'T WANNA BE BOGGED DOWN. Do your best if you don't wanna be bogged down. Do your best if you don't wanna be bogged down.
Hammer Down
I WON’T GET HAMMERED DOWN I won’t get hammered down I wont get hammered down
I WON’T GET HAMMERED DOWN I won’t get hammered down I wont get hammered down


THINKING YOU CAN DO IT WITH NO DREAM OR TWO Thinking you can do it with no dream or two Thinking you can do it with no dream or two
LIFE'S AT ITS HIGH WITH A DREAM ITS TRUE Life's at its high with a dream its true Life's at its high with a dream it's true
I WON'T GIVE UP ON MY DREAM I won't give up on my dream I won't give up on my dream
WANNA CHASE YOUR DREAM? Wanna chase your dream? Wanna chase your dream
DO YOU DREAM? Do you dream? Do you dream
WHAT IS YOUR DREAM? What is your dream? What is your dream
DO YOU DREAM? Do you dream? Do you dream
WHAT IS YOUR DREAM? What is your dream? What is your dream


DREAMS ARE BIG AND IT'S SO FUN Dreams are big and it's so fun Dreams are big and it's so fun
DREAMS ARE BIG AND IT'S SO FUN Dreams are big and it's so fun Dreams are big and it's so fun
DREAMS ARE BIG AND IT'S SO FUN Dreams are big and it's so fun Dreams are big and it's so fun
MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE Make your dreams come true Make your dreams come true
MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE Make your dreams come true Make your dreams come true
MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE Make your dreams come true Make your dreams come true
MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE Make your dreams come true Make your dreams come true
MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE Make your dreams come true Make your dreams come true
MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE Make your dreams come true Make your dreams come true

: DU

DU DAN DAN DA DI RUMBLING SOUND du dan dan da di rumbling sound du dan dan da di rumbling sound
DU DAN DAN DA DI SHOULDN'T BE BOUND du dan dan da di shouldn't be bound du dan dan da di shouldn't be bound
DU DAN DAN DA DI HEALING MY WOUND du dan dan da di healing my wound du dan dan da di healing my wound

: E



IT'S QUITE EASY AND SIMPLE It's quite easy and simple It's quite easy and simple
IT'S QUITE EASY AND SIMPLE It's quite easy and simple It's quite easy and simple


ISN'T THAT FOR YOUR EGO? Isn't that for your ego? Isn't that for your ego
ISN'T THAT FOR YOUR EGO? Isn't that for your ego? Isn't that for your ego
ISN'T THAT FOR YOUR EGO? Isn't that for your ego? Isn't that for your ego


YOU DONT WANT YOUR LIFE TO END LIKE THIS, DO YOU? You dont want your life to end like this, do you? You don't want your life to end like this, do you
AT THE END, IT'LL ALL BE CONNECTED At the end, it'll all be connected At the end, it'll all be connected


Back into the wild
IS THIS THE ENDING YOU WISHED, Is this the ending you wished, Is this the ending you wished,
NEVER ENDING SONG Never ending song Never ending song


NOISE WILL NOT GO AWAY HOW LONG DO YOU HAVE TO ENDURE? Noise will not go away How long do you have to endure? Noise will not go away How long do you have to endure


YOUR TRUE ENEMY IS YOURSELF Your true enemy is yourself. Your true enemy is yourself


I'M AN ENIGMA I'm an enigma I'm an enigma
I’M AN ENIGMA I’m an enigma Im an enigma
I'M AN ENIGMA I'm an enigma I'm an enigma


HOW MANY TIMES DID YOU ENJOY IT? How many times did you enjoy it? How many times did you enjoy it


Back into the wild
HAVE YOU LIVED LONG ENOUGH, Have you lived long enough, Have you lived long enough,
ENOUGH TO BURN OUT? Enough to burn out? Enough to burn out
IF YOU ARE BRAVE ENOUGH TO STAND UP If you are brave enough to stand up if you are brave enough to stand up


SHARING TIME EQUALLY WE CHALLENGING Sharing time equally we challenging Sharing time equally we challenging


(WE) NEED NO ESCAPE LETS GET OUT, TURN IT UP TO THE 100 MAX (We) need no escape Lets get out, Turn it up to the 100 MAX (We) need no escape Let's get out, Turn it up to the 100(MAX)


A Ray
EVEN IF (YOU) CAN'T BELIEVE YOURSELF AND A RAY OF LIGHT Even if (you) can't believe yourself and a ray of light Even if (you) can't believe yourself and a ray of light
EVEN IF IT’S A SMALL STEP Even if it’s a small step Even if its a small step
EVEN IF IT’S A STEP BACK Even if it’s a step back Even if its a step back
EVEN THOUGH LOVELY OUTFITS (BUT) TERRIBLE WORDS. Even though lovely outfits (but) terrible words. Even though lovely outfits (but) terrible words.


I ALSO WON'T HAVE YOU NEVER EVER. I also won't have you never ever. I also won't have you never ever.
Moo NEVER EVER NEVER EVER furikaeranai No, never ever never ever will we look back again MOO NEVER EVER NEVER EVER FURIKAERANAI
Moo NEVER EVER NEVER EVER furikaeranai No, never ever never ever will we look back again MOO never ever never ever FURIKAERANAI


Genkai toppa atashi rashiku hikare EVERY DAY Gotta break the limits and shine in my own way, every day GENKAI突破TOPPA ATASHIRASHIKU HIKARE Every day


EVERYBODY SING ALONG OUT LOUD Everybody sing along out loud Everybody sing along out loud
EVERYBODY DANCE AND MAKE SOME NOISE Everybody dance and make some noise Everybody dance and make some noise
EVERYBODY PUT YOUR HANDS UP HIGH Everybody put your hands up high Everybody put your hands up high


SHOW EVERYONE THAT YOU CONTROL Show everyone that you control Show everyone that you control


Hammer Down
EVERYTHING GOES JUMBLED Everything goes jumbled Everything goes jumbled


EVOKE A MEMORY Evoke a memory Evoke a memory


(HEY HEY BABY, I'M EXCITED) (Hey hey baby, I'm excited) (Hey hey baby, I'm excited)


DO YOU THINK PARALLEL UNIVERSES EXIST? Do you think parallel universes exist? Do you think parallel universes exist
DO YOU THINK ALIENS EXIST? Do you think aliens exist? Do you think aliens exist


Tatakaeyo FEARS IN YOUR MIND kagayakeyo TEARS IN YOUR EYES Let's fight fears in your mind Shine! tears in your eyes TATAKAEYO fears in your mind KAGAYAKEYO tears in your eyes


I NO LONGER FAKE MY WORLD I no longer fake my world I no longer fake my world
Hammer Down
PUTTING ALL THE FAKE CLOTHES AND FAKE MAKE UPS Putting all the fake clothes and fake make ups Putting all the fake clothes and fake make ups
MAKING ALL THE FAKE SMILES, OH JUST WAKE UP Making all the fake smiles, oh just wake up Making all the fake smiles, oh just wake up
PUTTING ALL THE FAKE CLOTHES AND FAKE MAKE UPS Putting all the fake clothes and fake make ups Putting all the fake clothes and fake make ups
MAKING ALL THE FAKE SMILES, OH JUST WAKE UP Making all the fake smiles, oh just wake up Making all the fake smiles, oh just wake up
Yo appakuka no minasama imasara GIVE AND TAKE? Kizuna FAKE? Itsuka meiru muda na DAYS Yo, to all the oppressed, still the time for GIVE AND TAKE? Your bonds so FAKE? Losing heart during those idle DAYS Yo 圧迫APPAKUKANOMINASAMA IMASARA GIVE AND TAKE KIZUNA FAKE ITSUKAMEIRU MUDANA DAYS


Hammer Down
ON YOUR FEET LET’S RISE AND FALL On your feet let’s rise and fall On your feet lets rise and fall
Yamikumo ni STAB IT BACK dokutsubo e to FALL IN ONE’S WAY blindly Stab it back To the poison pot Fall in one’s way YAMIKUMONIStab it back DOKUTSUBOETOFall in ones way


Hammer Down
SHUT OUT ALL THE LIES AND FALSE Shut out all the lies and false Shut out all the lies and false


WHAT IS FAMILY? What is family? What is family
WHAT IS FAMILY? What is family? What is family


A Ray
BURN YOUR HEART, DO NOT TURN AWAY FROM OUR FATE Burn your heart, do not turn away from our fate Burn your heart, do not turn away from our fate
I WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED BY THE FATE I will never be defeated by the fate I will never be defeated by the fate
YOU WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED BY THE FATE You will never be defeated by the fate You will never be defeated by the fate
I WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED BY THE FATE I will never be defeated by the fate I will never be defeated by the fate
SEIZE THE FATE Seize the fate Seize the fate
SEIZE THE FATE Seize the fate Seize the fate


A Ray
KEEP FIGHTING PAIN AND FEAR Keep fighting pain and fear Keep fighting pain and fear


Tatakaeyo FEARS IN YOUR MIND kagayakeyo TEARS IN YOUR EYES Let's fight fears in your mind Shine! tears in your eyes TATAKAEYO fears in your mind KAGAYAKEYO tears in your eyes


HOW FEEL? NO MORE RULES, NO MORE CHANCES. How feel? No more rules, no more chances. How feel No more rules, no more chances.
FEEL SO GOOD! Feel so good! Feel so good!
“YOU WANNA FEEL IT?” "You wanna feel it?" You wanna feel it


ARE YOU CHERISHING YOUR FEELINGS? Are you cherishing your feelings? Are you cherishing your feelings
ARE YOU CHERISHING YOUR FEELINGS? Are you cherishing your feelings? Are you cherishing your feelings


Hammer Down
ON YOUR FEET LET’S RISE AND FALL On your feet let’s rise and fall On your feet lets rise and fall


TIME TO FIGHT! NO NEED TO GUARD Time to fight! No need to guard Time to fight No need to guard
TIME TO FIGHT! NO NEED TO GUARD Time to fight! No need to guard Time to fight No need to guard




A Ray
KEEP FIGHTING PAIN AND FEAR Keep fighting pain and fear Keep fighting pain and fear


A Ray
NOW, FIND YOUR WAY TO LIVE YOUR LIFE IN THE CRUEL WORLD Now, find your way to live your life in the cruel world Now, find your way to live your life in the cruel world
FIND YOUR WAY TO LIVE YOUR LIFE IN THE CRUEL WORLD Find your way to live your life in the cruel world Find your way to live your life in the cruel world
I WANT TO FIND YOU OUT I want to find you out I want to find you out


SUCH A HIGH DAY, TOUCH A FINE SAYING "I'MMA BE ALRIGHT" YEAH AH Such a high day, touch a fine saying "I'mma be alright" yeah ah Such a high day, touch a fine saying I'mma be alright yeah ah


C'MON SET THE FIRE. C'mon set the fire. C'mon set the fire.
Rock n roll
LIGHT YOUR FIRE AGAIN Light your fire again Light your fire again
BUT IT WILL FIRE UP YOUR SOUL But it will fire up your soul But it will fire up your soul


Night Flight
IT'S MY NIGHT FLIGHT It's my night flight It's my night flight
IT’S MY NIGHT FLIGHT It’s my night flight Its my night flight
IT'S MY NIGHT FLIGHT It's my night flight It's my night flight
IT’S MY NIGHT FLIGHT It’s my night flight Its my night flight
IT'S MY NIGHT FLIGHT It's my night flight It's my night flight
IT’S MY NIGHT FLIGHT It’s my night flight Its my night flight
IT'S MY NIGHT FLIGHT It's my night flight It's my night flight
IT’S MY NIGHT FLIGHT It’s my night flight Its my night flight


Rock n roll
GOING BACK TO THAT FLOOD OF THE SOUND Going back to that flood of the sound Going back to that flood of the sound
GOING BACK TO THAT FLOOD OF THE SOUND Going back to that flood of the sound Going back to that flood of the sound


sheiku shite YOU'RE "FLOOR MONSTER" Shake it. You're "Floor Monster" シェSHEIKUSHITEYou're "FLOOR MONSTER"


IT'S TIME . . . JUST FOLLOW ME! It's time . . . just follow me! It's time . . . just follow me


FOOL umareochita kono chi de WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO? Fools, in this world you were born, what do you want to do? Fool UMAREOCHITAKONOCHIDE What do you want to do
BETRAYED, DECEIVED, DONT LET THEM FOOL YOU Betrayed, deceived, dont let them fool you betrayed, deceived, don't let them fool you


A Ray
SHED YOUR TEARS NOT FOR THEM BUT YOU Shed your tears not for them but you Shed your tears not for them but you
DON'T GIVE IT UP AND HEAD UP FOR YOUR RAY OF LIGHT Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light
DON'T LIVE FOR OTHERS Don't live for others Don't live for others
DON'T GIVE IT UP AND HEAD UP FOR YOUR RAY OF LIGHT Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light
I WILL DO THAT FOR YOU I will do that for you I will do that for you
I WILL DO THAT FOR YOU I will do that for you I will do that for you
Hammer Down
AND STAND UP FOR YOURSELF And stand up for yourself And stand up for yourself
BUT THAT WAS WRONG FOR ME But that was wrong for me But that was wrong for me
THERE'RE SO MANY WAYS FOR US LIKE THE STARS There're so many ways for us like the stars There're so many ways for us like the stars
THERE'RE SO MANY WAYS FOR US LIKE THE STARS There're so many ways for us like the stars There're so many ways for us like the stars
(WELL WAIT FOR YOU, LET'S GO WITH US) (Well wait for you, Let's go with us) (We'll wait for you, Let's go with us)
WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU We are waiting for you We are waiting for you
WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU We are waiting for you We are waiting for you
WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU We are waiting for you We are waiting for you
ISN'T THAT FOR YOUR EGO? Isn't that for your ego? Isn't that for your ego
THAT IS FOR YOUR OWN SAKE, ISN'T IT? That is for your own sake, isn't it? That is for your own sake, isn't it
WHO IS THAT FOR? Who is that for? Who is that for
ISN'T THAT FOR YOUR EGO? Isn't that for your ego? Isn't that for your ego
THAT IS FOR YOUR OWN SAKE, ISN'T IT? That is for your own sake, isn't it? That is for your own sake, isn't it
WHO IS THAT FOR? Who is that for? Who is that for
ISN'T THAT FOR YOUR EGO? Isn't that for your ego? Isn't that for your ego
THAT IS FOR YOUR OWN SAKE, ISN'T IT? That is for your own sake, isn't it? That is for your own sake, isn't it
WHO IS THAT FOR? Who is that for? Who is that for


kurayami sae mo mikata ni shitagaete FORCE ONE’S WAY Even the darkness is on my side Force one’s way KURAYAMISAEMOMIKATANISHITAGAETEForce ones way


DON'T FORGET YOUR PLAYFULHEART Don't forget your playfulheart Don't forget your playfulheart


IT'S A REVERSAL OF FORTUNE It's a reversal of fortune It's a reversal of fortune
IT'S A REVERSAL OF FORTUNE It's a reversal of fortune It's a reversal of fortune
IT'S A REVERSAL OF FORTUNE It's a reversal of fortune It's a reversal of fortune
IT'S A REVERSAL OF FORTUNE It's a reversal of fortune It's a reversal of fortune


WE WILL ABSOLUTELY PUSH YOU FORWARD We will absolutely push you forward We will absolutely push you forward


CUZ I JUST FOUND OUT Seikai wa INSIDE OF ME Cuz I just found out The correct answer is Inside of me Cuz I just found out SEIKAIWAInside of me
CUZ I JUST FOUND OUT Seikai o YOU ARE MY SHINE Cuz I just found out the correct answer, You are my shine Cuz I just found out SEIKAIOYou are my shine
CUZ I JUST FOUND OUT Seikai wa INSIDE OF ME Cuz I just found out The correct answer is Inside of me Cuz I just found out SEIKAIWAInside of me


WHAT IS YOUR FOUNDATION? What is your foundation? What is your foundation
WHAT IS YOUR FOUNDATION? What is your foundation? What is your foundation
WHAT IS YOUR FOUNDATION? What is your foundation? What is your foundation
WHAT IS YOUR FOUNDATION? What is your foundation? What is your foundation


THAT "FOUR MINUTE MILE", NO TIME TO SLACK That "four minute mile", no time to slack That four minute mile, no time to slack


HEADS UP! FREE YOURSELF NOW Heads up! Free yourself now Heads up Free yourself now
I'M FREE NOW I'm free now I'm free now


HAVE TO LIVE MORE FREELY Have to live more freely Have to live more freely


(THE) NOISE YOU USED TO HATE, IT IS NOW YOUR BEST FRIEND (The) noise you used to hate, it is now your best friend (The) noise you used to hate, it is now your best friend


A Ray
BURN YOUR HEART, DO NOT TURN AWAY FROM OUR FATE Burn your heart, do not turn away from our fate Burn your heart, do not turn away from our fate
Hammer Down
PULL YOU UP I’LL PULL YOU UP FROM BOTTOM OF THE SEA Pull you up I’ll pull you up from bottom of the sea Pull you up Ill pull you up from bottom of the sea
TO BE MYSELF FROM NOW To be myself from now To be myself from now
PULL YOU UP I’LL PULL YOU UP FROM BOTTOM OF THE SEA Pull you up I’ll pull you up from bottom of the sea Pull you up Ill pull you up from bottom of the sea
TO BE MYSELF FROM NOW To be myself from now To be myself from now
Night Flight
STAY AWAY FROM ME Stay away from me Stay away from me
STAY AWAY FROM ME Stay away from me Stay away from me
ROCKING THE GROUND MY VOICE FROM THIS SPEAKER Rocking the ground my voice from this speaker Rocking the ground my voice from this speaker


FRUSTRATION genkai kimetsukeru jibun ni jidanda funuke no PRIDE Frustration, I'm stuck in my own limit, I've got stupid pride Frustration GENKAIKIMETSUKERUJIBUNNIJIDANDA FUNUKENOpride


WE'RE GONNA STRIKE THE WORLD WITH SUCH A FUCKING CRAZY SOUND We're gonna strike the world with such a fucking crazy sound We're gonna strike the world with such a fxxking crazy sound


Yoosha nai netsuryoo FUCK'N HOT TONIGHT. The heat won't let up, Fuck'n Hot Tonight YOOSHANAINETSURYOO Fuck'n Hot Tonight.


DREAMS ARE BIG AND IT'S SO FUN Dreams are big and it's so fun Dreams are big and it's so fun
DREAMS ARE BIG AND IT'S SO FUN Dreams are big and it's so fun Dreams are big and it's so fun
DREAMS ARE BIG AND IT'S SO FUN Dreams are big and it's so fun Dreams are big and it's so fun


WHAT IS "FUTURE"? What is "future"? What is future


Konoyo wa GAMBLE hatenaki ranbu This world is a gamble, an endless dance KONOYOWAgambleHATENAKIRANBU


[Zooo no] CATCH BALL GAME yokoguruma o osa re of hatred Catch ball game Pushed by a side car ZOOONOCatch ball gameYOKOGURUMAOOSARE
Night Flight
STOP THIS GAME TONIGHT Stop this game tonight Stop this game tonight
STOP THIS GAME GOODNIGHT Stop this game goodnight Stop this game goodnight


Now I here
WHY DID I THROW AWAY WHO GAVE ME LOVE Why did I throw away who gave me love Why did I throw away who gave me love


A Ray
DON'T TURN AWAY, (CUZ) SOMEDAY WE CAN GET TO THE TRUTH Don't turn away, (cuz) someday we can get to the truth Don't turn away, (cuz) someday we can get to the truth
Hammer Down
I WON’T GET HAMMERED DOWN I won’t get hammered down I wont get hammered down
I WON’T GET HAMMERED DOWN I won’t get hammered down I wont get hammered down
Damashi damasa re GET HURT deceived and deceived Get hurt DAMASHIDAMASAREGet hurt
Night Flight
I GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE I gotta get out of here I gotta get out of here
"YOU" GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE NOW "You" gotta get out of here now "You" gotta get out of here now
(GET OUT, SHUT UP) (Get out, shut up) (Get out, shut up)
(GET OUT, SHUT UP) (Get out, shut up) (Get out, shut up)
I GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE I gotta get out of here I gotta get out of here
"YOU" GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE NOW "You" gotta get out of here now "You" gotta get out of here now
(GET OUT, SHUT UP) (Get out, shut up) (Get out, shut up)
(GET OUT, SHUT UP) (Get out, shut up) (Get out, shut up)
I GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE I gotta get out of here I gotta get out of here
"YOU" GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE NOW "You" gotta get out of here now "You" gotta get out of here now
I GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE I gotta get out of here I gotta get out of here
"YOU" GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE NOW "You" gotta get out of here now "You" gotta get out of here now
(WE) NEED NO ESCAPE LETS GET OUT, TURN IT UP TO THE 100 MAX (We) need no escape Lets get out, Turn it up to the 100 MAX (We) need no escape Let's get out, Turn it up to the 100(MAX)
BETTER GET HIGH THAN CRYING THROUGH THE NIGHT Better get high than crying through the night Better get high than crying through the night


SUN'S GETTING REALLY LOW Sun's getting really low Sun's getting really low


Now I here
GIMME, GIMME, GIMME Gimme, gimme, gimme Gimme, gimme, gimme
(GIMME) YOUR HEART!! TO HARD!! MORE MORE MORE..!! (Gimme) Your heart!! To hard!! More more more..!! (Gimme)Your heart!! To hard!! More more more..!!


A Ray
DON'T GIVE IT UP AND HEAD UP FOR YOUR RAY OF LIGHT Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light
DON'T GIVE IT UP AND HEAD UP FOR YOUR RAY OF LIGHT Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light
Back into the wild
DON'T GIVE UP ON WHAT Don't give up on what Don't give up on what
NEVER LET NEVER LET ME GIVE UP never let never let me give up never let never let me give up
JUST YOU CAN GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO ME just you can give in to give in to give in to me just you can give in to give in to give in to me
JUST YOU CAN GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO ME just you can give in to give in to give in to me just you can give in to give in to give in to me
JUST YOU CAN GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO ME just you can give in to give in to give in to me just you can give in to give in to give in to me
JUST YOU CAN GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO ME just you can give in to give in to give in to me just you can give in to give in to give in to me
Yo appakuka no minasama imasara GIVE AND TAKE? Kizuna FAKE? Itsuka meiru muda na DAYS Yo, to all the oppressed, still the time for GIVE AND TAKE? Your bonds so FAKE? Losing heart during those idle DAYS Yo 圧迫APPAKUKANOMINASAMA IMASARA GIVE AND TAKE KIZUNA FAKE ITSUKAMEIRU MUDANA DAYS
KEEP YOUR HEAD UP, DON'T GIVE UP ON YOUR WAY TO GO Keep your head up, don't give up on your way to go Keep your head up, don't give up on your way to go
I WON'T GIVE UP ON MY DREAM I won't give up on my dream I won't give up on my dream


GIVING YOU JUST WHAT YOU NEED Giving you just what you need Giving you just what you need

: GO

A Ray
GO, RUN YOUR WAY TO LIVE YOUR LIFE IN THE CRAZY WORLD Go, run your way to live your life in the crazy world Go, run your way to live your life in the crazy world
(LET’S GO! LET’S GO TRIPPIN’!) Let’s go! Let’s go trippin’! Lets go Lets go trippin
(LET’S GO! LET’S SAY “HIGH”!) Let’s go! Let’s say “high”! Lets go Lets say high
Back into the wild
NOW GO YOUR OWN WAY Now go your own way Now go your own way
GO HARD. Go hard. Go hard.
THERE IS NO WAY TO GO BACK There is no way to go back There is no way to go back
OH-- mayowazu ni GO WILD Oh, don't hesitate, go wild Oh MAYOWAZUNI GO WILD
Yokuboo ni kaji kire LET'S GO WILD YEAH!! Let your desires take the steering wheel, Let's go wild, Yeah!! YOKUBOONIKAJIKIRE Let's go wild Yeah!!
ARE YOU READY? YOU ARE CHERRY? GO !!!! Are you ready? You are cherry? Go !!!! Are you ready You are cherry Go!!!!
Mimi o tozasanaide WHEREVER YOU WILL GO Don't cover your ears, Wherever you will go MIMIOTOZASANAIDE Wherever you will go
NOISE WILL NOT GO AWAY HOW LONG DO YOU HAVE TO ENDURE? Noise will not go away How long do you have to endure? Noise will not go away How long do you have to endure
(GO) BRAVELY TO THE SOUND, COME ON BREAK THE COMMON SENSE (Go) bravely to the sound, come on break the common sense (Go) bravely to the sound, come on break the common sense
KEEP YOUR HEAD UP, DON'T GIVE UP ON YOUR WAY TO GO Keep your head up, don't give up on your way to go Keep your head up, don't give up on your way to go
LET'S GO Let's go Let's go
DON'T SATISFY YOU CAN GO MORE Don't satisfy you can go more Don't satisfy you can go more
GO THERE AND GO BACK AGAIN Go there and go back again Go there and go back again
DONT NEED TO GO BACK TO NOSTALGIA Dont need to go back to nostalgia Don't need to go back to nostalgia
(WELL WAIT FOR YOU, LET'S GO WITH US) (Well wait for you, Let's go with us) (We'll wait for you, Let's go with us)
STAY OR GO, IT'S YOUR CALL Stay or go, it's your call Stay or go, it's your call
LET'S GO GO Let's Go Go Let's Go Go


higeki no furi shita ikenie no GOAT hamidasanu yoo ni hishimeku roo A sacrificial goat pretending to be a tragedy, a prison tightly packed to prevent it from spilling out HIGEKINOFURISHITA 生贄IKENIENOgoat HAMIDASANUYOONIHISHIMEKUROO


Hammer Down
EVERYTHING GOES JUMBLED Everything goes jumbled Everything goes jumbled
SHOW GOES ON Show goes on Show goes on


A Ray
DON'T LET ME DOWN, KEEP MOVING ON, GOING ON Don't let me down, keep moving on, going on Don't let me down, keep moving on, going on
Back into the wild
WE'RE GOING TO SAVE We're going to save We're going to save
WE'RE GOING TO SAVE We're going to save We're going to save
WE'RE GOING TO SAVE We're going to save We're going to save
GOING TO BLOW IT UP Going to blow it up Going to blow it up
Rock n roll
GOING BACK TO THAT FLOOD OF THE SOUND Going back to that flood of the sound Going back to that flood of the sound
WE ARE GOING TO BLOW YOUR MIND We are going to blow your mind We are going to blow your mind
GOING BACK TO THAT FLOOD OF THE SOUND Going back to that flood of the sound Going back to that flood of the sound
SO GOING GOING GOING GOING hokori wa mune ni So going going going going with pride in our hearts So going going going going HOKORIWAMUNENI


LOOKING UP N THINKING WHAT AM I GON DO NEXT Looking up n thinking what am I gon do next Looking up n thinking what am I gon do next


GONE kizuke ba mata hitori to oikosreteku Gone, everyone's passed on by before you even knew it Gone KIZUKEBAMATA一人HITORITOOIKOSARETEKU


WE ARE GONNA PARTY TOGETHER We are gonna party together We are gonna party together
Hammer Down
NOT GONNA NOT GONNA NOT GONNA BE AFRAID Not gonna not gonna not gonna be afraid Not gonna not gonna not gonna be afraid
NOT GONNA NOT GONNA NOT GONNA BE AFRAID Not gonna not gonna not gonna be afraid Not gonna not gonna not gonna be afraid
WE'RE GONNA STRIKE THE WORLD WITH SUCH A FUCKING CRAZY SOUND We're gonna strike the world with such a fucking crazy sound We're gonna strike the world with such a fxxking crazy sound
GONNA MAKE YOU DANCE Gonna make you dance Gonna make you dance
GONNA MAKE YOU DANCE Gonna make you dance Gonna make you dance


FEEL SO GOOD! Feel so good! Feel so good!


Night Flight
STOP THIS GAME GOODNIGHT Stop this game goodnight Stop this game goodnight


WHAT MATTERS IS IF YOU GOT YOUR OWN WILL OR NOT What matters is if you got your own will or not What matters is if you got your own will or not
GOT IT GOT IT Misetsukete yaru nda Got it Got it I'll show it to you Got it Got itMISETSUKETEYARUNDA
NO NEED TO HIDE OR CRY CUZ YOU'VE GOT ME No need to hide or cry cuz you've got me No need to hide or cry cuz you've got me


Night Flight
I GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE I gotta get out of here I gotta get out of here
"YOU" GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE NOW "You" gotta get out of here now "You" gotta get out of here now
I GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE I gotta get out of here I gotta get out of here
"YOU" GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE NOW "You" gotta get out of here now "You" gotta get out of here now
I GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE I gotta get out of here I gotta get out of here
"YOU" GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE NOW "You" gotta get out of here now "You" gotta get out of here now
I GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE I gotta get out of here I gotta get out of here
"YOU" GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE NOW "You" gotta get out of here now "You" gotta get out of here now
ALL YOU GOTTA DO IS TRY ANYTHING All you gotta do is try anything All you gotta do is try anything
DON'T GOTTA BE AFRAID AT ALL Don't gotta be afraid at all Don't gotta be afraid at all
DON'T GOTTA BE BIG AT ALL Don't gotta be big at all Don't gotta be big at all


JUST GRAB IT Just grab it Just grab it


ARE YOU OKAY TO HAVE BEEN SHOWING YOURSELF GREATER THAN WHAT YOU ARE. Are you okay to have been showing yourself greater than what you are. Are you okay to have been showing yourself greater than what you are.


A Ray
KEEP SHOUTING SORROW AND GRIEF Keep shouting sorrow and grief Keep shouting sorrow and grief


ROCKING THE GROUND MY VOICE FROM THIS SPEAKER Rocking the ground my voice from this speaker Rocking the ground my voice from this speaker


TIME TO FIGHT! NO NEED TO GUARD Time to fight! No need to guard Time to fight No need to guard
TIME TO FIGHT! NO NEED TO GUARD Time to fight! No need to guard Time to fight No need to guard


GUESS WHAT ? GUESS WHAT? Guess what ? Guess what? Guess what Guess what
GUESS WHAT ? GUESS WHAT? Guess what ? Guess what? Guess what Guess what

: H



Hammer Down
I WON’T GET HAMMERED DOWN I won’t get hammered down I wont get hammered down
I WON’T GET HAMMERED DOWN I won’t get hammered down I wont get hammered down


EVERYBODY PUT YOUR HANDS UP HIGH Everybody put your hands up high Everybody put your hands up high
Back into the wild
YOU'VE DONE WITH YOUR OWN HANDS You've done with your own hands You've done with your own hands
SWEATING ON YOUR HANDS WITH THAT ATTITUDE Sweating on your hands with that attitude Sweating on your hands with that attitude
TAKE MY HANDS Take my hands Take my hands


HANG IN THERE Hang in there Hang in there
Kakageta chikai wa konote no naka ni YOU CAN JUST HANG IN THERE The vow I made is in my hands. You can just hang in there KAKAGETACHIKAIWA KONOTENONAKANI You can just hang in there


Sorotte HANGING OUT All together hanging out SOROってTTEhanging out


A BUNCH OF HAPPINESS? YES, INDEED A bunch of happiness? Yes, indeed A bunch of happiness Yes, indeed
WISH YOU HAPPINESS Wish you happiness Wish you happiness
WISH YOU HAPPINESS Wish you happiness Wish you happiness
WISH YOU HAPPINESS Wish you happiness Wish you happiness
WISH YOU HAPPINESS Wish you happiness Wish you happiness


I JUST WANNA SEE YOU HAPPY I just wanna see you happy I just wanna see you happy
ARE YOU HAPPY WITH WHO YOU ARE NOW? Are you happy with who you are now? Are you happy with who you are now
ARE YOU HAPPY WITH WHO YOU ARE NOW? Are you happy with who you are now? Are you happy with who you are now
ARE YOU HAPPY WITH WHO YOU ARE NOW? Are you happy with who you are now? Are you happy with who you are now


GO HARD. Go hard. Go hard.
(GIMME) YOUR HEART!! TO HARD!! MORE MORE MORE..!! (Gimme) Your heart!! To hard!! More more more..!! (Gimme)Your heart!! To hard!! More more more..!!
THINK TOO HARD YOU WILL MISS THE SYMBOL Think too hard you will miss the symbol Think too hard you will miss the symbol
TAKING THE ACTION'S NOT TO HARD Taking the action's not to hard Taking the action's not to hard
THINK TOO HARD YOU WILL MISS THE SYMBOL Think too hard you will miss the symbol Think too hard you will miss the symbol
TAKING THE ACTION'S NOT TO HARD Taking the action's not to hard Taking the action's not to hard


I CAN HARDLY RECOGNIZE MYSELF I can hardly recognize myself I can hardly recognize myself
I CAN HARDLY RECOGNIZE MYSELF I can hardly recognize myself I can hardly recognize myself


HARRY UP HARRY UP Harry up Harry up Harry up Harry up


I HATE YOU, HATE YOU. I hate you, hate you. I hate you, hate you.
I HATE YOU, HATE YOU. I hate you, hate you. I hate you, hate you.
NO ONE TO HATE shaba denkoo ni No one to hate, Life's shorter than a flash of lightning No one to hate SHABA電光DENKOONI
I HATE MYSELF norikoeru chance negatteta ndaro? I hate myself, I was hoping for a chance to overcome it, right? I hate myself NORIKOERUchance NEGAってTTETANDARO
Haiei Haisei I HATE You lead, they follow, I hate HAIEIHAISEI I hate
Haiei Haisei I HATE You lead, they follow, I hate HAIEIHAISEI I hate
(THE) NOISE YOU USED TO HATE, IT IS NOW YOUR BEST FRIEND (The) noise you used to hate, it is now your best friend (The) noise you used to hate, it is now your best friend


YOU DON’T WANT TO BE HATED? You don’t want to be hated? You don't want to be hated


Back into the wild
HAVE YOU LIVED LONG ENOUGH, Have you lived long enough, Have you lived long enough,
HAVE TO LIVE MORE FREELY Have to live more freely Have to live more freely
I ALSO WON'T HAVE YOU NEVER EVER. I also won't have you never ever. I also won't have you never ever.
YOU DON'T HAVE TO CARE ABOUT IT BECAUSE IT'S TOO LATE. You don't have to care about it because it's too late. You don't have to care about it because it's too late.
ARE YOU OKAY TO HAVE BEEN SHOWING YOURSELF GREATER THAN WHAT YOU ARE. Are you okay to have been showing yourself greater than what you are. Are you okay to have been showing yourself greater than what you are.
NOISE WILL NOT GO AWAY HOW LONG DO YOU HAVE TO ENDURE? Noise will not go away How long do you have to endure? Noise will not go away How long do you have to endure
WE DON'T HAVE TIME TO WAIT We don't have time to wait We don't have time to wait
HAVE YOU STOPPED YOUR MIND? Have you stopped your mind? Have you stopped your mind
DO YOU HAVE YOUR OWN MIND? Do you have your own mind? Do you have your own mind
DO YOU HAVE A SLEEPLESS NIGHT? Do you have a sleepless night? Do you have a sleepless night
DO YOU HAVE SOMEONE YOU CAN TALK TO ABOUT ANYTHING? Do you have someone you can talk to about anything? Do you have someone you can talk to about anything
HAVE YOU STOPPED YOUR MIND? Have you stopped your mind? Have you stopped your mind
DO YOU HAVE YOUR OWN MIND? Do you have your own mind? Do you have your own mind
DO YOU HAVE A SLEEPLESS NIGHT? Do you have a sleepless night? Do you have a sleepless night
DO YOU HAVE SOMEONE YOU CAN TALK TO ABOUT ANYTHING? Do you have someone you can talk to about anything? Do you have someone you can talk to about anything
HAVE YOU STOPPED YOUR MIND? Have you stopped your mind? Have you stopped your mind
DO YOU HAVE YOUR OWN MIND? Do you have your own mind? Do you have your own mind


A Ray
DON'T GIVE IT UP AND HEAD UP FOR YOUR RAY OF LIGHT Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light
DON'T GIVE IT UP AND HEAD UP FOR YOUR RAY OF LIGHT Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light
WHAT'S INSIDE YOUR HEAD? What's inside your head? What's inside your head
WHAT'S INSIDE YOUR HEAD? What's inside your head? What's inside your head
WHAT'S INSIDE YOUR HEAD? What's inside your head? What's inside your head
WHAT'S INSIDE YOUR HEAD? What's inside your head? What's inside your head
WHAT'S INSIDE YOUR HEAD? What's inside your head? What's inside your head
WHAT'S INSIDE YOUR HEAD? What's inside your head? What's inside your head
Hammer Down
NO MATTER WHAT NOISE RUN THROUGH MY HEAD No matter what noise run through my head No matter what noise run through my head
KEEP YOUR HEAD UP, DON'T GIVE UP ON YOUR WAY TO GO Keep your head up, don't give up on your way to go Keep your head up, don't give up on your way to go


HEADS UP! FREE YOURSELF NOW Heads up! Free yourself now Heads up Free yourself now


DU DAN DAN DA DI HEALING MY WOUND du dan dan da di healing my wound du dan dan da di healing my wound


CAN YOU HEAR ME? bokura wa koko ni iru Can you hear me? We are right here Can you hear me BOKURAWAKOKONIIRU
HEY LET ME HEAR YOUR SHOUT Hey let me hear your shout Hey let me hear your shout
YOU NEED TO HEAR THE VOICE. You need to hear the voice. You need to hear the voice.
(CAN YOU HEAR? NOTICE ME) Can you hear? Notice me Can you hear Notice me


A Ray
BURN YOUR HEART, DO NOT TURN AWAY FROM OUR FATE Burn your heart, do not turn away from our fate Burn your heart, do not turn away from our fate
A RAY OF LIGHT IS IN MY HEART A ray of light is in my heart A ray of light is in my heart
A RAY OF LIGHT IS IN OUR HEART A Ray of light is in our heart A Ray of light is in our heart
TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK, YOUR HEART, RIGHT NOW. Tell me what you think, your heart, right now. Tell me what you think, your heart, right now.
TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK, YOUR HEART, RIGHT NOW. Tell me what you think, your heart, right now. Tell me what you think, your heart, right now.
(GIMME) YOUR HEART!! TO HARD!! MORE MORE MORE..!! (Gimme) Your heart!! To hard!! More more more..!! (Gimme)Your heart!! To hard!! More more more..!!
IGNITE THAT SHITTY ROTTEN HEART, ONLY YOU CAN DO THAT WAKE UP Ignite that shitty rotten heart, only you can do that wake up Ignite that shitty rotten heart, only you can do that wake up


(CLAP CLAP!) Yaoyorozu no kami mo HEAT UP (Clap Clap!) All the gods and goddesses Heat up (Clap Clap!)YA百万OYOROZUNOKAMIMOHeat up


HEAVEN OR HELL & IT DOESN'T MATTER NOW Heaven or hell & It doesn't matter now Heaven or hell & It doesn't matter now


HEAVY kyuu na hedoban medatte nanbo Heavy as hell headbanging stands out from the crowd HeavyKYUUNAHEDOBAN MEDAってTTENANBO


Hammer Down
OUT OF THE HELL NOW Out of the hell now Out of the hell now
KEEP RAISING HELL Keep raising hell Keep raising hell
HEAVEN OR HELL & IT DOESN'T MATTER NOW Heaven or hell & It doesn't matter now Heaven or hell & It doesn't matter now


Now I here
HELLO, HELLO, HELLO? Hello, hello, hello? Hello, hello, hello


Dare ka no tenohira no ue de mo ii sa WE'RE HERE Even if it's to someone else's tune, we're here DAREKANOTENOHIRANOUEDEMOIISA We're here
SO WHY DON'T YOU COME HERE AND JOIN US? So why don't you come here and join us? So why don't you come here and join us?
Night Flight
I GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE I gotta get out of here I gotta get out of here
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM HERE, IT'S THE DEADLINE Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline
"YOU" GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE NOW "You" gotta get out of here now "You" gotta get out of here now
I GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE I gotta get out of here I gotta get out of here
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM HERE, IT'S THE DEADLINE Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline
"YOU" GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE NOW "You" gotta get out of here now "You" gotta get out of here now
I GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE I gotta get out of here I gotta get out of here
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM HERE, IT'S THE DEADLINE Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline
"YOU" GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE NOW "You" gotta get out of here now "You" gotta get out of here now
I GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE I gotta get out of here I gotta get out of here
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM HERE, IT'S THE DEADLINE Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline
"YOU" GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE NOW "You" gotta get out of here now "You" gotta get out of here now
Now I here
HOW DID I REACH HERE WHERE I'M ALONE How did I reach here where I'm alone How did I reach here where I'm alone
NO ONE IS HERE No one is here No one is here
I'M HERE I'm here I'm here
THERE'S NOTHING HERE There's nothing here There's nothing here
SO NOW I'M HERE So now I'm here So now I'm here
NOWHERE BUT HERE Nowhere but here Nowhere but here
SO NOW I'M HERE So now I'm here So now I'm here
STAND HERE ALIVE Stand here alive Stand here alive
Rock n roll
KNOCK KNOCK, IS ANYONE HERE? Knock knock, is anyone here? Knock knock, is anyone here


Rock n roll
HERE'S THE NEWS OF THE WORLD Here's the news of the world Here's the news of the world


HEY LET ME HEAR YOUR SHOUT Hey let me hear your shout Hey let me hear your shout
HEY LET ME SEE YOUR SMILE Hey let me see your smile Hey let me see your smile
Saa zenkai senkai de HEY SHOW TIME Now rev up, full throttle, Hey, Show Time さぁSAA ZENKAI SENKAIDE Hey Show time
Rock n roll
HEY, ARE YOU REALLY DEAD? Hey, are you really dead? Hey, are you really dead
HEY, DO OR DIE Hey, Do or Die Hey, Do or Die
HEY, DANCE OR DIE Hey, Dance or Die Hey, Dance or Die
HEY, DO OR DIE Hey, Do or Die Hey, Do or Die
HEY, BOUNCE OR DIE Hey, Bounce or Die Hey, Bounce or Die
(HEY HEY BABY, I CAN'T WAIT IT) (Hey hey baby, I can't wait it) (Hey hey baby, I can't wait it)
(HEY HEY BABY, I'M EXCITED) (Hey hey baby, I'm excited) (Hey hey baby, I'm excited)


NO NEED TO HIDE OR CRY No need to hide or cry No need to hide or cry
NO NEED TO HIDE OR CRY CUZ YOU'VE GOT ME No need to hide or cry cuz you've got me No need to hide or cry cuz you've got me
NO NEED TO HIDE OR CRY No need to hide or cry No need to hide or cry


(LET’S GO! LET’S SAY “HIGH”!) Let’s go! Let’s say “high”! Lets go Lets say high
EVERYBODY PUT YOUR HANDS UP HIGH Everybody put your hands up high Everybody put your hands up high
BETTER GET HIGH THAN CRYING THROUGH THE NIGHT Better get high than crying through the night Better get high than crying through the night
HIGH ni naretara When you're able to get high High NINARETARA
SUCH A HIGH DAY, TOUCH A FINE SAYING "I'MMA BE ALRIGHT" YEAH AH Such a high day, touch a fine saying "I'mma be alright" yeah ah Such a high day, touch a fine saying I'mma be alright yeah ah
LIFE'S AT ITS HIGH WITH A DREAM ITS TRUE Life's at its high with a dream its true Life's at its high with a dream it's true


Night Flight
HIT THE LIGHTS TONIGHT Hit the lights tonight Hit the lights tonight
HIT THE LIGHTS TONIGHT Hit the lights tonight Hit the lights tonight
HIT THE LIGHTS TONIGHT Hit the lights tonight Hit the lights tonight
HIT THE LIGHTS TONIGHT Hit the lights tonight Hit the lights tonight
HIT THE LIGHTS TONIGHT Hit the lights tonight Hit the lights tonight
HIT THE LIGHTS TONIGHT Hit the lights tonight Hit the lights tonight
HIT THE LIGHTS TONIGHT Hit the lights tonight Hit the lights tonight
HIT THE LIGHTS TONIGHT Hit the lights tonight Hit the lights tonight


HOLD ON TIGHT Hold on tight Hold on tight


Yoosha nai netsuryoo FUCK'N HOT TONIGHT. The heat won't let up, Fuck'n Hot Tonight YOOSHANAINETSURYOO Fuck'n Hot Tonight.


HOW FEEL? NO MORE RULES, NO MORE CHANCES. How feel? No more rules, no more chances. How feel No more rules, no more chances.
HOW WAS YOUR DAY? How was your day? How was your day
HOW MANY TIMES DID YOU ENJOY IT? How many times did you enjoy it? How many times did you enjoy it
HOW CAN I BE kanashimubeshiya How can I be, pitying myself How can I be KANASHIMUBESHIYA
Now I here
HOW DID I REACH HERE WHERE I'M ALONE How did I reach here where I'm alone How did I reach here where I'm alone
NOISE WILL NOT GO AWAY HOW LONG DO YOU HAVE TO ENDURE? Noise will not go away How long do you have to endure? Noise will not go away How long do you have to endure
SHOW ME HOW LIFE CAN CHANGE Show me how life can change Show me how life can change
I DON'T KNOW HOW TO SING I don't know how to sing I don't know how to sing


Damashi damasa re GET HURT deceived and deceived Get hurt DAMASHIDAMASAREGet hurt

: I

A Ray
NOW I STAND TO LIVE MY LIFE Now I stand to live my life Now I stand to live my life
POOR umareta imi nado nai I DON'T WANNA BELIEVE Poor, there is no purpose to life, I don't wanna believe Poor UMARETAIMINADONAI I don't wanna believe
I JUST WANNA SEE YOU HAPPY I just wanna see you happy I just wanna see you happy
I ALSO WON'T HAVE YOU NEVER EVER. I also won't have you never ever. I also won't have you never ever.
I HATE YOU, HATE YOU. I hate you, hate you. I hate you, hate you.
I WON'T BE MOVED BY YOU. I won't be moved by you. I won't be moved by you.
I HATE YOU, HATE YOU. I hate you, hate you. I hate you, hate you.
HOW CAN I BE kanashimubeshiya How can I be, pitying myself How can I be KANASHIMUBESHIYA
I DON'T WANNA LIVE IN YOUR WORLD I don't wanna live in your world I don't wanna live in your world
I NO LONGER FAKE MY WORLD I no longer fake my world I no longer fake my world
I DON'T WANNA LIVE IN YOUR WORLD I don't wanna live in your world I don't wanna live in your world
I WILL BE STRONGER THAN NOW I will be stronger than now. I will be stronger than now
I CAN HARDLY RECOGNIZE MYSELF I can hardly recognize myself I can hardly recognize myself
I WILL DO THAT FOR YOU I will do that for you I will do that for you
I CAN HARDLY RECOGNIZE MYSELF I can hardly recognize myself I can hardly recognize myself
I WILL DO THAT FOR YOU I will do that for you I will do that for you
AFTER THAT, I WOKE UP After that, I woke up After that, I woke up
Hammer Down
I WON’T GET HAMMERED DOWN I won’t get hammered down I wont get hammered down
I WON’T GET HAMMERED DOWN I won’t get hammered down I wont get hammered down
I to okashina Such a beautiful ITOOKASHINA
A yabuya na risoo o kakagete I WILL TAKE IT ALL IN Holding up dubious ideals I will take it all in AYABUYANARISOOOKAKAGETEI will take it all in
CUZ I JUST FOUND OUT Seikai wa INSIDE OF ME Cuz I just found out The correct answer is Inside of me Cuz I just found out SEIKAIWAInside of me
Imikirawa rete ishi o nagerareta tte I DON’T CARE Though I was hated and stoned I don't care IMIKIRAWARETEISHIONAGERARETAってTTEI dont care
CUZ I JUST FOUND OUT Seikai o YOU ARE MY SHINE Cuz I just found out the correct answer, You are my shine Cuz I just found out SEIKAIOYou are my shine
CUZ I JUST FOUND OUT Seikai wa INSIDE OF ME Cuz I just found out The correct answer is Inside of me Cuz I just found out SEIKAIWAInside of me
Night Flight
I GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE I gotta get out of here I gotta get out of here
I CAN'T STAND YOU ANYMORE I can't stand you anymore I can't stand you anymore
I GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE I gotta get out of here I gotta get out of here
I CAN'T STAND YOU ANYMORE I can't stand you anymore I can't stand you anymore
I GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE I gotta get out of here I gotta get out of here
I GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE I gotta get out of here I gotta get out of here
Now I here
HOW DID I REACH HERE WHERE I'M ALONE How did I reach here where I'm alone How did I reach here where I'm alone
NOW I'M NO LONGER WHO I WAS Now I'm no longer who I was Now I'm no longer who I was
WHY DID I THROW AWAY WHO GAVE ME LOVE Why did I throw away who gave me love Why did I throw away who gave me love
CAUSE I KNOW WHERE I'M STANDING NOW Cause I know where I'm standing now Cause I know where I'm standing now
NOW I'M NO LONGER WHO I WAS Now I'm no longer who I was Now I'm no longer who I was
NOW I CAN TAKE MY SORROW Now I can take my sorrow Now I can take my sorrow
I HATE MYSELF norikoeru chance negatteta ndaro? I hate myself, I was hoping for a chance to overcome it, right? I hate myself NORIKOERUchance NEGAってTTETANDARO
Haiei Haisei I HATE You lead, they follow, I hate HAIEIHAISEI I hate
Haiei Haisei I HATE You lead, they follow, I hate HAIEIHAISEI I hate
Raidoo raidoo I KNOW Follow, follow, I know RAIDOORAIDOO I know
Raidoo raidoo I KNOW Follow, follow, I know RAIDOORAIDOO I know
LOOKING UP N THINKING WHAT AM I GON DO NEXT Looking up n thinking what am I gon do next Looking up n thinking what am I gon do next
I DON'T NEED WORDS kanjoo no rinku I don't need words, it's an emotional link I don't need words KANJOONORINKU
I DON'T NEED WORDS kanjoo no rinku I don't need words, it's an emotional link I don't need words KANJOONORINKU
I DON'T NEED WORDS kanjoo no rinku I don't need words, it's an emotional link I don't need words KANJOONORINKU
I WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED BY THE FATE I will never be defeated by the fate I will never be defeated by the fate
I WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED BY THE FATE I will never be defeated by the fate I will never be defeated by the fate
(HEY HEY BABY, I CAN'T WAIT IT) (Hey hey baby, I can't wait it) (Hey hey baby, I can't wait it)
I WON'T GIVE UP ON MY DREAM I won't give up on my dream I won't give up on my dream
I WANT TO FIND YOU OUT I want to find you out I want to find you out
I DON'T KNOW HOW TO SING I don't know how to sing I don't know how to sing
I WANT TO BE TRUE TO MYSELF I want to be true to myself I want to be true to myself

: IF

A Ray
EVEN IF (YOU) CAN'T BELIEVE YOURSELF AND A RAY OF LIGHT Even if (you) can't believe yourself and a ray of light Even if (you) can't believe yourself and a ray of light
EVEN IF IT’S A SMALL STEP Even if it’s a small step Even if its a small step
EVEN IF IT’S A STEP BACK Even if it’s a step back Even if its a step back
WHAT MATTERS IS IF YOU GOT YOUR OWN WILL OR NOT What matters is if you got your own will or not What matters is if you got your own will or not
DO YOUR BEST IF YOU DON'T WANNA BE BOGGED DOWN. Do your best if you don't wanna be bogged down. Do your best if you don't wanna be bogged down.
IF YOU ARE BRAVE ENOUGH TO STAND UP If you are brave enough to stand up if you are brave enough to stand up
IF YOU STAY WITH ME If you stay with me If you stay with me


IGNITE THAT SHITTY ROTTEN HEART, ONLY YOU CAN DO THAT WAKE UP Ignite that shitty rotten heart, only you can do that wake up Ignite that shitty rotten heart, only you can do that wake up


I'LL CHANGE THE WORLD THAT'S CALMING DOWN I'll change the world that's calming down I'll change the world that's calming down
I'LL CHANGE THE WORLD I'll change the world I'll change the world
I'LL CHANGE THE WORLD THAT'S CALMING DOWN I'll change the world that's calming down I'll change the world that's calming down
I'LL CHANGE THE WORLD THAT'S CALMING DOWN I'll change the world that's calming down I'll change the world that's calming down
Hammer Down
PULL YOU UP I’LL PULL YOU UP FROM BOTTOM OF THE SEA Pull you up I’ll pull you up from bottom of the sea Pull you up Ill pull you up from bottom of the sea
PULL YOU UP I’LL PULL YOU UP FROM BOTTOM OF THE SEA Pull you up I’ll pull you up from bottom of the sea Pull you up Ill pull you up from bottom of the sea

: IM

I'M AN ENIGMA I'm an enigma I'm an enigma
I’M AN ENIGMA I’m an enigma Im an enigma
I'M AN ENIGMA I'm an enigma I'm an enigma
Hammer Down
NO I’M NOT AFRAID OF “YOU” No I’m not afraid of “you” No Im not afraid of you
Makikomu I'M A "LIVE MONSTER" I involve it all, I'm a LIVE MONSTER MAKIKOMU I'm a "LIVE MONSTER"
Now I here
HOW DID I REACH HERE WHERE I'M ALONE How did I reach here where I'm alone How did I reach here where I'm alone
NOW I'M NO LONGER WHO I WAS Now I'm no longer who I was Now I'm no longer who I was
I'M HERE I'm here I'm here
CAUSE I KNOW WHERE I'M STANDING NOW Cause I know where I'm standing now Cause I know where I'm standing now
NOW I'M NO LONGER WHO I WAS Now I'm no longer who I was Now I'm no longer who I was
SO NOW I'M HERE So now I'm here So now I'm here
I'M NOT ALONE ANYMORE I'm not alone anymore I'm not alone anymore
SO NOW I'M HERE So now I'm here So now I'm here
I'M FREE NOW I'm free now I'm free now
(HEY HEY BABY, I'M EXCITED) (Hey hey baby, I'm excited) (Hey hey baby, I'm excited)


SHAKING UP N BLAZING, I'MMA IMPRESS Shaking up n blazing, I'mma impress Shaking up n blazing, I'mma impress
SUCH A HIGH DAY, TOUCH A FINE SAYING "I'MMA BE ALRIGHT" YEAH AH Such a high day, touch a fine saying "I'mma be alright" yeah ah Such a high day, touch a fine saying I'mma be alright yeah ah


SHAKING UP N BLAZING, I'MMA IMPRESS Shaking up n blazing, I'mma impress Shaking up n blazing, I'mma impress

: IN

A Ray
NOW, FIND YOUR WAY TO LIVE YOUR LIFE IN THE CRUEL WORLD Now, find your way to live your life in the cruel world Now, find your way to live your life in the cruel world
A RAY OF LIGHT IS IN MY HEART A ray of light is in my heart A ray of light is in my heart
GO, RUN YOUR WAY TO LIVE YOUR LIFE IN THE CRAZY WORLD Go, run your way to live your life in the crazy world Go, run your way to live your life in the crazy world
FIND YOUR WAY TO LIVE YOUR LIFE IN THE CRUEL WORLD Find your way to live your life in the cruel world Find your way to live your life in the cruel world
A RAY OF LIGHT IS IN OUR HEART A Ray of light is in our heart A Ray of light is in our heart
hanete ke UP IN THE SKY Jump up in the sky HANETEKEup in the sky
I DON'T WANNA LIVE IN YOUR WORLD I don't wanna live in your world I don't wanna live in your world
JUST YOU CAN GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO ME just you can give in to give in to give in to me just you can give in to give in to give in to me
JUST YOU CAN GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO ME just you can give in to give in to give in to me just you can give in to give in to give in to me
I DON'T WANNA LIVE IN YOUR WORLD I don't wanna live in your world I don't wanna live in your world
JUST YOU CAN GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO ME just you can give in to give in to give in to me just you can give in to give in to give in to me
JUST YOU CAN GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO ME just you can give in to give in to give in to me just you can give in to give in to give in to me
Hammer Down
WE’RE LIVING IN CHAOS CHAOS CHAOS We’re living in chaos chaos chaos Were living in chaos chaos chaos
A yabuya na risoo o kakagete I WILL TAKE IT ALL IN Holding up dubious ideals I will take it all in AYABUYANARISOOOKAKAGETEI will take it all in
Yamikumo ni STAB IT BACK dokutsubo e to FALL IN ONE’S WAY blindly Stab it back To the poison pot Fall in one’s way YAMIKUMONIStab it back DOKUTSUBOETOFall in ones way
BELIEVE IN YOURSELF Believe in yourself Believe in yourself
LOOK UP IN THE SKY. Look up in the sky! Look up in the sky.
LOOK UP IN THE SKY. Look up in the sky! Look up in the sky.
HANG IN THERE Hang in there Hang in there
Tatakaeyo FEARS IN YOUR MIND kagayakeyo TEARS IN YOUR EYES Let's fight fears in your mind Shine! tears in your eyes TATAKAEYO fears in your mind KAGAYAKEYO tears in your eyes
Kakageta chikai wa konote no naka ni YOU CAN JUST HANG IN THERE The vow I made is in my hands. You can just hang in there KAKAGETACHIKAIWA KONOTENONAKANI You can just hang in there
YOU ARE AT THE CROSSROADS IN YOUR LIFE You are at the crossroads in your life You are at the crossroads in your life
YOU'VE WALKED THE PATH WHICH YOU'VE BELIEVED IN You've walked the path which you've believed in You've walked the path which you've believed in
mayowazu ni BELIEVE IN YOURSELF Without hesitation Believe in yourself MAYOWAZUNI believe in yourself
DON'T UNDERRATE YOURSELF IN YOUR MIND Don't underrate yourself in your mind Don't underrate yourself in your mind
CHECKING IN YOUR SOUL POCKET, UNLOCK IT, Checking in your soul pocket, unlock it, Checking in your soul pocket, unlock it,
STAY IN THE NORM ? YOU SO WACK ! Stay in the norm ? YOU SO WACK ! Stay in the norm YOU SO WACK


A BUNCH OF HAPPINESS? YES, INDEED A bunch of happiness? Yes, indeed A bunch of happiness Yes, indeed


WHAT'S INSIDE YOUR HEAD? What's inside your head? What's inside your head
WHAT'S INSIDE YOUR HEAD? What's inside your head? What's inside your head
WHAT'S INSIDE YOUR HEAD? What's inside your head? What's inside your head
WHAT'S INSIDE YOUR HEAD? What's inside your head? What's inside your head
WHAT'S INSIDE YOUR HEAD? What's inside your head? What's inside your head
WHAT'S INSIDE YOUR HEAD? What's inside your head? What's inside your head
CUZ I JUST FOUND OUT Seikai wa INSIDE OF ME Cuz I just found out The correct answer is Inside of me Cuz I just found out SEIKAIWAInside of me
CUZ I JUST FOUND OUT Seikai wa INSIDE OF ME Cuz I just found out The correct answer is Inside of me Cuz I just found out SEIKAIWAInside of me
LOOK INSIDE THE MIRROR OF YOU Look inside the mirror of you Look inside the mirror of you
START SEARCHING DEEP INSIDE Start searching deep inside Start searching deep inside
START SEARCHING DEEP INSIDE Start searching deep inside Start searching deep inside


Back into the wild
COME ON, NOW BACK INTO THE WILD Come on, now back into the wild Come on, now back into the wild
ALL BACK INTO THE WILD All back into the wild All back into the wild
COME ON, NOW BACK INTO THE WILD Come on, now back into the wild Come on, now back into the wild
ALL BACK INTO THE WILD All back into the wild All back into the wild
COME ON, NOW BACK INTO THE WILD Come on, now back into the wild Come on, now back into the wild
ALL BACK INTO THE WILD All back into the wild All back into the wild


AREN'T YOU THINKING THAT IT IS IRRELEVANT? Aren't you thinking that it is irrelevant? Aren't you thinking that it is irrelevant

: IS

A Ray
A RAY OF LIGHT IS IN MY HEART A ray of light is in my heart A ray of light is in my heart
A RAY OF LIGHT IS IN OUR HEART A Ray of light is in our heart A Ray of light is in our heart
"ALL THE WORLD IS A STAGE" "All the world is a stage" All the world is a stage
AS IT IS kokoro ni kimeta TODAY’S THE DAY As it is I decided with my heart Today’s the day As it isKOKORONIKIMETATodays the day
WHAT MATTERS IS IF YOU GOT YOUR OWN WILL OR NOT What matters is if you got your own will or not What matters is if you got your own will or not
Back into the wild
IS THIS THE ENDING YOU WISHED, Is this the ending you wished, Is this the ending you wished,
WHETHER YOU LIVE OR DIE IS UP TO YOU Whether you live or die is up to you Whether you live or die is up to you
WHETHER YOU LIVE OR DIE IS UP TO YOU Whether you live or die is up to you Whether you live or die is up to you
WHETHER YOU LIVE OR DIE IS UP TO YOU Whether you live or die is up to you Whether you live or die is up to you
COUNTDOWN IS STARTING. ARE YOU READY? Countdown is starting. Are you ready? Countdown is starting. Are you ready
COUNTDOWN IS STARTING, REMEMBER THAT. Countdown is starting, remember that. Countdown is starting, remember that.
THERE IS NO WAY TO GO BACK There is no way to go back There is no way to go back
YOUR TRUE ENEMY IS YOURSELF Your true enemy is yourself. Your true enemy is yourself
THERE IS NO TURNING BACK NOW There is no turning back now There is no turning back now
WHERE IS THE JUSTICE? Where is the justice? Where is the justice?
THIS IS MY WAY OF LIFE This is my way of life This is my way of life
Now I here
NO ONE IS HERE No one is here No one is here
THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING OF THE SHOW This is just the beginning of the show This is just the beginning of the show
KEEP ON RISING UP, IT'S OK AS IT IS Keep on rising up, it's OK as it is Keep on rising up, it's OK as it is
(THE) NOISE YOU USED TO HATE, IT IS NOW YOUR BEST FRIEND (The) noise you used to hate, it is now your best friend (The) noise you used to hate, it is now your best friend
THEY AREN'T AWARE OF WHAT LIFE IS! They aren't aware of what life is! They aren't aware of what life is
CAN YOU SAY NOW IS THE BEST OF WHO YOU ARE? Can you say now is the best of who you are? Can you say now is the best of who you are
LIKE THE SUN IS BURNING THE SKY Like the sun is burning the sky like the sun is burning the sky
Rock n roll
KNOCK KNOCK, IS ANYONE HERE? Knock knock, is anyone here? Knock knock, is anyone here
"ROCK'N'ROLL IS DEAD, SOMEONE SAID SO" "Rock'n'Roll is dead, someone said so" Rock'n'Roll is dead, someone said so
DECIDE IT, IT IS TIME Decide it, it is time Decide it, it is time
ALL YOU GOTTA DO IS TRY ANYTHING All you gotta do is try anything All you gotta do is try anything
DECIDE IT, IT IS TIME Decide it, it is time Decide it, it is time
THIS IS THE WAY sarashiteku ikizama This is the way even if the way of life I uncover This is the way SARASHITEKUIKIZAMA
THAT IS THE WAY anata no susumu saki That is the way, even if the place you're headed That is the way ANATANOSUSUMUSAKI
THIS IS THE WAY kamashiteku iki kata This is the way, even if the way of life I show you This is the way KAMASHITEKUIKIKATA
ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS REACH OUT All you need to do is reach out All you need to do is reach out
ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS REACH OUT All you need to do is reach out All you need to do is reach out
ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS REACH OUT All you need to do is reach out All you need to do is reach out
ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS REACH OUT All you need to do is reach out All you need to do is reach out
DO YOU THINK THAT DESTINY IS SET? Do you think that destiny is set? Do you think that destiny is set
THAT IS FOR YOUR OWN SAKE, ISN'T IT? That is for your own sake, isn't it? That is for your own sake, isn't it
WHO IS THAT FOR? Who is that for? Who is that for
WHAT IS YOUR FOUNDATION? What is your foundation? What is your foundation
WHAT IS YOUR DREAM? What is your dream? What is your dream
WHAT IS "PAST"? What is "past"? What is past
WHAT IS YOURSELF? What is yourself? What is yourself
WHAT IS YOUR FOUNDATION? What is your foundation? What is your foundation
WHAT IS YOUR DREAM? What is your dream? What is your dream
WHAT IS "FUTURE"? What is "future"? What is future
WHAT IS PEACE? What is peace? What is peace
WHAT IS "BELIEVE"? What is "believe"? What is believe
WHAT IS A BUDDY? What is a buddy? What is a buddy
WHAT IS FAMILY? What is family? What is family
WHAT IS OBVIOUS? What is obvious? What is obvious
WHAT IS TIME? What is time? What is time
WHAT IS YOUR FOUNDATION? What is your foundation? What is your foundation
WHAT IS LOVE? What is love? What is love
WHAT IS "BELIEVE"? What is "believe"? What is believe
AREN'T YOU THINKING THAT IT IS IRRELEVANT? Aren't you thinking that it is irrelevant? Aren't you thinking that it is irrelevant
WHAT IS A BUDDY? What is a buddy? What is a buddy
DO YOU THINK THAT DESTINY IS SET? Do you think that destiny is set? Do you think that destiny is set
THAT IS FOR YOUR OWN SAKE, ISN'T IT? That is for your own sake, isn't it? That is for your own sake, isn't it
WHO IS THAT FOR? Who is that for? Who is that for
WHAT IS PEACE? What is peace? What is peace
WHAT IS "BELIEVE"? What is "believe"? What is believe
WHAT IS A BUDDY? What is a buddy? What is a buddy
WHAT IS FAMILY? What is family? What is family
WHAT IS OBVIOUS? What is obvious? What is obvious
WHAT IS TIME? What is time? What is time
WHAT IS YOUR FOUNDATION? What is your foundation? What is your foundation
WHAT IS LOVE? What is love? What is love
DO YOU THINK THAT DESTINY IS SET? Do you think that destiny is set? Do you think that destiny is set
THAT IS FOR YOUR OWN SAKE, ISN'T IT? That is for your own sake, isn't it? That is for your own sake, isn't it
WHO IS THAT FOR? Who is that for? Who is that for


Aware na adabana no yoo de mo ii sa ISN'T IT? It's okay to be a pitiful flower that bears no fruit, Isn't it? AWARENAADABANANOYOODEMOIISA Isn't it
Aware na adabana no yoo de mo ii sa ISN'T IT? It's okay to be a pitiful flower that bears no fruit, Isn't it? AWARENAADABANANOYOODEMOIISA Isn't it
ISN'T IT COOL? IT'S TOO LATE. Marude Isn't it cool? It's too late. Just like that Isn't it cool It's too late. MARUDE
ISN'T THAT COOL? Isn't that cool? Isn't that cool
ISN'T THAT COOL? Isn't that cool? Isn't that cool
ISN'T IT? Isn't it? Isn't it
ISN'T THAT FOR YOUR EGO? Isn't that for your ego? Isn't that for your ego
THAT IS FOR YOUR OWN SAKE, ISN'T IT? That is for your own sake, isn't it? That is for your own sake, isn't it
ISN'T THAT FOR YOUR EGO? Isn't that for your ego? Isn't that for your ego
THAT IS FOR YOUR OWN SAKE, ISN'T IT? That is for your own sake, isn't it? That is for your own sake, isn't it
ISN'T THAT FOR YOUR EGO? Isn't that for your ego? Isn't that for your ego
THAT IS FOR YOUR OWN SAKE, ISN'T IT? That is for your own sake, isn't it? That is for your own sake, isn't it

: IT

A Ray
BLOW IT UP, SPIT IT OUT Blow it up, spit it out Blow it up, spit it out
DON'T GIVE IT UP AND HEAD UP FOR YOUR RAY OF LIGHT Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light
TURN IT UP, LET IT OUT Turn it up, let it out Turn it up, let it out
DON'T GIVE IT UP AND HEAD UP FOR YOUR RAY OF LIGHT Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light
Aware na adabana no yoo de mo ii sa ISN'T IT? It's okay to be a pitiful flower that bears no fruit, Isn't it? AWARENAADABANANOYOODEMOIISA Isn't it
Aware na adabana no yoo de mo ii sa ISN'T IT? It's okay to be a pitiful flower that bears no fruit, Isn't it? AWARENAADABANANOYOODEMOIISA Isn't it
AS IT IS kokoro ni kimeta TODAY’S THE DAY As it is I decided with my heart Today’s the day As it isKOKORONIKIMETATodays the day
WHY DON'T YOU LEAVE IT ALL BEHIND? Why don't you leave it all behind? Why don't you leave it all behind?
(CLAP CLAP!) Aotte PUMP IT UP (Clap Clap!) Instigate! Pump it up (Clap Clap!)AOってTTEPump it up
GOT IT GOT IT Misetsukete yaru nda Got it Got it I'll show it to you Got it Got itMISETSUKETEYARUNDA
Utaeya sawage ya honnoo no mama ni LET’S LIVE IT UP Sing, make noise, follow your instincts Let's live it up UTAEYASAWAGEYAHONNOONOMAMANILets live it up
YOU DON'T HAVE TO CARE ABOUT IT BECAUSE IT'S TOO LATE. You don't have to care about it because it's too late. You don't have to care about it because it's too late.
HOW MANY TIMES DID YOU ENJOY IT? How many times did you enjoy it? How many times did you enjoy it
DID YOU COUNT IT? Did you count it? Did you count it
ISN'T IT COOL? IT'S TOO LATE. Marude Isn't it cool? It's too late. Just like that Isn't it cool It's too late. MARUDE
GOING TO BLOW IT UP Going to blow it up Going to blow it up
A yabuya na risoo o kakagete I WILL TAKE IT ALL IN Holding up dubious ideals I will take it all in AYABUYANARISOOOKAKAGETEI will take it all in
Yamikumo ni STAB IT BACK dokutsubo e to FALL IN ONE’S WAY blindly Stab it back To the poison pot Fall in one’s way YAMIKUMONIStab it back DOKUTSUBOETOFall in ones way
KEEP IT UP! Keep it up! Keep it up!
KEEP IT UP! Keep it up! Keep it up!
SO, LEAVE IT TO ME NOW!! So, leave it to me now!! So, leave it to me now!!
LET'S KICK IT UP A NOTCH Let's kick it up a notch Let's kick it up a notch
LET'S RIDE ON THIS WAVE YOU CAN DO IT, RIGHT? Let's ride on this wave You can do it, right? Let's ride on this wave You can do it, right
(WE) NEED NO ESCAPE LETS GET OUT, TURN IT UP TO THE 100 MAX (We) need no escape Lets get out, Turn it up to the 100 MAX (We) need no escape Let's get out, Turn it up to the 100(MAX)
KEEP ON RISING UP, IT'S OK AS IT IS Keep on rising up, it's OK as it is Keep on rising up, it's OK as it is
(THE) NOISE YOU USED TO HATE, IT IS NOW YOUR BEST FRIEND (The) noise you used to hate, it is now your best friend (The) noise you used to hate, it is now your best friend
Rock n roll
TAKING OVER, TAKE IT OVER AGAIN Taking over, take it over again Taking over, take it over again
TAKING OVER, TAKE IT OVER AGAIN Taking over, take it over again Taking over, take it over again
BRINGING IT UP, BRING IT UP AGAIN Bringing it up, bring it up again Bringing it up, bring it up again
BRINGING IT UP, BRING IT UP AGAIN Bringing it up, bring it up again Bringing it up, bring it up again
TAKING OVER, TAKE IT OVER AGAIN Taking over, take it over again Taking over, take it over again
TAKING OVER, TAKE IT OVER AGAIN Taking over, take it over again Taking over, take it over again
“YOU WANNA FEEL IT?” "You wanna feel it?" You wanna feel it
HEAVEN OR HELL & IT DOESN'T MATTER NOW Heaven or hell & It doesn't matter now Heaven or hell & It doesn't matter now
THINKING YOU CAN DO IT WITH NO DREAM OR TWO Thinking you can do it with no dream or two Thinking you can do it with no dream or two
DECIDE IT, IT IS TIME Decide it, it is time Decide it, it is time
CHECKING IN YOUR SOUL POCKET, UNLOCK IT, Checking in your soul pocket, unlock it, Checking in your soul pocket, unlock it,
BUT IT WILL FIRE UP YOUR SOUL But it will fire up your soul But it will fire up your soul
DECIDE IT, IT IS TIME Decide it, it is time Decide it, it is time
(HEY HEY BABY, I CAN'T WAIT IT) (Hey hey baby, I can't wait it) (Hey hey baby, I can't wait it)
ISN'T IT? Isn't it? Isn't it
JUST GRAB IT Just grab it Just grab it
THAT IS FOR YOUR OWN SAKE, ISN'T IT? That is for your own sake, isn't it? That is for your own sake, isn't it
WILL YOUR CHOICE CHANGE IT? Will your choice change it? Will your choice change it
AREN'T YOU THINKING THAT IT IS IRRELEVANT? Aren't you thinking that it is irrelevant? Aren't you thinking that it is irrelevant
AREN'T YOU PRETENDING THAT YOU ARE NOT SEEING IT? Aren't you pretending that you are not seeing it? Aren't you pretending that you are not seeing it
THAT IS FOR YOUR OWN SAKE, ISN'T IT? That is for your own sake, isn't it? That is for your own sake, isn't it
WILL YOUR CHOICE CHANGE IT? Will your choice change it? Will your choice change it
THAT IS FOR YOUR OWN SAKE, ISN'T IT? That is for your own sake, isn't it? That is for your own sake, isn't it
WILL YOUR CHOICE CHANGE IT? Will your choice change it? Will your choice change it


AT THE END, IT'LL ALL BE CONNECTED At the end, it'll all be connected At the end, it'll all be connected


IT'S OURSELVES bokura wa utsukushii to It's ourselves and we are beautiful It's ourselves BOKURAWAUTSUKUSHIITO
EVEN IF IT’S A SMALL STEP Even if it’s a small step Even if its a small step
EVEN IF IT’S A STEP BACK Even if it’s a step back Even if its a step back
DREAMS ARE BIG AND IT'S SO FUN Dreams are big and it's so fun Dreams are big and it's so fun
DREAMS ARE BIG AND IT'S SO FUN Dreams are big and it's so fun Dreams are big and it's so fun
DREAMS ARE BIG AND IT'S SO FUN Dreams are big and it's so fun Dreams are big and it's so fun
YOU DON'T HAVE TO CARE ABOUT IT BECAUSE IT'S TOO LATE. You don't have to care about it because it's too late. You don't have to care about it because it's too late.
WE'VE KEPT SEEING NEWS, BIASED OPINIONS BUT IT'S NOT THE TRUTH, We've kept seeing news, biased opinions but it's not the truth, We've kept seeing news, biased opinions but it's not the truth,
WE KNOW THAT IT'S ALSO BEAUTIFUL. we know that it's also beautiful. we know that it's also beautiful.
ISN'T IT COOL? IT'S TOO LATE. Marude Isn't it cool? It's too late. Just like that Isn't it cool It's too late. MARUDE
Night Flight
IT'S MY NIGHT FLIGHT It's my night flight It's my night flight
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM NOW, IT'S A DEADLINE Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline
IT’S MY NIGHT FLIGHT It’s my night flight Its my night flight
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM HERE, IT'S THE DEADLINE Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline
IT'S MY NIGHT FLIGHT It's my night flight It's my night flight
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM NOW, IT'S A DEADLINE Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline
IT’S MY NIGHT FLIGHT It’s my night flight Its my night flight
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM HERE, IT'S THE DEADLINE Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline
IT'S MY NIGHT FLIGHT It's my night flight It's my night flight
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM NOW, IT'S A DEADLINE Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline
IT’S MY NIGHT FLIGHT It’s my night flight Its my night flight
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM HERE, IT'S THE DEADLINE Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline
IT'S MY NIGHT FLIGHT It's my night flight It's my night flight
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM NOW, IT'S A DEADLINE Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline
IT’S MY NIGHT FLIGHT It’s my night flight Its my night flight
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM HERE, IT'S THE DEADLINE Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline
KEEP ON RISING UP, IT'S OK AS IT IS Keep on rising up, it's OK as it is Keep on rising up, it's OK as it is
wasurezu ni IT'S TIME TO LIVE YOUR LIFE Don't forget It's time to live your life WASUREZUNI It's time to live your life
IT'S TIME TO RAISE YOUR VOICE It's time to raise your voice It's time to raise your voice
wasurezu ni IT'S TIME TO LIVE YOUR LIFE Don't forget It's time to live your life WASUREZUNI It's time to live your life
Rock n roll
TICK TOCK, ITS ABOUT TIME Tick tock, its about time Tick tock, it's about time
LIFE'S AT ITS HIGH WITH A DREAM ITS TRUE Life's at its high with a dream its true Life's at its high with a dream it's true
IT'S QUITE EASY AND SIMPLE It's quite easy and simple It's quite easy and simple
IT'S TIME TO STOP PRETENDING AND RUNNING It's time to stop pretending and running It's time to stop pretending and running
Dare mo ga kagayaku IT'S OUR BLING Everybody sparkles, it's our bling DAREMOGA KAGAYAKUit's our bling
Misetsukero IT'S YOUR STYLE Flaunt yourself, It's your STYLE MISETSUKERO It's your STYLE
IT'S TIME . . . JUST FOLLOW ME! It's time . . . just follow me! It's time . . . just follow me
IT'S TIME TO STOP PRETENDING AND RUNNING It's time to stop pretending and running It's time to stop pretending and running
Dare mo ga kagayaku IT'S OUR BLING Everybody sparkles, it's our bling DAREMOGA KAGAYAKUit's our bling
Misetsukero IT'S YOUR STYLE Flaunt yourself, It's your STYLE MISETSUKERO It's your STYLE
IT'S TIME TO STOP PRETENDING AND RUNNING It's time to stop pretending and running It's time to stop pretending and running
Dare mo ga kagayaku IT'S OUR BLING Everybody sparkles, it's our bling DAREMOGA KAGAYAKUit's our bling
Misetsukero IT'S YOUR STYLE Flaunt yourself, It's your STYLE MISETSUKERO It's your STYLE
IT'S QUITE EASY AND SIMPLE It's quite easy and simple It's quite easy and simple
IT'S A REVERSAL OF FORTUNE It's a reversal of fortune It's a reversal of fortune
IT'S A REVERSAL OF FORTUNE It's a reversal of fortune It's a reversal of fortune
STAY OR GO, IT'S YOUR CALL Stay or go, it's your call Stay or go, it's your call
IT'S A REVERSAL OF FORTUNE It's a reversal of fortune It's a reversal of fortune
IT'S A REVERSAL OF FORTUNE It's a reversal of fortune It's a reversal of fortune


THERE ARE A BUNCH OF JACKASSES. There are a bunch of jackasses. There are a bunch of jackasses.


SO WHY DON'T YOU COME HERE AND JOIN US? So why don't you come here and join us? So why don't you come here and join us?
Kanjite koko ni iru to (JOIN US) Feel it, how you're right here (Join us) KANJITE KOKONIIRUTO (Join us)


Uchooten no kanshoku o (LET'S JOY) Enjoy feelings of ecstasy (Let's joy) UCHOOTENNOKANSHOKUO(Let's joy)


Hammer Down
EVERYTHING GOES JUMBLED Everything goes jumbled Everything goes jumbled


WE SHALL ALL BE THANKFUL JUST TO BE ALIVE We shall all be thankful just to be alive We shall all be thankful just to be alive
I JUST WANNA SEE YOU HAPPY I just wanna see you happy I just wanna see you happy
JUST YOU CAN GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO ME just you can give in to give in to give in to me just you can give in to give in to give in to me
JUST YOU CAN GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO ME just you can give in to give in to give in to me just you can give in to give in to give in to me
JUST YOU CAN GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO ME just you can give in to give in to give in to me just you can give in to give in to give in to me
JUST YOU CAN GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO ME just you can give in to give in to give in to me just you can give in to give in to give in to me
Hammer Down
MAKING ALL THE FAKE SMILES, OH JUST WAKE UP Making all the fake smiles, oh just wake up Making all the fake smiles, oh just wake up
TELL THE TRUTH JUST TELL THE TRUTH Tell the truth just tell the truth Tell the truth just tell the truth
JUST SINK OR SWIM Just sink or swim Just sink or swim
MAKING ALL THE FAKE SMILES, OH JUST WAKE UP Making all the fake smiles, oh just wake up Making all the fake smiles, oh just wake up
TELL THE TRUTH JUST TELL THE TRUTH Tell the truth just tell the truth Tell the truth just tell the truth
CUZ I JUST FOUND OUT Seikai wa INSIDE OF ME Cuz I just found out The correct answer is Inside of me Cuz I just found out SEIKAIWAInside of me
CUZ I JUST FOUND OUT Seikai o YOU ARE MY SHINE Cuz I just found out the correct answer, You are my shine Cuz I just found out SEIKAIOYou are my shine
mikaesu nda JUST YOU WAIT Look back Just you wait MIKAESUNDA Just you wait
CUZ I JUST FOUND OUT Seikai wa INSIDE OF ME Cuz I just found out The correct answer is Inside of me Cuz I just found out SEIKAIWAInside of me
Kakageta chikai wa konote no naka ni YOU CAN JUST HANG IN THERE The vow I made is in my hands. You can just hang in there KAKAGETACHIKAIWA KONOTENONAKANI You can just hang in there
THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING OF THE SHOW This is just the beginning of the show This is just the beginning of the show
JUST REVIVE WHO YOU ARE Just revive who you are Just revive who you are
DON'T STOP TO REMAKE JUST YET sekaijuu Don't stop to remake just yet, around the world Don't stop to remake just yet SEKAIJUU
GIVING YOU JUST WHAT YOU NEED Giving you just what you need Giving you just what you need
IT'S TIME . . . JUST FOLLOW ME! It's time . . . just follow me! It's time . . . just follow me
DON'T STOP TO REMAKE JUST YET sekaijuu Dont stop to remake just yet, around the world Don't stop to remake just yet SEKAIJUU
DON'T STOP TO REMAKE JUST YET sekaijuu Dont stop to remake just yet, around the world Don't stop to remake just yet SEKAIJUU
JUST LIKE YOU Just like you Just like you
JUST GRAB IT Just grab it Just grab it


WHERE IS THE JUSTICE? Where is the justice? Where is the justice?


A Ray
KEEP FIGHTING PAIN AND FEAR Keep fighting pain and fear Keep fighting pain and fear
DON'T LET ME DOWN, KEEP MOVING ON, GOING ON Don't let me down, keep moving on, going on Don't let me down, keep moving on, going on
KEEP SHOUTING SORROW AND GRIEF Keep shouting sorrow and grief Keep shouting sorrow and grief
DON'T LET ME DOWN, KEEP BURNING UP, BLOWING UP Don't let me down, keep burning up, blowing up Don't let me down, keep burning up, blowing up
KEEP SHINING LIKE A STAR Keep shining like a star Keep shining like a star
KEEP IT UP! Keep it up! Keep it up!
KEEP IT UP! Keep it up! Keep it up!
KEEP ON RISING UP, YOU CAN LAUGH THAT PAIN AWAY Keep on rising up, you can laugh that pain away Keep on rising up, you can laugh that pain away
KEEP ON MOVING UP, YOU CAN LAUGH THAT PAIN AWAY Keep on moving up, you can laugh that pain away Keep on moving up, you can laugh that pain away
KEEP ON RISING UP, IT'S OK AS IT IS Keep on rising up, it's OK as it is Keep on rising up, it's OK as it is
KEEP SHOUTING 'TILL YOUR VOICE DIES Keep shouting 'till your voice dies Keep shouting 'till your voice dies
KEEP YOUR HEAD UP, DON'T GIVE UP ON YOUR WAY TO GO Keep your head up, don't give up on your way to go Keep your head up, don't give up on your way to go
KEEP RAISING HELL Keep raising hell Keep raising hell
KEEP WATCHING WHAT'S BEHIND Keep watching what's behind Keep watching what's behind
KEEP WATCHING WHAT'S BEHIND Keep watching whats behind Keep watching what's behind


WE'VE KEPT SEEING NEWS, BIASED OPINIONS BUT IT'S NOT THE TRUTH, We've kept seeing news, biased opinions but it's not the truth, We've kept seeing news, biased opinions but it's not the truth,


LET'S KICK IT UP A NOTCH Let's kick it up a notch Let's kick it up a notch


BE CAREFUL YOU'LL BE KICKED OUT BY US YOU DON'T CARE. Be careful you'll be kicked out by us you don't care. Be careful you'll be kicked out by us you don't care.


Rock n roll
Shibireru yoo na KISS An electrifying KISS SHIBIRERUYOONAKISS


BOOST kamashi koyoi KNOCK OUT!! Boost your power and knock out them tonight BoostKAMASHI今宵KOYOIKnockOut!
Rock n roll
KNOCK KNOCK, IS ANYONE HERE? Knock knock, is anyone here? Knock knock, is anyone here


WE KNOW THAT IT'S ALSO BEAUTIFUL. we know that it's also beautiful. we know that it's also beautiful.
NEVER LET NEVER LET YOU KNOW ME never let never let you know me never let never let you know me
Now I here
CAUSE I KNOW WHERE I'M STANDING NOW Cause I know where I'm standing now Cause I know where I'm standing now
Raidoo raidoo I KNOW Follow, follow, I know RAIDOORAIDOO I know
Raidoo raidoo I KNOW Follow, follow, I know RAIDOORAIDOO I know
YOU KNOW, A DAY CAN BE MADE You know, a day can be made You know, a day can be made
I DON'T KNOW HOW TO SING I don't know how to sing I don't know how to sing
NOW YOU KNOW Now you know Now you know


mada tooi shinkiroo demo zettai shinjiro saigo no saigomade NOBODY KNOWS It's still a distant mirage, but I'll definitely believe it, until the very end Nobody knows. MADATOOISHINKIROO DEMO絶対ZETTAISHINJIRO SAIGONOSAIGOMADENobody knows

: L



THEY ARE SAYING BULL SHITS, LAME THINGS TO YOU They are saying bull shits, lame things to you They are saying bull shits, lame things to you


YOU DON'T HAVE TO CARE ABOUT IT BECAUSE IT'S TOO LATE. You don't have to care about it because it's too late. You don't have to care about it because it's too late.
ISN'T IT COOL? IT'S TOO LATE. Marude Isn't it cool? It's too late. Just like that Isn't it cool It's too late. MARUDE


KEEP ON RISING UP, YOU CAN LAUGH THAT PAIN AWAY Keep on rising up, you can laugh that pain away Keep on rising up, you can laugh that pain away
KEEP ON MOVING UP, YOU CAN LAUGH THAT PAIN AWAY Keep on moving up, you can laugh that pain away Keep on moving up, you can laugh that pain away
DON'T CARE ABOUT THOSE WHO WILL LAUGH AT YOU Don't care about those who will laugh at you Don't care about those who will laugh at you


WHY DON'T YOU LEAVE IT ALL BEHIND? Why don't you leave it all behind? Why don't you leave it all behind?
Night Flight
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM NOW, IT'S A DEADLINE Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM HERE, IT'S THE DEADLINE Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM NOW, IT'S A DEADLINE Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM HERE, IT'S THE DEADLINE Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM NOW, IT'S A DEADLINE Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM HERE, IT'S THE DEADLINE Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM NOW, IT'S A DEADLINE Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM HERE, IT'S THE DEADLINE Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline
SO, LEAVE IT TO ME NOW!! So, leave it to me now!! So, leave it to me now!!


A Ray
DON'T LET ME DOWN, KEEP MOVING ON, GOING ON Don't let me down, keep moving on, going on Don't let me down, keep moving on, going on
TURN IT UP, LET IT OUT Turn it up, let it out Turn it up, let it out
DON'T LET ME DOWN, KEEP BURNING UP, BLOWING UP Don't let me down, keep burning up, blowing up Don't let me down, keep burning up, blowing up
DON’T YOU WANNA LET THE SUN SHINE NOW? Don’t you wanna let the sun shine now? Dont you wanna let the sun shine now?
HEY LET ME HEAR YOUR SHOUT Hey let me hear your shout Hey let me hear your shout
HEY LET ME SEE YOUR SMILE Hey let me see your smile Hey let me see your smile
NEVER LET NEVER LET ME GIVE UP never let never let me give up never let never let me give up
NEVER LET NEVER LET YOU KNOW ME never let never let you know me never let never let you know me
C′MON LET THEM BURN OUT C'mon let them burn out C'mon let them burn out
Night Flight
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM NOW, IT'S A DEADLINE Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM HERE, IT'S THE DEADLINE Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM NOW, IT'S A DEADLINE Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM HERE, IT'S THE DEADLINE Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM NOW, IT'S A DEADLINE Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM HERE, IT'S THE DEADLINE Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM NOW, IT'S A DEADLINE Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM HERE, IT'S THE DEADLINE Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline
BETRAYED, DECEIVED, DONT LET THEM FOOL YOU Betrayed, deceived, dont let them fool you betrayed, deceived, don't let them fool you
LET ME SEE YOUR SMILE Let me see your smile Let me see your smile
LET ME SEE YOUR SMILE Let me see your smile Let me see your smile
LET ME SEE YOUR SMILE Let me see your smile Let me see your smile
LET ME SEE YOUR SMILE Let me see your smile Let me see your smile


(LET’S GO! LET’S GO TRIPPIN’!) Let’s go! Let’s go trippin’! Lets go Lets go trippin
(LET’S GO! LET’S SAY “HIGH”!) Let’s go! Let’s say “high”! Lets go Lets say high
noonai owaru mae ni LET’S TRIP AWAY Before it ends in my brain Let’s trip away NOONAIOWARUMAENI Lets trip away
Utaeya sawage ya honnoo no mama ni LET’S LIVE IT UP Sing, make noise, follow your instincts Let's live it up UTAEYASAWAGEYAHONNOONOMAMANILets live it up
Hammer Down
ON YOUR FEET LET’S RISE AND FALL On your feet let’s rise and fall On your feet lets rise and fall
asa made konomama LET′S DANCE AND PARTY! Let's stay here til morning, Let's dance and party!! ASAMADEKONOMAMALet's dance and party!!
Yokuboo ni kaji kire LET'S GO WILD YEAH!! Let your desires take the steering wheel, Let's go wild, Yeah!! YOKUBOONIKAJIKIRE Let's go wild Yeah!!
LET'S KICK IT UP A NOTCH Let's kick it up a notch Let's kick it up a notch
LET'S RIDE ON THIS WAVE YOU CAN DO IT, RIGHT? Let's ride on this wave You can do it, right? Let's ride on this wave You can do it, right
LET'S TAKE THIS STEP, SHINE MORE THAN THE SUN Let's take this step, Shine more than the sun Let's take this step, Shine more than the sun
(WE) NEED NO ESCAPE LETS GET OUT, TURN IT UP TO THE 100 MAX (We) need no escape Lets get out, Turn it up to the 100 MAX (We) need no escape Let's get out, Turn it up to the 100(MAX)
LET'S GO Let's go Let's go
Uchooten no kanshoku o (LET'S JOY) Enjoy feelings of ecstasy (Let's joy) UCHOOTENNOKANSHOKUO(Let's joy)
NOW LETS REMAKE THE REST OF YOUR LIFE Now lets remake the rest of your life Now let's remake the rest of your life
NOW LETS REMAKE THE REST OF YOUR LIFE Now lets remake the rest of your life Now let's remake the rest of your life
NOW LETS REMAKE THE REST OF YOUR LIFE Now lets remake the rest of your life Now let's remake the rest of your life
(WELL WAIT FOR YOU, LET'S GO WITH US) (Well wait for you, Let's go with us) (We'll wait for you, Let's go with us)
LET'S GO GO Let's Go Go Let's Go Go
LET'S MOVE ON Let's move on Let's move on


Hammer Down
SHUT OUT ALL THE LIES AND FALSE Shut out all the lies and false Shut out all the lies and false


A Ray
NOW, FIND YOUR WAY TO LIVE YOUR LIFE IN THE CRUEL WORLD Now, find your way to live your life in the cruel world Now, find your way to live your life in the cruel world
NOW I STAND TO LIVE MY LIFE Now I stand to live my life Now I stand to live my life
GO, RUN YOUR WAY TO LIVE YOUR LIFE IN THE CRAZY WORLD Go, run your way to live your life in the crazy world Go, run your way to live your life in the crazy world
FIND YOUR WAY TO LIVE YOUR LIFE IN THE CRUEL WORLD Find your way to live your life in the cruel world Find your way to live your life in the cruel world
THIS IS MY WAY OF LIFE This is my way of life This is my way of life
Ima ugokidashita MY LIFE Now it's set in motion, my life IMAUGOKIDASHITA My life
Saki e saki e saki e tsunagu MY LIFE Onward, onward, onward, leading to my life SAKIESAKIESAKIETSUNAGU My life
YOU DONT WANT YOUR LIFE TO END LIKE THIS, DO YOU? You dont want your life to end like this, do you? You don't want your life to end like this, do you
LISTEN TO THE SOUND OF LIFE Listen to the sound of life Listen to the sound of life
YOU ARE AT THE CROSSROADS IN YOUR LIFE You are at the crossroads in your life You are at the crossroads in your life
wasurezu ni IT'S TIME TO LIVE YOUR LIFE Don't forget It's time to live your life WASUREZUNI It's time to live your life
YOU WILL UNDERSTAND THE MEANING OF YOUR LIFE You will understand the meaning of your life You will understand the meaning of your life
THEY AREN'T AWARE OF WHAT LIFE IS! They aren't aware of what life is! They aren't aware of what life is
wasurezu ni IT'S TIME TO LIVE YOUR LIFE Don't forget It's time to live your life WASUREZUNI It's time to live your life
ROLLING YOUR LIFE Rolling your life Rolling your life
ROLLING YOUR LIFE Rolling your life Rolling your life
NOW LETS REMAKE THE REST OF YOUR LIFE Now lets remake the rest of your life Now let's remake the rest of your life
NOW LETS REMAKE THE REST OF YOUR LIFE Now lets remake the rest of your life Now let's remake the rest of your life
NOW LETS REMAKE THE REST OF YOUR LIFE Now lets remake the rest of your life Now let's remake the rest of your life
SHOW ME HOW LIFE CAN CHANGE Show me how life can change Show me how life can change
LOVE LOVE LOVE THE LIFE YOU LIVE Love Love Love the Life you live Love Love Love the Life you live
LIVE LIVE LIVE THE LIFE YOU LOVE Live Live Live the life you love Live Live Live the life you love


LIFE'S AT ITS HIGH WITH A DREAM ITS TRUE Life's at its high with a dream its true Life's at its high with a dream it's true


A Ray
DON'T GIVE IT UP AND HEAD UP FOR YOUR RAY OF LIGHT Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light
A RAY OF LIGHT IS IN MY HEART A ray of light is in my heart A ray of light is in my heart
EVEN IF (YOU) CAN'T BELIEVE YOURSELF AND A RAY OF LIGHT Even if (you) can't believe yourself and a ray of light Even if (you) can't believe yourself and a ray of light
DON'T GIVE IT UP AND HEAD UP FOR YOUR RAY OF LIGHT Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light
A RAY OF LIGHT IS IN OUR HEART A Ray of light is in our heart A Ray of light is in our heart
LIGHT THE WAY WITH MUSIC Light the way with music Light the way with music
LIGHT THE WAY WITH MUSIC Light the way with music Light the way with music
LIGHT THE WAY WITH MUSIC Light the way with music Light the way with music
LOST LIGHT yamiuchi nageki RUSH ON Lost light Dark raid lament Rush on Lost lightYAMIUCHINAGEKIRush on
sotsu to REMEMBERING THE LIGHT Softly Remembering the light SOTSUTORemembering the light
Rock n roll
LIGHT YOUR FIRE AGAIN Light your fire again Light your fire again
Hora roogoku wa rookaku (LIGHT UP) See, your prison is a high-rise (Light up) HORA ROOGOKUWAROOKAKU (Light up)
Doko made mo age te gookaku (LIGHT UP) Rise up as far as you'll go and succeed (Light up) DOKOMADEMOAGETEGOOKAKU (Light up)


Night Flight
HIT THE LIGHTS TONIGHT Hit the lights tonight Hit the lights tonight
HIT THE LIGHTS TONIGHT Hit the lights tonight Hit the lights tonight
HIT THE LIGHTS TONIGHT Hit the lights tonight Hit the lights tonight
HIT THE LIGHTS TONIGHT Hit the lights tonight Hit the lights tonight
HIT THE LIGHTS TONIGHT Hit the lights tonight Hit the lights tonight
HIT THE LIGHTS TONIGHT Hit the lights tonight Hit the lights tonight
HIT THE LIGHTS TONIGHT Hit the lights tonight Hit the lights tonight
HIT THE LIGHTS TONIGHT Hit the lights tonight Hit the lights tonight


A Ray
DON'T LIVE LIKE A DEAD Don't live like a dead Don't live like a dead
KEEP SHINING LIKE A STAR Keep shining like a star Keep shining like a star
TO BE SHINING LIKE THE STARS!! to be shining like the stars!! to be shining like the stars!!
YOU DONT WANT YOUR LIFE TO END LIKE THIS, DO YOU? You dont want your life to end like this, do you? You don't want your life to end like this, do you
YOU WANNA DIE LIKE A LOSER? You wanna die like a loser? You wanna die like a loser
THERE'RE SO MANY WAYS FOR US LIKE THE STARS There're so many ways for us like the stars There're so many ways for us like the stars
THERE'RE SO MANY WAYS FOR US LIKE THE STARS There're so many ways for us like the stars There're so many ways for us like the stars
LIKE THE SUN IS BURNING THE SKY Like the sun is burning the sky like the sun is burning the sky
JUST LIKE YOU Just like you Just like you
DO YOU LIKE A LONELY NIGHT? Do you like a lonely night? Do you like a lonely night
DO YOU LIKE A LONELY NIGHT? Do you like a lonely night? Do you like a lonely night


YOU'RE LIMITLESS AND YOU'RE MORE THAN WHO YOU ARE You're limitless and you're more than who you are You're limitless and you're more than who you are


WHY DO WE PUSH TO OUR LIMITS? Why do we push to our limits? Why do we push to our limits


LISTEN TO THE SOUND OF LIFE Listen to the sound of life Listen to the sound of life


A Ray
DON'T LIVE LIKE A DEAD Don't live like a dead Don't live like a dead
NOW, FIND YOUR WAY TO LIVE YOUR LIFE IN THE CRUEL WORLD Now, find your way to live your life in the cruel world Now, find your way to live your life in the cruel world
DON'T LIVE FOR OTHERS Don't live for others Don't live for others
NOW I STAND TO LIVE MY LIFE Now I stand to live my life Now I stand to live my life
GO, RUN YOUR WAY TO LIVE YOUR LIFE IN THE CRAZY WORLD Go, run your way to live your life in the crazy world Go, run your way to live your life in the crazy world
FIND YOUR WAY TO LIVE YOUR LIFE IN THE CRUEL WORLD Find your way to live your life in the cruel world Find your way to live your life in the cruel world
Utaeya sawage ya honnoo no mama ni LET’S LIVE IT UP Sing, make noise, follow your instincts Let's live it up UTAEYASAWAGEYAHONNOONOMAMANILets live it up
Back into the wild
WHETHER YOU LIVE OR DIE IS UP TO YOU Whether you live or die is up to you Whether you live or die is up to you
WHETHER YOU LIVE OR DIE IS UP TO YOU Whether you live or die is up to you Whether you live or die is up to you
WHETHER YOU LIVE OR DIE IS UP TO YOU Whether you live or die is up to you Whether you live or die is up to you
HAVE TO LIVE MORE FREELY Have to live more freely Have to live more freely
I DON'T WANNA LIVE IN YOUR WORLD I don't wanna live in your world I don't wanna live in your world
I DON'T WANNA LIVE IN YOUR WORLD I don't wanna live in your world I don't wanna live in your world
Makikomu I'M A "LIVE MONSTER" I involve it all, I'm a LIVE MONSTER MAKIKOMU I'm a "LIVE MONSTER"
wasurezu ni IT'S TIME TO LIVE YOUR LIFE Don't forget It's time to live your life WASUREZUNI It's time to live your life
wasurezu ni IT'S TIME TO LIVE YOUR LIFE Don't forget It's time to live your life WASUREZUNI It's time to live your life
LOVE LOVE LOVE THE LIFE YOU LIVE Love Love Love the Life you live Love Love Love the Life you live
LIVE LIVE LIVE THE LIFE YOU LOVE Live Live Live the life you love Live Live Live the life you love


Back into the wild
HAVE YOU LIVED LONG ENOUGH, Have you lived long enough, Have you lived long enough,


Hammer Down
WE’RE LIVING IN CHAOS CHAOS CHAOS We’re living in chaos chaos chaos Were living in chaos chaos chaos


Uso tsuitara LONELY LONELY Whenever you lie, Lonely Lonely USOTSUITARA Lonely Lonely
DO YOU LIKE A LONELY NIGHT? Do you like a lonely night? Do you like a lonely night
DO YOU LIKE A LONELY NIGHT? Do you like a lonely night? Do you like a lonely night


Back into the wild
HAVE YOU LIVED LONG ENOUGH, Have you lived long enough, Have you lived long enough,
YOU'VE BEEN NO CLOTHES SINCE LONG BEFORE. You've been no clothes since long before. You've been no clothes since long before.
LONG TO BE TRUE TO MYSELF long to be true to myself long to be true to myself
NOISE WILL NOT GO AWAY HOW LONG DO YOU HAVE TO ENDURE? Noise will not go away How long do you have to endure? Noise will not go away How long do you have to endure


I NO LONGER FAKE MY WORLD I no longer fake my world I no longer fake my world
Now I here
NOW I'M NO LONGER WHO I WAS Now I'm no longer who I was Now I'm no longer who I was
NOW I'M NO LONGER WHO I WAS Now I'm no longer who I was Now I'm no longer who I was


LOOK AT ME bokura wa utsukushii to Look at me, we are beautiful Look at me BOKURAWAUTSUKUSHIITO
DON'T LOOK BACK DON'T LOOK BACK Don't look back Don't look back Don't look back Don't look back
DON'T LOOK BACK DON'T LOOK BACK Don't look back Don't look back Don't look back Don't look back
DON'T LOOK BACK DON'T LOOK BACK Don't look back Don't look back Don't look back Don't look back
LOOK UP IN THE SKY. Look up in the sky! Look up in the sky.
LOOK UP IN THE SKY. Look up in the sky! Look up in the sky.
LOOK INSIDE THE MIRROR OF YOU Look inside the mirror of you Look inside the mirror of you
DONT NEED TO LOOK BACK YOUR kita michi o Dont need to look back your road here so far Don't need to look back your 来たKITAMICHIO
COME ON, LOOK AT ME Come on, look at me Come on, look at me
COME ON, LOOK AT ME Come on, look at me Come on, look at me
COME ON, LOOK AT ME Come on, look at me Come on, look at me
COME ON, LOOK AT ME Come on, look at me Come on, look at me
COME ON, LOOK AT ME Come on, look at me Come on, look at me
COME ON, LOOK AT ME Come on, look at me Come on, look at me
COME ON, LOOK AT ME Come on, look at me Come on, look at me
COME ON, LOOK AT ME Come on, look at me Come on, look at me


ARE WE REALLY LOOKED DOWN ON? Are we really looked down on? Are we really looked down on


LOOKING UP N THINKING WHAT AM I GON DO NEXT Looking up n thinking what am I gon do next Looking up n thinking what am I gon do next


YOU WANNA DIE LIKE A LOSER? You wanna die like a loser? You wanna die like a loser


LOST LIGHT yamiuchi nageki RUSH ON Lost light Dark raid lament Rush on Lost lightYAMIUCHINAGEKIRush on


EVERYBODY SING ALONG OUT LOUD Everybody sing along out loud Everybody sing along out loud


YEAH! LOVE ME DO BABY. Yeah! Love me do baby. Yeah! Love me do baby.
Now I here
WHY DID I THROW AWAY WHO GAVE ME LOVE Why did I throw away who gave me love Why did I throw away who gave me love
LOVE LOVE LOVE THE LIFE YOU LIVE Love Love Love the Life you live Love Love Love the Life you live
LIVE LIVE LIVE THE LIFE YOU LOVE Live Live Live the life you love Live Live Live the life you love
WE WILL LOVE YOU ALL THE TIME! We will love you all the time! We will love you all the time
WHAT IS LOVE? What is love? What is love
WHAT IS LOVE? What is love? What is love


EVEN THOUGH LOVELY OUTFITS (BUT) TERRIBLE WORDS. Even though lovely outfits (but) terrible words. Even though lovely outfits (but) terrible words.


SUN'S GETTING REALLY LOW Sun's getting really low Sun's getting really low

: M



YOU KNOW, A DAY CAN BE MADE You know, a day can be made You know, a day can be made


EVERYBODY DANCE AND MAKE SOME NOISE Everybody dance and make some noise Everybody dance and make some noise
MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE Make your dreams come true Make your dreams come true
MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE Make your dreams come true Make your dreams come true
MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE Make your dreams come true Make your dreams come true
MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE Make your dreams come true Make your dreams come true
MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE Make your dreams come true Make your dreams come true
MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE Make your dreams come true Make your dreams come true
Hammer Down
PUTTING ALL THE FAKE CLOTHES AND FAKE MAKE UPS Putting all the fake clothes and fake make ups Putting all the fake clothes and fake make ups
PUTTING ALL THE FAKE CLOTHES AND FAKE MAKE UPS Putting all the fake clothes and fake make ups Putting all the fake clothes and fake make ups
GONNA MAKE YOU DANCE Gonna make you dance Gonna make you dance
GONNA MAKE YOU DANCE Gonna make you dance Gonna make you dance


Hammer Down
MAKING ALL THE FAKE SMILES, OH JUST WAKE UP Making all the fake smiles, oh just wake up Making all the fake smiles, oh just wake up
MAKING ALL THE FAKE SMILES, OH JUST WAKE UP Making all the fake smiles, oh just wake up Making all the fake smiles, oh just wake up


HOW MANY TIMES DID YOU ENJOY IT? How many times did you enjoy it? How many times did you enjoy it
THERE'RE SO MANY WAYS FOR US LIKE THE STARS There're so many ways for us like the stars There're so many ways for us like the stars
THERE'RE SO MANY WAYS FOR US LIKE THE STARS There're so many ways for us like the stars There're so many ways for us like the stars


"TAKE OFF THAT MASK!" "Take off that mask!" Take off that mask


Hammer Down
DOESN’T MATTER RIGHT OR WRONG Doesn’t matter right or wrong Doesnt matter right or wrong
NO MATTER WHAT NOISE RUN THROUGH MY HEAD No matter what noise run through my head No matter what noise run through my head
HEAVEN OR HELL & IT DOESN'T MATTER NOW Heaven or hell & It doesn't matter now Heaven or hell & It doesn't matter now


WHAT MATTERS IS IF YOU GOT YOUR OWN WILL OR NOT What matters is if you got your own will or not What matters is if you got your own will or not


(WE) NEED NO ESCAPE LETS GET OUT, TURN IT UP TO THE 100 MAX (We) need no escape Lets get out, Turn it up to the 100 MAX (We) need no escape Let's get out, Turn it up to the 100(MAX)

: ME

A Ray
DON'T LET ME DOWN, KEEP MOVING ON, GOING ON Don't let me down, keep moving on, going on Don't let me down, keep moving on, going on
DON'T LET ME DOWN, KEEP BURNING UP, BLOWING UP Don't let me down, keep burning up, blowing up Don't let me down, keep burning up, blowing up
CAN YOU HEAR ME? bokura wa koko ni iru Can you hear me? We are right here Can you hear me BOKURAWAKOKONIIRU
LOOK AT ME bokura wa utsukushii to Look at me, we are beautiful Look at me BOKURAWAUTSUKUSHIITO
HEY LET ME HEAR YOUR SHOUT Hey let me hear your shout Hey let me hear your shout
HEY LET ME SEE YOUR SMILE Hey let me see your smile Hey let me see your smile
YOU CAN'T CHOOSE ME. You can't choose me. You can't choose me.
TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK, YOUR HEART, RIGHT NOW. Tell me what you think, your heart, right now. Tell me what you think, your heart, right now.
TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK, YOUR HEART, RIGHT NOW. Tell me what you think, your heart, right now. Tell me what you think, your heart, right now.
NEVER LET NEVER LET ME GIVE UP never let never let me give up never let never let me give up
rikai sa re tenakute kamawanai aragae NO ONE CAN CRUSH ME NOW I don't care if you don't understand, resist me no one can crush me now RIKAISARETENAKUTEKAMAWANAI ARAGAE no one can crush me now
JUST YOU CAN GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO ME just you can give in to give in to give in to me just you can give in to give in to give in to me
NEVER LET NEVER LET YOU KNOW ME never let never let you know me never let never let you know me
katanihameru dake no baiasu o uragire NO ONE CAN TOUCH ME NOW Betray the bias that only fits into a mold, no one can touch me now KATANIHAMERUDAKENOBAIASUO URAGIRE no one can touch me now
JUST YOU CAN GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO ME just you can give in to give in to give in to me just you can give in to give in to give in to me
JUST YOU CAN GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO ME just you can give in to give in to give in to me just you can give in to give in to give in to me
JUST YOU CAN GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO ME just you can give in to give in to give in to me just you can give in to give in to give in to me
BUT THAT WAS WRONG FOR ME But that was wrong for me But that was wrong for me
CUZ I JUST FOUND OUT Seikai wa INSIDE OF ME Cuz I just found out The correct answer is Inside of me Cuz I just found out SEIKAIWAInside of me
NO ONE CAN STOP ME No one can stop me No one can stop me
CUZ I JUST FOUND OUT Seikai wa INSIDE OF ME Cuz I just found out The correct answer is Inside of me Cuz I just found out SEIKAIWAInside of me
YEAH! LOVE ME DO BABY. Yeah! Love me do baby. Yeah! Love me do baby.
Night Flight
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM NOW, IT'S A DEADLINE Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM HERE, IT'S THE DEADLINE Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline
STAY AWAY FROM ME Stay away from me Stay away from me
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM NOW, IT'S A DEADLINE Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM HERE, IT'S THE DEADLINE Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline
STAY AWAY FROM ME Stay away from me Stay away from me
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM NOW, IT'S A DEADLINE Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM HERE, IT'S THE DEADLINE Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM NOW, IT'S A DEADLINE Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM HERE, IT'S THE DEADLINE Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline
Now I here
WHY DID I THROW AWAY WHO GAVE ME LOVE Why did I throw away who gave me love Why did I throw away who gave me love
NO ONE CAN STOPPING ME!! No one can stopping me!! No one can stopping me!!
SO, LEAVE IT TO ME NOW!! So, leave it to me now!! So, leave it to me now!!
NO NEED TO HIDE OR CRY CUZ YOU'VE GOT ME No need to hide or cry cuz you've got me No need to hide or cry cuz you've got me
IT'S TIME . . . JUST FOLLOW ME! It's time . . . just follow me! It's time . . . just follow me
SHOW ME HOW LIFE CAN CHANGE Show me how life can change Show me how life can change
LET ME SEE YOUR SMILE Let me see your smile Let me see your smile
LET ME SEE YOUR SMILE Let me see your smile Let me see your smile
COME ON, LOOK AT ME Come on, look at me Come on, look at me
COME ON, LOOK AT ME Come on, look at me Come on, look at me
(CAN YOU HEAR? NOTICE ME) Can you hear? Notice me Can you hear Notice me
IF YOU STAY WITH ME If you stay with me If you stay with me
COME ON, LOOK AT ME Come on, look at me Come on, look at me
COME ON, LOOK AT ME Come on, look at me Come on, look at me
LET ME SEE YOUR SMILE Let me see your smile Let me see your smile
LET ME SEE YOUR SMILE Let me see your smile Let me see your smile
COME ON, LOOK AT ME Come on, look at me Come on, look at me
COME ON, LOOK AT ME Come on, look at me Come on, look at me
COME ON, LOOK AT ME Come on, look at me Come on, look at me
COME ON, LOOK AT ME Come on, look at me Come on, look at me


YOU WILL UNDERSTAND THE MEANING OF YOUR LIFE You will understand the meaning of your life You will understand the meaning of your life


EVOKE A MEMORY Evoke a memory Evoke a memory


THAT "FOUR MINUTE MILE", NO TIME TO SLACK That "four minute mile", no time to slack That four minute mile, no time to slack


Tatakaeyo FEARS IN YOUR MIND kagayakeyo TEARS IN YOUR EYES Let's fight fears in your mind Shine! tears in your eyes TATAKAEYO fears in your mind KAGAYAKEYO tears in your eyes
DON'T UNDERRATE YOURSELF IN YOUR MIND Don't underrate yourself in your mind Don't underrate yourself in your mind
Rock n roll
WE ARE GOING TO BLOW YOUR MIND We are going to blow your mind We are going to blow your mind
HAVE YOU STOPPED YOUR MIND? Have you stopped your mind? Have you stopped your mind
DO YOU HAVE YOUR OWN MIND? Do you have your own mind? Do you have your own mind
HAVE YOU STOPPED YOUR MIND? Have you stopped your mind? Have you stopped your mind
DO YOU HAVE YOUR OWN MIND? Do you have your own mind? Do you have your own mind
HAVE YOU STOPPED YOUR MIND? Have you stopped your mind? Have you stopped your mind
DO YOU HAVE YOUR OWN MIND? Do you have your own mind? Do you have your own mind


YOU MUST BE BORED OUT OF YOUR MINDS You must be bored out of your minds You must be bored out of your minds


THAT "FOUR MINUTE MILE", NO TIME TO SLACK That "four minute mile", no time to slack That four minute mile, no time to slack


LOOK INSIDE THE MIRROR OF YOU Look inside the mirror of you Look inside the mirror of you


THINK TOO HARD YOU WILL MISS THE SYMBOL Think too hard you will miss the symbol Think too hard you will miss the symbol
THINK TOO HARD YOU WILL MISS THE SYMBOL Think too hard you will miss the symbol Think too hard you will miss the symbol
DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE Don't miss this chance Don't miss this chance


Makikomu I'M A "LIVE MONSTER" I involve it all, I'm a LIVE MONSTER MAKIKOMU I'm a "LIVE MONSTER"
sheiku shite YOU'RE "FLOOR MONSTER" Shake it. You're "Floor Monster" シェSHEIKUSHITEYou're "FLOOR MONSTER"




HAVE TO LIVE MORE FREELY Have to live more freely Have to live more freely
HOW FEEL? NO MORE RULES, NO MORE CHANCES. How feel? No more rules, no more chances. How feel No more rules, no more chances.
Night Flight
THERE'S NOTHING MORE WE CAN DO There's nothing more we can do There's nothing more we can do
THERE'S NOTHING MORE WE CAN DO There's nothing more we can do There's nothing more we can do
(GIMME) YOUR HEART!! TO HARD!! MORE MORE MORE..!! (Gimme) Your heart!! To hard!! More more more..!! (Gimme)Your heart!! To hard!! More more more..!!
LET'S TAKE THIS STEP, SHINE MORE THAN THE SUN Let's take this step, Shine more than the sun Let's take this step, Shine more than the sun
YOU'RE LIMITLESS AND YOU'RE MORE THAN WHO YOU ARE You're limitless and you're more than who you are You're limitless and you're more than who you are
DON'T SATISFY YOU CAN GO MORE Don't satisfy you can go more Don't satisfy you can go more


Night Flight
SHUT OUR MOUTH NOW Shut our mouth now Shut our mouth now
SHUT OUR MOUTH NOW Shut our mouth now Shut our mouth now


OH-- sono mama de MOVE ON Oh, just as you are, move on Oh SONOMAMADE MOVE ON
LET'S MOVE ON Let's move on Let's move on


I WON'T BE MOVED BY YOU. I won't be moved by you. I won't be moved by you.


A Ray
DON'T LET ME DOWN, KEEP MOVING ON, GOING ON Don't let me down, keep moving on, going on Don't let me down, keep moving on, going on
MOVING ON MOVING ON MOVING ON moving on moving on moving on moving on moving on moving on
KEEP ON MOVING UP, YOU CAN LAUGH THAT PAIN AWAY Keep on moving up, you can laugh that pain away Keep on moving up, you can laugh that pain away


LIGHT THE WAY WITH MUSIC Light the way with music Light the way with music
LIGHT THE WAY WITH MUSIC Light the way with music Light the way with music
LIGHT THE WAY WITH MUSIC Light the way with music Light the way with music
MUSIC de baka ni nareba When you let the music drive you crazy MUSICDEBAKANINAREBA
MUSIC de baka ni nareba When you let the music drive you crazy MUSICDEBAKANINAREBA


YOU MUST BE BORED OUT OF YOUR MINDS You must be bored out of your minds You must be bored out of your minds

: MY

A Ray
A RAY OF LIGHT IS IN MY HEART A ray of light is in my heart A ray of light is in my heart
NOW I STAND TO LIVE MY LIFE Now I stand to live my life Now I stand to live my life
Negatibu oora wa kakikesu wa ikashita MY WAY I'll drown out the negative aura, like a badass MY WAY NEGAティTIBUオーOORAWAKAKIKESUWA IKASHITA MY WAY
I NO LONGER FAKE MY WORLD I no longer fake my world I no longer fake my world
DU DAN DAN DA DI HEALING MY WOUND du dan dan da di healing my wound du dan dan da di healing my wound
Hammer Down
NO MATTER WHAT NOISE RUN THROUGH MY HEAD No matter what noise run through my head No matter what noise run through my head
THIS IS MY WAY OF LIFE This is my way of life This is my way of life
CUZ I JUST FOUND OUT Seikai o YOU ARE MY SHINE Cuz I just found out the correct answer, You are my shine Cuz I just found out SEIKAIOYou are my shine
Ima ugokidashita MY LIFE Now it's set in motion, my life IMAUGOKIDASHITA My life
Saki e saki e saki e tsunagu MY LIFE Onward, onward, onward, leading to my life SAKIESAKIESAKIETSUNAGU My life
Night Flight
IT'S MY NIGHT FLIGHT It's my night flight It's my night flight
IT’S MY NIGHT FLIGHT It’s my night flight Its my night flight
IT'S MY NIGHT FLIGHT It's my night flight It's my night flight
IT’S MY NIGHT FLIGHT It’s my night flight Its my night flight
IT'S MY NIGHT FLIGHT It's my night flight It's my night flight
IT’S MY NIGHT FLIGHT It’s my night flight Its my night flight
IT'S MY NIGHT FLIGHT It's my night flight It's my night flight
IT’S MY NIGHT FLIGHT It’s my night flight Its my night flight
Now I here
NO ONE CAN TAKE MY SORROW No one can take my sorrow No one can take my sorrow
NOW I CAN TAKE MY SORROW Now I can take my sorrow Now I can take my sorrow
ROCKING THE GROUND MY VOICE FROM THIS SPEAKER Rocking the ground my voice from this speaker Rocking the ground my voice from this speaker
Rock n roll
Sakihokoru MY SOUL In full glory my soul SAKIHOKORUmy soul
I WON'T GIVE UP ON MY DREAM I won't give up on my dream I won't give up on my dream
TAKE MY HANDS Take my hands Take my hands


WANNA BE TRUE TO MYSELF wanna be true to myself wanna be true to myself
LONG TO BE TRUE TO MYSELF long to be true to myself long to be true to myself
WANNA BE TRUE TO MYSELF wanna be true to myself wanna be true to myself
I CAN HARDLY RECOGNIZE MYSELF I can hardly recognize myself I can hardly recognize myself
I CAN HARDLY RECOGNIZE MYSELF I can hardly recognize myself I can hardly recognize myself
Hammer Down
TO BE MYSELF FROM NOW To be myself from now To be myself from now
NOTE TO MYSELF Note to myself Note to myself
TO BE MYSELF FROM NOW To be myself from now To be myself from now
TRUST ONLY MYSELF Trust only myself Trust only myself
I HATE MYSELF norikoeru chance negatteta ndaro? I hate myself, I was hoping for a chance to overcome it, right? I hate myself NORIKOERUchance NEGAってTTETANDARO
I WANT TO BE TRUE TO MYSELF I want to be true to myself I want to be true to myself

: N

Heibon reiru o kechirasu wa hajimaru ROCK 'N' ROLL I'll launch myself off the normal rail, it's time to begin ROCK 'N' ROLL HEIBONレーREERUOKECHIRASUWA HAJIMARU ROCK 'N' ROLL
OVER 'N OVER over 'n over over 'n over
LOOKING UP N THINKING WHAT AM I GON DO NEXT Looking up n thinking what am I gon do next Looking up n thinking what am I gon do next
SHAKING UP N BLAZING, I'MMA IMPRESS Shaking up n blazing, I'mma impress Shaking up n blazing, I'mma impress


YOU NEED TO HEAR THE VOICE. You need to hear the voice. You need to hear the voice.
WE DON'T NEED YOUR WORDS!! We don't need your words!! We don't need your words!!
(WE) NEED NO ESCAPE LETS GET OUT, TURN IT UP TO THE 100 MAX (We) need no escape Lets get out, Turn it up to the 100 MAX (We) need no escape Let's get out, Turn it up to the 100(MAX)
NO NEED TO HIDE OR CRY No need to hide or cry No need to hide or cry
TIME TO FIGHT! NO NEED TO GUARD Time to fight! No need to guard Time to fight No need to guard
I DON'T NEED WORDS kanjoo no rinku I don't need words, it's an emotional link I don't need words KANJOONORINKU
GIVING YOU JUST WHAT YOU NEED Giving you just what you need Giving you just what you need
NO NEED TO HIDE OR CRY CUZ YOU'VE GOT ME No need to hide or cry cuz you've got me No need to hide or cry cuz you've got me
I DON'T NEED WORDS kanjoo no rinku I don't need words, it's an emotional link I don't need words KANJOONORINKU
I DON'T NEED WORDS kanjoo no rinku I don't need words, it's an emotional link I don't need words KANJOONORINKU
NO NEED TO HIDE OR CRY No need to hide or cry No need to hide or cry
TIME TO FIGHT! NO NEED TO GUARD Time to fight! No need to guard Time to fight No need to guard
DONT NEED TO LOOK BACK YOUR kita michi o Dont need to look back your road here so far Don't need to look back your 来たKITAMICHIO
DONT NEED TO GO BACK TO NOSTALGIA Dont need to go back to nostalgia Don't need to go back to nostalgia
ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS REACH OUT All you need to do is reach out All you need to do is reach out
ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS REACH OUT All you need to do is reach out All you need to do is reach out
ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS REACH OUT All you need to do is reach out All you need to do is reach out
ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS REACH OUT All you need to do is reach out All you need to do is reach out


I ALSO WON'T HAVE YOU NEVER EVER. I also won't have you never ever. I also won't have you never ever.
NEVER LET NEVER LET ME GIVE UP never let never let me give up never let never let me give up
NEVER LET NEVER LET YOU KNOW ME never let never let you know me never let never let you know me
NEVER ENDING SONG Never ending song Never ending song
I WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED BY THE FATE I will never be defeated by the fate I will never be defeated by the fate
Moo NEVER EVER NEVER EVER furikaeranai No, never ever never ever will we look back again MOO NEVER EVER NEVER EVER FURIKAERANAI
YOU WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED BY THE FATE You will never be defeated by the fate You will never be defeated by the fate
I WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED BY THE FATE I will never be defeated by the fate I will never be defeated by the fate
Moo NEVER EVER NEVER EVER furikaeranai No, never ever never ever will we look back again MOO never ever never ever FURIKAERANAI


Baibusu o agero YOUR NEW WORLD YEAH!! Turn up the vibes, your new world, yeah!! BAIBUSUOAGEROYour new World Yeah!!
Baibusu o agero YOUR NEW WORLD YEAH!! Turn up the vibes, your new world, yeah!! BAIBUSUOAGEROYour new World Yeah!!


WE'VE KEPT SEEING NEWS, BIASED OPINIONS BUT IT'S NOT THE TRUTH, We've kept seeing news, biased opinions but it's not the truth, We've kept seeing news, biased opinions but it's not the truth,
Rock n roll
HERE'S THE NEWS OF THE WORLD Here's the news of the world Here's the news of the world


WHO WILL BE NEXT TO SUFFER? Who will be next to suffer? Who will be next to suffer?
LOOKING UP N THINKING WHAT AM I GON DO NEXT Looking up n thinking what am I gon do next Looking up n thinking what am I gon do next


ima kara hajimaru ROCK′N PARTY NIGHT It's about to get started, a Rock'n Party Night IMAKARAHAJIMARU Rock'n Party Night.
Night Flight
IT'S MY NIGHT FLIGHT It's my night flight It's my night flight
IT’S MY NIGHT FLIGHT It’s my night flight Its my night flight
IT'S MY NIGHT FLIGHT It's my night flight It's my night flight
IT’S MY NIGHT FLIGHT It’s my night flight Its my night flight
IT'S MY NIGHT FLIGHT It's my night flight It's my night flight
IT’S MY NIGHT FLIGHT It’s my night flight Its my night flight
IT'S MY NIGHT FLIGHT It's my night flight It's my night flight
IT’S MY NIGHT FLIGHT It’s my night flight Its my night flight
BETTER GET HIGH THAN CRYING THROUGH THE NIGHT Better get high than crying through the night Better get high than crying through the night
DO YOU LIKE A LONELY NIGHT? Do you like a lonely night? Do you like a lonely night
DO YOU HAVE A SLEEPLESS NIGHT? Do you have a sleepless night? Do you have a sleepless night
DO YOU LIKE A LONELY NIGHT? Do you like a lonely night? Do you like a lonely night
DO YOU HAVE A SLEEPLESS NIGHT? Do you have a sleepless night? Do you have a sleepless night


Ooh jidai wa zutto inobeishon saa ima koso kaware maware waga NIPPON Now is the time to change it, spread it, in our NIPPON Ooh JIDAIWAZUっとTTOINOベーBEEショSHON さぁSAAIMAKOSOKAWAREMAWAREWAGA NIPPON

: NO

Back into the wild
WISHED WITH NO DOUBT? Wished with no doubt? wished with no doubt
Bukakkoo sugite batsu ga warui no o awaremu hito ni NO THANK YOU To all those who feel sorry for me Because they think I'm uncool and awkward, NO THANK YOU BU恰好KAKKOOSUGITEBATSUGAWARUINOOAWAREMUHITONI NO THANK YOU
HOW FEEL? NO MORE RULES, NO MORE CHANCES. How feel? No more rules, no more chances. How feel No more rules, no more chances.
YOU'VE BEEN NO CLOTHES SINCE LONG BEFORE. You've been no clothes since long before. You've been no clothes since long before.
NO ONE TO HATE shaba denkoo ni No one to hate, Life's shorter than a flash of lightning No one to hate SHABA電光DENKOONI
rikai sa re tenakute kamawanai aragae NO ONE CAN CRUSH ME NOW I don't care if you don't understand, resist me no one can crush me now RIKAISARETENAKUTEKAMAWANAI ARAGAE no one can crush me now
katanihameru dake no baiasu o uragire NO ONE CAN TOUCH ME NOW Betray the bias that only fits into a mold, no one can touch me now KATANIHAMERUDAKENOBAIASUO URAGIRE no one can touch me now
I NO LONGER FAKE MY WORLD I no longer fake my world I no longer fake my world
THERE IS NO WAY TO GO BACK There is no way to go back There is no way to go back
THERE IS NO TURNING BACK NOW There is no turning back now There is no turning back now
Hammer Down
NO I’M NOT AFRAID OF “YOU” No I’m not afraid of “you” No Im not afraid of you
NO MATTER WHAT NOISE RUN THROUGH MY HEAD No matter what noise run through my head No matter what noise run through my head
NO ONE CAN STOP ME No one can stop me No one can stop me
Now I here
NO ONE IS HERE No one is here No one is here
NOW I'M NO LONGER WHO I WAS Now I'm no longer who I was Now I'm no longer who I was
NO ONE CAN TAKE MY SORROW No one can take my sorrow No one can take my sorrow
NOW I'M NO LONGER WHO I WAS Now I'm no longer who I was Now I'm no longer who I was
NO ONE CAN STOPPING ME!! No one can stopping me!! No one can stopping me!!
(WE) NEED NO ESCAPE LETS GET OUT, TURN IT UP TO THE 100 MAX (We) need no escape Lets get out, Turn it up to the 100 MAX (We) need no escape Let's get out, Turn it up to the 100(MAX)
CUZ NO ONE CAN STOP YOU ANYMORE cuz no one can stop you anymore cuz no one can stop you anymore
THINKING YOU CAN DO IT WITH NO DREAM OR TWO Thinking you can do it with no dream or two Thinking you can do it with no dream or two
NO NEED TO HIDE OR CRY No need to hide or cry No need to hide or cry
TIME TO FIGHT! NO NEED TO GUARD Time to fight! No need to guard Time to fight No need to guard
THAT "FOUR MINUTE MILE", NO TIME TO SLACK That "four minute mile", no time to slack That four minute mile, no time to slack
NO NEED TO HIDE OR CRY CUZ YOU'VE GOT ME No need to hide or cry cuz you've got me No need to hide or cry cuz you've got me
NO NEED TO HIDE OR CRY No need to hide or cry No need to hide or cry
TIME TO FIGHT! NO NEED TO GUARD Time to fight! No need to guard Time to fight No need to guard
NO THANK YOU No thank you No thank you


mada tooi shinkiroo demo zettai shinjiro saigo no saigomade NOBODY KNOWS It's still a distant mirage, but I'll definitely believe it, until the very end Nobody knows. MADATOOISHINKIROO DEMO絶対ZETTAISHINJIRO SAIGONOSAIGOMADENobody knows


EVERYBODY DANCE AND MAKE SOME NOISE Everybody dance and make some noise Everybody dance and make some noise
Hammer Down
NO MATTER WHAT NOISE RUN THROUGH MY HEAD No matter what noise run through my head No matter what noise run through my head
NOISE WILL NOT GO AWAY HOW LONG DO YOU HAVE TO ENDURE? Noise will not go away How long do you have to endure? Noise will not go away How long do you have to endure
(THE) NOISE YOU USED TO HATE, IT IS NOW YOUR BEST FRIEND (The) noise you used to hate, it is now your best friend (The) noise you used to hate, it is now your best friend


STAY IN THE NORM ? YOU SO WACK ! Stay in the norm ? YOU SO WACK ! Stay in the norm YOU SO WACK


DONT NEED TO GO BACK TO NOSTALGIA Dont need to go back to nostalgia Don't need to go back to nostalgia


A Ray
SHED YOUR TEARS NOT FOR THEM BUT YOU Shed your tears not for them but you Shed your tears not for them but you
BURN YOUR HEART, DO NOT TURN AWAY FROM OUR FATE Burn your heart, do not turn away from our fate Burn your heart, do not turn away from our fate
"TO BE OR NOT TO BE" "To be or not to be" To be or not to be
WHAT MATTERS IS IF YOU GOT YOUR OWN WILL OR NOT What matters is if you got your own will or not What matters is if you got your own will or not
WE'VE KEPT SEEING NEWS, BIASED OPINIONS BUT IT'S NOT THE TRUTH, We've kept seeing news, biased opinions but it's not the truth, We've kept seeing news, biased opinions but it's not the truth,
Hammer Down
NO I’M NOT AFRAID OF “YOU” No I’m not afraid of “you” No Im not afraid of you
NOT GONNA NOT GONNA NOT GONNA BE AFRAID Not gonna not gonna not gonna be afraid Not gonna not gonna not gonna be afraid
NOT GONNA NOT GONNA NOT GONNA BE AFRAID Not gonna not gonna not gonna be afraid Not gonna not gonna not gonna be afraid
Now I here
I'M NOT ALONE ANYMORE I'm not alone anymore I'm not alone anymore
NOISE WILL NOT GO AWAY HOW LONG DO YOU HAVE TO ENDURE? Noise will not go away How long do you have to endure? Noise will not go away How long do you have to endure
TAKING THE ACTION'S NOT TO HARD Taking the action's not to hard Taking the action's not to hard
REMAKING'S NOT A DIFFICULT TASK Remaking's not a difficult task Remaking's not a difficult task
TAKING THE ACTION'S NOT TO HARD Taking the action's not to hard Taking the action's not to hard
AREN'T YOU PRETENDING THAT YOU ARE NOT SEEING IT? Aren't you pretending that you are not seeing it? Aren't you pretending that you are not seeing it


LET'S KICK IT UP A NOTCH Let's kick it up a notch Let's kick it up a notch


Hammer Down
NOTE TO MYSELF Note to myself Note to myself


Night Flight
THERE'S NOTHING MORE WE CAN DO There's nothing more we can do There's nothing more we can do
THERE'S NOTHING MORE WE CAN DO There's nothing more we can do There's nothing more we can do
Now I here
THERE'S NOTHING HERE There's nothing here There's nothing here


(CAN YOU HEAR? NOTICE ME) Can you hear? Notice me Can you hear Notice me


A Ray
NOW, FIND YOUR WAY TO LIVE YOUR LIFE IN THE CRUEL WORLD Now, find your way to live your life in the cruel world Now, find your way to live your life in the cruel world
NOW I STAND TO LIVE MY LIFE Now I stand to live my life Now I stand to live my life
DON’T YOU WANNA LET THE SUN SHINE NOW? Don’t you wanna let the sun shine now? Dont you wanna let the sun shine now?
Back into the wild
COME ON, NOW BACK INTO THE WILD Come on, now back into the wild Come on, now back into the wild
NOW GO YOUR OWN WAY Now go your own way Now go your own way
COME ON, NOW BACK INTO THE WILD Come on, now back into the wild Come on, now back into the wild
COME ON, NOW BACK INTO THE WILD Come on, now back into the wild Come on, now back into the wild
TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK, YOUR HEART, RIGHT NOW. Tell me what you think, your heart, right now. Tell me what you think, your heart, right now.
TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK, YOUR HEART, RIGHT NOW. Tell me what you think, your heart, right now. Tell me what you think, your heart, right now.
rikai sa re tenakute kamawanai aragae NO ONE CAN CRUSH ME NOW I don't care if you don't understand, resist me no one can crush me now RIKAISARETENAKUTEKAMAWANAI ARAGAE no one can crush me now
katanihameru dake no baiasu o uragire NO ONE CAN TOUCH ME NOW Betray the bias that only fits into a mold, no one can touch me now KATANIHAMERUDAKENOBAIASUO URAGIRE no one can touch me now
I WILL BE STRONGER THAN NOW I will be stronger than now. I will be stronger than now
THERE IS NO TURNING BACK NOW There is no turning back now There is no turning back now
Hammer Down
RESOLUTION STARTS RIGHT NOW! Resolution starts right now! Resolution starts right now!
TO BE MYSELF FROM NOW To be myself from now To be myself from now
OUT OF THE HELL NOW Out of the hell now Out of the hell now
TO BE MYSELF FROM NOW To be myself from now To be myself from now
seigi o moru tame ni RISING BACK NOW to protect justice Rising back now SEIGIOMORUTAMENIRising back now
seigi o kowasu tame ni RISING BACK NOW to destroy justice Rising back now SEIGIOKOWASUTAMENIRising back now
Seigi o tsukuru tame ni RISING BACK NOW to create justice Rising back now SEIGIOTSUKURUTAMENIRising back now
Night Flight
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM NOW, IT'S A DEADLINE Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline
"YOU" GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE NOW "You" gotta get out of here now "You" gotta get out of here now
SHUT OUR MOUTH NOW Shut our mouth now Shut our mouth now
SO NOW YOU SEE? So now you see? So now you see?
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM NOW, IT'S A DEADLINE Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline
"YOU" GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE NOW "You" gotta get out of here now "You" gotta get out of here now
SHUT OUR MOUTH NOW Shut our mouth now Shut our mouth now
SO NOW YOU SEE? So now you see? So now you see?
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM NOW, IT'S A DEADLINE Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline
"YOU" GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE NOW "You" gotta get out of here now "You" gotta get out of here now
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM NOW, IT'S A DEADLINE Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline
"YOU" GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE NOW "You" gotta get out of here now "You" gotta get out of here now
Now I here
NOW I'M NO LONGER WHO I WAS Now I'm no longer who I was Now I'm no longer who I was
CAUSE I KNOW WHERE I'M STANDING NOW Cause I know where I'm standing now Cause I know where I'm standing now
NOW I'M NO LONGER WHO I WAS Now I'm no longer who I was Now I'm no longer who I was
NOW I CAN TAKE MY SORROW Now I can take my sorrow Now I can take my sorrow
SO NOW I'M HERE So now I'm here So now I'm here
SO NOW I'M HERE So now I'm here So now I'm here
SO, LEAVE IT TO ME NOW!! So, leave it to me now!! So, leave it to me now!!
(THE) NOISE YOU USED TO HATE, IT IS NOW YOUR BEST FRIEND (The) noise you used to hate, it is now your best friend (The) noise you used to hate, it is now your best friend
HEADS UP! FREE YOURSELF NOW Heads up! Free yourself now Heads up Free yourself now
ARE YOU HAPPY WITH WHO YOU ARE NOW? Are you happy with who you are now? Are you happy with who you are now
ARE YOU HAPPY WITH WHO YOU ARE NOW? Are you happy with who you are now? Are you happy with who you are now
ARE YOU HAPPY WITH WHO YOU ARE NOW? Are you happy with who you are now? Are you happy with who you are now
CAN YOU SAY NOW IS THE BEST OF WHO YOU ARE? Can you say now is the best of who you are? Can you say now is the best of who you are
NOW RAISE YOUR VOICE Now raise your voice now raise your voice
Odore samenai yume de (RIGHT NOW) Dance inside a dream without an end (Right now) ODORE SAMENAIYUMEDE (Right now)
Kanjite kokoro no mama (RIGHT NOW) Feel it to your heart's content (Right now) KANJITE KOKORONOMAMA(Right now)
HEAVEN OR HELL & IT DOESN'T MATTER NOW Heaven or hell & It doesn't matter now Heaven or hell & It doesn't matter now
Jinsei no suteiji ue (RIGHT NOW) Up on the stage of life (Right now) JINSEINOSUテーTEEJIUE (Right now)
NOW LETS REMAKE THE REST OF YOUR LIFE Now lets remake the rest of your life Now let's remake the rest of your life
NOW LETS REMAKE THE REST OF YOUR LIFE Now lets remake the rest of your life Now let's remake the rest of your life
NOW LETS REMAKE THE REST OF YOUR LIFE Now lets remake the rest of your life Now let's remake the rest of your life
I'M FREE NOW I'm free now I'm free now
NOW YOU KNOW Now you know Now you know


Now I here
NOWHERE BUT HERE Nowhere but here Nowhere but here


NOW'S THE TIME, RAISE YOUR VOICE Now's the time, raise your voice now's the time, raise your voice

: O

O te o haishaku borrow a hand OTEOHAISHAKU


WHAT IS OBVIOUS? What is obvious? What is obvious
WHAT IS OBVIOUS? What is obvious? What is obvious

: OF

A Ray
DON'T GIVE IT UP AND HEAD UP FOR YOUR RAY OF LIGHT Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light
A RAY OF LIGHT IS IN MY HEART A ray of light is in my heart A ray of light is in my heart
EVEN IF (YOU) CAN'T BELIEVE YOURSELF AND A RAY OF LIGHT Even if (you) can't believe yourself and a ray of light Even if (you) can't believe yourself and a ray of light
DON'T GIVE IT UP AND HEAD UP FOR YOUR RAY OF LIGHT Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light
A RAY OF LIGHT IS IN OUR HEART A Ray of light is in our heart A Ray of light is in our heart
THERE ARE A BUNCH OF JACKASSES. There are a bunch of jackasses. There are a bunch of jackasses.
Hammer Down
NO I’M NOT AFRAID OF “YOU” No I’m not afraid of “you” No Im not afraid of you
PULL YOU UP I’LL PULL YOU UP FROM BOTTOM OF THE SEA Pull you up I’ll pull you up from bottom of the sea Pull you up Ill pull you up from bottom of the sea
OUT OF THE SHELL Out of the shell Out of the shell
OUT OF THE HELL NOW Out of the hell now Out of the hell now
PULL YOU UP I’LL PULL YOU UP FROM BOTTOM OF THE SEA Pull you up I’ll pull you up from bottom of the sea Pull you up Ill pull you up from bottom of the sea
CUZ I JUST FOUND OUT Seikai wa INSIDE OF ME Cuz I just found out The correct answer is Inside of me Cuz I just found out SEIKAIWAInside of me
THIS IS MY WAY OF LIFE This is my way of life This is my way of life
CUZ I JUST FOUND OUT Seikai wa INSIDE OF ME Cuz I just found out The correct answer is Inside of me Cuz I just found out SEIKAIWAInside of me
Night Flight
I GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE I gotta get out of here I gotta get out of here
"YOU" GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE NOW "You" gotta get out of here now "You" gotta get out of here now
I GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE I gotta get out of here I gotta get out of here
"YOU" GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE NOW "You" gotta get out of here now "You" gotta get out of here now
I GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE I gotta get out of here I gotta get out of here
"YOU" GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE NOW "You" gotta get out of here now "You" gotta get out of here now
I GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE I gotta get out of here I gotta get out of here
"YOU" GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE NOW "You" gotta get out of here now "You" gotta get out of here now
THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING OF THE SHOW This is just the beginning of the show This is just the beginning of the show
LISTEN TO THE SOUND OF LIFE Listen to the sound of life Listen to the sound of life
YOU WILL UNDERSTAND THE MEANING OF YOUR LIFE You will understand the meaning of your life You will understand the meaning of your life
THEY AREN'T AWARE OF WHAT LIFE IS! They aren't aware of what life is! They aren't aware of what life is
LOOK INSIDE THE MIRROR OF YOU Look inside the mirror of you Look inside the mirror of you
CAN YOU SAY NOW IS THE BEST OF WHO YOU ARE? Can you say now is the best of who you are? Can you say now is the best of who you are
Rock n roll
GOING BACK TO THAT FLOOD OF THE SOUND Going back to that flood of the sound Going back to that flood of the sound
HERE'S THE NEWS OF THE WORLD Here's the news of the world Here's the news of the world
GOING BACK TO THAT FLOOD OF THE SOUND Going back to that flood of the sound Going back to that flood of the sound
YOU MUST BE BORED OUT OF YOUR MINDS You must be bored out of your minds You must be bored out of your minds
NOW LETS REMAKE THE REST OF YOUR LIFE Now lets remake the rest of your life Now let's remake the rest of your life
A BUNCH OF HAPPINESS? YES, INDEED A bunch of happiness? Yes, indeed A bunch of happiness Yes, indeed
NOW LETS REMAKE THE REST OF YOUR LIFE Now lets remake the rest of your life Now let's remake the rest of your life
NOW LETS REMAKE THE REST OF YOUR LIFE Now lets remake the rest of your life Now let's remake the rest of your life
IT'S A REVERSAL OF FORTUNE It's a reversal of fortune It's a reversal of fortune
IT'S A REVERSAL OF FORTUNE It's a reversal of fortune It's a reversal of fortune
IT'S A REVERSAL OF FORTUNE It's a reversal of fortune It's a reversal of fortune
IT'S A REVERSAL OF FORTUNE It's a reversal of fortune It's a reversal of fortune


Ima kasokudo age TAKE OFF Now I speed up and take off IMAKASOKUDOAGE Take off
Night Flight
(STAY BACK, BACK OFF) (Stay back, back off) (Stay back, back off)
(STAY BACK, BACK OFF) (Stay back, back off) (Stay back, back off)
"TAKE OFF THAT MASK!" "Take off that mask!" Take off that mask

: OH

Medatteru kui o tatakitsukeru shika noo no nai hito wa OH POOR YOU People who can only think about hammering the nail that sticks out back down say OH POOR YOU MEDAってTTERUKUIOTATAKITSUKERUSHIKANOONONAIHITOWA OH POOR YOU
Hammer Down
MAKING ALL THE FAKE SMILES, OH JUST WAKE UP Making all the fake smiles, oh just wake up Making all the fake smiles, oh just wake up
MAKING ALL THE FAKE SMILES, OH JUST WAKE UP Making all the fake smiles, oh just wake up Making all the fake smiles, oh just wake up
OH YEAH oh yeah oh yeah

: OK

Jimen mitatte tsumannai kao age ten made Tachiagare OK? It's boring just looking at the ground, raise your head, up to the sky. Stand back up, OK? JIMENMITAってTTETSUMANNAI KAOAGE TENMADE TACHIAGARE OK
KEEP ON RISING UP, IT'S OK AS IT IS Keep on rising up, it's OK as it is Keep on rising up, it's OK as it is


ARE YOU OKAY TO HAVE BEEN SHOWING YOURSELF GREATER THAN WHAT YOU ARE. Are you okay to have been showing yourself greater than what you are. Are you okay to have been showing yourself greater than what you are.

: ON

A Ray
DON'T LET ME DOWN, KEEP MOVING ON, GOING ON Don't let me down, keep moving on, going on Don't let me down, keep moving on, going on
Hora COME ON COME ON COME ON COME ON Look Come on Come on Come on Come on HORACome on Come on Come on Come on
Back into the wild
DON'T GIVE UP ON WHAT Don't give up on what Don't give up on what
COME ON, NOW BACK INTO THE WILD Come on, now back into the wild Come on, now back into the wild
COME ON, NOW BACK INTO THE WILD Come on, now back into the wild Come on, now back into the wild
COME ON, NOW BACK INTO THE WILD Come on, now back into the wild Come on, now back into the wild
ARE WE REALLY LOOKED DOWN ON? Are we really looked down on? Are we really looked down on
MOVING ON MOVING ON MOVING ON moving on moving on moving on moving on moving on moving on
OH-- sono mama de MOVE ON Oh, just as you are, move on Oh SONOMAMADE MOVE ON
Hammer Down
ON YOUR FEET LET’S RISE AND FALL On your feet let’s rise and fall On your feet lets rise and fall
LOST LIGHT yamiuchi nageki RUSH ON Lost light Dark raid lament Rush on Lost lightYAMIUCHINAGEKIRush on
KEEP ON RISING UP, YOU CAN LAUGH THAT PAIN AWAY Keep on rising up, you can laugh that pain away Keep on rising up, you can laugh that pain away
(GO) BRAVELY TO THE SOUND, COME ON BREAK THE COMMON SENSE (Go) bravely to the sound, come on break the common sense (Go) bravely to the sound, come on break the common sense
LET'S RIDE ON THIS WAVE YOU CAN DO IT, RIGHT? Let's ride on this wave You can do it, right? Let's ride on this wave You can do it, right
KEEP ON MOVING UP, YOU CAN LAUGH THAT PAIN AWAY Keep on moving up, you can laugh that pain away Keep on moving up, you can laugh that pain away
KEEP ON RISING UP, IT'S OK AS IT IS Keep on rising up, it's OK as it is Keep on rising up, it's OK as it is
HOLD ON TIGHT Hold on tight Hold on tight
KEEP YOUR HEAD UP, DON'T GIVE UP ON YOUR WAY TO GO Keep your head up, don't give up on your way to go Keep your head up, don't give up on your way to go
SHOW GOES ON Show goes on Show goes on
SWEATING ON YOUR HANDS WITH THAT ATTITUDE Sweating on your hands with that attitude Sweating on your hands with that attitude
I WON'T GIVE UP ON MY DREAM I won't give up on my dream I won't give up on my dream
COME ON, LOOK AT ME Come on, look at me Come on, look at me
COME ON, LOOK AT ME Come on, look at me Come on, look at me
COME ON, LOOK AT ME Come on, look at me Come on, look at me
COME ON, LOOK AT ME Come on, look at me Come on, look at me
COME ON, LOOK AT ME Come on, look at me Come on, look at me
COME ON, LOOK AT ME Come on, look at me Come on, look at me
COME ON, LOOK AT ME Come on, look at me Come on, look at me
COME ON, LOOK AT ME Come on, look at me Come on, look at me
LET'S MOVE ON Let's move on Let's move on


Back into the wild
YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE You are the only one You are the only one
NO ONE TO HATE shaba denkoo ni No one to hate, Life's shorter than a flash of lightning No one to hate SHABA電光DENKOONI
rikai sa re tenakute kamawanai aragae NO ONE CAN CRUSH ME NOW I don't care if you don't understand, resist me no one can crush me now RIKAISARETENAKUTEKAMAWANAI ARAGAE no one can crush me now
katanihameru dake no baiasu o uragire NO ONE CAN TOUCH ME NOW Betray the bias that only fits into a mold, no one can touch me now KATANIHAMERUDAKENOBAIASUO URAGIRE no one can touch me now
NO ONE CAN STOP ME No one can stop me No one can stop me
Terashidasu SUNRISE abite ONE TIME The beaming sunrise, bask in it one time TERASHIDASUSUNRISE ABITEONE TIME
Now I here
NO ONE IS HERE No one is here No one is here
NO ONE CAN TAKE MY SORROW No one can take my sorrow No one can take my sorrow
NO ONE CAN STOPPING ME!! No one can stopping me!! No one can stopping me!!
CUZ NO ONE CAN STOP YOU ANYMORE cuz no one can stop you anymore cuz no one can stop you anymore
BUT WE CAN TAKE THE ONLY ONE WE TRUST But we can take the only one we trust But we can take the only one we trust
BUT WE CAN TAKE THE ONLY ONE WE TRUST But we can take the only one we trust But we can take the only one we trust


Yamikumo ni STAB IT BACK dokutsubo e to FALL IN ONE’S WAY blindly Stab it back To the poison pot Fall in one’s way YAMIKUMONIStab it back DOKUTSUBOETOFall in ones way
kurayami sae mo mikata ni shitagaete FORCE ONE’S WAY Even the darkness is on my side Force one’s way KURAYAMISAEMOMIKATANISHITAGAETEForce ones way


Back into the wild
YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE You are the only one You are the only one
TRUST ONLY MYSELF Trust only myself Trust only myself
IGNITE THAT SHITTY ROTTEN HEART, ONLY YOU CAN DO THAT WAKE UP Ignite that shitty rotten heart, only you can do that wake up Ignite that shitty rotten heart, only you can do that wake up
BUT WE CAN TAKE THE ONLY ONE WE TRUST But we can take the only one we trust But we can take the only one we trust
BUT WE CAN TAKE THE ONLY ONE WE TRUST But we can take the only one we trust But we can take the only one we trust


WE'VE KEPT SEEING NEWS, BIASED OPINIONS BUT IT'S NOT THE TRUTH, We've kept seeing news, biased opinions but it's not the truth, We've kept seeing news, biased opinions but it's not the truth,

: OR

"TO BE OR NOT TO BE" "To be or not to be" To be or not to be
WHAT MATTERS IS IF YOU GOT YOUR OWN WILL OR NOT What matters is if you got your own will or not What matters is if you got your own will or not
Back into the wild
WHETHER YOU LIVE OR DIE IS UP TO YOU Whether you live or die is up to you Whether you live or die is up to you
WHETHER YOU LIVE OR DIE IS UP TO YOU Whether you live or die is up to you Whether you live or die is up to you
WHETHER YOU LIVE OR DIE IS UP TO YOU Whether you live or die is up to you Whether you live or die is up to you
Hammer Down
DOESN’T MATTER RIGHT OR WRONG Doesn’t matter right or wrong Doesnt matter right or wrong
JUST SINK OR SWIM Just sink or swim Just sink or swim
HEY, DO OR DIE Hey, Do or Die Hey, Do or Die
HEY, DANCE OR DIE Hey, Dance or Die Hey, Dance or Die
HEY, DO OR DIE Hey, Do or Die Hey, Do or Die
HEY, BOUNCE OR DIE Hey, Bounce or Die Hey, Bounce or Die
HEAVEN OR HELL & IT DOESN'T MATTER NOW Heaven or hell & It doesn't matter now Heaven or hell & It doesn't matter now
THINKING YOU CAN DO IT WITH NO DREAM OR TWO Thinking you can do it with no dream or two Thinking you can do it with no dream or two
NO NEED TO HIDE OR CRY No need to hide or cry No need to hide or cry
NO NEED TO HIDE OR CRY CUZ YOU'VE GOT ME No need to hide or cry cuz you've got me No need to hide or cry cuz you've got me
NO NEED TO HIDE OR CRY No need to hide or cry No need to hide or cry
STAY OR GO, IT'S YOUR CALL Stay or go, it's your call Stay or go, it's your call


A Ray
DON'T LIVE FOR OTHERS Don't live for others Don't live for others


A Ray
BURN YOUR HEART, DO NOT TURN AWAY FROM OUR FATE Burn your heart, do not turn away from our fate Burn your heart, do not turn away from our fate
A RAY OF LIGHT IS IN OUR HEART A Ray of light is in our heart A Ray of light is in our heart
WHY DO WE PUSH TO OUR LIMITS? Why do we push to our limits? Why do we push to our limits
Ima kagayakaseru OUR SELVES We are the ones who make the present shine IMAKAGAYAKASERU Our selves
Night Flight
SHUT OUR MOUTH NOW Shut our mouth now Shut our mouth now
SHUT OUR MOUTH NOW Shut our mouth now Shut our mouth now
Dare mo ga kagayaku IT'S OUR BLING Everybody sparkles, it's our bling DAREMOGA KAGAYAKUit's our bling
Dare mo ga kagayaku IT'S OUR BLING Everybody sparkles, it's our bling DAREMOGA KAGAYAKUit's our bling
Dare mo ga kagayaku IT'S OUR BLING Everybody sparkles, it's our bling DAREMOGA KAGAYAKUit's our bling


IT'S OURSELVES bokura wa utsukushii to It's ourselves and we are beautiful It's ourselves BOKURAWAUTSUKUSHIITO


A Ray
BLOW IT UP, SPIT IT OUT Blow it up, spit it out Blow it up, spit it out
TURN IT UP, LET IT OUT Turn it up, let it out Turn it up, let it out
Meguru rinne wa toototsu CUT OUT The turning cycle of death and rebirth suddenly cuts out MEGURU輪廻RINNEWATOOTOTSUcut out
EVERYBODY SING ALONG OUT LOUD Everybody sing along out loud Everybody sing along out loud
Sorotte HANGING OUT All together hanging out SOROってTTEhanging out
Back into the wild
ENOUGH TO BURN OUT? Enough to burn out? Enough to burn out
BE CAREFUL YOU'LL BE KICKED OUT BY US YOU DON'T CARE. Be careful you'll be kicked out by us you don't care. Be careful you'll be kicked out by us you don't care.
BURN OUT BURN OUT Burn out, Burn out Burn out Burn out
BURN OUT SOUL Burn out soul Burn out soul
Hammer Down
SHUT OUT ALL THE LIES AND FALSE Shut out all the lies and false Shut out all the lies and false
OUT OF THE SHELL Out of the shell Out of the shell
OUT OF THE HELL NOW Out of the hell now Out of the hell now
CUZ I JUST FOUND OUT Seikai wa INSIDE OF ME Cuz I just found out The correct answer is Inside of me Cuz I just found out SEIKAIWAInside of me
CUZ I JUST FOUND OUT Seikai o YOU ARE MY SHINE Cuz I just found out the correct answer, You are my shine Cuz I just found out SEIKAIOYou are my shine
CUZ I JUST FOUND OUT Seikai wa INSIDE OF ME Cuz I just found out The correct answer is Inside of me Cuz I just found out SEIKAIWAInside of me
BOOST kamashi koyoi KNOCK OUT!! Boost your power and knock out them tonight BoostKAMASHI今宵KOYOIKnockOut!
C′MON LET THEM BURN OUT C'mon let them burn out C'mon let them burn out
Night Flight
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM NOW, IT'S A DEADLINE Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline
I GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE I gotta get out of here I gotta get out of here
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM HERE, IT'S THE DEADLINE Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline
"YOU" GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE NOW "You" gotta get out of here now "You" gotta get out of here now
(GET OUT, SHUT UP) (Get out, shut up) (Get out, shut up)
(GET OUT, SHUT UP) (Get out, shut up) (Get out, shut up)
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM NOW, IT'S A DEADLINE Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline
I GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE I gotta get out of here I gotta get out of here
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM HERE, IT'S THE DEADLINE Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline
"YOU" GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE NOW "You" gotta get out of here now "You" gotta get out of here now
(GET OUT, SHUT UP) (Get out, shut up) (Get out, shut up)
(GET OUT, SHUT UP) (Get out, shut up) (Get out, shut up)
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM NOW, IT'S A DEADLINE Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline
I GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE I gotta get out of here I gotta get out of here
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM HERE, IT'S THE DEADLINE Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline
"YOU" GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE NOW "You" gotta get out of here now "You" gotta get out of here now
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM NOW, IT'S A DEADLINE Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline
I GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE I gotta get out of here I gotta get out of here
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM HERE, IT'S THE DEADLINE Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline
"YOU" GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE NOW "You" gotta get out of here now "You" gotta get out of here now
(WE) NEED NO ESCAPE LETS GET OUT, TURN IT UP TO THE 100 MAX (We) need no escape Lets get out, Turn it up to the 100 MAX (We) need no escape Let's get out, Turn it up to the 100(MAX)
YOU MUST BE BORED OUT OF YOUR MINDS You must be bored out of your minds You must be bored out of your minds
GE-GETTING READY TO SHOOT OUT YOUR ROCKET Ge-getting ready to shoot out your rocket Ge-getting ready to shoot out your rocket
I WANT TO FIND YOU OUT I want to find you out I want to find you out
ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS REACH OUT All you need to do is reach out All you need to do is reach out
ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS REACH OUT All you need to do is reach out All you need to do is reach out
ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS REACH OUT All you need to do is reach out All you need to do is reach out
ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS REACH OUT All you need to do is reach out All you need to do is reach out


EVEN THOUGH LOVELY OUTFITS (BUT) TERRIBLE WORDS. Even though lovely outfits (but) terrible words. Even though lovely outfits (but) terrible words.


OVER 'N OVER over 'n over over 'n over
Rock n roll
TAKING OVER, TAKE IT OVER AGAIN Taking over, take it over again Taking over, take it over again
TAKING OVER, TAKE IT OVER AGAIN Taking over, take it over again Taking over, take it over again
TAKING OVER, TAKE IT OVER AGAIN Taking over, take it over again Taking over, take it over again
TAKING OVER, TAKE IT OVER AGAIN Taking over, take it over again Taking over, take it over again


WE CAN OVERCOME ANYTHING TOGETHER We can overcome anything together We can overcome anything together
WE CAN OVERCOME ANYTHING TOGETHER We can overcome anything together We can overcome anything together


WHAT MATTERS IS IF YOU GOT YOUR OWN WILL OR NOT What matters is if you got your own will or not What matters is if you got your own will or not
Back into the wild
YOU'VE DONE WITH YOUR OWN HANDS You've done with your own hands You've done with your own hands
NOW GO YOUR OWN WAY Now go your own way Now go your own way
THAT IS FOR YOUR OWN SAKE, ISN'T IT? That is for your own sake, isn't it? That is for your own sake, isn't it
DO YOU HAVE YOUR OWN MIND? Do you have your own mind? Do you have your own mind
THAT IS FOR YOUR OWN SAKE, ISN'T IT? That is for your own sake, isn't it? That is for your own sake, isn't it
DO YOU HAVE YOUR OWN MIND? Do you have your own mind? Do you have your own mind
THAT IS FOR YOUR OWN SAKE, ISN'T IT? That is for your own sake, isn't it? That is for your own sake, isn't it
DO YOU HAVE YOUR OWN MIND? Do you have your own mind? Do you have your own mind

: P



A Ray
KEEP FIGHTING PAIN AND FEAR Keep fighting pain and fear Keep fighting pain and fear
KEEP ON RISING UP, YOU CAN LAUGH THAT PAIN AWAY Keep on rising up, you can laugh that pain away Keep on rising up, you can laugh that pain away
KEEP ON MOVING UP, YOU CAN LAUGH THAT PAIN AWAY Keep on moving up, you can laugh that pain away Keep on moving up, you can laugh that pain away


DO YOU THINK PARALLEL UNIVERSES EXIST? Do you think parallel universes exist? Do you think parallel universes exist


WE ARE GONNA PARTY TOGETHER We are gonna party together We are gonna party together
ima kara hajimaru ROCK′N PARTY NIGHT It's about to get started, a Rock'n Party Night IMAKARAHAJIMARU Rock'n Party Night.
asa made konomama LET′S DANCE AND PARTY! Let's stay here til morning, Let's dance and party!! ASAMADEKONOMAMALet's dance and party!!


WHAT IS "PAST"? What is "past"? What is past


YOU'VE WALKED THE PATH WHICH YOU'VE BELIEVED IN You've walked the path which you've believed in You've walked the path which you've believed in


WHAT IS PEACE? What is peace? What is peace
WHAT IS PEACE? What is peace? What is peace


ARE YOU SURE? THAT YOUR PLACE, THAT YOU BELIEVE, THAT PEOPLE. Are you sure? That your place, that you believe, that people. Are you sure That your place, that you believe, that people.


Ima no anata o tsukutta PIECE The pieces that made you what you are today IMANOANATAOTSUKUったTTA Piece


ARE YOU SURE? THAT YOUR PLACE, THAT YOU BELIEVE, THAT PEOPLE. Are you sure? That your place, that you believe, that people. Are you sure That your place, that you believe, that people.


DON'T FORGET YOUR PLAYFULHEART Don't forget your playfulheart Don't forget your playfulheart


CHECKING IN YOUR SOUL POCKET, UNLOCK IT, Checking in your soul pocket, unlock it, Checking in your soul pocket, unlock it,


POOR umareta imi nado nai I DON'T WANNA BELIEVE Poor, there is no purpose to life, I don't wanna believe Poor UMARETAIMINADONAI I don't wanna believe
Medatteru kui o tatakitsukeru shika noo no nai hito wa OH POOR YOU People who can only think about hammering the nail that sticks out back down say OH POOR YOU MEDAってTTERUKUIOTATAKITSUKERUSHIKANOONONAIHITOWA OH POOR YOU


IT'S TIME TO STOP PRETENDING AND RUNNING It's time to stop pretending and running It's time to stop pretending and running
IT'S TIME TO STOP PRETENDING AND RUNNING It's time to stop pretending and running It's time to stop pretending and running
IT'S TIME TO STOP PRETENDING AND RUNNING It's time to stop pretending and running It's time to stop pretending and running
AREN'T YOU PRETENDING THAT YOU ARE NOT SEEING IT? Aren't you pretending that you are not seeing it? Aren't you pretending that you are not seeing it


Zettai no PRIDE moo ubaenai my absolute pride already you can't take it away 絶対ZETTAINOprideMOOUBAENAI
Zettai no PRIDE moo ubaenai my absolute pride already you can't take it away 絶対ZETTAINOprideMOOUBAENAI
FRUSTRATION genkai kimetsukeru jibun ni jidanda funuke no PRIDE Frustration, I'm stuck in my own limit, I've got stupid pride Frustration GENKAIKIMETSUKERUJIBUNNIJIDANDA FUNUKENOpride


Hammer Down
PULL YOU UP I’LL PULL YOU UP FROM BOTTOM OF THE SEA Pull you up I’ll pull you up from bottom of the sea Pull you up Ill pull you up from bottom of the sea
PULL YOU UP I’LL PULL YOU UP FROM BOTTOM OF THE SEA Pull you up I’ll pull you up from bottom of the sea Pull you up Ill pull you up from bottom of the sea


(CLAP CLAP!) Aotte PUMP IT UP (Clap Clap!) Instigate! Pump it up (Clap Clap!)AOってTTEPump it up


WHY DO WE PUSH TO OUR LIMITS? Why do we push to our limits? Why do we push to our limits
PUSH BACK! PUSH BACK! Push back! Push back! Push back! Push back!
YOU BETTER PUSH BACK You better push back You better push back
PUSH BACK! PUSH BACK! Push back! Push back! Push back! Push back!
YOU BETTER PUSH BACK You better push back You better push back
PUSH BACK! PUSH BACK! PUSH BACK! Push back! Push back! Push back! Push back! Push back! Push back!
YOU BETTER PUSH BACK You better push back You better push back
PUSH BACK! PUSH BACK! Push back! Push back! Push back! Push back!
WE WILL ABSOLUTELY PUSH YOU FORWARD We will absolutely push you forward We will absolutely push you forward


EVERYBODY PUT YOUR HANDS UP HIGH Everybody put your hands up high Everybody put your hands up high


Hammer Down
PUTTING ALL THE FAKE CLOTHES AND FAKE MAKE UPS Putting all the fake clothes and fake make ups Putting all the fake clothes and fake make ups
PUTTING ALL THE FAKE CLOTHES AND FAKE MAKE UPS Putting all the fake clothes and fake make ups Putting all the fake clothes and fake make ups


QUICK QUICK Quick Quick Quick Quick


IT'S QUITE EASY AND SIMPLE It's quite easy and simple It's quite easy and simple
IT'S QUITE EASY AND SIMPLE It's quite easy and simple It's quite easy and simple


NOW'S THE TIME, RAISE YOUR VOICE Now's the time, raise your voice now's the time, raise your voice
(RAISE YOUR VOICE) (Raise your voice) (Raise your voice)
(RAISE YOUR VOICE) (Raise your voice) (Raise your voice)
IT'S TIME TO RAISE YOUR VOICE It's time to raise your voice It's time to raise your voice
(SO, RAISE YOUR VOICE) (So, raise your voice) (So, raise your voice)
NOW RAISE YOUR VOICE Now raise your voice now raise your voice


KEEP RAISING HELL Keep raising hell Keep raising hell


A Ray
DON'T GIVE IT UP AND HEAD UP FOR YOUR RAY OF LIGHT Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light
A RAY OF LIGHT IS IN MY HEART A ray of light is in my heart A ray of light is in my heart
EVEN IF (YOU) CAN'T BELIEVE YOURSELF AND A RAY OF LIGHT Even if (you) can't believe yourself and a ray of light Even if (you) can't believe yourself and a ray of light
DON'T GIVE IT UP AND HEAD UP FOR YOUR RAY OF LIGHT Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light
A RAY OF LIGHT IS IN OUR HEART A Ray of light is in our heart A Ray of light is in our heart


Now I here
HOW DID I REACH HERE WHERE I'M ALONE How did I reach here where I'm alone How did I reach here where I'm alone
ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS REACH OUT All you need to do is reach out All you need to do is reach out
ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS REACH OUT All you need to do is reach out All you need to do is reach out
ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS REACH OUT All you need to do is reach out All you need to do is reach out
ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS REACH OUT All you need to do is reach out All you need to do is reach out


COUNTDOWN IS STARTING. ARE YOU READY? Countdown is starting. Are you ready? Countdown is starting. Are you ready
ARE YOU READY? YOU ARE CHERRY? GO !!!! Are you ready? You are cherry? Go !!!! Are you ready You are cherry Go!!!!
READY TO REVIVE AGAIN? Ready to revive again? Ready to revive again
GE-GETTING READY TO SHOOT OUT YOUR ROCKET Ge-getting ready to shoot out your rocket Ge-getting ready to shoot out your rocket
SO, ARE YOU READY? So, are you ready? So, are you ready


ARE WE REALLY LOOKED DOWN ON? Are we really looked down on? Are we really looked down on
Rock n roll
HEY, ARE YOU REALLY DEAD? Hey, are you really dead? Hey, are you really dead
SUN'S GETTING REALLY LOW Sun's getting really low Sun's getting really low


I CAN HARDLY RECOGNIZE MYSELF I can hardly recognize myself I can hardly recognize myself
I CAN HARDLY RECOGNIZE MYSELF I can hardly recognize myself I can hardly recognize myself


NOW LETS REMAKE THE REST OF YOUR LIFE Now lets remake the rest of your life Now let's remake the rest of your life
DON'T STOP TO REMAKE JUST YET sekaijuu Don't stop to remake just yet, around the world Don't stop to remake just yet SEKAIJUU
NOW LETS REMAKE THE REST OF YOUR LIFE Now lets remake the rest of your life Now let's remake the rest of your life
DON'T STOP TO REMAKE JUST YET sekaijuu Dont stop to remake just yet, around the world Don't stop to remake just yet SEKAIJUU
NOW LETS REMAKE THE REST OF YOUR LIFE Now lets remake the rest of your life Now let's remake the rest of your life
DON'T STOP TO REMAKE JUST YET sekaijuu Dont stop to remake just yet, around the world Don't stop to remake just yet SEKAIJUU


REMAKING'S NOT A DIFFICULT TASK Remaking's not a difficult task Remaking's not a difficult task


COUNTDOWN IS STARTING, REMEMBER THAT. Countdown is starting, remember that. Countdown is starting, remember that.


sotsu to REMEMBERING THE LIGHT Softly Remembering the light SOTSUTORemembering the light


Hammer Down
RESOLUTION STARTS RIGHT NOW! Resolution starts right now! Resolution starts right now!


NOW LETS REMAKE THE REST OF YOUR LIFE Now lets remake the rest of your life Now let's remake the rest of your life
NOW LETS REMAKE THE REST OF YOUR LIFE Now lets remake the rest of your life Now let's remake the rest of your life
NOW LETS REMAKE THE REST OF YOUR LIFE Now lets remake the rest of your life Now let's remake the rest of your life


IT'S A REVERSAL OF FORTUNE It's a reversal of fortune It's a reversal of fortune
IT'S A REVERSAL OF FORTUNE It's a reversal of fortune It's a reversal of fortune
IT'S A REVERSAL OF FORTUNE It's a reversal of fortune It's a reversal of fortune
IT'S A REVERSAL OF FORTUNE It's a reversal of fortune It's a reversal of fortune


READY TO REVIVE AGAIN? Ready to revive again? Ready to revive again
JUST REVIVE WHO YOU ARE Just revive who you are Just revive who you are
Rock n roll
REVIVE ROCK AGAIN Revive rock again Revive rock again
REVIVE ROCK AGAIN Revive rock again Revive rock again


LET'S RIDE ON THIS WAVE YOU CAN DO IT, RIGHT? Let's ride on this wave You can do it, right? Let's ride on this wave You can do it, right


TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK, YOUR HEART, RIGHT NOW. Tell me what you think, your heart, right now. Tell me what you think, your heart, right now.
TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK, YOUR HEART, RIGHT NOW. Tell me what you think, your heart, right now. Tell me what you think, your heart, right now.
Hammer Down
RESOLUTION STARTS RIGHT NOW! Resolution starts right now! Resolution starts right now!
DOESN’T MATTER RIGHT OR WRONG Doesn’t matter right or wrong Doesnt matter right or wrong
YOU WILL BE ALL RIGHT. You will be alright. You will be all right.
LET'S RIDE ON THIS WAVE YOU CAN DO IT, RIGHT? Let's ride on this wave You can do it, right? Let's ride on this wave You can do it, right
Odore samenai yume de (RIGHT NOW) Dance inside a dream without an end (Right now) ODORE SAMENAIYUMEDE (Right now)
Kanjite kokoro no mama (RIGHT NOW) Feel it to your heart's content (Right now) KANJITE KOKORONOMAMA(Right now)
Mune no oku itai kurai (RIGHT UP) Deep in your chest, it hurts (Right up) MUNENOOKU ITAIKURAI (Right up)
Jinsei no suteiji ue (RIGHT NOW) Up on the stage of life (Right now) JINSEINOSUテーTEEJIUE (Right now)


Hammer Down
ON YOUR FEET LET’S RISE AND FALL On your feet let’s rise and fall On your feet lets rise and fall


seigi o moru tame ni RISING BACK NOW to protect justice Rising back now SEIGIOMORUTAMENIRising back now
seigi o kowasu tame ni RISING BACK NOW to destroy justice Rising back now SEIGIOKOWASUTAMENIRising back now
Seigi o tsukuru tame ni RISING BACK NOW to create justice Rising back now SEIGIOTSUKURUTAMENIRising back now
KEEP ON RISING UP, YOU CAN LAUGH THAT PAIN AWAY Keep on rising up, you can laugh that pain away Keep on rising up, you can laugh that pain away
KEEP ON RISING UP, IT'S OK AS IT IS Keep on rising up, it's OK as it is Keep on rising up, it's OK as it is


Heibon reiru o kechirasu wa hajimaru ROCK 'N' ROLL I'll launch myself off the normal rail, it's time to begin ROCK 'N' ROLL HEIBONレーREERUOKECHIRASUWA HAJIMARU ROCK 'N' ROLL
Rock n roll
REVIVE ROCK AGAIN Revive rock again Revive rock again
REVIVE ROCK AGAIN Revive rock again Revive rock again


GE-GETTING READY TO SHOOT OUT YOUR ROCKET Ge-getting ready to shoot out your rocket Ge-getting ready to shoot out your rocket


ROCKING THE GROUND MY VOICE FROM THIS SPEAKER Rocking the ground my voice from this speaker Rocking the ground my voice from this speaker


ima kara hajimaru ROCK′N PARTY NIGHT It's about to get started, a Rock'n Party Night IMAKARAHAJIMARU Rock'n Party Night.


Rock n roll
"ROCK'N'ROLL IS DEAD, SOMEONE SAID SO" "Rock'n'Roll is dead, someone said so" Rock'n'Roll is dead, someone said so


Heibon reiru o kechirasu wa hajimaru ROCK 'N' ROLL I'll launch myself off the normal rail, it's time to begin ROCK 'N' ROLL HEIBONレーREERUOKECHIRASUWA HAJIMARU ROCK 'N' ROLL


Hashagimaware ROLLIN' ROLLIN' Turning in high spirits, Rollin' Rollin' HAシャSHAGIMAWARE Rollin' Rollin'
Ikeru toko made ROLLIN' ROLLIN' To a way better place Rollin' Rollin' IKERUTOKOMADE Rollin' Rollin'
Karasawagi de mo ROLLIN' ROLLIN' Even if it is all much ado about nothing Rollin' Rollin' KARASAWAGIDEMO Rollin' Rollin'


ROLLING YOUR LIFE Rolling your life Rolling your life
ROLLING YOUR LIFE Rolling your life Rolling your life


IGNITE THAT SHITTY ROTTEN HEART, ONLY YOU CAN DO THAT WAKE UP Ignite that shitty rotten heart, only you can do that wake up Ignite that shitty rotten heart, only you can do that wake up


HOW FEEL? NO MORE RULES, NO MORE CHANCES. How feel? No more rules, no more chances. How feel No more rules, no more chances.


DU DAN DAN DA DI RUMBLING SOUND du dan dan da di rumbling sound du dan dan da di rumbling sound


A Ray
GO, RUN YOUR WAY TO LIVE YOUR LIFE IN THE CRAZY WORLD Go, run your way to live your life in the crazy world Go, run your way to live your life in the crazy world
Hammer Down
NO MATTER WHAT NOISE RUN THROUGH MY HEAD No matter what noise run through my head No matter what noise run through my head


IT'S TIME TO STOP PRETENDING AND RUNNING It's time to stop pretending and running It's time to stop pretending and running
IT'S TIME TO STOP PRETENDING AND RUNNING It's time to stop pretending and running It's time to stop pretending and running
IT'S TIME TO STOP PRETENDING AND RUNNING It's time to stop pretending and running It's time to stop pretending and running


LOST LIGHT yamiuchi nageki RUSH ON Lost light Dark raid lament Rush on Lost lightYAMIUCHINAGEKIRush on


Rock n roll
"ROCK'N'ROLL IS DEAD, SOMEONE SAID SO" "Rock'n'Roll is dead, someone said so" Rock'n'Roll is dead, someone said so


THAT IS FOR YOUR OWN SAKE, ISN'T IT? That is for your own sake, isn't it? That is for your own sake, isn't it
THAT IS FOR YOUR OWN SAKE, ISN'T IT? That is for your own sake, isn't it? That is for your own sake, isn't it
THAT IS FOR YOUR OWN SAKE, ISN'T IT? That is for your own sake, isn't it? That is for your own sake, isn't it


ARE YOU SATISFIED? Are you satisfied? Are you satisfied?


DON'T SATISFY YOU CAN GO MORE Don't satisfy you can go more Don't satisfy you can go more


Back into the wild
WE'RE GOING TO SAVE We're going to save We're going to save
WE'RE GOING TO SAVE We're going to save We're going to save
WE'RE GOING TO SAVE We're going to save We're going to save


(LET’S GO! LET’S SAY “HIGH”!) Let’s go! Let’s say “high”! Lets go Lets say high
CAN YOU SAY NOW IS THE BEST OF WHO YOU ARE? Can you say now is the best of who you are? Can you say now is the best of who you are
WHAT DOES YOUR WILL SAY? What does your will say? What does your will say


THEY ARE SAYING BULL SHITS, LAME THINGS TO YOU They are saying bull shits, lame things to you They are saying bull shits, lame things to you
SUCH A HIGH DAY, TOUCH A FINE SAYING "I'MMA BE ALRIGHT" YEAH AH Such a high day, touch a fine saying "I'mma be alright" yeah ah Such a high day, touch a fine saying I'mma be alright yeah ah




Hammer Down
PULL YOU UP I’LL PULL YOU UP FROM BOTTOM OF THE SEA Pull you up I’ll pull you up from bottom of the sea Pull you up Ill pull you up from bottom of the sea
PULL YOU UP I’LL PULL YOU UP FROM BOTTOM OF THE SEA Pull you up I’ll pull you up from bottom of the sea Pull you up Ill pull you up from bottom of the sea


START SEARCHING DEEP INSIDE Start searching deep inside Start searching deep inside
START SEARCHING DEEP INSIDE Start searching deep inside Start searching deep inside


I JUST WANNA SEE YOU HAPPY I just wanna see you happy I just wanna see you happy
HEY LET ME SEE YOUR SMILE Hey let me see your smile Hey let me see your smile
Night Flight
SO NOW YOU SEE? So now you see? So now you see?
SO NOW YOU SEE? So now you see? So now you see?
LET ME SEE YOUR SMILE Let me see your smile Let me see your smile
LET ME SEE YOUR SMILE Let me see your smile Let me see your smile
LET ME SEE YOUR SMILE Let me see your smile Let me see your smile
LET ME SEE YOUR SMILE Let me see your smile Let me see your smile


WE'VE KEPT SEEING NEWS, BIASED OPINIONS BUT IT'S NOT THE TRUTH, We've kept seeing news, biased opinions but it's not the truth, We've kept seeing news, biased opinions but it's not the truth,
AREN'T YOU PRETENDING THAT YOU ARE NOT SEEING IT? Aren't you pretending that you are not seeing it? Aren't you pretending that you are not seeing it


SEIZE THE FATE Seize the fate Seize the fate
SEIZE THE FATE Seize the fate Seize the fate


Ima kagayakaseru OUR SELVES We are the ones who make the present shine IMAKAGAYAKASERU Our selves


SENSATION oshitsuke rareta jiyuu no mujun ni koe agero Sensation Speak out against the contradiction of imposed freedom SensationOSHITSUKERARETAJIYUUNOMUJUNNIKOEAGERO


(GO) BRAVELY TO THE SOUND, COME ON BREAK THE COMMON SENSE (Go) bravely to the sound, come on break the common sense (Go) bravely to the sound, come on break the common sense


ARE YOU THE WINNER? SERIOUSLY? Are you the winner? Seriously? Are you the winner Seriously


C'MON SET THE FIRE. C'mon set the fire. C'mon set the fire.
DO YOU THINK THAT DESTINY IS SET? Do you think that destiny is set? Do you think that destiny is set
DO YOU THINK THAT DESTINY IS SET? Do you think that destiny is set? Do you think that destiny is set
DO YOU THINK THAT DESTINY IS SET? Do you think that destiny is set? Do you think that destiny is set


SHAKING UP N BLAZING, I'MMA IMPRESS Shaking up n blazing, I'mma impress Shaking up n blazing, I'mma impress


WE SHALL ALL BE THANKFUL JUST TO BE ALIVE We shall all be thankful just to be alive We shall all be thankful just to be alive


SHARING TIME EQUALLY WE CHALLENGING Sharing time equally we challenging Sharing time equally we challenging


A Ray
SHED YOUR TEARS NOT FOR THEM BUT YOU Shed your tears not for them but you Shed your tears not for them but you


Hammer Down
OUT OF THE SHELL Out of the shell Out of the shell


DON’T YOU WANNA LET THE SUN SHINE NOW? Don’t you wanna let the sun shine now? Dont you wanna let the sun shine now?
CUZ I JUST FOUND OUT Seikai o YOU ARE MY SHINE Cuz I just found out the correct answer, You are my shine Cuz I just found out SEIKAIOYou are my shine
LET'S TAKE THIS STEP, SHINE MORE THAN THE SUN Let's take this step, Shine more than the sun Let's take this step, Shine more than the sun


KEEP SHINING LIKE A STAR Keep shining like a star Keep shining like a star
TO BE SHINING LIKE THE STARS!! to be shining like the stars!! to be shining like the stars!!


THEY ARE SAYING BULL SHITS, LAME THINGS TO YOU They are saying bull shits, lame things to you They are saying bull shits, lame things to you


IGNITE THAT SHITTY ROTTEN HEART, ONLY YOU CAN DO THAT WAKE UP Ignite that shitty rotten heart, only you can do that wake up Ignite that shitty rotten heart, only you can do that wake up


GE-GETTING READY TO SHOOT OUT YOUR ROCKET Ge-getting ready to shoot out your rocket Ge-getting ready to shoot out your rocket


DU DAN DAN DA DI SHOULDN'T BE BOUND du dan dan da di shouldn't be bound du dan dan da di shouldn't be bound


HEY LET ME HEAR YOUR SHOUT Hey let me hear your shout Hey let me hear your shout


A Ray
KEEP SHOUTING SORROW AND GRIEF Keep shouting sorrow and grief Keep shouting sorrow and grief
KEEP SHOUTING 'TILL YOUR VOICE DIES Keep shouting 'till your voice dies Keep shouting 'till your voice dies


(CLAP CLAP!) Karappo n natte SHOW TIME (Clap Clap!) Clap like that! Show time (Clap Clap!)KARAッポPPONNAってTTEShow time
Saa zenkai senkai de HEY SHOW TIME Now rev up, full throttle, Hey, Show Time さぁSAA ZENKAI SENKAIDE Hey Show time
THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING OF THE SHOW This is just the beginning of the show This is just the beginning of the show
SHOW GOES ON Show goes on Show goes on
SHOW EVERYONE THAT YOU CONTROL Show everyone that you control Show everyone that you control
SHOW ME HOW LIFE CAN CHANGE Show me how life can change Show me how life can change


ARE YOU OKAY TO HAVE BEEN SHOWING YOURSELF GREATER THAN WHAT YOU ARE. Are you okay to have been showing yourself greater than what you are. Are you okay to have been showing yourself greater than what you are.


Dare mo ga mina giru SHOWTIME Everyone's capable of an explosive showtime DAREMOGA MINAGIRUshowtime
Dare mo ga mina giru SHOWTIME Everyone's capable of an explosive showtime DAREMOGA MINAGIRUshowtime
Dare mo ga mina giru SHOWTIME Everyone's capable of an explosive showtime DAREMOGA MINAGIRUshowtime


Hammer Down
SHUT OUT ALL THE LIES AND FALSE Shut out all the lies and false Shut out all the lies and false
Night Flight
(GET OUT, SHUT UP) (Get out, shut up) (Get out, shut up)
SHUT OUR MOUTH NOW Shut our mouth now Shut our mouth now
(GET OUT, SHUT UP) (Get out, shut up) (Get out, shut up)
(GET OUT, SHUT UP) (Get out, shut up) (Get out, shut up)
SHUT OUR MOUTH NOW Shut our mouth now Shut our mouth now
(GET OUT, SHUT UP) (Get out, shut up) (Get out, shut up)


IT'S QUITE EASY AND SIMPLE It's quite easy and simple It's quite easy and simple
IT'S QUITE EASY AND SIMPLE It's quite easy and simple It's quite easy and simple


YOU'VE BEEN NO CLOTHES SINCE LONG BEFORE. You've been no clothes since long before. You've been no clothes since long before.


EVERYBODY SING ALONG OUT LOUD Everybody sing along out loud Everybody sing along out loud
I DON'T KNOW HOW TO SING I don't know how to sing I don't know how to sing


Hammer Down
JUST SINK OR SWIM Just sink or swim Just sink or swim


hanete ke UP IN THE SKY Jump up in the sky HANETEKEup in the sky
LOOK UP IN THE SKY. Look up in the sky! Look up in the sky.
LOOK UP IN THE SKY. Look up in the sky! Look up in the sky.
LIKE THE SUN IS BURNING THE SKY Like the sun is burning the sky like the sun is burning the sky


THAT "FOUR MINUTE MILE", NO TIME TO SLACK That "four minute mile", no time to slack That four minute mile, no time to slack


DO YOU HAVE A SLEEPLESS NIGHT? Do you have a sleepless night? Do you have a sleepless night
DO YOU HAVE A SLEEPLESS NIGHT? Do you have a sleepless night? Do you have a sleepless night


EVEN IF IT’S A SMALL STEP Even if it’s a small step Even if its a small step


HEY LET ME SEE YOUR SMILE Hey let me see your smile Hey let me see your smile
AND BRING A SMILE TO THE WORLD And bring a smile to the world And bring a smile to the world
AND BRING A SMILE TO THE WORLD And bring a smile to the world And bring a smile to the world
AND BRING A SMILE TO THE WORLD And bring a smile to the world And bring a smile to the world
Gyakkyoo no SMILE moo kegasenai The smile of adversity can no longer be tarnished 逆境GYAKKYOONOsmileMOOKEGASENAI
Gyakkyoo no SMILE moo kegasenai The smile of adversity can no longer be tarnished 逆境GYAKKYOONOsmileMOOKEGASENAI
LET ME SEE YOUR SMILE Let me see your smile Let me see your smile
LET ME SEE YOUR SMILE Let me see your smile Let me see your smile
LET ME SEE YOUR SMILE Let me see your smile Let me see your smile
LET ME SEE YOUR SMILE Let me see your smile Let me see your smile


Hammer Down
MAKING ALL THE FAKE SMILES, OH JUST WAKE UP Making all the fake smiles, oh just wake up Making all the fake smiles, oh just wake up
MAKING ALL THE FAKE SMILES, OH JUST WAKE UP Making all the fake smiles, oh just wake up Making all the fake smiles, oh just wake up


fensu-goshi ni SNEER over the fence Sneer フェFENSUGOSHINISneer

: SO

SO WHY DON'T YOU COME HERE AND JOIN US? So why don't you come here and join us? So why don't you come here and join us?
DREAMS ARE BIG AND IT'S SO FUN Dreams are big and it's so fun Dreams are big and it's so fun
DREAMS ARE BIG AND IT'S SO FUN Dreams are big and it's so fun Dreams are big and it's so fun
DREAMS ARE BIG AND IT'S SO FUN Dreams are big and it's so fun Dreams are big and it's so fun
Wakiagaru sono mochibeishon de makiokose SO reboryuushon As the motivation boils out of you, go and make it happen, so, revolution WAKIAGARUSONOMOCHIベーBEEショSHON DEMAKIKIOKOSE So REBOリューRYUUショSHON
FEEL SO GOOD! Feel so good! Feel so good!
Night Flight
SO NOW YOU SEE? So now you see? So now you see?
SO NOW YOU SEE? So now you see? So now you see?
Now I here
SO NOW I'M HERE So now I'm here So now I'm here
SO NOW I'M HERE So now I'm here So now I'm here
SO, LEAVE IT TO ME NOW!! So, leave it to me now!! So, leave it to me now!!
THERE'RE SO MANY WAYS FOR US LIKE THE STARS There're so many ways for us like the stars There're so many ways for us like the stars
THERE'RE SO MANY WAYS FOR US LIKE THE STARS There're so many ways for us like the stars There're so many ways for us like the stars
(SO, RAISE YOUR VOICE) (So, raise your voice) (So, raise your voice)
Rock n roll
"ROCK'N'ROLL IS DEAD, SOMEONE SAID SO" "Rock'n'Roll is dead, someone said so" Rock'n'Roll is dead, someone said so
STAY IN THE NORM ? YOU SO WACK ! Stay in the norm ? YOU SO WACK ! Stay in the norm YOU SO WACK
SO, ARE YOU READY? So, are you ready? So, are you ready
SO GOING GOING GOING GOING hokori wa mune ni So going going going going with pride in our hearts So going going going going HOKORIWAMUNENI


EVERYBODY DANCE AND MAKE SOME NOISE Everybody dance and make some noise Everybody dance and make some noise


A Ray
DON'T TURN AWAY, (CUZ) SOMEDAY WE CAN GET TO THE TRUTH Don't turn away, (cuz) someday we can get to the truth Don't turn away, (cuz) someday we can get to the truth


Rock n roll
"ROCK'N'ROLL IS DEAD, SOMEONE SAID SO" "Rock'n'Roll is dead, someone said so" Rock'n'Roll is dead, someone said so
DO YOU HAVE SOMEONE YOU CAN TALK TO ABOUT ANYTHING? Do you have someone you can talk to about anything? Do you have someone you can talk to about anything
DO YOU HAVE SOMEONE YOU CAN TALK TO ABOUT ANYTHING? Do you have someone you can talk to about anything? Do you have someone you can talk to about anything


NEVER ENDING SONG Never ending song Never ending song




A Ray
KEEP SHOUTING SORROW AND GRIEF Keep shouting sorrow and grief Keep shouting sorrow and grief
Now I here
NO ONE CAN TAKE MY SORROW No one can take my sorrow No one can take my sorrow
NOW I CAN TAKE MY SORROW Now I can take my sorrow Now I can take my sorrow


BURN OUT SOUL Burn out soul Burn out soul
Rock n roll
Sakihokoru MY SOUL In full glory my soul SAKIHOKORUmy soul
CHECKING IN YOUR SOUL POCKET, UNLOCK IT, Checking in your soul pocket, unlock it, Checking in your soul pocket, unlock it,
BUT IT WILL FIRE UP YOUR SOUL But it will fire up your soul But it will fire up your soul


DU DAN DAN DA DI RUMBLING SOUND du dan dan da di rumbling sound du dan dan da di rumbling sound
LISTEN TO THE SOUND OF LIFE Listen to the sound of life Listen to the sound of life
(GO) BRAVELY TO THE SOUND, COME ON BREAK THE COMMON SENSE (Go) bravely to the sound, come on break the common sense (Go) bravely to the sound, come on break the common sense
WE'RE GONNA STRIKE THE WORLD WITH SUCH A FUCKING CRAZY SOUND We're gonna strike the world with such a fucking crazy sound We're gonna strike the world with such a fxxking crazy sound
Rock n roll
GOING BACK TO THAT FLOOD OF THE SOUND Going back to that flood of the sound Going back to that flood of the sound
GOING BACK TO THAT FLOOD OF THE SOUND Going back to that flood of the sound Going back to that flood of the sound


Rock n roll
Jooo no yoo ni kedakaku tsumuideku SOUNDSCAPE Majestic as a Queen, a converging soundscape JOOONOYOONIKEDAKAKU TSUMUIDEKUsoundscape


ROCKING THE GROUND MY VOICE FROM THIS SPEAKER Rocking the ground my voice from this speaker Rocking the ground my voice from this speaker


Yurase YOUR SPIRIT ALRIGHT? Shake your spirit alright? YURASEyour spirit alright?


A Ray
BLOW IT UP, SPIT IT OUT Blow it up, spit it out Blow it up, spit it out


Yamikumo ni STAB IT BACK dokutsubo e to FALL IN ONE’S WAY blindly Stab it back To the poison pot Fall in one’s way YAMIKUMONIStab it back DOKUTSUBOETOFall in ones way


"ALL THE WORLD IS A STAGE" "All the world is a stage" All the world is a stage


A Ray
NOW I STAND TO LIVE MY LIFE Now I stand to live my life Now I stand to live my life
Hammer Down
AND STAND UP FOR YOURSELF And stand up for yourself And stand up for yourself
Night Flight
I CAN'T STAND YOU ANYMORE I can't stand you anymore I can't stand you anymore
I CAN'T STAND YOU ANYMORE I can't stand you anymore I can't stand you anymore
STAND HERE ALIVE Stand here alive Stand here alive
IF YOU ARE BRAVE ENOUGH TO STAND UP If you are brave enough to stand up if you are brave enough to stand up


Now I here
CAUSE I KNOW WHERE I'M STANDING NOW Cause I know where I'm standing now Cause I know where I'm standing now


KEEP SHINING LIKE A STAR Keep shining like a star Keep shining like a star


TO BE SHINING LIKE THE STARS!! to be shining like the stars!! to be shining like the stars!!
THERE'RE SO MANY WAYS FOR US LIKE THE STARS There're so many ways for us like the stars There're so many ways for us like the stars
THERE'RE SO MANY WAYS FOR US LIKE THE STARS There're so many ways for us like the stars There're so many ways for us like the stars


START SEARCHING DEEP INSIDE Start searching deep inside Start searching deep inside
START SEARCHING DEEP INSIDE Start searching deep inside Start searching deep inside


COUNTDOWN IS STARTING. ARE YOU READY? Countdown is starting. Are you ready? Countdown is starting. Are you ready
COUNTDOWN IS STARTING, REMEMBER THAT. Countdown is starting, remember that. Countdown is starting, remember that.


Hammer Down
RESOLUTION STARTS RIGHT NOW! Resolution starts right now! Resolution starts right now!


Night Flight
(STAY BACK, BACK OFF) (Stay back, back off) (Stay back, back off)
STAY AWAY FROM ME Stay away from me Stay away from me
(STAY BACK, BACK OFF) (Stay back, back off) (Stay back, back off)
STAY AWAY FROM ME Stay away from me Stay away from me
STAY IN THE NORM ? YOU SO WACK ! Stay in the norm ? YOU SO WACK ! Stay in the norm YOU SO WACK
IF YOU STAY WITH ME If you stay with me If you stay with me
STAY OR GO, IT'S YOUR CALL Stay or go, it's your call Stay or go, it's your call


EVEN IF IT’S A SMALL STEP Even if it’s a small step Even if its a small step
EVEN IF IT’S A STEP BACK Even if it’s a step back Even if its a step back
kurushii kono shunkan sae mo eikoo made no STEP Even in this painful moment, to my own glory, step KURUSHIIKONO瞬間SHUNKANSAEMO EIKOOMADENOStep
LET'S TAKE THIS STEP, SHINE MORE THAN THE SUN Let's take this step, Shine more than the sun Let's take this step, Shine more than the sun


NO ONE CAN STOP ME No one can stop me No one can stop me
Night Flight
STOP THIS GAME TONIGHT Stop this game tonight Stop this game tonight
STOP THIS GAME GOODNIGHT Stop this game goodnight Stop this game goodnight
CUZ NO ONE CAN STOP YOU ANYMORE cuz no one can stop you anymore cuz no one can stop you anymore
IT'S TIME TO STOP PRETENDING AND RUNNING It's time to stop pretending and running It's time to stop pretending and running
DON'T STOP TO REMAKE JUST YET sekaijuu Don't stop to remake just yet, around the world Don't stop to remake just yet SEKAIJUU
IT'S TIME TO STOP PRETENDING AND RUNNING It's time to stop pretending and running It's time to stop pretending and running
DON'T STOP TO REMAKE JUST YET sekaijuu Dont stop to remake just yet, around the world Don't stop to remake just yet SEKAIJUU
IT'S TIME TO STOP PRETENDING AND RUNNING It's time to stop pretending and running It's time to stop pretending and running
DON'T STOP TO REMAKE JUST YET sekaijuu Dont stop to remake just yet, around the world Don't stop to remake just yet SEKAIJUU


HAVE YOU STOPPED YOUR MIND? Have you stopped your mind? Have you stopped your mind
HAVE YOU STOPPED YOUR MIND? Have you stopped your mind? Have you stopped your mind
HAVE YOU STOPPED YOUR MIND? Have you stopped your mind? Have you stopped your mind


NO ONE CAN STOPPING ME!! No one can stopping me!! No one can stopping me!!


Soo kitto kono saki tsuzuiteku YOUR BEST STORIES I just know they'll keep on coming, Your Best Stories SOOKIっとTTOKONOSAKITSUZUITEKUYour Best Stories
Soo kitto kono saki tsuzuiteku YOUR BEST STORIES I just know they'll keep on coming, Your Best Stories SOOKIっとTTOKONOSAKITSUZUITEKUYour Best Stories
Soo kitto kono saki tsuzuiteku YOUR BEST STORIES I just know they'll keep on coming, Your Best Stories SOOKIっとTTOKONOSAKITSUZUITEKUYour Best Stories


WE'RE GONNA STRIKE THE WORLD WITH SUCH A FUCKING CRAZY SOUND We're gonna strike the world with such a fucking crazy sound We're gonna strike the world with such a fxxking crazy sound


I WILL BE STRONGER THAN NOW I will be stronger than now. I will be stronger than now


BELIEVE YOUR STYLE Believe your style Believe your style
Misetsukero IT'S YOUR STYLE Flaunt yourself, It's your STYLE MISETSUKERO It's your STYLE
Misetsukero IT'S YOUR STYLE Flaunt yourself, It's your STYLE MISETSUKERO It's your STYLE
Misetsukero IT'S YOUR STYLE Flaunt yourself, It's your STYLE MISETSUKERO It's your STYLE


WE'RE GONNA STRIKE THE WORLD WITH SUCH A FUCKING CRAZY SOUND We're gonna strike the world with such a fucking crazy sound We're gonna strike the world with such a fxxking crazy sound
SUCH A HIGH DAY, TOUCH A FINE SAYING "I'MMA BE ALRIGHT" YEAH AH Such a high day, touch a fine saying "I'mma be alright" yeah ah Such a high day, touch a fine saying I'mma be alright yeah ah


WHO WILL BE NEXT TO SUFFER? Who will be next to suffer? Who will be next to suffer?


ARE YOU SUFFOCATING? Are you suffocating? Are you suffocating
ARE YOU SUFFOCATING? Are you suffocating? Are you suffocating


DON’T YOU WANNA LET THE SUN SHINE NOW? Don’t you wanna let the sun shine now? Dont you wanna let the sun shine now?
LET'S TAKE THIS STEP, SHINE MORE THAN THE SUN Let's take this step, Shine more than the sun Let's take this step, Shine more than the sun
LIKE THE SUN IS BURNING THE SKY Like the sun is burning the sky like the sun is burning the sky


Terashidasu SUNRISE abite ONE TIME The beaming sunrise, bask in it one time TERASHIDASUSUNRISE ABITEONE TIME


SUN'S GETTING REALLY LOW Sun's getting really low Sun's getting really low


ARE YOU SURE? THAT YOUR PLACE, THAT YOU BELIEVE, THAT PEOPLE. Are you sure? That your place, that you believe, that people. Are you sure That your place, that you believe, that people.


SWEATING ON YOUR HANDS WITH THAT ATTITUDE Sweating on your hands with that attitude Sweating on your hands with that attitude


Hammer Down
JUST SINK OR SWIM Just sink or swim Just sink or swim


THINK TOO HARD YOU WILL MISS THE SYMBOL Think too hard you will miss the symbol Think too hard you will miss the symbol
THINK TOO HARD YOU WILL MISS THE SYMBOL Think too hard you will miss the symbol Think too hard you will miss the symbol


Yo appakuka no minasama imasara GIVE AND TAKE? Kizuna FAKE? Itsuka meiru muda na DAYS Yo, to all the oppressed, still the time for GIVE AND TAKE? Your bonds so FAKE? Losing heart during those idle DAYS Yo 圧迫APPAKUKANOMINASAMA IMASARA GIVE AND TAKE KIZUNA FAKE ITSUKAMEIRU MUDANA DAYS
A yabuya na risoo o kakagete I WILL TAKE IT ALL IN Holding up dubious ideals I will take it all in AYABUYANARISOOOKAKAGETEI will take it all in
Ima kasokudo age TAKE OFF Now I speed up and take off IMAKASOKUDOAGE Take off
Now I here
NO ONE CAN TAKE MY SORROW No one can take my sorrow No one can take my sorrow
NOW I CAN TAKE MY SORROW Now I can take my sorrow Now I can take my sorrow
LET'S TAKE THIS STEP, SHINE MORE THAN THE SUN Let's take this step, Shine more than the sun Let's take this step, Shine more than the sun
BUT WE CAN TAKE THE ONLY ONE WE TRUST But we can take the only one we trust But we can take the only one we trust
BUT WE CAN TAKE THE ONLY ONE WE TRUST But we can take the only one we trust But we can take the only one we trust
Rock n roll
TAKING OVER, TAKE IT OVER AGAIN Taking over, take it over again Taking over, take it over again
TAKING OVER, TAKE IT OVER AGAIN Taking over, take it over again Taking over, take it over again
TAKING OVER, TAKE IT OVER AGAIN Taking over, take it over again Taking over, take it over again
TAKING OVER, TAKE IT OVER AGAIN Taking over, take it over again Taking over, take it over again
"TAKE OFF THAT MASK!" "Take off that mask!" Take off that mask
TAKE MY HANDS Take my hands Take my hands


Rock n roll
TAKING OVER, TAKE IT OVER AGAIN Taking over, take it over again Taking over, take it over again
TAKING OVER, TAKE IT OVER AGAIN Taking over, take it over again Taking over, take it over again
TAKING OVER, TAKE IT OVER AGAIN Taking over, take it over again Taking over, take it over again
TAKING OVER, TAKE IT OVER AGAIN Taking over, take it over again Taking over, take it over again
TAKING THE ACTION'S NOT TO HARD Taking the action's not to hard Taking the action's not to hard
TAKING THE ACTION'S NOT TO HARD Taking the action's not to hard Taking the action's not to hard


DO YOU HAVE SOMEONE YOU CAN TALK TO ABOUT ANYTHING? Do you have someone you can talk to about anything? Do you have someone you can talk to about anything
DO YOU HAVE SOMEONE YOU CAN TALK TO ABOUT ANYTHING? Do you have someone you can talk to about anything? Do you have someone you can talk to about anything


REMAKING'S NOT A DIFFICULT TASK Remaking's not a difficult task Remaking's not a difficult task


A Ray
SHED YOUR TEARS NOT FOR THEM BUT YOU Shed your tears not for them but you Shed your tears not for them but you
Tatakaeyo FEARS IN YOUR MIND kagayakeyo TEARS IN YOUR EYES Let's fight fears in your mind Shine! tears in your eyes TATAKAEYO fears in your mind KAGAYAKEYO tears in your eyes


TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK, YOUR HEART, RIGHT NOW. Tell me what you think, your heart, right now. Tell me what you think, your heart, right now.
TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK, YOUR HEART, RIGHT NOW. Tell me what you think, your heart, right now. Tell me what you think, your heart, right now.
Hammer Down
TELL THE TRUTH JUST TELL THE TRUTH Tell the truth just tell the truth Tell the truth just tell the truth
TELL THE TRUTH JUST TELL THE TRUTH Tell the truth just tell the truth Tell the truth just tell the truth


EVEN THOUGH LOVELY OUTFITS (BUT) TERRIBLE WORDS. Even though lovely outfits (but) terrible words. Even though lovely outfits (but) terrible words.


ARE YOU OKAY TO HAVE BEEN SHOWING YOURSELF GREATER THAN WHAT YOU ARE. Are you okay to have been showing yourself greater than what you are. Are you okay to have been showing yourself greater than what you are.
I WILL BE STRONGER THAN NOW I will be stronger than now. I will be stronger than now
LET'S TAKE THIS STEP, SHINE MORE THAN THE SUN Let's take this step, Shine more than the sun Let's take this step, Shine more than the sun
BETTER GET HIGH THAN CRYING THROUGH THE NIGHT Better get high than crying through the night Better get high than crying through the night
YOU'RE LIMITLESS AND YOU'RE MORE THAN WHO YOU ARE You're limitless and you're more than who you are You're limitless and you're more than who you are


Bukakkoo sugite batsu ga warui no o awaremu hito ni NO THANK YOU To all those who feel sorry for me Because they think I'm uncool and awkward, NO THANK YOU BU恰好KAKKOOSUGITEBATSUGAWARUINOOAWAREMUHITONI NO THANK YOU
NO THANK YOU No thank you No thank you


WE SHALL ALL BE THANKFUL JUST TO BE ALIVE We shall all be thankful just to be alive We shall all be thankful just to be alive


ARE YOU SURE? THAT YOUR PLACE, THAT YOU BELIEVE, THAT PEOPLE. Are you sure? That your place, that you believe, that people. Are you sure That your place, that you believe, that people.
WE KNOW THAT IT'S ALSO BEAUTIFUL. we know that it's also beautiful. we know that it's also beautiful.
COUNTDOWN IS STARTING, REMEMBER THAT. Countdown is starting, remember that. Countdown is starting, remember that.
I WILL DO THAT FOR YOU I will do that for you I will do that for you
I WILL DO THAT FOR YOU I will do that for you I will do that for you
AFTER THAT, I WOKE UP After that, I woke up After that, I woke up
BUT THAT WAS WRONG FOR ME But that was wrong for me But that was wrong for me
IGNITE THAT SHITTY ROTTEN HEART, ONLY YOU CAN DO THAT WAKE UP Ignite that shitty rotten heart, only you can do that wake up Ignite that shitty rotten heart, only you can do that wake up
KEEP ON RISING UP, YOU CAN LAUGH THAT PAIN AWAY Keep on rising up, you can laugh that pain away Keep on rising up, you can laugh that pain away
KEEP ON MOVING UP, YOU CAN LAUGH THAT PAIN AWAY Keep on moving up, you can laugh that pain away Keep on moving up, you can laugh that pain away
Rock n roll
GOING BACK TO THAT FLOOD OF THE SOUND Going back to that flood of the sound Going back to that flood of the sound
GOING BACK TO THAT FLOOD OF THE SOUND Going back to that flood of the sound Going back to that flood of the sound
SWEATING ON YOUR HANDS WITH THAT ATTITUDE Sweating on your hands with that attitude Sweating on your hands with that attitude
"TAKE OFF THAT MASK!" "Take off that mask!" Take off that mask
THAT "FOUR MINUTE MILE", NO TIME TO SLACK That "four minute mile", no time to slack That four minute mile, no time to slack
SHOW EVERYONE THAT YOU CONTROL Show everyone that you control Show everyone that you control
THAT IS THE WAY anata no susumu saki That is the way, even if the place you're headed That is the way ANATANOSUSUMUSAKI
ISN'T THAT COOL? Isn't that cool? Isn't that cool
ISN'T THAT COOL? Isn't that cool? Isn't that cool
DO YOU THINK THAT DESTINY IS SET? Do you think that destiny is set? Do you think that destiny is set
ISN'T THAT FOR YOUR EGO? Isn't that for your ego? Isn't that for your ego
THAT IS FOR YOUR OWN SAKE, ISN'T IT? That is for your own sake, isn't it? That is for your own sake, isn't it
WHO IS THAT FOR? Who is that for? Who is that for
AREN'T YOU THINKING THAT IT IS IRRELEVANT? Aren't you thinking that it is irrelevant? Aren't you thinking that it is irrelevant
AREN'T YOU PRETENDING THAT YOU ARE NOT SEEING IT? Aren't you pretending that you are not seeing it? Aren't you pretending that you are not seeing it
DO YOU THINK THAT DESTINY IS SET? Do you think that destiny is set? Do you think that destiny is set
ISN'T THAT FOR YOUR EGO? Isn't that for your ego? Isn't that for your ego
THAT IS FOR YOUR OWN SAKE, ISN'T IT? That is for your own sake, isn't it? That is for your own sake, isn't it
WHO IS THAT FOR? Who is that for? Who is that for
DO YOU THINK THAT DESTINY IS SET? Do you think that destiny is set? Do you think that destiny is set
ISN'T THAT FOR YOUR EGO? Isn't that for your ego? Isn't that for your ego
THAT IS FOR YOUR OWN SAKE, ISN'T IT? That is for your own sake, isn't it? That is for your own sake, isn't it
WHO IS THAT FOR? Who is that for? Who is that for


I'LL CHANGE THE WORLD THAT'S CALMING DOWN I'll change the world that's calming down I'll change the world that's calming down
I'LL CHANGE THE WORLD THAT'S CALMING DOWN I'll change the world that's calming down I'll change the world that's calming down
I'LL CHANGE THE WORLD THAT'S CALMING DOWN I'll change the world that's calming down I'll change the world that's calming down


A Ray
NOW, FIND YOUR WAY TO LIVE YOUR LIFE IN THE CRUEL WORLD Now, find your way to live your life in the cruel world Now, find your way to live your life in the cruel world
DON'T TURN AWAY, (CUZ) SOMEDAY WE CAN GET TO THE TRUTH Don't turn away, (cuz) someday we can get to the truth Don't turn away, (cuz) someday we can get to the truth
GO, RUN YOUR WAY TO LIVE YOUR LIFE IN THE CRAZY WORLD Go, run your way to live your life in the crazy world Go, run your way to live your life in the crazy world
FIND YOUR WAY TO LIVE YOUR LIFE IN THE CRUEL WORLD Find your way to live your life in the cruel world Find your way to live your life in the cruel world
"ALL THE WORLD IS A STAGE" "All the world is a stage" All the world is a stage
AS IT IS kokoro ni kimeta TODAY’S THE DAY As it is I decided with my heart Today’s the day As it isKOKORONIKIMETATodays the day
DON’T YOU WANNA LET THE SUN SHINE NOW? Don’t you wanna let the sun shine now? Dont you wanna let the sun shine now?
hanete ke UP IN THE SKY Jump up in the sky HANETEKEup in the sky
Back into the wild
IS THIS THE ENDING YOU WISHED, Is this the ending you wished, Is this the ending you wished,
YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE You are the only one You are the only one
COME ON, NOW BACK INTO THE WILD Come on, now back into the wild Come on, now back into the wild
ALL BACK INTO THE WILD All back into the wild All back into the wild
COME ON, NOW BACK INTO THE WILD Come on, now back into the wild Come on, now back into the wild
ALL BACK INTO THE WILD All back into the wild All back into the wild
COME ON, NOW BACK INTO THE WILD Come on, now back into the wild Come on, now back into the wild
ALL BACK INTO THE WILD All back into the wild All back into the wild
I'LL CHANGE THE WORLD THAT'S CALMING DOWN I'll change the world that's calming down I'll change the world that's calming down
I'LL CHANGE THE WORLD I'll change the world I'll change the world
I'LL CHANGE THE WORLD THAT'S CALMING DOWN I'll change the world that's calming down I'll change the world that's calming down
LIGHT THE WAY WITH MUSIC Light the way with music Light the way with music
AND BRING A SMILE TO THE WORLD And bring a smile to the world And bring a smile to the world
I'LL CHANGE THE WORLD THAT'S CALMING DOWN I'll change the world that's calming down I'll change the world that's calming down
LIGHT THE WAY WITH MUSIC Light the way with music Light the way with music
AND BRING A SMILE TO THE WORLD And bring a smile to the world And bring a smile to the world
LIGHT THE WAY WITH MUSIC Light the way with music Light the way with music
AND BRING A SMILE TO THE WORLD And bring a smile to the world And bring a smile to the world
YOU NEED TO HEAR THE VOICE. You need to hear the voice. You need to hear the voice.
WE'VE KEPT SEEING NEWS, BIASED OPINIONS BUT IT'S NOT THE TRUTH, We've kept seeing news, biased opinions but it's not the truth, We've kept seeing news, biased opinions but it's not the truth,
ARE YOU THE WINNER? SERIOUSLY? Are you the winner? Seriously? Are you the winner Seriously
Hammer Down
SHUT OUT ALL THE LIES AND FALSE Shut out all the lies and false Shut out all the lies and false
PULL YOU UP I’LL PULL YOU UP FROM BOTTOM OF THE SEA Pull you up I’ll pull you up from bottom of the sea Pull you up Ill pull you up from bottom of the sea
PUTTING ALL THE FAKE CLOTHES AND FAKE MAKE UPS Putting all the fake clothes and fake make ups Putting all the fake clothes and fake make ups
MAKING ALL THE FAKE SMILES, OH JUST WAKE UP Making all the fake smiles, oh just wake up Making all the fake smiles, oh just wake up
TELL THE TRUTH JUST TELL THE TRUTH Tell the truth just tell the truth Tell the truth just tell the truth
OUT OF THE SHELL Out of the shell Out of the shell
OUT OF THE HELL NOW Out of the hell now Out of the hell now
PULL YOU UP I’LL PULL YOU UP FROM BOTTOM OF THE SEA Pull you up I’ll pull you up from bottom of the sea Pull you up Ill pull you up from bottom of the sea
PUTTING ALL THE FAKE CLOTHES AND FAKE MAKE UPS Putting all the fake clothes and fake make ups Putting all the fake clothes and fake make ups
MAKING ALL THE FAKE SMILES, OH JUST WAKE UP Making all the fake smiles, oh just wake up Making all the fake smiles, oh just wake up
TELL THE TRUTH JUST TELL THE TRUTH Tell the truth just tell the truth Tell the truth just tell the truth
WHERE IS THE JUSTICE? Where is the justice? Where is the justice?
sotsu to REMEMBERING THE LIGHT Softly Remembering the light SOTSUTORemembering the light
C'MON SET THE FIRE. C'mon set the fire. C'mon set the fire.
TO BE SHINING LIKE THE STARS!! to be shining like the stars!! to be shining like the stars!!
LOOK UP IN THE SKY. Look up in the sky! Look up in the sky.
LOOK UP IN THE SKY. Look up in the sky! Look up in the sky.
Night Flight
HIT THE LIGHTS TONIGHT Hit the lights tonight Hit the lights tonight
HIT THE LIGHTS TONIGHT Hit the lights tonight Hit the lights tonight
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM HERE, IT'S THE DEADLINE Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline
HIT THE LIGHTS TONIGHT Hit the lights tonight Hit the lights tonight
HIT THE LIGHTS TONIGHT Hit the lights tonight Hit the lights tonight
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM HERE, IT'S THE DEADLINE Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline
HIT THE LIGHTS TONIGHT Hit the lights tonight Hit the lights tonight
HIT THE LIGHTS TONIGHT Hit the lights tonight Hit the lights tonight
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM HERE, IT'S THE DEADLINE Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline
HIT THE LIGHTS TONIGHT Hit the lights tonight Hit the lights tonight
HIT THE LIGHTS TONIGHT Hit the lights tonight Hit the lights tonight
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM HERE, IT'S THE DEADLINE Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline
THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING OF THE SHOW This is just the beginning of the show This is just the beginning of the show
BREAK THE CEILING Break the ceiling Break the ceiling
LISTEN TO THE SOUND OF LIFE Listen to the sound of life Listen to the sound of life
(GO) BRAVELY TO THE SOUND, COME ON BREAK THE COMMON SENSE (Go) bravely to the sound, come on break the common sense (Go) bravely to the sound, come on break the common sense
LET'S TAKE THIS STEP, SHINE MORE THAN THE SUN Let's take this step, Shine more than the sun Let's take this step, Shine more than the sun
ROCKING THE GROUND MY VOICE FROM THIS SPEAKER Rocking the ground my voice from this speaker Rocking the ground my voice from this speaker
(WE) NEED NO ESCAPE LETS GET OUT, TURN IT UP TO THE 100 MAX (We) need no escape Lets get out, Turn it up to the 100 MAX (We) need no escape Let's get out, Turn it up to the 100(MAX)
BETTER GET HIGH THAN CRYING THROUGH THE NIGHT Better get high than crying through the night Better get high than crying through the night
WE'RE GONNA STRIKE THE WORLD WITH SUCH A FUCKING CRAZY SOUND We're gonna strike the world with such a fucking crazy sound We're gonna strike the world with such a fxxking crazy sound
(THE) NOISE YOU USED TO HATE, IT IS NOW YOUR BEST FRIEND (The) noise you used to hate, it is now your best friend (The) noise you used to hate, it is now your best friend
NOW'S THE TIME, RAISE YOUR VOICE Now's the time, raise your voice now's the time, raise your voice
YOU ARE AT THE CROSSROADS IN YOUR LIFE You are at the crossroads in your life You are at the crossroads in your life
YOU'VE WALKED THE PATH WHICH YOU'VE BELIEVED IN You've walked the path which you've believed in You've walked the path which you've believed in
THERE'RE SO MANY WAYS FOR US LIKE THE STARS There're so many ways for us like the stars There're so many ways for us like the stars
BUT WE CAN TAKE THE ONLY ONE WE TRUST But we can take the only one we trust But we can take the only one we trust
YOU WILL UNDERSTAND THE MEANING OF YOUR LIFE You will understand the meaning of your life You will understand the meaning of your life
LOOK INSIDE THE MIRROR OF YOU Look inside the mirror of you Look inside the mirror of you
CAN YOU SAY NOW IS THE BEST OF WHO YOU ARE? Can you say now is the best of who you are? Can you say now is the best of who you are
THERE'RE SO MANY WAYS FOR US LIKE THE STARS There're so many ways for us like the stars There're so many ways for us like the stars
BUT WE CAN TAKE THE ONLY ONE WE TRUST But we can take the only one we trust But we can take the only one we trust
LIKE THE SUN IS BURNING THE SKY Like the sun is burning the sky like the sun is burning the sky
Rock n roll
GOING BACK TO THAT FLOOD OF THE SOUND Going back to that flood of the sound Going back to that flood of the sound
HERE'S THE NEWS OF THE WORLD Here's the news of the world Here's the news of the world
GOING BACK TO THAT FLOOD OF THE SOUND Going back to that flood of the sound Going back to that flood of the sound
THINK TOO HARD YOU WILL MISS THE SYMBOL Think too hard you will miss the symbol Think too hard you will miss the symbol
TAKING THE ACTION'S NOT TO HARD Taking the action's not to hard Taking the action's not to hard
NOW LETS REMAKE THE REST OF YOUR LIFE Now lets remake the rest of your life Now let's remake the rest of your life
AT THE END, IT'LL ALL BE CONNECTED At the end, it'll all be connected At the end, it'll all be connected
STAY IN THE NORM ? YOU SO WACK ! Stay in the norm ? YOU SO WACK ! Stay in the norm YOU SO WACK
NOW LETS REMAKE THE REST OF YOUR LIFE Now lets remake the rest of your life Now let's remake the rest of your life
NOW LETS REMAKE THE REST OF YOUR LIFE Now lets remake the rest of your life Now let's remake the rest of your life
THINK TOO HARD YOU WILL MISS THE SYMBOL Think too hard you will miss the symbol Think too hard you will miss the symbol
TAKING THE ACTION'S NOT TO HARD Taking the action's not to hard Taking the action's not to hard
THIS IS THE WAY sarashiteku ikizama This is the way even if the way of life I uncover This is the way SARASHITEKUIKIZAMA
I WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED BY THE FATE I will never be defeated by the fate I will never be defeated by the fate
THAT IS THE WAY anata no susumu saki That is the way, even if the place you're headed That is the way ANATANOSUSUMUSAKI
YOU WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED BY THE FATE You will never be defeated by the fate You will never be defeated by the fate
THIS IS THE WAY kamashiteku iki kata This is the way, even if the way of life I show you This is the way KAMASHITEKUIKIKATA
I WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED BY THE FATE I will never be defeated by the fate I will never be defeated by the fate
SEIZE THE FATE Seize the fate Seize the fate
SEIZE THE FATE Seize the fate Seize the fate
LOVE LOVE LOVE THE LIFE YOU LIVE Love Love Love the Life you live Love Love Love the Life you live
LIVE LIVE LIVE THE LIFE YOU LOVE Live Live Live the life you love Live Live Live the life you love
WE WILL LOVE YOU ALL THE TIME! We will love you all the time! We will love you all the time


A Ray
SHED YOUR TEARS NOT FOR THEM BUT YOU Shed your tears not for them but you Shed your tears not for them but you
C′MON LET THEM BURN OUT C'mon let them burn out C'mon let them burn out
Night Flight
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM NOW, IT'S A DEADLINE Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM HERE, IT'S THE DEADLINE Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM NOW, IT'S A DEADLINE Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM HERE, IT'S THE DEADLINE Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM NOW, IT'S A DEADLINE Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM HERE, IT'S THE DEADLINE Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM NOW, IT'S A DEADLINE Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline Let me out, leave them now, it's a deadline
LET ME OUT, LEAVE THEM HERE, IT'S THE DEADLINE Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline Let me out, leave them here, it's the deadline
BETRAYED, DECEIVED, DONT LET THEM FOOL YOU Betrayed, deceived, dont let them fool you betrayed, deceived, don't let them fool you


THERE ARE A BUNCH OF JACKASSES. There are a bunch of jackasses. There are a bunch of jackasses.
THERE IS NO WAY TO GO BACK There is no way to go back There is no way to go back
THERE IS NO TURNING BACK NOW There is no turning back now There is no turning back now
HANG IN THERE Hang in there Hang in there
Kakageta chikai wa konote no naka ni YOU CAN JUST HANG IN THERE The vow I made is in my hands. You can just hang in there KAKAGETACHIKAIWA KONOTENONAKANI You can just hang in there
GO THERE AND GO BACK AGAIN Go there and go back again Go there and go back again


THERE'RE SO MANY WAYS FOR US LIKE THE STARS There're so many ways for us like the stars There're so many ways for us like the stars
THERE'RE SO MANY WAYS FOR US LIKE THE STARS There're so many ways for us like the stars There're so many ways for us like the stars


Night Flight
THERE'S NOTHING MORE WE CAN DO There's nothing more we can do There's nothing more we can do
THERE'S NOTHING MORE WE CAN DO There's nothing more we can do There's nothing more we can do
Now I here
THERE'S NOTHING HERE There's nothing here There's nothing here


THEY ARE SAYING BULL SHITS, LAME THINGS TO YOU They are saying bull shits, lame things to you They are saying bull shits, lame things to you
THEY AREN'T AWARE OF WHAT LIFE IS! They aren't aware of what life is! They aren't aware of what life is


THEY ARE SAYING BULL SHITS, LAME THINGS TO YOU They are saying bull shits, lame things to you They are saying bull shits, lame things to you


TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK, YOUR HEART, RIGHT NOW. Tell me what you think, your heart, right now. Tell me what you think, your heart, right now.
TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK, YOUR HEART, RIGHT NOW. Tell me what you think, your heart, right now. Tell me what you think, your heart, right now.
THINK TOO HARD YOU WILL MISS THE SYMBOL Think too hard you will miss the symbol Think too hard you will miss the symbol
THINK TOO HARD YOU WILL MISS THE SYMBOL Think too hard you will miss the symbol Think too hard you will miss the symbol
DO YOU THINK THAT DESTINY IS SET? Do you think that destiny is set? Do you think that destiny is set
DO YOU THINK PARALLEL UNIVERSES EXIST? Do you think parallel universes exist? Do you think parallel universes exist
DO YOU THINK ALIENS EXIST? Do you think aliens exist? Do you think aliens exist
DO YOU THINK THAT DESTINY IS SET? Do you think that destiny is set? Do you think that destiny is set
DO YOU THINK THAT DESTINY IS SET? Do you think that destiny is set? Do you think that destiny is set


LOOKING UP N THINKING WHAT AM I GON DO NEXT Looking up n thinking what am I gon do next Looking up n thinking what am I gon do next
THINKING YOU CAN DO IT WITH NO DREAM OR TWO Thinking you can do it with no dream or two Thinking you can do it with no dream or two
AREN'T YOU THINKING THAT IT IS IRRELEVANT? Aren't you thinking that it is irrelevant? Aren't you thinking that it is irrelevant


Back into the wild
IS THIS THE ENDING YOU WISHED, Is this the ending you wished, Is this the ending you wished,
THIS COLLAPSING WORLD This collapsing world This collapsing world
THIS COLLAPSING WORLD This collapsing world This collapsing world
THIS COLLAPSING WORLD This collapsing world This collapsing world
THIS IS MY WAY OF LIFE This is my way of life This is my way of life
Night Flight
STOP THIS GAME TONIGHT Stop this game tonight Stop this game tonight
STOP THIS GAME GOODNIGHT Stop this game goodnight Stop this game goodnight
YOU DONT WANT YOUR LIFE TO END LIKE THIS, DO YOU? You dont want your life to end like this, do you? You don't want your life to end like this, do you
THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING OF THE SHOW This is just the beginning of the show This is just the beginning of the show
LET'S RIDE ON THIS WAVE YOU CAN DO IT, RIGHT? Let's ride on this wave You can do it, right? Let's ride on this wave You can do it, right
LET'S TAKE THIS STEP, SHINE MORE THAN THE SUN Let's take this step, Shine more than the sun Let's take this step, Shine more than the sun
ROCKING THE GROUND MY VOICE FROM THIS SPEAKER Rocking the ground my voice from this speaker Rocking the ground my voice from this speaker
THIS IS THE WAY sarashiteku ikizama This is the way even if the way of life I uncover This is the way SARASHITEKUIKIZAMA
THIS IS THE WAY kamashiteku iki kata This is the way, even if the way of life I show you This is the way KAMASHITEKUIKIKATA
DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE Don't miss this chance Don't miss this chance


DON'T CARE ABOUT THOSE WHO WILL LAUGH AT YOU Don't care about those who will laugh at you Don't care about those who will laugh at you


EVEN THOUGH LOVELY OUTFITS (BUT) TERRIBLE WORDS. Even though lovely outfits (but) terrible words. Even though lovely outfits (but) terrible words.


Hammer Down
NO MATTER WHAT NOISE RUN THROUGH MY HEAD No matter what noise run through my head No matter what noise run through my head
BETTER GET HIGH THAN CRYING THROUGH THE NIGHT Better get high than crying through the night Better get high than crying through the night


Now I here
WHY DID I THROW AWAY WHO GAVE ME LOVE Why did I throw away who gave me love Why did I throw away who gave me love


Rock n roll
TICK TOCK, ITS ABOUT TIME Tick tock, its about time Tick tock, it's about time


HOLD ON TIGHT Hold on tight Hold on tight


KEEP SHOUTING 'TILL YOUR VOICE DIES Keep shouting 'till your voice dies Keep shouting 'till your voice dies


(CLAP CLAP!) Karappo n natte SHOW TIME (Clap Clap!) Clap like that! Show time (Clap Clap!)KARAッポPPONNAってTTEShow time
Saa zenkai senkai de HEY SHOW TIME Now rev up, full throttle, Hey, Show Time さぁSAA ZENKAI SENKAIDE Hey Show time
Mada mada tarinai sai & koo na TIME I still haven't had enough, the best ever time MADAMADATARINAISAI&KOONATime
Terashidasu SUNRISE abite ONE TIME The beaming sunrise, bask in it one time TERASHIDASUSUNRISE ABITEONE TIME
NOW'S THE TIME, RAISE YOUR VOICE Now's the time, raise your voice now's the time, raise your voice
wasurezu ni IT'S TIME TO LIVE YOUR LIFE Don't forget It's time to live your life WASUREZUNI It's time to live your life
IT'S TIME TO RAISE YOUR VOICE It's time to raise your voice It's time to raise your voice
wasurezu ni IT'S TIME TO LIVE YOUR LIFE Don't forget It's time to live your life WASUREZUNI It's time to live your life
Rock n roll
TICK TOCK, ITS ABOUT TIME Tick tock, its about time Tick tock, it's about time
SHARING TIME EQUALLY WE CHALLENGING Sharing time equally we challenging Sharing time equally we challenging
DECIDE IT, IT IS TIME Decide it, it is time Decide it, it is time
TIME TO FIGHT! NO NEED TO GUARD Time to fight! No need to guard Time to fight No need to guard
IT'S TIME TO STOP PRETENDING AND RUNNING It's time to stop pretending and running It's time to stop pretending and running
THAT "FOUR MINUTE MILE", NO TIME TO SLACK That "four minute mile", no time to slack That four minute mile, no time to slack
IT'S TIME . . . JUST FOLLOW ME! It's time . . . just follow me! It's time . . . just follow me
IT'S TIME TO STOP PRETENDING AND RUNNING It's time to stop pretending and running It's time to stop pretending and running
IT'S TIME TO STOP PRETENDING AND RUNNING It's time to stop pretending and running It's time to stop pretending and running
DECIDE IT, IT IS TIME Decide it, it is time Decide it, it is time
TIME TO FIGHT! NO NEED TO GUARD Time to fight! No need to guard Time to fight No need to guard
WE DON'T HAVE TIME TO WAIT We don't have time to wait We don't have time to wait
WE WILL LOVE YOU ALL THE TIME! We will love you all the time! We will love you all the time
WHAT IS TIME? What is time? What is time
WHAT IS TIME? What is time? What is time


HOW MANY TIMES DID YOU ENJOY IT? How many times did you enjoy it? How many times did you enjoy it

: TO

A Ray
NOW, FIND YOUR WAY TO LIVE YOUR LIFE IN THE CRUEL WORLD Now, find your way to live your life in the cruel world Now, find your way to live your life in the cruel world
NOW I STAND TO LIVE MY LIFE Now I stand to live my life Now I stand to live my life
DON'T TURN AWAY, (CUZ) SOMEDAY WE CAN GET TO THE TRUTH Don't turn away, (cuz) someday we can get to the truth Don't turn away, (cuz) someday we can get to the truth
GO, RUN YOUR WAY TO LIVE YOUR LIFE IN THE CRAZY WORLD Go, run your way to live your life in the crazy world Go, run your way to live your life in the crazy world
FIND YOUR WAY TO LIVE YOUR LIFE IN THE CRUEL WORLD Find your way to live your life in the cruel world Find your way to live your life in the cruel world
FOOL umareochita kono chi de WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO? Fools, in this world you were born, what do you want to do? Fool UMAREOCHITAKONOCHIDE What do you want to do
"TO BE OR NOT TO BE" "To be or not to be" To be or not to be
WHY DO WE PUSH TO OUR LIMITS? Why do we push to our limits? Why do we push to our limits
WE SHALL ALL BE THANKFUL JUST TO BE ALIVE We shall all be thankful just to be alive We shall all be thankful just to be alive
Back into the wild
ENOUGH TO BURN OUT? Enough to burn out? Enough to burn out
WHETHER YOU LIVE OR DIE IS UP TO YOU Whether you live or die is up to you Whether you live or die is up to you
WE'RE GOING TO SAVE We're going to save We're going to save
WHETHER YOU LIVE OR DIE IS UP TO YOU Whether you live or die is up to you Whether you live or die is up to you
WE'RE GOING TO SAVE We're going to save We're going to save
WHETHER YOU LIVE OR DIE IS UP TO YOU Whether you live or die is up to you Whether you live or die is up to you
WE'RE GOING TO SAVE We're going to save We're going to save
HAVE TO LIVE MORE FREELY Have to live more freely Have to live more freely
AND BRING A SMILE TO THE WORLD And bring a smile to the world And bring a smile to the world
AND BRING A SMILE TO THE WORLD And bring a smile to the world And bring a smile to the world
AND BRING A SMILE TO THE WORLD And bring a smile to the world And bring a smile to the world
YOU NEED TO HEAR THE VOICE. You need to hear the voice. You need to hear the voice.
YOU DON’T WANT TO BE HATED? You don’t want to be hated? You don't want to be hated
YOU DON'T HAVE TO CARE ABOUT IT BECAUSE IT'S TOO LATE. You don't have to care about it because it's too late. You don't have to care about it because it's too late.
ARE YOU OKAY TO HAVE BEEN SHOWING YOURSELF GREATER THAN WHAT YOU ARE. Are you okay to have been showing yourself greater than what you are. Are you okay to have been showing yourself greater than what you are.
NO ONE TO HATE shaba denkoo ni No one to hate, Life's shorter than a flash of lightning No one to hate SHABA電光DENKOONI
WANNA BE TRUE TO MYSELF wanna be true to myself wanna be true to myself
JUST YOU CAN GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO ME just you can give in to give in to give in to me just you can give in to give in to give in to me
LONG TO BE TRUE TO MYSELF long to be true to myself long to be true to myself
JUST YOU CAN GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO ME just you can give in to give in to give in to me just you can give in to give in to give in to me
WANNA BE TRUE TO MYSELF wanna be true to myself wanna be true to myself
JUST YOU CAN GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO ME just you can give in to give in to give in to me just you can give in to give in to give in to me
JUST YOU CAN GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO ME just you can give in to give in to give in to me just you can give in to give in to give in to me
THERE IS NO WAY TO GO BACK There is no way to go back There is no way to go back
Hammer Down
TO BE MYSELF FROM NOW To be myself from now To be myself from now
NOTE TO MYSELF Note to myself Note to myself
TO BE MYSELF FROM NOW To be myself from now To be myself from now
GOING TO BLOW IT UP Going to blow it up Going to blow it up
WHO WILL BE NEXT TO SUFFER? Who will be next to suffer? Who will be next to suffer?
TO BE SHINING LIKE THE STARS!! to be shining like the stars!! to be shining like the stars!!
SO, LEAVE IT TO ME NOW!! So, leave it to me now!! So, leave it to me now!!
(GIMME) YOUR HEART!! TO HARD!! MORE MORE MORE..!! (Gimme) Your heart!! To hard!! More more more..!! (Gimme)Your heart!! To hard!! More more more..!!
NOISE WILL NOT GO AWAY HOW LONG DO YOU HAVE TO ENDURE? Noise will not go away How long do you have to endure? Noise will not go away How long do you have to endure
YOU DONT WANT YOUR LIFE TO END LIKE THIS, DO YOU? You dont want your life to end like this, do you? You don't want your life to end like this, do you
READY TO REVIVE AGAIN? Ready to revive again? Ready to revive again
LISTEN TO THE SOUND OF LIFE Listen to the sound of life Listen to the sound of life
(GO) BRAVELY TO THE SOUND, COME ON BREAK THE COMMON SENSE (Go) bravely to the sound, come on break the common sense (Go) bravely to the sound, come on break the common sense
(WE) NEED NO ESCAPE LETS GET OUT, TURN IT UP TO THE 100 MAX (We) need no escape Lets get out, Turn it up to the 100 MAX (We) need no escape Let's get out, Turn it up to the 100(MAX)
(THE) NOISE YOU USED TO HATE, IT IS NOW YOUR BEST FRIEND (The) noise you used to hate, it is now your best friend (The) noise you used to hate, it is now your best friend
THEY ARE SAYING BULL SHITS, LAME THINGS TO YOU They are saying bull shits, lame things to you They are saying bull shits, lame things to you
KEEP YOUR HEAD UP, DON'T GIVE UP ON YOUR WAY TO GO Keep your head up, don't give up on your way to go Keep your head up, don't give up on your way to go
wasurezu ni IT'S TIME TO LIVE YOUR LIFE Don't forget It's time to live your life WASUREZUNI It's time to live your life
IF YOU ARE BRAVE ENOUGH TO STAND UP If you are brave enough to stand up if you are brave enough to stand up
IT'S TIME TO RAISE YOUR VOICE It's time to raise your voice It's time to raise your voice
wasurezu ni IT'S TIME TO LIVE YOUR LIFE Don't forget It's time to live your life WASUREZUNI It's time to live your life
Rock n roll
GOING BACK TO THAT FLOOD OF THE SOUND Going back to that flood of the sound Going back to that flood of the sound
WE ARE GOING TO BLOW YOUR MIND We are going to blow your mind We are going to blow your mind
GOING BACK TO THAT FLOOD OF THE SOUND Going back to that flood of the sound Going back to that flood of the sound
NO NEED TO HIDE OR CRY No need to hide or cry No need to hide or cry
TAKING THE ACTION'S NOT TO HARD Taking the action's not to hard Taking the action's not to hard
TIME TO FIGHT! NO NEED TO GUARD Time to fight! No need to guard Time to fight No need to guard
IT'S TIME TO STOP PRETENDING AND RUNNING It's time to stop pretending and running It's time to stop pretending and running
DON'T STOP TO REMAKE JUST YET sekaijuu Don't stop to remake just yet, around the world Don't stop to remake just yet SEKAIJUU
GE-GETTING READY TO SHOOT OUT YOUR ROCKET Ge-getting ready to shoot out your rocket Ge-getting ready to shoot out your rocket
THAT "FOUR MINUTE MILE", NO TIME TO SLACK That "four minute mile", no time to slack That four minute mile, no time to slack
NO NEED TO HIDE OR CRY CUZ YOU'VE GOT ME No need to hide or cry cuz you've got me No need to hide or cry cuz you've got me
IT'S TIME TO STOP PRETENDING AND RUNNING It's time to stop pretending and running It's time to stop pretending and running
DON'T STOP TO REMAKE JUST YET sekaijuu Dont stop to remake just yet, around the world Don't stop to remake just yet SEKAIJUU
IT'S TIME TO STOP PRETENDING AND RUNNING It's time to stop pretending and running It's time to stop pretending and running
DON'T STOP TO REMAKE JUST YET sekaijuu Dont stop to remake just yet, around the world Don't stop to remake just yet SEKAIJUU
NO NEED TO HIDE OR CRY No need to hide or cry No need to hide or cry
TAKING THE ACTION'S NOT TO HARD Taking the action's not to hard Taking the action's not to hard
TIME TO FIGHT! NO NEED TO GUARD Time to fight! No need to guard Time to fight No need to guard
DONT NEED TO LOOK BACK YOUR kita michi o Dont need to look back your road here so far Don't need to look back your 来たKITAMICHIO
DONT NEED TO GO BACK TO NOSTALGIA Dont need to go back to nostalgia Don't need to go back to nostalgia
I WANT TO FIND YOU OUT I want to find you out I want to find you out
I DON'T KNOW HOW TO SING I don't know how to sing I don't know how to sing
ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS REACH OUT All you need to do is reach out All you need to do is reach out
I WANT TO BE TRUE TO MYSELF I want to be true to myself I want to be true to myself
WE DON'T HAVE TIME TO WAIT We don't have time to wait We don't have time to wait
ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS REACH OUT All you need to do is reach out All you need to do is reach out
ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS REACH OUT All you need to do is reach out All you need to do is reach out
ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS REACH OUT All you need to do is reach out All you need to do is reach out
DO YOU HAVE SOMEONE YOU CAN TALK TO ABOUT ANYTHING? Do you have someone you can talk to about anything? Do you have someone you can talk to about anything
DO YOU HAVE SOMEONE YOU CAN TALK TO ABOUT ANYTHING? Do you have someone you can talk to about anything? Do you have someone you can talk to about anything
Meisoochuu A TO Z mandara Meditation A to Z Mandala MEISOOCHUU A to Z MANDARA


Rock n roll
TICK TOCK, ITS ABOUT TIME Tick tock, its about time Tick tock, it's about time


AS IT IS kokoro ni kimeta TODAY’S THE DAY As it is I decided with my heart Today’s the day As it isKOKORONIKIMETATodays the day


WE ARE GONNA PARTY TOGETHER We are gonna party together We are gonna party together
WE CAN OVERCOME ANYTHING TOGETHER We can overcome anything together We can overcome anything together
WE CAN OVERCOME ANYTHING TOGETHER We can overcome anything together We can overcome anything together


Yoosha nai netsuryoo FUCK'N HOT TONIGHT. The heat won't let up, Fuck'n Hot Tonight YOOSHANAINETSURYOO Fuck'n Hot Tonight.
Night Flight
HIT THE LIGHTS TONIGHT Hit the lights tonight Hit the lights tonight
HIT THE LIGHTS TONIGHT Hit the lights tonight Hit the lights tonight
STOP THIS GAME TONIGHT Stop this game tonight Stop this game tonight
HIT THE LIGHTS TONIGHT Hit the lights tonight Hit the lights tonight
HIT THE LIGHTS TONIGHT Hit the lights tonight Hit the lights tonight
HIT THE LIGHTS TONIGHT Hit the lights tonight Hit the lights tonight
HIT THE LIGHTS TONIGHT Hit the lights tonight Hit the lights tonight
HIT THE LIGHTS TONIGHT Hit the lights tonight Hit the lights tonight
HIT THE LIGHTS TONIGHT Hit the lights tonight Hit the lights tonight


YOU DON'T HAVE TO CARE ABOUT IT BECAUSE IT'S TOO LATE. You don't have to care about it because it's too late. You don't have to care about it because it's too late.
ISN'T IT COOL? IT'S TOO LATE. Marude Isn't it cool? It's too late. Just like that Isn't it cool It's too late. MARUDE
THINK TOO HARD YOU WILL MISS THE SYMBOL Think too hard you will miss the symbol Think too hard you will miss the symbol
THINK TOO HARD YOU WILL MISS THE SYMBOL Think too hard you will miss the symbol Think too hard you will miss the symbol


katanihameru dake no baiasu o uragire NO ONE CAN TOUCH ME NOW Betray the bias that only fits into a mold, no one can touch me now KATANIHAMERUDAKENOBAIASUO URAGIRE no one can touch me now
SUCH A HIGH DAY, TOUCH A FINE SAYING "I'MMA BE ALRIGHT" YEAH AH Such a high day, touch a fine saying "I'mma be alright" yeah ah Such a high day, touch a fine saying I'mma be alright yeah ah


noonai owaru mae ni LET’S TRIP AWAY Before it ends in my brain Let’s trip away NOONAIOWARUMAENI Lets trip away


(LET’S GO! LET’S GO TRIPPIN’!) Let’s go! Let’s go trippin’! Lets go Lets go trippin


WANNA BE TRUE TO MYSELF wanna be true to myself wanna be true to myself
LONG TO BE TRUE TO MYSELF long to be true to myself long to be true to myself
WANNA BE TRUE TO MYSELF wanna be true to myself wanna be true to myself
YOUR TRUE ENEMY IS YOURSELF Your true enemy is yourself. Your true enemy is yourself
MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE Make your dreams come true Make your dreams come true
MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE Make your dreams come true Make your dreams come true
MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE Make your dreams come true Make your dreams come true
MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE Make your dreams come true Make your dreams come true
MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE Make your dreams come true Make your dreams come true
MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE Make your dreams come true Make your dreams come true
LIFE'S AT ITS HIGH WITH A DREAM ITS TRUE Life's at its high with a dream its true Life's at its high with a dream it's true
I WANT TO BE TRUE TO MYSELF I want to be true to myself I want to be true to myself


TRUST ONLY MYSELF Trust only myself Trust only myself
BUT WE CAN TAKE THE ONLY ONE WE TRUST But we can take the only one we trust But we can take the only one we trust
BUT WE CAN TAKE THE ONLY ONE WE TRUST But we can take the only one we trust But we can take the only one we trust


A Ray
DON'T TURN AWAY, (CUZ) SOMEDAY WE CAN GET TO THE TRUTH Don't turn away, (cuz) someday we can get to the truth Don't turn away, (cuz) someday we can get to the truth
WE'VE KEPT SEEING NEWS, BIASED OPINIONS BUT IT'S NOT THE TRUTH, We've kept seeing news, biased opinions but it's not the truth, We've kept seeing news, biased opinions but it's not the truth,
Hammer Down
TELL THE TRUTH JUST TELL THE TRUTH Tell the truth just tell the truth Tell the truth just tell the truth
TELL THE TRUTH JUST TELL THE TRUTH Tell the truth just tell the truth Tell the truth just tell the truth


ALL YOU GOTTA DO IS TRY ANYTHING All you gotta do is try anything All you gotta do is try anything


A Ray
BURN YOUR HEART, DO NOT TURN AWAY FROM OUR FATE Burn your heart, do not turn away from our fate Burn your heart, do not turn away from our fate
TURN IT UP, LET IT OUT Turn it up, let it out Turn it up, let it out
DON'T TURN AWAY, (CUZ) SOMEDAY WE CAN GET TO THE TRUTH Don't turn away, (cuz) someday we can get to the truth Don't turn away, (cuz) someday we can get to the truth
(WE) NEED NO ESCAPE LETS GET OUT, TURN IT UP TO THE 100 MAX (We) need no escape Lets get out, Turn it up to the 100 MAX (We) need no escape Let's get out, Turn it up to the 100(MAX)


THERE IS NO TURNING BACK NOW There is no turning back now There is no turning back now


THINKING YOU CAN DO IT WITH NO DREAM OR TWO Thinking you can do it with no dream or two Thinking you can do it with no dream or two


DON'T UNDERRATE YOURSELF IN YOUR MIND Don't underrate yourself in your mind Don't underrate yourself in your mind


YOU WILL UNDERSTAND THE MEANING OF YOUR LIFE You will understand the meaning of your life You will understand the meaning of your life


DO YOU THINK PARALLEL UNIVERSES EXIST? Do you think parallel universes exist? Do you think parallel universes exist


CHECKING IN YOUR SOUL POCKET, UNLOCK IT, Checking in your soul pocket, unlock it, Checking in your soul pocket, unlock it,

: UP

A Ray
BLOW IT UP, SPIT IT OUT Blow it up, spit it out Blow it up, spit it out
DON'T GIVE IT UP AND HEAD UP FOR YOUR RAY OF LIGHT Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light
TURN IT UP, LET IT OUT Turn it up, let it out Turn it up, let it out
DON'T LET ME DOWN, KEEP BURNING UP, BLOWING UP Don't let me down, keep burning up, blowing up Don't let me down, keep burning up, blowing up
DON'T GIVE IT UP AND HEAD UP FOR YOUR RAY OF LIGHT Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light
EVERYBODY PUT YOUR HANDS UP HIGH Everybody put your hands up high Everybody put your hands up high
hanete ke UP IN THE SKY Jump up in the sky HANETEKEup in the sky
(CLAP CLAP!) Aotte PUMP IT UP (Clap Clap!) Instigate! Pump it up (Clap Clap!)AOってTTEPump it up
(CLAP CLAP!) Yaoyorozu no kami mo HEAT UP (Clap Clap!) All the gods and goddesses Heat up (Clap Clap!)YA百万OYOROZUNOKAMIMOHeat up
Utaeya sawage ya honnoo no mama ni LET’S LIVE IT UP Sing, make noise, follow your instincts Let's live it up UTAEYASAWAGEYAHONNOONOMAMANILets live it up
Back into the wild
DON'T GIVE UP ON WHAT Don't give up on what Don't give up on what
WHETHER YOU LIVE OR DIE IS UP TO YOU Whether you live or die is up to you Whether you live or die is up to you
WHETHER YOU LIVE OR DIE IS UP TO YOU Whether you live or die is up to you Whether you live or die is up to you
WHETHER YOU LIVE OR DIE IS UP TO YOU Whether you live or die is up to you Whether you live or die is up to you
NEVER LET NEVER LET ME GIVE UP never let never let me give up never let never let me give up
HARRY UP HARRY UP Harry up Harry up Harry up Harry up
AFTER THAT, I WOKE UP After that, I woke up After that, I woke up
Hammer Down
AND STAND UP FOR YOURSELF And stand up for yourself And stand up for yourself
PULL YOU UP I’LL PULL YOU UP FROM BOTTOM OF THE SEA Pull you up I’ll pull you up from bottom of the sea Pull you up Ill pull you up from bottom of the sea
MAKING ALL THE FAKE SMILES, OH JUST WAKE UP Making all the fake smiles, oh just wake up Making all the fake smiles, oh just wake up
PULL YOU UP I’LL PULL YOU UP FROM BOTTOM OF THE SEA Pull you up I’ll pull you up from bottom of the sea Pull you up Ill pull you up from bottom of the sea
MAKING ALL THE FAKE SMILES, OH JUST WAKE UP Making all the fake smiles, oh just wake up Making all the fake smiles, oh just wake up
GOING TO BLOW IT UP Going to blow it up Going to blow it up
KEEP IT UP! Keep it up! Keep it up!
LOOK UP IN THE SKY. Look up in the sky! Look up in the sky.
KEEP IT UP! Keep it up! Keep it up!
LOOK UP IN THE SKY. Look up in the sky! Look up in the sky.
Night Flight
(GET OUT, SHUT UP) (Get out, shut up) (Get out, shut up)
(GET OUT, SHUT UP) (Get out, shut up) (Get out, shut up)
(GET OUT, SHUT UP) (Get out, shut up) (Get out, shut up)
(GET OUT, SHUT UP) (Get out, shut up) (Get out, shut up)
IGNITE THAT SHITTY ROTTEN HEART, ONLY YOU CAN DO THAT WAKE UP Ignite that shitty rotten heart, only you can do that wake up Ignite that shitty rotten heart, only you can do that wake up
LET'S KICK IT UP A NOTCH Let's kick it up a notch Let's kick it up a notch
KEEP ON RISING UP, YOU CAN LAUGH THAT PAIN AWAY Keep on rising up, you can laugh that pain away Keep on rising up, you can laugh that pain away
(WE) NEED NO ESCAPE LETS GET OUT, TURN IT UP TO THE 100 MAX (We) need no escape Lets get out, Turn it up to the 100 MAX (We) need no escape Let's get out, Turn it up to the 100(MAX)
KEEP ON MOVING UP, YOU CAN LAUGH THAT PAIN AWAY Keep on moving up, you can laugh that pain away Keep on moving up, you can laugh that pain away
KEEP ON RISING UP, IT'S OK AS IT IS Keep on rising up, it's OK as it is Keep on rising up, it's OK as it is
KEEP YOUR HEAD UP, DON'T GIVE UP ON YOUR WAY TO GO Keep your head up, don't give up on your way to go Keep your head up, don't give up on your way to go
IF YOU ARE BRAVE ENOUGH TO STAND UP If you are brave enough to stand up if you are brave enough to stand up
HEADS UP! FREE YOURSELF NOW Heads up! Free yourself now Heads up Free yourself now
Rock n roll
BRINGING IT UP, BRING IT UP AGAIN Bringing it up, bring it up again Bringing it up, bring it up again
BRINGING IT UP, BRING IT UP AGAIN Bringing it up, bring it up again Bringing it up, bring it up again
Hora roogoku wa rookaku (LIGHT UP) See, your prison is a high-rise (Light up) HORA ROOGOKUWAROOKAKU (Light up)
Mune no oku itai kurai (RIGHT UP) Deep in your chest, it hurts (Right up) MUNENOOKU ITAIKURAI (Right up)
Doko made mo age te gookaku (LIGHT UP) Rise up as far as you'll go and succeed (Light up) DOKOMADEMOAGETEGOOKAKU (Light up)
LOOKING UP N THINKING WHAT AM I GON DO NEXT Looking up n thinking what am I gon do next Looking up n thinking what am I gon do next
SHAKING UP N BLAZING, I'MMA IMPRESS Shaking up n blazing, I'mma impress Shaking up n blazing, I'mma impress
BUT IT WILL FIRE UP YOUR SOUL But it will fire up your soul But it will fire up your soul
I WON'T GIVE UP ON MY DREAM I won't give up on my dream I won't give up on my dream


Yurasu kuuki kan to UPPER na tenshon Within this palpitating atmosphere and upper tension YURASUKUUKIKANTO Upper NATENショSHON


Hammer Down
PUTTING ALL THE FAKE CLOTHES AND FAKE MAKE UPS Putting all the fake clothes and fake make ups Putting all the fake clothes and fake make ups
PUTTING ALL THE FAKE CLOTHES AND FAKE MAKE UPS Putting all the fake clothes and fake make ups Putting all the fake clothes and fake make ups

: US

SO WHY DON'T YOU COME HERE AND JOIN US? So why don't you come here and join us? So why don't you come here and join us?
BE CAREFUL YOU'LL BE KICKED OUT BY US YOU DON'T CARE. Be careful you'll be kicked out by us you don't care. Be careful you'll be kicked out by us you don't care.
THERE'RE SO MANY WAYS FOR US LIKE THE STARS There're so many ways for us like the stars There're so many ways for us like the stars
THERE'RE SO MANY WAYS FOR US LIKE THE STARS There're so many ways for us like the stars There're so many ways for us like the stars
Kanjite koko ni iru to (JOIN US) Feel it, how you're right here (Join us) KANJITE KOKONIIRUTO (Join us)
(WELL WAIT FOR YOU, LET'S GO WITH US) (Well wait for you, Let's go with us) (We'll wait for you, Let's go with us)


(THE) NOISE YOU USED TO HATE, IT IS NOW YOUR BEST FRIEND (The) noise you used to hate, it is now your best friend (The) noise you used to hate, it is now your best friend


YOU NEED TO HEAR THE VOICE. You need to hear the voice. You need to hear the voice.
ROCKING THE GROUND MY VOICE FROM THIS SPEAKER Rocking the ground my voice from this speaker Rocking the ground my voice from this speaker
KEEP SHOUTING 'TILL YOUR VOICE DIES Keep shouting 'till your voice dies Keep shouting 'till your voice dies
NOW'S THE TIME, RAISE YOUR VOICE Now's the time, raise your voice now's the time, raise your voice
(RAISE YOUR VOICE) (Raise your voice) (Raise your voice)
(RAISE YOUR VOICE) (Raise your voice) (Raise your voice)
IT'S TIME TO RAISE YOUR VOICE It's time to raise your voice It's time to raise your voice
(SO, RAISE YOUR VOICE) (So, raise your voice) (So, raise your voice)
NOW RAISE YOUR VOICE Now raise your voice now raise your voice


STAY IN THE NORM ? YOU SO WACK ! Stay in the norm ? YOU SO WACK ! Stay in the norm YOU SO WACK


mikaesu nda JUST YOU WAIT Look back Just you wait MIKAESUNDA Just you wait
(HEY HEY BABY, I CAN'T WAIT IT) (Hey hey baby, I can't wait it) (Hey hey baby, I can't wait it)
(WELL WAIT FOR YOU, LET'S GO WITH US) (Well wait for you, Let's go with us) (We'll wait for you, Let's go with us)
WE DON'T HAVE TIME TO WAIT We don't have time to wait We don't have time to wait


WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU We are waiting for you We are waiting for you
WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU We are waiting for you We are waiting for you
WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU We are waiting for you We are waiting for you


Hammer Down
MAKING ALL THE FAKE SMILES, OH JUST WAKE UP Making all the fake smiles, oh just wake up Making all the fake smiles, oh just wake up
MAKING ALL THE FAKE SMILES, OH JUST WAKE UP Making all the fake smiles, oh just wake up Making all the fake smiles, oh just wake up
IGNITE THAT SHITTY ROTTEN HEART, ONLY YOU CAN DO THAT WAKE UP Ignite that shitty rotten heart, only you can do that wake up Ignite that shitty rotten heart, only you can do that wake up


YOU'VE WALKED THE PATH WHICH YOU'VE BELIEVED IN You've walked the path which you've believed in You've walked the path which you've believed in


POOR umareta imi nado nai I DON'T WANNA BELIEVE Poor, there is no purpose to life, I don't wanna believe Poor UMARETAIMINADONAI I don't wanna believe
DON’T YOU WANNA LET THE SUN SHINE NOW? Don’t you wanna let the sun shine now? Dont you wanna let the sun shine now?
I JUST WANNA SEE YOU HAPPY I just wanna see you happy I just wanna see you happy
DO YOUR BEST IF YOU DON'T WANNA BE BOGGED DOWN. Do your best if you don't wanna be bogged down. Do your best if you don't wanna be bogged down.
I DON'T WANNA LIVE IN YOUR WORLD I don't wanna live in your world I don't wanna live in your world
WANNA BE TRUE TO MYSELF wanna be true to myself wanna be true to myself
I DON'T WANNA LIVE IN YOUR WORLD I don't wanna live in your world I don't wanna live in your world
WANNA BE TRUE TO MYSELF wanna be true to myself wanna be true to myself
YOU WANNA DIE LIKE A LOSER? You wanna die like a loser? You wanna die like a loser
“YOU WANNA FEEL IT?” "You wanna feel it?" You wanna feel it
WANNA CHASE YOUR DREAM? Wanna chase your dream? Wanna chase your dream


FOOL umareochita kono chi de WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO? Fools, in this world you were born, what do you want to do? Fool UMAREOCHITAKONOCHIDE What do you want to do
YOU DON’T WANT TO BE HATED? You don’t want to be hated? You don't want to be hated
YOU DONT WANT YOUR LIFE TO END LIKE THIS, DO YOU? You dont want your life to end like this, do you? You don't want your life to end like this, do you
DO WHAT YOU WANT AND YOU BELIEVE Do what you want and you believe Do what you want and you believe
I WANT TO FIND YOU OUT I want to find you out I want to find you out
I WANT TO BE TRUE TO MYSELF I want to be true to myself I want to be true to myself


HOW WAS YOUR DAY? How was your day? How was your day
BUT THAT WAS WRONG FOR ME But that was wrong for me But that was wrong for me
Now I here
NOW I'M NO LONGER WHO I WAS Now I'm no longer who I was Now I'm no longer who I was
NOW I'M NO LONGER WHO I WAS Now I'm no longer who I was Now I'm no longer who I was


KEEP WATCHING WHAT'S BEHIND Keep watching what's behind Keep watching what's behind
KEEP WATCHING WHAT'S BEHIND Keep watching whats behind Keep watching what's behind


LET'S RIDE ON THIS WAVE YOU CAN DO IT, RIGHT? Let's ride on this wave You can do it, right? Let's ride on this wave You can do it, right


A Ray
NOW, FIND YOUR WAY TO LIVE YOUR LIFE IN THE CRUEL WORLD Now, find your way to live your life in the cruel world Now, find your way to live your life in the cruel world
GO, RUN YOUR WAY TO LIVE YOUR LIFE IN THE CRAZY WORLD Go, run your way to live your life in the crazy world Go, run your way to live your life in the crazy world
FIND YOUR WAY TO LIVE YOUR LIFE IN THE CRUEL WORLD Find your way to live your life in the cruel world Find your way to live your life in the cruel world
Back into the wild
NOW GO YOUR OWN WAY Now go your own way Now go your own way
Negatibu oora wa kakikesu wa ikashita MY WAY I'll drown out the negative aura, like a badass MY WAY NEGAティTIBUオーOORAWAKAKIKESUWA IKASHITA MY WAY
LIGHT THE WAY WITH MUSIC Light the way with music Light the way with music
LIGHT THE WAY WITH MUSIC Light the way with music Light the way with music
LIGHT THE WAY WITH MUSIC Light the way with music Light the way with music
THERE IS NO WAY TO GO BACK There is no way to go back There is no way to go back
Yamikumo ni STAB IT BACK dokutsubo e to FALL IN ONE’S WAY blindly Stab it back To the poison pot Fall in one’s way YAMIKUMONIStab it back DOKUTSUBOETOFall in ones way
THIS IS MY WAY OF LIFE This is my way of life This is my way of life
kurayami sae mo mikata ni shitagaete FORCE ONE’S WAY Even the darkness is on my side Force one’s way KURAYAMISAEMOMIKATANISHITAGAETEForce ones way
KEEP YOUR HEAD UP, DON'T GIVE UP ON YOUR WAY TO GO Keep your head up, don't give up on your way to go Keep your head up, don't give up on your way to go
THIS IS THE WAY sarashiteku ikizama This is the way even if the way of life I uncover This is the way SARASHITEKUIKIZAMA
THAT IS THE WAY anata no susumu saki That is the way, even if the place you're headed That is the way ANATANOSUSUMUSAKI
THIS IS THE WAY kamashiteku iki kata This is the way, even if the way of life I show you This is the way KAMASHITEKUIKIKATA


THERE'RE SO MANY WAYS FOR US LIKE THE STARS There're so many ways for us like the stars There're so many ways for us like the stars
THERE'RE SO MANY WAYS FOR US LIKE THE STARS There're so many ways for us like the stars There're so many ways for us like the stars

: WE

A Ray
DON'T TURN AWAY, (CUZ) SOMEDAY WE CAN GET TO THE TRUTH Don't turn away, (cuz) someday we can get to the truth Don't turn away, (cuz) someday we can get to the truth
WHY DO WE PUSH TO OUR LIMITS? Why do we push to our limits? Why do we push to our limits
WE SHALL ALL BE THANKFUL JUST TO BE ALIVE We shall all be thankful just to be alive We shall all be thankful just to be alive
WE ARE GONNA PARTY TOGETHER We are gonna party together We are gonna party together
ARE WE REALLY LOOKED DOWN ON? Are we really looked down on? Are we really looked down on
WE KNOW THAT IT'S ALSO BEAUTIFUL. we know that it's also beautiful. we know that it's also beautiful.
Night Flight
THERE'S NOTHING MORE WE CAN DO There's nothing more we can do There's nothing more we can do
THERE'S NOTHING MORE WE CAN DO There's nothing more we can do There's nothing more we can do
WE CAN DO ANYTHING!! We can do anything!! We can do anything!!
WE DON'T NEED YOUR WORDS!! We don't need your words!! We don't need your words!!
(WE) NEED NO ESCAPE LETS GET OUT, TURN IT UP TO THE 100 MAX (We) need no escape Lets get out, Turn it up to the 100 MAX (We) need no escape Let's get out, Turn it up to the 100(MAX)
WE WILL ABSOLUTELY PUSH YOU FORWARD We will absolutely push you forward We will absolutely push you forward
BUT WE CAN TAKE THE ONLY ONE WE TRUST But we can take the only one we trust But we can take the only one we trust
BUT WE CAN TAKE THE ONLY ONE WE TRUST But we can take the only one we trust But we can take the only one we trust
Rock n roll
WE ARE GOING TO BLOW YOUR MIND We are going to blow your mind We are going to blow your mind
SHARING TIME EQUALLY WE CHALLENGING Sharing time equally we challenging Sharing time equally we challenging
WE CAN OVERCOME ANYTHING TOGETHER We can overcome anything together We can overcome anything together
WE CAN OVERCOME ANYTHING TOGETHER We can overcome anything together We can overcome anything together
WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU We are waiting for you We are waiting for you
(WE WILL ALWAYS BE WITH YOU!) We will always be with you! We will always be with you
WE DON'T HAVE TIME TO WAIT We don't have time to wait We don't have time to wait
WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU We are waiting for you We are waiting for you
WE WILL LOVE YOU ALL THE TIME! We will love you all the time! We will love you all the time
WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU We are waiting for you We are waiting for you
WE WILL ALWAYS BE WITH YOU! We will always be with you! We will always be with you


(WELL WAIT FOR YOU, LET'S GO WITH US) (Well wait for you, Let's go with us) (We'll wait for you, Let's go with us)


Dare ka no tenohira no ue de mo ii sa WE'RE HERE Even if it's to someone else's tune, we're here DAREKANOTENOHIRANOUEDEMOIISA We're here
Back into the wild
WE'RE GOING TO SAVE We're going to save We're going to save
WE'RE GOING TO SAVE We're going to save We're going to save
WE'RE GOING TO SAVE We're going to save We're going to save
Hammer Down
WE’RE LIVING IN CHAOS CHAOS CHAOS We’re living in chaos chaos chaos Were living in chaos chaos chaos
WE'RE GONNA STRIKE THE WORLD WITH SUCH A FUCKING CRAZY SOUND We're gonna strike the world with such a fucking crazy sound We're gonna strike the world with such a fxxking crazy sound


WE'VE KEPT SEEING NEWS, BIASED OPINIONS BUT IT'S NOT THE TRUTH, We've kept seeing news, biased opinions but it's not the truth, We've kept seeing news, biased opinions but it's not the truth,


FOOL umareochita kono chi de WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO? Fools, in this world you were born, what do you want to do? Fool UMAREOCHITAKONOCHIDE What do you want to do
WHAT MATTERS IS IF YOU GOT YOUR OWN WILL OR NOT What matters is if you got your own will or not What matters is if you got your own will or not
Back into the wild
DON'T GIVE UP ON WHAT Don't give up on what Don't give up on what
TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK, YOUR HEART, RIGHT NOW. Tell me what you think, your heart, right now. Tell me what you think, your heart, right now.
ARE YOU OKAY TO HAVE BEEN SHOWING YOURSELF GREATER THAN WHAT YOU ARE. Are you okay to have been showing yourself greater than what you are. Are you okay to have been showing yourself greater than what you are.
TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK, YOUR HEART, RIGHT NOW. Tell me what you think, your heart, right now. Tell me what you think, your heart, right now.
GUESS WHAT ? GUESS WHAT? Guess what ? Guess what? Guess what Guess what
GUESS WHAT ? GUESS WHAT? Guess what ? Guess what? Guess what Guess what
Hammer Down
NO MATTER WHAT NOISE RUN THROUGH MY HEAD No matter what noise run through my head No matter what noise run through my head
THEY AREN'T AWARE OF WHAT LIFE IS! They aren't aware of what life is! They aren't aware of what life is
LOOKING UP N THINKING WHAT AM I GON DO NEXT Looking up n thinking what am I gon do next Looking up n thinking what am I gon do next
WHAT DOES YOUR WILL SAY? What does your will say? What does your will say
GIVING YOU JUST WHAT YOU NEED Giving you just what you need Giving you just what you need
DO WHAT YOU WANT AND YOU BELIEVE Do what you want and you believe Do what you want and you believe
WHAT IS YOUR FOUNDATION? What is your foundation? What is your foundation
WHAT IS YOUR DREAM? What is your dream? What is your dream
WHAT IS "PAST"? What is "past"? What is past
WHAT IS YOURSELF? What is yourself? What is yourself
WHAT IS YOUR FOUNDATION? What is your foundation? What is your foundation
WHAT IS YOUR DREAM? What is your dream? What is your dream
WHAT IS "FUTURE"? What is "future"? What is future
WHAT IS PEACE? What is peace? What is peace
WHAT IS "BELIEVE"? What is "believe"? What is believe
WHAT IS A BUDDY? What is a buddy? What is a buddy
WHAT IS FAMILY? What is family? What is family
WHAT IS OBVIOUS? What is obvious? What is obvious
WHAT IS TIME? What is time? What is time
WHAT IS YOUR FOUNDATION? What is your foundation? What is your foundation
WHAT IS LOVE? What is love? What is love
WHAT IS "BELIEVE"? What is "believe"? What is believe
WHAT IS A BUDDY? What is a buddy? What is a buddy
WHAT IS PEACE? What is peace? What is peace
WHAT IS "BELIEVE"? What is "believe"? What is believe
WHAT IS A BUDDY? What is a buddy? What is a buddy
WHAT IS FAMILY? What is family? What is family
WHAT IS OBVIOUS? What is obvious? What is obvious
WHAT IS TIME? What is time? What is time
WHAT IS YOUR FOUNDATION? What is your foundation? What is your foundation
WHAT IS LOVE? What is love? What is love


“WHATCHA DOIN' BABY” “Whatcha Doin' Baby” Whatcha Doin' Baby


WHAT'S INSIDE YOUR HEAD? What's inside your head? What's inside your head
WHAT'S INSIDE YOUR HEAD? What's inside your head? What's inside your head
WHAT'S INSIDE YOUR HEAD? What's inside your head? What's inside your head
WHAT'S INSIDE YOUR HEAD? What's inside your head? What's inside your head
WHAT'S INSIDE YOUR HEAD? What's inside your head? What's inside your head
WHAT'S INSIDE YOUR HEAD? What's inside your head? What's inside your head
[Jaakuna] WHAT’S YOUR AIM? evil What’s your aim? JAAKUNAWhats your aim?
KEEP WATCHING WHAT'S BEHIND Keep watching what's behind Keep watching what's behind
KEEP WATCHING WHAT'S BEHIND Keep watching whats behind Keep watching what's behind


WHERE IS THE JUSTICE? Where is the justice? Where is the justice?
Now I here
HOW DID I REACH HERE WHERE I'M ALONE How did I reach here where I'm alone How did I reach here where I'm alone
CAUSE I KNOW WHERE I'M STANDING NOW Cause I know where I'm standing now Cause I know where I'm standing now


WHEREVER rinzen koko ni Wherever, we're awe-inspiring over here Wherever RINZENKOKONI
Mimi o tozasanaide WHEREVER YOU WILL GO Don't cover your ears, Wherever you will go MIMIOTOZASANAIDE Wherever you will go


Back into the wild
WHETHER YOU LIVE OR DIE IS UP TO YOU Whether you live or die is up to you Whether you live or die is up to you
WHETHER YOU LIVE OR DIE IS UP TO YOU Whether you live or die is up to you Whether you live or die is up to you
WHETHER YOU LIVE OR DIE IS UP TO YOU Whether you live or die is up to you Whether you live or die is up to you


YOU'VE WALKED THE PATH WHICH YOU'VE BELIEVED IN You've walked the path which you've believed in You've walked the path which you've believed in


Back into the wild
WHO CAN CHANGE YOURSELF Who can change yourself Who can change yourself
WHO WILL BE NEXT TO SUFFER? Who will be next to suffer? Who will be next to suffer?
Now I here
NOW I'M NO LONGER WHO I WAS Now I'm no longer who I was Now I'm no longer who I was
WHY DID I THROW AWAY WHO GAVE ME LOVE Why did I throw away who gave me love Why did I throw away who gave me love
NOW I'M NO LONGER WHO I WAS Now I'm no longer who I was Now I'm no longer who I was
JUST REVIVE WHO YOU ARE Just revive who you are Just revive who you are
DON'T CARE ABOUT THOSE WHO WILL LAUGH AT YOU Don't care about those who will laugh at you Don't care about those who will laugh at you
YOU'RE LIMITLESS AND YOU'RE MORE THAN WHO YOU ARE You're limitless and you're more than who you are You're limitless and you're more than who you are
ARE YOU HAPPY WITH WHO YOU ARE NOW? Are you happy with who you are now? Are you happy with who you are now
ARE YOU HAPPY WITH WHO YOU ARE NOW? Are you happy with who you are now? Are you happy with who you are now
ARE YOU HAPPY WITH WHO YOU ARE NOW? Are you happy with who you are now? Are you happy with who you are now
CAN YOU SAY NOW IS THE BEST OF WHO YOU ARE? Can you say now is the best of who you are? Can you say now is the best of who you are
WHO IS THAT FOR? Who is that for? Who is that for
WHO IS THAT FOR? Who is that for? Who is that for
WHO IS THAT FOR? Who is that for? Who is that for


WHY DO WE PUSH TO OUR LIMITS? Why do we push to our limits? Why do we push to our limits
SO WHY DON'T YOU COME HERE AND JOIN US? So why don't you come here and join us? So why don't you come here and join us?
WHY DON'T YOU LEAVE IT ALL BEHIND? Why don't you leave it all behind? Why don't you leave it all behind?
Now I here
WHY DID I THROW AWAY WHO GAVE ME LOVE Why did I throw away who gave me love Why did I throw away who gave me love


Back into the wild
COME ON, NOW BACK INTO THE WILD Come on, now back into the wild Come on, now back into the wild
ALL BACK INTO THE WILD All back into the wild All back into the wild
COME ON, NOW BACK INTO THE WILD Come on, now back into the wild Come on, now back into the wild
ALL BACK INTO THE WILD All back into the wild All back into the wild
COME ON, NOW BACK INTO THE WILD Come on, now back into the wild Come on, now back into the wild
ALL BACK INTO THE WILD All back into the wild All back into the wild
OH-- mayowazu ni GO WILD Oh, don't hesitate, go wild Oh MAYOWAZUNI GO WILD
Yokuboo ni kaji kire LET'S GO WILD YEAH!! Let your desires take the steering wheel, Let's go wild, Yeah!! YOKUBOONIKAJIKIRE Let's go wild Yeah!!


WHAT MATTERS IS IF YOU GOT YOUR OWN WILL OR NOT What matters is if you got your own will or not What matters is if you got your own will or not
I WILL BE STRONGER THAN NOW I will be stronger than now. I will be stronger than now
I WILL DO THAT FOR YOU I will do that for you I will do that for you
I WILL DO THAT FOR YOU I will do that for you I will do that for you
WHO WILL BE NEXT TO SUFFER? Who will be next to suffer? Who will be next to suffer?
A yabuya na risoo o kakagete I WILL TAKE IT ALL IN Holding up dubious ideals I will take it all in AYABUYANARISOOOKAKAGETEI will take it all in
YOU WILL BE ALL RIGHT. You will be alright. You will be all right.
Mimi o tozasanaide WHEREVER YOU WILL GO Don't cover your ears, Wherever you will go MIMIOTOZASANAIDE Wherever you will go
NOISE WILL NOT GO AWAY HOW LONG DO YOU HAVE TO ENDURE? Noise will not go away How long do you have to endure? Noise will not go away How long do you have to endure
WE WILL ABSOLUTELY PUSH YOU FORWARD We will absolutely push you forward We will absolutely push you forward
YOU WILL UNDERSTAND THE MEANING OF YOUR LIFE You will understand the meaning of your life You will understand the meaning of your life
DON'T CARE ABOUT THOSE WHO WILL LAUGH AT YOU Don't care about those who will laugh at you Don't care about those who will laugh at you
THINK TOO HARD YOU WILL MISS THE SYMBOL Think too hard you will miss the symbol Think too hard you will miss the symbol
WHAT DOES YOUR WILL SAY? What does your will say? What does your will say
BUT IT WILL FIRE UP YOUR SOUL But it will fire up your soul But it will fire up your soul
THINK TOO HARD YOU WILL MISS THE SYMBOL Think too hard you will miss the symbol Think too hard you will miss the symbol
I WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED BY THE FATE I will never be defeated by the fate I will never be defeated by the fate
YOU WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED BY THE FATE You will never be defeated by the fate You will never be defeated by the fate
I WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED BY THE FATE I will never be defeated by the fate I will never be defeated by the fate
(WE WILL ALWAYS BE WITH YOU!) We will always be with you! We will always be with you
WE WILL LOVE YOU ALL THE TIME! We will love you all the time! We will love you all the time
WE WILL ALWAYS BE WITH YOU! We will always be with you! We will always be with you
WILL YOUR CHOICE CHANGE IT? Will your choice change it? Will your choice change it
WILL YOUR CHOICE CHANGE IT? Will your choice change it? Will your choice change it
WILL YOUR CHOICE CHANGE IT? Will your choice change it? Will your choice change it


ARE YOU THE WINNER? SERIOUSLY? Are you the winner? Seriously? Are you the winner Seriously


WISH YOU HAPPINESS Wish you happiness Wish you happiness
WISH YOU HAPPINESS Wish you happiness Wish you happiness
WISH YOU HAPPINESS Wish you happiness Wish you happiness
WISH YOU HAPPINESS Wish you happiness Wish you happiness


Back into the wild
IS THIS THE ENDING YOU WISHED, Is this the ending you wished, Is this the ending you wished,
WISHED WITH NO DOUBT? Wished with no doubt? wished with no doubt


Back into the wild
WISHED WITH NO DOUBT? Wished with no doubt? wished with no doubt
YOU'VE DONE WITH YOUR OWN HANDS You've done with your own hands You've done with your own hands
LIGHT THE WAY WITH MUSIC Light the way with music Light the way with music
LIGHT THE WAY WITH MUSIC Light the way with music Light the way with music
LIGHT THE WAY WITH MUSIC Light the way with music Light the way with music
WE'RE GONNA STRIKE THE WORLD WITH SUCH A FUCKING CRAZY SOUND We're gonna strike the world with such a fucking crazy sound We're gonna strike the world with such a fxxking crazy sound
ARE YOU HAPPY WITH WHO YOU ARE NOW? Are you happy with who you are now? Are you happy with who you are now
ARE YOU HAPPY WITH WHO YOU ARE NOW? Are you happy with who you are now? Are you happy with who you are now
ARE YOU HAPPY WITH WHO YOU ARE NOW? Are you happy with who you are now? Are you happy with who you are now
SWEATING ON YOUR HANDS WITH THAT ATTITUDE Sweating on your hands with that attitude Sweating on your hands with that attitude
THINKING YOU CAN DO IT WITH NO DREAM OR TWO Thinking you can do it with no dream or two Thinking you can do it with no dream or two
LIFE'S AT ITS HIGH WITH A DREAM ITS TRUE Life's at its high with a dream its true Life's at its high with a dream it's true
(WELL WAIT FOR YOU, LET'S GO WITH US) (Well wait for you, Let's go with us) (We'll wait for you, Let's go with us)
(WE WILL ALWAYS BE WITH YOU!) We will always be with you! We will always be with you
IF YOU STAY WITH ME If you stay with me If you stay with me
WE WILL ALWAYS BE WITH YOU! We will always be with you! We will always be with you


AFTER THAT, I WOKE UP After that, I woke up After that, I woke up


I ALSO WON'T HAVE YOU NEVER EVER. I also won't have you never ever. I also won't have you never ever.
I WON'T BE MOVED BY YOU. I won't be moved by you. I won't be moved by you.
Hammer Down
I WON’T GET HAMMERED DOWN I won’t get hammered down I wont get hammered down
I WON’T GET HAMMERED DOWN I won’t get hammered down I wont get hammered down
I WON'T GIVE UP ON MY DREAM I won't give up on my dream I won't give up on my dream


EVEN THOUGH LOVELY OUTFITS (BUT) TERRIBLE WORDS. Even though lovely outfits (but) terrible words. Even though lovely outfits (but) terrible words.
WE DON'T NEED YOUR WORDS!! We don't need your words!! We don't need your words!!
I DON'T NEED WORDS kanjoo no rinku I don't need words, it's an emotional link I don't need words KANJOONORINKU
I DON'T NEED WORDS kanjoo no rinku I don't need words, it's an emotional link I don't need words KANJOONORINKU
I DON'T NEED WORDS kanjoo no rinku I don't need words, it's an emotional link I don't need words KANJOONORINKU


A Ray
NOW, FIND YOUR WAY TO LIVE YOUR LIFE IN THE CRUEL WORLD Now, find your way to live your life in the cruel world Now, find your way to live your life in the cruel world
GO, RUN YOUR WAY TO LIVE YOUR LIFE IN THE CRAZY WORLD Go, run your way to live your life in the crazy world Go, run your way to live your life in the crazy world
FIND YOUR WAY TO LIVE YOUR LIFE IN THE CRUEL WORLD Find your way to live your life in the cruel world Find your way to live your life in the cruel world
"ALL THE WORLD IS A STAGE" "All the world is a stage" All the world is a stage
Back into the wild
THIS COLLAPSING WORLD This collapsing world This collapsing world
THIS COLLAPSING WORLD This collapsing world This collapsing world
THIS COLLAPSING WORLD This collapsing world This collapsing world
I'LL CHANGE THE WORLD THAT'S CALMING DOWN I'll change the world that's calming down I'll change the world that's calming down
I'LL CHANGE THE WORLD I'll change the world I'll change the world
I'LL CHANGE THE WORLD THAT'S CALMING DOWN I'll change the world that's calming down I'll change the world that's calming down
AND BRING A SMILE TO THE WORLD And bring a smile to the world And bring a smile to the world
I'LL CHANGE THE WORLD THAT'S CALMING DOWN I'll change the world that's calming down I'll change the world that's calming down
AND BRING A SMILE TO THE WORLD And bring a smile to the world And bring a smile to the world
AND BRING A SMILE TO THE WORLD And bring a smile to the world And bring a smile to the world
I DON'T WANNA LIVE IN YOUR WORLD I don't wanna live in your world I don't wanna live in your world
I NO LONGER FAKE MY WORLD I no longer fake my world I no longer fake my world
I DON'T WANNA LIVE IN YOUR WORLD I don't wanna live in your world I don't wanna live in your world
Baibusu o agero YOUR NEW WORLD YEAH!! Turn up the vibes, your new world, yeah!! BAIBUSUOAGEROYour new World Yeah!!
Baibusu o agero YOUR NEW WORLD YEAH!! Turn up the vibes, your new world, yeah!! BAIBUSUOAGEROYour new World Yeah!!
WE'RE GONNA STRIKE THE WORLD WITH SUCH A FUCKING CRAZY SOUND We're gonna strike the world with such a fucking crazy sound We're gonna strike the world with such a fxxking crazy sound
Rock n roll
HERE'S THE NEWS OF THE WORLD Here's the news of the world Here's the news of the world


DU DAN DAN DA DI HEALING MY WOUND du dan dan da di healing my wound du dan dan da di healing my wound


Hammer Down
DOESN’T MATTER RIGHT OR WRONG Doesn’t matter right or wrong Doesnt matter right or wrong
BUT THAT WAS WRONG FOR ME But that was wrong for me But that was wrong for me


YEAH! LOVE ME DO BABY. Yeah! Love me do baby. Yeah! Love me do baby.
Baibusu o agero YOUR NEW WORLD YEAH!! Turn up the vibes, your new world, yeah!! BAIBUSUOAGEROYour new World Yeah!!
Yokuboo ni kaji kire LET'S GO WILD YEAH!! Let your desires take the steering wheel, Let's go wild, Yeah!! YOKUBOONIKAJIKIRE Let's go wild Yeah!!
Baibusu o agero YOUR NEW WORLD YEAH!! Turn up the vibes, your new world, yeah!! BAIBUSUOAGEROYour new World Yeah!!
SUCH A HIGH DAY, TOUCH A FINE SAYING "I'MMA BE ALRIGHT" YEAH AH Such a high day, touch a fine saying "I'mma be alright" yeah ah Such a high day, touch a fine saying I'mma be alright yeah ah
Soo YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH tanoshimu dake Oh, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, just have fun SOOYeah Yeah Yeah Yeah TANOSHIMUDAKE
OH YEAH oh yeah oh yeah


A BUNCH OF HAPPINESS? YES, INDEED A bunch of happiness? Yes, indeed A bunch of happiness Yes, indeed


DON'T STOP TO REMAKE JUST YET sekaijuu Don't stop to remake just yet, around the world Don't stop to remake just yet SEKAIJUU
DON'T STOP TO REMAKE JUST YET sekaijuu Dont stop to remake just yet, around the world Don't stop to remake just yet SEKAIJUU
DON'T STOP TO REMAKE JUST YET sekaijuu Dont stop to remake just yet, around the world Don't stop to remake just yet SEKAIJUU


A Ray
SHED YOUR TEARS NOT FOR THEM BUT YOU Shed your tears not for them but you Shed your tears not for them but you
EVEN IF (YOU) CAN'T BELIEVE YOURSELF AND A RAY OF LIGHT Even if (you) can't believe yourself and a ray of light Even if (you) can't believe yourself and a ray of light
FOOL umareochita kono chi de WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO? Fools, in this world you were born, what do you want to do? Fool UMAREOCHITAKONOCHIDE What do you want to do
CAN YOU HEAR ME? bokura wa koko ni iru Can you hear me? We are right here Can you hear me BOKURAWAKOKONIIRU
WHAT MATTERS IS IF YOU GOT YOUR OWN WILL OR NOT What matters is if you got your own will or not What matters is if you got your own will or not
DON’T YOU WANNA LET THE SUN SHINE NOW? Don’t you wanna let the sun shine now? Dont you wanna let the sun shine now?
I JUST WANNA SEE YOU HAPPY I just wanna see you happy I just wanna see you happy
ARE YOU SATISFIED? Are you satisfied? Are you satisfied?
SO WHY DON'T YOU COME HERE AND JOIN US? So why don't you come here and join us? So why don't you come here and join us?
WHY DON'T YOU LEAVE IT ALL BEHIND? Why don't you leave it all behind? Why don't you leave it all behind?
Back into the wild
HAVE YOU LIVED LONG ENOUGH, Have you lived long enough, Have you lived long enough,
IS THIS THE ENDING YOU WISHED, Is this the ending you wished, Is this the ending you wished,
YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE You are the only one You are the only one
WHETHER YOU LIVE OR DIE IS UP TO YOU Whether you live or die is up to you Whether you live or die is up to you
WHETHER YOU LIVE OR DIE IS UP TO YOU Whether you live or die is up to you Whether you live or die is up to you
WHETHER YOU LIVE OR DIE IS UP TO YOU Whether you live or die is up to you Whether you live or die is up to you
Bukakkoo sugite batsu ga warui no o awaremu hito ni NO THANK YOU To all those who feel sorry for me Because they think I'm uncool and awkward, NO THANK YOU BU恰好KAKKOOSUGITEBATSUGAWARUINOOAWAREMUHITONI NO THANK YOU
Medatteru kui o tatakitsukeru shika noo no nai hito wa OH POOR YOU People who can only think about hammering the nail that sticks out back down say OH POOR YOU MEDAってTTERUKUIOTATAKITSUKERUSHIKANOONONAIHITOWA OH POOR YOU
ARE YOU SURE? THAT YOUR PLACE, THAT YOU BELIEVE, THAT PEOPLE. Are you sure? That your place, that you believe, that people. Are you sure That your place, that you believe, that people.
COUNTDOWN IS STARTING. ARE YOU READY? Countdown is starting. Are you ready? Countdown is starting. Are you ready
BE CAREFUL YOU'LL BE KICKED OUT BY US YOU DON'T CARE. Be careful you'll be kicked out by us you don't care. Be careful you'll be kicked out by us you don't care.
YOU CAN'T CHOOSE ME. You can't choose me. You can't choose me.
I ALSO WON'T HAVE YOU NEVER EVER. I also won't have you never ever. I also won't have you never ever.
YOU NEED TO HEAR THE VOICE. You need to hear the voice. You need to hear the voice.
TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK, YOUR HEART, RIGHT NOW. Tell me what you think, your heart, right now. Tell me what you think, your heart, right now.
YOU DON’T WANT TO BE HATED? You don’t want to be hated? You don't want to be hated
YOU DON'T HAVE TO CARE ABOUT IT BECAUSE IT'S TOO LATE. You don't have to care about it because it's too late. You don't have to care about it because it's too late.
ARE YOU THE WINNER? SERIOUSLY? Are you the winner? Seriously? Are you the winner Seriously
I HATE YOU, HATE YOU. I hate you, hate you. I hate you, hate you.
HOW MANY TIMES DID YOU ENJOY IT? How many times did you enjoy it? How many times did you enjoy it
DID YOU COUNT IT? Did you count it? Did you count it
ARE YOU OKAY TO HAVE BEEN SHOWING YOURSELF GREATER THAN WHAT YOU ARE. Are you okay to have been showing yourself greater than what you are. Are you okay to have been showing yourself greater than what you are.
I WON'T BE MOVED BY YOU. I won't be moved by you. I won't be moved by you.
DO YOUR BEST IF YOU DON'T WANNA BE BOGGED DOWN. Do your best if you don't wanna be bogged down. Do your best if you don't wanna be bogged down.
TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK, YOUR HEART, RIGHT NOW. Tell me what you think, your heart, right now. Tell me what you think, your heart, right now.
I HATE YOU, HATE YOU. I hate you, hate you. I hate you, hate you.
JUST YOU CAN GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO ME just you can give in to give in to give in to me just you can give in to give in to give in to me
NEVER LET NEVER LET YOU KNOW ME never let never let you know me never let never let you know me
JUST YOU CAN GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO ME just you can give in to give in to give in to me just you can give in to give in to give in to me
JUST YOU CAN GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO ME just you can give in to give in to give in to me just you can give in to give in to give in to me
JUST YOU CAN GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO GIVE IN TO ME just you can give in to give in to give in to me just you can give in to give in to give in to me
I WILL DO THAT FOR YOU I will do that for you I will do that for you
I WILL DO THAT FOR YOU I will do that for you I will do that for you
Hammer Down
NO I’M NOT AFRAID OF “YOU” No I’m not afraid of “you” No Im not afraid of you
PULL YOU UP I’LL PULL YOU UP FROM BOTTOM OF THE SEA Pull you up I’ll pull you up from bottom of the sea Pull you up Ill pull you up from bottom of the sea
PULL YOU UP I’LL PULL YOU UP FROM BOTTOM OF THE SEA Pull you up I’ll pull you up from bottom of the sea Pull you up Ill pull you up from bottom of the sea
CUZ I JUST FOUND OUT Seikai o YOU ARE MY SHINE Cuz I just found out the correct answer, You are my shine Cuz I just found out SEIKAIOYou are my shine
mikaesu nda JUST YOU WAIT Look back Just you wait MIKAESUNDA Just you wait
YOU WILL BE ALL RIGHT. You will be alright. You will be all right.
Night Flight
"YOU" GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE NOW "You" gotta get out of here now "You" gotta get out of here now
SO NOW YOU SEE? So now you see? So now you see?
I CAN'T STAND YOU ANYMORE I can't stand you anymore I can't stand you anymore
"YOU" GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE NOW "You" gotta get out of here now "You" gotta get out of here now
SO NOW YOU SEE? So now you see? So now you see?
I CAN'T STAND YOU ANYMORE I can't stand you anymore I can't stand you anymore
"YOU" GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE NOW "You" gotta get out of here now "You" gotta get out of here now
"YOU" GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE NOW "You" gotta get out of here now "You" gotta get out of here now
ARE YOU READY? YOU ARE CHERRY? GO !!!! Are you ready? You are cherry? Go !!!! Are you ready You are cherry Go!!!!
YOU BETTER PUSH BACK You better push back You better push back
YOU BETTER PUSH BACK You better push back You better push back
YOU BETTER PUSH BACK You better push back You better push back
Kakageta chikai wa konote no naka ni YOU CAN JUST HANG IN THERE The vow I made is in my hands. You can just hang in there KAKAGETACHIKAIWA KONOTENONAKANI You can just hang in there
Mimi o tozasanaide WHEREVER YOU WILL GO Don't cover your ears, Wherever you will go MIMIOTOZASANAIDE Wherever you will go
NOISE WILL NOT GO AWAY HOW LONG DO YOU HAVE TO ENDURE? Noise will not go away How long do you have to endure? Noise will not go away How long do you have to endure
YOU DONT WANT YOUR LIFE TO END LIKE THIS, DO YOU? You dont want your life to end like this, do you? You don't want your life to end like this, do you
IGNITE THAT SHITTY ROTTEN HEART, ONLY YOU CAN DO THAT WAKE UP Ignite that shitty rotten heart, only you can do that wake up Ignite that shitty rotten heart, only you can do that wake up
YOU WANNA DIE LIKE A LOSER? You wanna die like a loser? You wanna die like a loser
KEEP ON RISING UP, YOU CAN LAUGH THAT PAIN AWAY Keep on rising up, you can laugh that pain away Keep on rising up, you can laugh that pain away
LET'S RIDE ON THIS WAVE YOU CAN DO IT, RIGHT? Let's ride on this wave You can do it, right? Let's ride on this wave You can do it, right
KEEP ON MOVING UP, YOU CAN LAUGH THAT PAIN AWAY Keep on moving up, you can laugh that pain away Keep on moving up, you can laugh that pain away
CUZ NO ONE CAN STOP YOU ANYMORE cuz no one can stop you anymore cuz no one can stop you anymore
WE WILL ABSOLUTELY PUSH YOU FORWARD We will absolutely push you forward We will absolutely push you forward
(THE) NOISE YOU USED TO HATE, IT IS NOW YOUR BEST FRIEND (The) noise you used to hate, it is now your best friend (The) noise you used to hate, it is now your best friend
JUST REVIVE WHO YOU ARE Just revive who you are Just revive who you are
YOU ARE AT THE CROSSROADS IN YOUR LIFE You are at the crossroads in your life You are at the crossroads in your life
THEY ARE SAYING BULL SHITS, LAME THINGS TO YOU They are saying bull shits, lame things to you They are saying bull shits, lame things to you
BETRAYED, DECEIVED, DONT LET THEM FOOL YOU Betrayed, deceived, dont let them fool you betrayed, deceived, don't let them fool you
YOU WILL UNDERSTAND THE MEANING OF YOUR LIFE You will understand the meaning of your life You will understand the meaning of your life
IF YOU ARE BRAVE ENOUGH TO STAND UP If you are brave enough to stand up if you are brave enough to stand up
DON'T CARE ABOUT THOSE WHO WILL LAUGH AT YOU Don't care about those who will laugh at you Don't care about those who will laugh at you
YOU'RE LIMITLESS AND YOU'RE MORE THAN WHO YOU ARE You're limitless and you're more than who you are You're limitless and you're more than who you are
DON'T SATISFY YOU CAN GO MORE Don't satisfy you can go more Don't satisfy you can go more
ARE YOU HAPPY WITH WHO YOU ARE NOW? Are you happy with who you are now? Are you happy with who you are now
ARE YOU HAPPY WITH WHO YOU ARE NOW? Are you happy with who you are now? Are you happy with who you are now
ARE YOU HAPPY WITH WHO YOU ARE NOW? Are you happy with who you are now? Are you happy with who you are now
LOOK INSIDE THE MIRROR OF YOU Look inside the mirror of you Look inside the mirror of you
CAN YOU SAY NOW IS THE BEST OF WHO YOU ARE? Can you say now is the best of who you are? Can you say now is the best of who you are
Rock n roll
HEY, ARE YOU REALLY DEAD? Hey, are you really dead? Hey, are you really dead
YOU MUST BE BORED OUT OF YOUR MINDS You must be bored out of your minds You must be bored out of your minds
“YOU WANNA FEEL IT?” "You wanna feel it?" You wanna feel it
GONNA MAKE YOU DANCE Gonna make you dance Gonna make you dance
GONNA MAKE YOU DANCE Gonna make you dance Gonna make you dance
THINKING YOU CAN DO IT WITH NO DREAM OR TWO Thinking you can do it with no dream or two Thinking you can do it with no dream or two
THINK TOO HARD YOU WILL MISS THE SYMBOL Think too hard you will miss the symbol Think too hard you will miss the symbol
ALL YOU GOTTA DO IS TRY ANYTHING All you gotta do is try anything All you gotta do is try anything
STAY IN THE NORM ? YOU SO WACK ! Stay in the norm ? YOU SO WACK ! Stay in the norm YOU SO WACK
SHOW EVERYONE THAT YOU CONTROL Show everyone that you control Show everyone that you control
GIVING YOU JUST WHAT YOU NEED Giving you just what you need Giving you just what you need
THINK TOO HARD YOU WILL MISS THE SYMBOL Think too hard you will miss the symbol Think too hard you will miss the symbol
NO THANK YOU No thank you No thank you
DO WHAT YOU WANT AND YOU BELIEVE Do what you want and you believe Do what you want and you believe
SO, ARE YOU READY? So, are you ready? So, are you ready
YOU WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED BY THE FATE You will never be defeated by the fate You will never be defeated by the fate
YOU KNOW, A DAY CAN BE MADE You know, a day can be made You know, a day can be made
I WANT TO FIND YOU OUT I want to find you out I want to find you out
(WELL WAIT FOR YOU, LET'S GO WITH US) (Well wait for you, Let's go with us) (We'll wait for you, Let's go with us)
WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU We are waiting for you We are waiting for you
ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS REACH OUT All you need to do is reach out All you need to do is reach out
(CAN YOU HEAR? NOTICE ME) Can you hear? Notice me Can you hear Notice me
(WE WILL ALWAYS BE WITH YOU!) We will always be with you! We will always be with you
JUST LIKE YOU Just like you Just like you
IF YOU STAY WITH ME If you stay with me If you stay with me
WISH YOU HAPPINESS Wish you happiness Wish you happiness
WISH YOU HAPPINESS Wish you happiness Wish you happiness
WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU We are waiting for you We are waiting for you
ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS REACH OUT All you need to do is reach out All you need to do is reach out
LOVE LOVE LOVE THE LIFE YOU LIVE Love Love Love the Life you live Love Love Love the Life you live
LIVE LIVE LIVE THE LIFE YOU LOVE Live Live Live the life you love Live Live Live the life you love
WE WILL LOVE YOU ALL THE TIME! We will love you all the time! We will love you all the time
WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU We are waiting for you We are waiting for you
ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS REACH OUT All you need to do is reach out All you need to do is reach out
WISH YOU HAPPINESS Wish you happiness Wish you happiness
WISH YOU HAPPINESS Wish you happiness Wish you happiness
ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS REACH OUT All you need to do is reach out All you need to do is reach out
NOW YOU KNOW Now you know Now you know
WE WILL ALWAYS BE WITH YOU! We will always be with you! We will always be with you
DO YOU THINK THAT DESTINY IS SET? Do you think that destiny is set? Do you think that destiny is set
HAVE YOU STOPPED YOUR MIND? Have you stopped your mind? Have you stopped your mind
DO YOU HAVE YOUR OWN MIND? Do you have your own mind? Do you have your own mind
DO YOU DREAM? Do you dream? Do you dream
DO YOU DREAM? Do you dream? Do you dream
ARE YOU BREATHING? Are you breathing? Are you breathing
ARE YOU SUFFOCATING? Are you suffocating? Are you suffocating
ARE YOU CHERISHING YOUR FEELINGS? Are you cherishing your feelings? Are you cherishing your feelings
DO YOU LIKE A LONELY NIGHT? Do you like a lonely night? Do you like a lonely night
DO YOU HAVE A SLEEPLESS NIGHT? Do you have a sleepless night? Do you have a sleepless night
DO YOU HAVE SOMEONE YOU CAN TALK TO ABOUT ANYTHING? Do you have someone you can talk to about anything? Do you have someone you can talk to about anything
DO YOU THINK PARALLEL UNIVERSES EXIST? Do you think parallel universes exist? Do you think parallel universes exist
AREN'T YOU THINKING THAT IT IS IRRELEVANT? Aren't you thinking that it is irrelevant? Aren't you thinking that it is irrelevant
DO YOU THINK ALIENS EXIST? Do you think aliens exist? Do you think aliens exist
AREN'T YOU PRETENDING THAT YOU ARE NOT SEEING IT? Aren't you pretending that you are not seeing it? Aren't you pretending that you are not seeing it
DO YOU THINK THAT DESTINY IS SET? Do you think that destiny is set? Do you think that destiny is set
HAVE YOU STOPPED YOUR MIND? Have you stopped your mind? Have you stopped your mind
DO YOU HAVE YOUR OWN MIND? Do you have your own mind? Do you have your own mind
ARE YOU BREATHING? Are you breathing? Are you breathing
ARE YOU SUFFOCATING? Are you suffocating? Are you suffocating
ARE YOU CHERISHING YOUR FEELINGS? Are you cherishing your feelings? Are you cherishing your feelings
DO YOU LIKE A LONELY NIGHT? Do you like a lonely night? Do you like a lonely night
DO YOU HAVE A SLEEPLESS NIGHT? Do you have a sleepless night? Do you have a sleepless night
DO YOU HAVE SOMEONE YOU CAN TALK TO ABOUT ANYTHING? Do you have someone you can talk to about anything? Do you have someone you can talk to about anything
DO YOU THINK THAT DESTINY IS SET? Do you think that destiny is set? Do you think that destiny is set
HAVE YOU STOPPED YOUR MIND? Have you stopped your mind? Have you stopped your mind
DO YOU HAVE YOUR OWN MIND? Do you have your own mind? Do you have your own mind


BE CAREFUL YOU'LL BE KICKED OUT BY US YOU DON'T CARE. Be careful you'll be kicked out by us you don't care. Be careful you'll be kicked out by us you don't care.


A Ray
SHED YOUR TEARS NOT FOR THEM BUT YOU Shed your tears not for them but you Shed your tears not for them but you
BURN YOUR HEART, DO NOT TURN AWAY FROM OUR FATE Burn your heart, do not turn away from our fate Burn your heart, do not turn away from our fate
NOW, FIND YOUR WAY TO LIVE YOUR LIFE IN THE CRUEL WORLD Now, find your way to live your life in the cruel world Now, find your way to live your life in the cruel world
DON'T GIVE IT UP AND HEAD UP FOR YOUR RAY OF LIGHT Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light
GO, RUN YOUR WAY TO LIVE YOUR LIFE IN THE CRAZY WORLD Go, run your way to live your life in the crazy world Go, run your way to live your life in the crazy world
FIND YOUR WAY TO LIVE YOUR LIFE IN THE CRUEL WORLD Find your way to live your life in the cruel world Find your way to live your life in the cruel world
DON'T GIVE IT UP AND HEAD UP FOR YOUR RAY OF LIGHT Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light Don't give it up and head up for your ray of light
WHAT MATTERS IS IF YOU GOT YOUR OWN WILL OR NOT What matters is if you got your own will or not What matters is if you got your own will or not
yurase YOUR BODY ALL DAY Shake your body all day YURASEyour body all day
HEY LET ME HEAR YOUR SHOUT Hey let me hear your shout Hey let me hear your shout
EVERYBODY PUT YOUR HANDS UP HIGH Everybody put your hands up high Everybody put your hands up high
Yurase YOUR SPIRIT ALRIGHT? Shake your spirit alright? YURASEyour spirit alright?
HEY LET ME SEE YOUR SMILE Hey let me see your smile Hey let me see your smile
Back into the wild
YOU'VE DONE WITH YOUR OWN HANDS You've done with your own hands You've done with your own hands
NOW GO YOUR OWN WAY Now go your own way Now go your own way
DON'T FORGET YOUR PLAYFULHEART Don't forget your playfulheart Don't forget your playfulheart
ARE YOU SURE? THAT YOUR PLACE, THAT YOU BELIEVE, THAT PEOPLE. Are you sure? That your place, that you believe, that people. Are you sure That your place, that you believe, that people.
TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK, YOUR HEART, RIGHT NOW. Tell me what you think, your heart, right now. Tell me what you think, your heart, right now.
HOW WAS YOUR DAY? How was your day? How was your day
DO YOUR BEST IF YOU DON'T WANNA BE BOGGED DOWN. Do your best if you don't wanna be bogged down. Do your best if you don't wanna be bogged down.
TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK, YOUR HEART, RIGHT NOW. Tell me what you think, your heart, right now. Tell me what you think, your heart, right now.
I DON'T WANNA LIVE IN YOUR WORLD I don't wanna live in your world I don't wanna live in your world
I DON'T WANNA LIVE IN YOUR WORLD I don't wanna live in your world I don't wanna live in your world
YOUR TRUE ENEMY IS YOURSELF Your true enemy is yourself. Your true enemy is yourself
WHAT'S INSIDE YOUR HEAD? What's inside your head? What's inside your head
MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE Make your dreams come true Make your dreams come true
WHAT'S INSIDE YOUR HEAD? What's inside your head? What's inside your head
MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE Make your dreams come true Make your dreams come true
WHAT'S INSIDE YOUR HEAD? What's inside your head? What's inside your head
MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE Make your dreams come true Make your dreams come true
WHAT'S INSIDE YOUR HEAD? What's inside your head? What's inside your head
MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE Make your dreams come true Make your dreams come true
WHAT'S INSIDE YOUR HEAD? What's inside your head? What's inside your head
MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE Make your dreams come true Make your dreams come true
WHAT'S INSIDE YOUR HEAD? What's inside your head? What's inside your head
MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE Make your dreams come true Make your dreams come true
Hammer Down
ON YOUR FEET LET’S RISE AND FALL On your feet let’s rise and fall On your feet lets rise and fall
Agame tatae tamae aware YOUR ressei? Revere them, praise them, pity your disadvantage? AGAMETATAETAMAEAWARE your 劣勢RESSEI
[Jaakuna] WHAT’S YOUR AIM? evil What’s your aim? JAAKUNAWhats your aim?
Baibusu o agero YOUR NEW WORLD YEAH!! Turn up the vibes, your new world, yeah!! BAIBUSUOAGEROYour new World Yeah!!
Baibusu o agero YOUR NEW WORLD YEAH!! Turn up the vibes, your new world, yeah!! BAIBUSUOAGEROYour new World Yeah!!
WE DON'T NEED YOUR WORDS!! We don't need your words!! We don't need your words!!
(GIMME) YOUR HEART!! TO HARD!! MORE MORE MORE..!! (Gimme) Your heart!! To hard!! More more more..!! (Gimme)Your heart!! To hard!! More more more..!!
Tatakaeyo FEARS IN YOUR MIND kagayakeyo TEARS IN YOUR EYES Let's fight fears in your mind Shine! tears in your eyes TATAKAEYO fears in your mind KAGAYAKEYO tears in your eyes
YOU DONT WANT YOUR LIFE TO END LIKE THIS, DO YOU? You dont want your life to end like this, do you? You don't want your life to end like this, do you
(THE) NOISE YOU USED TO HATE, IT IS NOW YOUR BEST FRIEND (The) noise you used to hate, it is now your best friend (The) noise you used to hate, it is now your best friend
KEEP SHOUTING 'TILL YOUR VOICE DIES Keep shouting 'till your voice dies Keep shouting 'till your voice dies
NOW'S THE TIME, RAISE YOUR VOICE Now's the time, raise your voice now's the time, raise your voice
YOU ARE AT THE CROSSROADS IN YOUR LIFE You are at the crossroads in your life You are at the crossroads in your life
KEEP YOUR HEAD UP, DON'T GIVE UP ON YOUR WAY TO GO Keep your head up, don't give up on your way to go Keep your head up, don't give up on your way to go
wasurezu ni IT'S TIME TO LIVE YOUR LIFE Don't forget It's time to live your life WASUREZUNI It's time to live your life
YOU WILL UNDERSTAND THE MEANING OF YOUR LIFE You will understand the meaning of your life You will understand the meaning of your life
(RAISE YOUR VOICE) (Raise your voice) (Raise your voice)
(RAISE YOUR VOICE) (Raise your voice) (Raise your voice)
DON'T UNDERRATE YOURSELF IN YOUR MIND Don't underrate yourself in your mind Don't underrate yourself in your mind
IT'S TIME TO RAISE YOUR VOICE It's time to raise your voice It's time to raise your voice
wasurezu ni IT'S TIME TO LIVE YOUR LIFE Don't forget It's time to live your life WASUREZUNI It's time to live your life
(SO, RAISE YOUR VOICE) (So, raise your voice) (So, raise your voice)
NOW RAISE YOUR VOICE Now raise your voice now raise your voice
Rock n roll
WE ARE GOING TO BLOW YOUR MIND We are going to blow your mind We are going to blow your mind
LIGHT YOUR FIRE AGAIN Light your fire again Light your fire again
YOU MUST BE BORED OUT OF YOUR MINDS You must be bored out of your minds You must be bored out of your minds
ROLLING YOUR LIFE Rolling your life Rolling your life
ROLLING YOUR LIFE Rolling your life Rolling your life
BELIEVE YOUR STYLE Believe your style Believe your style
SWEATING ON YOUR HANDS WITH THAT ATTITUDE Sweating on your hands with that attitude Sweating on your hands with that attitude
NOW LETS REMAKE THE REST OF YOUR LIFE Now lets remake the rest of your life Now let's remake the rest of your life
Misetsukero IT'S YOUR STYLE Flaunt yourself, It's your STYLE MISETSUKERO It's your STYLE
CHECKING IN YOUR SOUL POCKET, UNLOCK IT, Checking in your soul pocket, unlock it, Checking in your soul pocket, unlock it,
GE-GETTING READY TO SHOOT OUT YOUR ROCKET Ge-getting ready to shoot out your rocket Ge-getting ready to shoot out your rocket
WHAT DOES YOUR WILL SAY? What does your will say? What does your will say
BUT IT WILL FIRE UP YOUR SOUL But it will fire up your soul But it will fire up your soul
NOW LETS REMAKE THE REST OF YOUR LIFE Now lets remake the rest of your life Now let's remake the rest of your life
Misetsukero IT'S YOUR STYLE Flaunt yourself, It's your STYLE MISETSUKERO It's your STYLE
NOW LETS REMAKE THE REST OF YOUR LIFE Now lets remake the rest of your life Now let's remake the rest of your life
Misetsukero IT'S YOUR STYLE Flaunt yourself, It's your STYLE MISETSUKERO It's your STYLE
DONT NEED TO LOOK BACK YOUR kita michi o Dont need to look back your road here so far Don't need to look back your 来たKITAMICHIO
LET ME SEE YOUR SMILE Let me see your smile Let me see your smile
LET ME SEE YOUR SMILE Let me see your smile Let me see your smile
Soo kitto kono saki tsuzuiteku YOUR BEST STORIES I just know they'll keep on coming, Your Best Stories SOOKIっとTTOKONOSAKITSUZUITEKUYour Best Stories
Soo kitto kono saki tsuzuiteku YOUR BEST STORIES I just know they'll keep on coming, Your Best Stories SOOKIっとTTOKONOSAKITSUZUITEKUYour Best Stories
STAY OR GO, IT'S YOUR CALL Stay or go, it's your call Stay or go, it's your call
WANNA CHASE YOUR DREAM? Wanna chase your dream? Wanna chase your dream
LET ME SEE YOUR SMILE Let me see your smile Let me see your smile
LET ME SEE YOUR SMILE Let me see your smile Let me see your smile
Soo kitto kono saki tsuzuiteku YOUR BEST STORIES I just know they'll keep on coming, Your Best Stories SOOKIっとTTOKONOSAKITSUZUITEKUYour Best Stories
HAVE YOU STOPPED YOUR MIND? Have you stopped your mind? Have you stopped your mind
ISN'T THAT FOR YOUR EGO? Isn't that for your ego? Isn't that for your ego
THAT IS FOR YOUR OWN SAKE, ISN'T IT? That is for your own sake, isn't it? That is for your own sake, isn't it
DO YOU HAVE YOUR OWN MIND? Do you have your own mind? Do you have your own mind
WILL YOUR CHOICE CHANGE IT? Will your choice change it? Will your choice change it
WHAT IS YOUR FOUNDATION? What is your foundation? What is your foundation
WHAT IS YOUR DREAM? What is your dream? What is your dream
WHAT IS YOUR FOUNDATION? What is your foundation? What is your foundation
WHAT IS YOUR DREAM? What is your dream? What is your dream
ARE YOU CHERISHING YOUR FEELINGS? Are you cherishing your feelings? Are you cherishing your feelings
WHAT IS YOUR FOUNDATION? What is your foundation? What is your foundation
HAVE YOU STOPPED YOUR MIND? Have you stopped your mind? Have you stopped your mind
ISN'T THAT FOR YOUR EGO? Isn't that for your ego? Isn't that for your ego
THAT IS FOR YOUR OWN SAKE, ISN'T IT? That is for your own sake, isn't it? That is for your own sake, isn't it
DO YOU HAVE YOUR OWN MIND? Do you have your own mind? Do you have your own mind
WILL YOUR CHOICE CHANGE IT? Will your choice change it? Will your choice change it
ARE YOU CHERISHING YOUR FEELINGS? Are you cherishing your feelings? Are you cherishing your feelings
WHAT IS YOUR FOUNDATION? What is your foundation? What is your foundation
HAVE YOU STOPPED YOUR MIND? Have you stopped your mind? Have you stopped your mind
ISN'T THAT FOR YOUR EGO? Isn't that for your ego? Isn't that for your ego
THAT IS FOR YOUR OWN SAKE, ISN'T IT? That is for your own sake, isn't it? That is for your own sake, isn't it
DO YOU HAVE YOUR OWN MIND? Do you have your own mind? Do you have your own mind
WILL YOUR CHOICE CHANGE IT? Will your choice change it? Will your choice change it


sheiku shite YOU'RE "FLOOR MONSTER" Shake it. You're "Floor Monster" シェSHEIKUSHITEYou're "FLOOR MONSTER"
YOU'RE LIMITLESS AND YOU'RE MORE THAN WHO YOU ARE You're limitless and you're more than who you are You're limitless and you're more than who you are


A Ray
EVEN IF (YOU) CAN'T BELIEVE YOURSELF AND A RAY OF LIGHT Even if (you) can't believe yourself and a ray of light Even if (you) can't believe yourself and a ray of light
Back into the wild
WHO CAN CHANGE YOURSELF Who can change yourself Who can change yourself
ARE YOU OKAY TO HAVE BEEN SHOWING YOURSELF GREATER THAN WHAT YOU ARE. Are you okay to have been showing yourself greater than what you are. Are you okay to have been showing yourself greater than what you are.
YOUR TRUE ENEMY IS YOURSELF Your true enemy is yourself. Your true enemy is yourself
Hammer Down
AND STAND UP FOR YOURSELF And stand up for yourself And stand up for yourself
BELIEVE IN YOURSELF Believe in yourself Believe in yourself
mayowazu ni BELIEVE IN YOURSELF Without hesitation Believe in yourself MAYOWAZUNI believe in yourself
HEADS UP! FREE YOURSELF NOW Heads up! Free yourself now Heads up Free yourself now
DON'T UNDERRATE YOURSELF IN YOUR MIND Don't underrate yourself in your mind Don't underrate yourself in your mind
ASK YOURSELF Ask yourself Ask yourself
WHAT IS YOURSELF? What is yourself? What is yourself


Back into the wild
YOU'VE DONE WITH YOUR OWN HANDS You've done with your own hands You've done with your own hands
YOU'VE BEEN NO CLOTHES SINCE LONG BEFORE. You've been no clothes since long before. You've been no clothes since long before.
YOU'VE WALKED THE PATH WHICH YOU'VE BELIEVED IN You've walked the path which you've believed in You've walked the path which you've believed in
NO NEED TO HIDE OR CRY CUZ YOU'VE GOT ME No need to hide or cry cuz you've got me No need to hide or cry cuz you've got me

: Z

Meisoochuu A TO Z mandara Meditation A to Z Mandala MEISOOCHUU A to Z MANDARA


ZUNG ZUNG teion ni yudanete misete Zung Zung, Submit yourself to the bass Zung Zung TEIONNIYUDANETEMISETE